Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 04, 1843, Image 2

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'One country, one constitution, one destiny.
`lwailaUUsala aU. a:JD az 9
Wednesday morning, Oct 4, 1843.
Z - • V. B. PALMER, Esq. (No. 59, Pine street
below Third, Philadelphia,) is authorized to act as
Agent for this paper, to procure subscriptions and
Democratic Harritiom Ticket.
Election 2nd 71scsday (10th) of October 1843.
*en. JAMES 1RV127,
OP BU x•ri Nan. 110013' (1 yr.)
Of TOD TO. (3 yre.)
or raAsKLIN TP.
In to-days' paper, on the first page, will be
found an Address from the President of the Dele
gate Convention that formed the Ticket at the head
of this paper, to the Democratic Harrison voters of
this county. It contains good and wholesome ad
vice, which we hope will not be lost upon those to
whom it is addressed.
Look Out ! Look Out !!
WS 111.11, •
cmnty, to look out for lying handbills wnich will
probably be circulated during this week, by persona
from this place. Our opponents will resort to every
species of deception to breuk down the organization
of the party—many deep games will be played to
lead the Harrison Democrats of this county into
the support of their measures. They may slander
the 1. arty and its journals, and we ask our friends
to pass them by as unworthy of notice. Remember
that you are on the eve of an election, and that you
may expect to see many anonymous statements.—
Look Out, then ! We say again LOOK OUT !!
Remember, before you decide to vote against the
Whig tickets for Congress, that that party are in
favour of a distribution of the proceeds of Public
Land Sales among the states, and the Locos oppose
it. Could we obtain the proceeds of these . Wes
v. It ch are ours by every right, the amount would
lessen taxation, and help to pay oir at least the in
terest on our State Debt,
Counterfeiter A.rrested
A person was arrested in Warren, ter• , -
fore last for passing Counterfeit money, and un ex
amination upwards of three thousand dollars us
counterfeit $2O bills on the Harrisburg Bunk were
found in his possession. Ile was committed for
Take Care of Tour Tickets.
Especial care should be taken by the Whigs to
have their Tickets spelled correctly. We observe
an error in the spelling of the name of one of our
candidates for Canal Commissioner in the Miner's
Journal. Tho names of our candidates are spelled
as follows:
A Name.
The infant daughter of the Queen of Portugal is
to be baptised Donna Maria Anna Fornanda Leo-
poldina Michaela Rafaela Gabriella Carlota Antonia
Julia Victoria Praxedea Ganzaga de Bragadza e
Bourbon Saxe Coburg c Gotha.
The Liberty Party,
The National Liberty Convention, which net at
Burlido, N. Y., ranominatedJames G. Birney, for
President, and Thomas Morris, for Vice 'President.
A letter from Wm. Joy was read to the Convention,
declining being a candidate. The whole number of
delegates voting was 148, all of whom voted for
Dirncy and Morris.
cov It is understood, that Governor Porter h.
tigued or will sign the General Appropriation Bill
passed by the last Leislature, which lie has been
"halting between two opinions" about since the
We are diepwed to hope also that the signature
to the bill to authorize the prosecution of }Limy,
Moline, Brodhead &c., will now be tortucoining.
Cr. , Jump your !moll, Judas," is the exhort&
tier) which the Hoosiem proffer John Tyler, when.
u .C.:.llll2cter lc ?ernoved.
For the "Journal."
luntingdon, Sep. 28, 18 i 3.
Ma E nITon
Permit me to announce through
your columns, that I decline being a candidate for
the office of County Treasurer, at the ensuing Gen
eral Election.
Truly grateful to the Democratic Convention, for
the honor they have clone lit, in placimi my name
on the tick t. I touch re,ret Mitt atftimon to my
private h t,itt ev Compels to
tic ck. t.
servant. &'.
jiatL.:Pia MUID 2ei
HARRISON DEMOCRATS, that it is your duty
on next Tuesday
Remember, that for the glorious privilege of va
ting, our fore-fathers fought and bled, and who that
calls himself an American—the decendant of these
noble sires, dare for a moment trifle with the impor
tant trust placed in his hands, and absent himself
from the Polls.
