Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 04, 1843, Image 1

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Dettotai to acncral Nuteittlynce, antritoium 33otttio, Aar catttcr, Vileratito, art o, Zz2ettccot3fsrBcttitul'e,Ptlltlltielltent, tiel%
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Patal. 'T.Saa - 2 4) E3co. e3E3.
CO a' 1.4.111
'rho “Jouax.n." will he published every Wed
ntday morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid hi advance,
aq!if not paid within six months, $2 60.
Yo subscription received for a shorter period than
eh months, nor any paper discontinued till all or
rtarages ore paid.
n ktivertiseinenla not exceeding one square, will be
interted three times for $1 00, and for every subse
quent insertion emits. If no definite orders are
givrn as to the time an advertisement is to be continu
ediit will be kept in till ordered out, and charged ac
11- --rTO
F.ow important it is that you commence
vithout loss of time with 131(ANDRETH
i!ILLS. They mildly but surely rt move all
inpurities from the blood, and no case of
gekness can effect the human frame, that
these celebrated Pills down relieve as much
is medicine can do. Corns and COUGHS
ire more benefiitted by the Brandreth Pills
than by Lozenges and Candies. Very will,
perhaps, as palliatives, but worth nothing As
Qt•nrcATons Of diseases from the human
-ystem. The Brandreth Pills cure, they do
iot merely relieve, they cure. Diseases,
.vhether chronic or recent, infectious or oth
,rwise, will certainly be cured by the use of
these all-suffrient Pills.
SING SING, January 21, 1843.
))11. - BsNJAnttN liR ANDRE:TR:
Honored Sir,—
Owing to you a debt of gratitude that mo
fney cannot pay. 1 4111 induced to make a
public acknowledgment of the benefit my
wife has derived front your invaluable Pills.
About three years this winter she was taken
with a pain .in her itch, winch soon became
very touch inflamed, and swollen, so mlch
that we became much* alarmed, and sent
TM- the doctor. During hit attendance the
pain and swelling increased to an alarming
degree, and in three weeks from its first
commencing it become a running sore. She
could get no rest at night the pain was so
great. Our first doctor attended her for six
months, and she received no benefit what
ever, the pain growing worse and the sore
larger all the time. He said if it was healed
up it would be her death, but he appeared
to be at a loss how to proceed, and my p.a.
j wire still continued to suffer he most terrible
tortures. We ther.dore sought other aid,
in a li,itannical doctor, who said when lie
first saw it that he could soon cure the sore
and give her ease at once. To our surprise
Be gave her no relief, and acknowledged that
it quite baffled all his saill.
'Thus we felt tatter lotting tried during one
whole year the experiettee of two celebrated
physicions in vain, in absolute despair. My
poor wife's constitution rapidly foiling in
the prime of her years from her continued
suffering. Under these circumstances we
concluded that we would try your Universal
Vegetable Pills, determined to fairly test
their curative effects. To my wife's great
comfort the first few doses afforded great re
lief of the pain. Within one week to the
astonishment of ourselves and every one who
knew the case, the swelling and the Intl,
mation began to cease so that she felt quite
easy, and would sleep eoinfortable, and sir,
after six weeks' use she was able to go thro'
the house and again attend to the manage
ment of her family, which she had not done
for nearly fourteen months. In a little over
two months from the time she first commen
ced the use of your invaluable Pills her ancle
was quite sound, and her health better than
it had been in quite a number of years be
fore. I send you this statement atter two
years test of the cure, considering it only an
act ofjustice to you and the public et large,
\ We are with much gratitude,
Very respectfully,
PS.—The Botanical Doctor pronounced
the sore cancerous, and finally said no goal
could be done, unless Me whole of the flesh
was cut oil' and the bone scraped.• Thank a
kind Providence, this made us resort to your
Pills, which saved us from all further mis
ery, and for which we hope to be thankful.
I'. &B. A. L.
Dr. Brandreth's Pills are for sale by the
following Agents in Huntingdon county.
Thomas Read, Hutmgdon,
Win. Stewart, Huntingdon.
A. & N. Cresswell, Petersburg.
Mary W. Neff, Alexandria.
Joseph Patton, Jr. Dancansviile.
Hartman & Smith, Manor Hill.
