Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 01, 1843, Image 1

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Debota to Ctittrat fittclUncurc, f.ntact•tiotita, VoMiro, Etterattirc, oratitp, arto, *.cicum, aortntiturr, eammtintatt, Scc., szc.
NZPcnall. "Q7U72Lt e EZTaD. 4:lEi.
'the "Jouunit." will be published every Wed
nesday morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance,
and if not paid within six mend's, $2 50.
No subscription received for a shorter period than
six months, nor any paper discontinued till all ar
rearages are paid.
Advertisements not exceeding one square, will be
inserted three times for $1 00, and for every subse
quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are
given as to the time an advertisement is to be continu
ed, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged ac
We do not know how much we love
Until we come to leave ;
An aged tree, a common flower,
Ar‘e . things o'er which we grieve
There is a pleasure in the pain,
That brings us back the pant again.
We linger while wo turn away,
We cling while we depart:
And memories unmarked till then,
Come crowding round the heart.
Let what will lure our onward way,
Farewell's a bitter word to say.
Coinposed fn• the Huntingdon Journal.
"Night, sable goddess! from her ebon throne
In rayless majesty, now stretches forth
Her leaden sceptre o'er a slumbering world.
• • • • • • •
Tempest mounts his rushing car, and throws
His billowy mist amtast
• • • • • • •
_ _ .
We go to the place of graves where side by side
The prince lies down with the plebian slave.
The word resurrectionist is variously applied.—
The Persian, Parr, and German Renovating Pills
ire said to be resurrectionists in their way. Some
Physicians aspire to the title. Believers in the doc
trine of the resurrection of the dead are called resur
rectionists in contradistinction to unbelievers of this
portion of theology. Tho various medical colleges
of the country have attached to them individuals
whose business it is to furnish material for the
dissecting knife of the anatomist ; in other words, to
procure defunct bodies from graveyards, under the
canopy of night to supply an opportunity of ocularly
demonstrating the composition and mechanism of
the human system. To this latter delectable class
I once belonged. In the pursuit of my occupation
I had been out in many a stormy night, and had
embraced many an icy heart and was never known
to quail. The demonstrator of the college and my
companions unanimously regarded me as n choice,
indomitable spirit. In every profession there are
degrees of distinction ; in this particular one, I had
ascended to the topmost round of the ladder of
Fame. I was usually the find who knew the
whereabouts of the recent dead. In the thronged
burying place it was seldom any difficulty occurred
to my experienced eye in detecting the mound of
the fresh corpse; and then, no stouter heart, or
more muscular arm was found to disencumber it of
clay, coffin and shroud, and elevate it to the earth.
My companions at this juncture took charge of the
liberated body, and saw it safely delivered, so that
to the graveyard my business was emphatically con
fined. I do not think proper to intimate to any
one the length of time I was engaged in this calling,
nor the amount of business I transacted during that
time. These are topics altogether irrelevant. I
will briefly state that with the profoundest conviction
of the intrinsic utility of the resurrectionist to man
kind, I have been led to discontinue the occupation.
The following remarks will unfold the came.
One cold November night 55 darkness was at its
pulseless noon." Not a solitary star twinkled in
the black concave of heaven. A sable pall was
upon the face of creation. A dampness filled the
atmosphere so dense, as to dim, and in many places
utterly extinguish the flickering lights of the fine
streets in W. Most of the city were slumbering.
about ono o'clock its the morning three of us, (the
bravest resurrectionists attached to the college of
%Th) jet out to visit a well known depository of the
dead at a short distance. A culprit from one oi.the
prisons had beets executed and buried a few hours
ago. 'rho task of disinterring him was confided to
myself by the two companions who accompanied
me, while they proceeded to perform a similar duty
in a different part of the enclosure. In the course
of an hour we engaged to meet at the eastern en
trance to the yard, where we had previously met
on occasions of this kind. And thus we separated.
