Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 11, 1843, Image 3

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    , U , llacza cUcmanznzaenla.
Huntingdon, Oct. 11, 1 S4ll,
CO'V. B. PALMER, Esq. (No. 59, Pine street
below Third, Philadelphia,) is authorized to act as
Agent for this paper, to procure subscriptions and
w,564.1 ie wanted at this office in payment of sub
scription, .I%l:Ming and job work.
At ten o'clock last night no clue had been discov
ered that could attach suspicion to any one as the
perpetrator of the horrid deed, although the police
had been during the day on a sharp look out. A
gentleman residing in the neighborhood of the Ca
thedral informs us that on Tuesday night last he
heard a loud scream, and not fifty yards from the
spot where the murder was committed, found a re
spectable looking woman lying in great agony from
a blow she had received on the head, by some per
son unknown. She was conveyed home by some
a:).• A man named Edward bourns, having been persons who happened to be passing that knew her,
tried and convicted at Michigan City for disinter-
since which .
she Las not been heard from. A negro
ring a body, has been sentenced to pay a fine of
$lOOO and to stand committed until paid, which is
woman was also knocked down at the
on day ni of
with him equivalent to imprisonment for life, unless
College alley and Mulberry street
released by an act of executive clemency. last, and is still lying ill from the Fri
effects ght of the blow.
She was also robbed of some bundles of shopping
Prom a Baftimore Paper. she had with her.
To Advertisers,
Advertisements must be handed in on Tuesday
looming before 9 o'clock to insure their insertion in
next morning's paper.
01'. OATS and CORN will be taken, at the
market price, in payment of subecription and job
bing due this office.
July 12, 1843.—tf.
Horrid Murder in Baltimore.
An intense excitement prevailed in Baltimore on , M
Friday the 29th ult., in the neighborhood of the On Thursday last by Benjamin F. Patton, Esq.,
ekthedml, in consequence a a young and respee- Mr.
table female having been brutally murdered in the town—all of Huntingdon county,
street on the previous evening. On enquiry we
learned that Miss Anna Maria Burke, aged about
twenty eight years, daughter of Mr. William B.
Burke, sexton of Emory Chapel, residing in the
family of Randall H. Mottle, Esq., whilst passing
along Mulberry street, directly opposite the Cathe
dral, had been knocked down, and had died from
the wounds she had received in the course of the
night. A jury was summoned over the body yes
terday morning, by A. Greenfield, coroner, in the
presence of his Honor the Mayor, who conducted
the investigation. On examination of the body, in
presence of the jury, a severe gash was visible be
hind the right ear fracturing the scull, and driving
a portion of the bone into the brain, which is sup
posed to have been the first blow received. Ano
ther gash, about three incites in length was visible
on her right eyebrow, which may have been inflic
ted by falling on the pavement, as well as a cut on
her upper lip. A severe blow hsd also been re
ceived on the rightjaw, breaking the limo
Knocking out one of her teeth, which was evidently
inflicted while she lay insensible on the pavement.
After examining the body, the jury retired into
another room, when a post mortem examination of
die body took place, conducted by Drs. Perkins,
Thomas Buckler, and Donovan. In the mean
while the following persons were examined in an
endeavor if possible, to ferret out the perpetrators
of this atrocious murder
Mrs. Ellen Fell, lives at Mrs. Evan Poultney's
opposite the cathedral—the deceased stopped at
Mrs. Ponltney's about 8 o'clock and stated that she
was going down to Mrs. Hahn's, on Lexington st.,
for her bonnet, and that on her return she would
call for one of Mrs. Moalo's children who had been
spending the day there. In twenty minutes after,
the servant man called her down stairs, and she
found the deceased in the entry with her head
dreadfully cut—she said she had been knocked down
on her way back from Mrs. Hahn's, at the corner of
the alley on Mulberry street, nearly in front of Mr
John P. Morris's door—she did not know who
struck her, or whether ho was black or white—
heard a man following her from the corner of
Charles street, and when she reached the corner of
the alley he knocked tier down without saying a
word—that she lay insensible for sonic time, and
when she canto to, she crawled to Mrs. Poulnoy's
door and rang the bell. Witness brought her a
basin of water, and endeavored to bind up her
wounds; whilst washing her mouth one of her jaw
teeth feel out—finding she could not stop the Wee
ding she took her around, with the assistance of a
servant man, to Mr. Moale s, and remained with her
until she died, at 4 in the morning. Witness had
known the deceased about a year, and has no idea
who committed the act, nor does site know whether
she had any enemies.
