Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 06, 1843, Image 4

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    CORA.PI3 FOR FAR 12217.6.
Breaking Steers from Running Away
A farmer who had exchanged oxen with
another, found that he had come in poses
sion of a pair of real 'cut and run' fel
lows ; a pair that were not slow either,
nor very particular as to the time or occa•
sion of showing their speed to their pro
Being in the woods one day, and just
ready to hitch to a log, they started for
home, and he after them in pursuit. The
oxen having many feet the start of him,
and the more feet to apply as locomotives, i
soon won the race, and would n't 'heave
too,' till the barn yard brought them up.
The owner said nothing to them when he
arrived, but supplied himself with an ex
tra number of chains, and drove them qui
etly down to the woods. lle then put all
the chains lie hail together, put one end
round a tree and backing the oxen hooked
them on, and then turned away to other
business. In a few minutes the oxen
started again, and being elated at their
former success, started with more 'steam'
than at first ;
little thinking that they
were moored by a chain cable. They
. had made but a leap or two, and began
almost to shout for viociry, when —crack
O: they Caine to a dead stand, and their
necks were almost broken by the sudden
ness of the check. The farmer then mov
ed them to another tree— fastened one end
as before, and coiled the slack of the
chain at the roots.
As soon as the pain was a little over,
they thought they would try a new 'gal
lopade.' Hardly had they got a fair start
when the chain began to straighten, and
they were brought 'all standing.' This
was even too much for the patience of an
ox, and one of them roared right out with
pain and vexation, and they, probably,
mutually resolved to reform their habits,
for they never tried to run away again.
The species of cranberry most com
monly found in the United States, has
been described as an indigenous low trailing
vine, growing wild in bogs and meadows,
bearing a beautiful red berry of an ex
ceedingly sour though pleasant taste,
which is much used in domestic economy
for tarts and sweatmeats. Mr. Kendrick,
of Boston, says the cranberry is a plant
of easy culture, and not a doubt exists
that meadows which are now barren
wastes or yielding nothing but coarse
herbage, might be converted into profita
ble cranberry fields, with but little ex
pense. According to Loudon, an Eng
lish writer, Sir Joseph Banks introduced
the cranberry into that country from
America, and 1831 raised 3 1-2 Winches
ter bushels on a square of 18 feet each
way ; which is rather more than equal to
469 bushels to an acre. Any meadow, it
is said, will answer for their growth.—
They grow well on sandy bogs, after
draining. If bogs are coffered with bush
es they should be removed, but it is not
necessary to remove rushes, as the strong
. roots of the cranbery soon overpower them.
It would be well however if the land
could be ploughed previous to planting
with cranberries. Capt. Henry Hull, of
Barnstable, who has cultivated them for
more than 20 years, usually speeds beach
sand on his bogs and digs holes four feet
distant each way the same as for corn,
though somewhat deeper. In the holes
he plants sods of cranberry roots, and
in the space of three years the whole
ground is covreed with the vines. The
planting is usuall performed in Autumn,
when the bogs are drier and can be better
dug or ploughed than at any other season
of the year.
For making superior loaf-bread, hot break
fast and supper cakes, buckwheat cakes,
&c. No bread can excel that made by
this receipt :
Half pint of sour milk , half a tea
spoonful of salaratus, well powdered ; a
piece of batter as large as a walnut; a
pinch of salt, and three fourths of a quart
of flour ; put the saleratus, butter and
salt into the sour milk; then add the
flour and roll out the dough to a proper
These quantities will produce one doz
en superior biscuts. The dough may be
baked as soon as made, but it does not in
jure by standing two or three hours before
baking it.
Potato Cheese,
Select good white potatoes, boil them,
and when cold, peel and 'educe to palp
with a rasp or mortar; to five pounds of
this pulp, which must be very uniform
and homogeneous, add a pint of sour milk,
and the requisite portion of salt; knead
the whole well, cover it, and let it remain
three or lour days, according to the sea
son. then knead it afresh, and place the
cheese in small baskets, when they will
part with a superfluous moisture; dry
them in the shade, and place them in lay.
era in large pots or kegs, where they may
remain a fortnight. talent or genius does not im
ply genets! capacy. Versatility seldom
easels in guy oue deliartiront.
