BANIL NOTE LIST Rates of Discount in Philadelphia. Banks in Philadelphia. Bank of North America - - par Bank of the Northern Liberties - par Bank of Penn Township - - par Commercial Bank of Penn'a. - - par Farmers' & Mechanics' bank - - par Kensington bank - - - par Schuylkill bank - - - - par Mechanics' bank • - - - par Philadelphia bank - - - par Southwark bank - - • pur Western bank - - - - par Moyamensing hank - - - par Manufacturers' and Mechanics' bank par Bank of Pennsylvania - - - par Girard bank - - - . 16 Bank of the United States - 36 Country Banks. Bank of Chester en. Westchester par Bank of Delaware en. Chester par Bank of Germantown Germantown par Bank of Montg'ry co, Norristown par Doylestown bank Doylestown par Easton Bank Easton par Farmers' bk of Bucks co. Bristol par Honesdale batik Honesdale 14 Farmers' bk of Lane. Lancaster 1/ Lancaster bank Lancaster 14 Lancaster county bank Lancaster 11 Bank of Pittsburg Pittsburg i Merch'ts' & Manuf. bk. Pittsburg 1 Exchange batik Pittsburg 1 Do. do. branch of Hollidaysburg 1 Col'a bk & bridge co, Columbia i Franklin bank Washington 1.4 Monongahela bk of B. Brownsville li Farmers' bk of Reading Reading / Lebanon bank Lebanon 2 Bank of Northumberl'd Northumberland par Bank of Middletown Middletown 11} Carlisle bank Carlisle li Erie bank Erie 3 Bank of Chambersburg Chambersburg li Bank of Gettysburg Gettysburg 2 York bank York 2 Harrisburg bank Harrisburg 2 Miners' bk of Pottsville Pottsville 2 Bank of Susquehanna en. Montrose 50 Farmers' & Drovers' bk Waynesborough 3 Bank of Lewistown Lewistown 2 Wyoming bank Wilkesbarre 2i Northampton bank Allentown no sale Becks county bank Reading 75 West Branch bank Williamsport 15 Towanda batik Towanda 88 Rates of Relief Notes. Northern Liberties, Delaware County, Far mers' Batik of Bulks, Germantown par All others - - - - - 2 a 271 DR. WIST.4R'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. The beet medicine known to man for incipient Consumption, Asthma of every stage, Bleeding of the Lunge, Coughs, Colds, Liver Complaint, and all diseases of the Pulmonary Organs, may be had of Agents named below. (fAll published statements of cures performed by this medicine are, in every respect, TRUE. Be careful and get the genuine " Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry," as spurious imitations are abroad. Orders from any part of the country should be addressed to Isaac Butts, No. 125 Fulton street, New York. AGIINT/1. For sale by Thomas Read, Huntingdon, and James Orr, Hollidaysburg. Price one dollar per bottle. December 6, 1843. t 7 Read the following from Dr. Jacob Hoffman, a physician of extensive practice in Huntingdon county : Dear Sir:-1 procured one bottle of Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, from Thomas Read, Esq. of this place, and tried it in a case of obstinate Asthma on a childof Paul Schweble, in which many other reme dies had been tried without any relief. The Balsam gave sudden relief, and in my opin ion the child is effect uelly cured by its use. Yours, &c. JACOB HOFFMAN, M. D. Dec. 23, 1841. HUNTINGDON CABINET 86 CHAIR WARE ROOM. Steam. Cunningham & Burchnell. TDESPECTFULLY !inform the citizens of the borough and county of Hunting don, the public generally, and their old friends and customers in particular, that they continue to carry on busines in their new establisment, one duos east of the north eastern corner of the Diamond in said borough, where they are prepeared ;to sell, wholesale and retail, all articles in their line of business; such as Sideboards, Secretaries, So fas, Settees, Bureaus, workstands, card, pier, centre, dining and breakfast tables; Ugh, Field, French, and Low Post BEDSTEADS. [ALSO—Every variety of Zatraesiatrss. Such as Rush seat, Cane•seat, Balk Bent, Baltimore, Straight .back, Boston pattern 4' Common Rocking Chairs, together with womatnam cLz ugiwa. of all colors, qualities and sizes; and Paper flanging of various patterns and qualities. N. B. Coffins made and funerals attend ed either in town or country, at the shortest notice. They keep a splendid HEARSE for the accommodation of their customers. Nov. 29, 1843. $5O Reward. Escaped from the Comity Jail on last Thursday morning, a convict named. HUGH B. ORR. Said Orr is about five feet six inches in bight, has black hair, dark complexion, and bears the appearance of a gentleman; he escaped without hat or shoes. The above reward will be given for his apprehension and delivery to the Jail. JOHN SHAVER, Sh'ff. Huntingdon Nov. 1843. irtn LANK BONDS to Constables for Stay 480 of Execution, under the new law, just printed, and for sale, at this office. