Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 15, 1843, Image 1

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    j - T
Octioteti toCornea ksittettfatiz cc, WatcrttoUtz, Votttito,',ltcrattavt,s_,Movittitg, szeicitcco,nrivirulttirc, 5.1:1mm0 - mot, Szr., Sze.
N 27
The i'iticxxi.r." will be published every Wed
matey morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance,
and if not paid within six months, 50.
No subssriptim received for a shorter period than
six months, nor any paper discontinued till all ar
rearages are paid.
Advertisements not exceeding one square, will be
inverted three times for $1 00, and for every subse
quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are
given asto the time an advertisement is to be continu
ed, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged ac
cu — TO
How important it is that you commence
without lass of time with Bit AN DR ETU
PILLS. They mildly but'surely mmove all
impurities train the blood, and no case of
sickness can effect the human frame, that
these celebrated Pills donut relieve as much
Its medicine can do. COLDS and COUGHS
tire more beneffitted by the Brandreth Pills
than by Lozenges and Candies. Very well,
perhaps, as palliatives, but worth nothing as
itsiancATorts of diseas,s from the human
system. Toe lirandreth Pills cure, they do
not merely relieve, they cure. Diseases,
whether chronic or recent, intectious or oth
erwise, will certainly be cured by the use of
these all-sufficient Pills.
SING SING, January 21, 1843.
lonorect Sir,—
' Owing to you a debt of gratitude that mo
ney cannot pay. I am induced to mike a
public acknowledgment of the benefit my
wife has derived from your invaluable Pills.
About three years this winter she was taken
with a pain in her We, which soon became
very much inflamed, and swollen, so m rch
that we became much alarmed, and sent
for the doctor. During his attendance the
pain.and swelling increased to an alarming
degree, and in thtee weeks from its first
commencing it become a running sore. She
could get nu rest at night the pain was so
great. Our first doctor attended her for six
months, and she received no benefit what
ever, the pails growing worse and the sore
larger all the time. lie said if it was healed
up it would be her death, but he appeared
to be at a loss how to proceed, and my poor
wife still continued to stiller the most terrible
tortures. We therefore sought other aid,
in s Botannical doctor, who said when he
first saw it that he could soon cure the sore
'sand give tier ease at once. To our slit-wise
Ite.seitr i t i r t unT i kief, and acknowledged that
thus we felt . •
whole yeat the experience if two celebrated
physicions in vain, in absolute despair. My
poor wife's constitution rapidly failing in
the prime of her years from her continued
suffering. Under these circumstances we
concluded that we would try your Universal
Vegetable Pills, determined to fairly test
their curative effects. To my wife's great
comfirt the first few doses afforded great re
lief 'tif the pain..NVithin one week to the
astonishment of ourselves and every one who
anew the case, the swelling nod the hill t
;nation began to cease so that she telt quite
easy, and would sleep comfortable, and sir,
after six weeks' use she was obi to go thro'
the house and again attend to the mmage
went of her family, which she h not done
fur nearly fourteen months. In a little over
two months from the time she first commen
ced the me of your invaluable Pills her wide
*was quite sound, and her health better than
it had been in quite a number of years be
fore. I send you this statement niter two
years test of the cure, considering it only an
act of justice to you and the public et large.
We are with much gratitude,
Very respectfully,
Ps.—the Botanical Doctor pronounced
the sore cancerous, and finally said no good
could be done, unless the whole of the flesh
was.cut off sod the bone scraped. Thank a
. kind Providence, this made us resort to your
Pills which saved us Irian all further mis
ery, and for which we hope t T o be than kful.
& .. L.
Dr. Brandreth's Pills are for sale by the
following Agents m Huntingdon county.
'll limas Read, Hutnigdon.
Wm. Stewart, Huntingdon.
1. & N. Cresswell, Petersburg.
Mary W. Neff, AlexAndrin.
. Joseph Patton, Jr. Dancanst
Hailman & Smith,. Manor Hill.
S. Miles Green &Co. Bargee Purge,
Thomas Owens,Birmingham.
A. Patterson, illiamsburg.
Peter Good, Jr. Canoe Creek.