Disgraceful Riots.
The Mifflin County Gazette of Saturday last
says The quiet of our usually peaceable borough
was interrupted on the nights of Saturday and Sun
day last by a series of mobs or riotous assemblages,
of the most dirgraceful and reprehensible character.
In consequence of the breeches occasioned in the
canal below this place, by the late flood in the Ju
niata, a large number of boats had collected here.—
On Saturday a difficulty originated between some
boys belonging to the boats, and two or three vicious
and quarrelsome negroes, belonging to this place.
In the evening the negroes caught one of the boat
boys by himself, and it is said beat and abused him
in a most brutal manner. The news spread amongst
the boatmen. and they determined to have revenge.
The assembled, to the number of perhaps, one hun
dred, mostly boys, and repaired to the section of our
goodly borough where the sable sons of Africa
most do congregate," venting their rage in hitter
curses and imprecations against the offending dar
kies, whom they demanded should be delivered into
their hands to be dealt with in strict conformity to
the rules of justice laid down by that occasionally
popular law-giver, Judge Lynch. The offenders,
satisfied, no doubt, that they would have little to
expect from their "tender mercies" of their assail
ants, very prudently concluded io just step out.—
Meanwhile, the mob not succeeding in finding the
individuals they were in search of, after exhibiting a
specimen of their courage and prowess, by bombar
ding with stones and brickbats, a house occupied by
an old negro named Gibbons, were through the
exeruone of some of our citizens
induced to desist and retire to their boats.
The matter would have ended here, perhaps, but
some straggler belonging to the beseiging party,
pushing his explorations a little to far in the heart
of the enemy's territory, was out off from the main
body of the assailing forces, and falling into the
ham's of a scouting party of the. Haytians, was pret
ty severely handled. This re-kindled the resent
ment of boatmen afresh. and they resolved to wait
until the next night, and attack the negroes in
regular order.
Aftzr "Nursing their wrath to keep it warm,"
until Sunday evening, they assembled in force, their
numbers being considerably augmented by new re
cruits, all perfectly organized and under the com
mand of chosen leaders. Some of our citizens began
to apprehend that the !natter might result in serious
consequences. as many of those roil! osing the mob
had been indtegin.: freoly in Fvillr nn.l 'lir!: t .1--
terous belnniou• iur, , : c• .
inisehief. •'r r.,
Mi , lersuid . , .
repaired to tile 6, r . r ;
,iO,l e., I, ,hted to the
mob the .iivrovi let) of their coniltut —their own
peril if they persisted, and gave diem every assu
rance that the negroes who had offended should be
brought to justice, if they would retire peaceably,
and take the proper legal mode of redress. They
would not listen to reason or persuasion, however,
the noise and tumult was increasing. Finding
every effort to quell the disturbance unavailing the
Sheriff made a requisition on the volunteers, which
was promptly responded to by both companies:—
The appearance of the military operated as a sudden
check upon the proceedings of the mob. Several of
the most active of them were arrested and commit
ted to jail, and the balance retired to their boats.
It is but justice to say that very few, if any of the
masters, or persons having the charge of the boats
took part in the disturbance. or countenanced it.
negroes who were the occasion of the distur
bance have been arrested and are now in jail.
Ma. &Lenin Ni Es.—The insanity of this
gentleman is understood to be on religious subjects.
