Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 18, 1843, Image 2

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    1 1 31
..One country, one con,t:tut:on, one destiny."
Wednesday morning, Oct. 18, 1843.
trouN rTMG AT,
(Subject to the decision of a National Covention.)
(Subject to the decision of a State Convention.)
Once more our glorious Banner out
Upon the breeze we throw;
Beneath its folds, with song and ghoul,
Let's c'targe upon the fee!"
We this week hoist our banner with the namo
of the noblo, eloquent and patriotic SAGE or Asn-
LAND-HENRY CLAY—inscribed upon it for
President; that of JOHN SERGEANT—the arm,
unwavering Patriot and Statesman of our own re
vered Commonwealth—for Vice President; and
that of oro of Pennvlvanta's most distinguished
pons—JAMES IRVIN—for Governor in 1944.
The nominee far the Presidency, is among all
living men, as has been said, "the first in the hearts
of his countrymen, and known by all and felt by all
to be 'the very life, soul, and embodyment of Dem
ocratic Whig principles.' His lofty genius, his
matchless eloquence, and almost peerless statesman
ship, combined with the fearless, noble, frank and
generous qualities of his manly nature, have inter
woven tho name and fame of HENRY CLAY with
every fibre of the hearts of Whigs, and extorted
even from the most decided of our opponents the
warm homage of their admiration." Already is the
voice of the people corning up from the East and
West, from the North and . South, swelling into a
univarsal call forH svarCce ras the instrument to
wrest power from the hands of the spoiler", and re
deem the nation from the rule of traitors! With
such a candidate wo can and will triumph over all
In casting our mind's eye around over the country
to select one from the many worthy Statesmen in
the Whig ranks for a candidate for Vice President,
we could see no one who seemed to be more worthy
than Joan SIRGBANT—no one whose principles are
more assimilated to those of Henry Clay—no one
whose pinked creed is more sound nor more inflex
ibly adhered to through evil as well as through good
Our candidate for Governor—Gen, JAMT.S Inoue
—is a gentleman in every way w ,rthy of being
placed on the ticket with Clay and Sergeant. His
straight forward, persevering, manly course in the
late Congress has endeared hint to every Whig in Whig majority on joint baallot 17,
the State and in the Union. No man in the Dele- The Baltimore Patriot rays Ad the present
gation from Pennsylvania was more respected a t fruits of this victory, beside the assurance it gives us
for 1944, when Henry Clay is brought into the field,
Washington than General Irvin--none possessed
more moral weight than he; and the vote given we have a Whig U. Ss Senator, in place of Mr.
him last week for re-election proclaims, in language Kerr, whose term of service expired last March—
that cannot be misunderstood, the estimation in and we have also the division of the State into Con
which he is held by his constituents. We consult- gressional districts.
eel no one before making this nomination, and The bottle was every where fought with Henry
the'ret it may summit's THE NOMINEE, tee doubt Clay's name, and for Henry Clay. Not one of the
not but IT sem. an RESPONDED TO DT HIS PARTY 60 Whigs in the Legislature but prefers him above
sy ACCLAmarton ; and ct the same time CARRY any other man in the Union for President, and it
CONS I'ERNATION AND DISMAY INTO may be said with truth, that net a man who voted
THE RANKS OF THE OPPOSITION ! i for any one of these sixty Whig Legislators, but
also prefers Henry Clay.
The evidence which the result of this election
gives, of the overwhelming strength of the Whigs
whenever they are aroused, must cheer the heart
of every patriot in the land, and by uniting them for
the great struggle in 1944, insure the election, by
a tremendous majority, of HARRY OF THE
Huntingdon County••-Election.
The election is over, and victory is ours. Under
all the circumstance., the Democratic Harrison par
ty of this county has done nobly. Once more have
we the gratification of announcing the triumph of
correct Democratic Whig principles over Imcofocc
ism in glorious "Old Huntingdon." Although the
vote is small, Gen. Irvin's majority in 945. With
as large a " turn out" as that of 1840 his majority
would probably have reached 1900.
We are sorry to have to notice that some Whigs
exerted themselves at the poll. to "trade votes with
our opponents. In a county like this, where we
have a dear Whig and Antimasonic majority, it is
always suicida/poticy to barter with the enemy.
