SHERIFF'S SALES, BY virtue of sundry write of Levari Facias and readitioni .E.►:ponas, issued out of the Cowl or Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, and to me direc ted, will be exposed to public sale, at the court house in the borough of Hunting &mom Monday the 13111 day of November 1843, theLl lowing property, viz: A. tract, piece, or parcel of land situate is the township of West, in the said coun ty of containing 90 acres, be the saute more or less—about 60 acres or which are cleared and coltivated—adjoining lands n 1 William Moore, Robert Moore, tzamuel Alosser, William Oaks, and other land of Isaac Neff—having a grist mill, a saw mill, a good Triune dwelling house, a frame store building, a large bank bans and other buildings anti an apple orchard thereon. Also, a tract, piece or parcel of land situate in the township of West aforesaid, coataining 125 acres be the same more or less, adjoining the above and lands of William Oaks, James Mvton, Samuel Mosser and others—having ..t.uut 90acres cleared thereon—with a log dwelling house and a lug bank harts thereon erected. The said tract is good limestone land and has a good apple orchard thereon, and is known by the name of The Boyd Farm.' Also, n tract of unseated laud in said township of West, containing 360 acres, be the same inure or less, surveyed on a warrant in the name of William Bracken, dated 2.1 November A. D.l7B4—purchas ed from Nancy Knight. Also, about 20 acres of good land, more or less, 12 of which are cleared and culti vated, adjoining Wilson's Town" in the said township of West, and land of John Henry, Jahn Stryker and others. Also, the one undivided half part of a lot or piece aground in NV i !son's town" aforesaid, situate on the south eastern side of the great road leading flout Neff's Mill to Petersburg—containing about 2 acres, adjoining lands of John Stryker and a lot of Joseph Thompson—having thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house and a frame stable—purchased from Jacob Ilull►nan. . . Also, the one undivided half part of a piece or parcel of land, situate in said Wilson's fown, composed of 3 adjoining lots—situate on the north westerly side 0 1 the said road, bounded by William Reed's land, a lot of Adam Hol'maxi's heirs, and a lot of Joseph Reynolds, containing about of an acre, with a wagon maker's shop and some apple trees thereon. Also, the one undivided half part of a small piece or parcel of laud situate in said Wilson's Town, on the south easterly side of said road, bounded by a lot of An drew Holtman's hens, and other land of Isaac Neff heretofore described, contain• ing about of an acre—with a blacksmith shop thereon. Also, the one undivided halt part of a lot piece or parcel of land lying in said IVilson's Town, on the north westerly aide of the said road, adjoining a lot of Moses Woods. lands of William Heed & John Henry —with a small stable thereon, contaiuihg about of an acre, more or less. Also, a lot of ground in the town plot of the borough of Petersburg in the said county of Huntingdon, purchased by Isaac Nell' from Valerius Armitage—adjoin ing a lot of Thomas Johnston and of Sam• net Thompson, containing about one quar- ter of acre, Also, ose acre of timber land purchas ed from A. H. Drummond, situate in the said township of West, adjoining lands of Robert Moore, William Oaks and others. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Isaac Nett ALSO, _ _ AU that certain frame foundry situate 1 in I)uncansville, Allegheny township, ' Huutingdoncounty,opposite the new brick Baptist Church in said town, with the ground and curtilcge appurtenant to said frame foundry. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of A. IV. Kinney, owner and contractor. ALSO, All the right and interest of John Grove in about 500 acres of land, be the same more or less, situate in Tyrone township, Huntingdon county, adjoining lands of James ;Filson, Thomas Crisman and Jacob Fleck's heirs, about 150 acres of which are cleared, having thereon erected a small log dwelling house and a lo.• ' barn. