Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 01, 1843, Image 2

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Newspapers. 1 iliwices will he condemn."—Prov. XII, 2, After I MA I% Pelltins a THE 3IARKETS.
- ' 'WILL be exposed to sale on Friday the
--- - -
A newspaper, says a contemporary, is a school in ' dismissal, the Military marched back to their quay-
[CORRECTED WEEKLY.] 10th day of November next, on the
it eV* D FOR MILL% I
On Thursday, the 26th ult, by the Rev. H. G.
-•----- ---- premises, that well known plantation or tract
a family, worth ten dollars a year. Even the most! ters, in the same quiet, orderly manner they had
barren paper brings something new. Children read ! dieplayerl in marching from the Camp. The day RINE STERTSMAN, all of this place. Philadelphia, Oct. 27. of limestone land, late the property of NiCh
or hear the contents, gain intelligence a the affair.. passed off very well, and gave fine promise for the WHE AT FLOUR , per bbl. - - - $4 511 alas Graffius, deed., situate on Shavers
On Thursday, the 26th ult., by the Rev. D. Ster.
RYE MEAL, do. - - - - 300 Creek, in West township, Huntingdon coun
of the world, and acquire useful knowledge of more i morrow,
rett, Capt. JAMES DUFF, to Miss JANE DE- ~ .
1,,,,RN (W. CIO. - - - - -2 62 t,„ adjoining lands of the widow Ambrose,
importance to them than a potent of fifteen acres of .At a meeting a the Officers held on Saturday ARMENT, all of Huntingdon county. WHEAT, piimePenna. per bush. --93 , Hiram Williamson, Adam, d., Christopher Lightner, the
- '
lam]. Parente are not aware of the vest importance I evening, M.. GEN', JOHN Porvan was elected On Thursday evening, the 19th ult., Mr. JO- RYE do. -- 58 heirs of Robert Wilson, deed.,
do. - - - 50 le a ine, and Jacob 8c (*surge Borst, and the •
of a newspaper in e family of children. •We have , Commander-in-Chief, with Power to delegate his SEPII R. Mfr.:GINS of Williamsburg, to Miss (.U R N,,
,uielilt()%: do. - - 47 banks of Shavers Creek, containing about ,
made the remark before, and we repeat it, that take ' authority. At the same meeting the companies JANE ROBESON of Blair township.
OATS, do. - - - 25 Ea flat ..,,CZaVE.C23.03,01
two families of children equally smart, and both were divided into two Regiments, and the following On Thursday, the 19th ult., by Benjamin F. ear
vit IIIaKEY, in bls.
one hundred and sixty of which are cleared
Patton, Esq., Me THOMAS WHITE of Franke-
Baltimore, Oct. 27. I and in a good state of cultivation. On the
going to the same school—let one of them have the field officers appointed for them, respectively :
town township, to Miss MARTHA CROCKER, of ,
free use of a newspaper, and it would excite aston- IST. REGIMENT.
WHEAT, per bush. - - - 70
ishment to mark the diffesence between them. Full Col—R. C. Hale,
At the house of Johnston Moore, Ewe, in Wood- Coen, yellow, do. --- - 48 ~,,c 7 i ;
Warriorsmark town—all of Huntingdon county. I WHEAT FLottn, per bbl. - - - $4 25 premises there are two log
Lieut. Col.—J. B. Evans,
Dwelling Houses,
one half, and an important half of education, as it
, berry township, near Springfield Furnace, on Thur. do. white, do.
respects the business of the world, and the ability to l/Tr— M. day evening, 21st September, PETER FURREL, Hy,do.
Esq., formerly of the "Beaver Dams," to Mi.. .
( •ATS. do.
rise and make one's self respectable in it, is derived ' Surgeon—Dr. Lewis Hoover,
24 ' one °
MAGDALENE HEWS, of Piney Creek. , WHISKEY, in bbls.
from newspapers. What parent would not wish , Adjutant—Geo. Buchanan.
his children respectable'! Who would be willing ' Sergeant Major—A. P. Lusk,
Quarter Master--Samuel Milliken.