S. Miles Greco & Barree Forge,
Thomas Owens, Birmingham.
A. Patterson, Williamsburg.
Peter Good, Ir. Canoe Creek.
John Lutz, Shtrleysburg.
Observe etch of Dr. Bredreth's Agents
have an engraved certificate of Agency.—
Examine this and you will ilia. the NEW
LADLES upon the certificate corresponding
with those on the Boxes, none other are gen
Plfil'a. Office S. North Bth St.—ly.
Snydees Pegetable Concrete.
lip do certify that my wife was afflicted for
some time with a very severe cough,
with a pain in the breast, and after many
other remedies had failed I was induced t.•
procure a bottle of J. Snyder's Vegetable
Concrete, and she was perfectly restored bi
the use of part of a bottle full.
For sale by Jacob Snyder, Hollidaysburg.
Jan. 18, 1843,
ALL persons who know themselves
debted to the subscriber for subscrip
tion, advertising or job work, are requested
to make payment immediately, if not aooner,
as I expect to leave these " diggins" in a
short time.
Huntingdon, August 9, 1843.
CE) -- cit"•!::01 - ,=2 ea, .12.'"C:34
The Printer's Prayer.
On ! thou Great Head of earth and Heaven!
Who dolt the howling tempest ride,
Thy will the holy Rule has given—
Be thou the Printer's friendly Guide.
When eve thy azure Book expands,
He sees the starry Letter bright,
The Work of thy eternal hands;
Great sovereign of etherial light.
With Heaven's aulgent Type, serene,
The beauteous rainbow's cheering ray,
Imprint upon his soul the scene,
That opens in celestial day.
And when his earthly mouldering Farm
Is Locked up in death's cold icy Clime,
Oh ! save his spirit from the storm
That hurls the vicious from thy face.
And oh! when thy last trump shall sound,
And bid the slumbering dust arise;
Muy he ho in the Columns found,
That form the Pages of the skies.
Se Kind to :Mach Other.
Be kind to each other!
The night's coming on,
When friend and when brother
Perchance may be gone!
Then 'midAt onr dejection,
flow sweet to have earned
The blest recollection
Of kindness—rdurned!
When day !lath departed,
And Memory keeps
Her ‘viitch, broken fleartcd,
Where all she loved sleeps!
Let falsehood assail not,
Nor envy disprove—
Let trifles prevail not
Against those we love!
Nor change with tamorrow,
Should fortune take wing,
But. the deeper the sorrow,
The closer still cling!
Oh, be kind to each other,
The night's coming on,
When friend and when brother
Perchance may be gone!
From the 1V o, Orkrt. PIC(IyI{7I,
Werry Childish.
"My love you're werry cluldioh"—" What!
You cruel thing to say so ;
And knowing what I suffer, too,
It's always—every day so.
If husbands only had to go
Thro' half what their poor wives have;
They wouldn't—that I'd have 'cm know
Such comfortable lives have."
" Childish ! 'fore we was married, if
You only heard me sighin',
You used to fuss about as if
You thought I was a dyin';
Oh, who would have a family I
Let me go back to mother,
Jane, the cologne—there hand the child—
Good gracious there's the other."
a Well, but, my love"—"l'm not your lover
"But, dearest only hear me;"
a I won't but two years married, too!
You brute, you, don't roam near me ;"
"I only said"—" don't talk"—" I wi//,"
"I'm punished tar my sins;
I say you're merry childish—ven
You COWS it twice with twins !"
Tun REFonmze.—An ignorant fellow being
about to be married, resolved to make himself per
fect in the response of the service, but by mistake
got by heart the office of baptism for riper years—so
when ho was asked in the church
" Wilt thou have this woman," &c., he answered,
"I renounce them all."
The clergyman said, " I think you aro a fool ;" to
which he replied, " All this I steadfastly believe."
How TO c / NTO Time ts.—Always keep a
sharp look out after your neighbor's concerns; knowl
edge you know is power. Get upon your parish
committees ; if a party question should arise, never
mind which side you take, it will show your impar
tiality—besides it will let you into the secrets of
each. Always speak your mind boldly—no matter
where, or who hears you. Do not fear to be bail
for poor Bob—'tis only a trifle. Take an active
part in all popular elections—and if these do not
succeed, go to law with some of your neighbors.
