Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 24, 1844, Image 1

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    lajj)Tlls , Jou i „ „It
Ortiota to Grittrat telitucncr, ancrtiMtg,Volittico, 71.itcratnre,Ittoratttg, arto, Arteurco, nsticitltttre, aintilnittott, $ C., Sice.
sQ7 I aDLI. LS".M g , sZ9sco. Miat.
The "Joy ittitAL" will be publvhed every Wed
nesday morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance,
and if not paid within six months, $2 50.
No subscription received for a shorter period than
six months, nor any paper discontinued till all ar
rearages are paid.
Advertisements not exceeding one square, will be
inserted' three times for $1 00, and for every subse
juent insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are
given as to the time an advertisement is to be continu
ed, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged ac
Rates of Discount in Philadelphia,
Banks hi Philadelphia.
_ _
Bank of North America - - par
Bank of the Northern Libert;es - p a r
Bank of Penn Township - - par
Commercial Hank of Penn'a. - - par
Farmers' & Mechanics' bank - - par
Kensington bank - - - par
Schuylkill bank - - - - par
Mechanics' bank - - - - par
Philadelphia bank - - - par
Southwark bank - - - par
Western bank - - - - par
Moyamensing bank - - - par
Manufacturers' and Mechanics' bank par
Bank of Pennsylvania - - - par
Girard bank - - - - 10
Bank of the United States - 22
Country Banks.
Bank of Chester co. Westchester par
Bank of Delaware co. Chester par
Bank of Germantown Germantown par
Bank of Montg'ry co. Norristown par
Doylestown bank Doylestown par
Easton Bank Easton par
Farmers' bk of Bucks co. Bristol par
Bank of Northumberl'd Northumberland par
Honesdale bank Honesdale 1+
Farmers' bk of Lanc. Lancaster 1i
Lancaster bank Lancaster i
Lancaster county bank Lancaster i
Bank of Pittsburg Pittsburg li
Mercl►'ts' & Manuf. bk. Pittsburg i
Exchange bank Pittsburg i
Do. do. branch of Hollidaysburg i
Col'a bk & bridge co. Columbia i
Franklin bank Washington 14
Monongahela bk of B. Brownsville 1i
Farmers' bk of Reading Reading 4
Lebanon bank Lebanon li
Bank of Middletown Middletown i
Carlisle bank Carlisle i
Erie batik Erie n
Bank of Chambersburg Chambersburg 1i
Batik of Gettysburg Gettysburg li
York bank York li
Harrisburg bank Harrisburg li
Miners' bk of Pottsville Pottsville 1i
Bank of Susquehanna co. Montrose 35
Farmers' & Drovers' bk Waynesbotough 3
Bank of Lewistown Lewistown 2
Wyoming bank Wilkesbarre 2
Northampton bank Allentown no sale
Becks county bank Reading no sale
West Branch babit Williamsport 10
Towanda back Towanda 90
Rates of Relief Notes.
Northern Liberties, Delaware County, Far
mers' Bank of Bucks, Germantown par
All others - - - - - 1a 1
Huntingdon, Pennsylvania.
OULD most respectfully inform the
citizens of this county, the public
generally, and his old friends and customers
in particular, that he has leased for a term
of years, that large and commodious building
on the est end of the Diamond, in the bo
rough of Huntingdon, formerly kept by An
drew H. Hirst, winch be has opened and
furnished as a Public House, where every
attention that will minister to the comfort
and convenience of - guests will always be
ULEfiso itaaerabUcza.
will at all times be abundantly supplied with
the best to be had in the country.
will be furnished with the best of Liquors,
is the very best in the borough, and will
always be attended by the most trusty, at
tentive and experienced ostlers.
Mr. Couts pledges himself to make every
exertion to render the "Franklin House" a
home to all who may favor him with a call.
Thankful to his old customers for past favors,
he respectfully solicits a continuance of their
Boarders, by the year, month, or week,
will be taken on reasonable terms.
Huntingdon, Nov. 8. 1843.