The cheapeot and best Lady's Magazine
Mrs. A.S. Stephens & C. /. Peterson.
Permanent Contributors,
Mrs. L. H. Sigourney,Frances S. Osgood,
A. M. F. Annan, Emma C. Embury,
Caroline F. Orne, Miss Mary Dave.
nant, lies. Caroline Lee Hentz, M. L.
Lawson, .9melia B. 1 elby, Lydia June
Pierson, and other Females of the first
rank as authors.
This elegant and popular monthly peri
odical was established in July, 1843, by
the union of the 'World of Fashion,' and
F. Quarre's 'Arstist,' and has already at
tained the reputation in our great cities the
text book of Fashion and literature. In
the correctness and beauty of its fashion
plates; in the novelty, splendor and cost
liness' of its other embellishments ; and in
the chastened tone and peculiarly refined
and femenine character of its literary de
partment, it is conceded that this maga
zine has no superior. Fully equal to the
best three dollar magazines in these re
spects, it is yet but little more than half
their price. The astonishing success has
induced the publisher to •begin the new
year with great and costly improvements.
Accordingly he has determined to employ
a corps ofemale contributors whose uni
ted talents are such as have never before
been employed on any magazine fur •the
sex. The work will not be the reflex of
any one mind. The names of our perma
nent contributers are a guarantee for the
variety, talent and worth of our pages for
1844. Ours will be the only magazine
sustained by the sex. The editorial de
partment will remain with Mrs. Ann S.
Stephens, author of the celebrated $4OO
prize story, "Mary Derwent," and ac
knowledFed to be the most powerful
writer of her sex in this country. Her
story of "Anna Taylor," in our volume
for 1843, has had un astonishing run, and
will be followed by . others more thrilling.
Assissted by her sister authors, she will
be enabled to make this book surpass all
others intended for the ladies, Every
thing of interest to the sex will find an
early insertion in our Oges. An,ong
distinguishing characterestics of this book
will be a series of critical reviews, or por
traits of our female poets, accompanied
by autographs of each individual. These
will be of great value as presenting facts
all would wish to know.
To render this magazine as useful on
the work-table as in the parlor, the pub,
usher has secured the services of an emi
nent author to furnish monthly— begin.
ning with the January number —a Home
Department, in which directions for knit
ting the newest styles of lace, working
Berlin and Persian work and needle work,
and embroidery of all kinds will be given,
together with receipts for compounding
cakes and sweetmeats of every variety,
and, in general, whatever may be useful
to the housekeeper, whether daughter,
wife, or mother to know. This depart.
ment will form, at the end of the year, a
volume in itself, worth twice the subscrip.
tion price.
As this work is intended for the boudoir
as well as the domestic hearth, great pains
have been taken to secure the earliest
reports of the Louden and Paris fashions.
Accordingly this department has been
entrusted to Madame Quarre, who re
ceives from her Parisian correspondents
designs in advance, enabling us to antici
pate every rival, as has been done con
stantly during the past volume. But
while the correct Parisian fashions are
given, care is taken, in the letter press
description, to point out how far these
costumes are suited to our climate, a ne
cessary caution observed by no other co
temporary. In a word, this department
is managed thoroughly, and not usei.Las a
mere catch-penny. Nor are the plates
ever omitted in this magazine, which has
been the only one to publish, in 1843, an
unbroken series of fashions. These plates
ate always originally engraved for us, and
not transferred, as in other cheap maga.
zines, from any other cotemporary.
In the costliness, brilliancy and number
of its other embellishments, this maga
zine shall continue to equal the best three
dollar monthlies. The past is the best
guarantee for the future; and it is consee
dud by the press that,in 1849, we have sur
passed in the novelty of our illustrations.
