, en ;'. ,„; „ - .. • ,_ . 1 i G. _,.. i 4. , I ~... NII IN 14 1 , ._,,. I ‘,. N I if) UED N t o ‘i, , 1 t : , ...._. 1 _ P.' - _ - Debotat to Central Enttilfgente, aubertioing,Waco, afterattive, Vioratito, at•to, tititcco, agriculture, Ruttmtrattitt, 4~ c. •\..ropric. ,17`....:70)Q a . ' D:LID.£Z3 o PhD quuniirst." will be published every Wed nudity morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance, and if not paid within six months, $2 50. No . subscription received for a shorter period titan six months, nor any paper discontinued till all ar roorages arc paid. Advertisements not exceeding one square, will be inserted three times for $1 00, and for every subse quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders arc given as to the nine an advertismnent is to be continu ed, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged ac cordingly. BANE NOTE LIST. Rates tti Discount in Philadelphia. Banks in Philadelphia, Bank of North America - • Bank of the Northern Liberties Bank of Penn Township - • - Commercial Bank of Penn'a. - Farmers' & Mechanics' bank - Kensington bank - - Schuylkill bank - - - Mechanics' bank • - . - Philadelphia bank Southwark bank - - Western bark - Moyamensing bank - - • Manufacturers' and Mechanics' bank Bank of I. ) iisylvania - - - Girard hank - - - - Bank of the United States Country Banks. Bank of Chesterco. Westchester par Bank of Delaware co. Chester pat Bank of Germantown Germantown par Bank of Muntg'ry co. Norristown par Doylestown bask Doylestown par Easton Bank Eastoti par Farmers' bk of Bucks co. Bristol par Bank ()I' Northumberl'd Northumberland par Honesdale•bank Honesdale Farmers' bk of Lane. Lancaster 13 Lancaster bank Lancaster 4 Lancaster county bank, Lancaster Bank of Pitt,litirg Pittsburg Merch'ts' ft Manuf. bk. Pittsburg 3 Exchange bank • • Pittsburg • Do. do.. branch of Hollidaysburg 3 Cant bk & bridge co. Columbia Franklin bank , Washington Monongahela IA of B. Brownsville 13 Farmers' bk of Reading Reading Lebanon bank • Lebanon 13 Bank-of Middletown Middletown 13 Carlisle bank . Carlisle 13 Erie batik Eric 3 Bank of Chambersburg Chantbersburg •--Ei York bank • York 13 Harrisburg bank Harrisburg Miners' bk of Pottsville Pottsville 13 Batik of Sasquehatina en. Montrose 35 Farmers*& Drovers' bk Wavuesborcugh 3 Bank of Lewistown Lewistown 2 Wyoming bald( Wilkesbarre 2 Northampton batik Allentown no sale Berk, county. bank Reading no sale West Branch batik Williamsport 10 Tow anda.lillUk Towanda 90 Rates of Relief Notes. Nortiv.ra, Liburti es, Delaware County, Far mers' Bark of Midis, Germantown par All others a 1,1 FRANKLIN HOUSE, Ilanlingdon, Pen Oisylvania. CIIIRISTEAN CoMrs, vouLD most respectfully inform the citizens of this county, the public generally, and his old friends and customers in particular, that he has leased for a term of years, that large and commodious building .on the West end ofAhe Diamond, in the bo rough of Huntingdon, formerly kept by An drew H. Hirst, which he has opened and 'furnished as a. Public House, where every attention that will minister to time comfort and convenience of guests will always be .found. • cc. - PaatlDUas. will at all times be abundantly supplied with the best to be had in the country. Stlf .1 3 M will be furnished with the best of Liquors, and s Taal - 4cl G - is the very best in the borough, and will always be attended by the most trusty, at tentive and experienced ostlers. Mr. Coots pledges himself to mace every exertion to render the " Franklin 11ouse" a home to all who may favor him with a call. Thankful to his old customers for past favors, he respectfully solicits a continuance of their ' custom. Boarders, by the year, month, or week, will be taken on reasonable terms. guatingdon, Nov. 8. 1843. CHAIRS ! CHAIRS! ! The subscriber is now prepared to furnish every description of CHAIRS, from the 'plain kitchen to the most splendid and fash ionable one for the parlor. Also the :LUXURIOUS AND EASY CHAIR FOR. THE INVALID, n which the feeble and afflicted invalid, though unable to walk even with the aid of crutche,, may with ease move himself from room to room, through the garden and in the street, with great rapidity. 'rhos& who arc about going to housekeep ing, will find it to their advantage to give .him a call, whilst the Student and Gentle man of leisure are sure to find in his newly invented Revolving ,Chair, that comfort which no other article of the kind is capable of affording. Country merchants and ship pers can be supplied with any quantity ut short notice. • ABRAHAM McDONOUGII, No. 113 South Second street, two doors below Dock, Philadelphia. May 34, 1843.