IMPORTANT A et. lc s.—The N. H. Telegraph
says A gentleman who has occasion to walk
with two ladies and one umbrella, should always go in
the middle himself—that secures a dry coat to him
self, and is showing no partiality to either of the
.111 L•
A Clergyman in England, not km
143 Vol. 2,
the following text Wilt thou gc, to the Gent le
with me at Kumeth Gilead." ''
Collector of r
phasic. with which the question wa f
last war. H
induced a brave soldier to suppose
he very cordially answered--. 4 Wh.„ , bull.41:110:11, t
you are all cowards, I'll go for one."
"My name is Norvel!" said a runaway youth
who was playing that character in a small theatre at
Annapolis, some few years since. " You lie you
dog!" said an officer in the crowd—« your name is
Bill Brown, and you owes Mrs. Kitipper three dol
lars and a half for board, washing and lodging—and
here's a writ, co come along my darling."
t c7"
•;t , iff
• pif;:' 4 H
, V r
"One country, one constitution, one destiny."
~~~~~~~ c~3o~~
Wednesday morning, Oct. 4, 1843.
V. B. PA LIVER, Esq. (Nb. 50, Pine street
below Third, Philadelphia) is authorized is act as
AgentAr this paper, to procure subscriptions and
From the President of the delegate Convention of
the 16th of August 1843, to the Democratic
Harrison voters of Huntingdon county.
The period is fast approach
ing when you will again be called upon to exercise
the higl rest privilege of freeman, in the choice of ru lers
and representatives, in the councils of the Nation
and State;—n right which arbitriiry and despotic their vote:, for mon of moral worth, whose churn
law denies to the people in every 13:Itia11 and govern- lee is a guarantee that they will carry out those mca
went in the world except our own happy republic. sures of retain] that will secure theirrights end pro-
How invaluable, then, is the right, and how well thiiir in tyre:its, by securing to labor its just reward;
should we consider its exercise, and act out our par; hy protecting the industry of our own Farming,
honestly and conscientiously, by casting our votes :11;inufa,:uring and Mechanical interests, each of
fur honest and deserving toen—men who are endued which are dependent on the other, and cannot be
with sound moral and political principles, nod who, successlUlly prosecuted without the mental prosper
regardless of party subservency, will efficiently aid ity of the whole. Therefore vote for no man who
in carrying out the measures of reform that will best is even suspected of being unfriendly to a Tariff of
promote the interest of the whole people, and secure i duties on foreign products; nor for any man belong
the permanency of our republican government, as ing to the sell:styled Democratic party ; nor any
well as the rights of the people in the representative_ fragment of it. A large majority of that party more
department of our political fabric.- These are con- signiiicantly known by the name of Lecofeco, are
siderations that every mat: should put tolihnself, and avowedly hostile to a Tariff, and desire to reduce
duly weigh, and act conscientiously in the exercise ! the free a'rsr of this country down to the condition
of his int aluable right. It is now more titan sixty of the ?aver labor of Eu'rope. Vote for no man
years that we have as a Nation.existedhe the Ll.ujow!, ie. at invorable to a sound National currency
of the'Statea.tiador the Federal Oonstitntion ; Excho,F,, that will enable the Int
-1 however perfect that instrument is, and however ; ding
well it may be adapted to promote the equal rights on business without loss, rad pay till tad other great
of the people, and secure our permanent existence as interests for their industry. Vote fur no man that
a great Nation of freemen, it is evident that the is opposed to the distribution of the proceeds of the
seeds ,f dissolution are sown far and wide, and that Public Lands among the States, to which they
our splendid form of government, is as fast hastening I rightfully belong; that we may be relieved from bur
to ruin, as it did to distinction as the cradle of civil thencome taxation and redeem the prostrate faith of
and religious liberty in its pahniest days; and that ; our beloved Commonwealth. Vote for no man that
Constitution, the wonder and admiration of the nee gives countenance in any way to an increase ofE xe
-the pride of freemen and patriots—is disregarded cutive Power, usurpation or tyrany, by sustaining a
and trampled upon by them in power; whose duty veto on any othergrounds than plainly constitutional.