On all others he is apparently rational• What is
the most simailar matter in connection with the
subject is that he went to the Asylum himself, sta
ted his case to his friend, Dr. Brigham, and placed
hunve,f under his medical treatment. Of his in
sanity there is no doubt, but there is hopes of his re
(.11 . Gov ,uI VI, 1.011.111 LAS issued a pro
chunation requiring the voters of that Territory ut
the• ensuing election to deposits ballots for or against
the speedy formation of a State Government.
j. The Chester Republican records the death of
William Mendenhall, Esq., of Concord township,
Delaware county, in the 88th year of his age. He
was formerly a member of the Legislature frosts that
11). The Maiyoutu eae tkoit. win be held to-day,
f Wedne,day.l
Stand by your
the rallying cry of e.-ry friend of Democratic Whig
principles. The co,'•ei .s not a contest for men, it
is a contest for principles; and there can be no
safety for the principles of the party, no assurance
of the ultimate success of those principles, unless
their friends stand by the regular nominees of the
party, who are pledged to su , tain them. This is
the true policy, and the only policy that can insure
the final and complete triumph of the party.
Let us see what is the real issue now pending,
and to be decided by the people at the approaching
election. On the CEIC side we have the glorious
on its ample folds:
ate al! in my
44 4 4
A PRO t Et: , IFF
sout►d National currency !
Distribution of the proceeds of
the Public Lands!
Just restraints of the 311xeontive
An Honest and conomtcal Ad,
ministration of the Government !
The Democratic Whig Candidates are pledged to
support all these measures, the final success of
which is the only guarantee for the future prosperi
ty of the country.
On 'lie other side we have, casting its dark
shadows over the political and individual prosperity
of the State and Nation, Tits is LACK fro or LO
COFOCOISM, on which is inscribed:
4 4 4
Free Trade and
Dirt ct Taxation!
ot she proceeds of the
Public Lands!
_NP J0T10P,91.,
An I , .xtravagaikt and
t t
To these measures the Locofoco candidates are
pledged, and this is the true issue between the two
great parties. The success of the party is the suc
cess of the measures of the party. and the effect of
these different measures upon the prosperity of the
people, must be apparent to every one who will be
stow a moment's reflection upon the subject.
Can any Whig hesitate as to his course ? If ho
sincerely desires the sucoess Democratic Whig
principles, he will vote jri li,nocratic Whig can
didoes pledged to supp,t tuose principles. "Ev
,, p,•inc,pl e—nothing for melt !"
Itemem her !
Freemen of Pennsylvania, remember that by
voting for the Locofoco Candidates for Canal Corn
niissioners and members of Congress and the Le
gislature, you vote
oil the Public '. mks !
♦6AIYBT nisTßlntmos!
\ • U \
Currency !
Nil Ft Vi ii ;
By voting for the Democratic Whig Candidates,
you vote
Iczv'ca)a.L.Eas 2
For the 'tariff !"
Fi kit I.)P.TRIBUTIOA ! !
_ _
aa'a R. E 0y! ! ! !
W.P sz ea a d at) nu 28 8 8
Vote then for TWEED, WEAVER and
GUILFORD, and for Democratic Whig Candi
datos for Congress and the Legislature, and institute
that Reform in the Administration of the public af
fairs which is so much needed in our dishonored,
oppressed and misgoverned Commonwealth.
(Pa. Intelhgencer.
Trial for
The trial of Jame', Dolan and hiewife Bridget,
for the murder of Reim G. Gaits,—conunitted in
a shantee, near Athena, some time shwe,—termina
ted week before lea, at Towanda. The prisoners
were both found guilty of murder in tlie fret de
gree! Sentence of death was then pronounced
upon them by his Hunir, Jour, N. Coxyaou► w.
Vermont deserve. a compliment, and our Coon
this morning grins merrily at the whipped dunghill
of Locofocoism.
The official vote for Senators at the last election
has been received from all the Counties but one,
and gives the following result:— Whigs—Benning
ton, 2; Windham, 3; Windsor, 4; Rutland, 3;
Addison, 2; Franklin, 3; Chittenden, 2; Orleans,
1. Locofocos—Orange 3 ; Essex, 1; Caledonia,
2; Washington, 1 ; Lamoille, 1. Whigs, 20;
Loco Focos, 9. Grand Isle tohear from, which has
probably elected a Whig—and the Senate will
stand 21 Whigs to 9 Loco Focos. Last year, 16
Whigs to 14 Loco Focos. Waio Noy Gslx,
Tax !