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Grove. ALSO, All the right title andinterest of Oliver Crisman and Frederick Crisman, jr. and each of them, in and to a tract of land sit uate in Tyrone township, Huntingdon county, containing 130 acres, be the same more or less, adjoining lands of Thomas Crisman, John Fleck and Philip Widen. bau,v,h—having about 60 acres of cleared land, a log dwelling house, a log barn, and an apple orchard thereon— said tract being late of Daniel Crissman, tlec'd. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Oliver Crissman and Frederick Gassman, Jr. ALSO, All the right title and interest of Chris. tian Staman, of in and to a lot and a half of ground in the borough of Alexandria, situate on the northerly side of the to r,►. pike road on main street, being about 90 feet in front on the said street, and exten• ding back at right angles to the same, to the lyink of the Juniata Division of the Penn'a. Canal, bounded on the (rest by a lot of Dr. Houtz, and on the East by a lot of Mrs. Jackson—thereon erected a two story frame Tavern housc,a plaistered stiu•e loom, and a frame stable with a shed attached. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the properly of Chribtion Stanton. ALSO, . . About 4 acres of cleared land, be the same inure or less, situate on the waters of Piney creek, in Woudberry township, liantingilon county, adjoining Jacob Duck, Samuel Royer and others—having a small dwelling house thereon erected. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Engle. AL 9, . . . All the interest of James 111'Knight in and to a tract of land situate in Dublin township, Huntingdon county, bounded by lands of Brice Blair on the North, J chit Cowen on the West, land formerly owned by Justice Wright on the South, and land of Gilbert Kennedy on the East, contain• ing 50 acres inure or less, 30 of which are cleared and cultivated, with an old house and some fruit trees thereon. . . Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of James M'Knight in the hands or s.omet H. Bell, Tt ustee of his person and estate. A LSO, . . A piece or parcel of land, situate in Franklin township, litintinp - ,don county, containing 20 acres and 109 perches and allowance, adjoining Robert Moore, Dan'l He wit, Lyon, Shorb & Co. and others, hav ing thereon erected Elizabeth Forge coal house, a number of log buildings for the hands, a two story brick dwelling house, two stables and brick office. Also, a tract of unseated land in Porter township, situate on the Warrior ridge, containing 319 acres 37 perches and al lowance, surveyed or, a warrant to John Spencer, dated 22d March 1785. Also, about 2 acres of ground situate at the western end of the town of Water Street, in Morris township, adjoining other lots in Waterstreet, Lewis Mytingcr and John Sheatrer's land—having thereon erected a two story stone dwelling house, an axe factory with water power previ. lege belonging thereto, and a stable, and other out buildings. Also, a lot of gTound in Mechanicsburg, in Franklin township, on the North side of Spruce creek, adjoining lands of Satn'l. nittern and a lot of William M'Pherran, containing of an acre, having a small one and a hall story house thereon. Also, a lot of ground situate in the town of Davidsburg, in Antes township, floWnigtlon county, adjoining a lot of Charles Cornmesser on the easterly side, and a lot num‘nred S 2 in the said town on the westerly side, (having an alley be tween) containing * of an acre, enclosed with a fence, and numberetl2B in the plan of said town. • Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Samuel Caldwell. ALSO, A tract or parcel of land situate in Frankstown towr'ship, adjoining lands of Michael 'Litman on the North, Christian Garber on the West, and Arthur Craw. ford on the Fast, containing 40 acres, more or less, thereon erected a Blast Furnace, one frame house, log stable, and six other houses, and about SO acres clear ed thereon. Also, a tract of land situate on the southerly side of Brush Mountain, in Frankstown township, adjoining lands of David Markley, John Weistling,land late of Joseph Patton and others, containing 192 acres and