Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 18, 1843, Image 3

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    T 2 3 3ZI O s Z.) 71:a as
Ilmatisagdon, Oct. I S. 1 1443.
'Wood is wanteJ at this onies in payment of sub-.
script:inn, advertising and job work.
To Atlvertiners.
Advertisements mnvt be handed irt on Tuesday
mornhly before 9 o'clo:k to in ue their inse:uon in
best moraines paper.
, 1.:,,.. , ..?, . i •
.4, : 1
, f ,r,.. ? ., ..... ...? i , . ~.,.
, 5 . -.. . ' .;,;,,,,'; .'
~•'• "04F.,4 '2l, .t.. 1
, 'f4l ez - ,,,
t ., , „, , , , :s.; .
• ..1,
. t-r• !, 'Nc-i .. ~.,
. `tr _.,',,, :.ic . Yiti"
. _
onseiliniii received for a shorter period than
iths, nor any paper discontinued till all ar
,, arc paid.
.itiseicients not exceeding one square, will be
1 three times for $1 00, and for every subsc
osertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are',
I to the time an advertisement is to be confirm,
be kept in till ordered out, and charged
°feral, yet beautiful to viow,
Umoth of me heart ! Thou dawn..' 1.
That same OLD COON has made tho
feathers fist out of the Locofoco Roos
ter !!! Poor Chiken, he'll never crow
In another part of this paper we give the official
returns of this county. They speak for themselves.
Col. Wm. Cummins, Whig, is elected Assembly
'man by 7 votes, over Postlethwaite, Loco. Gen•.
M'Cullocl, l 4 majority, 84. Loco Canal Commis.
goners a little over 100 majority.
One Whig and one Loco elected for Assembly.
.Balance of Whig ticket elected.
The regular Locofoco ticket elected by a small
The regular Whig and Antimasonic ticket elect
ed. Whig Canal Commissioners about 1900 maj.
The Whig ticket in the city elected. The Loco
ticket in the county carried. Whig Sheriff and
Trea.nrer elected. Loco Canal Commissioners re
ceived a small majority.
Dr. Nes, volunteer, elected to Congress over Dr.
Small the regularly nominated Locofoco candidate.
The balance of the Locofoco ticket elected.
The whole Whig ticket elected. About 350
majority for the Whig Canal Commissioners.
The Whig ticket elected by about GOO majority.
Gen. Frick, for Congress received about the same
on Sny tra;thity over Gen. Fr:et for Con
resa only 50. Locofoco Assemblymen elected by
a majority of 60.
Th) wholo Whig ticket electcd by a majority of
about 200.
Gan. Irvin has received over 300 majority in this
btrong-hold of Loeofocoism. The Whig candidates
for Senator and Treasurer also have run ahead of
thou Locofoco opponents.
Gen.lrvin received a small majority. The Whigs
have eiectel their Sh:riti and Aseemblyn;an.
One Whig aid one liteofoco elected to the As
sembly. A Whig Eheriff .mid to be elected.
The Whig ticket, except Sheriff, elected. No=
thins said about the vote for Canal Commissioners.
The Whig tick,t elected, anal a raaority for the
Whig Caul Canenibsioners.
oa3 vdunteer A.ccublyman elect d and two
regular Locofocoa. The Llcofocoa have about 980
majority for Canal Commissioners.
'Lae Whig ticket elected, except Sheriff which
is yet doubtful; and about 100 majority for the
Whig Canal Comininsioncra.
The Whig ticket elected, excpt Auditor; and
about 60 majority for the Whig Canal Commie.
(Cit is not known yet who has been successful
for Canal Commissioners. However, we still erf
tertain strong hopes that all three of the Whig can
didates are elected. For Congress, as far as heard
fro n, t'le Whigs have e acted 12 and the Locos 11,
and the Ind district yet to be heard from. The ra
tty:taste have are not official, and although very in.
perfect, they show that the Wings have triumphed
gloriously in Pennsylvania.
Canal Co :maim ic ners. 4
1 I
2 Dubiln,
3 Warriorsmark,
4 Allegheny.
5 W ill iamsburg,
13 Woodbury,
7 flopxwell,
10 Ames,
11 Porter
12 Franklin, c..\
13 Tell
14 Springfiel fs *As
15 Union,
18 Roxbury,
17 Tyrone,
18 Morris,
19 West,
20 Walker,
21 Todd,
22 Murray's Run,
23 Crorntvell,
24 Frankstown,
25 Blair.
26 Ilnilidaysburg,
27 Guerin,
28 Birmingham,
29 Snyder,
BO Case,
in I
The regular DI
I ,
.1 . 0 'l'l c E.
