11111P'U , 111J)MGDO) JOURNAL Deintels to rancral futttlintittr, ancrtfoitta, Volttiro, kitcrattirr, litiorattty, LtJ, sbricurea,ftgrEcuitur CMQ THEODORE H. CREMER, cx) sts The "Jornix.tr." will be published every Wed %sadly morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in admirer, and if not paid within six months, $2 50. No subscriptim received for a shorter period than six months, nor any paper discontinued till all ar son -Tres are paid. Advertisements not exceeding one square, will be inserted three times for $1 00, and for every subse quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are given as to the time an advertisement is to be continu ed, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged ac cordingly. BANE NOTE LIST Rates of Discount in Philadelphia. Banks in Philadelphia. Bank of North America - - Bank of the Northern Liberties - Bank of Penn Township - - Commercial Bank of Penn'a. - Farmers' Ec Mechanics' bank - - Kensington bank tichtn.;;:ill bank Mechanics' bank Southwark bank Western bark - Moyamensing bank - - - - Manufacturers' and Mechanics' bank Bank of Pennsylvania - - - Girard bank - - - Bank of the United States - Country Banks. Bank a Chester co. Westchester par Bank of Delaware co. Chester par Bank of Germantown Germantown par Bank of Montg'ry co. Norristown par Doylestown bank Doylestown par Easton Bank Esston par Farmers' bk of Bucks co. Bristol par Bank of Northumberl'd Northumberland par Honesdale bank Honesdale li Farmers' bk of Lane. Lancaster li Lancaster bank Lancaster i Lancaster county bank Lancaster Bank of Pittsburg Pittsburg it Merclets' & Manuf. bk. Pittsburg i Exchange bank Pittsburg i Do. do. branch of Hollidaysburg i Cora bk & bridge co. Columbia i Franklin bank Washington 3 Monongahela bk of B. Brownsville l i Farmers' bk of Reading Reading 4" Lebanon bank Lebanon 1 Bank of Middletown Middletown 1 .Carlisle bank Carlisle 1 Erie hank Erie 3 .ii.nt. ..c ei..___, __ ~...._ ..,. ... __ E ..... 1 Bank of Gettysburg Gettysburs York bank York I Harrisburg bank Harrisburg 1 Miners' bk of Pottsville Pottsville I i Bank of Susquehanna cn. Montrose 35 Farmers' & Drovers' bk Waynesborough 3 Bank of Lewistown Lewistown 2 Wyoming bank Wilkesbarre Northampton bank Allentown no sale Betts county bask Reading no sale 1 West Branch bask Williamsport 7 Towanda bank Towanda no sale i Rates of Relief Notes. Nortlt?rn Liberties, Delaware County, Far mers' Bank of Bucks, Germantown par All others - - - - - FRANKLIN HOUSE, Bunt ingdon, Pennsylvania. CHRISTIAN cours, vOULD most respectfully inform the citizens of this county, .the public generally, and his old friends and customers in particular, that he has leased for a term of years, that large and commodious building on the West end of the Diamond, in the bo rough of Huntingdon, formerly kept by An drew H. Hirst, which he has opened and furnished as a Public House, where every attention that will minister to the comfort and convenience of guests will always be found. Uan..23 oaDD lice will at all times be abundantly supplied with the best to be had in the country. U.:tag:3 Z:- 1 3eglt.t. Will be furnished with the best of Liquors, and MS STJBLIAG is the very best in the borough, and will always be attended by the most trusty, at tentive and experienced ostlers. Mr. Coats pledges himself to make every exertion to render the "Franklin House" a home to all who may favor him with a call. Thankful to his old customers for past favors, he respectfully solicits a continuance of their custom. Boarders, by the year, month, or week, will be taken on reasonable terms. . Huntingdon, Nov. 8. 1843. CHAIRS! CHAIRS! ! The subscriber• is now prepared to furnish every description of CHAIRS, from the plain kitchen to the most splendid and fash ionable one for the parlor. Also the LUXURIOUS AND EASY CHAIR FOR THE INVALID, n which the feeble and afflicted invalid, though unable to walk even with the aid of crutches, may with ease move himself from room to room, through the garden and in the street, with great rapidity. Those who are about going to housekeep ing, will find it to their advantage to give him a call, whilst the Student and Gentle man of leisure are sure to find in his newly invented Revolving Chair, that comfort which no other article of the kind is capable of affording. Country merchauta.and ship pers can be supplied with any quantity at short notice. ABRAHAM McDONOUGII, No. 113 South Second street, two doors below Dock, Philadelphia. May 31, 1841.--• I yx. - ----- : °37 & 74 U 713 0:1 0 3D1:27 0 LPc.n.