allowance (warranted to Christian Garber.) Also, a tract of land situate in Franks town township, adjoining lands of Smith and others, land surveyed in the name of Hubert Elliot, and land claimed by the , late Benjamin R. Morgan, Esq., contain ing 416 acres and 12 perches and usual allowance, (warranted to Alex. Dysart.) Also, all the two adjoining tracts of land situate in Frankstown township, in the name of John S. Weistling, one contain- ing 432 acres and 32 perches, and the other 102 acres and 80 perches, adjoining lands in the names of David Titus, Andrew Divinney, Arthur O'Friel, John S. Weist ling, and lands of Christian Garber. Also, a tract of land situate in Franks town township, adjoining lands of Michael Hileman, land late of Jos. Patton, Chris. daft Garber, John Adams, and the heirs of Lazarus Lowry or %Villiam Steel, con taining 205 acres and 129 perches and al lowance, with an ore bank, some cleared land and a couple of buildings. Also, a tract of land situate in the same township of Frankstown, adjoining lands of John F. Lowry, John (land:alibi, dec'd. and others, containing 170 acres more or less of good limestone land, having about 155 acres cleared, a good bank barn and a frime dwelling house thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Daniel Hileinan and Stephen Hammond,lately trading un• der the firm of Menai' and Hammond. ALSO, A tract of land in Allegheny township, Huntingdon county, surveyed on a war rant granted to John Black for 400 acres on the spurs of the Allegheny Mountain, having thereon the " Bennington Coal Bank," a two story new log dwelling house and a new saw mill. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Allen Brown, Zechariah G. Brown, Thos.B. Brown, GPO. 11. S. Brown, Mary Ann Brown, and Al len Brown, jr., and Racine, Brown, by their Guardian, Thomas P. Brown, Thos. M. Rose, Charles Mills and Eliza G. his wife, late Eliza G. Russ, Margaret J. Ross and Nancy Ross, A llen B. Ross, Mary Ann Ross, Sarah L. Ross and Martha C. Ross, by their Guardian Arthur F. Gore, Esq. anil James Ross. ALSO, Lot No. 40, in the town of llollidays buts, floating - feet on the northerly side of Allegheny street and extending back at right angles to same to an alley, adjoining lots of Nicholas Hee it and Ephraim Galbraith, Esq., having thereon erected a two story plaistered house, a frame building and a frame stable. Also, lot No. 33, in the said town of Hollidaysburg, fronting on the southerly side of Allegheny street, and extending bock at right angles to an alley, having thereon erected two small frame houses and an ice house. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Jacob Snyder. ALSO, All that certain tract of land situate, lying and being in Henderson township, and county of Huntingdon, adjoining lands of John Fee, James Ilampson and others, containing 415 acres, be the seine more or less, (being the same tract of land which James Sias, by indenture, dated 11th Dec. 1832, granted and conveyed to the said George Lane,) together with the hereditaments and appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of George Lane. AISO, Three acres of land, be the same more or less, situate on the waters of Standing Stone Creek, in Barree township, Hunt ingdon county, bounded by lands or Sam uel Stewart, Samuel Mitchell and the - Furnace property, having thereon erected a two story plastered dwelling house. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of James Mitchell. Also Omit one and a half acres of land be the same more or less, situate on the wat ers of the Standing Stone creek, a short distance above McAleavy's Fort in Barren township, Huntingdon county, adjoining lands of Samuel Stewart, Samuel Mitch ell and John Duff, thereon erected Barree Furnace and stack, a clover mill and a saw mill. