Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 27, 1843, Image 3

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    GZI ai DI c.
. 1 11onlingdoia - , Doc. 27, 1843.
Wood is wanted at this otilco in payment of sub.
scription, advertising and job work.
To Advertisers,
Advertisements must be handed in on Tuesday
morning before 9 o'clock to insure their insertion in
next Morning's:paper.
Religions Notice.
Divine worship, according to the usages of the
Protestant Episcopal Church, will ho held at the
Academy in this Borough, every Sunday, at the
11(Qrs of 11 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon.
'The Rev. Mr. FIELD is the officiating minister,
and resides in this place, at Mrs. Clarke's.
WANTED,—On accounts due
at this Iffice—
200 Bushels of Wheat,
60 do. Corn,
40 do. Buckwheat,
100 do. Oats,
50 do. • Potatoes,
30 do. Apples,
3000 Pounds of Pork,
300 do. Beef.
Persons k.sirous of making payment in any of
the above aticles will please bring them on soon
or gi‘e notic of their intention to do so, and stat,
to what annant, without delay. The market price
will be alloyed for them by
Dmocratic Harrison
5T.911113 COS, PEA TIOA
The molders of the Democratic Harrison party
of Penusvlinia—those who unite with them vs
allies in thachievement of that glorious political
victory in 840, the result of which was the elec
tion of tht pure, venerated and much lamented
to the Fredonia! Chair—those who have hitherto
consistentLhattled for "the Supremacy of the
Laws," where opposed to all mysteries, whether
of the Govoment or otherwise, which aro inacces
sible to thopublic eye—those who are opposed to
favored clses and monopolies either of office or
power—the who are tired of experiments upon
the Corinne, Manufactures and currency of the
country, al all others who are convinced of the
necessity Oso reforming the abuses of the State
and Natiol Government as to secure their prompt,
faithful, onomical and energetic administration,
with a sat accountability to the people, on the
part of thi by whom they are administered, are
requested t the State Central Committee of the
Democatillarrison party, to meet in their several
Counties ad Districts, grid in conformity with
former usis, to elect Delegates in proportion to
the null Senators and Representatives in the
State Le t are from such Counties and Districts
to aS r CON VE NTION to be held at Harrisburg
on MONA', *the 4th day of MARCH next, at
12 o'cloci M., to nominate a suitable candidate
for Gov, to be supported by the friends of good
order at ta• next General Election, and to do such
other actin] things as may be deemed necessary.
The I County Committees will be careful
to give t roper notices in their respective counties.
ROE FORD, Lancaszer. •
MAR DENNY, Allegheny.
.LIAM M. W ATTS,.Erie.
N G. MILES, Huntingd7n.
. N TAGGART, Northuniber'and.
LIAM HUGHES, Phil'a county.
• . N RICHARDS, Berks.
.;013 WEYGANT, No.lhampton.
Lanett, December 8,1843.
Durenism Miumphant.
The *lisle Herald says, Mr. Van Buren's
friends ,ve triumphed gloriously in carrying off
the " at Washington. Every office of the
11n Atatives—Speaker, Clerk, Assis
,..ant-at-Arms, Doorkeeper, and every
e is filled by a friend of Mr. Van Buren!
:g tilting, the Buchanan candidate for Speaker,
......i„OlV•one vote! What a commentary this upon
the blurring profe.ions of Mr. Buchanan's friends
in thitiiate ! When the time for action arrives,
their Mate pride" vanishes and the great Penn
sylvar,Stateomen is supported by one vote ! Mr.
Calhcfs friends too, have beets completely out
genera by the superior dexterity of the friends
of thdagician, and the pround " chivalry" of the.
Seabeds to yield to the " phlegmatic" cool and
calcuing North, as was apprehended by the Pitts
burg Lehman address lately published. Thus has
the tlig been• managed, and so delighted are the
Van nrenites wills their triumph, that they are
ahem intimating that Mr. Calhoun will soon see
the priety of withdrawing his name from the list
of Pridential candidates! They don't think of
reque!ng any such course from Pennsylvania's
favor' son, though. Ho will be disposed of with
loos oniony !