„ Le' 1 L: 52 .1=3V.74af1.113-2' Ma, COME THIS WAY! 3:7,Z111131711 Carriage 'Manufactory PLENRY SMITH wr OS respectfully informs (the citizens 444 of the borough and county of Hunting don, the public generally, and his old friends and customers in particular. that he still continues the Coach Making Ruthless in all its various bra nches,at his old stand,in Main street in the borough of Huntingdon, nearly opposite the 'Journal' printing office, where he has constantly on hand every description of Coaches, Carriages, c o t e , rl . Buggies, Sleighs Dearborns, which he will sell low for cash or on reason able terms. All kinds of wok in his line made to or der, on the shortest notice, in a WORKMANLIKE M ANNE% And all kinds of repairing done pith neat aess and despatch. Country produce will be taken in exchange for work. . Any persons wishing to purchase are re spectfully invited to call end examine and judge for themselves. Huntingdon .I%ov. 29, 1843, SMOKERS, THIS WAY! Lta 43 8 Cheap for Cash. The subscriber has just received a large and well assorted lot of segars, which he of fers for sale at the following prices. Cuba segars in boxes containing 150 each, $1 25 per box. Half Spanish in boxes containing 150 each, 50 cents per box. Half Spanish per thousand, $l, 75 Common do. $1 50 and $1 00 ir?The above prices are so low that the subscriber can sell for cash only. Huntingdon. T Oc. K. SIMONTON. t. 11.—tf W.TE..Mas LlDF.ci§m_in.fuu..L . i vicinity, that he has commenced the business of light and heavy wagon making, and every kind of vehicle re pairing. Having learnt his trade in England, he is prepared to furnish either the English or American style of wagons, and hopes by diligence and attention to merit a share of public patronage. N. B. Shop near to Mr. J. Houck's black smith shop. Huntingdon, April 19, 1843.—1 y. ~~~~ ®~ ~.~~~0 oo.easeses.oo JACOB-SIVYDER - - 4.I4ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Huntingdon, and the public in gen eral, that he continues the Tailoring Business, at the shop lately occupied by IVm. Fahs, now deceased, in Main street, in the bo rough of Huntingdon, in the brick house immediately opposite the store of Thomas Read, where he is tully prepared and ready to accommodate all, who may favor him with a call. He receives, regularly, from New York, Scott's New York, Paris and London FASHIONS; and he is determined to employ none hut the best and most expel ienccd womkmen ; and he guarantees to execute all orders in his line in the most fashionable and wo; kman• like manner, or accord* to the wishes and orders of customers. By strict attention to business, he hopes to obtain a share of public eatronage. Jan. 17,1844. Kr - HARDY & HACKERS .40 Wholesale Dealers in Foreign & Domestic Dry Goods, No. 46 North sect S r eet, (A few doors South of Arch,) PHILADELPHIA. VOULD respectfully invite the atten tion of country buyers to their large assortment of goods suited to the season. Thry have n hand a latge stock of For , cign and Domestic goods, laid in at lower prices than they can now be had, and are prepared to offer inducements to the trade. We solich a call from buyers before pur purchasing elsewhere, as we are satisfied that the prices at which we can offer our goods cannot fail to give satisfaction. Philad. Jan. 17,1844.-3 m. Estate of Alexander Templeton, late of Tyrone tp. Huntingdon co., deceased. vi.poTtc E is hereby given that letters of administration upon the said estate have been granted to the undersigned. All pet sons having claims or demands against the same are requested to make them known without delay, and all persons indebted to make immediate payment to DAVID 1 EMPLETON, Jan 17, 1844.—pd. Tyrone tp. 114 LANK BONDS to Constables for Stay of Execution, under the new law, just printed, and for sale, at this office. Tzt LANK BONDS—Judgment and ccm lad roost—for sale ht this office, POETRY. The Living Lover to the Dead. Br MISS JEWSDERLI, " Of all the roses grafted on her cheek, Of all the graces dancing in her eyes, Of all the music set upon her tongue, Of all that was past woman's excellence In her white bosom, look, a painted board Circumscribes all." DEKKER, And thou upon thy bier of death Art shrouded for tho tomb I Nor living pulse, nor human breath, Save mine, disturbs the gloom. And ghastly falls the taper's light On thee and on thy bier; Yet I until the morning light Shall watch and feel no fear. I clasp thy ice cold hand in mine, 'Pill mine is scarce less cold. And trace these features line by line, Till they seem of breathing mould; Yet fonder, holier, is my gaze, Than when the periods past, I saw that beauty's living blaze, For now I gaze my last. Those lips are musical no more, But their still sweet smile is there, The flashing of thine eye is o'er, But the calm closed lid, how fair! Oh, I could bow to sorrow's storm, Nor sigh for days more bright, If ever thus, that hallowed form Might sleep within my sight. More joy to watch thee stirless there, To kiss that bloodless brow, Than gaze on crowds of living fair, Though once as fair avert thou! Less sad, to keep my fostered flower, All withered though it be, Than yield it to the tempest's power, Nor wreck, nor relic sec. But vain the fancies of my breast, And vainer love's despair, The grave must he thy place of rest, And I must lay thee there ! Oh, death! are all thine arrows spent Amongst the blithe and free I Oh, grave ! is each dark lodging lent ! Remains not one for me ! My perished love! my soul's delight! My being's once bright spell; Oh ! could I blot yon morning light! Crush—crush that tolling bell ! one uurslmgeigfi=oiie h.,,,,; ntrtAr One last, wild gaze—fareweire.. From the Ohio State Journal. An Old Song Renovated. TONE.