'lffier cU 'QA rsa m. 12. Ilnnlingdon, Dec.:2o, I 543. WOOD WANTED. Wood is wanted at this cam in payment of sub• soription, advertising and job work. To Advertisers. Advertisements must be handed in on Tuesday morning before 9 o'clock to insure their insertion in next morning's . paper. Religious Notice. Divine worship, according to the usages of the Protestant Episcopal Church, will be held at the Academy in this Borough, every Sunday, at the hours of 11 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon. The Rev. Mr. FIELD is the officiating minister, and resides in this place, at Mrs. Clarke's: WANTED,—On accounts due 'at this office— 200 Bushels of Wheat, 60 do. Corn, 40 do. Buckwheat, 100 do. Oats, 50 do. Potatoes, 30 do. Apples, 1000 Pounds of Pork, 300 do. Beef. Persons desirous of making payment in any of the above articles will please brin g them on soon or give notice of their intention to do so, and slat, to what amount, without delay. The market price Will be allowed for them by THE EDITOR. Washingtonian Meeting. A meeting of the society will be , o held i ; s , t i i t t u t he old v e e n o i u n r g t H n . e a . u t ! e , It s i u . s itt i o a .1 15 " , - 14 = pod by the members, that the Ladies will give their attendance. W. DORRIS,.Jr. Scc'y. Dec. 20, 1943. Great Excitement. The January Nos. of the Periodicals of Phila. delpnia, are creating a great excitement ; but the fallowing article, from the Daily Chronicle, settles the fact of which is the best periodical of the day. .Wo have been favored with an early copy of Golley'S Lady's Book, and it is, without any excep. tion, tho most wonderful production of the age.— We understand that the Mezzotints aro by Mr. Warner, the gentleman who took at the last exhi bition of the FILiNKLIN INwriTe•rs, a society composed of the most celebrated artists of the day— the premium for Mezzotinting." Cream, the celebrated artist, has furnished an embellishment which will be hereafter known as Croome's Vase. This is conceded, by artists and amateurs, to be the prettiest embellishment ever furnished by a periodical. Fancy Ball Dresses are just in season. These we believe are the first of that kind of embellish ments ever published. We will now mention one embellishment in preparation, that wo know will give the greatest satisfaction to our numerous ma- Jere—a full length Portrait of Miss E. Leslie, the celebrated contributor of Gniloy'R Lady's Book. Tho embellishments alone in this number cost nearly $7OOO. Our contributors aro the best in -.oho country. We annex the names of thosb who contribute to the January number, viv—W. C. Bryant, N. I'. Willis, C. F. Hoffman, J. C. Neal, Mrs. L. 11. Sig ourney, Prof. J. Sanderson, W. H. Burleigh, A. Hervey, Miss A. D. Woodbridge, Mrs. S. J. Hale, T. S. Arthur, A Parisian, R. Morris, Mrs. M. E. Robbins, Mrs. C. L. Mentz, Mrs. E. C. Embury, Mrs. E. 0. Smith, Miss Leslie, Mrs. H. F. Lee, Miss E. S. Norton, H. T. Tuckerman, 'l'. L. Coy ler, A. H. Clapp, Adrian, G. Waterman, Jr., J. A. Swan, Prof. J. Frost, M. M'Michacl. In fine Codey's Lany's Book can never be sue passsed. L. A. CODEY, Publishers' Ilydl, Mita. See cover of ...Tan. No. for 'Penns and Premiums. (Cr We learn that the numbers for subscribers will be sent on in a few days. CIRCULAIt The Temperance associations of Pennsylvania— of every description—are hereby notified, that, in pursuance of the following Resolution, adopted at kthe State Convention, held at Harrisburg, in Janu ury last, a State Temperance Convention will again be held, at Harrisburg, on the second Wednesday, being the tenth day of January next, 1844: Resolved, That we recommend to all the Tem . perance Associations of this Commonwealth, to appoint Delegates, to meet in Convention, in the Borough of Harrisburg, on the second Wednesday of January, 1844: and that the said Societies fur nish the Chairman of their respective Delegations with a Report, embracing the names of their Officers, and the number of Members belonging to the Ass. dation, together with any other information they may think proper to lay before the Convention." It is also earnestly requested that all Associations which do not send Delegates to the proposed Con vention, address a letter