it is to protect it, preserve its provisions unimpaired, Otherwise your representatives may as well remain at
and obey its requiSitions. But they have perverted home, and rather should they than appear in our
it to their own ambitious and wicked purposes, to ! Legislative Halls to sanction and record the will of
the moloch of party, and under the venerated name the Executive. Vote for no man that will not effi
of Democrats they are sapping the very foundations dainty aid its restoring our violated Constitution
of civil liberty—tighting for Power and Spoils, re- and mangled laws to their former beauty and use
garilless of the means they use in obtaining them. ' fulness as they existed in the days of Jefferson,
Such will ever be the case so long as the people :Y.,xlison, and Monroe. Vote for no man that will
confer political trusts on those who are unworthy in any way give countenance to dishonesty, permits
and are destitute of correct moral principles. They tion or fraud in the disbursement of the Public
Democratic !!--do they endeavor to perserve the I money, and who will not endeavor to ferret out all
co-ordinate departments of our government within public delimiters, and bring them to deserved pun
their legitimate sphere, and prevent an extension of ishment. Vote for no man who will not aid in
the Executive authority. Ham tire legislative or bringisag, to merited punishment all those corrupt
Democratic branch retained its independence and i officers of our State government who were engaged
character; or rather, has not that department surren- in the iniquitous /umbering transactions, and tam
dered and yielded its independence in obedience to pering with the Legislature in 1840 and since.—
the Executive will, and instead of sustaining the Vote for no man favorable to a Sub Treasury Sys
independence and dignity of their own body—faith- tau, by which the Purse of the nation is put into
fully serving the people and protecting their rights, 1 tire hands of ono man, the President, who has by
have they not basely lent themselves subservient authority of the Constitution the command of the
tools to increase the Executive powers; thus betray- armed forces of the United States, and thus unite
ing the people under the specious name of Demo,' the purse with a sword, and endanger the liberties !
racy, to the one an power; and forging for us chains of your country by aiding its building up a power
of Tyrany and despotism under the influence of at equal to any of the Despotisms of the old world.
nano they are wholly undeserving to bear. But it Vote for no man in favor of the o ten cents a day"
is the common practice of villians to cover their de- !system of labor; or that labor be reduced to the
signs by the assumption of a popular name, and by standard of prices throughout the world—which is
plausible pretences. the doctrine of the Loco Foes party slid the senti-
The amuse want of moral rectitude and sound • anent of their leader Buchanan—thus enabling the
principles effects the same results in our State gov-
rich to become richer, and disabling the poor from
=meat, and in all its subordinate branches. We
ever becoming rich or improving their condition by
see the most worthless of our citizens exhaulted to honest industry. Vote for no man who is not in
the highest honors in the State and all places of favor of selling the Canals and Railroads of the
Commonwealth—the fruitful source of corruption,
honor and profit, filled with the same base and
polluted wretches, alike destitute of virtue and prin- peculation, and Plunder
ciple. Hence the loss of confidence its our public If you cast your votes as hereinbefore advised,
agents; our blighted public faith; the bankruptcy of , you will vote the entire Whig ticket—every man
our venerated commonwealth; the rubbery and pion- of whom is worthy your suffrage and confidence,
dering of the people ; and the universal distress that possessing elkaraeters of high moral worth and sound
prevatles our whole country,--whilst those vont- political principles. They ore its favor of a Tariff
cious Democratic public agents, aro tikttening on the to protect your industry ; a National Currency to
spoils wrung from the hard earnings of the people. facilitate exchanges, .d reward industry ; a tlistri-
And it' an attempt be made to stay the hand ofplutt- ' tuition of the proceeds of the Public Domain, to
der or bring the offending Democrat to justice, the lighten the burthen of taxation, and preserve the
whole host of Little Democrats fly to the rescue of public faith. They arc in favor of restraining and
the great; and in the all potent name of Democracy hmiting the Veto power, in order that the people,
they white-wash the uffettaler ; earls OHO in his turn throatgla their representatives, may have due weight
claiming to have beveled loudest and longest in the in making laws for their own benefit. They are in
name of Democracy. Such is the condition of , favor of restoring the Constitution to its original
things in Old Pennsylvania in the year 1849. I construction by sages and statesmen dent (brined it,
Is there any thing here to astonish us'! No, and believe its ample provisions contain authority
nothing ! We cannot expect things to be other- Ito carry into effect all the power, essential to a per
wise; nor slued we expect it se long , the people feet government in spite of modern wise men or
entrust the publie business into tile minute of ilis- i l,eco Foes abstractionists. They, being honest
honest men—men destitute of individual merit, who themselves, are unwilling to bestow public trust to
are immoral in their liccs, dishonest in their practi- dishonest and incompetent men, that the public rev
cos, demagogues in polities, unit intidels in religion, enue may be economically appropriated mid honest
and are ripe for any game however desperate.-- !ly disbursed. They are opposed to the Sub 'Tres,
Polities with such is regarded as a game, and those
who are nu most alert at deception and the most
proficient in perfidy and low cunning, are regarded
Its the el. ,rest and wisest men. And if any does
seem at times to have some qualms of conscience at
the enormity of others, and becomes refractory, the
whole kennel is let loose upon him, and if the magical
word 4 , Democrat" does not prevail in reclaiming
him he is formally kicked out of the party as un
worthy to associate with Democrats.