FLOUR, per bbl. - - - $3 37 a 3 56
Pittsburgh, Oct. 26 , double barn and a large
to have his neighsbor's children more intelligent I) I E E ,
WHEAT, per bush. - - - - 62 a 65 Apple Orchard,
On Friday, the 13th ult, THOMAS, son of Mr.
than his own? Yet how trifling is the sum a paper
Colonel—William Williams, RYE, CIO.
Richard Bancroft, of Frankstown township,
- - - - 17 a 18i
costs? It is even in the. hard times s absolutely I Lieut, Colonel—John R. Mlle, OATS, do.
contemptible in amount, except in its beneficial con- Major—James Reamer, On Thursday, the sth ult., of Dysentery, Mr. ' CORN, do. -- - - 28 a3O , several never failing springs of water, one
.. J. Pot., JOHN B. ADAMS, of Frunkstown township, aged IRON:—Juniata Blooms $52 to $55 a ton.—
sequences, to him who has paid his subscription
There is also a small stream of water runs
Surgeon—R. W. Christy, 39 years. Pig Metal $22 to $25 a ton. of which is convenient to the dwelling house.
throughlithe tract. The greater part of the
Adjutant—John King,
On the 29th September, at the public house of • ''"'" 2 --" 10 .- ---- -- ---•-- - -- - uncleared land on the tract is well timbererl.
Sergeant Major--S. L. Russel, Mr. Joseph Hammer, in Hollidaysburg, THOMAS' BANK NOTE LIST. 'Fills tract is about three and a half miles
Commodore Elliott. . Quarter Master—A. L. Holliday. TUTTLE, formerly of Dublin, Ireland, at an ad- ' from Petersburg.
By the following correspondence, which appears in CAPT. IfirMAN, of the Williamsport Band, was vane) age. I Rates of Discount in Philadelphia.
Terms will be reasonable, or made so as
all die West Chester papers, it will be seen that the appointed Principal Musician, and Rev. D. Mare- In this Borough, an the 19th ult., HOWARD, Banks in Philadelphia. to suit purchasers on the day of sale.
To be sold as the property of the said
a ll
of suspension for four years from the 4th of wax and Rev. E. E. ALLEN, Chaplains. only eon of Henry and Anna Smith, aged 2 years, ' Batik of North America - - par Nicholas Graffius, des d., by
June 1840, against Commodore Jesse D. ELLIOTT, On Monday, by order of the Major Gen''., Cot. 6 months end 8 day.. Bank of the Northern Liberties - par li IRAM W l ' ls LI A MSON, es"
has been removed by President Tyler. , Wituems wee in the command of the whole; on - - par SAMUEL MiLLER,
NATI' DERawrminev, -a Tuesday, C.. HALE; on Wednesday, CoraGasoo. LPIVCD ZED COGS 02.116:3 Commercial Bank of Penn'a. - - par I Administratcrs de bonis
October 19th, 1849. 5
Farmers' & Mechanics' bank - - par non with the will annexed..
On Monday the Troops were reviewed by Brig. WpILL be received up to the 25th day of
- - par Oct. 11. 1843.—t5.
Stu— December next, by the '1 ruste aof Kensington bank
Genl.Sames Potter, and staff; on Tuesday by vi * . , c ' Schuylkill bankp 'i— ..
The President of the United States, havingthe Huntingdon Congo g. awn of the Presbytt; Mechanics' bank - - : :a; ' UST ATE OF THOMAS SMITH,
Brig. Gen''. S. M. Green, and staff; on Wednesday 1 i n r e t I l i , , e
t f ) o o r r 0
ug h d o i
carefully considered the facts in your case, in con
by Maj. Gen'l. John Potter and staff; andafterwards (.11hit'it•eChbifliamttresbyteria
gdon. Philadelphia bank - - - par
section wills the evidences recently furnished, and
Southwark bank - - - par -
by the Governor on stun horse. A ,. plan and specifications will he exhibited Western batik - - - - par Notice is hereby given that letters of,ul- •
Late of Huntingdon borough, deed.
