- qt. lIV\TINGDON JOIJR"\AL. Debottlx to General linttiltstnce, iflintliottig, DoMiro, literature, ftloratttz arto, *drum, Martculture, notttocutcstt, $c t., &Ir. VrceDll. LIZZE 9 &Tara. a. PEDLIEBED ET THEODORE H. CREMER. Raacion-ma.m. The "lamina." will be publiehed every Wed nesday looming, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance, Ind if not paid within six months, $2 50, No subscription received for a shorter period than Sir months, nor any paper discontinued till all ar risme@ are paid. Advertisements not exceeding one equare, will be inserted three times for $1 00, and for every subse quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are given as to the time an advertisement is to be continu ed, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged ac cordingly. 4 " ‘ DANK NOTE E=ST Renee of Mount in Philadelphia, Banks in Philadelphia. Bank of North America - p a r Bank of the Northern Liberties par Bank of Penn Township • - par Commercial Bank of Penn'a. par Farmers' & Mechanics' bank • - par Kensington bank - par Schuylkill bank - - - - par Mechanics' bank • 4- • - par Philadelphia bank - - par Southwark bank - - par %Neater!) hank - - par Moyamensing hank - - par Manufacturers' and Mechanics' bank par Bank of Pennsylvania - - par Girard bank - - - 10 laVOftiWifitited States Country Banks. Bank of Chester co. Westchester par Bank of Delaware co. Chester par Bank of Germantown Germantown par Bank of Montg'ry co. Norristown par Doylestown bank Doylestown par Easton Bank Easton par Farmers' bk of Bucks co. Bristol par Bank of Northumbctl'd Northumberland par Honesdale bank Honesdale 1+ Farmers' bk of Lanc. Lancaster 14 Lancaster bank Lancaster I Lancaster county bank Lancaster 4 Bank of Pittsburg Pittsburg 14 Merch'ts' & Manuf. bk. Pittsburg 4 Exchange bank Pittsburg f Do, do. branch of Hollidayg,burs 4 Col'a bk & bridge co. Columbia i Franklin bank Washington 14 Monongahela bk of B. Brownsville 34 Farmers' bk of Reading Reading , 4 Lebanon hank Lebanon 14 Bank of Middletown Middletown 14 Carlisle bank Carlisle 14 Erie bank __. Erie a Hank ofChambersburg Chambersburg 1 -Bank of Gettysburg Gettysburg I I York bank York _ Harrisburg hank Harrisburg 1i Miners' bk of Pottsville Pottsville _l4 Dank of Susquehanna co. Montrose 35 Farmers' be Drovers' bk Way nesbcrough 3 Bank of Lewistown Lewistown 2 Wyoming hank Wilkesbarre 2 Northampton bank Allentown no sale Berks county bank Reading no sale West Branch bank Williamsport 10 Towanda bank Towanda 90 Rates of Relief Notes. Northern Liberties, Delaware County, Far mers' Bask of Bucks, Germantown par AU others - - - - - 1a 4 FRANKLIN HOUSE, linnlingdon, Pennsylvania. CURISTIAN COUTS, OULD most respectfully inform the citizens of this county, the public generally, and his old friends and customers in particular, that he has leased for a term of years, that large and commodious building the est end of the Diamond, in the bo rough of Huntingdon, formerly kept by An drew H. Hirst, which lie has opened and furnished as a Public House, where every attention that will minister to the comfort and convenience of guests will always be found. actaG3 LU 3 a3:V9DLIcs) will at all times be abundantly supplied with the best to be had in the country. u2ass zL3arlEv will be furnished with the best of Liquors, and lIIS STIMLIA G is the very best in the borough, and will :,'ways be attended by the most trusty, at tentive and experienced ostlers. Mr. Couts pledges himself to make every exertion to render the "Franklin House" a home to all who may favor him with a call. Thankful to his old customers for past favors, he respectfully solicits a continuance of their custom. _ Boarders, by the year, month, or week, will be taken on reasonable terms. Huntingdon, Nov. 8. 1843. CHAIRS ! CHAIRS ! ! The subscriber is now prepared to furnish every description of CHAIRS, from the plain kitchen to the most splendid and fash ionable one for the parlor. Also the LUXURIOUS AND EASY CHAIR FOR THE INVALID, o which the feeble and afflicted invalid, though unable to walk even with the aid of crutches, may with ease move himself from room to room, through the garden and in the street. with great rapidity. Those who are about going to housekeep ing, will find it to their advantage to give him a call, whilst the Student and Gentle man of leisure are sure to find in his newly invented Revolving Chair, that comfort which no other article of the kind is capable of affording. Country merchants and ship pers can be supplied with any quantity at short notice. ABRAHAM McDONOUGH, No. 113 South Second street, two doors helow Dock, Philadelphia. May 31, 1843.