Mr. and Mrs. Moale stated to the jury that the
deceased had lived with them about three years,
and that she was loved and respected by all in the
house, from themselves down to the servants in the
kitchen. She was employed as a nurse and seam
stress—that a young man by the name of Johnson
bad paid his addresses to her about a year ago, but
not recently—supposed he ceased his attentions on
account of the circumstance of his having but one
hand and being unable to support a family.
Mr. George Kraft, a brother-in law of the decea.
sed, did not know that any one had been paying
attention to her but Mr. Johnston—never hoard her
say why ho had ceased visiting her—did not think
bile had any enemies.
Mr. Wesley Burke, brother of the deceased, has
no idea who could have committed the act—his sis
ter had no enemies to his knowledge—had not seen
her since last Tuesday week.
Mr. Johnson, the person alluded to as having
paid attentions to her was next called to testify.—
Ile stated that he had ceased visiting her from the
conviction that his circumstances would not admit
of marriage—he had still respected her and that
they were on good terms up to the time of tier
death. Whenever they met he always stopped and
spoke to her. There was no rival in the matter,
and has not heard of any one addressing her since.
The jury being under the impresion that the &-
maid had been mistaken by the assassin for some
one else, and from the fact of her Navin;
moments before cants from Mr. Poultney's house,
summoned Miss Lam Baconhart, a young girl living
in Mr. P's family. She stated that she had been
living in the family nearly a year, having previously I
came. from the country. She did not know of any
one that harbored ill-will—had never seen the de-
ceased but unce or twice.
The doctors having closed their post mortem ex
amination now reported to the jury that she had
died from a piece of her scull being driven into the
brain, caused by a blow on the back of the head.—
The jury therefore returned a verdict in accordance
with the facts—that she had come to her death by
blows inflicted by some person unknown to the
His Honor the Mayor has promptly offered a
reward of $5OO for the arrest of the murderer, and
we hope that nothing will be left undone that can
lead to the detection and punishment of so great an
On Tuesday the 3d inst., by the Rev. D. M'Kin
ney, Mr. HENRY M'CLELLAND, of Allegheny
Furnace, to Miss MARY, daughter of D. H. Moore,
Esq. of Hollidaysburg.
7.) z 1 a,
At his residence, in Harris township, Centre
county, on the 29th ult., Mr. JOHN IRVIN, in the
72d year of his age.
ror. SALE O 1 RENT.
That well known pn.perly called lhe
Sliaffersville stand, near ‘Vaterstreet, will
be °tiered for sale or rent, at public outcry,
on Saturday the 4th day of November neat , .
The real estate and merchandise will he
exposed to sale collectively. Should a
sale not be effected iii that way, they will
men be often.," separately. The real es
ale intlepen , `ent of the Merchandise, con
:i.ts -of
OfSO /2. , 29 6Z3
of nt be ri yis Lime Stone Land.
god 1,10 .1111 y TNV EliN HOUSE, a
Li ;21. 1`1111 , 11,111.11t ne house,
r s. , flictent 5 . 1. 131 .1 NG
N s • r
or .1 number ofa
aiso a fountain [moil) at the door
of never toning limestone water. nil
a!so is never of water passes
through the premises, sufficiently strong
to supply a foundry or many other valua
ble.stnsl profitable machineries.
br the above will be
maile known on ow day of sale.
fhr stor- consios 01 . a qaantity of
of the best kind, well helected, and bo!ight
on the lowest terms, none of a inch cite be
considered old stock. The sane will be
sold at a very liberal percentage 01l the
first cost.
The terms to be one hall in hand, the
balance on the Ist April 1844.
Should the real estate not be sold, the
purchaser of the merchandize shall then
pane the First chart,• to ret►t the stand.
Person: demi on: le embark in the
Mercantile Business,
would do well by securing the atm, e pro
perty—for it has certainly many coulee
hienues anti atly.ottages. It is located on
'he 'umiak'', ,nd but a lew hundred rods
from the Ca tittl--and surround, d by a rich
an,. hit kly settled net„liburliood.