O Democracy, Democracy ! the crimes perpetra
ted in thy name, once honored and venerated name,
but now ihe very name carries with it the association
of every thing corrupt and dishonest.
Any government to be respected must be admin
istered in good faith; its practices must correspond
with its prAlssed principles, and those principles
must be bared on a high moral tone of virtuous
action. By the neglect of these, especially in a
Democratic, form of government, such as ours we
become liable to the reproaches of the enemies cf
republican governments; and even our people have
their confaienee shaken in its efficiency. How then
are we to preserve our republiciut institutions so as
to secure their respect and the confidence of our
own people, and evidence to the world that men are
capable of self-government? The answer is plain
and The people must do it themselves—they
must rightly esercise their right of poling, and cast
sury System, or any system of managing, the Public
revenue that would tend to an increase of the Ex
ecutive powers, or endanger our liberties. 'Phey
are opposed to Buchanan's "ten cent per day"
system for labor, and its favor of labor having its
just reward, and being duly protected. They are in
favor of disposing Of the Public Works of the State,
for the best prices that can be obtained, that the
public debt now he lElllllllOlOa.
Such are a few of the reasons in favor of support
ing the Whig candidates. It is also highly impor
tant to elect honest Commissioners to manage our
Public Improvements. The Whig candidates for
Canal Commissioners are selected for their high
moral worth, and business talents. They are all
new men, and worthy of your support.
October 4, 1843. ..
At the i'olls!
JAMES CLAIM, Jussa MILLER and War. 13. nos
r., the Locofoco candidates for Canal Commis
sioners, are all OLD OFFICE-HOLDERS, who
have participated in and connived at the gross ex
travagance and corruption which has marked the
course of that party for years.
in the Ist year of Gov. Porter's administration,
when JAMES CLAIM eras Prethlent of the Board
,f Canal Commissioners, awl Wm - . 13. FosTen
was Engineer on the North Branch .Division, THE
or Ten Millions or nonars 1
during the same year the expenditures on the fin
ished lines of the public Improvements ,Terehyl the
' TY-FIVE DOLLARS ; whilst the the year before
the same lines yielded a revenue over and above all
i 1 EIGHTY DOLLARS!! and the State lost thus,
, 1 through the dishonesty or boa management of the
- I officero on the public Wodoi, during this one year,
q 0v ftrwtomphfrpittrperriiitt,
whilst Wm. B. FOSTER was Engineer on the North
Branch Division, the iao , t shameful abuses were
practiced on that line of the public works ; such as
under-estimating the Whig contractors, with the
avowed purpose of breaking them up and driving
them off the lines, and making the most extrava
gant estimates for the Locofoco contractors, AS A
JESSE MILLER has been constantly in public oilier
foreightecn or twenty years, and has always been
AN ULTRA PIOT? MAN, willing and ready to go
any length to carry u party measure, whaly re
gardless of the Pratte IN TEnr.sirs !
J ESSE Mo.min was Auditor in the Treasury De
partment under Martin Van Buren, when MIL
LIONS OF DOLLARS were stolen front the pub
lic revenues by the corrupt and dishonest public
officers under that administration.
such is the character of the LOC OrOCO CANDID., I: S
con CANAL. COM MI SSION EDS ; and if they are eke.
led, the sumo disgraceful system of Locoloco ex
travagance, corruption, favoriteism, fraud, peculation
and plunder, will be continued upon the public
weeks whirls has been practiced for years past.