-1 yr, ulaurazz.4.,ym•op„ upau.,, a:l4Q.szrcrt.:Q.zi3zy..• av, a€D42.41,;. ROCKDALE FOUNDRY. fo . i.m su ti b, e sc c r' =;27il,== adjoining counties, that he still continues to carry on business at the Rockdale Foundry, on Clover Creek, two miles from Williams burg, where he isprepared to execute all orders in his line, of the best materials and workmanship, and with promptness and de spatch He will keep constantly on hand stoves of ever description, such as eootting, /Len jHate, Parlor, Coal, Rotary, Cooking and Wood Stoves: Livingston Ploughs, Anvils, Hammers, Hollow Ware and every kind of castings necessary for for ges, mills or machinery of any description ; wagon boxes of all descriptions, er,t. , which can be had on as good terms as they can be had at any other foundry in the county or state. Remember the Rockdale Foundry. WILLIAM KENNEDY. Jan. 11th 1843. ESTATE OF JEREMIAH (ItEENALL, Late of Cromwell township, Huntingdon county, deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters of ad ministration upon the said estate have been granted to the undersigned. All persons having claims or demands against the same are requested to make them known without delay, and all persons indebted to make im mediate payment to JOHN H. HUNTER, Adm'r. Nov. 15, 1843.-6 t. Cromwell tp. Estate of Margaret Clayton, Late of West township Huntingdon county deceased. . . Notice is het eby given, that letters testa mentary upon the will of said dec'd have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same are requested to present them duly authenticated for set Clement, to JOHN WATT, GEORGE WILSON, Exr's Nov. 29, 1343. To Farmers and Capitalists. The tract at land near Brewster's Tannery, in Shirley township, called the "Roberts Farm," containing two hundred and eighty acres more or less, seventy or eighty o which are cleared, with :, house, a barn, Grist Mill with two run of Stones, and a saw mill thereon, about three miles from the town of Shirleysburg, is offered for sale. Farmers who wish to purchase a farm for themselves or their sons are invited to examine the 'Roberts Farm." If not sold at private sale, this farm will be offered at public outcry at the court house, in Hunt ingdon, on Thursday the 27th day of Janu ary. 1844. _ _ _ for I further particulars inquire of the sub scriber at Huntingdon. ISAAC FISHER, Attorney and agent of Martha Pennock, the owner. Dec. 20,1843. Snyder's Pegetable Concrete. do certify that my wife was afflicted for some time with a very severe cough, with a pain in the breast, and after many other remedies had failed 1 was induced to procure a bottle of J. Snyder's Vegetable Concrete, and she was perfectly restored by the use of part of a bottle full. HUGH KELLEY, For sale by Jacob Snyder, Hollidaysburg, Jan. 18, 1843. Estato of SAMUEL UTLEY, Lute of Snyder township, deceased. Tr _ EVIERS of administration on the said timlaestate have been granted to the under signed. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against it will pre sent them properly authenticated for settle ment without delay, to DAVID BEYER. Adm'r, Oct. 25, 1843.-6 t West tp Estate of Robert M'Nit. late o f Tyrone tp. Huntingdon co. • deceased. woricE is hereby given that letters of ill administration upon the said estate have been granted to the undersigned. All persons having claims or demands against the same are requested to make them known without delay, and all persons indebted to make immediate payment to JOSEPH MORROW, Mm'r. Dec. 6, 1843. Z'CI:).l."tEl. LL persons indebted to the subscriber, CAA to save cost will make immediate pay ment. All the accounts are now in the hands of a proper officer for collection—it is useless to wait any longer. He is deter ned to'have money if it is to be had ; he has a desire to pay his creditors, and therefore urges payment of those who owe him. JACOB HOFFMAN. Huntingdon Nov. 15, 1843. N. B. The subscriber still continues the practice of Physic, as usual, at his old office, a few doors west of the Jail, Mifflin street, Huntingdon. !J. H. 