Sale to continence On the premises, at
11 o'clock A. M., where dile attendance
will be given by the subscriber.,
.1-111,b1AN. TussEY & Cu,
Shafferaville. On t. 11, 1843. lid
Al. that 1,
the subscribe', pied' ,setl ;it Consianle's
Sale, a short time ;Igo, a, the property of
Philip Kemp, of 11. nor Hill, liiiiitins,don
eoutity the 10110, , in.:. prop, ty, viz:
saw; ia Ale and martingale;
1 set It, u. h.; 9 cooper sluf f ; I 110 g;
and all prop, rt), subject to levy awl sale
by execution.
All persons are therefor, It reby cau
tioned and forewarned interitted
tiling with the above mentioned plop Al? .
as the -aloe belongs to nio,and I will pro
ceed ace&rding to law itgainst any person
tote; meddling with the sans, or tins pill
thereof. DAVI!) HA Rltlf •K.
Manor Hill. 0t... I. I, 184:I.—pi
Sii t'entm 'Reward.
Ran away from the subscriber
resitting in Warriormaik Town,
I' on Monday the 18th inst., m in
ted apieitice, named lvu
JOHNk cs.r.
All perosns and hereby forbid
trusting or harboring said MI,
under, the penalty of the law.
Sept. 27th 1843.
I LANK BONDS—Juckinent and coin t .
t mea—for sale at this office.
I I. -4 Tr.
n few
! I.
-- d .0 public
1110, nil OW t ! nit Thin An , : . -0 1
day of November next, 1843, ili,
'41,1 estate, I.tte of John Miller, Esq. of the
borough of Ilnntingdon, der'il., viz:
All that 1111 Id ground on the northerly
side of 11111 street, opposite the Market
house in the borough of Huntingdon,
fronting 50 feet on Hill street, and ex
tending back 185 leet to Washington
0. - reet ; bounded by Bath street on the
west, and a lot of Samuel Steel, Esq. on
the east, with a large Iwo story brick
house and frame stable thereon erected.
All that other lot of , round on the nor •
therly side of Hill street. in said borough,
fronting 50 feet on said street, and extend
ing hark :2.00 feet to Washington street,
being lot No. 101 in the plan of said town,
. ._ .
',winded by a lot late of John Yocum on
the east, with a two story house, part log
and part triune, and a blacksmith iihop
all those two adjoining lots of ground
on the southerly side of Hill street, in said
bormiuh bounded he a lot of Win. Ward on
the west, and a hitiifJolin M'Cahan on the
~a st; each of said lot- fromiag 50 feet on
Hill street, and extending HI depth 200
fei.r to 11-gheny street, and being lots
No. 82 and 83 in the plan of said town;
oith a large two story weather boarded
house, part frame and part log, a large log
sable with a slope basement, and a tan
yaril and larue Frain,. Tan House thereon.
Ihe ri It of the above property is indis
-I,A ihle.
Te , ine of Sale —Onii half of the put ,
chits, looney to he pill On the confirma
ruin of the sale, and residue within on.
year +hereafter, with interest ; to be sect
by Ow bond morlaage (it Ihr poi
chaser. H thy court,
JO lIN REED. Clerk.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock \. M
of said Attendance will 9,:typo by
.I. , (2,011 MILLER, Trustee, &c.
Oct. 11, 1643. •
MING desirous to have my real estate
solcl at a fair price for the times and of
paying my debts as far, and as soon its pos
sible, I tak this early opportunity to an
nounc, the sale of the following described
property by tlici s iberilf at the November
court, now next suing, and most respect
fully invite person to cet and examine the
adjoinin; Jacob Lex on the west, with
frame building, with brick front, 30 by 34
L, I.OICI Et..d n halt stories high, plastered
from top to bottom, containing
Roomv and Iwo Cellars,
calculated tor two families—splendidly fin
ished with cornish and windows in
front; with double stable, 18 by Srlfeet, and
other back buildings, and protected by a
wharf 81} tort high.
