111J - \TINGDO) Othotcli to general Intelligente, abint•ttotitg, VoLitt co, litteriltitxr, raoratito, 3rto, Zcit afgr trulturc, 3lnamonettt, szr„ szr. N.V"cmLl. ZIN;M o 45'clz , . eSa. PVISLISIIID BY THEODORE H. CREMER, ta.,,Estrz , ucta,sts. The ...lorritTrAL" will be published every Wed ttesday morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance, and if not paid within six months, $2 50. No subscription received for a shorter period than six months, nor any paper discontinued till all ar rearages arc paid. Advertisements not exceeding one square, will be inserted three times for $1 00, and for every subse quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are given as to the time an advertisement is to be continu ed, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged ac cordingly. BANE NOTE LIST Rates of Diacount in Philadelphia. ranks in Philadelphia. Bank of North America Bank of the Northern Liberties - p a r Bank of Penn Township - par Commercial Bank of l'enn'a. - par Farmers' & Mechanics' bank - - par Kensington bank - - - par Schuylkill bank - - - par Mechanics' bank - - - par Philadelphia bank - - - par Southwark bank - - par Western back - - - par Moyamensing bank - - - par Manufacturers' and Mechanics bank par Bank of Pennsylvania - - - par Girard bank - - - - 10 Bank of the United States - 22 Country Banks. Bank of Chester co. Westchester par Bank of Delaware co. Chester par Bank of Germantown Germantown par Bank of Montg'ry co. Norristown par Doylestown bank Doylestown par Easton Bank Easton par Farmers' bk of Bucks co. Bristol par Bank of Northumberl'd Northumberland par Honesdale hank Honesdale 1* Farmers' bk of Lanc. Lancaster 1* Lancaster bank Lancaster 4 Lancaster county bank' Lancaster 4 Bank of Pittsburg Pittsburg 1* Merelets' & Manuf. bk. Pittsburg * Exchange hank Pittsburg f t Do. do. branch of Hollidaysburg Col'a bk & bridge co. Columbia 4 Franklin batik Washington li Monongahela bk of B. Brownsville 1* Farmers' bk of Reading Reading 4 Lebanon bank Lebanon 24 Bank of Middletown Middletown 14 Carlisle bank Carlisle 1 i ...I% Dank Yak l Harrisburg bank , Harrisburg li Miners' bk of Pottsville Pottsville li Bank of Susquehanna co. Montrose 35 Farmers' & Drovers' bk Waynesborough 3 Bank of Lewistown Lewistown 2 Wyoming bank Wilkesbarre 2 Northampton bank Allentown no sale Berks county bank Reading no sale West Branch bank Williamsport 10 Towanda bank Towanda 90 Rates of Relief Notes. Northern Liberties, Delaware County, Far mers' Bank of Bucks, Germantown par All others - - - - - 1a 11 FRANKLIN HOUSE, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, CHRISTIAN COUTS, vOULD most respectfully inform the citizens of this county, the public generally, and his old friends and customers in particular, that he has leased for a term of years, that large and commodious building on the West end of the Diamond, in the bo rough of Huntingdon, formerly kept by An drew H. Hirst, which he has opened and furnished as a Public House, where every attention that will minister to the comfort and convenience of guests will always be found. ZSEIDA9 MUD aCtis will at all times be abundantly supplied with the best to be had in the country. lgasm =3Gaze 'will be furnished with the best of Liquors, s►nd HIS 5T1341E1.711; is the very best in the borough, and will always be attended by the most trusty, at tentive and experienced ostlers. Mr. Couts pledges himself to make every exertion to render the " Franklin House" a home to all who may favor bun with a call. Thankful to his old customers for past favors, he respectfully solicits a continuance of their custom. ---.... Boarders, by the year, month, or week, will be taken on reasonable terms. Huntingdon, Nov. 8. 1843. CHAIRS ! CHAIRS ! ! The subscriber is now prepared to furnish every description of CHAIRS, from the plain kitchen to the Most splendid and fash ionable one for the parlor. Also the LUXURIOUS AND EASY CHAIR FOR THE INVALID, n which the feeble and afflicted invalid, though unable to .walk even with the aid of crutches, may with ease move himself from room to room, through the garden and in the street, with great rapidity. Those who are about going to housekeep ing, will find it to their advantage to give him a call, whilst the Student and Gentle man of leisure are sure to find in his newly invented Revolving Chair, that comfort which no other article of the kind is capable of affording. Country merchants and ship pers can be supplied with any quantity at short notice. -- ABRAHAM McDONOUGH, No. 113 South Second street, two doors below Dock, Philadelphia. May 311, 1843.-1 yr. ucr:srszmfialcaariDcz)zg e EMU * C1E8341410 ESTATE OF JEREMIAH GIIEENALL, Late of Cromwell township, Huntingdon county, deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters of ad ministration upon the said estate have been grar.ted to the undersigned. All persons having claims or demands against the same are requested to make them known without delay, and all persons Indebted to make im mediate payment to JOHN R. HUNTER, .4dm'r. Nov. 15, 1843.