John Lutz, Shirleysburg.
Observe etch of Dr. Bredreth's Agents
have an engraved certificate of Agency.--
Examine this and you will Mud the NEW
LABLES upon the certificate corresponding
with those on the Boxes, none other are gen
Phil'a. Office S. North Bth St.—ly.
WIVE subscriber occupying the
.1i„ large duce story brick dwell
iia •'0 mg house at the south east corner
."," of Allegheny and Smith streets, in
the borough of Huntingdon, the third story of
which dm ing the last summer has been fitted
for sleeping rooms; having a large stable on
the premises, and having employed a care
ful person to attend to it and take care of
horses, &c., informs the public that she is
prepared to accommodate such of her friends
and such strangers and tract hers as may de
sire accommodation. She respectfully soli
cits a share of public patronage, and hopes
the friends of Temperance will give her a
Huntingdon March 1, 180.
To .1% Bitiratalit
TTO R.VE .1T ILA tr.
Lpen., a,&),
Ty- All hail once more to the Western enchantress!
the Louisville Journal.
Teach me 2'orgetgulness.
Oh teach me forgetfulness, teach me to cast
Front the depths of my spirit all thought of the past;
My hopes you have blighted ; within my sad heart
'Acre lingers but memory—Oh bid it depart,
You have taught toe to look on the past with regret,
And weep for the future, but not to forget.
You have taught me any love and my folly to rue;
Why did you not teach me fdrgetfuluess too I
Oh teach me fume:fulness, bid me control
Tho thoughts, the wild thoughts that have cnter'd
my soul ;
I thought your. wild passion an innocent flame
That would lift me above, not degrade me to shame;
I thought—but enough—the deep iblly is o'er,
I would turn from the post, and remember no more;
You have taught me my love and my folly to rue,
Then teach me, oh teach me forgetfulness too.
Oh teach me forgetfulness—little I thought
That in seeking my heart 'twas its ruin you sought ;
I thought you had won my fond spirit away
To love ine, to bless me, and not to betray.
Alas that suds musings should sadden no' yet;
My heart is all memory—oh bid it forget ;
You have taught me my love and my folly to rue,
Then teach me, oh teach ine forgetfulness too.
Rope and Memory.
Hope sung a song of incurs years,
Replete with sunny hours;
When present sorrow's blew-like tears
Should all be hid in flowers.
But Memory backward turned her eyes,
And taught the heart to feat
More stormy clouds, more angry skies,
With each succeeding year.
But still Hope sung, as by thet voice
Such warnings sad were given,
In louder rdrains bid earth rejoice,
And up look on to heaven.
From the London Court Journal.
Br JOBTI MiLLs—author ol The Ohl English
ttl'lSlWTiore thou art. there tsArktnr,
And where thou art not, desolation."
Harry VVington, an independent gentleman with
the neat income of two thousand a year, had, a few
months since, entered the holy bonds of connubial
In opposition to the general custom of grumbling
humanity, he was on unobjectionable terms with his
wife, himself, and the world. Notwithstanding the
philosophy of others, he could not perceive any
consolation to he derived from contemplating exis
tette° as a scene in which little else than acts of
annoyance and misery were to cease, merely to make
room for new ones; but, contrary to the illustrated
examples of unsocial life, he regarded the present
as the time to be enjoyed, the past with no regret,
the future without fear.
An elegant cottage, as it was called, in the centre
of Devonshire, with beautiful grounds attached, and
no inquisitive neighbor nearer than the vicarage, I
quite half a mile distant, was the enviable spot se
for the earthly paradise of Mr. and Mrs.
It was the first of September, a day enthusiasti
cally anticipated by sportsmen, when a loud, gruff
voice, from under the windpw of Harry's dormitory
thus saluted him—
Now, air, it's time to be stirring. Down, Ponto,
you're a troublesome brute ! Now then, sir, come
I to heel lass! come to heel, I say !'
Waking from his slumbers, Harry threw open the
casement. Upon the green lawn, in a picturesque
group, stood his gamekeeper, John Flip, and a brace
of—as ho would maintain—the best pointers in the
whole country round, They'dfind, back and drop,
I against any that ever wore or ever would be.