—The good old days of Adam and Eve. BY J. GREINER. Come all you Log Cabin Boyo, wo'or going to have a raising, We have a job on hand that we think will be pleas- ing ; We'll turn out and build ~ darry Clay" a new cabin, And finish it oft• with chinking and with daubin. We want all the Log Cabin Boys in the nation, To be on the ground to build the foundation, And every Loco Foco will think it is amazing, To see how we work at the " Clay" Cabin mining. Chorus--Hurra, Harm, it happens very lucky We have such a good Clay" in Old Ken tucky. We'll clear otT the ground plat and put the "dor- . . necks" undel., And put the sleepers on thom without any blunder; We'll all go to work, boys as good as Whigs ought to - do, - - And '.Batty .hall be routed like Bonaparte at Wa• terloo, We'll shoulder our axes and cut down the timber— We all learn'd the trade boys, in forty, you'll re- member-- So hurry liurru, boys, there's no two ways in The fun we will have at the Clay Cabin raisin' Hum, burnt, &c. We'll have it well chinked and put on the cover Of good sound clapboards, with the weight poles over, And a good wide chimney for the fire to blaze in To keep the Whigs warm in the cold winter season; And when we want to daub it, it happens very lucky That we have the best of Clay in Old Kentucky, For no,other State has such good Clay in . . . To make up the morter for the Clay' Cabin ralain, Hurry, huna, &c. For the hauling of the logs we'll call on Pennsyl• vany, For the Conestoga teams will pull as well as nny, And the Yankee States and York State, and all of the others, Will come and help us lift like so many brothers ; The Hoosiers and the Suckers and the Wolverine farmers, And Buckeyes know the right way to carry• up the comers, For every one's a good enough carpenter and mason, To do a little work at the "Clay" Cabin raisin. H urra, hurra, &c. We'll cut out a window and have a wide door in, We'll lay a good loft and a first rate floor in, We'll fix it all complete for Clay 'to see his friends in. Wo know that the latch string will never have its ends in:" And when our ~ cabin" 's finished, and free from all dangers, Wo'll invite all our friends, and welcome the stran- gers, With songs and with speeches; there's no two ways in The fun that we'll have at the Clay Cabin raisin. Harm, hurra, it happens very lucky We have such u good Clay in Old Kentucky. HICOMLLAITMOI7O. THE BROKEN HEARTED. EY GEO. D. PRENTICE. I have seen the infant sinking down like a strick en flower to the grave—the strong man fiercely breathing out his soul upon the field of battle—the miserable convict standing upon the scaffold with a deep curse upon his lips. I have viewed death in all its forms of darkness and vengeance, with a tear less eye; but I never could look on a woman, young and lovely walnuts, fading away from the earth, in beautiful and uncomplaining melancholy, without feeling the very fountain of life turned to tears and dust. Death is always terrible; but when a form of angel beauty is passing off to the silent land of sleeptrs, the heart feels that something lovely is ceasing from existence, and broods, with a sense of utter desolation, over the lonely thoughts that come up like spectres from the grave to haunt our midnight musings. Two years ago I took my residence for a few weeks in acountry village in the eastern part of New England. Soon after my arrival I became acquain with a lovely girl, apparently about 17 years of age. She had lost the idol of her pure heart's purest love, and the shadows of deep and holy memories were resting like the wing of death upon her brow. I first met her in the presence of the mirthful. She was, indeed, a creature to be worshipped; her brow was garlanded by the young year's sweetest flowers, her auburn locks were hanging beautifully and low upon her bosom ; and she moved through the crowd with such a floating unearthly grace, that the bewil dered gazer looked almost to see her fade into the air, like the creation of some pleasant dream. She seemed cheerful and ever gay; yet I saw that her pity was but (he mockery of her feelings. She smiled, but there was something in her smile which told that its mournful beauty was but the bright re flection of a tear ; and her eyelids, at times, closed heavily down, as if struggling to repress the tido of agony that was bursting up from her heart's urn.