Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, September 27, 1843, Image 2

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, One country, one emistitution, one destiny."
=wa.mllo.aa,allaYm 9
Wednesday morning, Sep. 27,1343,
Q "V. B. PALMER, Esq. (No. 59, Pine street
below Third, Philadelphia,) is authorized to act as
Agent for this paper, to procure subscriptions and
Democratic Harrison l'icket.
Election 2nd Tuesday (10th) of October 1843,
30111‘ F. MILLER,
(IF HUNTING ncor B.o ' (1 yr.)
OF TOO TP. (3 yre.)
or HUNTINGDON pono'.
Harrison Democrats, if you
wish to vote at the next election,
you must be assessed
10 days before the day of election.
SEPTEMBKR will he the last
day on which the assessment can
be made. Remember this, and
attend to it in time.
a n- A most provoking mistake occurred in a part
of our last week's issue, making our brother of the
Hollidaysburg Register promise 13000 majority for
Gen. Irvin in this county. It should have been
1300—a majority which may easily be given if
there is a full " turn out" on the day of election.—
The error referred to shows what mischief a cipher
may do.
a:7.The Whigs of Philadelphia city and county
have nominated MORTON M'Mforscr. for Sherifl;
and Peanose Asn for Treasurer.
Another Robbery.
A robber broke into the house occupied by JAMES
HoLitztosuesn, near this borough, on Friday night
last, and carried away with him $l2 in money, and
also several valuable papers. The villain had a
horse which he tieed to a fence near the house.
Stolen Property.
The young man, Howard, who was committed
to our jail as a vagrant, on Sunday before last, had
pledged a watch in town for his boarding, which
turns out to have been stolen. The watch is claim
ed by Peter Boyle, of Hollidaysburg, whose name
in engraved in it.
Fatal Accident.
A letter from Hollidaysburg, gives the annexed
particulars of a sudden dispensation of Providence.
On Saturday last, Mr. James Orr, of that place took
his gun and dog, and went to the foot of the moun
tain in search of game. He went to a place about
3 or 4 miles above Allegheny Furnace; and after
having hitched his home proceeded into the woods.
Having gone some considerable distance, it would
seem that, he got up on a log; and set the butt of
his gun down on the ground, near a small bush, ap
parently to steady himself; and when lifting up the
gun, the hammer caught in the twig, drawing it
back far enough to give force to break the cap ; the
whole load entering his head between the left eye
and ear, blowing the whole side or top of his head
off. He was found on Sunday, lying wills his feet
toward the log—his gun on the other side of it, and
his cap blown 5 or 6 feet from his head—with his
faithful dog keeping guard over the corpse. Mr.
Orr has left a wife and four children to mourn his
death. Let the warning be remembered—" be ye
also ready."
The Reading Journal says the test of being
pennitted to vote, at the late delegate election of
the locofoco party in that borough, was having vo
ted for Porter in 1841. One man being asked the
question, declined answering, and was denied the
right to vote. He afterwards said that he did vote
for Porter, but was ashamed to own it
Look heah, Cuf if you don't keep off of
my coma, I'll kill you wid dia bowie knife."
" Gums you would'ut do dat aro but once," repli
ed Cuff; brandishing his canc.
Same Irvin and George IVl'Clulloch.
These gentlemen are the Congressional midi
dates of the opposing parties of the 17th district.
If the voters in this district will but study and un•
derstand the creeds of the respective parties of the
day, and then act upon principle, the Whigs have
nothing to fear.
We will profound a few questions for the con
sideration of freemen :--
Are you in favor of a Tariff for adequte Reve
nue for the Government, and fair Protection to
American Industry
Are you in favor of a sound National Currency,
regulated by the will and authority of the Nation?
Are you in favor of placing just testraints on the
Executive Power, embracing a further restriction on
the exercise of the Veto?
Are you in favor of a faithful administration of
the Public Lands, with an equitable distribution of
the proceeds of the sales of it among all the States?
If you are in favor of these measures—the lead
ing principles of the great Whig party—then vote
for JAMES IRVIN, a gentleman who is true to
these principles, and for whom we ask your support.
But on the other hand:—
Are yon in favor of the exploded Sub-Treasury
Scheme of Martin Van Buren, giving the control
of the public money into the hands of the President
who will then wield the Puree as well as the
sword of the Nation I •
Are you in favor of Free Trade and no Tariff,
which must reduce American Labor to a level with
the Pauper Labor of Europe, and turn thousands
of our manufacturers out of employment, and give
a preference to British goods?