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE OM Zl' 112, 1110 HE subscriber offers for sale the follow ing property: st.—.l Tract of Land situate in West township, containing abou 90 acres, about 80 acres of which are clear ed, cultivated and in good order, bounded by lands of Wm. Moore,Robert Moore, Samuel Mosser, Oaks, &c., having thereon erected A Grist Mill, a saw Mill, Large Frame Dwel- Eft. ling House, ais A Good Frame Store- " House and Ware-Room attached, Dwel ling House for Store keeper, a large Bank Barn, a Black Smith Shop, and dwel ling house for Black Smith with other buildings, and an APPLE ORCHARD. This property is one of the best and most desirable business situations in the county ; being located is one of the richest and best improved Valleys in this section of country, and only six miles from the canal. 2nd.--The Frankstown (Elizabeth)lFur nace property, consisting of a Tract or parcel of Land, situate in Frankstown township adjoining lands of Michael Hileman on the north, Christian Garber on the west, and Arthur Craw ford on the east, containing 40 acres, more or less, thereon erected a BLAST FURNSCE, one ft ame house, log stable and six other houses, and about 30 acres cleared thereon. The furnace is located within a few rods of the canal, in a good section of country for obtainig provisions and other necessa ries on reasonable terms and with little trouble and in every particular is conve niently situated. Also, A Tract of Land, situate on the Southerly side of Brush Moun tain, in Frankstown township, adjoining lands of David Markey, John Weistling, land late of Joseph Patton and others, con taining 192 acres and allowance (warranted to Christian Garber.)—Also, A Tract of Land, situate in Frankstown township, adjoining lands of Smith and others, land surveyed in the name of Robert Elliot & land claimed by the late Benjamin R. Morgan, Esq., con taining 416 acres, 12 perches and usual al lowance (warranted to Alcx. Dysart.) Also, all the two adjoining tracts of land sitnate in Frankstown township, in the name of John S. W eistling, one containing 432 acres end 32 perches, and the other 102 a cres and 80 perches, adjoining lands in the names of David Titus, Andrew Divi nney, Arthur O'Friel, John S. Weistling, and lands of Chrislian Garber.—Also, A Tract of Land situate in Frankstown township, adjoining lands of Michael Hileman, land late of Jos. Patton, Christian Garber, John Adams, and the heirs of fiLazerus Lowry or Wm. Steel, containing 20.5 acres and 129 perches and allowance, with an ore bank, some cleared land and a couple of buildings thereon. 3d.-A Tract of Land, situate in the same township of Frankstown. adjoining lands of John F. Lowry, John dec'd., now (Joseph Shannon,) and others, containing 170 acres more or less of good limestone land, having 155 acres cleared, a good bank barn and a frame dwelling house thereon. A reasonable time will be given for the payment of part of the purbhase money of • these several prope.ties, desired; but what : ever amount is not paid at the making of a • contract, must bear interest from its date. Persons wishing to purchase, instead of asking what I willtake,w ill please state what they are willing to give and the terms of payment. Communications in writing on the subject, by mail or otherwise, would be preferred. Any one or all of these several properties, which I may not sell, at private sale. on or before the 22nd. of January next, I will then offer at public vendue, first for sale and, if not sold, for rent for a term of years. 