— She looked es if she could have left the scene of festivity, and gone out beneath the quiet stars, and laid her fore :cad down upon the fresh green earth, and poured out her stricken soul, gush after gush. till it mingled with the eternal fountain of life and purity. Days and weeks passed on, and this sweet girl zli c cy me her confidence, and I became to her as a cenagif,...XliaamileeugumlipezrigitjaLthpsur 7 tremulous. On a quiet evening in June, I wan dered out with her in the open air. It was then that she told me the tale of her passion, and of the blight that had come down like mildew upon her life. Love has been a portion of her existence. Ito tendrils had been wound around her heart in its earliest years; and wheri they were rent away, they left a wound which flowed till all the springs of her soul NM blood. lam passing away," said she, am: it should be so. The winds have gone over my lie, and 'lie bright buds of hope, the sweet hies somsof passion, are scattered down, and liewith ered a the dust. And yet I cannot go down to the tomb without a tear. It is hard to leave friends who ave me; it is very hard to bid farewell to those dear scenes with which I have held communion fronnthildhood, and which from day to day, have caught the color of my life, and sympathized with its jots and sorrows. That little grave where I have so ohs strived with my buried love, and where, at time, even now, the sweet tones of his voice seem to cote steeling around me, till the whole air be come one intence and mournful melody ; that pen singer in which my fancy can still picture his fornlooking down upon me, and beckoning me on to Is own bright home, every flower, and tree, and rivet, on which our eyes had bent, in mutual re spew, and bore witness to our early love, and, be , con dear to me, and I cannot without a sigh, close my yes upon them forever." I ave lately heard the beautiful girl of whom I hayspoken, is dead. The close of her life was calms the falling of a quiet stream—gentle as the sinhg of the breeze that lingers for a time around a bi of withered roses, and then dies as %were from swtness. cannot be that earth is man's only abiding pie. It cannot be that our life is a bubble, cast upy the ocean of eternity to float a moment on thwave, and then sink into deep darkness and noingnese. Else, why is it that aspirations tv►h leap like angels from the temples of our hes, are forever wandering about unsatisfied ? *W• is it that the rainbow and clouds come over us ith a beauty that is not of earth, and then pass offhd leave us to muse upon their faded loveli nel Why is it that the stars which hold their legal around the midnight throne, are set so far alai the grasp 'of our !hinted faculties—forever nuing us with'their unapproachable glory? And filly, why is it that the bright forms of human bety are presented to our view, and then taken fn us, leaving the thousands streams of our ace ti to flow back in cold and Alpine torrents upon °marts We are born for a higher destiny th that of earth. here is a realm where the rainbow never fades —here the stare will spread out before us like the lords that slumber on the ocean; and where the bdiful beings that here pass before us like visions, vsstay in our presence forever. Bright creature say dreams, in that realm I shall ace thee again! his now thy lost image is sometimes with inc.-- Ili° mysterious silence of midnight, when the aims aro glowing in the light of the many stars, t image comes floating upon the beain that lin g around my pillow, and stands before me in its p dint loveliness, till its own quiet spirit einks like spell from Heaven upon my thoughts, and the of of years is turned to dreams of blesset?nese E peace. PUBLIC MEETING, At a large and respectable meeting held at the Court House in the Borough of Huntingdon, on Tuesday the 13th day of February, inst., of citizens opposed to a division of Huntingdon county, On motion, the following officers were appointed: President. lion. JOHN 10ER, of Walker township. Vice Presidents. Tuos. WHITTAKER, of Porter Township. }lzmir ISENBERG, of Walker Dr. ALEX. M'KAMEY, of Woodbury Joins Yocum, of Hopewell Rev. MATTHEW CROWNOVER, of Henderson tp. MICHAEL CLAUDAVUU. of Walker tp. A. B. CRRWIT, of Tod township. Pamir SUVLTZ, of Huntingdon. Secretaries. A. X. Corn yn. Esq. Francis B. Wallace, Esq. John Simpson, John Smith. On motion of J. G. Miles, Esq., a committee of twenty persons was appointed to draft a preamble and resolutions enpressivo of the sense of the meeting, consisting of the following persons, viz: John G. Miles, Esq., Thomas Fisher, Esq. James Saxton, Esq., John 0. Stewart, William S. Hil debrand, John Colestock, Samuel Graffius, Isaac Lininger, John White, John Snyder, Thomas Adams, Jacob Cresswell, J. S. Stewart, Esq., Henry Smith, Alex. Carmon, Peter Swoops, Alex. Post, A. W. Benedict, Esq., S. S. Wharton, Esq., and Wm. E. M'Murtrie. During the absence of the committee the meeting was very ably addressed by A. K. Cornyn, Esq., Theo. H. Cremer, Esq., and Dr. Jacob