Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 08, 1843, Image 2

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, Ons country, one constitution, one destiny."
~3'l'il~~~~ ~I ®~Ze
Wednesday snorairp - „ Nov. 8, 1843.
Y. B. PAL It ER, Mg. (S a. 59, Pine street
iskuv Third, Philadelphia) is authorized to act as
sentfor this paper, to procure subscriptions and
d. Once more our glorious Banner out
Upon the breeze we throw;
Beneath its folds, with song an 4 about,
Lees charge upon the foe!'
thbject to the decision of a National Covention.)
('liabjeat to the decision of a State Convention.)
W ANTED,—On accounts due
at this qffice—
100 Bushels of Wheat,
60 do. Corn,
40 do. Buckwheat,
100 do. Oats,
60 do. Potatoes,
30 do. Apples,
1000 Pounds of Pork,
300 do. Beef.
Persons desirous of making payment in any of
the above articles will please bring them on soon,
or give notice of their intention to do so, and state
to what amount, without delay. The market price
waibeallowed for them by
The " Village Herald."
We have received the first and second numbers
of a neutral paper neatly got up and handsomely
printed and published at M'Vey town, by T. F.
" Good luck" to it.
T y By the advertisement of Mr. C. Cont., in's Journal, it wilt he seen that that gentleman
has returned to this borough and again opened a
Public House.
".Tho Clay Bugle."
The above will be the title of a new Clay paper
campaign in November, at the low price of ONE
nem..h.—in advance.
(:0 - .6 , The Muncey (Pa.) Luminary" has been
enlarged and improved, and now sails under the
flag of Clay and Scott for President and Vice Pre
sident and Gen. James Irvin for Governor.
Solomon Shoemaker was tried in the Su
preme court at Zanesville, Ohio, last week, for the
murder of his brother Eli. Shoemaker, in May
1842, and convicted of murder in the first degree.
John Smith.
A negro man named Daniel, has been convicted
of murder in the first degree, m Prince George's
county, Md., for killing John Smith.--Rx. paper.
Ho poor John lieu been murdered it seems. We
always thought somebody would be the death of
fns SAnnATIL—A number of influential chi.
tens of central New York have called a convention,
to meet at 'Utica on the 24th inst., for the purpose
of promoting the better observance of the Christian
The Impeachment.
The Reading "Press," a Locofoco paper, ii out
wrongly in favor of the impeachment of the Gover
nor by the coming Legislature. It says, " the im
peachment is now certain, notwithstanding here and
there one of his creatures was chiseled in."
f;occrnor Bouck, of New York, has pardon
ed Charles P. Mitchell, ex-mcinixtr of Congress,
who was sent to the State Prison for thee years, for
forgery•. Ile has been confined nearly a year. The
cause that prompted the pardon was his rapid de
cline, by consumption in which, it is supposed, will
soon terminate his days.
f.O The awful Mory of the murder of a traveller
between Hanover, Pa., and Frederick, Md., wee a
hoax, wickedly gotten up by a mail carrier. No
such thing occurred.
cc y• Pannes.--The Doylestown Democrat says,
Joseph Clegg, convicted with Miller and Rhoads of
a conspiracy to defraud his creditors, has been par
doned by the Governor. Ile was taken before his
Ilene( Judge Ruckman, and his discharge opposed
by Joke Fox. Esq., counsel on the part of the cre
ditors, on the ground that the pardon, on the face
of it, showed that the Governor was deceived in the
matter. Mc was discharged.
r 0 ".The Rev. Wi Lusa 'P. BrnoLs, of Carlisle,
Pa., has been called to the pastoral office in the first
Presbyteries Church of Washington city.
Sangran raw. Missorni.—The Governor of
Miasouri boo appointed Judge ATCHI.O3 Senator
in. Congress flew INA state in place of Mr.
A. Teacher Killed by a Student
The New haven papers announce the death of
John Breed Dwight, a Tutor in Yale College, from
wounds inflicted upon him by one of the younger
members of the College, immediately after the com
mencement of the present term. It appears that
while Tutor Dwight was attempting to suppress
some nocturnal infraction of the rules of the institu
tion, he seised a young man named Lewis Fossil
of Philadelphia, and was in the act of drawing him
to the light in order to recognise him, when Fassit
drew a knife or dirk, of some kind, and gave him
three successive stabs near the groin, and almost
penetrating the femoral artery, which would have
been instantly fatal. A fever ensued which soon
terminated in death.