a to the President of the Temperance Convention at Harrisburg," containing the information desired by the Resolution above stated: so that satisfactory Temperance Statistics, of the whole Commonwealth, may thus be had. JOHN C. BUCHER, and others. Stale Central Committee Fresh Shad, the first of the season, were expos ed for sale in the market house in Savannah, Ga., on the 6th instant. cl:)ctLFacisac. ALL persons indebted to the subscriber, to save cost will make immediate pay ment, All the accounts are now in the hands of a proper officer fur collection—it is useless to wait any longer. He is deter tied to have money if it is to be hacl ; he has a desire to pay his creditors, and therefore urges payment of those who owe him. JACOB HOFFMAN. ,Huntingdon Nov. 15, 1843. N. B. The subscriber still continues the practice of Physic, as usual, at his old office, a few doors west of the Jail, Mifflin street, Huntingdon. J. H. LANK BONDS to Constables for Stay al of Execution, under the new law, just printed, and ler sale, at this afire. VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE IP (DMZ/A I 11. .TRIIE subscriber offers for sale the follow ing property: Ist.-- f 1 Tract of Land situate in West township, containing sbou 90 acres, about 80 acres of which are clear ed, cultivated and in good order, bounded by lands of Wm. Moore,Robert Moore, Samuel Mosser, Wm. Oas, &c., having Chet eon erected A Grist Mill, a sato Large Fiume Died ; ;V r : ling house, it it r • v A Good Frame Store- • House and Ware-Room. attached, Asa lin.. House for Store keeper, a large Bank Barn, a Black Smith Shop, and dwel ling house for Mack Smith with other buildings, and an APPLE ORCIIA It D This property is one of the best and most desirable business situations in the county ; being located in one of the richest and best improvei Valleys in this section of country, and only six miles from the canal. 2nd.--The Frankstown (Elizabeth),Fur nace property, consisting of a Tract or parcel of Land, situate in Fralikstown township adjoining lands of Michael Haman oa the north, Christian Garber• on the west, and Arthur Craw ford on the cast, centaining, 40 acres, more or less, thereon erected a BL AST FURNSCE, one flame house, log stable and six other houses, and about SO acres cleared thereon. 'lke furnace is located within a few rods of the canal, in a good section of country for obtainig provisions and other necessa ries on reasonable terms and with little trouble and in every particular• is conve niently situated. Also, A Tract of Land, situate on the Southerly side of Brush Moon tan, in Frai kst own township, adjoining lands of David Maikey, John Weistling, land late of Joseph Patton and others, con taining 192 acres and allowance (war•r•anted to Christian Garber.)—Also, A Tract of Land, situate in Frai kstown township, adjoining lands of Smith and others, land surveyed in the name of Robert Elliot 8t land claimed by the late 11,njamin R. Morgan, Esq., con taining 416 acres, 12 perches and usual al lowance (warranted to Alex. Dysart.) Also, m I the two adjoining tracts of land shame iu Frankstown township, in the name of John F. W clothing, one containing 432 acres nd 32 perches, and the other 102 a cres and 80 perches, adjoinin; lands in the names of David [Ras, Andrew Divi nney, Arthur O'Friel, John S. Weistling-, and lands of Clt•is4ian Garber.—Also,l A Tract of Land situate in Ftankstown township, adjoining lands of Alichael Hileman, laud I ate of Jos. Patton, Christian Garber, John Adams, and the heirs of ••Lazerus Lowry or Wm. Steel, containing 205 acres anti 129 perches and allowance, with an ore bat k, some cleared land and a couple of buildings thereon. 3d.