, It's just four, sir,' said John, respectfully touch
ing his hat to his muster's emerged head. To bag
ten brace before breakfast you =Writ be long in
turning out.'
In a very limited period the shooting gear was
arranged, and the impatient biped and quadrupeds
were joined by their no less eager master—all equal
ly desirous for the sport.
. .
Not five minutes elapsed after Harry's departure,
when Mrs. Wington's pleasant dream was rudely
broken by the sharp crack of one of Manton's best.
Quickly surmising the cause, she proceeded to the
window, and saw her husband covered to his knees
with the luxuriant green tops of turnips, caressing
ono of his favorite dogs.
With a fine, hearty laugh, which indicates no
thought of duns, promissory notes, actions, or chew.
cery suits, Harry kissed his hand to his smiling I
wife, and after holding up a partridge in triumph of
his skill, he vanished behind a haystack followed by
the gamekeeper and pointers.
Nature was waking from repose—the sun's rays
were bursting, upon the dewy verdure, like Hope's
bright hue upon the clouded heart. The flowers
unclasped their leaves to the cheerful light with cups
charged to tho bran with crystal drofs. The air
rang with the song of birds, and as Ida Wington
continued to look upon the beautiful scene with
, smiles—
"Which went and came, and disappeared,
Liko glancing sunbeams en the dimpled water
shaded by treca,"
the thought how delightful it was to have so hand
some, good-tempered, and excellent a husband as
she was possessed of. Hours passed with uncon
rdOus swiftness to lila, so engaged was she with her
no uncommon reverie, when a rap-a-tap at her
chamber door occasioned her to start, and hastily
ask who was there I
Who is there, indeed r repeated a ' ;oiee from
the outside. ft is past eight. Breakfast, break-
last, I say !
I'm coining, forsooth'—' I'm waiting for you!'
rejoined the voice.
Before knowing the value of a parent's smile, Ida
was an orphan, and left to the sole care of an only
aunt. With a mother's tenderness she had reared
her, petted, but not spoiled her niece, and deemed
herself fully rewarded by seeing her favorite a beau
tiful, accomplished woman, and the wife of one
whose study it was to render her happy. Upon Ida's
marriage, Harry requested that the kind-hearted old
lady would reside with them and forth a member of
his family circle. This was the acme of her wishes;
and thus matters stood a short time after that event
ful epoch in the lives of parties concerned, the
wedding day.
The morning toilet completed, Ida hastened to the
breakfast parlor, where she found her aunt impa
tiently waiting for the dejeune.
My love, you look—a little too sweet, some more
of the milk, think you, child—pole this morning, I
think,' said the antiquated dame in her usual broken
'1 tun quite well, aunt,' replied Mrs. Wington.
I am glad to hear thatyou are, my child, but you
certainly are—a piece of dry toast—somewhat
languid. Where is the scapegrace Harry
How forgetful you are, aunt ! Why, this is the
first of September,' said Ida.
'Ah! shooting then, of course. Married men
should not indulge often in such amusements.—
Frequently do we hear of guns bursting, and—a
little of that tongue—exploding accidentally,' re
joined the aunt.
A follower of the illustrious Arab, Mahomet, ex
claims, when the shades of sorrow are cast upon
his path, ''Tie my destiny !' Whether this creed
be founded on a semblance of truth, or the gravity
of a bubble lighter than sic, it shall form no argu
ment for this page. All to be here stated is the
simple fact. whether fete winaLtjau shift fr zulti,
sugar into a cup of conc., t;or wrdiftrigqlArtlirtsier
front her taper finger into the saucer.
'Heaven preserve us--Heaven preserve us!'
ejaculated the aunt. • It's a fearful circumstance.
1 Direful—direful!'
, What is tho matter?' said Ida, springing from
her chair.
'rho ring, the ring!' murmured the aunt, bury
ing her face in her handkerchief.
'Here it is,' replied her neice, replacing the ma
gic hoop upon her finger.
Child, child ! it's an awful sign !'
Of what, aunt _ _
- .
'Accident or misfortune of some kind, for 'tis
said—' Em the sun be set, sorrow will rise, when
from a bride the ring doth fall,' replied the aunt,
with a melancholy anticipation of evil.