'the subscriber is nowprepared to furnish
every description of CHAIRS, from the
plain kitchen to the most splendid and fash
ionable one for the parlor. Also the
n which the feeble and afflicted invalid.
though unable to walk even with the aid of
crutches, may with ease move himself from
room to room, through the garden and in
the street, with great rapidity.
Those who are about going to housekeep
ing, will find it to thEir adi:antage to g&e
him a call, whilst the Student and Gentle
man of leisure are sure to fad in his newly
invented Revolving Chair, that comfort
which no other article of the kind is capable
of affording. Country merchants and ship
pers can be supplied with any quantity at
short notice.
No. 113 South Second street, two doors.
below Dock, Philadelphia,
May 311, 1343,---1 yr.
Z:23°37laE3CE5cl, Deno, sb<ai a ‘.1..E0414a.
Lute of Cromwell township, Huntingdon
_county, deceased.
.. -
Notice is hereby given that letters of ad
ministration upon the said estate have been
granted to the undersigned. All persons
having claims or demands against the same
are requested to make them known without
delay, and all persons indebted to make im
mediate payment to
Nov. 15, 1843.- 6 t. Cr o mwell tp.
Estate of Margaret Clayton,
Late of West township Huntingdon
_ _ _ county deceased.
Notice is he: eby given, that letters testa
mentar}• upon the will of said dec'd have been
granted to the undersigned. All persons
indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment, and those having claims
or demands against the same are requested
to present them duly authenticated tor set
Clement, .
Nov. 29 , 1843.
To Farmers and Capitalists,
The tract of land near Brewster's Tannery,
in Shirley township, called the "Roberts
Farm," containing two hundred and eighty
acres mure or less, seventy or eighty of
which are cleared, with a house, a barn,
Grist Mill with two run of Stones,
and a saw mill thereon, about three miles
from the town of Shirleysburg, is offered
for sale. Farmers who wish to purchase a
farm for themselves or their sons are invited
to examine the '•Roberts Farm." If not
sold at private sale, this farm will be offered
at public outcry at the court house, in Hunt
ingdon, on Thursday the 27th day of Janu
ary, 1844. _ .
''or further particulars inquire of the sub
scriber at Huntingdon.
ISAAC FISHER, Attorney and
agent of Martha Pennock, the owner.
Dec. 20,1843.
For Sale or Rent.
The undersigned will either sell or lease
on favorable terms, that tract of faud situ
ate in West township, Huntingdon county,
near the mouth of Murrays Run, adjoining
lands of John Stewart, Nathan Gorsuch and
others containing about
250 ACRES.
of which about 50 are cleared, with a small
hewed log house and barn thereon, the same
being about two miles distant from the Warm
Springs. Any person wishing to purchase
or rent the farm, can call upon Bell 8c Orbi
son, in Huntingdon, who will attend to sel
ling or leasing the same. Possession will be
given on the Ist of April next.
Dec. 27, 1888.
Thomas M'Namara and Samuel Royer,
lately trading under the firm of M'Namara
& Royer, at Portage Iron Works, and
George W. M'Bride, Samuel Royer and
Thomas M'Namara, lately trading under
the firm of M'Bride, Royer &co, at said
Works, having by deed of assignment bear•
ing date the 10th day of May, 1842, record
ed in the same month in the Recorder's
office in and for Huntingdon county in record
book C No: 2. pages 492 &c., assigned and
transferred tothe undersigned all debts and
claims clue and owing to the said late firms,
at or on account of said Portage Iron Works
in trust for payment of creditors of said late
firms; all persons are hereby required to
make immediate settlement with and pay
ment to the undersigned, of any and all
debts and claims due and owing to either of
the said late firms at said works; and _all
persons are hereby notified and warned not
to pay any debts or claims clue and owing to
either of the said late firms at said Works,
to any person or persons whatever, but to
the undersigned or one of them or their duly
authorized attorney.