Hoffman. The Committee reported the following preamble and resolutions, which wore unanimously adopted. WIIHREMI, a Dill has been reported, and is now on the files of the House of Representatives of the CoMmonwealth of Pennsylvania, for the erection of new county, out of parts of the counties of Hun tingdon and I3edford. And whereas such a division, as is provided for in mid Bill, if authorised by the law-making power, will injuriously affect both pub lic and private interests. And whereas it is not only the right, but the duty of the people, when their interests are likely to suffer from legislative pro ceeding, respectfully to remonstrate against such proceedings, therefore Resolved, That the passage of the Bill alluded to, or of any other Bill having fur its object, a division of Huntingdon county, will meet with the decided disapprobation of a large majority of the people of the county. within the limits of the old county, if the sti --- 7'" .. " .. ilicants for the new county should succeed in their specu lating enterprise. Resolved, That, apart from any consideration of the tendency of the policy of cutting and carving larger counties into smaller ones, we - do most earn estly protest against the passage of any bill for the division of Huntingdon county. on grounds pecu liar to our own condition. O ur seat of justico, is stow, near the centre of the whole business population of the county; and if the applicants for the new county should succeed, a great inequality, in the rela tive distances of the inhabitants from the county seat, will at once be produced; discontent must inevitably follow; another division, or removal of the seat of justice, must take place to render things equal, and thus, after ministering to the appetites of speculators above, a thirst is created for speculation below, and the Halls of legislation will then be as earnestly besieged for justice, as !sow. Resolved, That the number and courses of our mountains and streams of water—the direction of our roads, and tho location and position of our val. lays, will not admit of any division of the county, which will not produce vastly greater inequality than now exists. R.lsolad, That the people of the southern, section of the county have better claims for a divi sion, than have the Hollidaysburg property holders who (notwithstanding they have both the Canal and Turnpike leading from their town to the teat of Justice, and the Portage Rail Road terminating there and uniting with the Canal, on which there is every facility for the most comfortable kind of travelling from the ono point to the other, every may,) are not satisfied with the great advantage they have deri ved from these public improvements ; but must for their still greater benefit impoverish the people of , the southern section referred to, who have had, comparatively speaking, none of the benefits of the public works. .Resoked, That the state of our trial list affords no argument in favor of a division of the county, 1 and that if it prove anything, it only proves the pro priety of the erection of a District Court—for, cer tainly no groat amount of wisdom is necessary to see that it will require the same length of time to try the same cause, whether the Court sits in Holli daysburg or in Huntingdon. Time too, is always lost, between the ending of one Court and the be ginning of another in adjoining counties. But fur ther, our trial list has swelled in the number of causes untried, from accidental circumstances not emnected with the dimensions of the county, via; from the loss of Courts, and front a series of compli cated eases which have been tried within the last two years—necessarily occupying a long time in the respective trials. Resolved, That the erection of a new county cannot have the effect of causing a more speedy trial of the aggregate of causes, which originate within the limits of the county as it now is, unless ittutictucitt, z.t‘: r 'Q;27l2acolics• daSl25lO the legislature shall at the same time erect new and additional Courts, not now in existence in this Ju dicial district. Because, the contraction of the lim its of counties always will increase litigation in the trifling disputes among men, so long as they remain, (as experience has proved them to be) too prone to contend for what it would be better not to claim. In small counties trifling causes are carried through all the stages of the law, because the par ties are near the Offices, Courts, 'etc., where the wheels of the law are set in motion—when if they were !nor° distant, settlements and compromises would be the result. But further, Resolved, That it appears by an examination of the assessments of property, filed in the Commis sioners' Office, that those townships proposed to be included in the new county, (now part of limiting don,) contain more than one half of the real and per ' annul taxable property of the present county. Resolved, That it