'lwo (biros of a Lot,
adjoining th- above, protected by a stone
wharf fii feet high, with a
Brick &Wing 40 feet front by 20 feet
back, with a back building
18 by 20tet.
three and a half stories high, containing 10
rooms, with I irge hall, and Piaza, and all
plastered, and a cellar under the whole buil
oing,--cornish and dormant windows in front
—three rooms and the hall splendidly pa
pered, and four Russian Sheet Iron Grates,
permanently fixed in the fire-places—p.srcW
to th back.building—alsn a back building
on the lot
One third of a Lot
:idjoining the above, protect, d by a wharf
feet high, with a
building 20 feel front by 5011 back,
(being the store-room, and it is said to be the
most splendid in the county,)—three and a
hall stories high; the third story being in
one room, second story in three rooms, first
story being the
and all plastered—the store being furnished
in the best style, having the common shel
ving; with glass cases round the whole room,
and 32 drawers, two heavy panneied coun
ters, with heavyj;opular plank tops, each
counter being 36 feet inug...aiso sash d oo rs
between store and office. All the above
buildiogs in one block.
Call and see, i r plitleincti, I will ix happy
to show you through,
Sept. 27. 1843.—te..
17%43;10'kt 2)
I.E I L.ll Taa. L.W
zlnc raitrag are offered for
R. 1.4 s 1, , containing each about
250 Acres, of fine Limestone
and Chocolate Land, well water
ed and improved, with a due proportion of
wood, situate on the State Road, in Trough
Creek Valley, six tr files from the Raystoun
branch of the Juniata and Chilcoatstown,
about 7 from the fub.mill Gap, 13 from
Campbell's L, ck on the State Ca
and 20 from M'Connellsburg
and the town of Huntingdon.—
They are surrounded by a respec
table and thriving population, establisoed
more than 50 years since; and are near to
several iron works, which, independent of
other sources, afford markets foi the producr
of this fertile and beautiful valley.
For information, apply to Mr. James En-
Jr._, Coffee-Rim P. O. Huntingdon co.
Pa., or Mr. Willi. m Roark, Br , . id-top I'.
0. Huntingdon co, who will show the
Aug. 16, 1843 --into. Philadelphia.
'.li4 MI. VlM=lto
Lk? of Letters
t EM Al N 1 N . (j G int he Post 0 %l at Hun
,j,j's iowion, l'a., ctoher Ist 1 ,it not
called for pr,•vious t i the Ist of January next
they will b, sent to the General Postbilice
as dead letters.
Ash J , s , Elder Latcers James
Ainieri , o Miss Mary Livingston John
B, II Wats.oa Capt NI ter Pierre
C. t!-eilT. Jacoh McCord James
Cisixton Alex. McDivit Miss Jane
Crowny r J • slab Moore John
Dill) Jacii!l Jr McCoy Vincent
Davis P Miss Maly Plii,ips Lucrisda
Dodson John VI . De Baux Powell 2
Deffeoliacher A Reed James country
Fee John Reigard Wm.
Green F S Shenebrough Cnsper
Gross William Skelly A Muhaiel
1 Hamelton Hays Smith Hader
Hammond Philip Steil Thoillas
Hight George Thompson JohnlWal-
Henderson Mathias ker tp.
Johnston John Thomas D Barton
Kiler George ' Taytor Jno nail cutter
Zally Daniel
October 4, 1843.
Umbrella, Parasol 4. Sun-shade
No 4 South Fourth ,treet, below Market
(Successor to R. Rtchie.)
Respectfully announces to the ladies and
gentlemen of Huntingdon county, that he has
constantly on hand, wholesale and retail, a
large and splendid assortment of Sun-shades,
Parasols and Umbrellas of the very best
materials that can be obtained in this mar
ket, and being manufactured under his im
mediate superintendence, the quality and
workmanship will be warranted equal, if not
superior, to any in the city, at the lowest
cash prises.
CU' Merchants ap•c invited to call and ex
amine the stock.
Phil'a September 27, 1893. 3m.
Potts, Zinn .4• Harris,
holesa Drol l gists and Apothecaries,
No 213} MAT ST. PHICA.