-1 yr. V e a£Z34E1.(1,. COII2E Tr .IS WAY: _ . - VO .q._ :T.TZISTI3I7M Cae•riage alanufesctory umNa - ir SIVEITTI OS l' respectfully informs ;the citizens of the borough and county ot Hunting don, the public generally, and his old friends and customers in particular, that he still continues the Coach Making Business in all its vrious branches, at his old stand, in Main street in the borough of Huntingdon, nearly opposite the 'Journal' printing office, where he has constantly on hand every description of Coaches, Carriages, • .• - • Tii ' t ; Bu aies, Sleighs 4, • . oN • -- 5$ , ! 3‘ Dearborns, which lie will sell low for cash or on reason able terms. par p a r par par par par All kinds of wok in his line made to or ler, on the shortest notice, in a WORKMANLIKE M ANN ER And all kinds of repairing clone nith neat :less and despatch. Country produce will be takm in exchange or work. Any persons wishing to purchase are re spectfully- invited to call rnd examine and judge for themselves. Huntingdon Is c.v. 29 1843. SMOKERS, THIS WAY ! 2 Cheap for Cash. The subscriber has just received a large and well assorted tot ul scgars, which he of fers for sale at the following prices. Cuba segars in boxes containing 150 each, $1 25 per box. Half Spanish in boxes containing 150 each, 50 cents per box. Half Spanish per thousand, $1 75 Common do. $1 50 and $1 00 fr7•The above prices are so low that the subscriber can sell for cash only. T. K. SIMONTON. Huntingdon, Oct. 11.—tf LT2 IS a Wilt 11 % Nwt EGs to inform the inhabitants of Hun . 1 71, ting(Tia( and its vicinity; that he has commenced the business of light and heavy wagon making, and every kind of vehicle re pairing. Having learnt his trade in England, he is prepared to furnish either the English or American style of wagons, and hopes by diligence and attention to merit a share of public. patronage. N. B. Shop near to Mr. 3. Houck's black smith shop. . • Huntingdon, April 19, 1843.—1 y. List of Letters Remaining in the Ptist Office at Alexandria, Pa.. on the Ist of January, 1844, which it not taken out within three months, will be sent to the General Post Office as dead letters. Bros ke Davis. Irvin James, • • Bisben John, Johnston Thomas, Butts John R. 2 Kaufman Reuben B. Baker John, Klock Henry, Cresswell Nicholas, Kinports Gideon, - Dewalt Peter, Miller Mister, Davis Patrick, • Miller Samuel D. • DeCo Joins P. M'Dnnald Drenkle Henry S. M'Clisre Andrew, Davis Elizabeth, Neff Isaac M. Furll . John, Neff John A. Gardner James. Porter John, Green Miles S. tititzer Householder Miehrcl,Walker John Esq. Hassler Samuel, Wristar William, Herrencane Jacob, Young Gco. B. JOHN GEMMILL, P. M. Alexandria Jill. 1, 1844. THOMAS BURCH JR., ',LATE OF PITTSBURGRO. Has removed to Philadelphia, No, 194 Market street, below the Red Lion Hotel, with the intention of engaging in his old business of selling Combs, Buttons, Brushes, Threads, Per cussion Cape and French and German Fancp He respectfully requsts the attention of his former triei,ds and others, and solicits their calls and custom when buying goods in Phil adelphia. His stock will be entirely new, laid in for CASH, and sold in such a man ner us to secure to purchasers entire satisfac tion and a continuance of their favors. Jan. 3, 1844,-3t. • Zi 4 Oa a.M.ClE+Laaca The dwelling and store house now occu pied by Mr. David Hayrick, in the village of Manor Hill, Huntingdon co., Pa, For terms enquire of the subscriber re siding in the above named village. • DAVID STERRETT. Jan. 3, 1843. ISAAC rxsziEn. ATTORNEY AT LAW IRAQ , removed to Huntingdon, with the intension of making it the place of his future residence, and will attend to such legal busi ness as may he entrusted to him. Dec. 20, 1843. A. K. CORNIVIN, A11702114nr 11 UNTING DON, PA. Office in Main &reel, two doors East of Mrs. McConnell's Temperance House. ¶F LANK BONDS—Judgment and com- IDUn—fer sale at this office. POETP.T. From the United Slates Gazette. NEW WHIG SONG. Harrah for Brave Harry, the Pride of the West. BY JOSEPH M g " .PIELD. Air—" The Star Spangled Banner. Oh still you may spy, un the battlements high, The banner of • Forty' still streaming; And close by its side, in its glory and pride, Another, with victory gleaming! And see how it flashes ! when o'er the breeze dashes Its front