That well k ii pi eperty cal l«.I the • AT
till EnsrG desirous to have my real estate
the ti
prier :1 . 1.11 prier 101 timestimes and of
Ap 13 1 A it N D al t .—. payins my 8, hl :it
ile,w, ,is far, mid as 80011 :IS phs
liaricr, is lieretiy given to all persons Slialrersy Ile stand. near 1A atersti yet, will
concerned, that the 101 l min 114' he iioered for sale or r. ntoit public lottery,
sible, I t. k • tilts early opportunity to an
nounc. the sale of the folio. log described
tiled persons have settled their accounts in• mi SiithrilaY the 4th day el Nosettater next, : 4.. IN pursuance of an
little' of the Or- property by the Slietilf at the Novttober
the Ri•gister's 'Office at 1 liiiitingilen, and •I• he real estate awl ineictiiiiiilise will be
a t „„ . 4 * ... ".. /9 , , „
exposed to sale eiilli•etively. Should a ,::Nia„...f o , ; 1 % .
~ !mans- .....uurt of Hull. s , •l rt,, 111 2 tv next e::suting,
callstud ' l oos t r t spect
that the said accountk will be presented
s le , i i i n ly , invite persons o ant examine the
with a
ler eon ffrinatiim and allowance at an Ors stile nut be elli•eted in that way, they will ly ir ... y ), ?6 ,..
~, tli ,_ I ingdott county, will
I "Fair IsT; - dr-49". l expos, dto public
!Mans' Court to be held at Huntingdon, in th en I)" silr'r''. l separately. The real es- 0311 4 1 1 - IALP LOT,
.t, I for the county of Huntingdon, iiii tate inelepi n.lent iii . he Merchandise, cm,. ~..., on the prmoises. on 'lliorsilav then li
'ls" ot November nest, 1841. the following t a : l , 3 , a ", in e il i l ) ti j k . ji c a' g b , 1 ,,,,1 i x i, ( b ni r i:::' final, ( ' si '3o 1 ) , It
Wednesday the 150: day of November Nl , t6 of
next, viz: acE) Alhooll.3ii , GZ leil estate, late id' John 31111er, Esq. of the feet, three and it halt stories high, plastered
1. Jii-eph S. P. Harris and Hr. A lesiin- of the best q iality u, Lime Stone land borough of Huntingdon. devil., viz : from top to bottom, cnotaliiiiiff
der NPK,iitiev, Admiiiistratora nit h the A gm l two ''sty TAVERN HOUSE, a Ali that Int of ground on the northerly
site of Hill street, opposite the Market 12 R tow and Iwo Cellars,
calculated for two families—splendidly fin
annexed' of Aaron Burns, E.q., dec., . large eon vettient st• ne haunt.,
house iii the hiirough of Ilutitingelim, ished with cornish and dormant windows in
with double stable, 18 by 31 feet, and
who wax administrator de bunts 11101 .1111 • 7 is ; , an d S...llleirill STABLING
Proving 50 feet on Hill street, and ex- Irma :
wi ll a n ne xed of the estate of Dr. John , " for a number of horses, &c.
Baker, late of Frankstown township, dec. . back 185 feet to %Vashing,ton otlir•4 B 7
i k ee b t oilillngs, and protected by a
str,el; butinileil by Batir - Ytreet on the w ha rf hi g h . _
.2. Francis ChriS , V. Administrator .4 1"1 . ;V:ie is ads , . a too:it:do pump at . the ili n et . r
ot never la wig lotiestone wittet. A II ~,,.
~ . 0
„ .... ;.unu
.1 v. ,
Two Ilitilts of a Lot,
the estate 1.1 Joseph Christy, late of Blair . ... .. _ . ..
pacers t, a llot , i r. , , es. ,
.. q . i ,
cello :+ never i Ming Slie•im. , l
Itti east, with a large two story Mick adjirming th, abiwe, pro tected by a stone
taw w.:111, deceased.