A merry laugh burst from Ida's lips, and ehe tur
ned the object of discussion derisively round upon
the end of her finger, when her aunt's anger was
somewhat excited at this expressed contempt for
the prophecy, and she sharply continued, You may
ridicule anything, child; but recollect many loud
laughs have changed into bitter tears.'
, Why do you wish to frighten me?' asked Ida,
in a tone of remonstrance.
I've no wish to alarm you but I much disapprove
of levity upon occasions requiring seriousness,' re
plied the aunt.
I connot believe in such obsolete things—they
are so very silly,' said Ida, with an illsuppressed
:So it appears, my dear ; but I do believe in
them,' added the aunt.
, Theh tell me the reason for so doing,' said her
.My reasons are countless. Circumstances ad- I
mining of no doubt have been related to me by do
zens,' rejoined the old lady.
Not convinced that hearsay evidence was to be
deemed conolusive, Ida inquired if her aunt had
ever witnessed on illustration of this to be dreaded
, Bless me ! you talk like a lawyer I once heard
at the assizes, who would not permit an honest MOD
i to say what he beard !'
`lndeed!' exclaimed Ida, with pretended gravity.
It's quite true, my love. The man was about
telling that a neighbor had told hint of something
which had positively been related to a very purlieu
lar acquaintance of his, when theinconsistent law
yer jumped up and said "fluit's no evidence; tell
us vid4you saw, sir, not what you heard.' Good
• •
nesstq9,l as it one couldn't be told the truth,' said
the aunt, quite indignant ut the reminiscence.
We certainly should not give too much credence
to what we're told,' replied Ida; circumstances are
so exaggerated, altered, and purposely tnisconstru
Yee, yes, that is perfectly true; but people now
adays disbelieve everything : it was not so when I
was a girl—warnings, signs, omens and dreams
were regarded with n proper observance. Now it
iv thought fashionable to laugh at them; although•
for my part, I think persona who laugh at siuperati
tion are as full of it as those who admit itsinflu-
We are all, more or less, prone to be supersti
tion., I believe,' raid Ida. But tell the about the
ring. I wish to hear of some mishap following the
lucid , ss fall from the wearer of this public sign of
Listen, child , and I'll narrate to you one which
I know to be true, although I did not see the occur
once,' rejoined the aunt, with another shake of the
1t was a rough day in March, and two years
after the union of a very dear friend of mine, that
her husband was dressed for hunting. Oh ! that
dangerous, reckless amusement! Being late, he
was hastening to depart, and, in his hurry to bid her
adieu. lie snatched her hand quickly, and drew olf
her wedding ring, which rolled upon the floor.—
This circumstance was unnoticed at the time, and
he proceeded to the door, where Isis patient horse
stood. pawing the ground: held by a groans. Just
as he was going to mount, the cries of else hounds
in full chase was heard. No sooner were the well
known sounds caught by the high spirited animal,
then he reared upon his haunches straight in the
air, bounded font one side of the road to the other,
and became completely ungovernable from excite
ment and eagerness to join in the sport. After ma
ny micas attempts to gain the saddle, his master,
angry at not being able to start, threw himself pas
sionately across the horse, and gained one foot in a
stirrup; when accidentally a spur struck deep in
I the side of the restless animal. Furious with pain,
he riapped his bridle, jumped from the earth with
a sudden bound, and hurled the groom far from him.
Aw. r lie rushed down the avenue with his rider
half on, clinging to his mane. A high gate was
closed at the end of the avenue, towards which the
horse galloped with fearful speed. The creature
neared the barrier, and leaped at it without hesita
tion, but dashing ageing the top rail, ho fell with
Isis ill-fated master with
desperate force, carrying
My poor friend saw the accident with feelings
that may be conceived, but not described. For ma
ny hours she was unconscious of the extent of her
lameetable misfortune. Upon recovering from her
swo;:i, she found her huskurd stretched upon a bed
a ghastly figure. A surgeon was watching hint
with fingers pressed upon the fluttering pulse; ban
dage* stained with blood were wrapped round his
hoar, leis cheeks were ahlly pale; r 4 rips nve.rsou
of tire. In ono atorthour more,from being 1111 hap
py a wife as ever the suns shone upon, my pour
friend was a heartbroken widow.'