to the sun, 'The Mill Boy of the Slashes!' And beam as a motto inscribed on its crest : Hurrah for Brave flurry, the Pride of the West! And hark! from the mountains! and list! from the plain, And e'en from the dark swelling ocean— Ten thousands repeat it, in thunders again— And loudly proclaim their devotion, For him, whom the nation have named for the station Of chief, at the Washington Inauguration! Then up with the Banner, that hears on its crest: Hurrah far Brave Hurry, the Pride of the West! And widely, and proudly, that banner shall wave., Since the voice of the people proclaims it ; And could our brave chieftain now low in his grave, But waken to life he would name it. For oft did he say, that in all our army The star which shone brightest ; was brave Harry Clay ; Then this be our motto, our watchword, our crest, Hurrah! for Bravo Harry, the Pridoof the West! Philadelphia, January 27, 1844. From the Cincinnati Gazette, Gentlemen—Having noticed in some of the Eas tern papers o paragraph stating that President Tyler had written a letter to Louis Philippe, congratula ting him on the marriage of the Prince de Joinville, I send you a supposed copy of the letter, to use as you think best. As I sometimes indulge in framing "Hoosker's Nests," &c., please excuse me. Congratuktitary_lipistle To Louis Philippe, On the Marriage of the Prince De J—, by a high Functionary of the United States. Illustrious Sovereign of the Collie nation! My best respects to you and to your Spouse; Accept this letter of congratulation, Embracing all the members of your House; And to the Prince my special salutation, With choicest blemings on his Princess' brows; May their connubial joys be showered thick us— At least as many as our cousin Vie has. No doubt you hear of me across the ocean, By each arrival Visiting your strand; I've kept the public in a brisk commotion, Since I succeeded to supreme command; And often I have had a halfway notion, To step across" and take you by the hand; I long to meet you as a friend and brother, And face to face congratulate each other. The cares of Empire mingle with the pleasures, Lilco acid in the sweet concocted cup; They give a zest which methy fondly treasures, A kind of pungent relish as we sup; But tho' at times I'm thwarted in ray measures, I'll use the factious opposition up, And live in future song and future story, The founder of a noble nation't, glory. Long may your royal line secure soccer:don, Nor lack a Prince to till your ancient throne! I too have sons I fain would give possession, To reap (when I am gone) the fruits I've sown ; I But Wiley serpents watch my bold progression, Of whom I truly dread but one alone; The Ashland Chief I fear will prove the victor, Among the reptiles he's the Boa C'anstrictor ! Alas! I cm but envy your condition, Enthroned for tits—your subjects good and true; Whilst I maintain a critical position, Which often makes mo feel It little blue;" But wishing all our enemies perdition, I haste to bid your Macesty adieu, Believe me biro, both orally sad mentally, Your roost obedient servant, ....ccittentagy. J. T. nonsessessenecalSablasmialmn.arralWinarasalelles"-1.0. Iv:113011:d LA.:6I MOT t 3. From the Public Ledvr, THE LIQUOR TRAFFIC DEBATE, The debate between the Rev. Thomas I'. Hunt and Mr. Andrew Miller, at the Universalist Church, in Callowhill street, on Monday evening, (the 22d ult.,) was by no means equal to the expectations of the audience. Mr. Miller evidently came un prepared to defend the traffic in ardent spirits against the attacks of so able a champion of the Temperance Cause as Mr. Hunt, and the strength of the latter and the true merits of the question at issue were, therefore, but imperfectly developed.— Mr. Hunt occupied the first fifteen minutes in sta ting the conditions and object of the debate, and in making the preliminary demonstrations. He said that he esteemed Mr. Miller es a gentleman, and would, therefore, strictly and cheerfully conform to the agreement between them to refrain from all personalities ; that ho would confine his remarks solely to the liquor selling business, and would en- t (leaver to show, conclusively and satisfactorily, that I it ought to be made a penal offence. Why, said he, is any act of man punishable by law 1 Because it is found to be destructive to the best interests of I society, and, in self-defence, that society becomes not only justified in forbidding, but is bound to sup prose it by punishing