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Mitchell, . . Thomas MitChell and James Mitchell;* lately trading under the tirm of J. & 'l. Mitchell 4 Co., and also as the property of John Mitchell and Thomas Mitchell, trading under the firm of J. 4; T. Mitchell. ALSO, A tract of land situate in Henderson township, Huntingdon county, bounded by land of John Cornelius, Nicholas Cur bin and others, containing 40 acres, inure or less, about 10 acres of which are cleared —with a hewed log house one and a !it'll stories high, and a small barn thereon erected. Seized, taken in execution, and is be sold as the :)roperty of James Kenyon. ALSO, A tract of land situate in Barree town ship, Huntingdon county, adjoining latids of David M'Murtrie, Abraham limy, John Hagan and others, containing 100 acres, 5e the same more or less; Omit 75 acres of which are cleared, having s two istory log house and kitchen, and a wone spring house, and a log barn tlie:eoit erected. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Watt, dec'd. in hands of David Watt his Executor. ALSO, A piece or parcel of Lind at the south western end of the town of Davidsburg, Huntingdon county, adjoining lands of, James Wilson, land of Robert Campbell, and certain lota in said town, containing about half an acre, the same lying between a saw mill race and the said town. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Christian E.Craine, ALSO, All that certain thi ee story house (the I under story thereof stone and the two up • per stories lrame) messuage and tenement; situate in Hopewell township, in the coun ty of Huntingdon, and a lot or piece of ' ground on the north west side of the Woodcock Valley road leading ti om Bed ford to Huntingdon in front on said road 60 feet and in depth 220 feet, more or less, it being a lot of ground sold to the said defendant [Milo 11. Ferry] by John B. Weaver by articles of agreement dated 25th June 1842, the house thereon erected is 28 feet long and 24 leet wide, and the lot ur piece a g round and curtilege appur tenant thereto. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Milo H. Ferry. ALSO, All the estate, right, title and interest of William Polfock - of, in, and to, a tract ol land situate in Shirley township, bound ed by the Juniata river, lands of the heirs of David Johns deceased, of John Doyle and others, containing three hundred acres, be the same more or less, (being the same land formerly owned and claimed by Manasseh M'Leas deceased, and sur veyed for him by Patrick Galbraith dec'd, and the same being nut now in the actual possession of defendant [Wm. Pollock] about one hundred and twenty five acres whereof are cleared, and a frame dwelling house and a log dwelling house, a log barn and cabin barn thereon. Also a tract or parcel of land situate in Shirley township, containing about 270 acres be the same more or less (the same being composed of two or more tracts or parcels of land, and being commonly known as the ferry property, opposite Drake's Ferry, on the south side of the Juniata river, or Mount Union, bounded by the Juniata river, by lands of the heirs or devisees of Col. William Postlethwait, of the heirs ol Andrew Pollock, of Samu el Shaver and others, about thirty acres of which are cleared, with a two story frame dwelling house, a stone stable, a stone ware house, several other small buildings, and a small orchard thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be I sold as the property of William Pollock. ALSO, A tract of land situate in the township of West, in Huntingdon county, bounded by lands of John Striker. James Myton,' William Oaks, Joseph Thompson, Win. Reed Esq., other laid of the said Isaac Neff and others, containing 188 acres and 65 perches and allowance &c., be the same more or less (the same being now in the occupancy of John Henry) about 150 acres of which are cleared, with a log dwelling house, a log barn and frame sta ble thereon erected. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Isaac Nett SO, Lot No.