-A Tract of Land, situate in the same township of Feankatown. adjoining lands of John F. Lowry, John Kamlaa ling, deed ~ now (Joseph Shannon,) and others, containing 170 acres more or less of good limestone land, having 155 acres cleared, a good bank barn and a frame - dwelling house thereon. , A reasonable time will be given for• the payment of part of the purbhase money of , these several grope. tics, if desired; but what ever amount is not. paid at the making of a contract, must bear interest from its date. Persons wishing to purchase, instead of asking what I ivilltake, will please state what they are willing to give and the terms of payment. Communications in writing on • the subject, by mail or otherwise, would be preferred. Any one or all of these several properties, ' which I may not sell, at private sale, • on or• before the 22a. of January next, I will then efli•r at I,ublic vendor, first for sale and, if not sold, for r•cut for a term of years. J. M. BELL. Huntingdon Nov. 27, 1843. G011387 9 S 7.IIIIIE'SIBOOLK for 1844 Edited by Mrs. HALE and others. THE BEST MAGAZINE OF' THE SEASON. Z. And the grealect circulation of any in the World. „a It Contains LINE .Sc MEZZOTINT Engravings, COLORED FASHION PLATES, MUSIC, AND CONTRIBUTIONS by the best Authors in the United States. A great inducement to IVezo Subscribers. For every new subscriber, sending THREE DOL LARS, we will send a copy of the Drawing Room Annual for 1644, Or a Gift for Every Season. This is a Quarto Annual, Containing 15 large ENGRAVINGS, and 64 pages of reading mat ter, by the most celebrated Authors, or For every new subscriber, sending THREE DOL. LARS, we will seed a copy of " Godey's centre Table Ornam(nt,” Or a back Volume of the LADY'S BOOK; or the SATURDAY COURIER, S A 7' URDA Y POST, or SATURDAY MUSE UM, Six Months. It is to bo distinctly underotood that the above terms refer only to new subscribers, or such old ones as may have paid up all arrearages, and remit, for 1944, in advance. ha no other case will the premiums be sent. Those who send at once will be In time to have this valuable work on their cen tre tables by Christmas. We will give the same PREMIUMS that any other publisher may offer. The price for one years subscription is $3 00 Two copies, 5 00 Five " 10 00 Eight " 15 00 Eleven 20 00 Address L. A. GODEY, Publishers' Hall, Phil's. We the subscribers, inhabitants of the township of Warriorsmark , in which the above inn is prayed to licensed, do certify that James Chamberlain, the above appli cant, is of good repute for honesty and temperance and is well provided with u uu house room anti conveniences for the oo log and accommodation of strangers and 1b 00 travellers & that such an inn is necessary to accommodate the public. Samuel Rider, Richard Wills, Wm. J. Hemphill, Will tam Davis, Michael Funk, Day id Diller, Peter H. Burket, . John Addleman, John Spanogle- William Hunter, George Rumberger, jr John Spit ter, John G. Rutnberger, Henry Kreider, riaz LANK BONDS—Judgment and cam- I Jacob Ruck ' mon—for sale at this office. Dec. 6, 18-13 George liumberger Sr. . BLANK DEEDS, of an improved form, for sale at this office. 4100 BLANK PE7'ATIONS FOR N.IITURALIZATION. LIST OF JURORS FOR JANUARY TERM, 1844, GRAND JURORS, Allegheny—E. B. M'Clellantl, Abraham Myers, Michael "'Homan. Blair—Henry Learner, Peter Il4'Nally, James Smith. Cromwell—Aaron Stones. Franklin—John Y. Hay. Henderson—John Flenner, Thomas Hamlin. Hopetuell—Christian Shantz, Jr., Sain'l Watson. Huston—John Brumbaugh. Morris—A. J. Stewart. Shirley—John Brewster. Spring.*lift—Robert M'Real, Jr. Tell—Alexander Blair, Thomas Cisney. Tyrone—James Wilson, James M'Mullin, Esq. West—Abraham Evans, Jacob Ebberly. Woodberry—Charles Biddle, Henry Harbison. TRAVERSE JURORS.—rinse WEEK. Allegheny—David Robeson. Antes—Thomas Green, Jacob Smith, Jr. Alex, M'Farland, Christian E. Crane, John Anderson. Barree—Robert Barr, Benjamin Hartman, John Crum, James Stewart. Blair—W. A. Pennington, Peter Hewit, Simon Frazier, John Cooper, John Barr, Esq. John Cox. Cass—AMuhum Myerly. Cromwell—Jesse Rutter, Alvah Chi!cote. Dublin—Thomas W. N'eely, John Taylor. Henderson—Joseph Summers,John Postlewaite, Jacob Miller, Isaac Wolverton, Sam'! Hemphill. Hopewell—Benjamin Grove. Monis—William Reed, Esq., Jos. Law, Esq. Porter—Jacob Hormone, George B. Young, Esq., Benjamin Nett Thomas Whittaker, Jacob G. Huyett. Shirley—Thomas A. Smelker, Maize S. Harri son, Joseph Miller. Springfield—John Ashman. Tod—William Stinson, John Gohrett. Tyrone—Henry M'Millan, Esq. Union—Thomas Chilcute. Walker—John Heffner, John Moore. Warriorsmark.