1. M. BELL. Huntingdon Nov. 27, 1843. Is3ttpU.3. Eik3 ena THE undersigned will expose to sale, by vendue or outcry, on the premises, on Monday the 25th DAY OF DECEMBE R NEXT, at 1 o'clock P. M. all that certain planta tion or tract of land situate in Morris town ship, Huntingdon county ' about one mile fromyVater Street and the Pennsylvania can al and near the Turnpike, bounded by lands of John Shaver, Frederick Hileman, Heirs of Samuel Harnish and others, containing auaa ccioErziapso, of which about 120 are cleared and in a high state of cultivation, having thereon an apple orchard, a two story log Dwelling Douse, log bank barn with two Penns and other out buildings, and the residue of the tract is well timbered. It is limestone land, of the best quality and a Stream of Water, sufficient for a Saw Mill, rises thereon. The said land being the farm lately occupied and owned by Robert Dean who is now dec'd. The terms of sale will Jt reasonable and made known on the day of sale by the un dersigned Executors of the said dec'd. Any person desiring to examine the land can do so by calling on W. B. Johnston, who resides theron and will show them the boun daries &c. Possession will be given on the first day of April next. SAMUEL DEAN, / Wm. CALDWELL, 5 Ex'rs. Nov. 15, 1843. xscocrucznua. aILL persons indebted to the subscriber, to save cost will make immediate pay ment. All the accounts are now in the hands of a proper officer for collection—it is useless to wait any longer. He is deter ned to have money if it is to be had ; he has a desire to pay his creditors, and therefore urges payment of those who owe him. JACOB HOFFMAN. Huntingdon Nov. 15, 1843. N. B. The subscriber still continues the practice of Physic, as usual, at his old office, a few doors went of the Jail, Mifflin street, Huntingdon.J. H. TAVERN NOTICES. To the Honorable the Judges of the court of Comnon Pleas of Huntingdon coun ty, holding and composing a court of Quarter Sessions of the peace in and for said county, at January Sessions, A. D. 1844. _ _ The petition of Mary Scullin tespectfu!- ly showeth, that she is still provided with house room, stabling, liquors and all the necessary accomodations for keeping a house of public entertainment at her old stand in the borough of Peterburg in said county. She therefore prays your Honors to grant her a license to continue to keep a house of public entertainment at the said place for the current ensuing year, and as in duty bound will pray &c. MARY SCULLIN. We the undersigned, citizens of the bor ough of Petersburg in said county of Hunt ingdon, do certify that we are well acqualii tud with Mary Scullin, the above petitioner, that she is a woman of good repute for hon esty and temperance and that she is well provided with house room and other neces sary accomodations for the entertainment of strangers and travellers, and that in our opin ion a teavern at the place applied for is ne cessary for the accomodation of strangers and travellers. William Jones, William Semple, Rarnabas Zigler, Roswell Wright, Hans Morrison, Jacob Speece, George W. Morris, William Temple jr. Samuel Morrison, Thomas Patterson James E. Taylor, George Updike, James Miller, Elias Raver, E. B. Prindle. Dec. 6, 1843. To the Honorable, the Court of Quarter Sessions of Huntingdon county. The petition of James Chamberlain, of the town of Warriorsmark, in the county of Huntingdon, respectfully represents that your petitioner is desirous of keep ing a public house or tavern, in the house he now occupies, (formerly kept by Wm. Shipley, dec'd,) that he has provided him self with necessaries for the convenience and accommodation of travellers and stangers, he therefore prays the court to grant him a liecence to keep a house of public entertainment in said house and he will wray &c. JAMES CHAMBERLAIN. We the subscribers, inhabitants of the township of Warriorstnark , in which the above inn is prayed to licensed, do certify that James Chamberlain, the above apple cant, is of good repute for honesty and temperance and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the lodg ing and accommodation of strangers and travellers & that such an inn is necessary to accommodate the public. Samuel Rider, 'Richard Wills, Wm. J. Hemphill, William Davis, Michael Funk, David Diller, Peter H. Burket, John Addleman, John Spanogle William Hunter, George Rumberger, jr John Spitter, John G. Rumberger, Henry Kreider, Jacob Buck, Geo rge.Rumberger Sr, Dec. 6, 1843. Dissolution of Partnership. . HE partnership heretofore existing be tween the firm of Maguire & Moore, was dissolved on the 30th day of November, by mutual consent. The bocks and accounts are left at the old stand, where all persons knowing themselves indebted will please call and settle. JAS. MAGUIRE, WM. MOORE, Alexandria, Dec 6,1843.