had scarcely reached the grave of the culprit
where was the duty assigned me, before the coming
of a storm in the distance was heard. The black
ness of the night, grew if possible, more dismal and
profound. The wind began to moan heavily
through the adjoining shrubbery. The rain descen
ded in torrents and I applied myself with rigor to
the task before me. Several times I fancied I could
discern the sound of voices in the vicinity. I demis
ted from any work, but the sound ceased, and being
by no memos superstitious I proceeded. The task
I had undertaken was a formidable one. From the
uDaa., szYwzztzitiLra ;a, aE1341€33,.
dampness of the preceding day, and the rain, the
earth was heavy and compact, the grave was large,
and my advantages of position inconsiderable, but I
was not to be intimidated.
" Toil, death, and danger I defied."
My mattock struck the coffin. A low sepulchral
groan followed the stroke. Could Ibe deceived,
was the man living, or had some phantom warrior
come hither to dispute for the prize I was in quest
of I struck the lid of the mysterious chamber of
the culprit again; the stroke reverberated, but subsi
ded, and all was again quiet. I persevered in my
undertaking, but never before had I labored under
such an unaccountable disquietude of feeling. I
had known the individual whose corpse I was about
to disinter. We had been schoolmates, but were
never friends, on the contrary, ever enemies. I had
uniformly manifested a disapprobation of his early
vices, which when matured, resulted in the perpe
tration of the crime of munler,and brought him incon
sequence to the scafford and the dishonored grave
from which I was about to liberate him. And
although I had given relief of this kind to many an
hardened villian, while the darkness of night and
the elemental war of nature was around me, and
felt no fear; yet I began to wish I had not under
taken this particular enterprise single-handed and
alone. At least, I hoped a speedy and successful
ttunination of it, and hence I became in my efforts
to complete the business vastly more vigorous and
sedulous than usual. I exerted myself to the utmost.
Soon the clay was all removed. I had applied my
instrument to displace the lid of the coffin, when
another stifled sob or groan was hee,d. Attributing
this however to the treacherous wafting of a strong
breeze which had been blowing for some time, with
one rude endeavor I hurled aside the cover which
had concealed the inanimate murderer. Immedi
ately a clear undisputable groan fell upon the organ
of my ear. I felt something jostle me. The corpse,
in the habiliments of death rose upright and esca
ped. The clouds that had overcast the sky sud
denly withdrew ; the bright stars and pale moon
thoughthe sun ;vas _hebelddistitctly
indescribable, terrific serpents wheeling upon im
mense wings through the air, each shaping its ec
centric flight towards the open grave where I had
fallen through fear, and was now extended motion
less and speechless. Ono by one the serpents
reached the chamber in which I lay. They entered
it and twined themselves thick around me. Anon,
I felt the earth begin to tremble beneath me. Grad
ually it sunk, and I descended for an indefinato
space of time to the centre of the globe.
Now, toward the gates of hell the sulphurous way
In the centre of the globe was a boundless ocean
of liquid sulphur, whose waves, huge, ponderous
and turbid, were tossed by the wildest commotion.
Tho roar of this mighty sea could be accurately
compared to nothing but a continuous peal of the
loudest thunder. Eternally it lifted up its giant
voice, and its noise seemed to fill the universe, being
to the imagination nothing but the funeral dirge of
the ruined souls of earth. Rocks of the most gi
gantic size and terrible aspect, frowned on the bor
ders of lone islands that were interspersed on the
bosom of the omnipotent flood. The islands them
selves, wero barren ; they bore not a single flower
or trace of vegetation. They gave signs of life,
but only signs. In short they appeared to be inhabi
ted by shadows—forms without substance, whose
existence however was indisputable. Here truly
" Black spirits, but no white
Blue spirits, but no gray."
The character of these shades was that of enor.
mous dark winged serpents, or dragons, with
webbed feet and talons of prodigious dimensions.