—S. W. Stonebmker, William Stevens. West--Joseph Reed, George Hite. TRAVERSE JURORS—sseonn WEEK. Allegheny—John Smith, Daniel C. Gibboncy, Samuel Anderson. Antes—Peter Igow. Barree—Samuel Miller, Thos. Covenhoven. Blair—Cornelius M'Connell, Robert Lytle, Sr., Samuel Moore. Cuss—John Myrely. Cromwell—William Stevens. Dublin—William Cly mans. Franklin—John Conrail, Esq. Henderson—lsaac Dorland, Samuel Grafius, Daniel Africa, Esq. Hopewell—Sebastian Kecly, Dewalt Fouse. Huston—Christian Good. Morris—David Stewart, Hugh Fergus. Porter—Lewis Knode, S. M. Green. Shirley—Peter Shaver. Springfield—James M'Neal, Jr. Tod—Washington Baker. Tyrone—George W. Morrow. Union—John Hampson. Walker—lsaac Vandevander, Esq. Warriorsmark-.-Benj. Johnston, John Spanogle, Jr., James Clarke. West—Joseph M'Cracken, Stewart Porter, Robi don Cunningham, William Moore. TAVERN NOTICES. To the lion ora1) 1 e the Jgdtie•s of the court of Colwyn Fleas at Huntingdon coun ty, itolding and cotnposi»g a court of Quarter Sessions of the peace in and ;Tn. said county, at Junttry Sessions, A. D. 1844. The petition of Mary Scullin tespectfte ly showeth, that she is still provided with house room, stabling., liquors and all the necessary accomodattons tar keeping a house of public entertainment at her old stand in the borough of l!eterburg in said county, She therefore prays your Honors to grant her a licenle to continue to k:ep a house of public entertainmem at the said place for the current ensuing year, and as in duty bound will pray &c. MARY SCULLIN. We the undersigned, citizens of the bor ough of Petersburg in said county of Hunt ingdon, do certify that we are well acquain toil with Mary Scullin, the above petitioner, that she is a woman of good repute for hon esty and temperance and that she is well provided with house room and other neces sary accomodations for the entertainment of strangcrs and travellers, and that in our opin ion a teavern at the place applied for is ne cessary for the accomodatiou of strangers and travellers. William Jones, William S cmP Barnabas Zigler, Roswell Wright, Hans Morrison, Jacob Speece, George W. Morris, William Ti mple jr. Samuel Morrison, Thomas Patterson, James E. Taylor, George Updike, James Miller, Elias Raver, E. B. Prindle. Dec. 6, 18,13. To the Honorable, the Court of Quarter Sessions of Huntingdon county. The petition of James Chamberlain, of the town of Warriorsmark, in the county of Huntingdon, respectfully represents that your petitioner is desirous of keep ing. a public house or tavern, in the house he now occupies, (formerly kept by \Vm. Shipley, dec'd,) that he has provided him self with necessaries for the convenience and accommodalon of travellers and stangers, he therefore prays the court to grant him a liscence to keep a house of public entertainment in said house and he will wray &c. JAMES CHAMBERLAIN.' Trial List for Jail. Terl.74 714. 17116"1 1 WEEK. Walter's heirs v Stoner & Stoner Same v Same Savage v Jackson Bosserman v Royer et al Lex & son v Ennis et al Patterson v Caldwell °Triers Ex'rs. v Hatfield Royer et al v Ake Watters for Isett v Shoop Same v Same Same v Same Same v Same Ingram v Lloyd Parsons v Waggoner Hoover v M'Namara et al Culbertson v Kemp et al Householder v Anderson Thos & John Maize v Grazier Femming et al v Walker M'Connel's Ex'rs. v M'Namara et al SECOND WEEK. Holiday's heirs v Alexander M'Nitt v Stewart Com'th for use v M'Cartney et al Com'th v Ennis et al iteaniy v Kring's Adner Lex & Son v Price Com'th for use v Jackson Witherow v Brigg's ✓ Dis;lii's Adners ✓ Same ✓ Stewart Lutz Adams Stewart Baker v Benner Pollock's Assinees v Templeton Same v 'Templeton et al v M'L7ain Smith v Logan Pollock Rogers v Hewitt et al Com'th for use v Lightner et al Buoy et al v OTriel's Ex'rs. Brown et al v Royer et al Knox v Bolin Murphy's Adm'x v Magee Storm v Kinney Hartley v M'Cord Shaver v M'Cahan Hewit v James Steel's Ex's. v Kratzer Hall v Conrad's Ad'mr. Kurfman v E. Corbins' Ex'r. M'Carthy & wife v Truman M'Namara et al v Pattersun Johnston v Brubaker et al Hirst v Johnston Gardner v Thompson M'Cahan v Buchanan Rulings v Rodgers J3t cc. Adams et al v Crab. Cong, Holli daysburg. M'Gary v M'Namara et al Dysart Icy use v Hoover Morrow for use v John's Adm'r Same v Same Lingafelt for use v Milliken Com'th fur use v Shaver ct at Cuthbert v Dougherty et al Eldridge et al v Barr Gates v Wheeland's Adm'r Same