-3. t pd. TOWN PROPERTY 1:1313 Daria Tipi pursuance of the last will and testa ment4.ll_, of Daniel Myers, late of the bor ough of Shirley sburg, the subscribers will offer at public outcy, on the premises, on Saturday the 23d of day December next, in said borough, all the real estate belonging to said clec'd. , consisting in part of One Lot of Ground, situate on the southeast corner of Main and German streets, fronting sixty feet on Main and extending at right angles one hundred and forty feet on German street, thereon erected a large and commodious 2 story frame dwelling house and kitchen, with a cellar under the same, a frame warehouse, a stable and small car penter shop, a part of the dwelling having a store room in it, renders it desirable for PUBLIC BUSINESS, being located in an eligible part of the bor. ough. Also., an OUT LOT OF GROUND, situate convenient to the above, containing one fourth of an acre. An indisputable title will be given to the purchaser and terms made to suit the times. But a small portion of the purchase money will be required on the confirmation of the sale, the remainder to be subjrct to interest, secured by bond or mortgage, to bepaid an nually for the use of the widowofsald deed. Safe to commence at two o'clock P.M. of said day, when the terms may be more fully defined and attendance given by. SAM'L Nr'VE'ff,l MARY MYERS, .5 Ex'rs. Shirleysburg, Nov. 29, 1843.—t5. Estate of Margaret Clayton, Late of West township Huntingdon county deceased. Notice is heteby given, that letters testa mentary upon the will of said dec'd have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same are requested to present them duly authenticated for set Clement, to JOHN WATT, GEORGE WILSON, 1 Exes Nov. 29, 1843. A. K. CORNYN, Atevairma Ate lump HUNTINGDON, PA. Office in Main &reef, two doors East of Mrs. McConnell's Tempsrance llovsc. COME THIS WAY =TIENI3Z7E Carriage Manufactory HENRY SMITH os r respectfully informs the citizens 44a of the borough and county ot Hunting don, the public generally, and his old friends and customers in particular, that he still continues the Coach Making Business in all its vrious branches, at his old stand, in Main street in the borough of Huntingdon, nearly opposite the 'Journal' printing office, where he has constantly on hand every description of . Coaches, Carriages, !Xi Buggies, Sleighs 4• Dearborns, which he will sell low for cash or on reason able terms. All kinds of work in his line made to or der, on the shortest notice, in a WORKMANLIKE MANNER And all kinds of repairing done with neat ness and despatch. Country produce will be taken in exchange for work. Any persons wishing to purchase are re spectfully invited to call end examine and judge for themselves. _ _ Huntingdon Nov. 29, 1843, Huntingdon County Ss. s o ioi At an Orphans' Court held at -7...,A Huntingeon, in and tor the county of Huntingdon, the 18th day of November, A. D. 184.3, before ' , • the Hon. Abraham S. Wilson, Esquire, President and his Associate Judges of the said court. On the application, by petition of Isaac Neff, administrator of William Wilson, late of West township in said county, the court granted a rule on Daniel Hall, requiring' him to appear in this court on the second Monday of January next, then and there, before said court, to show cause why he should not pay the purchase money for a certain house and lot of ground sold to him on the Ist day of July, A. D. 1842, by the said administrator for the sum or price of one hundred and eight dollars, in pursuance of an order of the said court; or in the event of his being unable to pay the said purchase money, then to show cause why 'the said sale should not be set aside, and the said house and lot ordered to be resold by the court. Certified from the Record under the seal of said court, at Huntingdon the 28th day of November, A. D. 1843, by JOHN REED Clerk. Dec. 6,1843. Estate of Robert M'Nit, late of Tyrone tp. Huntingdon co. deceased. Wit OTICE is hereby given that letters of al administration upon the said estate have been granted to the undersigned. All petsons having claims or demands against the same are requested to make them known without delay, and all persons indebted to make immediate payment to JOSEPH MORROW, Adm'r. Dec. 6, 1843. exittiovT, All persons are hereby cautioned against meddling with, selling, disturbing or re moving the following described property which I purchased at constable's sale as the property of John Coulter, of Walker town ship, and left in his possession until I see proper to remove the same, viz: 1 hill-side plough, 1 roan hors .