Let Whigs and Antintasons go to the polls and vote
their own ticket—the whole ticket—and nothing
but the ticket—and then we have nothing to fear.
In five cases out of six the Locofoco ho agrees to
a "trade" of voles will prove treacherous to his pro
At Hollidaysburg a ticket was formed, on the
eve of the election, to tact a division of the county ;
and, with feelings of mortification and shame, we
must say that many Whip and Antimasone eacri
ficed their PRINCIPLES for a mere itemise made
solely ler vents! These men—as well three who
were willing to sacral ce their party for the advance
ment of a personal friend on the opposition ticket,
to those who purchased a Locofoco with their votes
—should be marked, and when an opportunity
offers itself, they should receive measure far rneo
ewe at the hands of the people. If there is no
want of MiltlT in the Divison question, why did
the groat "sticklers" for Division not take up and
run Edward Dell, Eel., the candidate living at the
"upper end," instead of nrget:ating with the can
didate residing in this place, where all are opposed
to a division of the county according to the bounda
ries asked for by the land-holders of Hollidaysburg.
cl. Sheriff 'a salce oatittcd to-day 6 hall appear
next week.
17th Congressional District.
This Gerrymandered District, to obtain which
two fanner Apportionment Bill. were vetoed, has
rebuked the grasping spirit of Looofocoism in titun•
der-tones of condemnation! Even Centre county,
the hitherto stronghold of the enemy—Centre, that
winked at themany sins committed in the name of
" Democracy," has at tenth been awakened, and
has turned from the errors of its evil ways. Centre
county has given General Irvin a majority of 346
votes over General McCulloch, a Poter "Democrat."
Juniata too, gallant little Juniata, has also declared
In favor of the Whig, candidate by a majority of 142
votes. "Old Huntingdon"—she who is always
true to herself, true to the State, and true to the
country. has given 945 majority for her able and
efficient representative in the late Congress. And
Mifflin—poor benighted 51ifilin alone clings to the
carcass of Locofocoism. McCull,ch's majority in
Mifflin is only 84. Gen. Irvin's majority in the district
will exceed 1200. {, Glory enough for this year."
The T.: ncarnpmen, at H ollidaysburg commen
ced on 'Friday last. On Thursday and Friday six
or seven companies of volunteers passed through
this place on their way to Hollidaysburg.
For the Journal.
To ALMINDZA Owns, Esq.
Sir—As you declared
publicly on the election ground, in this borough, on
the day of the election, that James lavus, M. C.
"voted against giving the poor man the right to
vote, and that you couldprove it by the Journal of
Congress," I now call upon you to point me to the
evidence. Until I see it myself I shall not believe
your assertion.
Huntingdon, Oct. 17, 1843.
The election in Maryland on Wednesday (4th
inst.) resulted in the most gratifying victory to the
Whigs that they have recently achieved. Baltimore
City, even, has given them an average majority of
97 on the legislative ticket; though they lost one
member by a few votes. The following is the re
sult as compared with last year:
, I corivalts. W. L. F. W. L. F.
Allegheny 1 3 1 3
Anne Arundel 0 6 2 3
Baltimore City 0 6 4 1
Raltimoie County 0 6 0 * 6
Calvert 1 2 1 2
Caroline 1 2 3 1
Cecil 2 2 0 4
Charles 3 0 3 0
Carroll 0 4 I 3
Dorchester 4 0 2 2
Frederick 2 3 4 1
Hartford 3 1 9 1
Kent 3 0 3 0
Montgomery 2 2 4 0
Prince George's 4 0 4 0
Queen Anne 9 1 2 1
Somerset 2 2 4 0
St. Mary's 2 1 3 0
Talbot 0 3 0 8
Washington 0 6 0 5
Worcester 3 1 4 0
- - - -
95 47 47 95
The Legislature stands:
Wh;gs. Locofocos.
noose of belegatca, 47 35
Senate, 13 8
60 43
Great Whig Triumph in Georgia.
The Augusta Chronicle of the 7th instant, brings
the gratifying intelligence that the Whigs of Geor
gia, by a noble effort, have succeeded in carrying
that State at the recent election. The Chronicle
" From the seaboard to the mountains, the re
turns proclaim the triumph of the Whig cause—the
election of a Whig Governor, two Whig members
of Congress, and majorities in both branches of the
It is impossible to estimate our majority, so unri
valled is the popularity of our cause and our princi
ples. For Governor and members of Congress, it is
certain, however, that we have elected both by a
majority of thousands, and have a majority in the
Legislature of 40 to 60 on joint ballot.