, • ,, 1 7,,,,, 8 i 8 0,;,., or * o l ," l : fi n c y ie o l :i t . l : e ' . ,, t , r ,i, 1 . :,, 4 1 liaise and frame stable thereen er. cued.
throuoli 11l • pretnisi•s.
w ii i :•i t e l k t 8 8 4 I tt e i i ii t iit i ; b illi4 Wi t l l li tt front by 20 fea
3 Jotri Borst, Ailtninistristor de Minis
Ail bill iithertot of ground oil tile nor
ii in uf the estate 111 Sitititwl MLClellatiii, , , .. - , ~ . •
~ . , , ,
ute aim profitable in it nineties. back, Walt a 'bath buildenc ,
thetly side of Hill s tr eet, in said boron h
late of B irree township, deceitsvil.
The coil.iiriiiiis tor ow above will be • •• _ . • • • g . ..
three and a half stories high. emit irmitig 10
18 by 20f el,
4 114160 NA', Jacob lit r neater and
mail.. kiiiiwii iiii the s lay o f ,ale, Welting 30 'eel on said street and extend
ing hark 200 feet to IVashingtim stteet,
rooms, with large hall, and Plaza, and al:
Ali•xander Sti't, Ailininisti•aiors of the es- 11 ,, 51 ,,,... e „„,.a.,,,;• a qtimitily of
brio" lot N 0.104 in the phi' of said town, plastered, and a cellar under the whole buil
i ate ol Ile try :.:,4 der'il, who was one of
.flerrhandize, lai.koled by a lot Lite lif John YOCUM 1111 ding—coriiisli and ilornmett windows in trout
d ie Guardians of Julio N. Swoops., a mi. '
Iwo of BA• o f o n , b e ,' Li e d, %% e ll se!eoeil, and bought the east, vyitli a twit Ytory house, part log —three roems told the hill spleudidiy pa -
'me 1 1.11 or II virry Swoope,
.111 1110 lowest let nis, none of it Melt eau be and part frame, and a blacksmith "00 erred, and four Russian Sheet Leon Grates,
ford comity, tli•ce'a-eil.
il old stock. ' permanewle fixed in the tire-places--perch
thi ..A re ll u t i lMYe two adjoining ims of ground to th ee back•building--ilso a back building
5. Daniel Nett; .1' icob lltrucatie amt consider..
Alexander Stilt, A dminioratorA of the es- sold in 'I v.'', liberal P e r l e ni 'V " ir II) '
on the lot.
NI,. id Ilenry Nett; dreg!, who was one of (list cost. Oise third of a Lot,
the Coiariliiiiis of Item) , W. Swoop.., 4 The tu'rins to hr one hall in hand, the borough b i et io t e d by , lot iii W iii. w ard on
ro li 'loin< the aluiVe protected by a wharf
Poll county, deceased. '
Should the teat ...Jilts mit b.• sold, lb; i' , ii I: iit said lot- ft onii.ig 50 feet on it it k buil fing; 20feet front by 5011 back,
ff. Samuel Dean, one, and the go ry'. purchaser of the iii,,,clumhz, ,ii„II the 11,11 sheet. :awl extending in Ilia)] 2(.0 (being the store-re. in, m i d i; i s said 1 ,„ be the'
m , e _. 1, , ,,ia .e. 1. o.
the list
andt,,,oB. have t' .• 11 ,,,, o nnie ,. It , r ,,,,, i i i , ~,,,,,,I, feet to All gllvlly street, and lii•itia hits most splendid in the county,)—three and it
m aw o l ,liilin Dean, late of 111.irris town
re,..,„„, d e , e n a i i i. to mob:ilk in the No; 8:1 and 83 in the Wll a 01 said town; half stories high; the third
NO story being in
one m. second gory in three rooms, fi rst
ship, ileciet•eit. Mercantile Business, with I 1.,r., two .1.),. iv.. 01).. • lea ale
% i . y i'. I story beli.; the
Samuel Dean an d ‘‘..,11.„,,,, c„ld well, wreild do see!' by si•ent iiig the oboes. pro l'•''' pawl leans" and Virl 1 ":•I• 8 tangs 14' STORE It 0() 31,
Bx '''''''''' " t III " lit '' "' II " 11 t ''''"'"'"' " I. per. v— for it has certainly inany conve ''a bl e wnli a atone I "'" ln ' ln ' ' ln a tan and all pla‘terml— the store bein furnished
Robert Dean, der'il, ei ho was one of the ~i,.„,,, an d advantages. it is located i., 3 .ia l : ' ,: i t l i i n . i ' l l , • la L , , ,e i r ie ra n in i f , ' , : v i ! ' : i n r i t ll ) ;: e a r g y e t i t ;TO e t l' i n s : tit io t i l ; t , e , l:ix i. s l t i : s l s e a h st ii:i r i i if ii t ii ir ei c e o , ,: g i h e i i: k ii . i i., s ) t i i n el i:
E ,, cii . w ., of the I„,t will
and ti..,a,,,itt the itirtipik.., :11,d hut :t Icev !mocked rut
f John Dean, late of Morris township, fro„, the c„,ial_. itiil surreunilvil by a ric Pat I '''' and 32 drawers, two heavy plimitied come
Terms of Rate —One half of the purs tees , `" , ii heavy I °Palm; plink tops, each
Fetiote r being 35 feet tiiir—also wish iliiiii. ,
dm., 11111111. y to be paid 011 :he Cl l / 1 111'1011-
and 'hie kly settled neixlilowhood.