% 1 cow, 10 bushels of wheat, 14 bushels of rye, 1 wind mill, 1 stack of hay, 1 heiffer, 5 hogs, 1 mans' saddle, and a lot of torn in the crib. JAMES CAMPBELL. Dec. 6, 1843. Caution, ALL persons are hereby notified that we, the subscribers, purchased at a consta bles sale, on the 24th clay of August, 1843, the following property of John Isenberg. Jr., (blacksmith,) of Porter township, }hating don county:—viz, Eight pieces of carpeting, tone mantel clock, one bureau, one table, one stand and cover, one desk, and one set of smith tools. which we have left in the possession of the said Isenberg. All persons are; therefore, hereby cau tioned against intermeddling with the same, as it belongs to us and we will proceed ac cording to law against any person so doing. MAGUIRE & MOORE. Nov. 28, 1843.—pd. Auditor's Notice, 'WiE the subscribers, auditors appointed NEA// by the Orphans' Court of the county of Huntingdon, to settle and adjust the ad ministration account of Sam'l Dean surviving ex'r of the last will and testament of John Dean, late of Morris township, dec'd., the administration account of Samuel Dean and Wm. Caldwell exe'rs of Robert Dean, dec'd for the said Robert as one of the executors of the last will and testament of the said ' John dec'd. and the administration account of Samuel Dean and Wm. Caldwell, exec utors of the last will and testament of Rob't ' Dean, late of said township, dec'd. to which accounts exceptions have been filed, do hereby give notice that we will meet for the purpose of attending to the duties of our said appointment at the house of Mrs. M'- Connell, in the borough of Huntingdon, on Tuesday, the 19th day of December, next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, where and when all persons interested may attend if they think proper. GEO. TAYLOR, DAVID BLAIR, Auditors. WM. DORRIS, Nov. 29, 1843. AterV. Came to the residence of the subscribes' in Henderson township, Huntingdon county, some time in October last, a black steer about two years old. The owner is request ed to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away, otherwise he will be disposed of according to law. Nov. 15. 1843. pd, JAMES KERR. FRANKLIN HOUSE, Illantingdan, Pennsylvania. CHRISTIAN COUTS, IyouLD most respectfully inform the citizens of this county, the public generally, and his old friends and customers in particular, that he has leased for a term of years, that large and commodious building on the West end of the Diamond, in the bo rough of Huntingdon, formerly kept by An drew H. Hirst, which he has opened and furnished as a Public House, where every attention that will minister to the comfort and convenience of guests will always be found. 1.9-10.6a3 REFerablicsa will at all times be abundantly supplied with the best to be had in the country. MI Gt 3 ma. will be furnished with the best of Liquors, and HIS ST.IIBLVSG is the very best in the borough, and will always be attended by the most trusty, at tentive and experienced ostlers. Mr. Couts pledges himself to make every exertion to render the "Franklin House" a home to all who may favor him with a call. Thankful to his old customers for past favors, he respectfully solicits a continuance of their custom, Boarders, by the year, month, or week, will be taken on reasonable terms. Huntingdon, Nov. 8. 1843. 