s Same Com'th for use v O'Friel's Ex'rs Lowry's Au'mr v Lowry Gates v Burdge s Ex'rs Same v Same Haylin v O'Friel's E Meth.' ..iuire v same Brady v same Dempsey v same Clear• Acary Doole, .ey King Site Hey Doolir V till.M? V .1110 „fooling v same Taylor of al v same Loftus et al v same Skelley for use v same 12J -- v same ;ogers McKillip v same M'Brido & M'Keehan's Assignees v Brown Crawford & co. v Butler & co. Cochran v Same Miller's Atlin'r v Woods Adm'r Weight for use v Owens Shomo v Lowry Com'th for use v M'Cormick of al Caldwell for use v Green &cu Wilson &co v Robinson Barnes v Lingle & Harvey Com'th Penn'a v Moore Crownover v Pollock Jones v Jackson Johnston v OTriel Scott's Era's v Hoopes Sparc v Ennis Nell's Adm'r v Fleck Springer v My tinger Hamilton's Ex'r v Patterson Smith v Bell Stroup v Brain Garber v Lowry Leonard v Lyon &co Thurlu for use v Patterson Kneedler v Reamey Johnston for use v M'Gintie et al Ewing v Wheeland's Adm'r Hollidaysburg & Bed ford T. P. Co. v Jackson Ex. Bank Pittsburg v Molly Same v Same IS:STATE OF JEREMIAH GItEENALL, Late of Cromwell township, Huntingdon county, deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters of ad ministration upon the said estate have been granted to the undersigned. All persons having claims or demands against the same are requested to make them known without delay, and all persons indebted to make im mediate payment to JOHN 12. HUN TER, Alm'r. Nov. 15, 1841-6 t. Cromwell tp. ROCKDALE FOUNDRY. HL E rni su o b e sc c i i .* itlizeerns'ovrAcul respectfully aud the adjoining counties, that he 'still continues to carry on business at the Rockdale Foundry, on Clover Creek, two miles from Williams burg, where he is prepared to execute all orders in his line, of the best materials and workmanship, and with promptness and de spatch He will keep constantly on hand stoves of every description, such as tooitini, Ent %nate, Parlor, Coal, Rotary, Cooking and lirood Stoves; Livingston Ploughs, Anvils, Hammers, Hollow Ware and every kind of castings necessary for for ges, mills or Machinery of any description ; wagon boxes of all descriptions, net., which can be had on as good terms as they can be had at any other foundry in the county or state. Remember the Rockdale Foundry. WILLIAM KENNEDY. Jan. 11th 1843. Commissioners' Sale of ENO'S Ed TED lbila DS. WHEREAS by the 7th section of the act of Ceneral Assembly of this Commonwealth, entitled "An Act to amend an Act directing the mode of selling unsea ted lands for taxes and for other purposes," passed the 13th day of March, A. 1). 915, the Commissioners of the respective coun ties within this Commonwealth are directed at make public sale of all lands bought by them at Treasurer's sale, which shall remain unredeemed by the respective owers there at at the expiration of five years from the date of such Treasurer's sale anti by a further supplement thereto, passed 29th March, 1824, such land is directed to be sold for the best price that can be obtained for the same, and that the Commissioners shall have full power, to make and execute a deed or deeds of conveyance to the pur chaser or purchasers iu fee simple, and such deeds are declared to be good and 'valid for such title as the Commissioners had a right to convey. Therefore we the undersigned Commissioners of Huntingdon county, here by give notice, that in pursuance of the aforesaid acts of assembly we shall com mence the public sales of the tbllowing tracts at unseated land at the Court House in the Borough of Huntingdon, on Monday the 15th day of January next, and continue such sale by adjournment until all the lands being named are sold. Acr. Per. Warrantee names Township. 200 Sarah Dilworth, Warriorsmark 433 153 Robert Moore, do. 150 Henry °midi Shirley, 100 Richard Clark, Union. 400 Joseph Brown: de. 300 John Keeble, do. 100 William Baker, do. Bu tee 400 William Steel 100 Samuel Henry, 402 124 Duni Rogers or Roger, Antes. 840 John Cumin, Woodberry The first three of the above tracts were purchased by the Commissioners at the Treasurer's Sale of June 1838. The four tracts situate in (old) Union township, were purchased in 1816, and the four last men tioned tractst in 1820. ALEXANDER KNOX, JOHN F. MILLER, tCom'rs MORDECAI CIIILCOTE,3 Commissioner's Office, Huntingdon, Dec. 13, 1843. 