The New Haven Herald, in reference to the
above melancholy occurrence, says:
rnssit, the young man, who now stands guilty
of perpetrating the highest crime kaoWn. eci our
laws, hne left the city, and will. probably escape.—
We understand, however, that measures have been
instituted for his apprehension, and that a requisi
fion will be made to the Governor irf Pennsylvania
fu his surrender to the hands of justice:.
Fawn hne since proceeded to New Haven with
his father, and delivered himself up.
Deaths by rim.
The Westmorelauit Intelligencer of the 3rd inst.,
app.—. On Monday night last, (30th ult.) Mr.
Matthew Jack, of this vicinity came to his death in
a dreadful manner. lie and his dotneatics had re.
tired to bed about eight o'clock, and after they bad
been in bed about half an hour, he arose and went
down stairs, for the purpose, as he stated, of warm
ing his feet. They then fell asleep, and were arous
ed about eleven o'clock by the noise of Mr. Jack,
down stairs, calling for assistance. He had went to
the Kitchen, and in the fits, (a disease to which he
has for some time been subject,) fell in the fire, and
being unable to extricate himself, was dreadfully
burned. One side of his head, his neck, arms and
hands were burned to a crisp. Medical aid was im
mediately called in; but the extent of the injuries
received was such as to preclude all hopes of relief.
He lingered in great agony till about three o'clock
on Tuesday, when death terminated his suffering.
The same paper says On Wednesday even
ing loot, (lot inst.) Louis Hertvick of this borough,
aged about four years, was so severely burnt by his
clothes taking fire as to cause his death in a few
An Ohio paper states that Bishop M'llvsine
during last February received a letter, not signed,
enclosing a certificate of sixty shares of the Ohio
Life & Trust Co., simply saying, that the interest
was to be applied yearly to the support of aged and
infirm ministers of the Episcopal Church, in the
State of Ohio and if needful, ten per cent. of the
principal. The letter requested an answer to be ad.
dressed to L. P., New York. In the answer the
Bishop requested to know the name of the kind
benefactor. After some time a reply was given,
signing the name of Peter Lorillard, Esq. of New
York. Soon after, news reached the Bishop that he
had died.
V. S. Senator from Tennessee.
i.rnn.lA n. rosTsu
and Sexxcan JARNIGAN, both Whigs, United 8.
Senators from that State ; the first for the unexpired
term of Felix Grundy, to 1845, and the last for 6
years front the 4th of March, 1841. Mr. Foster
was formerly U. S. Senator. The triumph in Ten
nessee is now complete. Three cheers for n That
Same Old Coon!"
thern American thinks 1,000,000 bushels a mode
rate estimate for the wheat that will be exported
from the product of the crop just harvested. It
also says that a farmer in the neighborhoal of Little
Port, 12 miles of Southport, harvested 102 bushels
of winter wheat, of very superior quality, from two
and a half acres of land, by actual measurement.
Merman,. BY 1311. nm—A negro drank a pint
of brandy, in Richmond, Va., lately, to decide a
wager, and was found dead next morning. Legal
proceedings are to be instituted, to decide whether
the persons who made the bet, and the dealer who
supplied the liquor have not exposed themselves to
the serious charge of murder.
Supposed. Murderer Arrested.
JOSEPH GRACT was arrested in York, on Sunday
before last, by Mr. Bowers of Columbia, and lodged
in the Jail of Lancaster county, charged with the
murder of Fredericca Clare, a few weeks since, in
(LI. A SNow khonm.—A letter from Williams.
port, Vt., to o gentleman in Philadelphia, under date
of Oct. 24, says : It commenced snowing yester
day afternoon, and continued until seven, P. M.
this day. It is eighteen inchesdeep on the lowlands,'
and twenty four on the highlands--a real north
easter ; first rate sleighing."