-- situate on the corner of Market and Commerce streets in the ho. rough of Birmingham, being 165 feet on Commerce street, 60 feet more or less on Market street, having thereon erected a two story plastered dwelling house, a flame office, and a small brick store build ing. Also one out lot adjoining the school house lot in the said borough of Birming ham, containing one quarter of an acre, adjoining Mary Jordan's lot and others on Commerce street. Seized, taken in execution, arid to be sold as the property of Sanford S. Dewey. ALSO, That well known tan yard property for merly belonging to John Bucket, situate near the town of Warriorsmark, Hunting don county, containing about 4 acres a good meadow land, with a tan house, a bark mill, a two story plastered dwelling house, a number of vats, a good well of water, and a good garden thereon. Seized, taken in oxecution, and to be sold as the property of John Spanogle. ALSO, Lot No. 30 and parts of lots No. 32, 31 and 29 in the plan of the town or Gays port, Huntingdon county, fronting on Newry street 65 feet and extendin g about 200 feet to an alley, thereon erected a two story brick house and a frame sta ble. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Jenendah C. Betts. ALSO, A tract of good limestone land situate on the Warrior ridge in West township, Huntingdon county, adjoining lands of Jacob Longenecker, Robison Cunningham, Thomas Ewing, Peter Shoenberger, and Alexander Steel, containing 430 acres, be the same more or less, with about 200 acres cleared and in a good state of culti vation, a two story to dwelling house, a good barn and an apple orchard thereon. Seized, taken it; execution, and to be sold as the property of Barnabas Dear ment. JOHN SIIAVEft, Sherif. Sheriff's Office, Hun tingdon, Oct 18, 1843. " o:7 As much difficulty has arisen in making Sheriff's sales by reason of per. sons bidding who are unable, or who fail to the pay amount of their respective pur. chases, therefore NOTION{ 3 HEREBY GIVEN, that in all cases, when .he purchase money does not exceed 1150 00, the whole amount of the purchase must be paid immedietely into the hands • the Sheriff; and if the purchase exceeds hat sum, then the amount (viz : $3O 00,) ust be paid into the hands of the Sheriff mmediately after the property is ttricken t town and the payment of the balance ar itiged with the Sheriff and fully secured be paid, to his satisfaction; or else the roperty will be again put up and sold. This rule will positively be strictly ad ered to, and purchasers, whether able to ), y, or not, will do well to observe it, if f ey wish to hold the property stricken 1 3 wn to them at their respective bids. JOHN SHAVER, Shr'f. Oct. 18 1843. LIST OP JURORS For November Term, 1843. GRAND JURORS. Allegheny.—Samuel Anderson. Barree.—James Leonard, Phineas Run. n, James Livingston , William Put' er. Blair.—Albert Garber, Solomon Silo *, William Donaldson. promwel—David N. Carothers, Wm. Carrel. PranAliii.—Alexander Stewart, John Pherran. ientlerson —John Porter, Esq., Isaac !Celle. Ftpetvell.—William Buchanan, John derson. Morris,--John M. Tussey. Nrier. —Samuel Sprankle. Shirley.—Samuel Rorer. Springfield.--John Ashman. Union—Eitel Smith, Esq. alker.—Peter C. Swoope. - fr est.—Benjamin Cot bin. t'oodberry.—Cltristittn Good. TRAVERSE JURORS. FIRST !JERK. llegheny.—Abraham Myers, Lazarus , ry, , William Walker. aces.—David Irvine, Jacob Dinner, ert Campbell. arree.— Philip Silknitter, Wm. M. ray, George Inter. air.—George Weaver, David Good. w, David titers, Geo. W. Robbins, olas Ilewit, Ephraim Galbraith, Esq. lb/in.—Robert Fleming. .aalatown.—Jesse Moore, David M'- p, Joseph Smith, Daniel Bluer. nderaon. —James Simpson, (Ridge,) len Davis, Ecq., David Cunningham, ias Read, Esq., Winchester 111,Car- David Isl'Nurtrie, (ot D.,) John Hopeoell.—Soloman Fink, &mil. Wat son, Samuel Read, Patrick Lang, Esq. !Morris.--Joseph Isenberg. Pdrter. —Andrew M'Clure, John Pi per, jr. Shirley.—James Ramsey. Snyder.—Joseph Crocker. Springfield.—Jacob Bare. Tell.—James Ci-ney, James Mitchell. Tod.--Andrew Zimmerman. Union.—Jou'n. Vague, Jordan Wright Walker.— Thomas M'Cahan. Warriorsmark.--Jacob Van Tries,Fsq It est.—Julm Postlethwait, Henry W. Crackers, Jacob Renner. Woodberr y.—Ed ward Lytle, E.g. TRAVERSE JURORS. SECOND WEEK. Antes: -B. F. Bell, John Hutchison. Blair.—Alexander Frazier, Alexander Ennis, Philip //cover. Robert L. Martin, John Bouslough. Frankslown.--David Albough, John B. Riddle, Joseph Irvine. Henderson.—George Fee, William 8.1 Zeigler, Jonathan H. Dorsey. Hopewell.