Their eyes were fiery and penetrating to the utmost ,
and they never closed ; but, continually rolled mild
ly in their orbits as if the entire horrors of eternal
despair were fully exposed to their view. The tem
perature of the place was that of hell; and when
I was borne off upon the pinions of one of these
visible, but unnatural creatures, across the dark sea
for many leagues, and placed onboard of an exten
sive giant vessel uncles full sail upon this myste
rious main, I felt something of relief, from the pros
pect however obscure, that the vessel would ulti
mately land amid other scenes. I was no sooner
arrived upon the deck 'Adds spacious barque, (where
I encountered the culprit whose corpse had escaped
me, and others with whom I was once intimate)
titan a serpent of the most glossy black color, and
superlative elasticity twined itself round my limbs
and bound mo immoveable. The vessel itself was
constructed of a material with which I was wholly
unacquainted, but its color was black as midnight,
and every object within was similar in appearance
except a thousand tires which shot up from as many
points of the ship, and were white as driven snow,
threatening in the end to consume the vessel, mos.
sive and unwieldy as it was. The associations pro
duced in the mind by the phenomenon of these
striusge fires gave ten-fold intensity to the heat which
emenated from their foal. Ono was surrounded by
what appeared to be stainless snow," but felt at
the same time a heat which the bursting of eternal
tire could not possibly surpass. Not only was the
sensation of feeling thus tortured to the last extrem
ity, but every sense was proportionably punished.—
In addition to the heat of the circunsambient at
mosphere, it was also loaded with the most offensive
dim is. The vision was shocked by the ghastliest
sights. The hearing was unspeakably tormented;
amid the hoarse bellowings of the angry ocean, the
noise of the ship's crew, (who were invisible) might
be heard to reverberate along the decks fearfully.
The tempestuous thunder of the stormy sea on
which we were sailing was not to be compared to
the tumultuous sounds within the vessel. The in-
visible crew it seemed trod upon some heavy crutch•
es, for the noise of their progress through the ship
was so conspicuous and peculiar, being a kind of
dull, dragging, mototary sound. At various inter
vals the rude falling of heavy chains upon the docks
met the ear, followed, or not, by wild shrieks suffi-
dent to pierce the most obdurate heart. Sometimes
when we would be riding along comparatively tran
quil, an immense weight would fall with a thunder
ing noise, as though from heaven upon the upper
deck, and this would bo succeeded by the terrific
tramping of the crew from ono apartment of the
ship to another. Any interim that occurred was
filled up by the incessant lashing of the great ocean
against the sides of our floating prison-house. The
spray of that ocean was unlike that of other oceans; it
was scalding hot, and the idea of being shipwrecked
1 1 in this boiling abyss I could not tolerate. A ship
wreck I had always contemplated as a most formida
ble disaster, but to be lost on the oceans of earth
and go down among the green caves and coral
worlds of romance, would have been heaven to my
perturbed feelings instead of plunging in this ocean
of burning reality. Nevertheless from the raging
of the tempest without, and the burning of the fires
within the ship this misfortune constantly became
more threatening. At length, I began to wish for its
accomplishment, hoping that thereby my sufferings
might terminate. But it never happened. The
ship seemed indestructible, it rode onward—onward
—onward for ages, I knew not whither; but contin
ually my situation became more desperate, more
hopeless. I would have given worlds to have died,
yet no symptoms of death appeared for my relief.
On the contrary my sensations were becoming inft
nitelY more acute; - ukt,PFJOrtind 14 misery was
Just at this crisis a most unexpected and extraor
dinary event occurred. A gentleman of superb
dress and manners with a noble form and intellectu
al countenance appeared on hoard. A smile of be
nevolence dwelt like sunshine upon his features,
and his whole mein betokened the heart of an angel.
