THE HUNTINGDON JOURNAL. "One country, one constitution, nne destiny." ULM Willa anawcalas.zus Wednesday morning, Feb. 21,1844. ' UV. B. PALMER, Esq. (No. 59, Pine street below Third, Philadelphia) is authorized to act as Agent for this paper, to procure subscriptions and advertisements. (0- The Huntingdon Journal has a larger circulation than any other Newspaper in Huntingdon county. We state this fact for the benefit of Advertisers. ~ Once more our glorious Banner out Upon the breeze we throw; Beneath its folds, with song and shout, Let's charge upon the foe!" FOR PR( SIDENT, HENRY CLAY, OF KENTUCKY, FOR VICE PRESIDENT, HARMAR DENNY, OP PENNSYLVANIA. (Subject to the decision of a National Covention. FOR GOVERIIOII, GEN. JAME§ IRVIN, OF CENTRE COUNTY. (subject to the decision of a State Convention.) tt this office—two APPREN• to the Printing Business. Boys from 12 to 16 years of ago will find a good situation by ap plying immediately, at this office. None over 16 years old need apply. 0. We are indebted to Gen. Limas Infix for valuable Congressional documents. Also, to Messrs. M'WiLLtsms and Brain, re spectively, for sundry important Legislative docu ments. (n". Our friend and crony, loss.s H. CAMPBELL, Esq., of Pottsville, has been elected Delegate to repellent the 14th Congressional District, compos ed of the counties of Dauphin, Lebanon and Schuyl kill, in the Whig National Convention. He is in structed to go for Clay, of course. c o- A correspondent of the Lancaster 'Union nominates Joarra KoNtoxzensn, Esq., a native and citizen of the "Old Guard," as a candidate for next Governor. Mr. K. was a member of the Re form Convention, and for several years a member of our State Legislature; in both of which stations he distinguished himself. '1.., and nominated Delegates to the 4th of March Convention, instructed first tot Nan DLESWAIITiI and second for JAMES IRVIN. Maryland Illectian. OPENING OF THE CAMPAIGN OF aIEM4CI, The election of members of Congress took place in Maryland on Wednesday last, and the result is a great and decisive victor✓! The Whigs have succeeded in electing at least five out of the six members. The sixth is yet in great doubt. There is a probability that the Whigs have made a clean sweep throughout the State. The Baltimore American of Thursday says, In every District, the Whigs went into the contest un der the broad banner of Clay and the Tariff, and most signal has been the victory achieved under its ample folds." Washingtonian Lecture No. 7. The meeting on Saturday night was the most multitudinous one we witnessed this winter i—in short, it was a general " gathering together" of the youth and beauty us well 09 of the middle aged and the veterans of the town and neighborhood, who had come to listen to that "wild ambito!, a Catholic priest." Every seat, nook and corner of the Old Court House was crowded to excess. The Rev. Mr. Pendygrass addressed the meeting for about an hour and a half in a masterly manner. New Cabinet Officers. The National Intelligencer of Friday last states that WM. WI LKI NB. of Pennsylvania, was yester day nominated by the President of the United S., to the Senate, to be Secretary for the Department of War; and the appointment was immediately con firmed by the Senate. THOMAS W. Girorma, of Virginia, was also yes terday nominated by the President of the United States, to the Senate, to be Secretary for the De partment of the Navy, and forthwith confirmed by the Senate. Msesrs. Gilmer and Wise have resigned their seats in Congress, making two vacancies in the Virginia Delegation. A Bagcra•r TO Mn. C LAT.-It is stated that the late Senator PORTER, of Louisiana, who manifested through life the most unwavering and enthusiastic attachment to Mr. CLAY, devised a considerable por tion of his large property to his distinguished friend, who will not the lose sincerely on that account re gret Isis decease, and than whom no man would make a better or more generous use of the gin. We have not teen it any where mentioned that Judge PORTER left a family ; his remains, it is stated, were transported to Louisville, Ky., fur interment. Mr. CALYIW, the Senatorial Delegate from the Huntingdon and Bedford dietrict, fovorableto the nomination.of IRVIN. • . . "The Mississinewa War Club." Anti-Division Meeting. This is the name of a little paper, published week- On the first page of to-day's paper will be found ly, in the dity of Pittsburg, by ALEXANIinn JAYNES. the proceedings of the meeting of citizens opposed It goes, neck and heels—tooth and toe-nail—body to any division of Huntingdon county, held at the and soul, for Gen. Joseph Markle, of Westmote- I Court House in this borough, on Tuesday evening land county, for next