The returns are pretty much all in, and Ander
-5,n, the regular Locofoco candidate for Governor is
elected by the people by barely 500 majority, a fal:-
ing off of some thousands from the previous contest
for the same office.
New Jersey.
The Locos have triumphed in this State, by the
aid of the corruption fund of John Tyler, the influ
ence of Capt. Stockton, and a general apathy on tho
part of the Whigs, The locos carry all the mem
ber. of Conroe, and a majority of tome 20 on joint
Jereeymen! your Broad Bealle clouded by dis
grace. Up. then, and prepare in time to wipe it
of next d ear.
Il'reddent Tyler and the Cabinet.
A Washington letter in the New York True Sun
&Ist—. The high contracting power have not yet
agreed to the apportionment of work and spoils for
tho next ensuing Presid.n ial fight. It goes
very much against the grain of Mr. Tyler to with
draw his name as a candidate, and nothing can be
done until this preliminary is settled. Ile is advised
by all his Cabinet, except Mr. Spencer, to yield
g - acefully, and make a virtue of necessity; but the
Secretary of the Treasury, trembling for his own
position, bolsters up the efforts of his master to
effort a re-election ; and the deep•laid plans of the
political wire-pullers may he defeated by the false
ambition of Mr. Tyler, and the exclusively self-in
terestncss of Mr. Spencer."
The York (Pa.) Republican copies a paragraph,
affirming the existence of Asbestos in that neighbor
hood, and says We confess that we are not
aware of the existence of Asbestos any where in the
vicinity of this borough, or within the hounds of this
county, though we hive heard that it is tube found
a short distance over the line in Maryland."
A Governor Indicted.
The Indiana Statesman of the 23d ult. published
at New Harmony, says that at a recent sitting of
the Grand Jury in that county, a bill of indictment
wan found against Gov. Bigger for pardoning (on
the eolicitation of the people of Clay county) an
individual named Reed, before he teas tried, for
crimes committed in Posey county.
The Yellow rover.
The yellow fever, we regret to NT, is on the in
crease in New Orleans. During the week ending
on the 110th ult. there were 62 deaths by that disease
at the Charity Hospital, and the number of cases in
private practice had increased. Persons are cau
tioned against visiting the city at present.
Sickness in Rodney.
The New Orleans Picayune, on the authority of
a letter, gives a deplorable account of the health of
this town. Out of a population of 250 souls, of
which about 140 are white, there are not less than
30 cases of sickness—all severe and many danger
ous. Cases wer e hourly occurting. The disease is
regarded an a malignant form of hillious or cones.
five fever. Death ensues its ;gout else days.
Gold Dust,
The ship Nimrocl,ofSTdney,New South Wales,
is 'reported as having on board when last heard
from, a sixty-three gallon ca+lt full of gold dust
and bare, which has been obtained by trading with
the natives of the Island of Borneo. A sample sent
to the owners proved to be of a very rich quality.
Dreadtal Explosion.
The Albany Evening Journal contains an ac
count of a terrible explosion in a powder mill at
High Palls, about seven miles from Catskill. It
occurred on Wednesday (4th inst.) about do clock.
There were six persons in the building at the time
of the explosion, all of whom were Minim ie atom!.
Their names are John Cash, H. Norcutt, Virgil
Lown, - Hotchkiss, a son of Charles Cash, 12
years of age, and a Swiss, whose name was not
learned. The largest part of a body that hasbeen
found is the leg of a man from the foot to the knee.
Some 300 kegs of powder are said to have been in
the mill when the accident . occurred. The foreman
was indisposed, and the person having charge of the
i packing and drying house is supposed to have been
intoxicated. The report of the explosion excited
considerable alarm at Catskill, many persons taking
it for an earthquake. A similar accident occurred
at this place three or four years ago, when four per
sons were killed.
Horrible Murder.