those who commit it. This, I presume, my friend Miller will admit, and we may, therefore, assume the point as granted. Well, then, let us see whether the business of liquor selling, ns a beverage in health, may not be included in this rule, and whether it ought not, for reasons assigned, to be made a penal offence. I think I can show that there is no offence now made penal, which is more destructive to human interests, prosperity and happi- ness than that, and I will compare it, for the purpose of showing this, with any crime my friend Miller , may name. Mr. Hunt here turned to Mr. Miller and asked hies to 113111 C any offence for this comparison. (Mr. Miller shook his head, and Mr. Hunt resumed.) Ho declines naming any. I will, therefore, take counterfeiting for the argument. Counterfeiting is , made puni,hable as an offence, because it is injurious to the interests of society. But how does it effect those interests? Its injury extends only to property. The moral constitution, the intelligence, the the soul of society remain untouched. If the coun terfeiter imps', upon me, he injures me to the ex tent of property taken from me by a false bill—but no more. He still leaves me my character; he still leaves my mind unimpaired by his acts, my health unbrolion ; and with these, and well-directed indus try, I can soon repair the mischief he has done. But . not so with the liquor seller. He not only takes away the property of Hs victim without giving him an equivalent, but ho takes away his means of support ; destroys his reason, hie health and character, and brings ruin and misery, upon his family. The proof of this eSsertion is to be found in your prisons and your almshouses, and is familiar to thousands. I have seen it in the tears, I have heard it in the groans of wives, mothers and children, and I have received it in the confessions of the victims of the traffic themselves. I have risked the inmates of the poor house and the prison, "What brought you here, the counterfeiter or the rum-seller?" and although some have replied the former, and others have assigned different causes, the meat masses have answered, the . 6 rum-seller I" Mr. Hunt concluded his first fifteen minutes by observing—what follows then, if it is proved that the traffic in liquor ss u beverage in health is equally or more destructive to the beet inter ests of society than counterfeiting? Why, society is boundlo put a stop to it, and it ought to be mado a penal offence. Mr. Miter replied. Ile ,aid that he felt greatly embarrassed in the position ho occupied, as it was new to him, and if he should not succeed in defend ing a business in which he had been honestly cage ged for a series of years, he hoped the audience would pardcn the fault while they attributed it to bins, and not to tine business. I never attended a tem peranbe meeting until a few :eights ago, said he, but having heard that the advocates of the crime tank especial pains to abuse those engaged in the busi ness of selling liquor, I felt it My duty to hear, and endeavor to. answer the charges brought against them. I noel not trouble the audience by stating how I came to this discussion, and only desire that if I Lhould, when warmed by it, say any thing re proachful to the., temperance came, or disrespectful to my opponent, that it may be overlooked, us it veil be wholly accidental and trot designed. Mr. Miller proceeded to state that Mr. Hunt had, as ho conceived, departed from the traffic in liquor, had gone on to thew the the evils of drinking to ex cess. The traffic in liqor, ho said, was a business which had been immemorially followed without re proach, and which had boon protected by legislation ciory .lvilized community. Liquors are used in a thousand useful ways, as auxiliaries to chemistry and the arts, and it was, in his opinion, equally un just to charge the makers and sellers with the vices of those who drink them to C.COS3, as to fasten the iniquity of counterfeiting upon the manufacturers and venders of paper. 'rho tendency of such an ar gument would be to show that because religious fa nuticism sometimes make inen mad, that religion itself was an evil and ought to be suppressed. The same might he said of many other useful institutions and occupations; but enough has been suggested to show the weakness of the brother's position, and I shall, therefore, pause for a stronger attack. Mr. Hunt resumed. My friend Miller, said he, has endeavored to show, that I have wandered front Ate question, but let me respectfully recall to his mind the circumstances out of which this discussion grow, end I know ho will admit that I am right.