Are you in favor of squandering the proceeds of
the sales of the Public Lands among corrupt office
holders, instead of distributing it among the States,
thus disabling Pennsylvania from paying off her
enormous debt without oppressive taxatonl
Are you in favor of renewing the corruption and
peculation of the late National Administration—of
destroying our most vital interests, and scattering
blight and mildew over the fair face of our beloved
country, bringing distress and ruin upon thousands
of our people I
If you are in favor of this dark creed of Locofo
coism, you will vote for GEORGE M'C ULLOCII,
for such are his principles when carried out in
The election of Members of Congress is ono of
deep and abiding interest, and we hope that the peo
ple of this State, and particularly of this district,
will so consider it, and act accordingly. Every
freemen should look upon the right of voting as a
duty as well as a privilege in this land of civil and
religious liberty. We hope that no one who has
health and strength sufficient to enable him to go
to the polls will stay away. We cannot believe
that the people of this district can perpetrate an act
so suicidal to their own interests as to send an Anti
Tariff, Free Trade, Subtreasury man to Congress.
For Ike " Huntingdon Journal."
Gen. James Ervin.
This gentleman has been
put in nomination by the Whigs of this district as
their candidate for Congress, and if the Whigs will
but do their duty he will be elected by a triumphant
It is true, David R. Porter did all Lt his power to
make this a Locefoco district, he was willing to
make any sacrifice elsewhere, to ensure success here,
and when he signed the bill, it was under the im
pression that this district at least was safe; I think
however, the result will show that he has been mis
Fellow Citizens—With the history of Mr. Irvin
you are all familiar and it would seem unnecessary
for me to say one word in behalf of a man so de
servedly popular as he is at this time. Unfortu
nately for the country we have few such men as
Mr. Irvin. That he is a man of integrity and in
telligence, none dare deny—none can deny—both
his public and private life affords abundant evidence
of the fact. Look at his history in Congress and
point me to one act, inconsistent with integrity or in
telligence; one act, in opposition to the interests of
his constituents, or the welfare of his county. To
no man in Congress perhaps are we so largely in
debted for the passage of the Tariff bill as to Mr.
Irvin, his speech on the passage of that bill does
honor to himself as well as to the people who sent
him there; in useful and interesting information as
well as vigorous argument, it was not surpassed by
any man on that floor. But he done more, he par
ticipated actively in the passage of every bill calcu
lated to benefit the country, he was among the true
and independent men, who refused to go with John
Tyler in his dark and treacherous career of infamy
—but stood up like a man unawed by influence;
and unbribed by the blandishments of power. Such
is the man for whom we claim your unbough aid
and support—he has supported you, and in his
I hands your interests will he safe.
In opposition to Mr. Irvin, you have Gen. M'Cul.
loch put in nomination by the " Porter Democrats."
Of Mr. M'Culloch I shall say nothing, it is enough
for us to know, that he is the nominee of the Loco
Foco party ; and I tell you, that you might as well
expect to gather grapes from thorns, or • figs from
thistles as to reap any advantage from the success of
that party—their past history is at war with such
expectations. I have seen enough of Locofoco
government to satisfy me, that the less they govern
the better for the country—their principles as well
as their conduct, evince any thing else than a desire
to promote the interests of the people. Entertain
ing these views I cannot but regard this election as
one full of importance—there arc principles invol
ved in this issue, that lay at the foundation of our
prosperity, for I verrily believe, that the permanency
of our institutions, and the welfare of our citizens
depends upon the success of the Whigs.
In conclusion, let me ask you to lay aside every
weight and turn out to the Election—waive not, a
right so important but go forth and exercise it in the
spirit of freemen—it is a right that should be dear
to every American heart, and it is ono only known
and enjoyed by ftecumn.
For the "Huntingdon Journal."
Barree Township, Sept. 21, 1843.
Mn. CimmEn :
I have to ask the favor of you
to put a note in your paper informing the citizens
of Huntingdon County, that I decline standing as
It candidate for County Commissioner at the ensuing
election, for the following reasons: Ist my domestic
affairs are so that I could not well attend to the bu
siness of said office if elected, and since I have been
twice elected to said office, which is more than I ever
merited ; lam a friend to rotation its office ; I think
the choice should follow other person better quali
fied to fill the office than I am.