. colored engraving of
the French lilac published in October—
the mezzotint given in July—and the em
bossed view of West Point in the Novem
ber number are specimens of our enter•
prize on this point ; for the publisher is
resolved that all that capital4taste, and
the skill of our artists can do to embellish
his work shall be done, to render it uni
versally, in country as well as city, the
ladies favorite. The novelly and brillian
cy of our illustrations, form a striking
contrast to the dull monotony of the em
bellishments in other magazines. While
we give, in each number, either a line or
stipple engraving, or one of Sartain's mez
zotints, we publish invariably a third
plate, which is either a colored flower ; an
arabesque pattern; a new style for lace•
work or embroidery; colored birds; em ,
bossed landscapes or boquet colored and
uncolored; portraits printed in color ; or
others of varied, novel and beautiful il
lustrations, designed especially for us by
the eminent French artist, F. Quarre.—
the line and stipple engravings are from
the burins of our most eminent engravers,
done originally for this work, often from
original American pictures. There will
be no coarse lithographs in this work, nor
worn out plates; but our engravings shall
rival those of the best annuals. Among
them Sartin's glorious mezzotints, which
have never been equalled in this country,
and are unattainable in every other lady . 'B
magazine, shall fill a prominent place.
Embossed work of Mr. Leonard. the cele
brated die-sinker, solely engaged for this
work, will also appear at intervals.
The volume, beginning in January 1844,
besides these great improvements, will
appear in a new and beautiful type, cast
expressly for this work. Everything v ill
be done, in short, to make the ' , Ladies
National" an ornament to the centre table,
the companion of the dondoir, and the
home book and instructor of the fire-side.
Time of publication. This magazine
is issued from the office between the 15th
ancl,Both of the month preceeding the one
for which it is dated, or immediately on
the arrival of the steam-ships bringing the
reports of the fashions.
The Cash system, adopted and main
tained by the publisher, enables him to
afford a magazine, in every respect equal
to the old three dollar magazines, at one
third less cost. The price of the "Ladies'
.National," is, therefore, only two dollars
perannum, cash, in advance. Each sub
subscriber, at the end of the year, is no•
titled of the expiration ot• his term, when,
if the subscription is not renewed, he is
no longer served. This is far better than
forcing the book on a suuscriber, if he ne
glects to notify the publisher at the end of
the year. Let it be remembered that this
is the only:magazine, similar in embellish
ments and literary character to the three
dollar monthlies, which is afforded under
their price. It is the intention of the pub
lisher throughout the year, and not for
January and February only, a meritorious
In order to facilitate remittances from
post-towns where there is no local agent,
the publisher offers the following terms to
persons disposed to club, viz :
1 copy 92,00 per annum.
s 14 5,00 " "
8 " 10,00 " "
17 " 20,00 " "
This money must be sent, post paid, in
We offer the following inducements to
Post Masters and others who will take
the trouble to procure subscribers:
For a club of three, and $5, any one of
Miss Bremer's novels, or the 'Gems of
Art and Beauly.".
For a club deight and 810 any one of
Rockafellar's Original American novels—
Mrs Fore's "Bankers Wife," or any of
Harper's late novels.
For a club of seventeen, and MO Coop.
er's new novel, "Wyandottee," or two
copies of the "Gems of Art and Beauty,"
or any other of the premiums, or any
work of equal value the post master
may wish
A Pictoral annual, containing a selec
tion of his choisest embellishment, will be
published by the subscriber on the Ist of
December. This elegant work will be sent
to any postmaster or other person who
will procure us two new subscribers, and
the money, or who will obtain either of
the above clubs.
All letters must be franked or postpaid.
Any premium offered by any cotempo
rary we will giv e, on equal terms.