N. B. The Harrititthe above firm, is Dr.
John Harris, Knode, in Hnntingdon and
Centre counties.. Moving been lung engaged
in the Drug bushiest/in 4,Pe country, he trusts
he will be the !Atte? prepare?! to meet the
wants of country dromsts, storek,epers and
September 27,1843,4—pd.
Wholesale Clock Establishment,
1 . 7 l ax . ,
n i t s e c
l t o tn s d
i t n h ed , a e r
t a e s d -
States, among which are Forrestville, Hills
Goodrich & Co., Atkins, Porter & Co.,
Ives' Brewsters, and other eight day brass
clocks. C. Jerome's. Bristol manufacturing
company, Atkins. Porter & C c.,
Goodrich & Co., Forrestville, H. Welton's,
and other thirty hour brass clocks, Board
ePtisuLt & M.-11 itkins and Alfred's, H. C.
Smith's and other wood clocks.
Sole agent for CranAiCeielimted year and
month alas, as well as several of the above
mentioned. •
Also, church and hall clocks.
Watchmakers, Merchants and others, will
find it to their interest to call.
Lo king Glasses manufactured.
Philadelphia. July 28, 1843.-3 m
Dr. Moffat's Life Pills
The perfectly sale, unerring and suc
cessful treatment of almost every species
of disease by the use of Dr M OFFAT'S LIFE
M EDICINES, is 110 longer an experiment ;
as a reference to the experience of many
thiiiminil patients will satisfactorily prove.
During the present month alone, nearly
one hundrod cases have come to the
knowledge of Dr. MoPsaT, where the pas
'lent has to all appearance, efteeied a per•
mictent cure by the exclusive and judi
cious use of the Lite Medicines—some
.•ight iir ten of these had been considered
hopeless by their physicians. Such happy
results are a source of great pleasure to Dr.
M., and inspire him with a new confidence
to recommend the use of his medicines to
his fellow citizens.
The Lim MEDICINES are a purely
VEGETABLE preparation. They are mild
and pleasant in their operation, and at the
same time thorough—acting rapidly upon
the secretions of the system—carrying off
acrimonious humors, and assimilating
ted purifying the blood. For this reason,
ni aggravated cases of Dyspepsia, the Life
Medicines will give relief in a shorter
space of time than any other prescription.
In Fever and Ague, inflammatory Wien
oviiisin, Fevers of every oesciiption, Sick
Ileadaehes, Heartburn, Dizziness in the
Pains in the Chest, Flatulency, lm.
p:iired Appetite, and in every disease ari.
sino m from impurity at the blood, or a (limo
ordered state of the stomach, the use of
these medicines has always proved to be
oeyond doubt, greatly superior to any
other mode of treatment.
All that Dr. Moffat asks of his patients
is to be particular in taking them accot
ding to the directions. It is not by a
newspaper notice, or by any thing that he
may say in their favor, that he hopes to
. 4 ain credit. It is alone by the result of .
littr trial. Is the reader an invalid, and
does he wish to know whether the Lite
M edic i nes will suit his own case ? Ilse,
let hum call at the office of the agent, and
procure a copy of the Good Samaritan,
published gratuitously. He will there
God enumerated very many extraordinary
uses of cure; perhaps some exactly simi
lar to his own.
• by JAcon MILLER, Huntingdon,
ugu,:a SO, 1843. 3,n
OPT in Alain &reef, two dinrs East cf
AlcCenatcll's nmperancc !Anise.
~~.s :~~J~ 3'j3C~o
00 -4-44:1„:X.
WIESPEI. IFULLY Moms the citizens
4.54 , of Huntingdon, and the public, in gen
eral, that he still continues the
Taal g Business,
St his old stand, in Main street, in the bo
rough of Huntingdon, in the brick house
immediately opposite the store of Thomas
Read, where lie is fully prepared and ready
to accoMmodate all, who may favor him
with a call. _ .
lie receives, regularly, from New York,
Scott's .111 -to York, Park and London
and he is dote mined to employ none but the
best and most experienced workmen; and
he guarantees to execute all orders in his
line in the most fashionable and wit kmam
like manner, or according to the wishes and
orders of customers.
COUNTRY PRODUCE gill be taken,
at the market lattice, in payment of work
done at his shop.
Thankful for favors', he solicits a
continuance of public patronage.
August 16, 1843.—tt.