He seemed to be at liberty ; ho spoke, and, it was
done ;he commanded, and it was performed. In
stantly my drooping hopes revived. Like a drown
ing man I was willing to accept support even though
from a straw. And I hesitated not for a moment
to connect my ultimate relief and emancipation,
with the seasonable appearence of this saintly stran
ger in the ship. But, all ! how soon may the bright
est star of hope be extinguished ? Accidentally
casting my eyes torard the inferior person of my
imagined saviour, I observed a huge nausevous tail
projecting from beneath his nether garments. Im
mediately the truth flashed upon me, he was "the
devil in a fashionable garb ;" and upon extending i
my observations I discovered the cloven foot,which
confirmed my worst . sespicions. In true nautical
style, the devil summoned all hands upon deck—
discoursed to them awhile in the dialect of the low.
er regions, as I suppose, for I understood nothing of
the conference, only, that "His Satannic Majesty
had come on board for the purpose of piloting us
into the bottomless pit, on the confines of which
wo were then playing. On this announcement ho
placed himself ut the ship's helm. Immediately
the roaring of the mammoth ocean ceased ; all be
came as calm as it had before been tumultuous.—
And we sailed on. The scenery as we progressed,
gradually grew more dark and appalling; the rocks
more frowning and terrible; the islands more desti
tute; the sea more black; the air more oppressive.
Finally the current of the sea was observed to as
aunts the circular motion of a whirlpool. Our ship
began to reel. About this time confused sounds of
"weeping and wailing from beneath came floating
upon the dark sea. The smell of sulphur filled the
air. Our ship revolved gradually faster and faster,
going still onward in the immense vortex which en
tangled us. Eventually it made one decided plunge
and it sunk.
"Follow, on fancy's magic pinions follow."
The vessel had no sooner sunk than I regained
my liberty, exchanging superlative misery for un
bounded joy. In other language I was, as I sup
posed, in heaven. The sweetest eolian music fell
upon my oar. Tho most fragrant odors wore waf
ted to my sense. Delicious fountains of limpid
water bubbled up before me, gathering into rills,
which eventually rolled into magnificient rivers, up
on whose bright bosoms and front an infinitude of
other points, were continually reflected the most
glorious combinations of effulgent light. The air
was transparent and balmy, imparting the moat ec
static sensations to the inhaler. The softestilowers
and most venerable forests adorned the landscape,
which was unsurpassingly verdant. Birds of the
most brilliant hue, and heavenly song gave an air
of magic to the scene. Wherever the eye rosined
it was regaled by the choicest and most luxurious
fruits, which grew in princely splendor and profu
sion upon majestic trees, beneath whose spreading
branches innumerable bright forms luxuriated at
large. 'rho inhabitants were all of angelic appear
Naturally I was entirely enamoured; but, the
brightness and glory of paradise began already to
vanish from my vision. The harps of the celes
tial world ceased their music. The air became less
elastic and pure. The flowers faded. The fruits
withered. The beautiful songsters of the groves
took flight. I lost sight of heaven ; its peerless
inhabitants, and magnificent splendors.
And now I became sensible to the last scene.—
Awakening from a profound slumber I found my
self in the halls of the old medical college of G.
The demonstrator of anatomy and another Physi
cian were by the side of a bed on which I was ex
tended. On inquiring hastily of my situation, the
Physician informed me that I had been labouring
under an attack of Delirium Tremens, or Mania
; but was now considered out of immediate
danger. My comrade resurrectionists who accom
panied me on the eventful night of my story,
punctual to our engagement, met at the appointed
time and place, but missing me there, suspected some
disaster had befallen me, insomuch as I had been
observed in the course of the previous evening to
indulge unusually free of the bottle, for the purpose
of bracing the nerves, as my pluase was. Inane
diately they explored their way to the grave of the
culprit, whom I had undertaken to disinter. Here
they found the supine upon the corpse, where I had
fallen' when on the eve of completing my task.—
' The fit was on me ; it lasted, with remissions and
exacerbations, three hours, during which periodimy
I I morbid intellect elaborated the foregoing fancies,
which if they had been. realities could not possibly
have affected me more.