1 S reach Trees, A•c, (76, inoculated -- ~ ll 44 L ‘' 40400 ` - ` , O peach trees for sale at the nursery of the sub scriber, of the choicest fruit em braciog 16 different kinds ' :it 6 cents each at the nursery. They ave 7feet high-2 years old from the stone, 1 year from the inocula- Lien. Ar.so, every variety of inoculated Cherry 'frets, at 37i cents each at the nursery.— 'Packing in mitts and moss at fair prices. All orders promptly attended to. DAVID ROE. Haddonfield, N. J., December 13th 1843 5 SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry writs of Levan: Facias and Venditioni Exponas, issued out of the Cowl of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, and to me direc ted, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court house in the borough of Hunting don,on Monday the Bth day of January, 1844, the following property, viz: A trait, piece or parcll of land situate the township of Woodberry, in the county of Huntingdon, containing 375 acres and 134 perches of limestone land, being the whole of a survey made in the name of Alexander Douglass, containing 339 acres and part of a survey in the name of John Swift, adjoining lands of Joseph Feay, Jacob Rodkey, Charles Echoltz, George Clapper and the Frankstown branch of the Juniata river, about 280 acres of which are cleared and cultivated, having thereon erected Franklin Forge, a stone cottage house, a log barn and a number of houses and work shops for the use of the Forge hands. Also, three adjoining tracts of unseated land situate in Frankstown township, in said county, one thereof containing 400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of James Hunter,. another thereof contain ing 17 acres and 25 perches, in the name Absalom Boyles, and the other thereof containing 54 acres and 23 perches, also in the name of Absalom Boyles, and a piece or parcel of land adjoining the same containing 6 acres, known by the name of "The Gut," and being a part of a survey of 150 acres made in die name of James Hunter. Also, a tract of barren land situate in Woodberry towdship, in said county, containing 204 acres and 150 perches, -being part of a tract of land surveyed on a warrant dated 25th August, 1794, in the name of Caleb Newbold, the other part of which is hereafter mentioned and described along with the lands attached to Springfield Furnace. Also, the right title and interest ()Nam ' uel Royer in and to the following men tioned and described seven tracts of un seated land, situate partly in ‘Voodberry and partly in Frankstown townships, in said county, viz: one thereof containing 426 acres and 140 perches, surveyed on a warrant in the name of Junas Hartzel— one thereof containing 579 acres and 122 perches surveyed on a warrant in the name of Isaac Hartzel,one thereufcontaining 479 acres and 153 perches surveyed in the name of Jonas Ilartzel Jr.—one thereof con taining 371 acres and 2 perches stveyed in the name of Jonathan Ilarizel—one thereof containing 165 acres and 59 perches surveyed on a warrant in the name of George Ilartzel —one thereof containing 161 acres and 77 perches sus. veyed on a warrant in the name of John list izel, and the other thereof containing 122 acres and 120 perches surveyed on a warant in the name of Catharine Ilartzel, all of which warrants are dated respec tively 13th February, 1791. The last described three tracts being only parts of surveys, the remaining parts at which are ret.peetivvly described in the lands litre- after mentioned, as attached and belong ingto Springfield Furnace. . . . The above mentioned and deictibed real estate all belongs to and compoies the Franklin Forge property. Also four lots of *nand situate in the town of Franktown, in the said county of Huntingdon, on the northerly side of . main street, and marked in the plan of said town witieut 18, 19, 20 and 21— thereon erceled a dwelling house, barn, Lanyard and outbuildings. Also, four lots of ground situate in the town of Franktown aforesaid, on the back street and numbered 45, 46, 47, and 48 in the plan of said tOwiL Also, two adjoining lots of ground in the town of Williamsburg, in said noun ty, numbered 76 and 77 