A Young Woman and Six Children
Lost for two days and two nights
in the woods in Clearfield county.
... .
- -..-
On Wednesday the 13th ult., a Miss Rebecca
Ginter, a young woman living at or near the forks
of the Phillipsburg and Birmingham road, in Clear
field county, accompanied by six children, of from
12 to 4 years of age. went out into the woods to
gather berries. The day being cloudy they soon
got bewildered and lost, and at once commenced a
fruitless attempt to find their way out. All that
day (Wednesday) they rambled about, but night
closed on them, and still they were in the woods
and unprotected. On Thursday morning they again
commenced their wanderings. It was an exceed
ingly cold wet, gloomy day, as many of our readers
will recollect; raining from morning to night To
this inclement weather they were exposed the whole
of that day, and throughout the night following,
with their summer clothing for protection. On
this day their sufferings must have been great; for
they were wearied by Wednesday's exertions, shiv
ering with wet and cold. and almost exhausted with
hunger, yet they kept on in their fruitless attempts
to find a way out. But night again closed on them
—and a most chilling, trying night it must have
been. Exposed to the cold, pelting storm, the
gnawings of hunger becoming more and more in
tense, unprotected from the prowling beasts of the
woody country, and despair of finding their way out
increasing every hour, how painful must have been
their situation !
On Wednesday evening search for them com
menced. and was continued throughout Thursday
•c r rUlay morning some
two or three hundred persona met ana rormea a aims
to "sweep the mountain," us a last effart for their
discovery. But it happened that the unfortunate
young woman and children were too far to the right
is coin° within the range of the line, and so seemed
destined to perish. But kind Providence had or
dered otherwise. A young man in the extreme
right of the line, wandering a little from his true
course, heard a fuint cry in the distance. He
immediately gave notice to the lint, and after some
expostulation. a detachment started in the direction
indicated. and at about a quarter of a mile's march,
they found the little party huddled together under
a sort of shelter which the young woman had made
with broken branches of bushes &c., for their pro-
tection. In their extremity she had stripped her
own person to afford relief to one of her little corn
panlons. (a child 4 years old.) which was near per
ishing. They were all in the last stage of exhaus
tion. and must inevitably have perished if relief had
not been olPtrded that day.
One little incident is worthy of note, as it serves
to illustrate the happy effects of religious training in
childhood. The young woman having given up in
despair. and being touched to the heart with sym
pathy for her little sufferers, at one time gave vent
to her feelings in team and lamentations. One of
the little girls observing this, with all the earnestness
of a woman of nurturer years expostulated with her
for her despondency, and told her to be of good
cheer, "for the good Lord would deliver theta."
This account we have from a gentleman who
came through the neighborhood a day or two after
the occurrence, who informs us also that the crildren
were pretty well recovered, and that the young
woman was doing well and would regain her strength
in a few days.-1101. Register.
Dialogne between Sohn and Zoe.
John—What evidence of bad Clerkship did the
leading Locofoco nominee for Canal Commissioner
exhibit, when he estimated the whole cost of the
Internal Improvements at $13,000,000, instead of
$43,000,000 and over, which they have already cost,
Joe—Why he just " missed a figure" ! and I think
the people will return the compliment, by making
him miss a few more at the ensuing election!
John—That certainly is not improbable. But
can you tell me why the locomotive gentleman on
the same ticket, who lives in Allegheny and Brad
ford counties all at once, is so very popular mills'
Canal Contractors and Canal Officers?
Joe—l can't say absolutely, Unless that when
Engineer, he was a Foster father to them--and
allowed them to be fed liberally with Treasury
John—Not a bad guess Joseph—one more ques
tion and I have done. Why is Jesse (not "Jessie
the Flower of Dumb Nine," but) of Perry, a dan
gerous Miller for the People l
Joe—Oh that's easy enough—because, if not "a
rogue in gmbi"—he was a "speculator in wheat,"
and because, if he don't take too much toll from the
people's grist himself, he is apt to wink when others
plunder from it by the wholesale; and because,
whatever might be the changes of political seasons,
in drought or in plenty, "his pigs were always fat,"
and that you know has always been deemed a sus
picious circumstance!