The honorable meeting will please except my
thanks for the honor tendered to me in the above
Permit me fellow citizens, to remain your
humble servant,
00". The Canton (Ohio) Repository of the the
21st inst. notices the robberies recently committed in
this niece, and adds:-.—" We have little doubt that
the robberies committed at Hollidaysburg and Hun
tingdon, were done by the same who committed
similar burglaries here a few week's since. Two
men calling their names Orr, came here ; said they
were from New Orleans and wished to purchase
flour. They acted mysteriously ; went to Akron
and Cleveland; came back; and a few days after
the robberies here, went east in the stage. One was
28 or 30 years of age ; middle size ; dark complex
ion; and wore a frock coat and hat. Tho other
was 20 or 21 years old; short, thick set; of sandy
complexion : and were a frock coat and cap.
General George le'Culloch.
"This gentleman has received the Democratic
nomination for Congress in the district composed
of the counties of Huntingdon, Centre, Mifflin and
Juniata. This is an excellent selection. General
M'Culloch has served both in the House of Rep
resentatives and Senate of the State Legislature,
and also one term in Congress. Between M'Cur,
Lout, GosTrxx, SMYTHE and Witsox, it we.; diffi
cult to choose. They will all however support
heartily the nomination, and in due season each
will receive his reward. The General will be elec
ted by a largo majority over Inv' x."—Argus.
We copy the foregoing article from the Harris
burg Argus, the Tyler and Porter finger post, at
the seat of Government—lt may be taken as a
pretty clear indication of the preference manifested
by the state administration in favor of Gen. M'Cul
loch's nomination for Congress.—And the more so,
from the fact that the name of Mr. Gemmill, who
actually did receive the nomination, but which .ote
(on motion of one of the Kickapoos) was reconsid
ered, and Mr. Comma' basely cheated out of the
nomination. But as the General is again up for
public favor, a short history of his legislative career
may not be uninteresting to the democracy of Ju
niata county. When first elected he avowed him
self the bitter and implacable opponent of Gov.
Porter but it was not long before he foil in the meshes
of one of the present Canal Commissioners who is
much more celebrated for his rotundity than for his
profundity. To this association may be attributed
all his legislative tergiversations. In the election of
Speaker of the House, Gen. M'Culloch east his vote
for JACOB FOREMAN, antimasonic and whig
candidate, against 11. B. WRIGHT, the democrat
ic nominee—{Vide legislative proceedings publish
ed in the Keystone, Wednesday Jan 4.] Upon the
State Printer question, his name will be found re
corded among those who voted against the demo
cratic caucus candidate. It will also be discovered
by a reference to the legislative proceedings of the
late session, that his whole political course was ex
ceedingly serpentine, so much so that the whigs
thought him a "good enough whig." It will be
singular indeed, if after all these deviations, the
General can expect to receive the suffrages of Dem
ocrats, when he himself is the first to prove recre
ant to the principles that elevated him to office and
distinction.--1117fflintown Spirit of the Timer,
n 0,000,000 !
At least $30,000,000 of the State Debt of Penn
sylvania, says the Harrisburg Intelligencer, was
created whilst limn CLARK was Canal Commis
sioner under Governors Wolf and Porter ! It was
chiefly on his recommendations and false estimates
that many of the useless branches were commenced
and prosecuted, upon which MILLION. OF DOLLARS
were expended with no other object than to reward
the partizan services of the horde ofpublic phonier
ers who swarmed upon these improvements. The
hard working Farmers, Mechanics and laborers of
the State are now ground to the dust by heavy tax
ation, brought upon them by this system of extrav
agance and corruption, for which they are indeted in
a great degree to Jas. Clarke. If the tax-payers
wish these abuses continued let them vote for Clark
and his Locofoco colleagues. If they wish to re
form these abuses, and introduce a new order of
things upon the public works, let them vote for
To tho Young Men of Pennsylvania.
JAMES CZAR of Indiana was a member of the
late Convention to alter the Constitution of Penn
sylvania, and voted in that body that no man should
be eligible to anal in the Legislature of the State
until le 14.M8 TWENTY.I.T TEAns Or son.
This is quite in accordance with the haughty,
ovtrbcaring, arietocratic feelings of the man. He
is now a Locofocu candidate for Canal Commission
er. Can the :ouzo max of Pennsylvania vote for
him? Certainly he does not deserve their votes.
n's Watson and Collyer, the two men who were
arrested a few days ago in New York, on suspicion
of being concerned in the robbery and murder on
board the schr. Sarah Lavine, have been discharged,
as no circumstances appeared to warrant their de•
Q y. There are four Roman Catholic Churches in
progress of erection or completion in Illinois at the
present time. One at Chicago, one In Alton, ono
in Edwardsville, and one in blawneetown.