in the plan of said town,fronting each 50 feet on Main street, and running back at right angles 175 feet to an alley—having thereon erne , ted a two story brick dwelling house, a log stable and two frame shops. . . . Also, a to aet of unseated mountain land situate in the township of Frankstown, in said county, on the south side of the Brush . mountain, containing 370 acres, adjoin ing lands of Michael !Neiman, David Markey and Christian Garber. Also, all the right, title and interest of Samuel foyer in and to the following mentinned and described real estate, composing the Springfield Furnace prop.. erty, viz: A tract of 406 acres and 152 perchea of good limestone land, situate in the township of Woodberry, in said county, bein the whole of a survey patented 15th'''May, 1786, to Daniel Carpenter, 379 acres and 1,52 perches, and part of a survey adjoining same, purchased and an nexed thereto to complete the mill site.— adjoining land of Baltzer hoover, Henry Reigart and other lands of Samuel Roy er, about 300 acres of which are cleared and cultivated—having thereon erected Springfield Furnace, a saw mill, a grist mill, a stone dwelling house, a bank barn and a number of buildings dtc. for the use of the furnace hands. A tract of land adjoining the last des cribed land, lands of Battier Hoover and Jacob Duck, containing 162 acres and 96 beeches, about 80 acres of ohich are cleared and cultivated, having thereon erected a small stone dwelling house and an old barn. A tract of land in said township, Ad joining the furnace tract and Henry Rei; Bart, containing 107 acres and 25 perches, tbuut one hail of which is cleared, and about hall the balance has the timber cut oft A tract of land situate in said tawri , ship, adjoining the furnace tract and Henry Reigart, containing 92 hetes and 100 perches, about 25 acres of which are cleared and the balance has some timbet cut off. The following mentioned and described fifteen adjoining tracts of barren unseat; ed land si t tinted in Wood berry and Huston townships in the said county of Hunting don, viz : One thereof containing 378 acres surveyed in the name of Samuel Chew. One " " 593 " Philip Nickling One " " 408 " Alex'r. Boyd, One " " 440 " "• Jane Boyd, One 4.13 t. 143 p. .. Henry Canon, One 303 Co • .. Sophia Phillips, One ' 90' John Canon, one 455 . 42' .. Henry Canon, One .. 311 ' 63 David Murritz, One " 159' 82 ' John Canon, One .. 438 97' John Brown, One " 108' 27 Dan'l Roilkey, One .. 217 . 28 Caleb Newbold, One .. 111 ' 115' " Daniel Royer, & one " 56 80 " Daniel Royer, '1 he following mentioned and described eleven tracts of Unseated mountain land, situate partly in Frankslown and partly in Woodberry township, surveyed re spectively on warrants dated 19t1► Feb ruary 1794. One'thereof containing SO4 acres and 87 perches surveyed in the name of Regina San tee One " 383 4. 144 " " John Santee, One " 395 " 01 " " Elizabeth Fouse, One " 307 " 4" " Philip Fouse, One " 413 " 69 " " Frederick Gross, One " 405 •' 66 " " Jacob (boss ; One " 444 " 11 " " Philip Gross, One " 320 " " " Nlat'gt Hartzell, One " 186 "95 (part)" Cath. Hartzell, One " 186 "52 (") " John Hartzell, 4. one " 180 124 (") " George Hartzell, 'llwe several pieces or parcels of land adjoining the last described mountain la' purchased fron► John Smith. one thee contains 10 acres and 70 perches de other 10 acres and 147 perches, one if the Hail has a cabin lionfiaKo and a couple of acres cleared•cd by L.: And a piece or parcel of 1a wh01 „ . .,, tug about 3 acres adjoining li, recocz cribed land, purchased Irt uohnui „ Hoover, the timber of whic corre, _ cut oft: Seized, taken in execution a sold as the property of SatnovOch one of the titio of ICVNatuara &rk 141'1111ilt., !toyer & cm and Smith, f. St co. ALSO, All that certain frame building thtee and one half stories high, situate on the turnpike road leading from Huntingdon to Pittsburg, in the borough of Claysport, in the county of Huntingdon, 30 feet front and 34 feet back, erected and situute mr lot No. 6, according to the plat' of said borough and the lot or piece of ground and curtailage appurtenant to said build, s i taken in exrvition and to he the property of Jtiilll Bousluttgli. rileSidde of 014 4!A pure