John—Well Joe. I see you understand " a thing
or two," so let us adjourn for the present.—Penn
sylvania Telegraph.
(LI- The Hon. Elisha Whittlesey hos resigned
his office us sixth Auditor of the Treasury for the
Postelike Department.
r Columbia Co. Enuirer.
!•:') Remember Menlo!, the 10th.
On Thursday, the 28th ult., by Elder W. B.
Bingham. Mr. AARON I. SHUGERT of Spring
Forge. to Miss HANNAH BRUCE of Logan's
Valley, Huntingdon county.
On the same day in Petersburg, by the came, Mr.
H. M. BINGHAM of Mercer, to Miss REBECCA
ANN WINGARD of the the former place.
In Jail, in this Borough, on the 90th ult., by
Francis B. Wallace, Esq., Mr. JOHN THOMAS,
Esq., of Mill Creek, to Miss ROSE ANN BUT
LER, of this Borough.
In thin Borough, on Thursday morning last,
Mm. MARGARET MEHAFFY, at the advanced
age of about 90 years.
Late of Littnt,ngdo, bowie', deed.
Notice is hereby given that letters of ad
ministration upon the said estate have been
gym ted to the undersigned. All persons
leaving claims or demands against the same
are requested to make them known with ut
delay, and all persons indebted to make im
mediate payment to
.SEPH STEW RT. ildner.
Huntingdon, 0 ,, 4 1843 —6t.
Orphans' I inert Abtire.
T au Orphans' C , urt held at Huming
tea don on the 2d Monday of August last
past, a Rule was granted on the heirs and
legal re pn sentatives of William Carter, for
merly of Huntingdon county, and lately of
the State of Ohio, deed., to come into court
on the 2d Monday of November next, and
srcept or I fuse the real estate of said ch c'd
at the valuation thereof.
Octolwr 4, 184:3.--4t.
Orottre to Persons Interested.
By ue of a writ of Partition and valu
tn n issu d int of the Orphans' C. iurt of Hun
d it c• tint% , ot.d to tat directed, I will o n
ursilitt th 26th clay of October next, by
a Jun, of lequisitlini convent, d on thi prem
ises. proceed to make p ,rtitiim or valuation
f the real est.itt of Jacob ilagey, Jr. dee'cl.
situate in tell township, in said county ad
joining lands of \Arm Clayton, John Buggs
and others, when and where all persons in•
terested may oared if they think proper.
October 4, 1843 - 4r.
TO KING desirous to have my real estate
4.14.1 ;all at a fair price for the times and of
paying my debts as far, and as soon as pus•
sible, I tok this early opportunity to an
nounc the sale of the following described
property by the Sheriff at the November
urt, now next ensuing, and most respect
fully invite persons to call and ex imine the
adrinin; J.acnb L. x on th, west, with
trame building. with brick front, 30 13) 34
fret, three and u halt stork, high, plastered , •.p lastered -••• ,
12 R ,um., and w ,, Cellars,
calculated tor two familtes—splendidly fin
ish, d with cornish and &win nt windows in
11. , nt ; with deubir stable, 18 F) 3^ feet, and
~ thee h ,, , k huildin4s, and protected by a
wharf hi , et hish.
Iwo thirag of a Lot,
adjiiinine th- Waive, protected by a stnnv
wharf Lii 'ert high, with a
Ifrick B.til lone 40 fe e front by 10 pet
bock, w th it bock Inn[ding
lb ' :11;/ cf.
'hree and a half stories high. containing 10
i.e.,. %rid) I .rge hall. and Pi..g I, and al!
p 1 si ttd, and a cellar under Ili who's
and diirnritit window, in tr
—three rt , ins and the h spit p.-
prred, and tone Russian 81. t t Iron Gir
prrinitio nil, fixed in the fire-places--p rch
in eh b ek .Iso a back building
di tin lot
One 'bird 44 a Lot.