Governor, of last week. Although no notice was given until The first number contains an article headed "Tire Huntingdon Journal ;" but even that is made to sublime the " War Club's" favorite. In the article referred to, the editor says he, regrets to see that we, in our paper of the 7th inst., evinced so much ill-feeling upon the subject of the nomination of a candidate for Governor;—that we should not forget that we are brethren, fighting in the same common cause, &c. Now, all this sounds very well ; but why don't the friends of the " Indian Fighter" apply it to themselves, for certainly uo one stands more in need of such caution than they do. Mr. Jaynes exerts his ingenuity in framing sen tences in such a way as to create en erroneous im pression on the minds of his readers that General Markle is gaining in the favor of the people in this section of State. He says we should recollect "that if there is a diversity of opinion between the friends of the Old Warrior of Westmoreland, and the friends of Mr. Irvin, in his Congressional Dis trict, that it is art honest difference of opinion."— If Mr. Jaynes is himself mistaken in this matter, honestly, we tell him that there is no " difference of opinion" in General Irvin's district, with regard to his nomination. His constituents all consider him as well the most competent as the most aroila- Me candidate of the two. The following sentence is not much less disingenuous than the above quo ted one: " Why, then, shohld the editor complain if the Harrisoh Democrats East of the Mountains, should prefer Generalflarkle to Mr. Irvin." In our paper of the 7th we spoke of an attempt bring made at llanisburg to prevent the nomination of Gen. Irvin, and characterized that effort as a very unfair one. We stated that the Stevens faction," and the Telegraph, were at the bottom of the Markle movement; and that the counterpart of the " War Club," the " Old Warrior," put forth at Harrisburg, I as an experiment, was of a most disgusting character. This seems to have beenthe regretted " ill-feeling" evinced by us. It was not without just cause; for we saw the Mari& papers teeming with articlesand communications derogatory to the chare^•ter of Gen. Irvin in every respect. And even the War Club" from which we extract the above high-sounding' sentences, copies such articles, and republishes the figuring and the despicable inferences of "Old Mifflin," the correspondent of the Harrisburg Tel egraph. Were the Markle papers disposed to act honorably and fairly, would they snatch up and publish articles and extracts derogatory to General Irvin, and at the same time maintain a grave-like silence about those which present his true merits and character I We never yet said any thing intended or calcu lated to disparage any one of the candidates named. If Gen. Markle shall be fairly nominated by the 4th of March Convention, of course we shall support hint to the utmost of our humble ability, as we shall any other that receives such nomination. And we demand the same course from the " War Club" and every other Whig and Antimasonic paver in the And in conclusion, we state, once fur all, that no man or set of men need expect that the friends of Gen. Irvin will ever submit to have ther favorite dealt with unfairly, and grossly misrepresented, with out resenting the one and correcting the other. Col. R. M. Johnson, Col. Johnson has written a letter to the editor of the Washington Globe, defining his position in re ference to the Locofoco nominations. Tho veteran has lost all his spirit. He is willing to accept of any thing that his party will give him—he will take the Presidency or the Vice Presidency, or any thing else—no matter what. I repeat, says he, between my friends my position is that of neutrality, until the convention shall act and dispose of me; in the meantime, I am in the hands of the people. Should it be the pleasure of the convention to nominate me for the first office, should accept the honor with gratitude and reluc tance. I should accept of the second with thanks and with pleasure; and am willing to take my po sition among the rank and file, if such be the pleae ure of the convention, without a murmur. A contemporary says this is a good deal like the man who called on Gen. Jackson during his admin istration, and solicited an office. He named one that was worth about $5,000 per annum, but the General told him that it was disposed of. The ap plicant enumerated several others, with either of which he would be satisfied. The General replied, My friend, I feel very sorry to say to you that they are all engaged." " Well, General, I feel rather sorry myself, but I am in your hands, and maybe you can give me something, worth, say two or three hundred dol lars." "It would certainly afford me great pleasure to serve you in any way, my good friend ; I feel a very great regard for you—but at this moment I have not a single office, high or low, that I am at liberty to give you." . 