- - -,-- considering also, the long period a yoursuspension
aj. David M'Murtrie, Col. John Cress- Mo amensing bank - - p• r ministration upon the said estate have been
Morning and evening parades were turned off hY Al
well and William Dorris at any time after
Subscribe and Read! from the public service and the gallantry exhibited
regularly during the Encampment; and were fol. the Ist clay of December next, to whom also i Bank of Pennsylvania - - - par having claims or demands against the same
MaLfacturers' and Mechanics' bank pa '' '. graLted to the undersigned. All persona
n's The approaching November Court will of- by you on more than one occasion during the late
lowed by Regiment drills, which would have done bids can be d
Millsi acted.
! Girard bank - - - - 15 are reqiiested to make them known
e k e ford those who , wish the "Journal" sent to them war with Gwat Britain, has thought - proper to remit
honor to the Queens brag troops in Canada. To
,I Bank of the United States 35 delay, and all persons indebted to make int
during the winter, an excellent opportunity for sub- the remaining period of your suspension, and to
the Regimental officers, in our opinion, high praise JNO G MILES,
THOMAS FISHER,' I Country Banks. mediate payment to
scribing. The " long evenings" have now arrived, restore you to the public service. You will Roma .
s due for the able manner in which these drills were JNO .C R ESSW ELL, Bank of Chester co. Westchester par Huntingdon, Oct. 4,1843.-6 t,
and persons who erroneouely - suppo. they have not dingly consider yourself as waiting orders, your ' .
conducted; and to the company officers and their JNO. GLAZIER, Batik of Delaware co. Chester par
time to read during the summer se.on, now have reooration dating from the 1801 inst
men, for the prompt and skillful execution a the GEORGE TAYLOR, Bank of Germantown Germatftown par Orphans' Court Alnice.
leisure abundant. No family should be without a ' lam respectfully,
THOS. P. CAMPBELL ; Bank of Montg'i y co. Norristown par
various order. The great variety of evolutions— 'THUS.
an Orphans' Court held at Hunting
paper published within their county. It always Your ob't servant, Nov. 1, 1843. Trustees. Doylestown bank Doylestown par A T don on the 2d Monday of August last
the marches and countermarch., the wheels, and ---- Easton Bank Easton par
contains interesting and important information which DAVID HENSHAW.
Ilan past, a Rule was granted . on the heirs and
turns, and ever changing positions of the line, now c t:e l3 . IMMEI 'ita' ,l ••• , s , Farmers' bk 01 Bucks co. Bristol
can be found no where else. It keeps a person ad- Corn. J. D. ELLIOTT.
Honesdale bank Honesdale 'ji legal rf presentatives of William Carter, for
of the doings of his own county, matters in U. S. Navy. displayed at length, and in a trice broken into Bache- Honesdale
afe •ELAWSIEID Farmers' bk of Lanc. Lancaster i merly of Huntingdon county, and lately of
.3 the State of Ohio, deed., to come into court
ton, or some other of the thousand beautiful positions
Lancaster bank Lancaster
which he is particularly interested, b.ieks furnish-
WHGT ERESTER.P.ot assumed by Military corps, presented a scene lovely Would respectfully announce to the pu 1,
bl•'' Lancaster county bank Lancaster j'i on the 2d Monday of November next, and
1 accept or refuse the real estate of said dec'd
ing him wit the current news of the day from all
October 20th, 1849.
Bank of Pittaburg Pittsburg
to us beyond description. that he has returned from the city, and has 1 at the valuation thereof.
quarters. We have recently added a number of Hon. D.otn, HEN.,,,,
March is & Manuf. bk. Pittsburg
, The Reviews, it is true, looked well;—the gallant taken a room at the Boarding House of Mrs. Exchange bank Pittsburg 1 I
good names to our list, but there is still room for
Secretary of the Navy t
bearing, and the rich and splendid uniforms of the Do. do. branch of Hollidaysburg 1 October 4,1843.-4 t.