— At the meeting held in the Court House last Thurs day night, ho replied to a speech of Brother Cham bers, in defence of the liquor business. After the meeting I told him in a friendly way I should like to have a public interview with him on the subject, and that I would widertako to show that the traffic in liquors was more injurious to society than any offence in the catalogue of crimes. He assented, and WO are here to-night in pursuance of the agree meat then made. What is, then, the subject of discussion? Is it the influence of liquor as used by the chemist or in the arts? No—it is its influence upon society, tired as a beverage in health! And when we spoke of the traffic in liquor, wo referred to its effects as temperance men regarded them. But I will adopt the gentleman's own views, if he insist upon it, and will prove to this audience, and to him, too, that the traffic is productive of snore mischief than good to society ; that its direct and legitimate tendency is destructive to the beet interests of socie- ty ; that it may be abolished without producing as much injury as its existence now does, and that it ought, therefore, to be put a stop to, by snaking it ; a penal offence said by punishing those w*.o engage ,in it. Mr. Hunt then proceeded to the support of his possition, by showing the evils of the traffic; comparing them with its good and beneficial effects, and representing the former to be greatly dispropor tioned in magnitude and importance to the latter.— i Ho aleo compared the traffic with robbery, and without making the slightest personal allusions ar geed that robbery produced less mischief to society ; than the traffic. Ho concluded, by saying that if any man would prove to him that religion had a • , direct and legitimate tendency to produce insanity ; that it caused more injury to society than good, and i seller of the pistols was responsible for the use might be dispensed with without evil results, he made of them. But he forgets to tell the whole would urge its suppression as warmly as ho did that story. I remember well that the individual wbd of the liquor business. I bought the pistols had not the nerve to use them as Mr. Miller replied. He said that his opponent he did until stimulated leads crime by three &n es had put a qualification to the question which he of brandy ! Again, he states that the temperance did not think quite fair, and had wandered further reformation is going backwards, because twice as from the iesue than ho was disposed to follow.— much revenue was derived front the granting of He repeated that the tendency of the brother's argil- i licences in 1813 as in 1842 but here again he meet was to abolish all useful employments: and omits to tell us that there were from twelve to fifs institutions, because they were abused, and to return i teen hundred tippling-houses in 1842 which patio to a state of mini-barbarism. The aborigines of licenses and that the totes have been increased. this country knew nothing of the evils of counter- Here them was some dispute between the spew felting, because they had nopaper; but does it fol. kers as to the facts and figures referred to, when Dr. low that we ought to avoid that evil by returning to I Gibbons was called upon to act the parties right.— their barbarism? Some may argue that if wo I Mr. :Miller contended that there were at least a never leant to write we will never commit forgery, thousand licensed taverns in the city and county, and that if we avoid engraving and printing we but it was afterwards conceded that there were but shall also avoid counterfeiting. This is true enough, little more than half the number. Dr, Gibbons so but not very reasonable. The Indians, too, were I stated the fact.] free from the vice of drunkenness until lire whites Ste. Hunt then mitt—l was perhaps wrong in my introduced whiskey among. them; but the vice ws; figures, though not much out in my facts. I can not in the truffle but in the drinking. If I sell asa ri net be expected to be entirely accurate, as I son five or fifty gallons of spirits, Ido riot ask him to stranger here and only give my statements as I re drink it, and I may assert that of the ten thousand e. ire them. By the report of your constables, persons who purchase liquor, not more than one lie- which I hold in my hand and which is sworn to by mares a drunkard. To charge the live seller with them offeere, it appears that there arc 570 licensed' the results of drunkenness, you melt show that he I taverns in the city and county, while it appears the; compels men to drink; you must give him a i the whole noisier of houses for the sale of ardent! power almost onndputent, by which he draws into spirits is about 1500. But it is riot necessary to re , hio meshes and compels them to drink to excess.