' Berko County Bank,
TL Harrisburg Telegraph of the 20th instant
says i.“ The rumor which wo mentioned in our last
paperthat there had been an over issue of the
RelieNotes of this Bank, turns out to be correct
The rer-issue is said to be about $lO,OOO. They
are fused by the State authorities, the county
'Trerarers, and business men generally. It is pos
siblthat there may be no loss upon them to indi
vidu holders, as the officers of the bank, who are
liableivilly, if not criminally, are said to be men
of pperty, and abundantly able to pay. We
show like to have some "snore light" upon this
subjt. We should like to know whether the
poop are to be totally swindled out of their proper
ty bilis manner, without redress.
?pre are many who contend that the Common.
weal is bound to redeem every dollar of these
overtsues—on the principle that she is liable for
the is of her agents—the banks.
cr The ladies of New York are mak ing rapid
advirts towards appropriating to themselves the
excldve use of the breeches. Willis, is one of
his rent letters to the National Intelligencer, says
—" hero is a gymnasium in the upper part of
Drowsy, where the ladies don the Turkish cos
tunn,and are taught sparring and climbing, in
jacks and loose trousers. Great coats, with a snug
fit 0 tie back, are superseding cloaks fur ladies' out-
of-iita wear."
Though a man can't marry his grandmother, yet it
hos been decided that ho can marry his wife's
daughter. A man named William Wilson, was
convicted last August before the ltartfort (Conn.)
County Court, of the crime of incest. The charge
was founded on the fact that he had married the
daughter of his deceased wife by a former husband,
—the same being, as charged by the Judge, a vio
lation of law; and the jury returned a verdict ac
cordingly. The case was carried up on a writ of error
to the Supreme Court, where the decision of the
lower court was a few days since reversed. The
Court deciding that the affinity between the plain
tiff in error and his wife's daughter ceased on the
death of his wife.
CO. The Whigs and Antimasons of Allegheny
county last fall suffered an inglorious defeat by rea
son of their division and feuds. A correspondent
of the New York Tribune writing from Pittsburg,
under dote of Nov. 28, says ,‘ a happy change has
taken place. " Experience is a dear school," Dr.
Franklin was wont to say, and in this academy the
Whigs and Antimasons graduated last month, very
little, it must be allowed, to their satisfaction.—
Having got a diploma, they are practising with
most exemplary real. The measures are in train to
bring about a union, and there is every prospect of
asuccessful termination of the effort. So promising
are the symptoms, you may rely upon it, the old
wounds will be healed; the party politic will be
more healthy than ever; and next year the heaviest
Whig vote ever east in this county will be thrown
for Hasa r CLAY.
Cancellation of Relief Notes.
On the last day of November, the State Treas
urer cancelled the amount of the 4th May issues re
quired by law, being one hundred thousand dollars
issued by the following Banks, viz:
Erie Bank, $37,000 00
Merck. & Manuf. Bank, Pittsburg, 8,000 00
Exchange Bank, do. 3,000 00
Lewistown Bank, 9,000 00
Moyamensing Bank, 8,600 00
Miners' Bank, Pottsville, 8,000 00
Wyoming Bank, 4,000 00
Northumberland Benk, 5,000 00
Columbia Bank and .B.idge Company, 3,300 00
Susquehanna Bank, 3,800 00
Northampton Bank, 3,200 00
Farmer's and Drover's Bank, 3,000 00
Towanda Bank, I.non 00
West Branch Bank, 1,700 tit
Harrisburg Bank, 500 00
tY! The Boston Journal says, that Capt. Roos,
during his late exploring expedition to the Antarc
tic ocean discovered a mountain 12,400 feet above
the level of the sea in lat. 77 32 S., and long. 107
East, which emitted flame and snooks in grand pro
fusion. He named this splendid volcano Mount
(0- No member stands higher in Congress than
Mr. Wentworth of Illinois—seven feet two inches!