Portage Iron Wotks, Dee.. 20, 1843.
ite on
swp Hu ntingdon r es pectful l y
cand the
adjoining counties, that be still continues to
carry on business at the Rockdale Foundry,
on Clover Creek, two miles from Williams
burg, where he is prepared to execute all
orders in his line, of the best materials and
workmanship, and with promptness and de
He will keep constantly on hand stoves of
every description, such as
• toottna, cen %nate,
Parlor, Coal, Rotary, Cooking and
Wood Stoves:
Livingston Ploughs,__
AnvilspoHammers, Hollow Ware
and every kind of castings necessary for for
ges, mills or machinery of any description ;
wagon boxes of all descriptions, ect., which
can be had on as good terms as they can be
had at any other foundry in the county or
state. Remember the Rockdale Foundry.
Jan. 11th 1843.
W.P al) Uci coa.
The Washington Hotel, in the borough of
Bellefonte, now in the tenure bf George
Armstrong, will be let for a term of years,
from the first day of April next. It is the
old stand kept by the late Evan Miles, in
his life time, for upwards of twenty-five
years, and is one of the best in the interior
of Pennsylvania. Apply to the subscriber in
Bellefonte, Centre county.
Dec. 27, 1843.
.1 TTO RXE T Lair.
1 3 02BTRT.
Tho following beautiful lines from the pen of
genius and loveliness are worthy of their glorious
From the Louisville Journal.
:=839AT7.R71 ULAT.
The day was beautiful—around our bark
In sparkling waves the flashing waters stirred,
When, on the deck, one form I chanced to mark,
That made my quick heart flutter like a bird--
I turned away,
Yet something whispered, ere his name I heard—
'Tis fizmix CLAY !
How like a vision float before me now,
While fancy stamps with seeming truth the whole,
That stately form, that pale, expansive brow,
Those lips where smiles in bright succession stole,
That eye of blue,
From whose unchadowed depth his very soul
Seemed shining through !
Worshipping genius, I had long desired
To meet this modern Cicero; and when
My glances sought tho glimpse my heart required,
A more than mortal grandeur awed me then.
For, as ho trod,
Though but a man amid his fellow men,
Ho looked a God.
Oh thou, by fears unmoved, by threats unbent
Amid the struggling tides that round thee roll—
The meekly great—the purely eloquent—
The bright one speeding onward to the goal—
The firm--the true—
In whose all glorious praise I feel my soul
Exalted too—
Were I some gifted spirit, whose bright lays
Glow with high thought and wild poetic file,
Then would I sing for thee a song of praise,
Such as thy loftier spirit should inspire;
But o'er the strings
No poet bends ; a light hand sweeps the lyre—
A woman sings.
Yet I may breathe thy name, and bid thee press
On 'mid the adverse waves that round thee boat;
Such barriers pave the way to sure success,
And firmness gathers strength from pant defeat;
The torrent's force,
Though turned aside, still struggles on to meet
Its deJtined course.
Not for the narrow views of party band,
Not for their fickle praise, our loud applause,
Dost thou stand forth the champion of thy land,
The firm &fender of our sacred laws ;
To light the Came
Of patriot zeal, to aid thy country's cause,
Thine only aim.
'rho' sad was his fate, and mournful the story,
The deeds of the hero shall never decay--
He fell in the cause dear to freedom and glory,
And fought to the last, like a lion at bay.
When rang the loud call from the nation oppress'd,
And her valleys, with slaughter of brave men
were red ;
'Twos the pride of our Crockett to help the distress'd
And the watchword in Texas was heard, Go
His death-dealing rifle no longer shall shower
Its unerring balls on the proud, haughty foe,
Cut down in the spring-time of life's budding
His tombstone, alas ! are thy walls, A/unto.
Then may we not hope, since yalor has crown'd
And o'er him bright fame her mantle has spread ;
In the court's parting hour good angels were round
Bid the spirit arise to the skies, " Go ahead'!"
MIC~~~ a "sv OVd.
Death ! the great counsellor, who man inspires
With every nobler thought and fairer deed;
Death ! the deliverer, w:!o rescues man ;
Death ! the rewarder, who the rescued crowns."