My attendant Physician providentially was a
Washingtonian, and saw St in the treatment of the
case to immerse me in a cold bath, which had the
effect of inducing sleep to visit my eyelids, and
established my wandering senses. I deem it ap
it tv
propriate to pronounce it providential that my
Physician immerged me in the bath, for, about
this time I presume it must have been, my disor
dered sensorium persuaded me I was plunging into
the bottomless pit. Heaven knows how near to this
• • et how near me l o g all drunkards
as drunkenness
brought me to experi
i am warranted initssertiieTWi.. - -
effect in others. Assuredly, if Delirium Tremens
was the only misfortune that followed the use of
intoxicating drink, it alone, should be sufficient to
deter mankind from the baleful practice. lam
happy to affirm that one attack of this formidable
affection has constituted me a thorough Washing
tonian, and the most contented of men. I ant no
longer a resurrectionist, because I am anxious to
avoid a mode of life replete with potent temptations
to a dereliction from duty. May no unfortunate
ineberate follow my example in waiting so terrific a
visitation from heaven as Mania-a-Potu to induce
them to abstain from strong drink, but at once and
forever pledge themselves in the name of Virtue to
sober habits.
Such is an experimental statement, (with the
necessary improvements and additions) as received
from the lips of a Baltimore Washingtonian.
(Above 6th Street)
OPFHE subscriber, thankful for the liberal
Silo support of his friends and the public
generally, respectfully informs them that he
still continues at the old established house,
where he will be pleased to accommodate
all those who favor him with their patronage.
Dec. 14, 1842.—tf.
thyp.. , subscriber
occupying the
in g a t h reethe storyo
t h brick
t ` w corn er ell
- of Allegheny and Smith streets, In
the borough of Huntingdon, the third story of
which during the hest summer has been fitted
for sleeping rooms; having a large stable on
the premises, and having employed a care
ful person to attend to it and take care of
horses, &c., informs the public that she is
prepared to accommodate such of her friends
and such strangers and travellers as may de
sire accommodation. She respectfully soli
cits a share of public patronage, and hopes
the friends of "Vemperance will give her a
liantingdon March 1, 1843.
Pont, Linn A' Harris,
W holesale Drt4 gisti anti Apothecaries,
N. B. The Harris in the shove firm, is Dr.
John Harris, Known in Huntingdon and
Centre counties. Having been long engaged
in the Drug business in the country, he trusts
he will be the better prepared to meet the
wants of country druggists, stortkeepers and
September 27,1843.—pd.
Chair and Cabinet Malang.
Respectfully informs the citizens of Hun
tingdon and vicinity, that he has commenced
the abone businesses in all their various
branches, in the shop occupied by him the
last year as n chair shop, opposite George
Jackson's hotel.
MI kinds of work made to order on
the shortest notice, wurrented to be good
and will be given in exchange for all kinds
of ciliary produce, and very cheap for cash,
Collins made on si2ht.
June 7, 1842.
For Consumption of the
Affections of the Liver, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Pains or Weakness of the Breast or Lungs,
Chronic Coughs, Pleurisy, Hemorrhage
of the Lungs, and all affections of the
Pulmonary Organs
Nature's own Prescripfton.
A compound Balsamic preparation of the
Prunus Virginiana of .Wild Cherry Bark,'
combined with the Extract of Thr, prepa •
red by a chemical process, approved and
recommended by the most distinguished
physicians, and universally acknowledged
the most valuable medicine ever discovered.
No Quackery I / No Deception.
In setting forth the virtues of this truly
great medicine, we have no desire to deceive
those who are aboring under the affliction,
nor do we wish to eulogize it more than it
deserves. Yet we look around and see the
vast amount of suffering and distress occa
sioned by many of the diseases in which this
medicine has proved so highly successful,
we feel that we cannot urge its claims too
strongly, or say too much in its favor.