A meeting of the Washington Temper
ance Society will be held at the old Court
House, on Saturday evenining next. As that
will be the last night of the old year, it will
be a suitable time for any persons who wish
to turn over a new leaf in their lives to put
their names to the pledge. In pursuance of
resolutions passed at the last meeting, in fa
vor of having a course of lectures delivered
before the society, the opening lecture will
be delivered by bAvln BLIAR, Esq •
Subject :—The Tavern License Law of
WM. DORRIS, Jr., Sec
Orphans/ Court Sale.
TpN pursuance of an order of the Orphans'
4.4 Court of Huntingdon county, will be
exposed to public sale on the premises, on
Friday the sth day of January . next at one
o'clock P. M., All that certain messuage
plantation and tract of land situate in Walk
er township, in the county of Huntingdon,
adjoining lands of John Ker, Esq., Daniel
Kyper, Thomas Lloyd, Isaac Stouffer and
Moses Hamer, containing
saV zncza
more or less, abont 80 acres cleared, 7 or 8
acres of winch are meadow ' • thereon erec
ted a small log house and a log double barn,
late the estate of Adam Hagey, deed.
liy the Court.
Attendance will be given, and terms of
sale made known on the day of sale by
Dec. 13, 1843.
u bcilier would
form the Hunt i ngdon and
adjoining counties, that he still continues to
carry on business at the Rockdale Foundry,
on Clover Creek, two miles from Williams
burg, where he is prepared to execute all
orders in his line, of - the best materials and
workmanship, and with promptness and de
He will keep constantly on hand stoves of
every description, such as
Cooktug, /fen Vate,
Parlor, Coal, Rotary, Cooking and
Wood Stoves;
Livingston Ploughs,
Anvils, Hammers, Hollow Ware
and every kind of castings necessary for for
ges, mills or machinery of any description ;
wagon boxes of all descriptions, ect., which
can be had on as good terms as they can be
had at any other foundry in the county or
state. Remember the Rockdale Foundry.
Jan. 11th 1843.
_ _
LL persons indebted to the subscriber,
irle&- to save cost will make immediate pay
ment. All the accounts are now in the
hands of a proper officer for collection—it
is useless to wait any longer. He is deter
ned to have money if it is to be had ; he has
a desire to pay his creditors, and therefore
urges payment of those who owe him.
Huntingdon Nov. 15, 1843.
N. B. The subscriber still continues the
practice of Physic, as usual, at his old office,
a few doors west of the Jail, Mifflin street,
Huntingdon. J. H.
l lonorable the Judges of the court
noon Pleas of Huntingdon conn
ing and composing a court of
r Sessions of the peace in mid
if county, at January Sessions,
„ „,Con of Mary Scullin respectfu-
L 7, that she is still provided with
3 , stabling, liquors and all the Messrs. Cunningham di. linrchnell,
I ,7 c nconindations tor keeping a house
,",', ' h u ,' rtOnment at her old stand in if), ESPECTFULLY inform the citizens
— ,,, e r'of Peterburg is said county, 444 of the borough and county of Hunting
friends and customers in particular, that
is .,. — ” ae ?re prays your Honors to grant don, the public generally, and their old
they continue to carry on busbies in their
,",";,, i ; i ' to continue to keep a house of
bound a . 4 ' l.