1 1 1 ell, General—General—l—l--I--we nre about the same size--I am rather badly off—can you spare me a pair of your old pantaloons!" From the Penne?,(amnia Intelligeneer. Old 71 n. Mn. Eamon :—A communication signed "Old Mifflin" recently appeared in the Telegraph, ma king a most unwarranted attack upon Gen. Irvin, and written in such a way as to have the appear ance of coming from a friend of Mr. Toland or Judge Banks. Now the fact is it was r.itten (as the author of this knows from a source not to be doubted) by a warm friend of another candidate, whose name I need not mention. 'rise object of the writer was to injure Gen. Irvin, and throw the odium of the move on one or both of the gentle men above mentioned. This gatne must not be permitted, without exposure, and you will oblige by the insertion of this brief statement, which con tains nothing but FACTS. February 10;1844. The spring sun bringsthe logien out. Tuesday morning, yet in the evening many persons were in from the country, so that the meeting was large and respectable beyond our expectations.— The proceedings ought to be read by every citizen of the counties proposed to be mutilated to gratify the speculating spirit of the property holders of Holli daysburg and its vicinity. The resolutions embody many patriotic and substantial reasons why this county should not be divided. The opponents of the now county have until now been, as it were, sleeping, not even dreaming that there was danger that its friends would suc ceed in having their speculating project treated with serious consideration by the Legislature. But while the opponents were slumbering in supposed security, the friends of the new county were active ly engaged in getting up petitions in the way in which petitione are but too often gotten up--they have kept borers at Harrisburg, who have exerted all their energies to promote their project, both by openly advocating it, and by well aimed insinua tions and ingenious innuendoes, until they created an impression upon the minds of members of the Legislature, that the people hero are indifferent with regard to a division of the county, and would almost rather submit to division than have a continual agi- tation of tho question. We arc glad to see that the people are at length aroused on this subject, and take a firm and deci ded stand against the attempted division. Besides the many reasons assigned in the resolu- tions against the division, it will be well for the tax payers to bear in mind that a few years ago a new Court House was erected for the accommodation of the citizens of the whole county, and that a debt war; contracted which is not vet fully paid. Would it not be the height of injustice to cut off one half of the county, and let the tax payers of the remaining half bear the burden of paying that debt"! If any have unwittingly signed petitions for a division of the county, it now behooves them to remonstrate ' against it. Many, perhaps, have never contemplated what this project of cutting up the county may lead to. It should be borne in mind that the present House of Representatives has already passed a bill to re move the seat of justice of Columbia county from Danville to Bloomsburg, a distance of some eight or ten miles, so as to make the seat of justice more central. And a portion of the people of Schuylkill county are also petitioning the Legislature for a re moval of the seat of justice of that county. Now, if our county is divided agreeably to the boundaries prescribed by the bill reported in the House of Rep resentatives, it will bring the northern and western boundaries of Huntingdon county within a distance varying from five to ten miles of its seat of justice. Will tho people of the extreme lower end, some of whom have about forty miles to travel, submit to such a state of things; pr will they not improve upon the plan of the Bloomsburg people, and ding- I amp away at the Liwbdritorp,Amtlil ...WM' Pries, county is divided, projects of this kind will be set on foot; and if carried through, we would not only have the present Court House to pay for, but also be at the expense of erecting new public buildings in the more central scat of justice. We hope the Legislature will consider well the bearings that its legislation on the subject may have upon the interests and the happiness of the people concerned therein. Our Candidate for Governor . _ The Danville Democrat has placed the mme of Gen. Irvin at the head of its editorial