—Sebastian Keely. Morris.—John Hy le. Grafius, Esq., George Whittaker, Charles Porter. Snyder.—Henry Kreider, Jun Hagerty. Springfield.—John Long Chr'u Curl man. Tyrone.—Oliver P. Orr. Minn.—Nicholas Corbin. kralkrr.—John Ridenour, John Hilde• brand. arriorsmark.—Henry Grazier, Juin Ever. it! eat.—lbram 0 illiamson, Janice My!'' ton, Abraham Cresswell, Andrew Smith, George Miller. Woodberry.—Jno Rhodes, Dann Low er, Henry Harbison. provlatnation WHEREAS by precept to me direc ted dated at Huntingdon, the 19th thy of August, A. a one thousand eight hundred and forty, three, under the hands and seals of the Hon. Abraham S. Wil son, President of the Court of Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, and general jail delivery of the 20th judicial district of Pennsylvania, composed of the counties of Huntingdon, Mifflin and Union, and the Hon. Joseph Adams and James Gwin, his associates, Judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices assigned, appointed, to hear, tr y , and determine all and every indictments, and presentments, made or taken for ur concerning all crimes, which by the laws of the state are math, capital ur felonies of death and other offences, crimes and misdemeanors, which have been or shall be committed or perpetrated within said county, or all persons who are or shall hereafter be committed or be per petrated for crimes aforesaid—l am com manded to make Public Proclamation, throughout my whole L.:iliwick that a Court of Over and Terminer, of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions, will be held at the Court House, in the Borough of Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and 13th slay) of November next, and those who will prosecute the said prisoners, be then and there to prosecute them as it shall be just, and that all Justices of the Peace, Coroner and Constables within the said county, be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, with their records, inquisitions, examina tions sod remembrances, to du those things which to their offices respectively appertain. __ _ _ Dated at , Huntingdon the 19th day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty three, and the 67 year of American Independence. JOHN SHAVER, Shr. Sheriff's office Hunting don Oct. 11th 1843. Proclamation. WHEREAS by precept to me direc ted by the Judges of the c u m oim , Pleas of the county of Huntingdon, bear ing test the 19th clay of Aug., A.1).1843, I am commanded to make Public Pro clamation throughout my whole bailiwick that a court of Common Pleas will be held at the court house, in the borough of Huntingdon, in the county at Huntingdon, on the third Monday (and 20th day) of November, A.1).1843, for the trial (Wall lasses in said court which remain undeter mined before the said Judges when and where all Jurors, Witnesses and suitors in the trial of all said lasses are required to attend. Dated at Huntingdon the 19th day of August, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, and the 67 year of Amer ican Independence. Sheriff's office Hunting don, Oct. 11th 1843, Zacslmea CD UK 2 All persons are hereby notified that I, the subscriber, purchased at Constable's Sale, a short time ago, as the property of Philip Kemp, of Manor Hill, Huntingdon county, the following propel ty, viz: 1 saw•; saddle, bridle and martingale; 1 set harness; 9 lots cooper stuff; 1 hog; and all property subject to levy and sale by execution. All persons are therefore hereby cau tioned and forewarned against internted• tiling with the above mentioned property, as the same belongs to tne, and I will pro ceed according to law against any person intermeddling with the twine or any part thereof. DAVID BARRICK. Manor Hill, Oet. 11, 1816.