'I& It. GIRINZIEZ) lITTORXIBIim .1T La lit lIMNTINGDON, PA Job Printing. NEATLY EXECUTED IT THIS OFFICE. °.PT sticr. Thomas M'Namara and Samuel Royer, lately trading under the firm of M'Namara & Royer, at Portage Iron Works, turd George W. M'Bride, Samuel Royer and Thomas M'Namara, lately trading under the firm of M'Bridc, Royer &co, at said Works, having by deed of assignment bear• ing date the 10th day of May, 1842, record ed in the same month in the Recorder's office in and for Huntingdon county in record book C No. 2, pages 492 &c., assigned and transferred to the undersigned all debts and claims due and owing to the said late firms, at or on account of said Portage Iron Works' in trust for payment of creditors of said late firms; all persons are hereby required to make immediate settlement with and pay ment to the undersigned, of any and all debts and claims due and owing to either of the said late firms at said works; and all persons arc hereby notified and warned not to pay any debts or claims due and owing to either of the said late firms at said Works, to any person or persons whatever, but to the undersigned or one of them or their duly authorized attorn ey . EDWARD BELL, JOSEPH HIGGINS. Portage Iron Works, Deo 20, 1843. For Sale or Rent. The undersigned will other sell or lease on favorable terms, that tract of fatal situ ate in West township, Huntingdon county, near the mouth of Murrays Rnn, adjoining lands of John Stewart, Nathan Gorsuch and others containing about 250 ACRES, of which about 50 are cleared, with a small hewed log house and barn thereon, the same being about two miles distant' from the Warm Springs. Any person wishing to purchase or rent the farm, can call upon Bell do Orbi son, in Huntingdon, who will attend to sel ling or leasing the same. Possession will be given on the Ist of April next. ABRAHAM C NRTER. Dec. 27, 183 S. ':§iz) r.cti•ao The Washington Hotel, in the borough of Bellefonte, now in the tenure tl George Armstrong, will be let for a term of years, from the first day of April next. It is the old stand kept by the late Evan Miles, in his life time, for upwards of twenty-five years, and is one of the best in the interior of Pennsylvania. Apply to the subscriber in Bellefo Centre county. REBECCA MILES. Dec.rlB43. Eimatingdon academy. TRoposALs will be received for build ing an Academy in connection with a dwell ing house, in the borough of Huntingdon, up to the 19th day of January next. A plan of the building and specifications may be seen on application tothc undersigned. rite proposals roust state the sum required in cluding the use of the materials on the prem ises known as "the old brick church, ' and also the amount exclusive. W. ORBISON, Sec. of the Board. Dec. 20. 1543. ISAAC FISZER ATTORNEY AT LAW• IRAS removed to Huntingdon, with the intention of making it the place of his future residence, and will attend to such legal busi ness as may be entrusted to him. Pec. 20, 1'1.3. TO THE Manufacturers of Iron. THE Furnace and Forge with lands and ore beds appurtenant, in Cromwell township, Hunttngdon county, called the "Chester Iron Works," are °tiered for rent on a lease for a term of years, The rem will 0e received in either money or iron, as the tennant may prefer For further particulars inquire of the subscriber at Huntingdon. ISAAC FISHER, Attorney and agent for Martha Pennock, the owner. Dec. 20, 1843. List of Letters Remaining in the Post Office at Alexandria, Pa.. on the Ist of January, 1844, which if not token out within three months, will be sent to the General Post Office as dead letters. Brix ke Davis. Irvin James, Bisben John, Johnston Thomas, Butts John R. 2 Kaufman Reuben B. Baker John, K.,,de Henry, Cresswell Nicholas, Kinports Gideon, Dewalt Peter, Miller Misttr, Davis Patrick, Miller Samuel D. Deco John P. M'Donald John, Drenkle Henry S. M'Clnre Andrew, Davis Elizabeth, Neff Isaac M. Furll John, Neff John A. Gardner James. Porter John, Green Miles S. Stitzer Householder Michr el,Walker John Esq. Hamer Samuel, Wristar William, Herrencane Jacob, Young Geo. B. JOHN GEMMILI., P. M. Alexandria Jan. 1, 1844. urazai HOTEL. No. 200 MARKET STREET, (Above 6th Street) Philadelphia. BOARDING $lOO PER DAV. ATHE subscriber, thankful for the liberal support of his triends and the public generally, respectfully informs them that he still continues at the old established house, where he will be pleased to accommodate all those who favor him with their patronage. CHRISTIAN BROWER. Dec. 14, 184t—tf. POMTRT. Frani the Louisville Journal. The Voice is Unshed. DI AIMS It. S. NICHOL. The voice is hushed, whose seraph tones Were wont to thrill the twilight air; My soul no sweeter mimic owns Than that which hailed me nightly there! That voice is heard in Sabbath songs, That float through bright, angelic spheres— To her a holier task belongs-- "fie mine to dry the starting tears ! The lips are pale, that once gave birth To words of sweetest, tenderest love ; None brighter glowed upon the earth— None brighter gleam in Heaven above! How sweetly formed to utter prayer, Pow like the deep, red rose in hue, That bloomed within her garden fair— Alas ! that it has faded too ! The orbs arc dimmed—the stars which shed Their softest beams ou those blue eyes, From their familiar haunts have fled To light a world beyond the skies. Yet still, methinks, when midnight holds Its deep communion with the earth. Those eyes look down through fleecy folds Of white and blue, upon our hearth ! That form is cold—no more I'll press My lips upon its snowy brow; What living streams of tenderness With her warm life have crowed to flow ! But see the throne in realms on High, Where angels hymn one choral strain; How 'mid the throng she glideth by The fairest of the cherub train! Temperance Mee. DT MR, DANA '' Sparkling and bright in its liqid light, Is the water in our glasses; 'Twill give you health, 'twill give you wealth, Ye lads and rosy leases. Ceonos.