colunnalas the Whig candidate for Governor. The Editore In conformity with what wo believe to be tt timent of a very largo majority of the W this county, and in accordance with the die our own wish and inclination, we have, this placed the name of Gen. JAMES IRVIN, of trr, at the head of our editorial columns as of didate for next Governor, and shall hence fort] his claims to that important station with cc perseverance. Gen. Inv.', through his able fatigable and successful defence of the Tan. tem during the sessions of the last and present gross, has won the affections and esteem those who believe this truly American mea be essential to the welfare of the country, an are now desirous of manifesting their gratit elevating him to the Governorship of the Key He is eminently popular in his own distric possesses all the necessary qualifications, to cut able, honest and upright Governor, just one as we want, to set the disordered affairs once prosperous Commonwealth straight agaii rescue the ship of State from the hands of the Foco pirates, who have, for the last five years, r sunk her never to raise again. But while we continue to advocate the claims of Mr. Levis: the 4th of March Convention, we shall nevert] cheerfully abide by the decision of that body, candidate selected Mr. Livia (which wo hope he may) or any other of the dieting gentlemen who have been named ill (Mem of the Commonwealth, Robbery. On Monday night of last week, a trunk bel to William 8. Myler, was stolen from the I the stage, near Frankstown. We are inf• that the trunk contained clothing and money amount of eight or nine hundred dollars. young men, named Frew and Kessner were ted and committed to jail on suspicion. W that Keasner has since turned states evidenc • given information where the money was con. On going to the hiding place, however, it w 'overcd that sonic person had taken the " res bility" and "secured the deposits;" so th money has not yet been recovered by Ps unto owner, although great exertions have been m discover.and restore it. isitow . hus abbionded in thaw New Papers, Besides the" Old Warrior" and the" War Club, , already noticed, we have within a week or two re ceived the following new publications. Tun COMMON Scnocm Jounrrar,.—This work appears in monthly numbers, each containing 32 pages, pamphlet form. Mr. E. C. Biddle, of Phila delphia, and Hickok & Cantina, of Harrisburg, are the publishers. Professor John S. Hart., of the Philadelphia Central High School, is the editor.— The work promises to become ono of great impor tance to those connected with the Common School Systen. Terms $1 00 a year. THE Excntss AND LANCASTER COUNTY BEIM. z.rEss DiniwrOnr, published by J. H. Pearsol, in the city of Lancaster. There is this novelty in the pa per:—five hundred copies are distributed weekly, free of charge, and alternated in their circulation. THE PENNSYLVANIA FAnmEn, published in Lan caster. Pa., by J. H. Bryson, Esq. It is issued in monthly numbers, pamphlet form, at $1 00 per an num; and devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture, the Sciences, &c. Tits VATERLAND'S WAECIITER, a German Dem ocratic Whig paper, published weekly at Harris. burg, Pa.. by S. H. Clark, at $1 00 per annum. It supports Henry Clay for the Presidency. Persons wishing to become subscribers can see specimens of the above paper by calling at this office. In addition to these, we have seen a prospectus for publishing, in this borough, a Temperance pa per, to be called the a Mountain Torrent." The prospectus states that the paper is to be published by M A. Miller, assisted in the editorial department by A. W. Benedict and George Taylor, Esqrs.— The project deserves encouragement. General Irvin's Popularity. We notice that the one-sided,unfair statements in disparagement of Gen. irvin's popularity, which were started at Harrisburg through the columns of the "Telegraph" and "Old Warrior," by some not over scrupulous enemy to the General, have been copied into the "Norristown Free Press," " Gettys burg Star," "Pittsburg American," and other pa pers of much respectibility and influence. Now the conductors of these papers we do not believe would knowingly do the General and his friends in justice, but they have been led into it by the specious figuring of some calculating politician who has private ends to further by such work ; and as an art of justice, and to set the matter right, we casual think more is necessary than to call their attention to the following facts, fairly told, which show con clusively that Gen. Irvin's popularity is of the right kind—the kind that wins the victory. Will the Editors alluded to lay them before their readers: When a candidate for Congress in 1840, out of a