CO - The celebrated vine at Cumberland Lodge, in
Windsor Park, (Eng.) supposed to be the largest in
the world, now contains 2,350 bunches of grape.,
each averaging one pound weight. Its length is
138 feet, width 16, and it extends over a space of
2,200 superficial feet. It has been planted forty
cj' The skeleton of a huge amintal has recently
been discovered near Warsaw, Mo., which when
put together, measures 46 feet in lenght, and 26 in
height. It differs from any before discovered, and
weighs 4500.
Donn ARRESTED. -Thomas W. Dorr, was ar
rested and lodged in the jail at Providence, R. 1., on
Tuesday, the 31st ult. He went to that city with
the intention of remaining, and at the time of his
arrest woo dining with a party of friend..
Q, . Palmer C. Rickets, the editor of the Cecil
(Md.) Whig, indicted for shooting Anson T. For
ward, Esq., in the, streets of Elkton, on the 30th of
August last, has been acquitted. Justifiable homi
cide in self defence wan sustained.
Birein Bloomfield,
The Carlisle Herald of Wednesday lost says:-
4 We learn that a destructive fire occured in Bloom
field, Perry county, on Friday night (27th ult.,) by
which the office of the Perry Freeman," the Whig
journal there, and several other surrounding build
ings were entirely destroyed.
We are pained to learn the loss experienced by
our esteemed and worthy friend Baker, of the
" Freeman." We have not ascertained the precise
amount of destruction done to his establishment,
but it is probable the whole product of years of in
dustry has suddenly been wrested from him by the
remorseless element. But let it be as it may, the
"Freeman" must be restored, and we call upon the
Whigs of Perry and Cumberland to see to it that
a liberal hand is stretched forth to the worthy suffer
er. This severe calamity must not ho permitted to
prostrate the Editor, or deprive the people of Perry
of a light-giving organ of Whig principles, such as
the "Freeman" has been under the able control of
Mr. Baker. We trust that prompt and energetic
means will be speedily adopted to re-establish its
Sale of State Stocks.
A public sale of Bank and other stocks owned
by the Commonwealth, was held at the Philadelphia
exchange on Tuesday the 24th ult. Several thou
sand shares of the Pennsylvania Bank was sold at
prices varying from $173 to 1871—par value $4OO.
Philadelphia Bank, 74i to 781—par value $lOO.
Columbia Bank and Bridge Company, 424 to 45
par value $lOO. About 900 shares Harrisburg
Bridge Stock were sold at from sto si. A large
amount of Bridge, Canal, Railroad and Turnpike
Stocks were also sold, of course at prices much be
low their original value.
exam was tried week before last at
Cumberland, Md. for the murder of Abraham Frey,
in that county, in July fast, and found guilty of
murder in the first degree. The wife of the mur
dered man was also tried the same week, as being
accessary to the murder, and acquitted.
While Judge Buchanan was panning sentence of
death upon the unhappy criminal above, his feelings
were so overwhelming as almost to impede utter
ance. After passing the sentence, the judge arose,
and with him the other members of the Court, the
Bar, and the whole assembly, when he offered up to
the Throne of Grace a most fervent prayer in be
half of the doomed and unfortunate man.
Chaise has since made a full confession of his
guilt—and is humbled to the dust in prayer and in
confession of sin.
Masonry Vnchurched.
We learn from the Pittsburg Gazette that the
Wesleyan Methodist Conference, which assembled
in that city, a week or two since, had:the sulject of
Masonry under discussion before them, and finally
adopted, by a large majority, a resolution "which
stated substantially, that the Conference considered
all secret, oath-hound societies, contrary to the Go. '
pel of Jesus Christ, advised all the members of
churches under its care to abstain from all connec
tion with them and further declared that no adhering
member of such secret, oath-bound societiesoka
GI. Some of our political opponents would have
us believe that they look forward to the contest for
President in 1844, with perfect confidence of suc
cess. The Harrisburg Argus, however, one of the
most prominent mgans of the party in thin state,
speaks candidly of the matter, as follows:
" We have never felt an over-confidence in the
success of the democratic party at the next Presi
dential election, and it is the true policy of every
Democrat to proclaim danger if he feels it. Look
at our position now, compared with the election in
1940. Then we had in our favor the whole patron
age of the General Government—now we hove an
immense popular vote to overcome. Every indica
tion proves that the Whig organization of 1840, is
far from being broken up."