/Titan. the above, protected by a wharf
8i !eel high, with a
s irk &WA, g 20 feel front by 50/t bock,
(being the stre-room, and it is said to be the
most splendid in the county,)—three and a
halt stories high ; the third story being in
,ai e room, second story in three rooms, first
story being the
4nd all plastereo—tite store bting furnished
in the b, st style, haying the comma) suet
ring; with t lass cast s round the whole rot m,
and 32 drawers, two hoary panneiecl cowl
tern. with heavy copular p1,..k tops, each
counter being 36 feet long—also sash doors
between store aod office. All the above
buildiiigs in one block.
Call and s!e, gentlemen, I will be happy
to show you through.
Sept. 27, 1843.—tc.
A uditurN
aItHE creditors of Joseph Maze, late of
elelle the borough of Huntingdon deed., wid
take notice that the undersi •ned auditors
appointed to distribute among the creditors
of said dec'd. the assets remaining in the
hands of Wray Alatze, his administrator,
will meet for that purpose at the ffice of
•I h. arms P. Campbell in the borough of Hun
tingdon oee Thursday the 26th day of Oct.
ber next, when and where all persons inter •
ested are requested to present their claims,
or he debarred from coming in for a share
of the assets.
CHAS. ''''''''
Sept. 2?, 1843. Audit rs.
!six . emits Itewasd
Ittot away from the subscriber
rest. ing iu Wail it.rmt k l'own tm ,
Mond.,y the 18th inst., 41 in
tt d appentim u. turd
All perosns and hereby forbid
'unsung or harboring said bo),
undc r, the penalty of the
BENJ. F. P.,'l'
Sopt. 27th 1842
4172114311 17 412 141,7/ 0
. _
Office in Main S,rfei. two thaws Ewit of
Mrs, /IL C'oantil's 7'emperanco House.
ZZ7 az) a a ao cra
per, ms .re of troy uotifi ol that I, the
sob, I 1). 1.. put c a,ed at Sheriff's Sale, on
it %In 15th das t S. [member inst., as the
pr party I Chri,ti Oy,r, in Borne town
s..,p, Un•itin g county, the following pro- .
rty, which I have left in the possession o f
tile said Oyer, it not being convenient to re
move the same, ta wit : 1 Napper horse ; 1
ati. mare, 11 years old ; 1 do. do., 7 years
Id; 1 grey ycarli..g colt; 3 cows; 3 two
year old hill, rs ; 3 spring calves; 4 calves;
8 hogs; I sleigh, harness and robe; 1 buggy
wags n ; 2 sets of wagon gears; I two horse
tv .goo ; 1 windmill ; 1 vertical wood saw ;
two fifths of the hay, oats, ct.rn and buck
whe 1 man saddle; all the property in the
,tl,l house ; 1 side-board ; 1 gilt frame lot k
ing glass; 1 rug; all the old and new carp-t
-it% in the house; 1 rocking chair ; a lot of
cord wood in the woods; 13 dozen chairs; .k
pair of brass and-irons, shovels and jorist
1 settee and furniture 1 bureau and book
case on top; 1 small stove and pipe; 1 corner
cupboard ; 2 guns ; I eight day clock aid
case ; 3 chaff beds and bedding ; all the wia
dow curtains in the house; a lot of old mil
d, s in the garret ; 1 maple secretary aid
bin k-case; 1 mahogany framed looking Oats:
tat ntel clock ; 4 tables ; a lot of brick do
the kiln ; 1 cherry bureau ; 1 small waliut
hurt an and all the other personal propel tyof
said Oyer. Alllpersons are therefore herdhy
cautioned .trid forewarned against intermt&
tiling with the above mentioned property, as
the same belongs to me, and I will proceed
according to law against any person inter
meddling with the same or an part therctf.