DEATH IN mon pr.icas.—lt is well occasionally
to review the doings of the great leveller of the
human race, were it only to mark his impartiality.
If over he was partial, it has been in recent times
to public functionaries of the United States. The
frequency of death in highs places of late is remark
able. To say nothing of the long list of official
men, whose dust is now with the long line of low
monuments in the Congressional burial ground,with.
in the past two or three years, the fatal wand of the
great disenchanter has touched many of the sons of
ambition and of fame, and turned them to cold and
lifeless clay. If this article should meet the eye of
any of this class, let it not be passed too lighly over,
since they are in the shambles and will soon have
to go the same way. A little while since, Rodgers
sat at the head of the Navy Board, and was enroll
ed at the head of the Navy List. His name hos
been transferred to the roll of Death, and the hardy
sailor has cast his last anchor in the grave. He
sleeps among the brave, the eloquent and the wise
—as they were. In the same neighborhood lies
Tingey, who for many years served under the gov
ernment of his country. After sailing many years
over the sea of life, sometimes, in sunshine, some
times in the tempest, he too made fast near his
comrade. Not far was Ito carried from Isis com
mand at the Navy Yard to his lowly bed in the
earth. "Earth to earth—dust to dust." Next
followed Stevens, struck down from the same sta
tion by the unconquerable foe, the conqueror of all,
who never strikes his flag to the boldest and the
bravest. At night, Stevens was in the midst of
apparent health. In the morning, the spirit had de
parted! It was a limo of sudden death among
public men. 11. was joined unto the congregation
of the dead. It was not long before Patterson fol
lowed. He that was brave and troublesome to the
foe at New ('cleans, rejoicing in the common victo
ry over the armed myrmidons of England, could
not maintain the conflict with the old enemy, equal
ly expert and' dreadful on the land and sea. He
struck his c,10 , s and was conveyed to the silent
companionship of the Commodores and Generals,
whom the Spoiler has delivered over to the guar
dianship of the grave.
How sleep the brave, who sink to rest,
By all their country's wishes blest !
But if the power of arms does not avail with this
foe, still less does he yield to the force of argument
or the eloquence of appeals. If the warrior must
lay his laurels at his feet, the statesmen and the
civilian cannot be expected to do lees. On the 4th
of July, 184;!, Samuel L. Southard, acting Vice
President of the United States, and Francis S. Key,
an eminent lawyer, each delivered an eloquent ad
dress at the East lawn of the Capitol, under the
shade of wide-spread trees, to a multitude of Sab
bath School teachers and children. Before the rev
olution of another Independence Day, they had
both ceased from among the living, and were en
tombed with the lowly dead. Key, like Piekney,
of Maryland, and Webeter, of New Hampshire,
died in the midst of action. Almost literally were
they carried from the bar to the grave! from the
high elevation of mental toil to the lifeless inanity
of death. But they had done well in their day and
generation, and left an untarnished name to their
friends and country. Not only was the Senate, the
House, the Bar, and the Army visited by the Great
Leveller, but the Judicial Bench has received a
summons t Marshall, its light and its glory, onza
nzent unt, tureen et deems, as Cicero would say, had
not long disappeared; but it was by the slow pro
cess of discave, pre-admonishing his friends, that
they must Fepare their minds for the extinction of
that illustrious light. But Philip Barbour, who
sat on his left, had no warning. His spirits rats
high at night. In the morning he was dead. No
'friend was near to witness his last agony, to receive
his last breath. He was found in his bed a mass of
clay—the spirit gone! Save me from thus dying!