'''" o \inmeht at the said place for
new establisment, one door east of the
the cui„ Thu i,
:iy ...c. year, and as in duty
north eastern corner of the Diamond in said
MARY SCULLIN. borough, where they are prepeared 'to sell,
Wholesale and retail, all articles in their
of t %ersigned, citizens of the bor.
of business; such as
°, u ,g", 'burg in said county of Hunt
-11.(mi;',., d ity„ that we tire well at:vain- Sideboards, Secretaries, So
tail " r ” 'Scullin, the above petitioner, fas, Settees, Bureaus,
that she is flan of good repute for lion
"V an d W
'trance and that she is well orkstands, card, pier, centre,
provided w)use room and other neces
sary acc ° m l ins for the entertainment of diping and breakfast tables;
strangers anmi ers , and that in our npin- - ligli, Field, French, and Low Post
ion a teaver he place applied for is ne
cessary for ~ ccomodation of strangers BEDSTEADS.
and traveller: ALSO—Every variety of
William Inn ' William S emp
Barnabas Zigl Roswell Wright, (Mina Ma a.G23 0
Hans Morrisoi Jacob Speece, uelt as Rush seat, Cane-seat, Bath, Bent,
George W. Mc William Tt mple jr. Baltimore, Straight-back, Boston pattern
Samuel Morris, 'Thomas Patterson, .
4' Common hocking Chairs, t . tR — w ith
James E. Taylo George Updike, "1
James Miller, Elias Raver, wramava am EalIE)0E)
E. B. Prindle. )f all colors, qualities and sizes; and Paper
Dec: 6, 1843. Singing of various patterns and qualities.
---___ N. 13. Coffins made and funerals attend.
e. either in town or country, at the shorte.
.Sessjons of
To the lionorabi t h e Court of Quarter ntice. They keep . a splendid HEARSk
fr the accommodation of their customers.
Nov. 29, 1843.
The Thngdoti county.
Petition at lies Chamberlain, of
the town of Warrtmark, in the county ILLUABLE REAL ESTATE
of • Huntingdon,
riectfully represents 3 - o O IR 0 al4
that your petitione , d e sirous of keep- ,
HE subscriber offers for sale the follow
ing a public house cavern, in the house
he now occupies, ing property:
Il st.-4 Tract of Land
shipley, deckl,) that. bas provided him
self with necessaries
and aceotnmodasion
G i 'lerly kept by Wm.
w the convenience nate in West township, containing shoes
I' travellers and
acres, about 80 acres of which are clear
, cultivated and in good order, bounded
stangers, he therefore rays the court to , lands of Wm. Moore,Robert Moore,
grant him a liscence , keep a house of t mud' Mosser, Wm. Oaks, &c., having
public entertainment intud house and he hereon erected
will wray &c. A Grist Mill, a saw Mill,
JAMES CHAABERLAIN. ..t,... Large Frame Dwel- .......
We the subscribers, ihabitants of the IIT. ill , ling house, U 111
township of Warriorsmak ,in which th. "l,. '' A Good Frame Store- 1 . 11 H
aL. ,, e ion is prayed to licrised, do certif . house and Ware42oom attached, Diva
that Chamberlain, t,e above appli
cant, is of g••• 41 repute fir, honesty an - Zinc , House for Store keeper, a
temperance ano ;,, „di large Bank Barn, a Black
Smith Shop, and dwel•
house room and cony • '
"^oences for the fad' li ng house Ise
ig oi for Black Smith with other
ing and accommodation ..,• sii ., ~ • ' 41 ." '
travellers & that such an intr.; ers al,
provided wit
buildings, and an
to accommodate the public. APPLE ORCHARD.
Samuel Rider, Richard Wills, This property is one of the best and most
n necessat
Wm. J. Hemphill, William Davis, i desirable business situations in the county ;
Michael Funk, David Diller,
, , 'going located in one of the richest and best
ilnl•-wed Valleys in this section of country,
Peter H. Bucket, John Add leman ' and 0 n , ./ Aix miles from the canal.