CLARKE. where he designs remaining a short
more. We hope therefore, that the. who do no St
. a—,
'ming Officem and their Aids-de-Cam as their
. time for the practice of his profession. Any
Col 'a bk & bridge co. Columbia i 7CJI)KX'LLC:D3:I.
get a county paper, will send M their namm—the-
P , person desiring his services, he would be Franklin bank Washington 1
name.,—they Your communication, dated 19th instant, Re '
noble animals pranced along the line, took the eye happy to receive their calls as above.
will never regret it. Come on then,
informing me that the President a the U. States,
Monongahela bk of B. Brownsville ii A LL persons interested in the estate of
of every spectator, and esa,.. ez.; ,, g e,1 3, _ , Full satisfaction or no charges. Farmei•s' bk of Reading Reading i Henry Shenefelt, a Lunatic, late of
has thought proper to remit the remaining period of . sea- a nr-.. les 1843.—tf. i
el , IA/n.mclhers.y sowealini. Huntingdon county,
'Mention of Canal Commissioners.
service, eon; but to us the waving'plumee and b h
e ba -
_ Lebanon bank ohn.nn
my suspension, and to restore me to bubue
oasts of the rank and file, as thee suitneus re orm- al; EX4.I) in trx_s• r_ saertnemberl'd korthumberland par will take notice that Jacob Shenefelt has this
We have full retunts of the late election a Ca-1
ant of
Middletown Middletown -li day (3d October,) filed in the i•otlionatary'r''
7"..i.t.h_.,rl.l l .!.r..oft!Ti....las.ontige.t.natelf..m.r.T.t".a :-- ......., a. mom grand and impeong.— FOUNDRY, 1 Carlisle bank Ctirlisle la Office his account as committee of said Lu
tist Commissioners in this State, but we have net
Yet a7sre ' looked upset the. we thought of Wash
"- - -- - - I Preeident and yourself mv acknowledgments as well
Ei•ie bank Eric 5 natic, which will be allowed by the Court
- .AG glAhlUi‘lillegiila . " " ington and his barefoot, half-clad men when )Leery —...aitei..-
for what I deem an act of Executive justice as for
Bank of Chambersburg Chambersburg lb or the second Monday of November next,
Loce.fucos. Whigs.
was, "Ott, on to Princeton," and almost dropped le Gilt A Ellis ac SON, Bank of Gettysburg Gettysburg i unless cause be shown why it should not be
Clarke, 108,542 Tweed, 96,454 I • • I'h it h been coml.-
the grata ying manner in wnc ho e
a tear at the contrast But a moment's reflection irpESPEGTFULLY inform the citizens York bank York 2e allowed.
Miller, II 1,073 Weaver, 95,774 nicated by an old and valued friend ; and allow me .
restored us, for in that glittering line, we doubted ca-- 0 of Huntingdon county, and the public Harrisburg bank Harrisburg 2i JAMES STEEL, Pro'iy.
Foster, 111,256 Guilford, 96,725 . here to say, that whenever I shall receive orders
general! Miners' bk of Pottsville Pottsville 2 October 11, 1843.—pd.
not, beat many a brave andpatriotic heart, tfiat even Y, that they have formed a partner-
By the above it will be seen that Foster runs the from the Deportment, whether on shore or afloat, Iship to carry on the Bank of Susquehanna en. Montrose 45
at this degenerate da "
y, would brave a trial like that, c , es,. Farmers' & Drovers' bk Waynesborough 3i JAMES S. SMITIi'S
highest . the Locofoco ticket, and Guilford the shall be ready to obey the call of duty. oppei , .1 in and Sheet -Iron Business
in the eau. of ‘. Virtue, Liberty and Independence" Bank of Lewistown Lewistown
highest on that of the Whigs. Th.e men were • I am, very respectfully,
to all its branches, in Alexandria, where Wyoming bank Wilkesbarre 2.i
21 Wholesak Clock Establis'
men ,
—nay ; we even questioned if there was one ha all
J nominated by the Conventions of their respec- Your obedient servants the manufacture and constantly keep on! Northampton batik Allentown no sale No. 82, NORTH THIRD Sr. P '
that host, so recreant to his dut
five mirth-, and with less unanimity than theft re. I J. D. ELLIOTT. y, so cowardly and hand every dem iption of ware in their line • Barks county bank • Reading
, 75
so base, as to lay down his arms if his country such as
West Branch balk Williamsport 30 'WHERE is to be found the largest as-
pective colleagues. It will also be seen that Clarke , ___
sortment of clocks in the United
should call her armies to the fiel d?
is nearly 3000 behind Foster; and who makes the I P the ~ Hollidaysburg Register." I New and Splendid Wood Stoves, •rowanda bank Towanda 88 .