—pd. Haan Voce tiOccollcia. THE subscriber will offer at public sale on the premises, on Friday the 9. uth day of October next, a tract of land situate in West township, Huntingdon county, (3i miles from the Pennsylvania Canal,) adjoining lands of Peter Shoen 7 berger, It. Cunningnain and others, con taining 430 Acres, and is said to be one of the best If heal farms in the county. The improveme"ts are Iwo Dwelling House:land a large Bank Horn. There are three never tailing wells and one spring of water on the premises, and a large Apple and Peach Orchard. )11 the above farm are several large s of White Clay, such as is used fur king fire proolbriek. It has been tried Hu:l6l%lton and Hollidaysburg, and nit to answer the purpose. For a de iption of it sec the report of Prof. RoAers, State Oenlogis•.. A , ....drwittr-setriotv" d throov,ll TFItMS OF SALE:—One third of purchaw money 10 be paid on the confirr tom of the sale, roe Oleo in one year the after with interest and the ri sidue at : immediately after the death of Mary W.. widow of the said intestate, the itheres the said third payment to be paid to the t widow annually and regularly during natural life—the wl•ole to be secured by bond and mortgage of the lurch, se, Bv the Cort. 'JOHN HEED, Cit to commence at 1 o'cl. ck, P. M.; said day. Attendance will br s,iven he BRI'2.E X 1i1.A.112, Trustee to tn. k. sal Sept. 13, 1343--ts Sept. 27, 184a7=rtas'i Dr. aroll'ars Life Pills AND PHOENIX BITTERS. The perfectly safe, unerring and suc cessful treatment of almost every species of disease by the use of Dr MOFFAT'S LIFE MEDICINES, is no longer an experiment; as a reference to the experience of many thousand patients will satisfactorily prove. During the present month alone, nearly one hundred cases have conic to the knowledge of Dr. Motawr, where the pa.- tient has to all appearance, effected a per manent cure by the exclusive and judi cious use of the Life Medicines—some eight or ten of these had been considered hopeless by their physicians. Such happy results are a source ut great pleasure to Dr. M., and inspire him with a new confidence to recommend the use of his medicines to his fellow citizens. The LIFE MEDICINES are a purely VEGETABLE preparation. They are mild and pleasant in their operation, and at the same time thurough—acting rapidly upon the secretions of the system—carrying oft all acrimonious humors, and assimilating and purifying , the blood. Fur this reason, in aggravattd cases of Dyspepsia, the Life Medicines will give relief in a shorter space of tune than any other prescription., In Fever and Ague, Inflammatory Rheu matism, Fevers of every description, Sick Ileadaehes, Heartburn, Dizziness in the Head, Pains in the Chest, Flatulency, sin. paired Appetite, and in every disease ari.. sing from impurity of the blood, or a dis• ordered state of the stomach, the us. of these medicines has al ways proved to be beyond doubt, greatly superior to any, other mode of treatment. All that Dr. Moffat asks of his patients is to be particular in taking them accot ding to the directions. It is not by a newspaper notice, or by any thing that he may say in their favor, that he hopes to gain credit. It is alone by the result of a lair trial. Is the reader an invalid, and does he wish to know whether the Life Medicines will suit his own case ? If so, let 111111 call at the office of the agent, and procure a copy of the Good Samaritan, published gratuitously. lie will there find enumerated very many extraordimuy eases of cure; perhaps some exactly simi lar to his own. Sold by JACOII ,NIiLLER, Huntingdon, August 30, 1843. On►. HOUCKS VEGETABLE LINA ME AT, for sprains and rhuma►- ;ism, just received and for sale at the drug store of T. n Simonton. Also a fresh supply of lioucks Panacea. T. K. SIMONTON, Agent. Huntingdon Oct. 5,1842. VitlialalElßD .11TTORNE1' .11' .L. 111". HUNTINGDON, PA. A. K. CORNYN, ATTOMITITA7 LAW. HUNTINGDON, I'A. Office in Main Street, two doors East of Mrs. McConnell's Temperance 1411486. JUST received 50 kegs of " Pure White Lead" in oil, and a general assort. inent of Nails, which will be sold at low prices. WILLIAM DORRIS. Six Cents Reward Ran away from the subscriber residing in Warriormaik Town, rffi 1, on Monday the 18th inst., an in t d uppentice, named JOHN C. WEST. - All perosns nrd hereby forbid - • • trusting o• harboring said boy, under, the penalty of the law. BENJ. F. PATTON. Sept. 27th 1343. , i - pLANK BONDS—Judglnent and cons :,, , nsou—for sale at this office. V