Tears rolled from the old lady's eyes as she con
cluded her brief, but melancholy narratit e.
No wonder that you believe in the omen of the
ring,' sobbed Ida. 'My poor, dear . Harry ! oh !
what will happen to him ?'
'Nothing, I hope and prey, my love. Do not
weep, entreated her aunt.' 'lt was very foolish of
ma to tell you this story—very wrong, indeed; but
it was want of reflection; I'm a silly old woman,
There, there, don't cry, child.
A loud crash of thunder at this moment occa
sioned both to start. Plash after flash of lightning
succeeded, and a few large drops of rain splashed at
intervals against the windows. Subtlenly, one
deafening roar pealed over head, reverberating over
the hills miles distant, and a deluge of water fell,
making the earth appear involved in smoke. Roll
after roll of the warring elements followed, and the
heavy clouds floated slowly on spouting forth their
o'ereharged contents. The heavens grew momen
tarily blacker, and the storm increased in its violence.
Peering through the wet streaked panes, Ida
watched, with fear depicted in her trembling limbs,
the raging storm. Generally without the common
nervousness of her sex, Ida now paced the room
wills hurried step, clasping her hands and lost to all
control of feeling. Her aunt endeavored to calm
her excitement, but without success. The narration
of the event of the ring, and the violence of the
storm, had produced an effect not easily erased.
As she was walking with haste up and down the
apartment, anticipating evil of every kind that her
heated imagination could form, she stood before the
window speechless with emotion, at seeing the game
keeper running towards the house. On lie came,
but hie master neither preceded nor followed hits.
Ida beckoned to her aunt, and pointing to the hur
is subject to that same decay which horse flesh is
And in that terrible moment, when his hands
heir M. Yes, the juices of our bodies become dried
in the autumnal winds of tureand the few jewels were ilneth ' ckca with the hands of death , %own ' ilk
newel to supernatural vigor, and the
that remain in the casket of memory, although pure mind was 'ar
and brilliant, are hardly worth cherishing, consider-
Past and Future, mingled to his vision, then the
cain his mind. then tho
his hands by the
ing that the little comfort they give us is so over-
thought of his conntry arose
! spread with the mustard of regret. When our thotillit of the triNt placed
, Quick, quick,' she rejoined in a voice hollow
\ heads grow grey with age is sm . ' of grayness comes People,
is his sort; awl v. ith the last struggle
with dread. . ~. of life, he imagined a roan of itobl:: heart and rev)-
, over the landscape of erbdence, and a forhuating talc . ~ tin, him,
'My master is in bed quite-,-* again John's breath 1
gloom succeeds. Then inc don't care shout going
was quite gone. 1 censor of mind and ititellmt, and the words broke
of litas we did once lest we might accidently bump from Iris l . . .
Looking as one about to hear the
our wises against the tomb, and perhaps keel up for
death, Ida murmured What'!' principles of Govertituelit--I ask 3en to carry them
Wet through!' replied the gatnekeeper, jo I all night; and if We would like to cut capers and ,
„ fed , out—T ask nothing mote!"
Amazement a the expressed agony of his mistress I s p end a copper , our wishes etnlid never he gra * '
I therefore, go it while you are young in all that is
and her extraordinary determination to become, in a 1110 Boston PAAI 5,-ays, that A man ought to to
like situation . . He's in bed wet through,' continu. 'Mi nna "' becoming , before the coil slays draw nigh
in which you shall say, I have no pleasure, but in ashamed of hintself to run away with another mou's
a John, in my cottage, and he wants a change of
in the prospeß of heaven, and no hope but that wifr, ashen there are so twiny maiden bulks with
which is eternal. So mute it be, their trunks all packed ready for a start.
rying man, rushed out of the house to meet him,
regardless of the pouring torrents.
"Fell me,' sho gasped, clutching John by the arm,
and stopping him in his course.