— fee to these statements to show how much revenue The temperance men hove begun at ihe wrong end has been raised from licenses. None ought to be to effect a reform. They should direct their efforts derived from such a source. The bushmes is a per 'to stop drinking, not to abuse the dealers in liquors, Melons one and ought to be suppressed entirely; in order to prevent intemperance. A similar re- and if the question was now proposed to this com farm was started mere than a hundred years ago in munity, whether ardent spirits should be introduced, England, and what were its maths 1 I will read supposing it had not already been, and that we I you the moonlit of the origin and progress of this knew that the introduction would bring about the movement frees the second volume of McCulloch's evils which now result from lire manufacture and Commercial Dictionary, and you will see that the I sale of it, what would my friend Miller sayl— teMperance re urination is not new now and is like- Would he consent to its introduction? (Mr. Miller I ' ly to result in nothing benefseial to society, or tire shook his head, signifying that he would not.— one here described did, proving the fact that it was Quite a sensation was produced by this, and Mr. ; begun at the wrung end of the evil. i Hunt continued.) I knew he would not; and I I Mr. Miller theft mad au extract from the work I trust that he will attend temperance meetings here alluded to, allowing tbat from the enonnoue extent to after, and lan sure he will come to think as I do, which gin drinking was then carried, and to the and will abandon a traffic in ardent spirits altogether. frightful amount of crime, poverty and pauperism it Mr. Hunt again urged the necessity of untiring eegendered, that Parliament denounced severe pen- the traffic an offence punishable by law, asserting allies against the manufacture and stele of liquors I that, instead of only one person in ten thousand without a license, and raised the price of the license purchase. of liquors I:meeting drunkards, as Mr. ao high as to make the traffic a monopoly in the Sillier asserted, it had been proved that two out of heeds of capiudists. In a short tim.thees lee - s l.e. every ten who tasted ardent spirits, became habitual CU WC exceedingly ohnoxiono ; informers were openly assailed In the curets; the execution of the laws were evaded and resisted, and instead at suppressing the evil they tended only to increase it. Now, said Mr. Miller, the temperance advocate, are proceeding in the mine mode, and instead of taking away the appetite for ardent spirits, ahem Mom w•Ito deal in them, end ask goveinment to make the traffic penal. What has been the result? decreasing intemperance they have it:emu:RA it, as the records of the county - willtill.w. In 184% the amount paid into dm Counly Treasury fur tavern licences was liaic over $15,000. In 1813, ❑nd while the tern- mance movement was going, ow with all its vigor, the amount of revenue derived from the same source was rising $lO,OOO. This increase of revenue proves an increase in the sale and consumption of liquors, and shows that the temperance reform is directed to the wrong end of the evil. Mr. Miller again recurred to hi 3 argument in reference to cell- gious fanaticism, the madness awl bloodshed and sacrifices at the stake it had caused, and repeated his question, whether any reasonable man would ask that these evils should be removed by suppress ing all religion as their cause. He concluded that equal tyranny and injustice would fellow from ma king the traffic in liquors an offence, and asserted that government had no right to prescribe what a man should cat, drink, or wear, to suit the whims and caprices of any class of reformers. Mr. Mont rejoined.