poll of 13,098 votes in his district, Gen. Irvin re ceived a majority of 426. In 1841, when only 29 votes less were polled, Judge Hanks was beaten in the same counties 850 votes. Again— In Our present district Gen. Harrison's majority in 1840, was 645—Gen.Irvin's, in 1843, was 1330 —lrvin's majority being 691 GREATER THAN THAT OF HARRISON! Oirf Juniata and Huntingdon, 770 votes. In 1843, in the same counties, Gen. Irvin received a minority of 1 396—and this when there was a con siderable falling off from the vote of 1841 on both sides. Had there been as full a vbto polled in 1843 as in 1941, we may fairly infer that Gen. Irvin's majority would nave been proportionably increased, and that instead of 1336, his majority would have approached 2000. But here is another view of the case, and still more conclusive Oidence of his popularity: In 1838 our district gave 1599 majority against the Whig candidate for Congress. In 1838 Gen. Irvin was our candidate, and the majority against us was reduced to 267—and that when ho had Gen. Potter, the most popular Locofo co in the district, for a competitor. At the next Congressional election, (1840) Gen. Irvin was again our candidate—and still gaining on our enemies—he beat his opponent (Gen. A. P. Wilson) 428 votes! to sen vg s of tes of eek, Cen- In 1843—his popularity still swelling—lie gains upwards of 900 votes, on his poll of 1840, and beats his opponent in the " Great Gerrymander," 1336 votes ! ! — Hollidayaborg .Register. Declination of Mr. Roister. The following letter from Mr. Heister, appeared in the last Examiner: New HOLLAND, Feb'y. 5, 1844. To the Delegates qf Lancaster. county to the 41h of March Convention. GENTLEMEN—Fro m the proceedings of our late County Meeting, I observe that you were instructed to urge upon the State Convention the propriety of nominating me as the Antimasonic and Whig Can didate for Governoi. However willing I should be, under ordinary circumstances, to serve the people of the County, or the State, according to my capacity, in any station their favor might assign me, at pre sent the precarious state of my health compels me to decline the honor of a nomination. This course I am the more emboldened to pursue, from a knowl edge that there are in the ranks of our party many gentlemen in every way qualified to discharge the duties of the office in question, and that my with drawal will at least diminish the number of candi dates by one, and remove one obstacle to the union of the party upon an other. You will therefore oblige me by not presenting my name to the Con vention. I cannot allow this opportunity to pass without returning my sincere thanks for the repeated expres sions of confidence I have received from the people of Lancaster county. These I shall ever hear in grateful remembrance. Very respectfully, yours, &e. WM. HEISTER, Messrs. SHAFFNEII and other, Delegates. cj. The Bellefonte Whig says there is not half a dozen of Whigs in Centro county Who do not prefer CLAY and IRVIN to any other individuals, I and should the latter be nominated for Governor he I will receive a vote in that district that no other Mall can command. We have yet to meet with the first Whig in Clinton and Lycoming counties who does not prefer Gen. IRVIN to any other man whose name has deen mentioned in connexion with the Gubernatorial nomination. re -. SUDDEN DEATH, APOPLEXY, BURST ING OF VESSELS, &C.—W right's Indian .e -getable I'ilis are certain to prevent the a bove dre OA consequences, because they purge from the body those morbid burners which, when floati n g in the general circu lation, are the cause of a determination or rush of blood to .the head, a pressure upon the brain, and other dreadful results.— From two to six of said Indian Vegetable Pills, taken every night, on going to bed; will in a short time so completely cleanse the body from every thing that is opposed to health that sudden death, apoplexy, bursting of blood vessels, or indeed any mal ady, will be in manner impossible. Wright's Vegetable Indian Pills also aid and improve digeston, and purify the blond and therefore give health and vigor to the whole frame, as well as drive disease of every name from the body. Beware of Counterfeits.—The public are cautioned against the many spuriens medi cines which in order to deceive are made in outward appearance, closely to resem ble the above wonderful Pills. OBSERVE.—Purchase only of the adver tised agents. or at the office of the Gener al Depot, No. 169 Race street, Philadel phia, and be particular to Mk for WRIGHT' Indian Vegetable Pills. The genuine medicines can be obtained at the store of Wm. Stewart, Huntingdon. INFLUENZA ANn COWEIUNPTION.