—Oh then resign your ruby wine, each smiting son and daughter; There's nothing so good for the youthful blood, Or sweet as the sparkling water. Better than gold is the water cold, From the chrystal fountain flowing; A, , alm delight both day and night, happy homes bestowing. Oh then resign your ruby wine, &c. it v aartaw ham fled from the heart that bled, Of the weeping wife and mother; They've given up the poison'd cup, Son, husband, daughter, brother. Oh then resign your ruby wine, dc. IVIIC:MLLA.II - 2070. IF MY HUSBAND WERE TO DO SO. A DOMESTIC INCIDENT. " Poor woman ! What a thousand pities it is for her !' said Mrs. Grimes, with feeling,. I wonder how she stands it. If my husband were to act so, it would kill me.' I could never stand it in the world,' added Mrs. Pith. is a dreadful situation for a woman to be placed in. Mr. Larkin used to be one of the best of men, and took the best possiblo care of his family. For years there waa not a happier woman in town than his wife, but now it makes one's heart ache to look at her. Oh !it must be one of the most heart breaking things in the world to have a drunken husband. ' Well, all I've got to any,' spoke up Mr.. Peters, with warmth , is, that I don't pitty her much.' Why, Mrs. Peters! how can you talk so V Well, I don't! Any woman who will live with a drunken husband, don't deserve pity. Why don't she leave him 1' That is easier said than done, Mrs. Peters.' ' I should think it a great deal easier than to live with a drunken brute, and have her life tormented out of her. If my husband were to do so, I reckon him and me would part before twenty-four hours.' Now Mrs. Peters' husband was a most excellent man—and a sober man, withal. And his wife was tenderly attached to him. In regard to his ever be coming a drunkard she had as little fear as of his running off and leaving her. Still, when she made the last remark, she looked towards him, (for he was present,) with a stern and significant expression on her countenance. This was not really meant for him, but for the imaginary individual she had sup posed as bearing the relation towards her—a drun ken husband. You would, world you!' Mr. Peters replied to the warmly expressed resolution uttered by his wife. < Yes, that I would !' half laughingly, and half seriously, retorted Mrs. Peters. < You don't know what you are talking about,' spoke Mrs. Grimes. < Indeed, then, I do! I consider any woman a fool who will live with a drunken husband. For my part I have not a spark of sympathy for the wives of drunkards—l mean those who live with the men who beggar and abuse them. Mere disgusting brutes—the very sight of whom is enough to turn a woman's stomach.' You were never placed in such a situation, and therefore are not competent to decide how far a wo man, who continues to live with a druken husband, is or is not to blame. For my part, I am inclined to think that, in most cases, to live with the hus band under these circumstances, is the least of two evils.' This was said by Mrs. Pitts. ' I think you are right there,' resumed Mr. Peters. A woman feels towards her own hushand, the father of her children, and the man if life's spring time won her best and purest affections, very differ ently to what she does towards another man. She knows all his good qualities, and remembers how tenderly he has loved her o and how he still would love her, but for the mad infatuation from which he feels it almost impossible to break away. The hope that he will reform never leaves her. When she looks at her children, even though abused and ne glected, she cannot but hope that their father will ultimately renounce his evil habits. And this hope keeps her up.' All nonsense,' Mm. Peters replied warmly.