States, among which are Forrestville, Hills
, The weathersontinuing unfavorable, and soine of Rates of Relief Notes. Goodrich & Co., Atkins, Porter & Co.,
rebuke still more severe, he was the last man on hie The Encampment. 22, 24, 26, 28 and 30 inches long.
he com Mahe,'
pan ingalready staid a day longer than Northern Liberties, Delaware County, Far- Ives' Brewsters, and other eight day brass
The Military Encampment at this place, as most t R4DIATOR STOVES,
ticket in Disown (Indiana) county.
mers' Babk of Bucks, Germantown par clocks. C. Jerome's, Bristol manufacturing
of our readers know, like the summer, is over, past they first intended, and others having made engage- ly e , c oo ki ng sto ves of oil •
kinds, and All others - - - . . ei company, :Akins, Porter & (.. Ch. Hlll'h,
Ladies' National Magazine. and gone, and the several companies, we trust, are merits to partake of public dinners on their way
_ Goodrich & Cc., Forrestville, H. Welton's,
We have received the November number of this safely arrived et their respective horn., delighted home, and all having a considerable distance to go, Also four sizes of Coal Stoves.
and other thirty hour brass clocks Board
]periodical. It is embellished with their excursion and with their taste of Military on Thursday morning fourteen companies took leave ALSO STOVE-PIPE, AND STOVES FINISHED ' j ) -.... / / •130 ‘togitittunll man 8c Welle', Hopkins and alfred' H. C.
elegant an. popular
Smith's and other wood clocks.
ravings and the usual life. Upon the whole, we believe we are justifiable of Cann' Warren ;
leaving still in the field, the Al . l kinds a castings done, for Forges, Saw- 'IIIO.LNOIVIS '3I '.I.
with two beautiful steel ems
Sole agent for Crane's celebrated year and
t •lste of fashions for the present month. .to pronouncing the Encampment 'eon grand alizir,' '. Washington Guards" of M'Veytown, the "Mont- " "
mills and Threshing-machines. Also WAG.. 'AIIIO VW) sin It's 003 aactiaasqns month clocks, as well as •I f s
, several o Ott. above
NES, MILL GUDGEONS, AND HOLLOW atil 20111 Al.Ol OG 000 Sa3VCI anucla mentioned.
---- although, we must contest', it did not come quite up gomery Grays" of Alexandria, and "Washington weeE ; all of which is clone •
in a workman- .
cacdey's Lady's Book. to our expectations;—but this was owing, mainly, to Grape' of Hollidaysburg. These three companies like manner. 100 1$ Pun OS 1$ •op ...a Also, church and hall chicks.
The manlier f.r November, of this long estab- unfavorable weather, which proved d am per a upon remained in Camp until Thursday evening, when Also, Copper, Dye, Wal Fu ller, P 9"
aI, re- Ipuusnotts sad qstueds aim Watchmakers, Merchants and others, will
-xoq sad swap Of find it to their interest to c'ill
Stilled and popular magazine, is before us. It is an all things, and upon the spirits and regimentals of they formally struck their teats, and broke up the serving . , and Tea Kettles, for sale, • .4303 on Sutmestwa saxoq ui ttsmedsmen Locking Glasses manufactured.
excellent nu alter, and the embellishments are in it
wholesale and retail. •xoq sad sn 1 $ Philadelphia. July 28, 1843.-3 m.
the sagas" in particular. On Sunday we had a
thigh learce ri . eli, and in good taste. slight sprinkling of Snow, and during the entire • The justly eulogized Williamsport Band also Persons favoring this establishment with
'elects On SUIUICIUO3 sager, ut &tubas mane)
__ '
mi,ampmaat we had
ono clear,
calm, pleasant left. Thursday morning; after Laing, by their their custe in may depend on having their ' last of Letter.;
samad litinnotios aqi tu ales aoa saps .