oetween sit re iii cl . (Bee' All the above'
8. Sattiml fl acs and AV,lliam Caldwe ll ; S a l e l ii erne iienCi. iiii the premises, a
Max " I "'S "I t h e I.''' will "" d I " I "'"" ni 11 n',l ,, clc A. 51., where due att,.1.(1.111: lion " I tin '.' ale ' a n' l . resid " e " i ll” "'"' buildiags in one blot k. •
year iii,r,aller. o iiii 'merest ; to be secii
al RII'll!I'l Dean, late of Mortis tow 'lshii' will be given hv the subscriber:,
_r o e of the puny to show yeu through.
Call and sir, xelitleinen, I will be happy
red bythe loom ii ii n do, or
wAz.l2l.7„ .7 .:Lo miN za lic) a us l r zr ou (2s. GH. ,
II i i.mi AN. •I•USsEY & Co. ,
, I , I „ N o
1 %1( 0 1:i t: IL , C k leir A /!. m.
9. Julio Acker and Nlichael Hetrick,
Executors of the lust will and testainetit Shoji, sei Ile, (.11. 11,.18_43. —__lill.
"' R I : I ' i . : t o co l i i:i . ii t l i
e ' .. 1' ; n 1 ( : ) : "11
I : Sept. 27. 1843.—te.
i•f Christian Acker, late of Wiiiiillariy Gstate al Dr. 0. 'l. Scott. '
of said d a y . A Mewl:Hit,. to ill given by
to. ii,liip, deceased.
Late si the Borough if Itira, , ;,ighar tt .. .resj , ths9 t e. ‘et
.1.(:(NI \111.1.1(R, Trustee, e:c.
J()IIN REED, Register. flun , inttdo , t count y, fi I C ' d
R,,,,,tv , ,, , „ rjficr. ii.,0,,,,,,• Notice is ht 1t• hy given, th.,t letters test ......
CHAIRN ! C HAIRS - ! ! _ IrnEspi...c. 1 FuLLy inf.. the cioz. ith
' dm, Oit. 18, A. I). 1843. 1 mi le alls 11110111'w Will , I s.ilit ili,e'll IliiVe h. t
4441 of llioitiogrloit o i ta l the public, in ip. it-
RE ,,,, t , d t o the iii,di rsigi ed. Nil 1) roe •
trill, that he still continues the
indebted to .aid st ,ti• ay,. r• clie•sted t . nial The subscribe'. is 1111 W pi erred to furnish . . -
L/X/ of Zellers
iini , ,,,,1i,,,•pt,„.,,,,,,.,,i th,se hAvi , .g eloil every cest•lipti..ii of coAtitA, horn th e iatior ahg Illehlifei,s,
TDEmAINING in the Post Ofore at Hem- or el, in Inds tug bast the s titt.• 'err re qu• st• pl , iii kitchen to the most sp eiolio :sod f i , s h. at Ide Old stand, in Main ••• rot t, in the lin
tiogito,,, P a „ °evil-ea. I i 1843, if not tii present Own duly authenticated tee in
fees L ii l.l 6 ' l ll u— i t ;l e. O S t ' ll e A I i' :h 1:1 ;; . /!,: r A % I S s" i !ile CllAln r""lug!!(1;i::;11.1:;".'; ' 1"':-.! thi 11.
called for pi, viotts t i the Ist of I ati iry it xt tki .,,,,,, t. t ,,
i t , i " i l i ( r i c . . 7 nn h o ' i l oda h t e e s till, lTY w i l ' i r i: l lVa L y cl f a lt i v i • c i l ir lN: ll " i i iii
they will be sent to the General Past Office JOHN SCOTT. Jr. tax's, and . 1 • 011 THE I.V V A /.., 1),
41idead lett, rs. ELIZ ABBE I'll sCi . l• I', Ex'x.