We are indebted to the Columbia (Lancaster
county) Spy, Extra, fur the particulars of a revol
ting murder committed in that borough. A Ger
man laboring woman who had for some time past
occupied a building in a remote part of the town,
had been miming for eight or ten days, but as she
was frequently engaged abroad as a washer-woman,
her absence excited but little suspicion. On Wed
nesday, however, the neighbors having broken open
the door, discovered a large bundle of bed-clothes
lying on the floor, which on being raised presented
the body of the unfortunate woman, in a state of de
composition—her throat cut from ear to ear, the
scull fractured in two places, and a large gash ex
tending front the right angle of her mouth. Who
the murderer is remains a mystery ; but it is suppo
sed that although a laboring woman she had consid
erable money in the house (of which only a very
small sum was found) and whoever the villisn may
be, his motive was undoubtedly to get possession
of it.
. _
On Wednesday the I Ith inst., in this borough,
by Francis B. Wallace, Esq. Mr. ISAAC COR
both of Huntingdon county.
On Tuesday the 3d inst., by the Rcv. A. K. Bell,
HAM, all of Frankstown township.
On Tuesday the 10th inst., by the Rev. David
McKinney, Mr. JOHN BUCHANAN of Alleghe
ny Forge, Bedford county, to Miss ANN CRAW
FORD, of Blair's Gap, Huntingdon county.
In this Borough on the 14tl: mat., SLISANNA
MARY, infant daughter of William and Catherine
Zeigler, aged 1 year 3 months and 6 days.
On Friday the 6th inst., at the residence of his
son, in Shirley township, JESSE COOKSON,
Esq., in the sixty-fifth year of his age.
In Frankstown township, on Monday the 25th
ult., CHRISTIAN GAST, Esq., aged 81 yeas 1
month and 15 days.
On Sunday evening the Bth inst., Mr. HENRY
J. M'GUIRE. aged about 49 years—an old and re
spected citizen of Allegheny tp. Bedford county.
On Monday the 9th inst., LUCRETIA, youn
pet child of Samuel Frampton of Hollidaysburg.
ZMuz.4 M.O-aim.llaD9as
C;',71.1/ IN RE P/LLS
Are exactly adapted to the reign of John Tyler. If
the conduct of this remarkable man has disappoint
ed and embarrassed the country, thereby subjecting
the inhabitants to intense mental excitement and
undue labor and exposure, which entail disease and
curtail the means of liquidating the expense of coin
battiug it, certainly an antidote for the circumstances
is gratifying. Such an antidote the Renovating
Pills undoubtedly are. Numbers of respectable
member,' of our own community have testified this
from their own experience. 'f hese testimonials
have swollen to so great an extent that it is impos
sible or inexpedient to introduce them into a paper
designed fur general purposes. The public must,
therefore, be henceforth respectfully referred to the
agents below for evidence of the utility of the medi
cine. If such evidence, when examined, be unsat
isfactory, no purchase is expected.
All the diseases in which these Pills are appro
priate are not named in the notice from the fear of
the imputation of extravagance. They are of un
doubted and tried efficacy in Liver diseases and all
Bilious afrections, being the only vegetable coin
pound whose useful action is nearly similar to that
of calomel. Also—Cholera Morbus, Dyspepsia,
Rheumatism, Breaking out on the skin, Fevers,
Ague, Colds, Coughs. Inllamniatory d mares, and
particularly those alrections originating from a bad
state of the blood, which are numerous.
The afflicted are recommended to try this medi
cine, whose success is becoming unparalleled.
Purchase of
isth t & M'Mortrio. Huntingdon
Alex. Kuex & S ut, N. w rv.
W. & It L••its, g.
I),ltimi UV. nu: r, Three Sprlngs.
Blair & V 1 r 'dr4, M3lll , M ill.
I lunt. WiVif/11, If I k Furnace.
Ih• ii, E Orhisun & to., Orbistivia.
Be , ce X B .ie, Shade Gap.
Oct. 18, 1843.
(E) 'fi e
Between Birmingham and Waterstreet, on Brunr
day the 14th inst., by a passenger in the Bellefonte
stage, a Latig's gold curb guard chain. The finder,
on leaving it with Mr. Lowry, of Waterstreet, or the
editor of the Journal, will be liberally rewarded.
October 17, 1843.
.state of Nicholas I letrick,
Lair eV 11 ood' er,y towrtmhip, d c'd,
% , itict• is hereby given, that letters testa.