As the January number will be ready
very early in December, friends and
neighbors cannot be too prompt in getting
No. 98 Chesnut St., Phil's
T roESPECTFULLY inform the citizens
vet of Huntingdon county, and the public
generally, that they have formed a partner
ship to carry on the
Copper, Tin and Sheet-tron Business
in all its branches, in Alexandria, where
they manufacture and constantly keep on
hand every desct iption of ware in their line;
such as
New and Splendid Wood Stoves,
22, 24, 26, 28 ali4 0 inches long
IVew Cooking Stoves of all kinds, and
Also four sizes of Coal Stoves.
All kinds of castings done, for Forges, Saw
mills and Threshing-machines. Also WAG
WARE ; all of which is done in a workman
like manner.
Also, Copper, Dye, IVash, Fuller, Pre.
serving, and Tea Kettles, for sale,
wholesale and retail.
Persons favoring this establishment with
their custom may depend on having their
orders executed with fidelity and despatch.
Old metal, copper, brass and pewter ta
ken in exchange. Alsu wheat, rye, corn
and oats taken at market price.
Alexandria, Nov. 1, 1843.
NOTICE—The subscriber respectfully
requests all persons indebted to him for
work done at the old establishment, pre
vious to this date, to call and settle their ac
counts without delay.
Nov. 1, 1843.
Job Printing.
Ilunlingdon, Pennsylvania.
'WOULD most respectfully inform the
citizens of this county, the public
generally, and his old friends and customers
in particular, that he has leased for a term
of years, that large and commodious building
on the West end of the Diamond, in the bo
rough of Huntingdon, formerly kept by An
drew H. Hirst, which he has opened and
furnished as a Public House, where every
attention that will minister to the comfort
and convenience of guests will always be
found. _
zxCaso r?=232:GDUce
will at all times be abundantly supplied with
the best to be had in the country.
LP—St].Ea3 Lacaur.
will be furnished with the best of Liquors,
is the very best in the borough, and will
always be attended by the most trusty, at
tentive and experienced ostlers.
Mr. Couts pledges himself to make every
exertion to render the "Franklin House" a
home to all who may fvor him with a call.
Thankful to his old customers for past favors,
he respectfully solicits a continuance of their
Boarders, by the year, month, or week,
will be taken on reasonable terms.
Huntingdon, Nov. 8. 1843.
%..Iniaaa.cazaa 613
Tin AVE obtained an enviable celebrity as
4K4 a vegetable remedy in Dysentery,
Choleramorbus, Bilious diseases, Rheuma
tism, the premonitory stage of Scarlet Fever,
&c., &o. All affections arising from impure
blood, are warranted to be relieved by
their use.
Fisher & M'Murtrie, Huntingdon
Alex. Knox & Son, Newry.
W. & B. Leas, Shirleysburg.
Dennis O'Conner, Three Springs.
Blair & Madden, Madden's Mill.
Hunter & Wigton, Rnckhill Furnace.
Thomas E. Orbison & Co., Orbisonia
Brice X. Blair, Shade Gap. •
Oct. 18, 1843.
No foreign testimony in favor of these Pills
is adduced ; but certificates are presented
tram citizens of our own county.
From William M'Lain, Esq. of Dublin
township, Huntingdon county.
I was affected with Scarlet Fever. A
physician prescribed Dr. Shade's Pills. I
made use of three doses, which proved both
emetic and purgative, cleansing the stomach
and bowels equal to any calomel I have ever
taken. I have since used the Renovating
Pills in my family and cannot say too much
in their favor. _ _
August 15, 1843.
Umbrella, Parasol 4. Sun-shade
No 4 South Fourth street, below Market,
(Successor to R. Rtchie.)
Respectfully announces to the ladies and
gentlemen of Huntiugdon!county, that he has
constantly on hand, wholesale and retail, a
large and splendid assortment of Sun-shades,
Parasols and Umbrellas of the very best
materials that can be obtained In this mar
ket, and being manufactured under his Im
mediate superintendence, the quality and
workmanship will be warranted equal, if not
superior, to any in the city, at the lowest
cash prises.
(U" Merchants arc invited to call and ex
amine the stock.