Various remedies it is true have been of
fered and puffed into notice for the cure ot
diseases of the Lungs, and some have no
doubt been found very useful, hot all that
have yet been' discovered, it IS admitted by
physicians and all others who have witness
ed its effects, that none have proved as suc
cessful as this. Such, indeed, are the
Surprtsing Virtues
Of this Balsam, that even in the advanced
stages ot Consumption, after all the most
esteemed remedies of physicians have failed
to effect any change, the use of this medi
cine has been productive of the most aston
ishing relief, and actually effected cures
'after all hopes of recovery had. dis
t•lUorrau& •
neglected COLDS, it has been used with um
deviating success, and hundreds acknowl
edge they owe the restoration of their health
Co this invaluable medicine alone, in that
form of consumption so prevalent amongst
delicate young females, commonly termed
debility, or
- _
" Going into a Decline,"
A complaint with which thousands are lin
gering. it has also proved highly successful,
and not only possesses the power of checking
the progress of this alarming complaint, but
also strengthens and invigorates the system
more effet wally than any medicines we have
ever possessed.
Besides its suprising efficacy in consump
tion, it is equally efficacious in Liver Com
plaint, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all affec
tions of the Lungs, and has cured many of
the mist obstinate cases, atter every other
remedy had failed. 117 For particulars see
Dr. Wistor's treaties on consumption, to be
had of the agents.
singular cures which this medicine has ef
fected, there is perhaps none in which its
powers are so fully shown as in the case of
Mrs. Austin.
This lady has been consumptive for seve
ral years, and during the greater part of this
time had received the best medical attention,
and tried all the most valuable remedies, yet
nothing could be found to arrest its progress.
She became subject to violent fits of cough
ing, expectorated large quantities of matter
occasionally tinged with blood, and step by
step this fearful disease continued its
course, until all hopes of a recovery was des
paired of. While in this distressing situa
tion, lingering upon the very verge of the
grave, she commenced the lase of this Bal
sam, which, to use her own expressien, op
perated almost like a charm. In a few days
she expectorated freely, the cough 'NHS gra
dually suppressed, and every day appeared
to add fresh vigor to her looks, and now, in
the place of that emaciated form withering
to decay, she is seen mingling in society, in
better health than she has enjoyed for years.
witnessed the sol prising efficacy of 1)r.
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, in the
case of Mrs. Austin, I cheerfully acknowl
edge the above statcmeut to be true.
M o ll an cor
rect. .I. C. WALTERS,
son was afflicted with this complaint for
nearly five years, during which time she was
under the most skilful physicians—had tried
Mercury, Botanic and clennepathic reme
dies, and every thing that offered her any
hopes of relief. She had dull, wandering
pains in her side, sometimes in the shoulder
and small of the back, a hacking cough, fre
quent pains in the breast, and had been una
ble to sleep on her right side for three years.
By the use of this Balsam she wascured in a
few weeks, and remains well to this day,
Woodstown, Sept. 4, 1842.
Dear Sir:—Although your valuable medi
cine has already found hundreds of powerful
advocates, it still may be gratifying to you to
receive a communication from any one that
has been relieved by it. Such, sir is truly Estate of Matthew G
my ease. Ihr ve been a victim of that tern- La'e of treattowiship, Huiiiingdon
ble disease consumption, for malty mabtlis, county, dectusrd.
and have suffered so much, that I had be
come almost weary of my life. Hearing IMOTIC S is hereby given, that lette
your Balsam so highly praised, I began ta- testamentsry upon tht said estate ha'
kmg a few weeks back, and can assure you been granted to the under.igned. All pe
that it has relieved me mare that, any thing sons indebted to said estate nye t eque,md
I have ever used before, and 1 confidently in k • immediate went, and th,e navb
believe it will cure me effectually. Pietise claims or demands dgainst the tatate aye t
give the bearer the worth of the enclosed, que settlement sted ,
to pr:sent tliclu duly authenticat
and oblige tar
Yours Respectfully, WM. MONTGOMERY. Ex'v.
JUHN PEARSON. Sept. 13, 1843-6 t West q
`PWlXl(ll)acii) tazs,. .taa)z.
Chester county, Sept 6, 1841.
Friend Wistar:—lt gives me touch plea
sure to inform thee that my wife's health hill
improved very much since she has been
using thy B ham of Wild Cherry, and we
think there is no doubt it will cure her. She
has taken the two bottles I purchased from
thee a short time since, and her cough is
much better, she also sleeps well at night,
and says site has found nothing to give her
so much relief. Thee will please give the
bearer two bottles more for
Thy Friend,
Qom' Read the following from Dr. Jacob
Huffman, a physician of extensive practice in
Huntingdon count) :
Dear Sir :—f procured one bottle of Dr.