The Affection of a Dog.
A small dog has been noticed by the students of
St. Mary's, Halifax, N. S., constantly renting upon
a certain grave, in the burying•ground in the rearof
the College, and never leaving it, unless when
frightened by a larger dog entering the yard, when
lie immediately takes refuge under the church.--
The grave so attentively guarded, is that of a child,
probably the playmate of the faithful little animal.
It has become quite a favorite with the students
Who feed it daily, but they cannot coax the little
fellow from his resting place.
1:0 - 0 The Lancaster Journal states that the pre
sent Board of Canal Commissioners have determi
ned to throw open the road after the let ofJanuary
next, which will be coming back, in ;effect, to the
good old custom, under which every man who
complied with the provisions of the law, could run
his own passenger car, at his own price.
cc). BELA En, Esq., has become Proprietor
of the Philadelphia u DAIL' Ponum," which is now
conducted by James S. Wallace, Esq.; N. Sargent,
Esq., who was for some time Associate Editor,
having retired.
j' The election in Nese-York for members of
the Legislature, took place yesterday.
Qj There are only four lawyers in both branches
of the Vermont Legislature.
(0 The election in Massachusetts takes place
next Monday.
On the 12th ult. by the Rev. S. Wilson, Dr. R.
M. JACKSON, of Alexandria, Huntingdon county,
to Miss M. E. HERRON, niece of the Hon. An
drew Stewart, of Uniontown, Fayette county.
On the 31st ult, by the Rev. Mr. Gibson, Mr.
ter of George Elliott, all of Frankstown township.
On the 2fith ult., ISABELLA, daughter of Jo
seph Smith, Esq., of the Loop, of Frahkutown
township, in the I Ith year of her age.
Huntingdon, Pennsylvania.
1 04 i ,
7 4 li t •
El ii ei Co
A 'a
vOULD most respectfully inform the
citizens of this county, the public
generally, and his old friends and customers
in particular, that he has leased for a term
of years, that large and commodious building
on the West end of the Diamond, in the bo
rough of Huntingdon, formerly kept by An
ew H. Hirst, which he has opened and
furnished as a Public House, where every
attention that will Ininist”r to the comfort
and convenience of guests wilt always be
L=.sacms tzEttb
will at all times be abuntAntly supplied with
the best to be had in the country.
+...Sdas •EnEr.
will be fin nished with the best of Liquors,
111 S Slld 'ILIA G
is the very best in the borough, and will
always be attended by the mast trusty, at
tentive and experienced ostlers.
Mr. Couts pledges himself to make every
exertion to render the "Franklin House" a
home to all who may favor him with a call.
Thankful to his old customers for past favors,
he respectfully solicits a continuance of their
Boarders, by the year, month, or week,
will be taken on reasonable terms.
Huntingdon Nov. 8. 1843.
Assessors' Notice.
._ HE principal essessors of the several town
ships in the county of Huntingdon, elected in
March Last, are requested to attend at the Commis
sioners office in the Borough of Huntingdon on
Monday the 13th day of November. Those who
do not intend to serve will forward their resigna
tions to the Commissioners on or before that day.
By order of the Commissioners.
W. S. AFRICA, Clerk.
Nov. 8, 1843.
TAME to the residence of
the subscriber, in Warri
ri orsmark township, Huntingdon
county, on the Ist day of De
cember„ a red and white Heifer, supposed
to be about 3 year old. The owner is re
quested to come forward, prove property,
pay charges and take her away—otherwise
she will be disposed of according to law.
Nov. 8, 1843—St
1, AME to the resi
dente of the sub
i scriber, in Hopewell
township, Huntingdon
all 111. 0; county, on or about
the Ist day of Septem
ber last, a red steer with some white about
the face, and about four years old. The
owner is requested to come forward, prove
w.n.r.l“ll7P.l.ap&taktit ikEniqling
Nov. 8, 1843. pd.
Dissolution of Partnership.
num partnership heretofore existing be
tween the subscribers, trading under
the firm of W. & 13. Leas, has this day been
dissolved by mutual consent. The books
are lett at the store, whet e settlements will
be made by either of the partners. As we
are very desirous to close the books, it is
hoped whilst we do not expect all to pay
immediately, that none will delay at least in
making settlements.