3ly lady, my master is—' John could say no
Years have swept away since Ida'. wedding ring ~........--,..,.....—..,....--,... . .
fell. Sorrow has not traced a single furrow upon j,. The handkerchief I the handkerchief."' A country lad went a courting—hut bin filth,*
her brow, if time has left the print of days gone by cried Othello. " Confound it," sdula sailor in the found it nut, and forbid the matter, as 'lie girl we:,
upon it. May my fair reader's be a similar debtiny pit, "blow your none with your finger+ and go on not good enough for hits. .. Well. rot ii,r. I Ow . t•
—a happy and contented wife. ' with the ploy." she'd he lona enough to begin , ilb."
A Short Patent Sermon.
The editor of the Chicago Democrat has toques•
ted me to preach from the following:
Go it while you're young.
For when you're old you can't.'
Mr unsexes:—The old proverb says, "Train
up a child in the way he should go and when he is
old he will not depart from it ;" but this, moderni
zed, reads, " train up a child in the way he would
go, and before he is old he will go it."" Yes, my
friends, there is no mistake in it—if you let a child
run loose over the fenceless fields of his own incli
nation, ho will wear out more moral shoe leather
in one day that an old man viii in six weeks, who
walks moderately along the highway of sin. I '
would, however, have you understand that I have
no particular objections to the sons and daughters
of earth going it while they are young, provided
they don't go it too strong; for I know that the
honey suckles of pleasure grow only in the
green valleys of youth, and that they all shed their
sweetness in the morning of life ; that the declining
sun of age casts but a sickly glare on the tomb of
of worldly enjoyments—and that old men, tottering
toward the lone tenement of death, are oftentimes
compelled to bear the insults and jeers of thought
less juveniles, who run after them shouting ago it
ye cripples!" When the young rascals know that
they are no longer able to go it as they once did—
when the wheels of life were new—when every
hinge iu the physical system operated without
squeaking—and when the heart's tallow was kept
melted by the warm blaze of youthful ambition.
My dear children !--go it while you are young
but be careful how you go it. Lie down and roll
over as much as you please upon the perfumed beds
of indulgence, but mind and not roll into the bram
bles of everlasting misery. Kick up your heels
along the gay walks of pleasure, but don't crush the
tender buds of virtue beneath your careless tread ;
and above all, don't run so swiftly as to prodithe a
spontaneous combustion tof mortality—for when
that spiritual essence is once destroyed, you are just
as surely done up and burst as though your were
obliged to burrow a shirt to keep up appearances.—
Drink deep from the cup of rational enjoyment, but
shun the inebriating bowl as you would the small
pox or the double width measles. Don't meddle
with it my young friends—for when you once get
your snal:er in, lou.will,find it sconched before You
can get n out again—your line sympatiue d
8 cospe
esty, I warn yotiagaiii - Stltrveersr--
tiling. It is hut a trick of the devil to entice you
into his slaughter house. It induces you to cheat
and indulge in profane language; and it moreover
offers you an invitation to get your living by
other means than those prescribed in the golden
decalogue of honest industry. Be careful also how
you go it in your approximations towards the female.
Let your love be that of the purest and most exalted
nature. You ought to have you affections placed
upon heavenly virtues, for they alone contain the
true spare of reciprocal love.
(Is it.young man, now in the days of your youth!
Bevel in the sweets of enjoyment while fancy's
flowers are in the fullest bloom—while the pinions
of hope droop not in the cold storms of adversity—
while the sun of ambition atilt shines upoh the far
distant summit of fame. Let your heart abound
with good cheer—banish every suicidal thought
from the mind, and let your soul surfeit upon the
luxuries of mental bliss—but while you are parta
king of those bounties, you must try, my young
friend, to lay up a portion of them to feast upon
when you are no longer able to go it withlhat loos
ness with which you are now privileged. The time
will come when the sweetestssonp of life will taste
as insiped a. 9 dish-water—when every lump of joy
will lose its seasoning—when your bread won't rise
for wont of hives, and when like a dried sapling,
you have grown so old and stiff that you can't bend
without cracking.
My dear friends—when you are old you can't go
it any more than an old broken down stage horse;
and if you don't enjoy yourself while you tied upon
the oats of youthful anticipation, you will find out
that you never can do it when you come to graze
upon the pastures of oge. If I compare you to her
ties, my respectable hearers, I trust you will forget
the comparison, inasmuch as the mortal part of man
%..CC , SeaU, D.C.C.