1113::n. Maaancllcs+ 9 6i3 GERIIL9N RENOVATING PILLS Yir AVE obtained an enviable celebrity as -1- a vegetable remedy in Dysentery, Choleramorbus, Bilious diseases, Rheuma tism, the premonitory stage of Scarlet Fever, &c., &c. All affections arising from impure blood, are warranted to be relieved by their use. LIST OF AGENTS. Fisher & M'Murtrio, Huntingdon Alex. Knox & Son, Newry. W. & B. Leas, Shirleysburg. Dennis O'Conner, Three Springs. Blair & Madden, Madden's Mill. Hunter & Wigton, Rockhill Furnace. Thomas E. Orbison & Co., Orbisonia Brice X. Blair, Shade Gap. Oct. IS, 1843. No foreign testimony in favor of these Pills is adduced ; but certificates are presented trom citizens of our own county. From William M'Lain, Esq. of Dublin township, Huntingdon county. I was affected with Scarlet Fever. A physician prescribed Dr. Shade's Pills. I made use of three doses, which proved both emetic and purgative, cleansing the stomach and bowels equal to any calomel I have ever taken. I have since used the Renovating Pills in my family and cannot say too much in their favor. WM. M'LAIN August 15, 1843. Umbrella, Parasol 4. Sun-shade UMEITTCat94U2W D No 4 South Fourth street, below Market, Philadelphia. JOSIAH W. CLARKE, ( Successor to K. Rtchie.) Respectfully announces to the ladies and gentlemen of Huntiugdon:county, that he leas constautly on hand, wholesale and retail, a large and splendid assortment of Sun-shades, Parasols and Umbrellas of the very best materials that can he obtained in this mar ket, and being manufactured under his im mediate superintendence, the quality and workmanship will be warranted equal, if not superior, to any in the city, at the lowest cash prises. a?' Merchants arc invited to call and ex amine the stock. Phil's September 27, 1893. 3m. 'tikb ak oo -orzX93se. oo WILLIAM FA HS quESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Huntingdon, and the public in gen eral, that he still continues the Tailoring Business, at his old stand, in Main street, in the bo rough of Huntingdon, in the brick house immediately opposite the store of Thomas Read, where he is fully prepared and ready to accommodate all, who may favor him with a call.• He receives, regularly, from New York, Scott's Nem York, Paris and London FASHIONS; and he is dete mined to employ none but the best and most expel ienced woi kmen ; and he guarantees to execute all orders in his line in the most fashionable and workman like manner, or according to the wishes and orders of customers. COUNTRY PRODUCE will be taken, at the market price, in payment of work done at his shop. Thankful for pest favors, he solicits a continuance of public patronage. August 16, 1843.—tf. 'Waal:lEl :1 3 L38 RU'Lry.3 411, (do aamoza o PRACTICAL DENTIST, Would respectfully announce to the public, that he has return e d from the city, and has taken a room at the Boarding House of Mrs. CLARKE, where he designs remaining a short time for the practice of his profession. Any person desiring his services, he would be happy to receive their calls as above. nalrFull satisfaction or no charges. Huntingdon, Nov. Ist 1843.—tf. SMOKERS, THIS WAY! 6t3 Cal Uga 610 8 Cheap for Cash. The subscriber has just received a large and well assorted lot of segars, which he of fers for sale at the following prices. Cuba segars in boxes containing 150 each, $1 25 per box. Half Spanish in boxes containing 150 each, 50 cents per box. Half Spanish per thousand, $? 75 Common do. $1 50 and $1 00 irpThe above prices are so low that the subscriber can sell for cash only. T. K. SIMONTON. Huntingdon, Oct. 11.—tf BLANK DEEDS, of an improved forni, for sale at this office. Slro BLANK PETITIONS FOR NSTURALIZATION. ALEXJJI ,DRIJ FOUNDRY. I. GRAFIUS & SON _______.-- --- - 3 IMESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of Huntingdon county, and the public generally, that they have formed a partner ship to carry on the Copper, Tin and Sheet-iron Buainess in all its branches, in Alexandria, where they manufacture and constantly keep or: hand every description of ware in their line; such as . New and Splendid Wood Stoves, 22, 24, 26, 28 and 30 inches long RADIATOR STOVES, Nero Cooking Stoves of all kinds, and Also four sizes of Coal Stoves• ALSO STOVE-PIPE, AND STOVES FINISHED All kinds of castings done, for Forges, SRA , mills and Threshing-machines. Also W#4- ON BOXES, MILL GUDGEONS, AND HOLLOW WARE ; all of which is done in a workman: like manner. Also, Copper, Dye, Wash, Fuller, Pre , serving, and 7'ea Kettles, for sale, . _ wholesale and relaii, Persons favoring this establishment with