Shirleysburg, Nov. 3, BENJ. LEAS.
The business of merchandising will be
carried on at the old stand by Benj. & Geo.
Leas, where they will take great pleasure
in accommodating all who may favor them
with a call, on the most favorable terms.
LID Le. cz) at) al) 31116:3
LI. he received up to the 25th day of
December next, by the 1 rustees
the Huntingdon Congregation of the Presby.te
lion Church, for building a Presbyterian
Church in the borough of Huntingdon.
A plan and specifications will be exhibited
by Maj. David M'Murtrie, Col. John Cress
well and William Dorris at any time after
the Ist day of December next, to whom also
bids can be directed.
Nov. 1, 1843 Trustees.
Harrisburg 'Telegraph insert, and charge '
the Church.
, =?uumi
a. @a UaFfhlal o
Would respectfully announce to the public,
that he has returned from the city, and has
taken a room at the Bniirdingaionse of Mrs.
CLARKE, where he designs remaining a short
time for the practice of his profession. Any
person desiring his services, he would be
happy to receive their calls as above.
a - y Full satisfaction or no charges.
Huntingdon, Nov. Ist 1843.—tf.
Between Birmingham and Waterstreet, on Satur-
day the 14th inst., by a passenger in the Bellefonte
stage, a Lady'a gold curb guard chain. The tinder,
on leaving it with Mr. Lowry, of Wateretreet, or the
editor of the Journal, will be liberally rewarded.
October 17, 1843.
Estate of Margaret Mehaffy,
Late of the Borough of Huntingdon, deed•
smOTICE is hereby given that letters of
ail administration upon the said estate
have been granted to the undersigned. All
pet sons having claims or demands against
the same are requested to make them known
without delay, and all persons indebted to
make immediate eavanen t to
Huntingdon,JALo.ll MlER,Atha'''. Oct. 18, 1843 LL 61.
Philadelphia, Noy. 3.
witEATFLoun, per bbl. - - - IN 75
HYN. MEAL, do. - - - - 300
Conn do. do.
Wil EAT, ptime Penna. per bush. - - 93
RYE do. - - - 58
CORN, yellow, eo. - - - 52
do. white, dn. - - . 47
OATS, do. - - - 25
WIIIsKEY, in bls.
nal thnore, Nov. S.
WHEAT Fi.oun, per bbl. - - - $4 25
WHEAT, per bosh
CORN, yellow, do,
do. white, do
l( ,
WHISKEY, in bbls
Pittsburgh, Nov. 2.
9.3 37 a 3 .56
62 a 65
34 a 40
17 a 38i
28 a 30
FLOUR. per Wit
WHEAT, per bush
RYE, do.
OATS, do.
CORN, do. - - -
HlON:—Juniata Blooms 651 to $55 a ton.—
Sales of 10 tons Juniatta for par money at $5l.
PIG METAL :—The sales have been large
and principally for cash, par money. One
sale of 400 tons good Allegheny Gray Metal
$23; another of 100 do. do. at g 2 3; and an
other 100 Tons Allegheny Hard at x s22;
besides other smaller sales.
Rates of Discount in Philadelphia,
Banks in Philadelphia,
Bank of North America -
Bank of the Northern Liberties
Bank of Penn Township
Commercial Bank of Penn'a.
Farmers' & Mechanics' bank -
Kensington bank -
Schuylkill bank
Mechanics' bank
Philadelphia bank
Southwark bank
Western back
Mnyamensing bank - - -
Manufacturers' and Mechanics' bank
Bank of Pennsylvania - - -
Girard bank - - - -
Bank of the United States -
Country Banks.
Bank of Chester co. - Westchester par
Bank of Delaware co. Chester par
Bank of Germantown Germantown par
Hank of Montg'ry co. Norristown par
Doylestown bank Doylestown par
Easton Bank Easton par
Farmers' bk of Bucks co. Bristol par
Honesdale bank Honesdale If
Farmers' bk of Lanc. Lancaster I
Lancaster bank Lancaster i
Lancaster county bank Lancaster If
Bank of Pittsburg Pittsburg I
Merclt'ts' & Manuf, bk. Pittsburg I
Exchange bank Pittsburg 1
Do. do. branch of Hollidaysburg 1
Col'a bk & bridge co. Columbia i
Franklin bank Washington 1
Monongahela bk of B. Brownsville I
Farmers' bk of Reading Heading .