111 'buoy the will and le slworot of thr it. rea,d, have bee?• granted to the
tldetsi.;,; ?? All pers”iis thclt bled tii
st:Afe are re Tirsted to to,,k • illmiediute pity.
meot, and those having claims or dc tnaods
atvtin.t the same are It go steel to present
them du.r for settlemem, to
IXI IC. I-1 X lA, 1-IETIt IC K. Huron tp.
PETER SOH ltiCK , iroodberry tp.
Oct. 18. 1843.-6 t pd
Estate of Margaret Alehafry,
I, le ol the B Prou h Illinti "pion. dec'd
vVOI . ICE is li...reby given that letters of
44 administration tip the said estate
live been granted to the undersigned. All
pet scats having claims or demands against
the same are r, quested to make them know'
witln.iit del iv, and all persons indebted to
make immediate pit iln•ot to
J 0 Adner.
Huntingdon. Oct. 18. 1843. 6t
r LQ, 3
Cheap for Cash.
The subscribe r has ju.t rer rived a largo
and will ass..Etrd 1.4 si s gars, which lie
te for hale at tho h.howitig• prices.
Cuba seg., in boxes containing 150 each,
$1 25 per box.
Halt tipanisti in in•xes containing 150 each,
SO e, nth per bt.x.
11,11.91ru.isli pi r tin , nsaml, $2 75
Common do, $1 50 and $1 00
47 , 1: lie above prick, are so low that the
subscriber can sell to, taah only.
t),.. 1
RalEB of Discount in Philadelphia.
Banks in Philadelphia.
Rank or IS, tii Ica - - par
.ok the N. , rthert. Libvtlies - par
li .tek Pit T. Wllhhip 11.‘r
C.. 111111. re.,l B wk ~f p
ro oil, I,' & cli.mics' bank - - p
K Li n k - p a r
twini) !Link - - -
I‘l , .cin.ic..' bank • - - -
delphia bank - par
brink - - - pit.'
W t sit ru Intl k par
bank - - -
Nlmatfaativcrs' and 111cchanics' bank par
,1,1, of Pettyo - - - pay
Girml I) din
B uk ut the Utlord States
Country ranks.
It tik i f Chl st, r c... ‘V, s, I. ster p4r
II iik ..5 D. ia.:ir, Cl,. ch. ,t. i. 1,..1
li .itk t t (1. rill ilittoWil (it rmantown p,r
It;titk it M. , ltt K 'f) co. No. t lio(..W11 Iliir
1) )It 5t..4:11 hank 1),., It stnwn pat
F.,,,ti, II .lik E IStta( pm.
F • t tut is' bk .4 Bucks CI). Li; istt.l Pat
II 115511111 v hank 11444esdale i
F.44,44‘ rs' bk 44 Lino. Lme ,ster i
I. tie,.ster bank I.4.4•astt r 1
1.4, l.ast4r e44144ty bank L oicaster li
II ink . I 1'i! , .11,4 I'd, sburg 1
NI i cli',,' & m ~.ue. bk. Pittston g 1
Ext14.44 6 e link Pittsburg 1
1) .. do It ranch of 11 , 41.1,455 burg I
(•,,i , ,, ck & bridge co. Columbia i
Fraaliu hank lVasliinKton 1
m nt,tigaltt la IA of B. Br..wiisville 1i
F.iriners' bk 44 Reading Beading
1.45)111011 !hulk Erl).lll,at 25
Bank 0 4 ti..ftliuntbevrd Not thuntheirland pas'
Bilk it Middletown Middletown 14
Carlisle 1.144 k Carlisle 15
Eli, hank Fri, 5
H.lll, ..s(l4ambersburg Chambershurg 1i
Hank 01 Gettysburg (;t:tt vslalig 23
V vk hank V .1k 23
[IA1.1.'1.1)1'11; hank I lavrislturg 23
Matt vs' lik iti Ptatsvillc P•tiLville 2
It k, f Itatata v., M....trus t 45
I ttitut s'& 1)., vt is' I k Wsitilvslit Et ugh 34
It kt L to. it.t.tWll L wistnnin 24
%N' ~ining Ii ilc ‘Vi k •slmrre Li
I , l44ll4amptcal 1,4 k A Ilvtitt.wit no sal,
Kik • e1...1y 1. k It adink 75
W. st Brats Ii lin. k NVilliamsport 30
Towand4 I a. k T. 0.51(11 88
Rates of Relief Notes.