John Spanogle William ilunte 2 n d. --1 .- Frankstown (Elizabeth) Fur
nace property, •onsisting of a
MI. i ir. RU illUente r . lieii r 7 tr.r,i 0.2 i . Tract o r
George Rumberger, jr John Spitter,
Pbvcel of Land,
Jacob Buck, George Rumberge, . rc 4 ....- ,• v•—• , •••e..ilko ~.0.0.i.:,. .....i.a.,, n a
Dec. 6, 1843. lands of Michael titteman ''•• the north,
Christian Garber on the west, a`A Arthur
Craw ford on the east, containing 40 .., ti res,
more or less, thereon erected a
e one flame house, log stable and six other
' 5 houses, and about 30 acres cleared thereon.
d The furnace is located within a few rods
a; I of the canal, in a good section of country
for obtainig provisions and other necessa
-151 ties on reasonable terms and with . little
d trouble and in every •particular is conve
niently situated.
Also, A Tract of Land,
•e- situate on the Southerly side of Brush Moun
he lain, in Frankstown township, adjoining
a I lands of David Mackey, John Weistling,
;1, land late of Joseph Patton and others, con
,e Wiling 192 acres and allowance (warranted
,d to Christian Garber.)—Also,
is A Tract of Land,
to situate in Frankstown township, adjoining
r,.. - lauds of Smith and others, land surveyed in
" the name of Robert Elliot lk land claimed by
the late Benjamin R. Morgan, Esq., con
taining 416 acres, 12 perches and usual al
lowance (warranted to Alcx. Dysart.)
Also, all the two adjoining tracts of land
l e situate in Frankstown township, in the name
of John S. Vl , eistling, one containing 432
acres roil 32 perches, and the other 102 a
cres and 80 perches, adjoining lands in the
names of David Titus, Andrew Divi nnev,
Arthur O'Friel, John S. Weistling, and lands
of Chrisiian Garber.—Also,l
A Tract of Land
situate in Frankstown township, adjoining
lands of Michael Hileman, land l ate of Jos.
Patton, Christian Garber, JAM Adams, and
the heirs of ,Lazerus Lowry or Wm. Steel,
containing 295 acres and 129 perches and
allowance, with an ore bank, some cleared
land and a couple of buildings thereon,
3d.—A Tract of Land,
$lOO,OOO 00
Commissioners' Sale of
17.1"SEef TED .L D
WHER EAS by the 7th section of
act of C eneral Assembly of
Commonwealth, entitled "An Act to I
an Act directing the mode of selling u
ted lands for taxes and for other Pulp ,
passed the 13th day of March, A. 1).
the Commissioners of the respective
tics within this Commonwealth are dii
of make public sale of all lands bout
them at Treasurer's sale, which shall r
unredeemed by the respective owers
of at the expiration of five years fro
date of such Treasurer's sale and
further supplement thereto, passed _ _
March, 1824, such land is directed b
sold for the best price that can be obt el
for the same, and that the Commissi er
shall have full power, to make and e ut
a deed or deeds of conveyance to th ur
chaser or purchasers infer simple, an c'
deeds are declared to be good and va for
such title as the Commissioners had ght
to convey. Therefore we the undergned
Commissioners of Huntingdon county,iere
by give notice, that in pursuance (
aforesaid acts of assembly we shalbc___
mence the public sales of the having
tracts of unseated land at the Court Louse
in the Borough of Huntingdon, on 11 , ,nday
the 15th day of January next, and cctlnue
such sale by adjournment until all th lands
bring named are sold.
Acr. Per. Warrantee names Towniip.
200 Sarah DO worth, Warrionnark
433 153 Robert Moore, ch
150 Henry Orwick Shirley.
100 Richard Clark, Union.
_ ._, _........
400 Joseph Brown, dr.
300 John Keeble, do.
100 William Baker, do.
400 William Steel all ree
—; • 100 Samuel Henry,
402 124 awl Rogers or Roger, Antf.
840 John Conan, Woodbrry,
The first three of the above tract were
purchased by the Commissioners tt the
Treasurer's Sale of June 1838. Th four
tracts situate in (old) Union township, were
purchased in 1816, and the, four las men
tioned tractst in 1820.