Impor.`v.ut to Contractors.
gentleiniinly conduct, their generosi •
ty m behalf a orders executed with fidelity and despatch. -
art 34 game !ssulias to len passosse ate plll3 IDELVIAINING in the Post O fl ice at Hun
tley, calculated to 'infuse life and epirit into the men. _ , Old mewl, copper, brass and pewter ta- oliul C PaAla') oo l' ll [ aE4 4 "l!".qns atli adaa, 6'10., Pa., Octobet• Ist 1843, if not
By a reference to our advertising columns i' will
~ ,
building .„ , . But notwithstanding, Camp Warren was by no
the poor, and the nch melody of the Music, won ken in exchange. AiSl, wheat, rye, corn celled for previous to the Ist of January Iv xt
lie seen that prep°, 'A, ior a rreseywrian
•tisup .toj deatio
means a second rate affair ; not it! SEVENTEEN the admiration and esteem of all at Camp Warren , and oats taken at market price, they will be sent to the General Post Office
Church is this pls.., will he received op till the
Alexandria, Nov. 1, 1843. 8 IMII TM 'Zt7' CDs- Wt: GM as dead letters.
COMPANIEZ'of as finely asp ti / eted sodas vell The "Martha Washington.," we think, owe
1.35 th of I s
next.. We understand that the drilled
Ash Jesse Elder Lateens James
, them a card, or some other token of their hi h es
men as ever assemlled at any Encamprnen . . g NOTICE.—The subscriber respectfully .l
AVM SIM. `STISMORIS Anderson ND. Mary Livingsten John
edifice is to be 50 by 70 .Act, and built a brick.—
in the Union, were in attilidance ! Some of the lunation of them as gentlemen and as Musicians. requests all persons indebted to him for , Bell Watson Ca p t M*l ler Pierre
W e a t .1 isto be built •
:..., lean., thst an A c et ems , in
, The Alexandria Band is also deserving of
companies were, indeed, splendidly equipped, arm . g tom-work done, at the old establishment r
, e- a% a2cae,,,ac3,,,z3 - ('overt
o t Jacob McCord James
this Iniroi..:li shout ;be same time. The attention
iius to this duce, to • lld•lhpn Al ex. McDivit Miss Jane
~ . . , proficient in drill to a degree beyond any thing that meltdown for choir assistance at the Martha Wash- lav ea an sett e t eir ac- GERIII.BN RENOVATING PILLS Crowber Jiminh
of cm-st.,,,t ors is called to the auserusement .po
'Counts without delay.
Moore John
could be expected out of the regular service: but all ington meeting. The " Mozart Band," of Horn-
ISRAEL GRAFIUS. Are exactly adapted to the reign of John Tyler. If Dopp Jacob Jr McCoy Vincent '
I.• ii of
were so deserving of praise as to render it improper daysburg too, did credit to themselves by their excel- Nov. I, 1843. the conduct of this remarkable man has disappoint- Davis P Miss Mary Phhips Litcrisda
for us to particularize; and we say last, as we said lent performances and gentlemanly conduct during
Mareenouth Col: eg '.
the inhabinune to internee mental excitement and Deffenbacher A L Reed James country ,
dins, the entire body of troops have not their supori- the Encampment. Estate of SAMUEL UTLEY
Tim. igh th e favor of DENJAM., E....awros .
, t undue labor and exposure, which entail disease and Green
John Reigard Wm.
„,,. ors in the union. And while speaking in complimentary terms of Late of
Snyder township, deceased. curtail the means of liquidating the expenee a coin. ' , men ror Shenebrough Cr.sirer
M. Lzs, we have received the Cet.' ° o e ''' On Fridaymorning the "
Gross William
eWashington Grays" of the deserving, we may say hero, in short, that while 7 ,,,E.1.TERs of administration on the said netting it, certainly. antidote for the circumstances Skelly A Muhaie
Officers and Students of Dartmouth (N. 1.%) Col- .
H 1 H.
;tole tan ays
this place paraded, and were busied the greater part we are free to confes there was much to blame • '''''"'°— estate have been granted to the under- is gratifying. Such an anhdoto the Renovating Smith Hader
lege, for the academical year 18434, by wAielt it
' signed. All persons indebted to said estate Pills undoubtedly are. Numbers of respectable Hammond Philip Steil Thomas
of the da in preparingcomfortable
y .