their custom may depend on having their orders executed with fidelity and despatch. Old metal, copper, brass and pewter ta ken m exchange. Also wheat, rye, corn and oats taken at marketprice. Alexandria, Nov. 1, 1843. NOTICE—The subscriber respectfully requests all persons indebted to him for work done at the old establishment, pre vious to this slate, to call and settle theh ac counts without delay. ISRAEL GRAFIUS. _ _ _ Nov. 1, 1843. CHAIRS ! CHAIRS! ! The subscriber is now prepared to furnish every description of CHAIRS, from the ilain kitchen to the most splendid and fash onable one for the parlor. Also the LUXURIOUS AN]) EASY CHAIR FOR THE INVALID, n which the feeble and afflicted invalid, though unable to walk even with the aid of crutches, may with ease move himself from room to room, through the garden and in the street, with great rapidity. Those who are about going to housekeep ing, will find it to their advantage to give him a call, whilst the Student and Gentle man of leisure are sure to find in his newly invented Revolving Chair, that comfort which no other article of the kind is capable of affording. Country merchants and ship pers can be supplied with any quantity at short notice. ABRAHAM McDONOUGH, No. 113 South Second street, two doors below Dock, Philadelphia. May 31, 1843.---1 yr. EXCHANGE HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, I'A. PETER LIVINGSTON, Respectfully informs the citizens of this county, and the public generally, that he has removed to' and opened a Public House in that large and commodious brick building situate at the centre of the Diamond, former ly occupied by C. Couts, where the " way worn traveller" will find every attention that will minister to his convenience and comfort. His TABLE will receive his especcaiaiteq - tion, and shall always be abundantly supplied with the best to be had in the county. His BAR is furnished with the choicest Wines and Liquors. His STABLING is the best in the place, and the mast careful and attentive ostlers will always be in attendance; and the HOST pledges himself to make every exertion to render his house a "home" to all who may favor him with a call. The stranger and the friend may rest asrured that if a desire to please be successful he doubts not his suc cess. He tenders his thanks to his old cus tomers for past favors, and respectfully so licits a continuance of their patronage. r BOARDERS will be taken by the year, month or week. July 12, 1843.-6 m. xximm HOTEL. No. 9.00 MARKET STREET, (Above 6th Street) Philadelphia. BOARDING 81,00 PER DAY. 11161eHE subscriber, thankful for the liberal support of his friends and the public/ generally, respectfully informs them that he still continues at the old established house, where he will be pleased to accommodate all those who favor him with their patronage. CHRISTIAN BROWER. Doc. 14, 1842.—tf. 71 A w Er I izEGS to inform the inhabitants of Hun . 4111,01, tingdon and its vicinity, that he has commenced the business of light and heavy wagon making, and every kind of vehicle re pairing. Having learnt his trade in England, he is prepared to furnish either the English or American style of wagons, and hopes by diligence and attention to merit a share of public patronage. N. B. Shop near to Mr. J. Houck's black smith shop. Huntingdon, April 19,1843.-Iy. Chair and Cabinet Making. THOMAS A DAMS, Respectfully informs the citizens of Hun tingdon and vicinity, that he has commenced the ahone businesses in all their various branches, in the shop occupied by him the last year as a chair shop, opposite George Jackson's hotel. All kinds of work made to order on the the shortest nottce, warrented to be good and will be given in exchange for all limes of country produce, and very cheap for cash, Coffins made on sight. June 7, 1842. Snyder's Pegetable Concrete. Trdo certify that my wife was afflicted for some time with a very severe cough, with a pain in the breast, and ,after many other remedies had failed I was induced to procure a bottle of J. Snyder's Vegetable Concrete, and she was perfectly restored by the use of part of a bottle full. HUGH KELLEY, For wile by Jacob Snyder, Hollidaysburg. Jan. 18, 1843. LANK BONDS—Judgment and corn %V' moa—for sale at thin office. Am 44