( Estate of Michael Wallace, late of Moe•
ris township, decensed. )
Z2Qcsa..3l2 l'cci)ttaccis• 2 2
, Persons indebted to the es
tate of Michael Wallace,
late of Morris township, deed., are hereby
notified to come torward and pay off their
accounts. Suits will he instituted immedi
ately after the first of January next, against
all who neglect to comply with this notice.
Aug. 23, 1843.-3 m pd Surviving Adel..
Late of Cromwell township, Huntingdon
county, deed.
Notice is hereby given that letters of ad
minstration upon the laid estate have be.•n
granted to the undersigned. All pertols
having claims or demands against the same
are requested to make them known without
delay, and all persons Indebted to make im
mediate payment to
WM. THOMPSON, Cromwell tp.
ISAIAH. SHORE, Springfield tp.
September :27, 1843.-6 t.
The subscriber is now prepared to furnish
every description of CHAIRS, froM the
plain kitchen to the most splendid and fash
ionable one for the parlor. Also the ,
in which the feeble and afflicted invalid,
though unable to walk even with the aid of
crutches, may with case move himself front
room to room, through the garden and in
the street, with great rapidity.
Those who are about going to housekeep
ing, will find it to their advantage to give
hint a call, whilst the Student and Gentle
man of leisure are sure to find in his newly
invented Revolving Chair, that comfort
which no other article of the kind is capable
of affording. Country merchants and ship
pers can be supplied with any quantity at
short notice.
No. 113 South Second street, two doors
below Dock, Philadelphia.
May 31, 1843.---1 yr.
No. 493 Market Slreet,—above 13//i
Respectfully invites the attention of those
who buy for cash (as he sells on no other
terms) to his very large and splendid assort
ment of Hardware and Cutlery, just re
ceived from England, in addition to his usual
stock of
Foreign and Domestic Hardware,
of the best quality.
He earnestly requests them to examine
elsewhere, and after ascertaining the lowest
prices at which they can purChase, then to
call notwithstanding the distanCe and unin
fluenced by the vernal ks of interested deal
ers in the same business. and enquire the
prices of the same goods at his store.
It is his fixed determination, and he wish
es it so distinctly understood, not only to sell
as cheap as any other store, but positively
His arrangements are so made, he be
lieves, as to enable him to do so. and yet
make a small profit. At all events, cash
purchasers will find it their interest to call.
Cheap Hardware Store alai Nall
Warehouse. No. 493 112arket Street,
between 13th and Broad.
Philadelphia, Aug. 23, 1843.
Estate of Daniel Fornwalt,
Late o/ Morris toton3hip. Huntingdon
county, deceased.
. .
r y O•I'ICE is hereby given that letters of
administration upon the said estate
have been granted to the undersigned. All
pet sons having claims or demands against
the same are requested to make them known
without delay, and all persons indebted to
make immediate payment to
Morris township.
Aug. 23, 1843,
Estate of Dr. 0. f a\ Scott.
Late of the Borough of Bina:ugh=
Huntingdon county, decd. . . .
Notice is %midiy given, that letters testa
mentary upon the will at said dec'd have been
granted to the undersigned. All persons
indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment, and those having claims
or demands against the same are requested
to present them duly authenticated for set
Clement, to
JOHN scow, Jr. Ex'r. and
Birmingham, Aug. 16, 1843.
JirsT received, and for sale, wholesale
arid retail, a large supply of Doctor
istar's Balsam of 11 Cherry —also,
Houck's Panacea, at the Huntingdon Drug
Store. THOci. READ.
Job Printing.
Ti tiE
otter at in,
sale on the premises, on Friday that
E.lthii day of October next, a tract of lane
situate in 11'est township. Iluntingdon
coutoy, miles front the Pennsylvania
Canal) adjoining, hods of Peter :Shoen
berger, IL Cunninguatit and others, con-
430 Acres,
and is said to be oue of the best if heat
farms in the county. The improveme"ts
are two Dwriling Hours and a large Bank
Barn. lucre are dare !lover tailing
wells and one spring of water tin the
premises, and a large Apple and Peach
On the above farm are several large
beds at White Clay, such :is is usvil tor
making tire proulbtitk. It has been tried
in Huntingdon and llolbdaysburg, unit
found to answer the purpose. Fur a de
scription of It sec the report of Prof. Hen
ry U. Ro4ers, State Geologic'.