Hight George
appears that this Institution continues in a 8 our-
ire requested to make immediate pay ment members of our own community have testified this Thompson John:Wel.
companies expected. In the afternoon the order deeply regretted; much that, for the honor of and Ont. havi I. • • ' • ' •' f tl .. • Henderson M Ithi• k• •
idling conffinon. Of medical students there are the , ,moats...,
~ .
ng c aims against it will pie- roni left own experience. Thane testimonials Johnston' ' " {l 1 1 0 *
ry Grays a Al e xandria, nutnbering, all eoncernol, we heartily wadi had no occurred, sent them properly authenticated for settle- have swollen to so great an extent that it is him.- ' "
o i John ''Lomas D Hut
• on
Senior. 24 and Juniors 46, of undergraduates there
'we suppose,• dand 'neverthelesshigh•
sixty, arrive were escorted into we honestly deem praise due to ' meat without delay, to sible or inexpedient to introduce them •
into a paper Kiler George Taytor Jno nail cutter
are Seniors 61, Juniors 65, Sophomores 36, Fresh-
DAVID BEYER. Adm'r, designed for general purposes. Tho public must, Zally Daniel I
Camp. Saturday was occupied in escorting the the citizen-soldiers of Cum p . Warren , . abodY, for Oct. 25, 1843.-6 t
men 46—total 278. Among the stulents we notice ' . . , .
West tp therefore, be henceforth respectfully referred to the
odor companies into Camp. their good deportment and soldierly bearing. But —_....* agents below for evidence of the utility of the medi- ,
October 4, 1843.
the following from Pennrylvania—E. J. fierce of , , ~.. . . .
IMg amowing is slut of the companies in atten- when next they meet in tho Carnp, wo hope the CXD EZ2 'CP a tune. If such evidence, when examined, be onset ,--
Philadelphia, Edmund Blanchard of Bellefonte, and
I nR . 11EI AVTMIIT 0 ~
dam.. " Washingtonian" flag will float at each Marque, Between Birmingham and Waterstreet on Satur- isfactory, no purchase is expected. .
Benj. F. Miles of Huntington.
.luy the 14th inst., by a passenger in the Bellefonte All the &senses M which these Pills are appro. ID EGS to inform the inhabitants of Ilene
• Union Cavalry, Capt. Dell. the signal of peace, and quietness, and purity with
, Lewistown Artille ry, . P otter, in; giving a moral force to the Regulation. of the • • •
stage, a Lady's gold curb guard Main. The finder, priate are not named in Ma notice from the fear of ~' Bogdan and its vicinity, that lie has
For the .. Journal. ' WI • t Gnl
tut ung on ua e, o hl. Criswell. on leaving it with Mr. Lowry, of Waterstreet, or the the imputation of extravueance. They are of un- ! cemmenced the business of li lit and hear ' Y
Camp that will suppress every impropriety and an editor a the Jo u r nal , sem be l ib era ll y reward ,. doubted and tried efficacy in Liver diseases an d a n e wagon making, and k l ''
• -
To ALWXATDEE OWIN, Esq. .Washington Infantry, e W. W. Potter.
every kind sit wits)- re
Sir—A. you declared ' Milffintown Guards, "S. Davis. ford the moralizing journalist no theme but praise, October 17,1843. Bilious affections, being the only vegetable cam- ' pairing. Having learnt his tea I• l•
r e in . ...gland,
__________________ pound whose useful action is nearly similar to that , lie is prepared to furnish either the E 1 . 1
wn Guards e R. Sims. no story but of approbation.
re rig is I
publicly on the election ground, in this borough, on w .
lu e nt i :Artilery, ' oD. M. Jameson. Estate of Margaret Mehaffy, Vi calomel. Also—Cholera Morbus, Dyspepsia, ,o r American style of wagons, and hopes by
the day of the election, that JANE. hon., M. C. Centre Guards, .A. Gregg. wuntatism, Breaking out on the skin, Fevers, diligence and attention to merit a shale f
litre u
GREATEN. Tax Tnirra, GREATER THE Liam— Late ol the Borough of Huntingdon, deed. Ague, Colds, Coughs, Inflammatory diseases, and public patronage.
~ voted against giving the poor man the right to Per. Valley Cade., " Lot W. Irvin.