—He said he thanked the gen. demon for his reference to M'Culleek's Dictionary. He fully agreed with the preamble to the act of par !lament there quoted. The only ground of objec ion he saw to the law was that it did not go to tho oot of the evil; it did not foi bid the making cud selling of rum, except to the poor. It countenanced and tolerated intemperance among the rich, and woo therefore equally censurable and nugatory. llut the gentleman says it would be tyrannical to ray what a man shall drink. He forgets that his license• laws, these evidences of the "wisdom of legislators" which he praises fur their "antiquity," do say what a mall shall not drink or at least how much of err tain beverage they shall drink. If a mall get, drunk, isn't he fined? Alt, ha'. (Laughter.) He has told us that the aborigines of thiseountry were free from the vices of intemperance until the whites in troduced whiskey among them. Aye, thew's the rub. Has not General Jackson, that good old man, vvho, notwithstanding all that has been said against him, I love, much—[lii the audience cm applauding, but were re:itraitwd bll the spealecr.)l T3' A man in Alabama offers a piano forte for —has he not told us, has not every President and :ale, and oat he ' ll wait fur payment till Henry Statesman and writer told us, that nothing but the ' Clay it elected President. That is—he gives a introduction of ardent spirits has. conquered the credit of ten months. proud soul of the Indian? Our bayonets atW pow - A I' is nothing more than a tailor's sign, en der and balls could not subdue hint; but runt has (lowed with locomotion ; he is a thing modelled by debased his character and destroyed his race, and human hands, incapable of receiving any lasting under its innu,nce tho free and noble lord of the impression, other than the tailor and barber impart. forest has sunk to the condition of a brute. Se with another of the gentleman's illustrations. He I Never trust a married man with a secret who has told us of an individual who deliberately bouoht loves his wife, fur he will tell her, and she will tell La pair Of pistols, powder and balls, and went home her ,titer, and her and chat hie daughter, acd ho atlas tato ray if the every body. %I,nl)act - .)1.1e.> Fffcm). 412€3cD 9 drunkards, and closed with an eloquent appeal to the advocates of the cause. Mr. Miller followed in reply, but he evidently labored under disadvantage, and appeared to be conscious that he had yielded Ids point in giving an adlrmative to Mr. Hunt's in genious question. He referred to M'Culloch's Dic tionary to show that great severities had been Ie• sorted to for the suppression of the manufacture and ! solo of ardadt spirits under the act quoted, and that twelve hundred persons had been sentenced to im prioonnient and transportation, in two years, for violating its provisions. All, he said, proved of no n's iho vice of drunkenness increased, in despite of the law, as the appetite for liquor remained, and was enhanced by the difficulty of gratifying it. The debate closed as it had begun, in goad humor.— Both speakers came back to the premises front which they started, and the audience, which was numerous and intelligent, dispersed in pretty much the same mood and mind in which they had assembled; cx- cepting, perhaps, ono Mr. Brown, who interrupted Mr. Hunt with an impertinent remark, and was in vited out. The reporter has attempted to give noth ing more than an outline of the debate. There were some very good remarks upon the evils of re ligious fanaticism from both gentlemen, but as tho reporter took no.notes, he will not venture upon so delicate a topic, lest he sho,tld unwittingly ascribe tenets to the speakers which they do not hold, by giving their remarks m language different from that used on the occasion. AWFUL SITU, o,.—A notorious tipler, in it town not forty miles from Boston, returned home on a washing day with n jug of ruin, and, staggering into hia wife's domain, mistook a tub of well warm ea! water for a Bette, and suddenly settled himself into it, so that its surging, sides leaped merrily about him —be being a lust prisoner. In this predicament, he called lustily fur NaLby. Ilis "guile wife," seeing his deep interest in her altars, seizing the jug, dam. red around the philosopher, pouring its contents over his head—disregarding his prayerful looks, outstretched arms, and beseeching appeal of " Nab. by, save it! Savo it Nabby !" to which she re plied, In it, Joe! Lang life to your honor," &c.— Bort. Courier. A Cur ve :oa.—The Reading Eagle says that Mr. John Rind. of West Cocalleo township, Lan• caster county, lately killed a Hog of two years old, which weighed 807 pounds.