Islnutli ri, Libel tits. 1), 'aware C, unty, Far
mers' B.u.k of Bucks, Germantown par
AU ethers - . . . . 24
'l' AI E 111 E S.
u C'rlU Wk. EX L
l'hartdelphia, Oct. 13
INHEATFLOuR, pct. bbl. - e 4 373
tlyK. EA L, - - . '2 9U
C 4 RN do. do.
iiKAT, ptirnerentlit. per hush. 94
RYE - - - 57
CORN, yellow, - 47
do. while, do. - 45
OATS, do. - 25
null more, Out l3.
V% RN:AT FLOUR, per bbl. - - - 04 23
Wm , AT, per hush. - - - 70
Coo:, yellow, do. - - - 48
do. white, do.
I(YR. do.
C , ATs. do.
WRIsKEY, iu 1,1,13.
PillAbuqh, I
FL ,, UR, per bhl. - - 83 50 S 624
1.1 HKAT, per bUOI. • - - 63 a 75
ItYK, du.
OATS, . 18
C,llB, - - - 37 a 40
WHIsKEY, per cool.
Ryt., :lid tt rout d.
D It ,N.l LE.
ILL lu exh srct to s;J on Friday the
10th day of l'St•r t itiber ot xt, cit the
prenti,es, that we'd known plantation ur tract
of limestout land, Litt the property of Nich
.l,l% Graffius, deed., situat, u.l Shave! s
Crce k, in VVvy,t township, fluntingdon
, acj fining Lints of the widow Amb ro se,
Hiram \Volt 01..1 Adam Lightner, the
heir, of R. In rt di c'd., Chrt,topher
411 ,1 J a c o b & Cretirge Horst, and the
bat k, of Sit tvers C c k. containing about
ja.CWI2.CS) sts
nnr hUlif Ire (I and sixty if which cleared
and is ago 41 state of cultivw.icei. Os the
In•cnrises there SIC MO log
;It; Dwelling houses.
ore of which is three storks high, the other
a tenant house, a stony anal ii halt high, it
double barn aid a hinge
Apple Orchard, 440
several never failing springs' of wAcrodie
of which is convenient to the dwelling house.
There is also a small stream of water t uns
through the tract. •I•he greats r part of the
unclt as•ed latid on the tract i., w, II timbered.
Thin tract is about three :out a halt miles
fr. m l',.tersborg.
Terms will be reasonable, or made so as
to suit purchasers oh the day of bilk.
'Cube 5,,1,1 as the pi operty of the said
Nicholas Graffius,
rs de Konis
non with the will aura:see.
Oct. 11, 1843.—t5.
llr rn.ciatie. W , lnr. insert till sale, and
1,111 t. , ti•i: .•ffice.
.1 J~~y3~~~o
ALL p. r.ous intxresit.d 10 the ‘. state 01
IL. hey Sheen I,lt, a Lunatic, Lte of
‘‘ I littu . tugtiott c.uhty,
Will t k notice tnat J.icobzilielief,lt has Oil,
day (3 it)ct..ber.) limit in the l'iitlinuatarv's
011ie, his account as cnnitiiiitee of said Lit
untie, which will he itl,..w, d by the Gaut
on the si M ii.lay of Nil, nib, next,
units. cause be billlY.ll why it should nut be
October 11, 1843 —pd. •
Lute if liuntingdt. Ir,ro ,, gh, rlec'd.
. •
Notice is hereby' given that letters of ad
ministtation 1.1111 , 11 the said estate hive been
gear ted to the nutlet signed. All persons
nar ing adios or dim:ands against the same
are regite,ted to make them known With ut
del.iv, and all pi rsials nal& hied to make im
mediate pay mesa to
Js E HST ENV Adm'r.
liuntingd. n, Oct. 4, 1843 —6t.
Orphans , our!, .Iblice.
1 au Orphans' C. art In Id at Hunting
-44.1 don on the 21 Monday of Ali,ust last
past, it It Ult . was grialted on the heirs and
e, pr. s nrativrs of William Cirter, for
um lv of Huntingdon 1., may, :tn.l lately of
tltc State , t Ohio, (he'd.. to come int. , court
on the 2.1 M..nday of Noy.. toper n e x t , an d
, rcept at. r, fuse the real estate of said di c'd
at the valuation therv4.