-6 t. Cromwell tp. Estate of Margaret Clayton, Late of West township Huntingdon county deceased. Notice is hei eby given, that letters testa mentary upon the will of said dec'd have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same are requested to present them duly authenticated for set clement, to JOHN WATT, GEORGE WILSON, Exr'e Nov. 29, 1843. To Farmers and Capitalists. The tract of land near Brewster's Tannery, in Shirley township, called the "Roberts Farm," containing two hundred and eighty acres more or less, seventy or eighty of which are cleared, with a house, a barn, Grist Mill with two run of Stones, and a saw mill thereon, about three miles from the town of Shirleysburg, is offered for sale. Farmers who wish to purchase a farm for themselvesor their sons are invited to examine the "Roberts Farm." If not sold at private sale, this farm will be offered at public outcry at the court house, in Hunt ingdon, on Thursday the 27th day of Janu ary, 1844. For further particulars inquire of the sub scriber at Huntingdon. ISAAC FISHER, Attorney and agent of Martha Pennock, the owner. Dec. 20,1843. Ibr Sale or Rent. The undersigned will either sell or lease on tavorable terms, that tract of fand situ ate in West township, Huntingdon county, near the mouth of Murrays Run, adjoining lands of John Stewart, Nathan Gorsuch and others containing about WO ACRES. of which about 50 are cleared, with a small hewed log house and barn thereon, the same being about two miles distant from the. Warm ling or leasing the same. Possession will be given on the Ist of April next. ABRAHAM CARTER. Dec. 27, 1838. 'Notivr. Thomas M'Namara and Samuel Royer, lately trading under the firm of M'Namara & Royer, at Portage Iron Works, and George W. M'Bride, Samuel Royer and Thomas M'Namara, lately trading under the firm of M'Bride, Royer &co, at said Works, having by deed of assignmf at bear • ing date the 10th day of May, 1842, record ed in the same month in the Recorder's office in and for Huntingdon county in record book C No. 2, pages 492 &c., assigned and transferred to the undersigned all debts and claims due and owing to the said late firms, at or on account of said Portage Iron Works in trust for payment of creditors of said late firms; all petsons are hereby required to make immediate settlement with and pay ment to the undersigned, of any and all debts and claims due and owing to either of the said late firms at said works; and all persons are hereby notified and warned not to flay any debts or claims due and owing to either of the said late firms at said Works, to any person or persons whatever, but to the undersigned or one of them or their duly authorized attorney. EDWARD BELL, JOSEPH HIGGINS. • Portage Iron Works, Deo 20, 1843. ROCKDALE FOUNDRY, w i t E rm su tn b e sc c r i i t t i o z e e r ns w or i p tii r g e d c o t n fu a l n ly in the adjoining counties, that lie still continues to carry on business at the Rockdale Foundry, on Clover Creek, two miles from Williams burg, where he is prepared to execute all orders in his line, of the best materials and workmanship, and with promptness and de spatch He will keep constantly on hand stoves of every description, such as COettina, Ern Watt, Parlor, Coal, Rotary, Cooking and Wood Simms: Livingston Ploughs, Anvils, Hammers, Hollow Ware and every kind of castings necessary for for ges. mills or machinery of any description ; wagon boxes of all descriptions, ect., which can be had on as good terms as they can be had at any other foundry in the county or state. Remember the Rockdale Foundry. WILLIAM KENNEDY. Jan. 11th 1843. '?LE'® Uacs•tt. The Washington Hotel, In the borough of Bellefonte, now in the tenure tf George Armstrong, will be let for a term of years, from the first day of April next, It is the old stand kept by the late Evan Miles, in his life time, for upwards of twenty-five years, and is one of the best in the interior of Pennsylvania. Apply to the subscriber in Bellefonte, Centre county. REBECCA MILES. Dec. 27, 1843. Ilik lE. VICISZIETED JITTORXEr .9IT Lair. SVNTINODON, I , POZTP.T. wuIG SONO. The following song was written (by request) for the West Cheater Clay Club, by Towwaosn HAINES, Esq. OUR GLORIOUS CONSTITUTION. TONE—Tullockgorum. Our country spreads out far and wide, From mountain top to ocean's tide, And mighty states lie side by side, In peaceful happy union ; O'er all our border. wide and free, All our borders, All our bonier., O'er all our borders wide and free, In brotherly communion ; O'er all our borders wide and free A noble, patriot band agree To guard their chartered liberty,— Our glorious Constitution. Our fathers gave the sacred scroll; Wrenched from the despot's stern control, With bloody hands, but noble soul, In dreadful revolution; And cherished be its spotless page, And cherished be, And