— ' Any woman is a fool to feed herself up with such fancies. There is only one true remedy, and that is separation. That's what I'd do, and what every woman of Berme ought to do. Don't tell her about hope of reforming. It's all nonsense. You would not catch me breaking my heart after that fashion for any man. Not I.' The more Mrs. Grimes and Mrs. Pitts, and others present urged their Bide of the question, the More pertinaciously did she maintain the position she as sumed, until Mr. Peters could not help feeling somewhat vexed and some little hurt. He being her husband, and the only one who could possibly hold the relation to her of a drunken husband, he must be the man towards whom all her indignation was directed—under the imagined possibility of his becoming a tippler. After a while the subject was dropped, and at the close of the social evening, the friends separated and went to their own homes. It was perhaps two months from the period at which this conversation occurred, that Mr. Peters left phis home early in the evening, to attend a po litical meeting—politics at that time running high, and hard cider flowing as freely as water. He was in the habit of attending such meetings and of par taking of his portion of cider, and at times of some thing stronger, but as he was a sober man, and a man too, of strong good sense and 6rm principles, the thought of his ever partaking too freely, never crossed the mind of his wife. Regular in his habits, he was rarely out after ten o'clock. on any occasion. But this time, ten came, and even eleven, but he was still away. This was u circumstance so unusual, that his wife could not help feeling a degree of uneasiness. She went to the door end listened for him. after the clock bad I struck eleven, and stood there for some time, ex pecting every moment to hear the sound of his footsteps in the distance. But she waited in vain, and at last reentered the house, with a troubled feeling. At last the clock struck twelve, and almost, at the same time she heard her husband at the door, endeavoring to open it with the dead-latch key. In this he was not successful from some cause, and thinking that she might have turned the key, Mrs. Peters went quietly and opened the doer for him.— she found that she had not locked it. As she lifted the latch, the door was thrown sud denly against her, and her husband came staggering in. As he passed her, he struck against the wall of the passage—rebounded—struck the other side, and then fell heavily upon the floor. The dreadful truth instantly flashed upon her.— He was drunk. For e. moment her heart ceased to beat, her head reeled, and she then had to lean against the wall to keep her from falling. Then all the tender emotions of her heart rushed freely into activity. It was tier own husband who lay before her, overcome by the master-spirit of strong drink. With almost superhuman strength, she raised him up, although a large man, and supported him by the arms until she got him up stairs, and laid him upon the bed. By this time lie seemed perfectly stupid, and only mumbled incoherent replies to the frequent and tender importunities of his wife. Alter some time she got him undressed and !n bed. But he grew more and more stupid every moment. Oh, what if he should die!' the poor wife moa ned anxiously, while the tears that had at first gushed out still continued to flow freely. She also washed his face with cold water, and tried various means to accuse him from the lethargy of drunken ness. But all to no purpose. At lust, despairing of success, she laid down be side him, in tears, drew her arms around his neck, and laid her face tenderly against his. She had lain thus for about five minutes, when her husband called her name in a whisper. Oh, how eagerly did she listen after her response to his call. If my husband were to do so!' As he said this, still in whisper hut a very ex- pressive one, he looked her steadily in the face with a rougish twinkle of the eyes, and a quivering of the lips, the muscles of which could with difficulty restrain from wreathing those expressive organs into a merry smile. Airs. Peters understood the whole scene in a mo ment, and boxed her husband's ears soundly on the spot, for very joy, while he laughed until his sides ached as bad as his cars. In all after discussions upon the various unfortu nato relations of man and wife, Mrs. Peters was very careful how she declared her course of action, were she placed in similar circumstances. If in any case, she was led unthinkingly to do so, the remark of her husband, made with a peculiar inflection of the voice: Oh, yes, if my husband were to do so' —had the happiest effect imaginable, and instantly put an end to the unprofitable discussion. 1 - J'az), er-IsaV. AN ORIGINAL Sonic yearn since, an acquaintance of ours (al out on horseback from the eastern part of Massa chusetts for the Green Mountains of Vermont.