Huntingdon, Sept. 20, 1843.—1 t
a-eglar usgiaNsta-0
(el ME to the farm of th
w.Wsubscriber, near Alexan,
kIIPAN dria, tour or live weeks ago,
two year old Heiler, nearl
. wi h a white lace. The owner is ni
qu. wed to come forward, prove pr iperty
pay eluirees and ttik her away.—otherwit
she will be dispoited t :iccordiof to law.
Sept. 20 1843 St
Estate of Rebecca Dean,
Late of Tyrone tow•iship, deceased.
Top() l'l('E is hereby given, that Letter
tall testamentary on the last will 'and tes
tanient of said deceased have beeii - grante,
to the subscribers. till persons therefor
bull to the estate of said deceasd, ar
requeste.l to make immediate payment, an
all Viving claims to present them duly au
thenticated for settlement, to
Sept. 20, 1843. 6t Tyrone tp
Late of He. de , son I ownshep, deceased.
Tot ETTERS of administration on the said
Ilaa estate have been granted to the under.
signed. All persons indebted to said estate
are regnestt cl to rn tke immediate payment,
and those having claims against it will pre
sent them pr.tpt rly auehenticated for settle
ment with.ut d. lay, to
G. W. HAMPSON, Adm'r,
Sept. 20. 1843.-6 r Union tp.
Estate of henry NeS;
ALL p..f sons indebted to the estate - of
Henry N. ff, 1 .te of the boronK of Alexa n d r i a ,
dec'd, are hereby notified to pay their re
spectsve acc..unts to the undersigned or eith
er ..f them on or b. fore the Ist of N•member
next. All accounts then unpaid will be pla
ced into the hands of the proper officer and
collected as seepdily as possib. I
ALEX %ND. s rrrr,
Sept. 20. 1842.--tfl Executors.
IN pur-u oack at an order or the Orphans'
Court Huntingdon couhty. there will be
exposed to sale by public sundae or outcry,
On the premises, am
Sate day the 21st day of October next,
the real estate of J am Ward, late of Tell
township in said cI may, d Ceased, to wit, a
certain FR AC I' OF LAND situate in Tell
township, Huntingdon county, aforesaid,
hounded on the not th by hands of David
Parsons, on the west by William Mag Ja ee, on
the east by land of Widow Piper and James
Parsons, on the south by lands of George
French and Willow l rexier, containing
200 Acres,
more or less, about one halt of which is im
proved, with two lug
Iftl A GOOD DARN, AND .y dr :
'Fite land is of the et quality of sla
land, easily cultivated an b d s p roduces well
there is excellent and never-tailing water on
the premises and ten or fifteen acres of first
rate meadow It lies ab ut two miles from
the Shade Gap, and about fifteen miles from
the Pennsylvania Canal, in a good neighbor
hood, with a good township toad passing
TF Mr; OF SALEi—One third of the
purchase money to be paid on the confirma
tion of the side, one tiro in one year there
after with interest and the residue at and
immediately after the death of Mary W. , rd,
widow of the said intestate, the interest of
the said Mini payment to be paid to the said
widow annually and regularly clueing her
natural life—the whole to b, secured by the
bond and mortgage of the purchaser.
By the Court.
HN REE, el k.
Sale to commence at JO 1 o'clock, I D '. M., of
said day. Attendance will ba given by
'Trustee to make sale.
&pt. 13, 1843--ts
:state ot'Jrlattliviv
Late f N cat t , w•iship. Huntingdon
comity deeeas, d.
WO 'ICE is hereby given, that letters
qat t st.onentary upon the said estate hav
been granted to, the undersigned. All per
sons d to said estate are requested to
in k immediate payment, and those having
chums or demands against the same are re
quested to present them duly authenticated
settlement, to,
Sept. 3. 1843-6 t
__v._ West tp.
BLANK DEEDS, of an improved
tbrtn. for safe at this office.
ditgo PE:l'47'lOl% l S FOR