Commissioner's Office,
Huntingdon, Dec. 13, 1843. 5 /
C 4 cea ,
Cheap for Cash.
The subscriber has just receiveda large
and well assorted lot 01 segars, whict he of
fees for sale at the following prices.
Cuba segars in boxes containing,ls) each,
$1 25 per box.
Half Spanish in boxes ontaining.l.o each,
50 cents per box.
Half Spanish per thousand, $?, 75
Common do. $1 50 an 4 $1 00
V - • The above prices are so low that the
subscriber can sell for cash only.
Huntingdon, Oct. 11.—tf
LANK BONDS to Constablesfor Stay
of Execution, under the new law, just
printed, and for sale, at this office.
situate in the same township of Frankstown.
adjoining lands of John F. Lowry, John
Kamberling, deed., now (Joseph Shannon,)
and others, containing 170 acres more or less
of good limestone land, having 155 acres
cleared, a good bank barn and a frame
dwelling house thereon.
A reasonable time will be given for the
payment of part of the purbhase money of
these several prope. ties, if d esi red ; but what
ever amount is not paid at the making of a
contract, must bear interest from its date.
Persons wishing to purchase, instead of
risking what I willtake,will please state what
they are willing to give nod the terms of
payment. Communications in writing on
the subject, by mail or otherwise, would be
Any one or all of these several properties,
which I may not sell, nt private sale,
on or before the 22nd. of January next, I
will then offer at public vendue, first for sale
and, if not sold, for rent for a term of years.
Huntingdon Nov. 27, 1843.
Atm Atter.
Came to the residence of the subscriber
in Henderson township, Huntingdon county,
some time in October last, a black steer
about two years (dd. The owner is request
ed to come forward, prove property, pay
charges and take him away, otherwise he
will be disposed of according to law. •
Nov. 15. 1843. pd.
00 . 00
ESP EGTFULLY informs the citizens
J 44 of Huntingdon, and the public in gen
eral, that he still continues the
Tailoring Business,
at his old stand, in Main street, in the bo
rough of Huntingdon, in the brick house
immediately opposite the store of Thomas
Read, where he is tully prepared and ready ,
to accommodate all, who may favor him I
with a call.
He receives, regularly, from New York,
Scott's .11^ew York, Farm.? and London
FASII 1 0 N ;
and he is determined to employ none but the
best and most experienced woi kmen ; and
he guarantees to execute all orders in his
line in the most fashionable and woikman•
like manner, or according to the wishes and
orders of customers.
COUNTRY PRODUCE Hill be taken,
at the minket price, in payment of wok
done at his shop.
Thankful for favors, he solicits a
continuance of public patronage.
August 16, 1843.—tt.
finnlingdon, Pennsylvania,
vouLD most respectfully inform the
citizens of this county, the public
generally, and his old friends and customers
in particular, that he has leased for a term
of years, that large and commodious building
on the West end of the Diamond, in the bo
rough of Huntingdon, formerly kept by An
drew H. Hirst, which he has opened and
furnished as a Public House, where every
attention that will minister to the comfort
and convenience of guests will always be
yam iu.e42.tbacs.
will at all times be abundantly supplied with
the best to be had in the country.
lz-SELsz Garr.
will be furnished with the best of Liquors,
is the very best in the borough, and will
always he attended by the most trusty, at
tentive and experienced ostlers.
Mr. Couts pledges himself to make every
exertion to render the " Franklin House" a
home to all who may favor him with a call.
Thankful to his old customers tin• past favors,
he respectfully solicits a continuance of their
Boarders, by the year, month, or week,
will be taken on reasonable terms.