Box Genvonn, are NEW MEN, fresh from the
ranks of the people, who have not been corrupted
by the power of party patronage, but are honest en
pable and filithful men, in whose hands the Public
Works will be conducted with economy, prudence
and skill, and FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE
if the tax-payers of Pennsylvania wish to imtitute
they must keep them out of the hands of OLD LOCO.
COCO OM U FAIOLDEUS, and place them in the hands
of NEW is I,r, who arc honest and capable—such
Who is Jesse Miller ?
The Perry Freemampublished in Bloomfield, the
residence of Jesse Miller, thus answers the question:
4 , What has he been .40 qffiee-holder sines
ever he attainid his period of up
warda of twenty years. He appears to lute been
born for office. lie has all his MI, limo totaled
from one ollire to another. He PVVII managed his
card so well as to bold office under ( -- •John Tyler
for about a year and a half. He now wishes to ro
tate from First Auditors's office under John Tyler
into the Canal Commissioner's oilier. How mod
est ! Will the people reward his modesty I \lie
shall see."
The Warren (N. X.) Murder.
The trial of Carter Mr the atmeimm murder of a
whole flintily, has at last closed, and the result is the
aequillal of the prisoner,—the jury having been
absent an hour and a half. The evidence adduced
was entirely circumstantial, and though in some
points it bozo strongly ugabist him, the chain was
not complete enutigh to warrant his contiction.
c i :j - The Military Encamp:llNa at Hollidaysburg i ly replied, that if they
comes oil' on the 13th or October, to coutilete six ; Pn
eo:, it! T,1,,, a
days. Twenty co:, ure a ped %%Rh
, — •nact)lacE)
The Locefoco organ of
got its cue correctly, as i
Porter," the editor veal;
the following terms;
" B. Fthaer, Jr., ,
some length of time, is w
county and State; unit
esteemed and respected.
and is about to return, to
If the editor of "Th
that the leaders of his pr
that Mr. Poster was to be ,
candidate exclusively-4
of "Bradford county, and
—he would not, we fiat
as one who had "resided'
ty, nor spoken of hint a,
Trial of
Jacob Shipman, the mu
adelphia aril New York,
the latter place on the 131
zled the funds of the Uni,
care, to deliver in Philad
$15,007 10 in gold coin
Mr. Whiting, the District
on the tort of the prose(
Shipman had been from
the Banks to carry gold t
there to be rceoined, for
entrusted to him in Apri
tint he should be able to
formed by the prisoner it.
• ion we have not vet heart
t9,the previous good elm
ted their belief of hia lit
0, - :) - • Since the above
Shipman has been lulu
intention to appropriate
was not conceived until
adelphia, and that he w
the indictment. The g
will be brought to Pli
otilmee,by the Union I
ton; in the above case.
This yuung rogue
an•li fiend ill the whole I
pirlicolarly interesting
short. He merely states
ted the forgeries. He is
In his case the evil etree
men us Edwards and AI
fully visible. He seems.
and the success with IV
It is said of him, that
Clapp at Boston, he attn
sion of his intlentity; bit
longer available, he hold
said, " Yes, I am Saund
He tells the story of his r
ccedings in New York,
great joyo.ncss.
In the last Enquirer
spring convicted of sedt
ucns,—had also been
poison to her with a me
learn that the infamous
three year's servitude in
The Brndfur
upon by the court to k
say why sentence shot
addressed the court at le
hours, in which he coin]
self. made a brutal attetr
Woodburn ; added inn
Meted upon the fatuity,
new trial. It is proper
refused, and he is ❑ow
tiary. Truly • the way
—Columbia Mujuirer.
TituE•rmi N'V
pers say that :titer the •
tinscolehainta Rail Um,
made for splints to bind
fevers, to the honor of t'
came prompt as the der
cupiod, in the shape o
supporters of their eon
m4lical gentlemen wet
effectual aid to the ve
moval to the eta which
Ott Won t N
Uncertain. env
When pain Indai
A miniAturing a
We are int:twit,
when the Acting
I Northern tour,
of ono of the Ttailrwut
to convey the
rehnioh on the groun,
of Pro,ilent