PhiPa September 27, 1843. Sm.
oo -.1ZEM390. oo
Walla FAHS
RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens
of Huntingdon, and the Public in gen
eral, that be still continues the
Tailoring Business,
at his old stand, in Main street, in the bo
rough of Huntingdon, in the brick house
immediately opposite the store of Thomas
Read, where he is fully prepared and ready
to accommodate all, who may favor him
with a call.'
He receives, regularly, from New York,
Scott's New York, Paris and London
and he is determined to employ none but the
best and most expetienced workmen; and
he guarantees to execute all orders in his
line in the most fashionable and workman
like manner, or according to the wishes and
orders of customers.
COUNTRY PRODUCE will be taken,
at the market price, in payment of work
done at his shop.
Thankful for favors, he solicits a
continuance of public patronage.
August 16, 1841.—tf.
;1PL22?..W 41.542..L.31Litt•-a-Co
Would respectfully announce to the public,
that he has return e d from the city, and has
taken a room at the Boarding House of Mrs.
CLARKE. where he designs remaining a short
time for the practice of his profession. Any
person desiring his services, he would be
happy to receive their calls as above.
cij'Full satisfaction or no charges.
Huntingdon, Nov. Ist 1843. —tf.
EMC Ja. Zlas EZ:3 8
Cheap for Cash.
The subscriber has just received a large
and well assorted lot of segars, which he of
fers for sale at the following prices.
Cuba segars in boxes containing:lso each,
$1 25 per box.
Half Spanish in boxes containing 150 each,
50 cents per box.
Half Spanish per thousand, $1 75
Common do. $1 50 and $1 00
gi'l - he above prices are so low that the
subscriber can sell for cash only.
Huntingdon. Oct. 11.—ff
BLANK DEEDS, of an improved
form, for sale at this office.
For Consumption of the
Affections oldie Liver, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Pains or Weakness of the Breast or Lungs,
Chronic Coughs, Pleurisy, Hemorrhage
of the Lungs, and all affectious of the
Pulmonary Organs
Nature's own Prescrlywn.
A compound Balsamic prep a ration of the
Prunus Virffiniana of 'Wild Cherry Bark,'
combined with the Extract of nr, prepa •
red by a chemical process, approved and
recommended by the most distinguished
physicians, and universally acknowledged
the most valuable medicine ever discovered.
No Quackery ! ! No Deception.
In setting . forth the virtues of this truly
great medicine, we have no desire to deceive
those who are aboring under the affliction,
nor do we wish to eulogize it more than it
deserves. Yet we look around and see the
vast amount of suffering and distress occa
sioned by many of the diseases in which this
medicine has proved so highly successful,
we feel that we cannot urge its claims too
strongly, or say too much in its favor.
Various remedies it is true have been of
fered and puffed into notice for the cpre of
diseases of the Lungs, and some have no
doubt been found very useful, bat all that
have yet been discovered, it is admitted by
' physicians and all others who have witness
' ed its effects, that none have proved as suc
cessful as this. Such, indeed, are the
Surprising Virtues
Of this Balsam, that even in the advanced
stages of Consumption, after all the most
esteemed remedies of physicians have failed
to effect any change, the use of this medi
cine has been productive of the most aston
ishing relief, and actually effected cures
after nil hopes of recovery had been dis
paired of.
In the first stage of fhe disease, termed
Catarrhal Consumption, originating from
neglected COLDS, it has been used with un
deviating success, and hundreds acknowl
edge they owe the restoration of their health
to this invaluable medicine alone, in that
form of consumption so prevalent amongst
delicate young females, commonly termed
debility, or
.1 Going into a Decline,"
A complaint with which thousands are lin
gering, it has also proved highly successtul,
and not only possesses the power of checking
the progress of this alarming complaint, but
also strengthens and invigorates the system
more effet Wally than any medicines we have
ever possessed:
Besides its suprising efficacy in consump
tion, it is equally efficacious in Liver Com
plaint, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all affec
tions of the Lungs, and has cured many of
the mist obstinate cases, atter every other
remedy had failed. 0,7. For particulars see
Dr. Wistor's treaties on consumption, to be
had agents.