If kind Heaven will deign to answer that prayer,
Oh may say eyes, as they grow dim in the last
struggle, look on the faces of those that love ate,
see perhaps the starting tear, and read in the ex
pression e' t! o features of the living, that sympa
thy for the dying which is above all price. At the
funeral of Judge Barbour, Rev. Geo. G. Cookman,
then Chaplain to Congress, delivered an address in
his usual style, which was distinguished for simpli
city, pathos and power. He delivered his message
to the great ones before him with fidelity, as well as
feeling. "Be wise now, therefore," said he, "Oh
ye Rulers, be instructed, ye Judges of the earth,
kiss the Son, lest he be angry," ecc. In a few weeks
he went down into the depths of the Ocean wills all
on board the President. The President! what a
fatal name was that in 1941 ! Returning train the
inauguration of Harrison, i met Coukumn. Ho
shook me by the hand, "Farewell," said he, "I
am off to England, I am going to visit my aged
father, and to drop a tear on the grave of my moth
er." Also !he was neither to see the one, nor
weep over the grave the other. "Nor wife, nor
friends, nor sacred !ionic" was lie again to see.—
That tremendous catastrophe bereaved, in his case,
a wife and six children of their husband and father.
Oh Death! all modes, as well as "all seasons are
thine own."
In this way was the Conqueror dealing out his
fetal shafts on the right hand, and on the loft, whop
as if to attract a degree of attention he had never
yet commanded since the day Mat Washington
obeyed his high behest, he struck at the loftiest vic
tim he could find and the nation trembled under the
blow. The inauguration of Harrison was sublime,
but the funeral, who shall describe it 1 That was
a day never to be forgotten. And who was that
Chief, that rode at the head of so many brave men;
tried in battles on the land and on the sea, who in
full military dress followed the mortal remains of the
then Commander-in-Chief to the la.< resting place?
Maccomb; and in a few weeks the solemn sepul
chral rites were performed for him. He had when
in health described the peculiar style of the military
salute to the deceased President, as the body was
borne to the tomb. The Major General's salute
was soon paid to him ! Such is life.
Never did those lines of Groy.appear snore true
and impressive than after reviewing such a history
. The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power,
And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave,
Await alike the inevitable hour,
The paths of glory lead but to the grave."
Edmund Burke not only exclaimed poetically,
" What shadows we are, and what shadows we
pursue," but in horulier prose said ho " would not
give a pack of refuse wheat for all that is called
fame in the world." If this was his testimony in
life, what must it have been in death I Shall not
this nation see in all this the hand of Providence I
[N. Y. Jour. Cogs.
j A woman should never take a lover without
the consent of her heart; nor a husband without
the concurrence of her reason.
CO' The Ladies of New Orleans, OW bless them,
have decided that 0. K. means only kissing, noth
ing else in the world.
cO - • Attempts nt reform, when they fail, strength
en despotism—as he that struggles. tightens those
cords be door not succeed in breaking.
Prom the New York Tribune.
a g em ' The world owes me a living, and I'll have it,'
What a wonderful thing respectability is. It ii
we see its value more and more developed
every day we live. It excuses in those who have
says come blackleg, as ho finishes a luxurious re
past ; ' here, landlord, another bottle of prime Ma- I the distinction to possess it, all sorts of pranks and
deria!' I tuff a doacn empty headed fops, who sat capers, and justifies any little intrusion on social
gazing on him by stealth, in silent admiration, hail order,and even law, they see proper to commit.
the sentiment with a shout of rapturous applause : Not so with common folks. There is a deal of
' That's it! the world owes us a good living and difference between respectable people and common
we'll have it !--landlord ! more wine here ! 'we i people, If the latter do not toe the mark they aro
won't go home till morning.' ' Let's 'go it while made to do it; there is lase for it. .
we're young.' ' Who cares for expense?" The It is best to be born respectable. But if yott
consequence of this is the pilfering of money-draw. cannot fix it so as to come into the world with a
era, the ignominious loss of employment, genteel respectable pedigree, just follow sonic respectable
loferism, and so on, until one of these enterprising man about as though you were his tail ; think as he
gentlemen, in eager pursuit of the ' good living' the thinks, do as he does; and do any thing he wishes
world owes him, puts the wrong man's name to a you to do, no matter whether it he a violation of
check, or in somekindred way gets a ticket for the low, gospel, or good manners, and iris to one you
marble palace at Sing Sing, where the State pro- come off Scott free. Respectability is an avaiiable
vides a' living' for those it considers deserving, but and easy substitute for Conscience Hotter, and
not just such a one as consists with their own esti- 1 Religion!