cherished be, And cherished be its spotless page, Whilst rivers run to ocean, And cherished be its spotless page, From Vandal hands and faction's rage, As time rolls on from age to age, Our glorious Constitution. Let demagogues exert their force, To sway it from its destined course, Its choicest social rights coerce, And spread around confusion; The gallant Whigs in firm array, The gallant Whigs, The gallant Whigs, The gallant Whigs in firm array, With noble resolution; The gallant Whigs in firm array, With fearless, generous Hetliy Clay, Will right its wrongs—direct its way,— Our glorious Constitution. What though the storms of strife arise, And thunders roll along the skies, And loud, and fierce ascend the cries, Of treason and disunion ; With old Kentucky's statesman true, Old Kentucky, Old Kentucky, With old Kentucky's statesman true, We fear no dissolution; vv". 1 12 I Lrettgyzift6ateelosativadbr Though Loco Focos rule the hour, Like demons with malignant power, And change a nation's richest dower, To haggard destitution; We'll raise our banner broad and high,— Raise our banner, Raise our banner, We'll raise our banner broad and high, . . Inscribed with retribution; We'll raise our banner broad and high, And spread its stars along the sky, And " sink or swim"—and " live or die," By our glorious Constitution. LIZEIOELLANEOUS. From the Democratic Review. A RECENT RAMBLE AMONG THE PEASANTRY OF ENGLAND. BY JUDGE CARLETON. Mos•r books of travels in foreign countries abound in details about kings and palaces, lords and ladies, but say nothing of the condition of the peasantry; that class of mankind by whose humble labors the rest are fed. Nor can just information be had from citizens casually met in public vehicles, taverns, or steamers. To understand the subject, I was, there fore, compelled to enter their cottages and examine for myself, in all the states of Europe through which I passed, especially in England, where I resided, at intervals, more than twenty months. When I first saw that beautiful England, its roads, bridges, hedges, hill and valley, field and for est; the green earth sprinkled with cottages, to which the still greenering clung: hero, thought I, happiness has fixed her earthly home. Yet an oc casional glance at the interior of their houses on the nearer approach of the vehicle, and the aspect of the ragged children about the doors, filled me with distrust. Being told that the peasantry, here called labor ers, lived in great abundance and content in Somer. setshire, thither I set wit from London in Novem ber, in 1842, by the Southampton railway to Win chester, where I took a seat, about sunset, in a coach for Wincanton. The interior of an English coach is a prison house, where a man of ordinary stature cannot stretch his limbs nor look out upon the country through its narrow, ill-contrived window. The French Diligence is greatly to be preferred; though uncouth and clumsy, they are more comfortable and safe, and move with equal speed. The seats are all under cover; whereas the English are perched on the outside upon naked wooden benches,—flan ked with small iron rods that chafe and cut the flesh, exposed to the unceasing ruins and chilly winds of their remorseless climate. Their exac tions upon tmvellen; are, moreover so enormous, that the third classes, as they are called, are glad to com pound for mere transportation, like the cattle in their steamers and rail cars, with whom they aro often seen in close alliance. Our progress was suddenly arrested by a wagon aunk to the axle in the soft, chalk• earth of a new' ly-made road, through which we waded on foot more than half a mile, leaving the empty vehicle to be dragged by the horses. One of the ladies, a pretty, fragile, creature, was so overcome by exposure to the weather, that the guard, touched with compassion, transferred her to the inside, where a kind gentleman and myself restored her to speech by rubbing her hands and throwing our cloaks about her half fro zen limbs. We arrived at Wincanton at six o'clock in the morning, when the guard presented himself for his usual bonus. I followed the example of my neigh bor and gave hint a half-crown, and two shillings more to the driver, making altogether one dollar and five cents tax upon each traveller, independently of the fare, which Is fifty per cent. higher than in any other country of Europe. At ten o'clock, I hired a carriage, and, accompa nied by two gentlemen, went three miles to Stoney Stoke and Shepton Montagu, two villages in which the laborers are clustered in considerable numbers. I addressed myself to an elderly woman, one of the principal persons among them, who, for eight-pence —which shs said was a day's wages—undertook to be my guide. She was regarded with much con sideration wherever she appeared, for she was rich, having a better furnished house than her neighbors, more cups and saucers and plates of crockery, five or six chairs, a good deal