October 4,1843.-4 t.
to l'ersotes Isrlerestell.
By r ;rine of a rfiit of Partition and vain,
d nut of the Orphans' Court of I !un
tint, dto nu• direcu d, I
I I 111,1 i lilt• 16th day Octiiber next, by
a Jill ) of 1. goisition con, t•m 'I
priiei ell to make part it iiat valitition
the re state of ilintey, Jr . (It c'd.
‘ituate in I'.ll towo,hip, in acid
lands if 'Win Clayton, John 13eigtts
and others, when and win re all pi t'rons
terestcd unity Otte , d if they think proper.
October 4, 1843 —4t.
Wholesale Clock Establishment,
H ERE is to be loind the as
s, talent of clocks in tl (jolted
States, among which :ire Forre•stville, Hills
G ...arielt & Co„ Atkins, Porter & CO.,
Ives' Brewsters, and th, r right day brass
clue C. J. none's. Brist. I manila, tiring
alimony, .4 kills. Porter & (.•.. Hill's,
Gnntleich & F-rr-stville, H. XV
am! tither thirty It er brass cl ek., B
man & kV( Ile's, H IC.; and Alfred',, H. C.
Smith's and ~ t he wad dot k .
Sole ag. it lir Crane ' s celebrated Year and
month el. els 4, as well as several of the above
int ittinhed.
Also, chinch and hall dm k,
‘va,ch n b. k r, , Nlerchants and others, Hill
find it t.. th.-ir t•e.t ti. c a l
k'ng (;lassrs nianufacttired.
Plili Idt 28.
JIJ• 1 reveivell, and
nail retail, a lar2e •uppl v of Doctor
N 1 i.tar's Balwom o f II 11,1 Cherry —al.a.
Hoesck'6 Panacea, at the llunting i ln n Drug
Store. TDOi. READ.
0111'71.11NEV COURT SALA
lN pot'-u .. cc of all order of the Orphan!)'
C. tilt I t liunlint don dully, tiwee will b*
elposed to sale by public vetidue or outcry.
ou lilt' pren.ises, ertl
,nitu day the 521st chty cf Oct ber met,
the teal estate of .1 hn %V aid, lute of Tell
tr.wositio in said c. maw, 11, cruse)), to wit,
certain 1 It .‘C lOF LAND situnte in Teti
township, Huntingdon ci,utity,
hounded on the hot tit by Lands! of Dovid
Parsons, vn the west bt Yt ilL,uu Magee, on
the cast by I old I nod James
Parsons, .41 the south by lands of George
Fri itch and Widow I axle r, containing
200 Acres,
move or lr,s, ut one which is IMO
I)l . l.Veli, with two 14. g
••• A WWI, BARN, ADD 44, 1 41 ,14.
l 3
4if !i A GOOD ORCHARD ( 4
- thereon.
file Intl is of the best quality of slate
land, easily cultivated and pr.3luces well—
eis xcellent :Lod never-tailing. water on
the pet mist, untl ten or fitteen acre : , of fest
rate meackw It lies :Lb ut two milts from
the Shade Gap, and ab. ut fifteen miles from
the l'ennsylv..nia Canal, in mood11Vigill)01 ,
)11)0ti, With a 1101/d township I passing
tlinmy,ll it.
TFRMS OF SALE:—One third of the
purchaNe money to Ire paid no the cnufirrint-
Linn of the salt, CM' tloro in our a ear thert •
after with intert st and the I, shine at and
intim diately after the death of Mary NV,rd.
widow of the said intestate, the interest of
the said third payment to be paid to the said
wit,: annually and regularly during her
natural life—the wl.ole to In. SCCUrCd by the
bond and mortgage of the put chaser.
B the Court.
S de to commence at 1 n', P. M., of
said day. AtttlidAnce will be given by '
Trustee to tn. sale.
St•pt. 13, 11143-• ts
Lute (1 liehde , son lowii4hip.dtcewerl.
FTERS of administration rut the said
Restate hove bt, n granted to the under
shoted. All licrslllls ititikloted to said estate
are re questi (1 to ni ike imaieili.tte payments
and those having. cl.iiins against it will pre
sent properly zaolientieuted for settle
!nest witln.tit (I, lay. to
G. W: HANIPSON, Arlm'r,
Sept. 20, 1840.-6 t Uni , m tp
Estate of henry Neil; deed.