mate of exalted merirs. 1 ' Wealth,' and ' respectable connexions' have
The great error in this case is the original maxim. I saved the ludo of many a thief and the neck of many
It is false and detestable. 'The world owes you a a murderer. The power loses none of its potency
living How owes? Have you earned it by as cociety grows older! Look at rascality through
good service h If you have, whether on the anvil the veil of respectability, and you will perceive He
or in the pulp f; as a toiler or a teacher, you have I deformed proportions and foul colors marvellously
acquired a just right to a livelihood. But if you I altered for the better. Let the Sheriff make a mis
have eaten as much as you hove earned—worse still take and nab a person of respectability for any out
-have done little or no good, the world owes you I rage upon the laws of his country and the rights of
nothing. You may be worth millions, and be able his fellow creatures, every one ut once perceives that
to enjoy every imagin'ary luxury without care or it would be a disgrace upon his uncle, the great,
effort; but if you have nothing to increase the sum i So-and-so, and his cousin, the respectable Squire
of human comforts, instead of the world owing you Such-a-ono, to punish him I
any thing, as fools have babbled, you are morally
bankrupt and a beggar. If the respectability failed in its pleading kir the
culprit, that mighty < power behind the throne,'
Mandkind are just awaking ton consciousness of
duty resting on every other man to be active and cash, will huh him merry, and pardon, and rigt
hand of fellowship in respectable society.
useful in his day and his sphere. All are not called
Judge, Jury, Lawyer, Preachers, and for a time,
to dig or hew—to plough or plane—but every man
in two many instances, the blind and patient ass,
has a sphere of usefulness allotted to him by Provi
dence, and is unfaithful to his high trust if he de- the public are complacently join in excusing the
crime of the respectable. And the most courageous
sects it for idle pomp or heedless luxury. One mai
express that equivocal disapprobation which enema.
may be fitted by nature and inclination for an rut!
zan, another for a sailor, and a third for a merchant ; ages a 'refill" of the offence.
but no man was ever born fitted only to be an idler
Respectable violators of the !
law ! Respectable
and a drone. Those who become such are the vie-
disturbers of the public peace Respectable inns
tims of preverse circumstance and a deplorably false dors of the most sacred rights of one's neighbors l—
And in communities where republican doctrines
. But hos not a rich man a right to enjoy his and religious sentiments prevail !
wealthl' Most certainly: wo would be the last to Respectability used to be conferred by quite a
straightforward, courageous walk .d cheerful cow
deprive him of it. He has a natural and legal right pliance with the laws of the country. But this is
to possess and enjoy it in any manner not injurious n age of improvement.
to others; but he has no moral right to be useless
because he has superior means of being useful. Let
him surround himself with all the comforts and lux- A P.m, CIIAIIACTER.-Long:John Went
uries oflife ; let the master piece of art smile on him i worth, editor of the Chicago Democrat, and recent
in his galleries and the mighty minds of all ages'; ly elected to Congress, gives the following account
speak to him from his library. Let plenty deck his l of himsel f: board, and the faces of these he loves gatherju7fullY 1 <, This is the same Col. Wentworth—Col. John
round it. Let him possess in abundance the means Wentworth—who packed a Convention almost
of satisfying every pure and just desire of nature, unanimously—whipped his wife—turned five of his
and become wiser, nobler, larger in soul than his children out of doors in a cold winter's night—
less fortunate neighbor. But let him never forget—lebroke up five married couple—run away with throe
as, if properly trained lie can—that it is his solemnmons' wives—was baptized by Joe Smith in Neu
duty to be useful to his fellow creatures, especially I voo, as n good Mormon—expended sixteen cents at
to the depressed and suffering--to labor to the ben- I Juliet for whiskey—stole a printing press at Juliet,
efit, and suffer, if need be, for their elevation. .d then stretched himself on a six mile prairie to
The servile idolatry with which ignorance and pick his teeth with it—committed himself to Van
Buren in 1844 as his favorite for nomination in
vulgarity have looked up to power and wealth--the
hozannas which the trampled millions have sung 118.14--called the Irish all sorts of hard names—
before the ears of conquerors and other scourges of ! tried to set the Catholic Church on fire—sold him
the earth—rue fading and flitting forever. In the! self to John Tyler and took his pay in Virginia
twilight which succeeds this gross darkness, therej Negroes—finally fell from a home and broke his
comes a season of moral anarchy, when men, afar
neck, was buried the next day and then rose again,
and before he paid his funeral expenses got elected
having lost faith in the juggles which once blinded
and bound them, resolve to believe nothing—
to do. to Congress by 1831 majority, where, strange to say
cry and prostrate all that rises above the lowest
the Sauget. Journal wishes to see hint useful and
respected use representative."