Wistat's Balsam of Wild Cherry, from
Thomas Read, Esq. of this place, tried
it in a case of obstinate Asthma on a child of
Paul Schweble, in which many other rem e
dies had been tried without any relict. The
Balsam gave sudden relief, and in my °ph.-
ion the child is effectuelly cured by its use.
Yours, &c.
Dec. 23, 1841.
Dear Sir:—Your Balsam of Wild Cherry
has effected some astonishing cures here,—
One of which in an old lady, Mrs. Busse!,
who has been suffering for a long time with
shortness of breathing, and general weak
ness, until she was finally bilged to keep
her bed. After various other remedies had
been resorted to in vain, she commenced
using your Balsam, and after taking two bot
tles was so tar recovered as to be able to at
tend to all the duties of her house, and on
taking two bottles more was entirely cured.
Respectfully &c.,
Pottsville, Pa.
CAUTION.—As there is a spurious miX
ure called Syrup of Wild Cherry, purcha
iers should be particular to ask for Dr.
II istat'a Balsam. and observe his signature
al the bottle.
Prepared for the pinprietor, and sold at
wholesale by Williams & Co., Chemists,
No. 11 Minor street, Philadelplatt; sold also
in almost every town in the UuTted States.
Prier one dadar fier bottle,
For sale by Thomas Read, Huntingdon.
and James Orr, Hialidnysbur
The subscriber respecttuny
14 forms the inhabitants tf lima
ingdon and its vicinity, that he
has opened an establishment in
the bt,rough of Lewistown, for
the manufacture of Chairs. Set
tees, etc., of the following kinds, yiz :-
French Chairs, Half ri each. Grecian. Fan
cy curled Maple, Black Walnut. Office r
Fancy and Windsor, Boston Rocking.
Spring seat Mahogany, Night C abinets, and
Studying Chairs.
Illohgany, Fancy, Cushion, cone and
on an improved and fashionable plan.
Settee Bedsteads,
both elegant and useful, designed totlbse up,•
making a handsome Settee with cushion
seat for the day time.
The subscriber having been for several'
years past engaged lathe above business in
the cities of New York and Providence
he flatters himself that he wlll be able to
give general satisfaction to all those who will
honor him with their patronage.
All the above mentioned articles,• and
every thing in his line of business he will
furnish in the latest style and fashion, on
the most reasonable terms, and warranted
Ito do good service.
N. 13.—Chairs, Settees, &c., repaired and
ornamented on the shortest. notice and most
reasonable terms.
A constant supply of the above mentioned
articles may be seen at the Wareroom, one
door east of the Store of Mrs. Jane M'Cor
mick and immediately opposite the store of
Patterson & tinnier.
Lewistown, Nov. 30, 1842.
nrs r.a. - iuls are ctraed tot
pg. sate, containing each about
fi r I su-
I. 3„.•
250 Acres, of fine Limes.
and Chocolate Land, well wale
ed and improved, with a due proportion
wood, situate on the State Road, in Trott&
Creek Valley, six miles from the Ilaystoai
branch of the Juniata and Chilcoutstown
about 7 from the Tub-mill Gap, 13 i Von
Campbell's Lodi on the State Ca
nal, and 20 from M'Connellsbut•g
and the town of Huntingdon.— ,~,`:
They are surrounded by a respec
table and thriving population, estahlisho
more than 50 yeat s since; and are near t
several iron works, which, independent I
other• sources, aff4d mmkets fit the ln•uduc
of this fertile and beautiful valley.
For information, apply to Mr. James Et
trt kin, Jr., Coffee-Hun P. 0. limaiugdun c
Pa., or Mr. William llout k, 13,,,d-top
0. Huntingdon co, Pa., who will ',how it
Aug. 16, 1845.--3mn.