Tread softly with a solemn footstep, whisper
your words in a low voice, and let your breath bo
hushed; for the ulr of the chamber is heavy with
death, and the faces of all you see are stamped with
grief, and the suppressed sob of the women, and
the deep death groan of the strohg man in mortal
agony, mingle their notes of woe, breaking on your
ear like voices from the grove, and all around is
still and sad and fearful—for the Hcao is dying.—
! Ilia keen eye which a month ago, met the gaze of
millions, hailing him, in all the pomp of civic tri
umph, their Leader and their Ruler, is now glazing
with the chill of death, and Ids soul is passing from
the Visible to the Awful Unseen.
He is dying! The light of the breaking day
falls dimly throngh the hell closed shutters, the
lamp burns with u sickly glare, nnd•in the mingled
light appear the faces of the watchers by the bed
side of the dying, fares wan and ghastly with pro
longed anxiety end anguish.
He is dying!—his face turned toward the hea
vens, is pallid and wan, the cheeks are hollowed,
the eyes sunken; and the brow damp with the demo
of death, with the nausea of grey hair filling back
from its outline stands out so boldly in the light,
speaking much of the might of the Hero's mind.
while the whitening lip, the convulsive throb trem
bling along the length of the face, the heaving chest
and the throat straining with the death-rattle, all
announce the passage to the grave, and herald the
approach of the Skeleton God.
And around hint gathered the friends of his path.
and the sharers of his triumph—there was WA:11-
ST/. with hie towering brow and eagle eye, there
was OUTTEN.. and Ewiwn and to Wen
of mind front all parts of this wide union, and there
with a face stamped with genius, and marked with
a high honesty of purpose, was (lemma E. B too an,
the pride of North Carolina, and all here gathered
round the bedside, to see the mighty man light his
last battle, nnd after having battled Death an hun
, tired times in the field, after having battled wills
enemies more bitter than death, with slander, and
falsehood, with low calumniation, the Hero was at
last yielding to the final victor of all, whose thtone
is on the skulls of nations and whose sway is over
the realms of Time. .-.
Hewas.dying I A month afro, his footsteps had
topped the his/hest rock in the steep pathway of Tor
zm f lpkilifoj 11 . 14:Z2 ;mo. oral his name )sea
been met by the gaze of millions, and the eatsVarti
shout of a free people had sounded on his edr and
filled the elear e heavers above, and now—llC short
space of a single moon had Waned—the insignia of
Power had scarce wormed in his grasp—the Presi
denial Liatninet hod scarce grown cold—the last
shout of the people was yet seunding his ear, and
he was summoned by a mightier than the kings, or
the people, to the throne of the Eternal God !
lie was dying! And the scenes of the terrible
night of Tqfpecanoe were again around hint, the
dark and fearful night, when the yell of the sit ago
and the gleam of the scalping knife were in his
camp; again be led his riflemen to the quick strug
gle of life for life; again he shouted the watchward
of t i w charge, and a faint smile stole filer the lips
of the dying man, as again he beheld the blunter of
stars and stripes in triumph.
Hark—a fuint mannur breaks from his lips--his
hands clutch nervously at the vtidant air;
He is again beside the Thames. • Ho is again
with Joussom and SHE. ; he is again beside
PERU v, and again the blue smoke of the rifle winds
up from the green woods, and the war whoop of
the Indian shrieks along the plain. Theo the ter
rible contest! the sweep of Dic es Jintruttix's *noun
ted Riflemen in their hurricane charge again passes
before his rye, find the old Hero, would shout with
jay, but the death rattle is in his throat, and the
death-dew en his brow.
Ho is dying! for hie death, the bright eyes of
woman shall be dim with tears and aged men shalt
weep, and a nation will be sad and glonin and civil
corruption and legalized anarchy shall pass like 0
pull of gloom over tho land, and yet the fiat hoe
gone forth, God hoth spoken it, and the Hero dies,
ore yet the rejoicings of the nation ore lost to his ear':