Ash Jesse Phil r L steers James Birmingham-1u; 16, 1843.
th ai• 4 ii imam, to w.,lk even with the aid of
in which the fetid. and afflicted invalid, with a call.
Sc i il i i . 'i t i .e .A n^ r i Zt v Y ' Cir r k e , ° / 11 '1 1 , 1 1;' , l i i ;:d in L N ent ' d w ors Y"rk '
Andersen M,s, Mary Livingston John
li,li Watson Capt M Pierre
Coven: J toil, McCord James Umbrella, Parasol 4. Nun-shat
the`,.l. ~1 : ,:ii : ti: .: : • ?.:::.:,:ii , i w g t i : . 1 1 , ;: • , ,, , ,; : 1 i t , , : ' : : 14 : : : : : : :
tie .'
it v i .g .
; :,:, i
1 .,: i 1 :: ::„:" i ! k j ed 7 ip l l i
And he is t F letetritilte l !t•?ip N li•y B iio ; ne but the
CI, xtoti Alex. Me Dwit Miss Jane ataarszplyslv,32w,
t:rnwhsi•J skit m
~ retain . Those who nee
No 4 Not 4 Fo •igh ••I•e./. /a to Marta hi, will
I)app J ,eon Jr McCoy Vincent
/ h I,..delphia. , find it t., the It ~,,v.tiaam to give he xuaritim es to tx. rote all miters iii his
1).,,u-ll Miss Mar y PM ips LucrisclaH i' , i i call, ',Mist the Stti.lesa slid (Atoll( -
Dodson John Esq De li ink Powell 2
JO`sl AII W. 1' LA II KE . in ii , et I • i•iiee a, SIII,' to lid,' in his Ilt•WIV
t_ i t ii . t ‘ i:l o :::!1:1:1 1 . -i .._ 1 n th, i ll ' ' l :;_ ' l. i i l i , l ' :C 4 :l i e , C. i : t h! o t . l i l r , !. k i t l i l u t ' l g i s C C . 1 :11 " : , 1 1 1 4 . / . 1 r e t °lbiril i ett i . : in i :i ' u tml Imilte i 9: l 1 e i:ll,T.'''''t:tipt:C'.lllC;liii)ii:D:;ii.U;lig:l,:teE" :nut
ti s i
1 I W' b i. b' e -l' I t k" a ' k n'' e lli n T(.l ,
Ih.E.llll4Cltel A L It vel J oni•scountry
Fi e Jelin 11. leant %Vol. (•''w•ce t. or to R. litchie )
s i t Lt.. Ity,,k .t price, in payment of wuik
Greer, F S Shenetwoueli Casper ff..spectfully announces ti the lit lies al ' ' 11 ' a “,: n r,,.. So ' pl a ,,,L,
w n i l i t h r e a not y 'lts g il o n , ? ..ti s4.l , ) , - t
gross Willi,•111 Ski Ily A ailuhatel
Hooch.) II mv s Smith Hader gentliaorn of liiiatiligdmi comity, that hr I. th'
sive' t witice. mine at his shop.
comawitly 011 1,111 , 1. 4 : , 1 , 1 1 :: ,, .1 . : I . i t t i l i ll t i k l . ::::..
ii , :,:..l.,:milthi:cl)()Nou3H,
'fliat kful for post favors, he solicits a
Hammond Philip fi•el' Tie in't large mai spleietid .ss•rtillent of Siiii—lmili ~,,
comintiatir V' , f ' , oldie patron iv
Hight Gsairee T i ,,,, m ,,,,,,, y,d an, w a i. 1 .., e , s a s ~,,„•1 u,,,,, rr e as of ,h, ~ Iy b, eso• 113 Smith Si•cond s.rect, two doors _ ' ' •
August 16. 1843 —tt.