-It is indeed a melancholy truth that thousands full victims to Consumption every year, from no other cause than neglected Colds; yet we find hundreds, nay thou sands, who treat such complaints with the greatest indifference, and let them run for weeks and even months, without thinking of the danger. As first allow business, pleasure, or carelessness to prevent you from giving it any attention ; it then settles upon your breast—you become hoarse, have pains in the side or chest, expectorate large quantities of matter, perhaps mixed with blood; a difficulty of breathing ensues, and then you find your foolish neglect has brought on this complaint. If, then, you value life or health, be warned in time, and don't trifle with your Cold, or trust to any quack nostrum to cure you ; but immediately procure a bottle or two of that famous remedy, Dr. Winter's Balsam of Wild Cherry, which ;s well known to be the most speedy cure ever known, as thousands will testify whose lives have been saved by it. For Influenza it is the very best medicine in the world, as hundreds will testify. For sale by Thomas Read, Huntingdon and James Orr, Hollidaysburg. ~v:':aß ~ lE~, On Thursday the 15th inst.. by Daniel Africa, .I.;sq., Mr. ADAM MORNINGSTAR to Miss ELIZABETH HELFRIGIIT, all of this bo- The :jhaVe parties did not forget the printer, but sent us a large supply of delicious cake, fur which they will receive our choicest blessing—. a long life and a happy one." On the 25th ult., by the Rev. Joseph S. Lee, Mr• HENRY GRAZIER to Miss ELIZA HUTU lI SON, all of Warriorsmark township. .By the same, on the 7th inst.. Mr. SILAS A. WILHELM to Miss MARY SMITH, both of• Birmingham, Warriorsmark township. On Tuesday the ,6th instant, by the Rev. David M'Kinney, Mr. JOHN HAMILTON of Pleasant Valley, to Miss ELIZABETH LYTLE of Gays port. In this borough on Thursday the 15th inst., at the residence of her son-in-law,Win. B. Zeigler, Mrs. MARY GLAZIER, in the 64th year of her ago. [ Com:aura cvezu.] In the death of the above named person her friends and the community in which she lived have lost one who through a long life of usefulness, had en deared herself to all who knew her. She was an affectionate wife and mother, a kind and true friend, and was at all times ready and willing to adminis ter to the Wants and necessities of those that wore afflicted or in distress. She was for a number of years a member of the Presby terian Church, and through a protracted illness of some months previ ous to her death, which was sometimes severe, sho was never heard to murmur or complain of the dis pensation of Providence under which she suffered ; but she gave evidence that she possessed that grace which enables the christian to say under all circum stances, " good is the will of the Lord," and also to exclaim, 0 death where is thy sting! 0 grave where is thy victory !" MEMORY. At the residence of his eon, in Woodberry town ship, liedford county, on the 11th inst., Mr. - KEIPPER, a Revolutionary Soldier, aged 1114 years 2 months and 7 days. Temperance Meeting. The Washingtonian Temperance Society will meet at the Old Court House, as usual, on Satur day evening next. A Lecture will be delivered by Groan); TAT. LOU, Esq. Subject—The responsibility of the liquor seller. G. ARMITAGE MILLER, Sec. February 21, 1844. • ZYCL) oo(3l mse 9ca All persons knowing thelves indebted to the subscriber are hereby notified that I I, ft me books and accounts in the hands 13, Young Esq. , of Alexandria, for collection. Early attention will save costs. E. W. WIFE. Feb. 21, 1844.-1)11. Estate of Alexander EVAlister, late of the b rough rf Runt ngdon.dec'd, Notice is hereby given that letters of ad minstration upon the said estate have been greeted to the undersigned. All persons having claims or (1. on.nds against the same are r, quested to to k them known without delay, and all in indebted te make im ni. (hate rayin-nt IVPALISTF.R, Adnex. Feb. 21, 1944. elditttios Notice. app..iiited by the cotirt C 11111,11 to rhstrihnte the 1111,11' I'Vti ill lilt 111:111CIS i 4 the Shei ill, arising from the s:11 , olthe pers.inal prop" ty of a.H. e, mid S. Miles Green & c. 0., and lit individual prnperty. S s oti M h. rr6y give hies (;I . (en, ve ce• I. all intet,tnd in th • that he will • , ttetio for that In t e 1,. Si-, lit the Pv,tlonlotney's'aric,., IL:11' OW 22nd clay of March next, (1844) at I Fri o'clock, P. M. GEO. "L'AYLOR, Auditor. Feb. 21, 1843. Land for bale. A first rate tract of land contaiuing 220 acres and allowance, situate three and a half miles east of the borough of Huntingdon, and two miles west of Mill Creek Iron Works, will be sold on accomodating terms. About SO acres of this land lies between the turnpike road and the canal, all cleared, is level, under