A SURPRISING CuaE.---Among the many
singular cures which this medicine has ef
fected, there is perhaps none in which its
powers are so fully shown as in the case of
Mrs. Austin.
This lady has been consumptive for seve
ral years, and during the greater part of this
time had received the best medical attention,
and tried all the most valuable remedies, yet
nothing could be found to arrest its progress.
She became subject to violent fits of cough
ing, expectorated large quantities of matter
occasionally tinged with blood, and step by
step this feartul disease continued its
course, until all hopes of a recovery was des
paired of. While in this distressing situa
tion, lingering upon the very verge of the
grave, site commenced the (use of this Bal
sam, which, to use her own expressien, op
perated almost like a charm. In a few days
she expectorated freely, the cough was gra
dually suppressed, and every day appeared
to add fresh vigor to her looks, and now, in
the place of that emaciated for* withering
to decay, she is seen mingling in society, in
better health than she has enjoyed for years.
DISINTERESTED TEsTistoxy.----Having
witnessed the sui prising efficacy of Dr.
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, in the
case of Mrs. Austin, I cheerfully acknowl
edge the above statement to be true and cor
rect. J. C. WALTERS, M. 1).
LIVER COMPLAINT.---Mrs. Eliza Thomp
son was afflicted with this complaint for
nearly five years, during which time she was
under the most skilful physicians—had tried
Mercury, Botanic and Homcepathic renr
dies, and every thing that offered her any
hopes of relief. She had dull, wandering
pains in her side, sometimes in the shoulder
and small of the back, a hacking cough, fre
quent pains in the breast, and had been una
ble to sleep on her right side for three years.
By the use of this Balsam she was cured in a
few weeks, and remains well to this clay.
Woodstown, Sept. 4, 1842.
Dear Sir:—Although your valuable medi
cine has already found hundreds of powerful
advocates, it still may be gratifying to you to
receive a communication from any one that
has been renewed by it. Such, sir is truly
my case. I hove been a victim of that terri
ble disease consumption, for many knontlis,
and have suffered so much, that I had be
come almost weary of my . life. Hearing
your Balsam so highly praised, I began ta
king a few weeks back, and can assure you
that it has relieved me more than any thing
I have ever used before, and I confidently
believe it will cure me effectually. Please
give the bearer the worth of the enclosed,
and oblige
Yours Respectfully,
Cheater county, Sept 6, 1841.
Friend Wistar:—lt gives me much plea
sure to inform thee that my wife's health has
improved very much since she has been
using thy Balsam of Wild Cherry, and we
think there is no doubt it will cure her. Site
has taken the two bottles I purchased from
thee a short time since, and her cough is
much better, she also sleeps well at night,
and says she has found nothing to give her
so much relief. Thee will please give the
hearer two bottles more for
Thy Friend,
ri' Read the following from Dr. Jacob ,
Hoffman, a physician of extensive practice in
Huntingdon county:
Dear Sir: —1 procured one bottle of Dr. law
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, from
Thomas Read, Esq. of this place, and tried
it in a case of obstinate Asthma on a chiltiof
Paul Schweble, in which many other reme
dies had been tried without any relief. The
Balsam gave sudden relief, and in my °pine
ion the child is effectuelly cured by its use.
Yours, &c.
Dec. 25, 1841.
Dear Sir:—Your Balsam of Wild Cherry
has effected some astonishing cures here.— 41
One of which is an old lady, Mrs. Russel,
who has been suffering for a long time with
shortness of breathing, and general weak •
ness, until she was finally cbliged to keep
her bed. After various other remedies had
been resorted to in vain, she commenced
using your Balsam, and after taking two bot
tles was solar recovered as to be able to at
tend to all the duties of her house, atyr on
taking two bottles more was entirely cured,
Respectfully &c., •
Pottsville, Pa.