Lebanon bank Lebanon 2i
Bank of Northumberl'd Northumberland par
Bank of Middletown Middletown I i
Carlisle bank Carlisle Ii
Erie bank Erie 5
MIA 14. GPMlMllit"&etTskirg"'" it
York bank York 2
Harrisburg bank . Harrisburg 2i
Miners' bk of Pottsville Pottsville 2
Bank of Susquehanna co. Montrose 45
Farmers' & Drovers' bk Waynesborough 3}
Hank of Lewistown Lewistown 2i
Wyoming bank Wilkesbarre 2i
Northampton bank Allentown no sale
Bells county bank Reading 75
West Branch baiik Williamsport 30
Towanda bank Towanda 88
Rates of Relief Notes.
Northern Liberties, Delaware County, Far
mers' Bail of Bucks, Germantown par
All others - - - - - 2i
Jl-1I 'l 3 O `uo P 2 u9uoli
/07,3 AO; WA III:3 aamaasqns
aql 7tnp mai Os aau saapcl anucin 9tuj,fl!
00 It PLIVOg *cp uouituo3
SL Z$ . pousnoql Jacl qs!uncls j lull
•xoq Jac! sluaa OS
s qaua Su!u!sluoa saxoq uI us!uudSill'H
•xoq .tad gz;
'qua ost Sqlomooo saxoq iq saoas rqn3
•saalad Stqmonnj aql DIM Jo; saaj
-jo aq gam& .sasgas palaossu Ham pus
a2asi u pan!alaa lsn! sty a Npasqns aqi
.tpleo Jo.; cluatio
8 QS 7:17 CZ M — t,
i AVM SIMI. `guamoitTs
Are exactly adapted to the reign of John Tyler. If
the conduct of this remarkable man boa disappoint
ed and embarrassed the country, thereby subjecting
the inhabitants to intense mental excitement and
undue labor and exposure, which entail disease and
curtail the means of liquidating the expense of com
batting it, certainly an antidote for the circumstances
is gratifying. Such an antidote the Renovating
Pills undoubtedly are. Numbers of respectable
members of our own community have testified this
from their own experience. These testimonials
have swollen to so great an extent that it is impos
sible or inexpedient to introduce them into a paper
designed for general purposes. The public must,
therefore, be henceforth respectfully referred to the
;;cents below for evidence of the utility of the medi
cine. If such evidence, when examined, be unsat
isfactory, no purchase is expected.
All the diseases in which these Pills are appro
priate are not named in the notice from the fear of
the imputation of extravagance. They are of un
doubted and tried efficacy in Liver dimples and all
Bilious affections, being the only vegetable com
pound whose useful action is nearly eimilnr to that
of calomel. Also—Cholera Morbus, Dyspepsia,
Rheumatism, Breaking out on the akin, Fevers,
Ague, Colds, Cough., Inflammatory disease., and
particularly those affections originating from a bad
slate of the blood, which aro numerous.
The afflicted are recommended to try this inedi
dne, whose success is becoming unparalleled.
Purchase of
Fisher & M'Murtrio, Huntingdon
Alex. Knox & Sun, Newry.
W. & 13. Leas, Shirleysburg.
Dennis O'Conner, Three Springs.
Blair & Madden, Madden's Mill.
Hunter & Wigton, Rockhill Furnace.
'lllomas E. Orbison & Co., Orbisonia.
Brice X. Blair, Shade Gap.
Oct. 18, 1843.
--.4. 0 ow.—
gESPECTFULLY inform the citizens.
ef Huntingdon county, and the public
generally, that they have formed a partner
ship to carry on the
Copper, Tin and Sheet-iron Business
in all its branches, in Alexandria, where
they manufacture and constantly keep an
hand every desct iption of ware in their line;.
such as
New and Splendid Wood Stoves,
22, 24, 26, 28 and 30 inches long
- - - SO
Arm Cooking stoves of all kinds, and
Also four sizes of Coal Siovel
All kinds of castings done, for Forges, Saw
mil.s and Threshing-machines. Also WAG
WARE ; all of which is done in a workman-.
like manner.