The slate on the surface of the ground
is dimity impregnated with iron, and a
number tut veins of ore have been opened
on different parts of the farm, and there
is little, doubt but that they could be sue , .
cessfulty wotked.
The subscriber beinn• ' desirous of dispn ,
sing the above name d property, he will
sell it in two separate farms or the whole.,
to suit purchasers.
Any person. wishing to see and examine
the premises, is invited to roll on the sub ,
scriber, residing on the premises, at any
time between this and the day of sale.
Terme of Sale will be made known on
the day of sale by
Sept. 27, 1843.—t5.
Auditor's Notice.
jr,HP: 'creditors of Joseph Maze, late of
• the borough of Huntingdon deed., will
take noticp that the undersigned auditors
appointed to distribute among the creditors
of said dec'd. the assets remaining in the
hands of Wray Mate, his administrator,
will meet for that purpose at the office of
himas P. Campbell in the borough of Hun
tingdon oil Thursday the 26th day of Octo
ber next, when and where all persons inter
ested arc requested to present their claims,
or be debarred from coming in for a share
of the assets.
Sept. 27, 18.11 Aditors.
agranawaim am) vannrif
Office So. 159 Chesnut Street.
Make insurances of lives, grant anninuitles
and EndowNents, and receive and e
Rates for insuring $lOO, on a singliWlN
Age. For 1 year. Fur 7 years. For life;
annually. annually
$095 $177
1 36 2 36
1 83 3 20
2 09 4 60
491 700
20 60 91
30 1 31
40 1 69
50 1 96
60 435
--- .
EXAMPLE iLA person aged 30 years, by
paying the company $1 31 would secure to
his family or hews $lOO, should he die in one
year—or for $l3 LU he secures to them $:000
Or for $l3 60 annually for 7 years, he se
cures to them $lOOO should he die during
the 7 years—or for $23 60 paid annually du
ring life lie provides for them 1000 dollars
whenever he dies— for $65 SO they would re
ceive 5000 dollars, should he die in une year.
Further particulars respecting Life Insur
ance, Trnsts, or management of Estates and
property confided to them, may be had at
the office.
B W.RICHARDS.Ptesidcut
JNO. F. JAMES, Actuary.
Phira. April 19, 1843.-6 m.
Commission and Forwarding
Granite Stores, lower side of Race street,
on the Delaware, Philadelpfna.
41154 ESP EC T FULLY inform their friends
stasi and the merchants generally, that they
have taken the large W hart and Granite
Front Stores, known as Ridgeway's Storrs,
immediately below Race street, is addition
to their old wharf, where they will con
tinue the produce commission business, as
also to receive and forward goods to all points
on the Juniata, and North and West branches
of the Susquehanna Rivers. via. the Tide
Water, and Pennsylvania, and Schuylkill and
Union canals.
This establishment has many advantages
over any other in the city in point of mom
and convenience for the accommodation a
boats and produce. Being one of the largest
wharves on the Delaware, and the stores
extending from Water street to Delaware
Front. Five or six boats may at the same
tune be loading and discharging. The usual
facilities will be given on all consignments
entrusted to their charge, which will be thank
fully received and meet with prompt atten
tion. Brit, Fish and Planter, constantly on
hand and for sale ut the lowost market price
References, l'hiladelphin,
J. Ridgway,Estf. .1 Brock, son & Co
Jacob Lex & Sun Waterman &Osbourn
Mulfurcl & Alter Scull & Thompson
Wilson, Seiger & Bro E J Ettii,g & Bro
Bray, Barcrott & C o Morris, l'att,rsou & co
Lower & li:u•row.
A & G Blimyer
J & Milliken
Patterson & Horner .1 McCoy, E,:q.
Stewart & Howell E W Wike, Esq,
February 8,1843.-6 in.
A LL persons who know themselves In-
Q•sl Orbted to the subscriber for subscrip
tion, :idvertising i:o j,,b soot k, are re•questtd
to make pnyment immediately, if net sooner,
as I expect to leave these diggins" in a
short time.
n, ugust 9, 1:31.3.