likewise appears by the re cords in the same ollice, that to the fall of 1842 the whole number of taxable inhabitants of the county was but seven thousand four hundred and thirty, and that in the townships proposed to he stricken. oir, the number of taxables was three thousand mix hundred and twenty-three, thus showing that near ly the one half of the whole population of the county is sought to be taken into the new county. /looked, That it is the opinion of this meeting that if the question were left to the voters of Hun tingdon and Bedford counties, there would he three to one against the erection of the proposed county of Blair. Resolved, That the mop of Huntingdon county, made by Jacob Cresswell, and submitted to this meeting, is, so far as we are capable of judging, cor rect; and that a division agreeable to the bounda ries prescribed by the bill reported in the House of Representatives, would bring the western boundary within six or seven miles of the county town, while it is forty miles to the southern boundary. Resolved, That it is a fact which the map of the county will show that the citizens of Franklin, Sny der and Warriorstnark townships, now included in the proposed new county, will have farther to travel to go to the proposed new county seat, than they now have to coma to Huntingdon—or than the citizens of Hollidaysburg and vicinity have to fonts to Huntingdon. Readred, That, in the opinion of this meeting, the frittering and chopping up of counties, for the accommodation of individual interests, is disaster ous to the public welfare—fostering a spirit of spec ulation—injurious to public monde, and can afford dandy impure already, by theliurusun—MrPel into the minds of those who are selected to decide upon the rights of their fellow men, and preconceiv ed opinions formed upon rumor without evidence will always be brought into the jury box with great er strength in proportion to the proximity of the ! jurors to the patties and witnessess. Resolved, That although the bringing of Justice home to every man's door sounds very well in theo ry, yet the bringing of Late to every man's door is another and a very different thing and never will ha crease the amount of his happiness. Resolved, That a careful observation and cool re flection, most convince every one that the policy of frittering up counties is calculated to lower the char acter, for learning and ability of our courts of Jus tice and of the bar connected therewith ; for, the less they are in terreturial limits, nnd numlar of inhabi tants (although trifling litigation may be increased) yet the fewer will be the coves of such magnitude and interest as to put in requisition the mental en ergies of any of those who are necessary agents in the administration of Justice. Resolved, That learning and ability will only be called forth & actively exerted where greater intereats are adjudicated—and although the bar may be creased in number" with the increase of small causes, the abler and better, not only of the legal, but of all other professions, will seek a larger field and a more congenial soil, to call into exercise the powers of their intellect. To make the man, mind must struggle with mind, in the actike burliness of life. Resolved, That the policy noticed has a tendency to lower the grade of intellect of all the inhabitants of the solidi counties in which there is not a dense population. From the onerous nature of the bur dens to which they must necessarily be subjected in sustaining their county governments, all regard to taste in the structure of thrir county improvements is loot sight ot; and with it, are lost, all that generous emulation and pride of country, without the culti vation of which no people can make rapid strides in the march of improvement either in mind, or in their physical condition. Reaolveii, That she inhabitant of a large point: lows county, whilst his burdens are lighter, feels more of that pride of country which lies at the but, tom of all patriotism, and just in proportion as you diminish which, by increasing his causes of disco'', tent, you strike at the root of bin happiness nod cast a gloom over all his social Te. 1400.1% Resolved, That if you expect men to rise to that dignity itt the scale of kin to which they are en titled when their powers of mind and body are properly developed by cultivation, you must give them a cottntry—shome, around which their act. Mans can be entwined, and in relation to which thnt pride, may be drawn out, which has been implanted in the heart of man, to sulteerve the interests of his social condition. Ott motion, -Next.keel, That the procedings of this meeting be *jailed by the officers, and published in the several newspapers in the counties of Hum tingdon and Bedford ; and that copies be printed and forwarded by the Secretaries to the =minis of the Senate and House of Representatives of Penn, sylvan:a. [Signed hi Me o.Dirers.l