Huntingdon, Nov. 8. 1843,
.1.LEX.1.1 DELI
RESPECTFULLY inform the citizens
of Huntingdon county, and the public
generally, that they have formed a partner
ship to carry on the
Copper, Tin and Sheet•tron Businees
in all its branches, in Alexandria, where
they manufacture and constantly keep on
hand every description of ware in their• line;
cnrh oc
New and Splendid Wood Stoves,
22, 24, 26, 28 and 30 inches long.
weiv cooking Stoves of all kinds, and
Also rlr sizes of Coal Stoves,
All kinds of casting.. done, for Forges, Saw
mills and Threshing-m,,,ines. Also WAG
WARE ; all of which is done in u, or k man .
like manner.
Also, Copper, Dye, Wash, Fuller, Pr,.
serving, and Tea Kettles, for sale,
wholesale and rettii.
Persons favoring this establishment with
their custom may depend on having their
orders executed with fidelity and despatch.
Old metal, copper, brass and pewter ta
ken in exchange. Also wheat, rye, corn
and oats taken at market price.
Alexandria, Nov. 1, 1843.
NOTICE.—The subscriber respectfully
requests ail persons indebted to him for
work done at the old establishment, pre
vious to this date, to call and settle theii ac
counts without delay.
Nov. 1, 1843.
Respectfully informs the citizens of this
county, and the public generally, that he has
removed to and opened a Public House in
that large and commodious brick building
situate at the centre of the Diamond, former
ly occupied by C. Couts, where the " way
worn traveller" will find every attention that
will minister to his convenience and comfort.
His TABLE will receive his especial atten
tion, and shall always be abundantly supplied
with the best to . he had in the county.
• .
His BAR is furnished with the choicest
Wines and Liquors.
His STABLING is the best in the place,
and the mist careful and attentive ostlers
will always be in attendance ; and the HOST
pledges himself to make every exertion to
render his house a "home" to all who may
favor him with a call. The stranger and
the friend may rest asrured that if a desire
to please be successful he doubts not his suc
cess. He tenders his thanks to his old cus
tomers for past favors, and respectfully so
licits a continuance of their patronage.
p`j BOARDERS will be taken by the
year, month or week.
July 12, 1843.-6 m.
z . .P.2aaYm zmaucm.
(Above 6th Street)
qvHE subscriber, thankful for the liberal
support of his friends and the public
generally, respectfully informs them that he
still continues at the old established house,
where he will he pleased to accommodate
all those who favor him with their patronage.
Dec. 14, 1842.—tf.
How important it is that you commence
without loss of time with BIIANDRETH
PILLS. They mildly but surely re move all
impurities from the blood, and no case of
sickness can effect the human frame, that
these celebrated Pills do not relieve as much
as medicine can do. COLDS and COUGHS
are more benefiitted by the Brandreth Pills
than by Li zenges and Candies. Very well,
perhaps, as pal li.itives, but worth nothing as
ERADICATORS of diseases from the human
system. The Brandreth Pills cure, they do
nut merely relieve, they Core. Diseases,
whether chronic or recent, intectious or oth
ermine, will certainly be cured by the use of
these all-sufficient Pills.
SING SING, 21, 1843.
wing to you a debt of gratitude that mo
ney cannot pay. I am induced to make a
public acknowledgment of the benefit my
wife has derived from your invaluable Pills.
About three years this winter the was taken
with a pain in her acle; which soon became
very much inflamed, ad swollen, so m ich
' that we became much alarmed, and sent
for the doctor. During his attendance the
pain and swelling increased to an alarming
degree, and in Owe weeks from its first
commencing it become a running sore. She
could get no rest at night the pain was so
great. Our first doc,tor attended her fur six
months, and she received no benefit what
ever, the pain growing worse and the sore
4),,vgel• all tile time. He said if it was healed
up it would be her death, but lie appeared
to be at a loss how to proceed, and my poor
wife still continued to suffer the most terrible
tortures. We therefore sought other aid,
in a Botannical doctor, who said when he
first saw it that he could soon cure the sore
and give her ease at once. To our surprise
he gave her no relief, and acknowledged that
it quite baffled all his skill.