Hold, esti. Mathias It r tti. m weevils Om: cell
JAtty 31. 1843.•-•1 ' r.
atitivt al John T homas 1 ) Bartel kt, 11111 IM.1111.! 111:11111r1C110,11 11 ,,, 1t 1' his l, Auditor , * A ()lice.
Kil.l. George 'Taylor Jim nail cutter ntedi de sop, rioteiolvoce. the qweity ii
Zify I)iiiiirl
workIlliM•1111) Will lir Wlll..oliti tt , (111:11,4 i (Eeto.'e oflitichnel lralblCl, late of Morr
. • , HE cveditors• of Joseph Maze, late of
DAVID SNARE, P. M. sup rim. to any in the eh): at the low the bola ugh of Huntingdon theca., wiil
a ti l i i k p e i,i.i i i i t i , , , t i i i t
to t , l i i i a . t iii tLi t e ite u i n i c in le o r i s i i g ti i i;: e et
c u r, u i d u i t to i i.s ,
OCtnber 4, 1845. cash iwis-ii. tis tow ealt ip. dere , srd.)
ire M. rcittatts art: invited to call and e U.QMSZILI 1730;KtfiCasegi 2 2
tot said dee el. the assets i•enialimag in the
A rnim. the slit k,
Potts, Lima ai• Barris, Phil's September 27, 1843. 3m.
atii ti, 71/ irrt, - ", 1 4:4 ;m1',',),!,71 '''‘i'!, l llrtcers - , w il lrl d ti s lt% f l 1. 1 .‘ o . 1 1 : " :11 : N a t ' l :L: l i pose 4 4 : 1 ''' t
l i t i c i‘ i .t ikt i • t i.: ' :i
\\ holesale Di tit gists ansl Apolliecaties.
lite ot Morris township, ( I, e.M., are i i ,.,,n y Ili• Inas v..ici,:unii.p,(l4llltilibitt.h2e6thhoreolunygl4ofolict::::
No 2134 MAIMKT ST. PHIL'A. INJ 0 'l' I C E .
n WI. il to ven u e leeward and pa, off thdir timv!.. 0 ..
N. B. The Harris in tlival./Ve fin.. is Dr. 111..1. persons Will, k now th , nast•llß•2l areolllllli Stli'll will 1/1 instituted 1111 M, di- bet' next, when and who' e ail l o rv aig i ntei .
114 Iii Danis, Known in limitingdon and delned to the sill:seri'' , r for soloct tarty after the firs• of 3 nor try next , iie•inst usted are r i quested to I resent their claims,
"' e '' (Pies all who neglect tocomple with this notic e .
Gum.. vanities. Having been I,,, N ongaged ti. Iv, resin or j .1) w 0 k i. be debarred Crum coining in fur 4 share
Milo Drug bushiest:hi the ci untry, he ousts to make payment Mono late ,if not 000 r 5 . p v ALL ArE , . of the asset",
li e wit be the Moms pri yam d to suet the as I expect to leave Huse " illeigiii"" i Au-. 23. 1843.-3, 1 1 iid swimmer Adoxi i ., .1.%('()11 NIILLER.
wants of country druggists, storek,epers and short time. _ (:HAS. A. NEVVIN(II - 1A11t;
Physicians, E. V. EVERHART YiIDLANK BONDS—Judgment and Com- CHAS. H. MILLER,
5, p•eiii'ier 21',1843.--pit. Hcmtirigeca, August 9, 1843.. v ''..xteow..fer 3.410 at this dace. Sept. 27, 14015. Auditors.
cacaQMl - . 5 .c. 3- T 3 UMLIA.L.T.azn
2 et a 3
• g 2
t 2—3 1 ........ 4 0 . •
$ • GI A- :—_ ft::
tn V e t
7 4 i m
(29 125 124 168 179 17i
79 79 79 9 9 .6
64 6:3 63 50 49 48
145 127 126 45 64 63
131 130 130 94 135 95
54 54 54 12 12 12
87 37 37 14 14 14
65 63 63 145 147 144
79 79 70 71 72 72
00 89 1-0 65 63 68
106 107 107 62 61 611
104 104 106 61 01 02
22 22 21 51 52 511
70 76 76 13 13 13
43 43 43 10 10 10
26 28 23 27 27 271
07 07 97 17 17 171
126 126 126 34 :37 371
62 62 62 82 83 84.