Alen, Copper, Dye, Wadi, Fuller, Pre
aerving, and Tea A - rules, for sale,
wholesale and retail,
Persons favoring this establishment with
their custcm may depend nn having their
orders executed with fidelity and despatch.
Old metal, copper, brass and pewter ta
ken in exchange. AistOtheat, rye, corn.
and oats taken at market price.
Alexandria, Nov. I, 1843.
NOTICE.-The subscriber respectfully
requests all persons indebted to him for
work donei at the old establishment, pre
vious to this date, to call and settle their ac
counts without delay.
Nov. 1, 1843.
L.1.71D FOR
VIM, be exposed to sale on Fridarth s e
10th day of November next,,o7the
premises, that well known plantation ollract
of limestone land, late the property of rffelV
olas Grains, deed., situate on Shaverk
Creek, in West township, Huntingdon counl'
ty, adjoining lands of the widow Ambrose,
Hiram Williamson, Adam Lightner, the
heirs of Robert Wilson, deed., Christopher
Ir wine, and Jacob & George Borst, and the
banks of Shavers Cret k, containing about
aaaCZl ~Q .Ceita.olo6oo
oneiliundred and sixty of which are cleared
and in a good state of cultivation. On the
premises there are two log
Dwelling Douses,
one of which is three stories high, the other
a tenant house, a story and a halt high, a
double barn and a large
several never failing springs of water, one
of which is convenient to the dwelling house.
There is also a small stream of water runs
throughlthe tract. The greater part of the
uncleared land on the tract is well timbered.
This tract is about three and a half miles
from Petersburg.
Tering will or made so as
to suit purchasers on the day of sale.
To be sold as the property of the said
Nicholas Graffius, dec'd. by
Administrators de bonis
non with the will annexed.
Oct. 11, 1843.—t5.
Apple Orchard,
Estate of SAMUEL UTZ,EIit,
Late of Snyder totonslap, deceased.
ETTERS of administration on the said
gestate have been granted to the under
signed. All personsindebted to said estate
are requested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims against it will pre
sent them properly authenticated for settle
ment without delvv, to
Oct. 25, 1843.-6 t West. tp.
-- • -
Late of Huntingdon borough, dec'd.
Notice is hereby given that letters of ad
ministration upon the said estate have been
granted to the undersigned. All persona
having claims or demands against the same
are requested to make them known without
delay, and all persons indebted to make irn- •
mediate payment to
Huntingdon, Oct. 4, 1843. —Gt.
Orphans' Court Xotice.
T an Orphans' Court held at Hunting
past,o on the 2d ony of Auust last
a Rule was grantedon the he g irs and
legal rc presentativcs of William Carter, for
merly of Huntingdon county, and lately of
the State of Ohio, dec'd_ to come into court
on the 2d Monday of November next, and
accept or refuse the real estate of said dec'd
at the valuation thereof.
October 4,1843.-4 t.
List of Letters
TftEMA INING in the Post Office at Hun
-4,84 tingdon, Pa., October Ist 1843, If not
called for previous to the Ist of January next
they will be sent to the General PostOfficn
as dead letters.
Ash Jesse Elder Lateers James
Anderson Miss Mary Livingston John
Bell Watson Capt Miler Pierre
Covent Jacob McCord James
Croxton Alex. McDivit Miss Jane
Crowber Josiah Moore John
Dopp Jacob Jr McCoy Vincent
Davis P Miss Mary Philips Locristla
Dodson John Esq. De Baux Powell 2
Defrenbacher A L Reed James country
Fee John It eigard Wm.
Green F S Shenebrough ensper
Gross William Skelly A Mulutiet
Hafhelton Hays Smith Hader
Hammond Philip Steil Thomas
Hight George Thompson JohniWat-
Henderson Mathias ker tp.
Johnston John Thomas D Barton.
Kiler George Taytor Jno nail cutter.
Lally Daniel
October 4, 1893.
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