table, two beds of dust, that is oat chaff, a cat and a pig. She was the mother of three children, whose labor brought some thing to the common stock; her husband received nine shillings a week, and she tasted meat three days out of sewn. In the second cottage we visited, there were six in family, scantily fed upon potatoes and'salt, with an occasional loaf of white bread. Tho mother's time being bestowed mostly upon her infant children that multiplied rapidly about her, they were main tained by the husband alone, whose infirmities pre vented him from earning more than six shillings per week. The floor was of broad ill-assorted stone; the roof of straw; the interior whitewashed and the exterior of a yellowish hue ; the walls as are those of most English cottages, being built of rough stone, having ono room below, twelve or fifteen feet square, and another above stairs of the same dimensions, but low and inconvenient from the de pression of the roof. The earth round about look ,' rrrpon and imilina in Nosamluir.. ana t tpe.coof it was, within, the abode of poverty and destitution. The children were huddled together in a corner of the chimney striving to kindle a fire with sticks picked up under the hedges, to boil a dinner of tur nips, the entire plant being cut up root and top,— and seasoned with lard. The mother spoke with some emotion when she alluded to the scants of her children, which she could not relieve. I asked per mission to go up stairs; she hesitated; my guide shook her head, and I desisted. She afterwards told me that the filth and stench were insupportably of fensive; hut on explaining my motive, she made no opposition to a similar request. Here, as everywhere else, I purchased a welcome by distributing a few pence among the children and occasionally putting a piece of silver into the hands of the mothers. I entered a third cabin. Here the green eart h smiled again, as did the modest furze and glossy holly, that felt not the approach of winter. The floor was much like the first. Near the middle sat the mother peeling:potatoes, which she threw into a pot at her side half filled with water. I introduced myself on every occasion by saying, that I came from beyond the seas, and wished to inform my countrymen how the laborers lived in England.— Sixpence brought forth willing answers to interrog atories which I put without stint. 'How many children have you?' Eight,'— What did they feed upon this morning I' Pota toes.' What will you give them for dinner These potatoes you see me peeling.' 'Nothing else ?' 'No; nothing else. Have you no meat, no milk, no butter for them?' She made no reply, fixed her eyes upon them and sobbed aloud. But her countenance suddenly brightened into a smile, and she said with a clear voice, Thank God, salt is cheap.' But her joy was a transient beam, for her eyes again overflowed as she showed me her eldest daughter fourteen years of age, whom she made rise to her feet. Her tattered garments scarce ly concealed her sex ; it left her bare to the knees behind,—while it dangled to the ground in front.— She blushed deeply, for want had not extinguished the modesty of nature, as her mother drew aside the rags that covered her snowy skin. These,' said she, are all the clothes my child has ; she cannot go to school in them; besides, she is obliged to stay at home to take care of the children. "Phis was palpably true, for her wasted form tottered under a burden that would soon add another inmate to this abode of misery. The other children were grouped near the elder sister, sitting on the naked hearth. Their little hands and feet were red with cold: their features were set in melancholy : they were not playful, as become their innocent years: no, it has been truly said, that the children of the English poor know no childhood Sorrow begins with life; they are dis ciplined to privation from the cradle. From the cradle did I any 1--I saw no cradle, and I verily be lieve that such a luxury was never known by the child of an English laborer. In the corner of the chimney was an old man, sitting on his haunches, putting faggots to a fire in tended to boil the potatoes. Who is that?' 'lt is old Mr. -, he has no home, and we lets him stay with us.' He was eighty-three years of age, and partook with the children his portion of potatoes and salt. I asked one of the little girls, where was the cat? The mother answered, they had none, . for a cat must cat.' . Have you a dog ?' 'No, we cannot keep a dog; besides he disturbs the game.' 'But you have a cock to crow for day 1' . No, we have none: I felt a sort of horror come over me at the absence of these animals, sacred to every [household—the cat, the companion 'and pastime of little children; the dog, the well tried, trusty friend of man; the cock whose joyous song hails the coming day—yet poverty, that bitter blighting curse, has expelled even these from the cottage of the English peasant. < Can your husband read V