75 75 75 30 80 80
54 54 54 18 18 1 ,,
35 35 35 3 3 3
75 75 75 38 38 3, ,
149 147 149 23 22 22
)37 68 6') 4:3 42 42
125 128 125 119 1:31 182'
32 p 5 34 45 52 50
, 22 22 22 16 16 10
84 84 84 • 21 21 21
79 79 79 26 26 261
12333 2315 231,6 1412 1465 1459
lemocratic I larrison ticke
; g
,;" :-t
cv E
g 5, ; •.t
«e rl
tel 7.1 159 76 167
1•34 77 7 12 96
55 55 54 :35 22
75 160 25 1 109
117 131 9;1 77 aa
ta 55 12 0 31
47 37 14 14 1
58 63 134 129 231
72 71 73 t 4 2'
e 6, 92 8:3 1 631
WS 109 6+ 12 52
97 83 '23 43 271
25 20 4.3 50 1
74 49 12 4 2
:17 36 (I 9 12
26 27 27 1!I 22
S 9 8 28 00 27
108 123 43 18 34
5 . : 67 44 47 ..^3 '
50 6,1 42 22 26
53 53 19 19 Otl
4 4 4 09 34
80 61 33 47
77 151 12 3 87
45 106 4 1 63
152 '2l 1 11.4 1:1
7 86 18 16
21 14 15
Al Q 2 22 20
79 79 25 24
1.72 2290 1195 809 1122!
2339 13931
I.T. CAPITALS . ; the Loy
0 1
:7 3 A
▪ E= CA 5
•g S 5
120 121 100 1031
78 78 11 111
02 02 45 45
140 140 44 43
128 128 95
53 53 13 12
38 37 13 13
132 02 141 14n
70 70 74 74
88 88 00 01!
103 106 14 16
92 ti 00 90
21 21 52 52
09 73 12 12
43 42 10 10
28 28 28 2 , ;
101 101 4 3
129 1.29 23 29
64 63, 80 78
49 62 40 31)
52 53 15 •15
37 37 00 otl
75 75 37 37
148 148 00 1
65 05 44 43
115 117 03 07
30 30 46 47
19 19 17 17
84 84 20 20
77 77 27 26
2260 2273 1133 11261
2431 713
focos in roman.
114 105
77 12
CI 45
1:l•2 54
1311 95
54 12
37 14
61 1:36
76 71
99 04)
103 16
83 59
21 50
75 12
41 11
28 29
101 4
129 2,1
69 72
60 36
54 14
34 00
75 37
149 00
63 44
115 46
29 49
51 15
84 19
79 26
2251 1110
1161EGS to the . Mlinliftants of Hun
ting•lim and its vicinity. that lie has
c. flint sired the business f light and henvy
making, and evely kind i t veliicic re
p Living. Having lenno his trade io England,
he is prepared to lipids!) nitlii i the English
or A merle ‘it style i.f w:ignils, and In•pes by
diligence and attention to merit a share of
pat rollout'.
N. B. Ship near to Mr. J. Houck's black
smith ship.
Huntingdon, April 19,1843.-le.
„ lO W, sul,scriber wi . tocl retpeelftedv
I.tiiitlit cilizensa M 110110441
:Adjoining cf motif s, that he still cf ti; Li, • ,
cfity ss fit the 11..ckf'ill: Foundri
ffa Clover Creek, two :tiles tt•Olif iff -
burg, where he is prepared to ex• if.
(fillers in his line, of the best matt it's
will.futtitship, and with promptness -
• lie will keep constantly on hs.n.l sti,ves tf
every di script b a ., su e t, hs
eoOttlitil, Ceti *Hatt,
Parlor, Coal. Rotary. Cooking and
od , res:
Livingmtme ['toughs, •
Anvils, Ilarniners, I tollow taro
:Hid every kind IC tltitugS tit ct•ssary t',. l -
gee, mills or machinery of any descrivii-h ;
w.tgim boxes ..1 all di scriptiui s, ert. , which
can be had on as god terms as they c u. it:
had tat any other I. undry in the c.l4,ty
state. Remember the nr.l. .
11th 1843.