CAUTION.—As there is a spurious mix
ture called Syrup of Wild Cherry, purclia ,
sers should be particular to ask for Dr,
istar's Balsam, and observe his signature
on the bottle
Prepared for the proprietor, and sold at
wholesale by Williams & Co. Chemists,
No. 21 Minor street, Philadel phia, sold alsa
in almost every town in he United States.
Price one dollar lier bottle.
For sale by Thomas Read, Huntingdon,
and James Orr, Hollidaysburg.
November 30, 1842.
The subscriber respectfully in-'
i ss) forms the inhabitants of Hunt
ingdon,and its vicinity, that he
-- has opened an establishment in
/ / ( the borough of Lewistown, for
the manufacture of Chairs. Set
tees, &c., of the following kinds, viz :
French Chairs, Half Fiench Grecian. Fan
g curled Maple , Black Walnut, Office,
Fancy and Windsor, Boston Rockipg,
Spring seat Mahogany, Night Cabinets, and
Studying Chairs.
M ohgany, Fancy, Cushion, cane and
common Settees,
an imp roved and fashionable plan,
e flee Bedsteads
both elegant and useful, designed to close up,
making a handsome Settee with cushion
seat for the day time.
The subscriber having been for several
years past engaged in the above businss in
the cities of New York and ProVidence R. I.
he flatters himself that he will be able to
give general satisfaction to all those who will
honor him with their patronage.
All the above mentioned articles, and
every thing in his line of business he will
furnish in the latest style and fashion, on
the most reasonable terms, and warranted
to do good service.
N. B.—Chairs, Settees, &c., repaired and
ornamented on the shortest notice and most
reasonable terms.
A constant supply of the above mentioned
artirip. we aterunm, one.
door east of the Store of Mrs. Jane M'Col -
mick and immediately opposite the store of
Patterson & Homer.
Lewistown, Nov. 30,1842.
inErms.t.bescaeernsworlidu nlsr.lcotnfualniy in
adjoining counties, that he still continues to
carry on business at the Rockdale Foundry,
on Clover Creek, two miles from Williams
burg, where he is prepared to execute all
orders in his line, of - the best materials and.
workmanship, and with promptness and de
He will keep constantly on hand stoves of
every description, such as
Cooling, Ern' Agate,
Parlor, Coal, Rotary, Cooking and
Wood Stoves:
Livingston Ploughs,
Anvils, Hammers, Hollow Ware
and every kind of castings necessary for for
ges, mills or machinery of any description ;
wagon boxes of all descriptions, ect., which
can be had on as good terms as they can be
had at any other foundry in the county or
state. Remember the Rockdale Foundry.
lan. 11th 1843.
• - •
Respectfully informs the citizens of this
county, and the public generally, that he ha,
removed to and opened a Public House in
that large and commodious brick building
situate at the centre of the Diamond, former
ly occupied by C. Couts, where the " way
worn traveller" will find every attention that
will minister to his convenience and comfort.
His TABLE will receive his especial atten
tion,. and shall always be abundantly supplied
with the best to be had in the county.
His BAR is furnished with the choicest
Wines and Liquors.
His STABLING is the best in the place.
and the mist careful and attentive ostlers
will always be in attendance ; and the Host'
pledges himself to make every exertion to
render his house a "home" to all who may
favor him with a call. The stranger and
the friend may rest asrured that if a desire
to please be successful he doubts not his sue-
Coss. He tenders his thanks to his old cus,
tomers for past favors, and respectfully so
licits a continuance of their patronage.
0:7- BOARDERS will be taken by the
year, month or week.
July 12, 1843.-6 m.
(ritAME to the resi
dence of the sub
, ' scriber, in Hopewell
township, Huntingdon
county, on or about
- the la day of Septem
ber last, a red steer with some white about
the face, and about four years old. • The
owner is requested to come forward, pr e
property, pay charges and take it
otherwise It will be disposed of accorcing
Nov. 8, 1843. pd.
To LANK BONDS to Constables for Stay
4,1,) of Execution, under the new law, just
printed, and for sale, at this office,