level. Now the laborer with his sinews returns i
hatred for the contempt once cast upon him, and
says, , What good is there in any thing hut manual
labor?—away with all else!—those whose labor is
chiefly mental aro deceivers and moths r But this
is a transitory ebullition. The world soon learns to
respect its benefactors in whatever sphere and to
realize that he who truly and honorably exerts
himself in some department of useful effort may
justly claim a brotherhood with all who toil, and
make and earn. Let the rich cease to look down
on the poor—the merchant on the porter; let each
respect the dignity of Man, whether in his own
person or that of his less fortunate brother; let
haughtiness and pride cease on one side, and envy,
jealousy and hatred, with their train of direful con
sequences, will vanish from the other, and all, ani
mated by common kindness, will move forward in
concord to tho attainment of the highest good,
"I told you so!"
Wife! wife! our cow's dead—choked with a
I told yuu su. I always know'd she'd choke
herself with them turnips.'
'But it was a pumpkin—a darned big one.'
Wel, it's all the same. I know'd all along how
it would be. Nobody but a ninny, like you, would
feed a cow on pumpkins that was'nt chopt.'
The pumpkins was chopt. And twan't the
pumpkins neither, what choked her. Twos the
tray--the end wit is sticking out of hor mouth
. Ugh! Ugh! Thoro goes my bread tray. No
longer ago than yesterday, I told you the cow would
swallow that tray.'
Zs Pay debts promply, and exact your dues ;
keep your word, take a good newspaper end you
oust sccecod.
'cV;Pllacollas> !Tez),;, 421e13.,
Et.° nut, N T EITItACT.••‘. Generation after gen•
mention," soya an eloquent writer, " have felt as wo
feel, and their fellows were as active in life as ours.
They passed away like a vapor, while nature wore
the same aspect of beauty as when her Creator
commanded her to be. And so likewise shall it be
when we are gone. The heavens shall be as bright
over our graves as now around our path; the world
will have the same attraction for offspring yet
unborn, that she had once for ourselves, and that
she has now for our children. Yet a little while
and all this will have happened. The throbbing
heart will be stilled, and we shall be at rest. Our
funeral will wind on its way, and the prayers will
be said, and the grave clods will be thrown in, and
our friends will all return, and we shall be left be
hind to darkness and the worm.
12-. When a certain lady who had been charmed
by his writings, but had never seen his person,
wrote to Mirabenu, saying how much she longed to
see hint, and begged that ho would describe himself
to her; he complied with the request of the fair en
thusiastic, in these btief and self auditory terms ;—
Figmc to yourself a tiger that has had the small
pox !"
CO - A medical student in Virginia has found a
kce to the lock jaw.
Zj' Why is fortune like P ? Because it makes
an Asap/as.
Tits Larer MAN.—A lady a few evenings ago,
after having for some time attentively read Mrs.
Shelley's novel, entitled "The Last Man," threw
down the book and emphatically exclaimed, .qhe
last mutt! bless Inc! if such a thing should happen
what would heroine of the women!'