114 LANK BONDS to Comt:ibles Sta,
qi i r m a of Ex,eution, uorier the new 1.. w, just
;printed, stod for vol.; r!,io
EST.%TE or 1:11.1111. TIIOIIPSON,
Laic of Croatio , ll towahip,
N ‘tiee is hereby, given that letters of
upg3ll the said e%tat.e have he,'
tiled to the outlet signed. MI perdr.a
h wine cloitn, 11r d:•inalids ti , tinst the snow
ire r,ql,ted m. k: them k , wi) Without
delay, and rs,,a3 Indebted to la:14;
torsh l tg: Ltay111.•11( to
WM. I'H(iMPSON, Crornw,il tp.
Sprinztidd tp.
vten)!). r 27. 1243.-6'
No. 493 Mark , ' Street. oLve 13 h,
11,peetfully in% in.!. the :mention of those
Who buy fur cash Os lie Mils on nu ottin•
ttliels) t.. his %rely barge and splt-ntlld ,ss•u•t
iiiia of 11, mot Cu len', just it
c, iv fl front in addition to hts u4u:.l
Ntldt k
i'uctiga a , 12 DiPnes•t;c Iletrthea:
of the heel curdity.
_ -
He earnestly ',quests thera to exorable
rlsewhe iv. and aft, aNcs iratiiiiag the I..Wth
pliCeS, at v.l:it:h ti.ey tau purchase, then to
call nntwiti:tt:wdiu;; the 013i.411Ce
and uulu
flut 11C4 41 by the r. 'wok, 4 hitereste I deal
er, iu the s ane bu,►ue•ss, anti ehtiaire the
p'ie's f the same Knuth; at his stoic.
It is his fixed ileterinhiati.oi, and lie with
es it distinctly thhicestiahl, 'rat early to tell
;IS rile tp as any utiler twee, but ficetively
His arrangements arc so made, he he
as to e him to do se , ), end e t t
make a small pr,fit. At all events, 6,
purchasers will flail it their int, rest to cafe.
11EN la L. Ehl).Elt,
(loop Hardware Sloe tr..d Nutl
Ilorehousc. No. 493 Itiurket Street,
Lftwren and
Phitadaphia, Aug. 23, 1313.
Commission and Forwarding
Granite Stores. l)wer side of Race itre,l,
on 148 Delaware, Plalvdelplita.
F.SPEC'I•FULLY inform their friends
449 and the merchants twist:l..llly, that they
have taken the large Wharf and (..rassite
Front Stores, kn vii ;tri ltidgeway's Stores,
inunediately below Hue sti co. i.t additkit
to their old Wharf, whrfe they will con
tinue the prsoldtte cons mission business, as
alms to rect sve anal forward goods total isisints
0 s the Juniata, and North and West branches
of the Sus,quelississis Rivers. via. the Tide
Water, tsal Pennsylvania, and s le yli:illaild
This istablishntent has many advantages
over any other in the city in point of room
and convenience for the accommodation of
boats and produce. Being one of the largest
wharves on the D laWare, and the stores
xtentling from Water street to Delaware
From. Five or nix boars may at the sathe
tins be lading and discharging. The usttal
facilities will be given on all consignments
entrusted to their charge, which will be that&
fully rec, iv - ed and meet with prompt attem.
tion. S tit. Fish and Plaster, constantly on
band add for le at the low.,st market pr ke
J. J Brock, sot) & Co
J ,colt Lex & Son Waterman & (..bourn
Mulft.rcl 8c Alter Scull & Thompson
Seiger & Urn E J Ettiiqg & tiro
Bray, Barcrolt & Co Morris,Pattcrsuis& co
Lot)cr & Barrow.
& J Milliken A & G Miniver
Patterson & Horner J McCoy, E;e,.
- -
Stewart & Hmrell EIV Mice, t,'N.
Ft•bru try 8,1843.-6 m.
The subscriber r. spectfully announces to his
friends and the public generally, that he his
(Act) the named well known Tavern
Stad, (haatierly kept by Vs in. E. Camp.)
here he will endeavor to serve those that
may c.. 11 upon him in the most satisfactory
Mans e r. '1 h e Hoise is centrally and plea
santly located, and is throished through. at
with the hest of diling alai other lavaliere,
and his . 11:., to make
it a convenient and desirable stopping place.
v.- exertions will he spared to make
it agreeaLle in all its di...rm.( tits to these
who may favor him with a call.
Fli 1. FENN.
December 21, 1842.