gond fence, and now in a good state of cul tivation, the residue is on the north aide of the turnpike, about six acres cleared, and at least 50 acres more of excellent quality may be cleared at a small expense, part of which is already partially cleared ; the re mainder is in general well timbered. The improvements are an old one and a half story house with an excellent Well of water near the door, there is also an excellent ap ple orchard and several springs of water on the premises. This tract is allowed to be susceptible of being made the handsomest farm in the county, and the situation is in every respect an eligible one. Possession can he given on the first day of April, or sooner if required. for terms apply to the subscriber to the borough of Huntiogdon. JACOB MILLER. Feb. 28, 1844. zazz.z.aaagDza. The undersigned having nn•chased the personal property of John oy, of Rarree township, on the 2d February, inst., at Sheriff's sale, and not wishing to remove the same until spring. hereby caution all persons from meddling with or removing the same on account of any liabilities of the said John M'Coy —and, also, give this pub lic notice of their said purchase. 'lie prop erty consists of hoists, cows, sheep, bogs, a farm wagon and bed, grain in the ground, household furniture and all the farming u tensils and other moveable property claim ed by said M'Coy, on his premises. • J. & J. POTTER. Feb. 21. 1844.-3 t. J. SE %1 ELL S I EWART, ATIVOIRII k 7 AT lialro DUN"! INGD ON, P. 9. Office in Main street, three doors west of Mr. Buoy's Jewelry establishment. February 14, 1843.--tf. Six cents and a Pair of slip. pers Reward. • Run away from the subscriber living in the town of Warriorsmark, on the 3rd inst. an indented apprentice to the shoemaking business, named Chockley Hoops. Had on when he went away a green coat, with a velvet collar, blue vest, gray pants, boots and a black hat; he is about 18 years old, and five feet seven inches high, all persons are cautioned against harbouring said apprentice. Any person bringing him back shall receive the above reward but no charges will be paid. LEVI R. WILHELM. Feb. 14. 1844. Orphans , Court Notice To the heirs and legal representatives of Robert Thompson. late of Dublin - arc - u. Tate n , tice that, at January Term last, a rule was gr rat ed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, on you to come into court on the 2nd Monday of April next to shew cause why the real estate should not be sold. JOHN SHAVER, Shill. Feb. 14, 1844.-3t STRAY. Came to the residence of the subscriber in Snyder township, Huntingdon county, on on the 3d inst a gray mare supposed to be about seven years old, and about thirteen hands high. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay cliarges and take her away, otherwiseshe still be dispos ed of according to law. JAMES MILLER, F. b. 14, 1844. Orphans) Court Abtice. To the heirs and legal representatives I Peter Bowers, late of Woodberry township, Huntingdon county, deed. Take notice that, at January Term last, a rule was gran ted by the Orphans' Court of Huntingthm county, on you to come into court on the 2,nd Monday of April next and accept or refus., the real estate ocsaid deceased, at the valu• ation thereof. JOHN SHAVER, SWF. Feb. 14, 1844. 3t ilstate of William Pahs, late of rie Borough of Huntingdon, deceit,. Iry ETTERS of administration on the 4,ll4lestate have been granted to the ue signed. All persons indebted to said t. are requested to make immediate pay, and those having claims against it will f ire sent them properly authenticated for settle• ment without delay, to THEO. H. CREMER, Adm'r, Jan. 17, 1844. Huntingdon, __— JUST RECEI NED ripo, AA SPLENDID assort of new and cheap . , ~ , Allb watches, such d double 1 silver l a v n eA (,:) I). ' ' it levers,.isianZlnetcased nglish, Pa ,' o ,›; r-,_ tent vibrating, I-pines, -',;,,, g- r - -,..: ,_ French, and a lot of se cond had watches, ti of which will be sold ou the n m ost reasonabl ll u terms for cash. Atso, An assortment of first quality of lgold finger rings, breast pins, silver thimbles, and Ltwends' patent silver fencils, 20 per cent, lower than they have heretofore been sold. P. S. Persons desirous of purchasing any of the t.bove articles will please call and ex amine for themselves. Second handed watch es taken in exchange at their value. Clock and watch repairing done as usual on the moat reasonable terms fur cash. Also,- Gold and Silver Plating done by, the Gal vanic Process, D. BUOY. Huntingdon, Jan. 24, 1844. - - ISAAC MUM& ATTORNEY AT LA' aIAS removed to Huntingdon, with t inten:ian of making it the place of his futt residence, and will attend to such legal he neon as may be entrusted to him