Bellefonte Infantry, The Pottsville Emporium, in speaking of the law of . OTICE is •
" J. Morrison.
libel, ' - N , , . . hereby given that letters of ma, of the P those affections originating from a bad N. B. Shop near to Mr J Hone' '• l•
u s b ack
rote, and that you ' , mid prove it by the Journal of
blood, which aro numerous. smith shop. ' '
• Washington Grays,(Johns'n) " J. Potts. says:—Thus stands the law of Pennsylvania - I administration upon the said estate Th '
Sei res." I now a ain call u t ou to noutt
e afflicted are recommended to try this mall- Huntingdon, April 19, 1 843.-Iy.
g •., g P. Y s, I WRHhingion Grays,(Holflig) Lieut. Landis. based on the common law of Englatid. Here the have been granted to the undersigned. All tine, whose success is le:coining unparalleled. _____
---- —__
via to the evidence. Until I roe it myself I shat! Bedfonl Artillery, Capt. J. Reamer, pet sons having claim.; or demands against
not believe your assertion. Independent Grays, " S. M. Taylor• t . th .
truth is a libel—the truer the statement the more he same are requested to make them known Purchase of Estate of henry Neff dee'd.
, ,
A VOTER. N 1 ' 6 40..7 Grays, " T. B. Wallace. libellous it becomes. In England a bill brought in •without delay, and all persons indebted to Fisher & M'Murtrie, Huntingdon
Alex. Knox & Son, Newry. Rant Native
Conemaugh Guards, " John Linton. by- Lord Campbell, ox-Lord Chancellor, for amend- make immedinte payment to
Huntingdon, Oct. 81, 1943. Somerset Guards, " John R. Effie. ing the odious law, has passed the British Parlia- JACOB MILLER, Adm'r. W. &B. Leas, Shirleysbur
g. ALL persons indebted to the estate a
Huntingdon, Oct. 18, 1843. 6t Dennis O'Conner, Three Springs. Henry Neff, late of the boroug of Alexandria.
On Sunda morning, at the peeper hour, the say
y g, , - ment. That absurdity, therefore, that "the greater
0 - • The Cleveland Herald says that in the Ohic
--______ ' she'd, are hereby noti fi ed to pay their re
companies formed into a line and marched to the truth, the greater the libel," has been stricken off Hunter & Wigton, Rockhill Furnace.
Legislature, the two parties on joint ballot, are a tie, :
Thomas E. Orbison 8C Co. Orbisonia.
• • . chursh— one half to the Methodist, and the other the statute book. What will be the effect hero? . P • t*
Job rin lug. ,v e accounts to the .• ~
•ipect. uniltisibnecl or eith
t., of them on or before the Ist ••f November
as the Whigs have four majority us the House, and
Brice X. Blair, Shade G
I ap. next. All accounts then unpaid will b l
h a lf to t h e it'resbytorian. In the afternoon the en
, NEATLY EXECUTED Oct. 18, 1843. ep a
the Locos four is the Senate.
ced into the hands of the pi•oper i
l l d
• an
tire body mare hed in line to the capacious Presby. Loss AND Gaie.—A man of wit once said
tre,......,_____________ collected as seepdilv as pr, ,sibel.
asj- The Whig Convention of Delaware urge the terian church, whe,a the Rev. D. M'Kinney deliver- rightly enough, "He who finds a good son-in4aw'
in% Qv:n=lllEl4 1) . AN I EL, N EFF,
nomination of Jahn M. Clay toe, of that Sith., ~, ed an excell e nt dlecou t se, on the text "A good man , gains a good son—he who runts a bad one, loses a ern LANK BONDS—Judgment and corn 4TTORAIE I' .1 T .L.l/ IT'. i ALEXANDFR FITT,
''ire Itresi,lvnt. I obtaincth favor of the Lord: but a inan of wicked l daughter." i 1W muni,...for sale at this office.
HUNTINGDON, PA. ' Sept. 20, 184,3,—td
7ne couniry, one con , litution, one destiny."
3:rtazauaaf.l,- - ;. , ;ctlctE)= o
Wednesday morning, Nov. 1, 1843.
(c`r V. B. PALMER, Esq. (V. 59, Pine street
lnlow Third, Philuddphia,) ie authorized to art as
ilge:llPr this paper, to procure subscriptions and
Once more our glorious Banner out
Upon the breeze we throw;
Beneath its folds, with song and shout,
Let's charge upon the foe!"
(Subject to the decision of a National Covention.)
(Subject to the decision of a State Convention.)