ALL prisons indebted to the estate of
Henry NL ff, 1 .te of the la,roug of Alexandria,
deed, are hereby notified to pay their re
spec. Ly e accounts to the undersigned or eith
er of th e m on or b, fore the Ist of N. , vember
next. All accounts then unpaid wi lbr pla
ced into the hands .1 the proper officer and
collected us seepdil
.y as
ALEX XN1)1•11 s'rrrt-,
&p 1.20, 1343.--ttl Executors.
2a.eiz.a7 I.P - rat) a - cisqm...
r 3.11.1 to the farm of the
,Wsuh..cril).-r, near
tour or five wet ks d'go,
two year old tidier, nearly
hl ak, writ a white lace. The °wore is re
q. sit 41 to coot, forwArd, prove property.
pay charm, and tit herawa y —,,tht.rwisof
she will be disposed of , crordittf to low. ...--
Silt. 20. 1843-3 t
Estate of Rebecca Dean,
Late of Tyrone township, deceased.
' I'ICE is hereby given, that Letters
i.L•II testamentary on the last will and tes
tament of said deceased have becu granted
to the subscribers. rill persons therefore
iud lited to the estate of said deceastl, are
r, !.te.l to make immediate p tyntent, and
all h tying chains to present them duly at. ,
thenticiikd for srtticnn ut, to
Sept. 20, 1843. tit Tyrone tp.-
Z 117.7 CD a by t&o Clip c.
All persons are lit re 4 waife d that I, the
subse iber, put chased at Slierft's Salt, on
on the 15th day of September inst., as the
1,1.1.-11 C f Christian ()y_ r, in B.irree town
! solp, Huntingdon couoty, the billowing pro
pe which I have lett in the possession of
• the said 0) cr, it not being cotvehient ten re
mere the saint% to wit : 1 Nipper horse;
cm. mare, 11 years old ; 1 dn. do„, 7 years
ode!; 1 grey arli'.g colt; 3 Cows; 3 twty
year old heifers; 3 spring calves; 4 calves;
8 hogs; 1 sleigh, liatkcss aktll•ol.,c ; 1 buggy
wag..n ; 2 sets of wapiti gears; 1 two 11,
w.,g00 ; 1 wind. mill ; 1 vertical wood saw ;
two laths of the hay, oat:;, C. 111 alol !nick
whit ; 1 inaii saddle; tell the property in the
old house ; I side-bard ; I gilt frame Ica ic
ing glass; 1 rug; a 1 the odd and new rarv-t
-ing in the house; 1 1, ck . ng chair; a lot of
cord woe d n 1 the wood s ; 1i loz,:n chairs; 1
p eit of brass atal.irens, shovels and tot gs ;
1 settee to el furniture , 1 buretiu and book
case on top; 1 smell stove and pipe; 1 corner
cupboard ; 2 guns; 1 eight day clock and
case ; 3 chaff beds and bedding ; all the win
dow curtains in the house; a lot of old arti
cli sin the garret ; 1 ni,.ple secretary and
bo k-core; 1 inah ,, gaily trained looking glass;
1 hi. ntel clock ; 4 udiles ; to h t (.1 brick in
the kin ; 1 Cherry bureau ; 1 small walnut
barcala and all the of he property of
said Over. All persons are diet clove hereby
cautioned mid f wewarned against intermecl.
dii„ g with the ounce nienti , •ned property, as
the Sallie belongs to itie, and I will preceed
acrordiog to low og;.inst any person inter
meddling with the sante tr an trirt there , f.
BENJ. K. M'MUlt 11(1E.
nuntingdon, S. pt. 20, 1843.-31
Estate of Mallheiv _ _
lode e f West titr. , ship, Hulitingdort
county, dectustd.
OT ICE is hereby given, Shot letters
to (11)1111 the mad estate have
been grant, d to the undersigned. All per
sons inele•hte d to said estate are t . eque•xticltu
nt k • immediate• stela, and tl , nse !loving
chinis ur demands age lust the sante ore re
(rested to present them duly authenticated
tor settlement, tee
Sept. 13, 1843-6 t West
LANK DEEDS, of an improved
form. for sale at ihis (ace.
N.NTUR ALM .4 1'N) N.