hus we felt atter having tried during one
whole year the experience of two celebrated
physicions in vain, in absolute despair. My
poor wife's constitution rapidly failing in
the prime of her years from her continued
stiffernig. Under these circumstances we
concluded that we would try your Universal
Vegetable Pills, determinimi to fairly test
their curative effects. To my wife's great
comfort the first few doses afforded great re
lief of the pain. Within one week to the
astonishment of ourselves and every one who
knew the case, the swelling and the Sae
motion began to cease so that she felt quite
easy, and would sleep comfortable, and sir,
after six weeks' use she was able to ga thro'
the house and again attend to the manage
ment of her family, which she had not done
for nearly fourteen months. In a little over
two months from the time she first commen
ced the use of your invaluable Pills her amt.,-
was quite sound, and health better than
h had been in quite a number of years be
fore. I send you this statement atter two
years test ot the cure, considering it only an
aci of justice to you and the public r.t large.
We are with much gratitude,
- ,
Very respectfully,
PS —The Botanical Doctor pronounced
the sore cancerous, and finally said no good
could be done, unless the whole of the flesh
was cut off and the bone scraped. Thank a
kind Providence, this made us resort to your
l'ills, which saved us from all further mis
ery, and for which we hope to he thankful.
T. 8c E. A.
Dr. Brandreth's Pills are for sale by the
following Agents in Huntingdon county.
'Thomas Read, Hutingdon.
NVm. Stewart, Huntingdon.
N. & N. Cresswell, Petersburg.
Mary W. Neff, Alexandria.
Joseph Patton, Jr. Daneansviile.
Hartman & Smith, Manor Hill.
S. Miles Green &Co. Barree Forge,
Thomas Owens, Birmingham.
A. Patterson, Williamsburg.
Peter Good, Jr. Canoe Creek.
John Lutz, Slurlevsburg.
Observe each of by. Bredreth's Agehts
have an engraved certificate of Agency.—
'gamine this and you will hind the NEW
upon the certificate corresponding
Kith tiw.- on the Boxes, none other ate gen
Phil'a. Office S. v , ,rth Bth St.-Iy.
Upa 013053. al
4~A VF. obtained an enviable celebrity as
a vegetable remedy in Dysentery,
Choleramorbus, Bilious diseases, Rheuma
tism, the premonitory stage of Scarlet Fever;
&c., &c. All affections arising front impure
blood, are warranted to be relieved •by
their use.
Fisher & M'Murtrio, Huntingdon
Alex. Knox & Son, Newry.
W. & B. Leas, Shirleyshurg.
Dennis O'Conncr, 'Three Springs.
Blair & Madden, Madden's Milt.
Hunter & Wigton, Rockhill Furnace.
Thomas E. Orbison & Co., Orhis , iiiia
Brice X. Blair, Shade Gap.
Oct. 18, 1843.
No foreign testimony in favor of these Fills
is adduced ; but certificates are presented
from citizens of our own county.
From M'Lain, Esq. of Dublin
. . .
- .
, wnship, Huntingdon county.
I was affected with Scarlet Fever. A
physician prescribed Dr. Shade's Pills. I
made use of three doses, which proved both
emetic and purgative, cleansing the stomach
and bowels equal to any calomel I have ever
token. I have since used the Renovating
Pills in my family and cannot say too much
in their favor.
Auguit IS, 1843.
Chair and Cabinet .71alang.
Respectfully informs the citizens of Hun
tingdon and that he has commenced
the Rhone businesses in all their various
branches, in the shop occupied by him the
last year ass chair shop, opposite George
Jackson's hotel.
All kinds of work made to order on the
the shortest nottce, warreuted to be goccl
and will be given in exchange for all kinds
of country produce, and very cheap for Cash,
Coffins made on kilt.
June 7, 184'2.
t im
-(is officeproved.
form, for sale
i'o/I(ll"ErsiT 74./111