— While travelling through the town of New Salem, his road led into a piece of woods some few miles in length, and long before he got out of which he began to entertain doubts whether he should he blest with the sight of a human habitation; but as ull things must have an end, so at last the woods, and the nut-brown house of a farmer greeted his vision. Near the road was is tall, raw-boned, over-grown, lantern-jawed boy, probably seventeen years of ego, digging potatoen. Ire was a carious figure to ho d hold. What was lacking in the length of his tow s breeches was amply made up for behind; his sue ponders appeared to be composed of birch bark, , grape-vine and sheep-skin ; and as for his hut. 1 wluch wan of dingy white felt—poor thing, it hod once evidently seen better days--but now, alas! it was the shadow of its glory. Whether the tern. i pests of tune hod beaten the top in, or the lad'a expanding genius had burst it out, it was missing— and through the aperture red hairs in abundance stood six ways for Sunday. In short, he was ono 1 of the roughest specimens of domestic manias, ture that ever mortal beheld. Our travelling friend. feeling an itching to scrape nequaintanee with the critter, drew up the reins of his horse and began : .llallo, my friend, can you inform trio how fine it is to the next house r Jonathan started up—leaned on his hoe-handle— rested one foot tor the gambrel of his sinister kg; and replied— , Hallo yourself! how'd dew? Welt, I jest ran. Taint near so far as it used to be afore they cut the woods away--then 'twas generally reckoned firm miles, but now the sun shrivels up the road, and don't make 'men tew. The fast house you come to though, is a barn, oral the treat is a hey-stark ; but old Hoshin's house is on ',cyan'. You'll he sure to meet his gals long afore you get there; nil rompin' critters, they plague our foil,: little. His sheep git in our pasture every an his gals in our orchard. Dad sets the do ; retry the sheep, and me atter the gals; end fie vre mskes the wool and petticoats fly, is a sin to snakes.' 'I see you are inclined to be facetious., young man—pray tell me how it happens that one of you; legs is shorter then the ether !' • I never 'lows any body to meddle with my gram 'anglers, mister; but seein' it's you, I'll tell ye. I was born so at my 'tickler request, so, that when I hold a plough, I can go with one foot in the tuner, and t'other on land, and not lop over; besides, it is very convenient wheri I mow round a side hill.' Very good indeed ; how do your potatoes cows out this year I' They don't come at all; I digs 'eni out; and there's an everlastin' snarl of 'em in each But thr i i are small, I perceive.' Yes, I know it—you see we planted some whop pin' blue noses over in that crc patch there, and they flourished so all-tiredly, that these 'ere stopt growite just out of spite; 'cause they knowed they couldn' begin to keep tip.' You appear to be pretty smart, end I should think you could afford a better hat than the one you war.' The looks aint nothing' ; it's all in the beha viour. This 'ere hat was my Sunday-go-to-meetne hat, and it's just as chock full of piety as a dog is full oT fleas. I've got a better one to hum, but I don't dig titters in it no how.' You have been in these parts some time, I should guess.' I guess in IC W. I was borne(' and got my brought-in-up in that 'ere house, but Iny native place is down in roolunlc.' Then you said it was about three and a half miles to the next house ?' Yes, sir, it was a spell ago; and I don't believe it's grown much shorter since.' 'Much obliged. Good bye.' Good bye to ye—that's a dam slick home of pout n.' There reader—there is a Jonathan for you of the first water. You don't find his equal every where. TUE x (mist.. AND WORKET.-" How ofion do you change your shirts?" inquired an exquisite, the other day, in an insulting tone, of a hard-fisted workey, " Once a week, besides Sundays," was the reply. "How often do you 3" "Every day, you vagabond." " What a duced dirty fellow you roust be, to be sure!" I didn't like the minister's sermon, list Sun day." "Didn't like it, brother A 1 Why, I new you nodding assent to eveiy proposition of the parson." A gentleman was asked why he called another smart. He replied :—" Why, he has been living two years, to my certain knowledge, without earn. the first red cent, and had no capital to commence with. If that isn't an evidence of Fatalness, I don't know What is." Shut the door—yes shut it. You found it closed when you entered; why, then, should you leave it open I TRANRCANDENTACTO pronounce any aarr tion to be a felschocal, is said to he vulgar. It„,:a more polite to call it a ' ful rnin,tin of elonguoil vera,ity,"