In 1839, the Legislature instituted nn investiga
tion into the conduct of the Canal Commissioners. ,
JAMES CLARK was then President of the Canal
Board, and Wm. B. FOSTER was the Principal
Engineer on the North Branch Division. So fla
grant were the abuses on the public works, and so
shamefully were the Whig Contractors on the
North Branch oppressed by the Engineer, that the
Legislature wore forced to listen to their appeals for
relief, and the conduct of their officers were exposed
and exhibited the most glaring evidences of tyran
ny and oppression on record. It was clearly estab
lished by evidence before the committee, that it was
the determination of Clark, Foster and their min
ions, to drive the Whigs off the line, by under-es
timating their work, and thus actually robbing them
of their just dues for work faithfully performed.—
This gross injustice was dictated by Clark and per
formed by Foster.
MILLER HORTON, a contractor testified that lie
had been estimated at least $3,000 too low, and
every disposition was manifested to oppress him.
S. A. BOWMAN testified, that he was estimated
$2,100 leas than the money he actually expended
on his contract, and $3,000 less than the amount due
him by a fair measurement of his work.
JA9. HOLLIDAY was estimated by the Engineer in
March to have done work to the amount of $3,935.
After Foster came into office his work was estimated
at $3,073 !
ALBERT NEWELL had done work, according to
an estimate of the Engineers in November, of 19,-
986 yards common excavation and 21,729 yards
embankment. His work was re-estimated in May
by Foster at 16,884 yards excavation and 17,731
yards embankment. Thus reducing his embank
ment 3,998 yards and his excavation 3,142! or in
other words robbing him of so much of his labor.
Fos:tete SEMPLE testified that his work was es
timated in November at $9,341, end that he did
573 days work more from that WI April, when his
work was estimated by Foster at $7,770 ! Mr.
Semple then requested the items of his several esti
mates and was informed by Foster that the book
which contained the items was lost. Subsequent-
ly Mr. Semple saw the book containing the items
in the Engineers office, and on attempting to take
it from the table on which it lay, Foster refused to
permit him to take it, and denied him a copy of the
items. Foster in this instance was not alone guilty
of injustice and oppression, but actually stooped so
lOW as to it even falsehood !
Other instances of a similar character are men
tioned in the report of the Investigating committee,
but the above are sufficient to show the system of
rascality which was practiced upon by CLASSIC and
and POSTER when they had the management of the
Public Works, and which proves them to be wholly
unworthy of the conildenc of the peoples
[Penn'a. Intelligence,
Look on this Pic-
titre :
Statement of the expenses of the United States
from the 4th March 1841, to the 3d of March
1843, inclusive:
From March 4. From March 4.
Heads of Ex- 1841, to Mar. 3. 1842, to Mar. 3.
penditures. 1842. 1843.
Civil, miscella
neous and for-
eign intercourse $6,215,946 49 $0,865,451 68
Military 14,903,898 41 8,248,917 83
Naval 6,246,502 83 7,963,677 66
$26,966,347 73 $23,078,047 17
The above is exclusive of payments on account
of trust funds, the public debt, and Treasury notes.
T. E. SMITH, Register.
Treasury Dep. Register's Office, July 19, 1843.
The above are the expenditures of the National
Government for two years under Whig administra
tion, the estimates and appropriations having been
made by the Whig Congress.
itiow Look on this :
Expenses exclusive of
public debt, &c. 1837, $37,164,037 15
If 1838, 39,455,938 35
4 . 1839, 37,614,936 15
1840, 29,226,533 81
Total, 4 years, $142,581,945 46.
Average Locofoco expen
ditures, $35,640,486 38 a year. .
do. Whig do. 24,722,182 45
Annual saving by the
$10,918,293 93 ! !
Why, it is shown by the above figures, which
cannot lie, that they have SAVED to the Govern
ment in two years in which they have been in the
$21,836,587 86 !
They have, too, passed a TARIFF ACT, which
is yielding en ample revenue to the Government,
and which is steadily reviving the business of the
country, and malting glad the hearts of thousands
who were almost hopelessly prostrated by the mis
erable and destructive policy of the Locofoco ad
ministration of Martin Van Buren.—Pa. Intelli.
Umbrella, Parasol 4. ."sun-shade
zomusaiacaucoraw o
No 4 South Fourth street, below Market,
( Successor to X. Rschie.)
Respectfully announces to the ladies and
gentlemen of liontiugdon county, that he has
constantly on hand, wholesale anti retail, a
large and splendid assortment of bun-shades,
Parasols and Umbrellas of the very best
materials that can be obtained In this mar
ket, and being manufactured under his im
mediate superintendence, the quality and
workmanship will be warranted equal, if not
superior, to ;Any in the city, at the lowest
cash prises.
fU" Merchants arc invited to call and ex
amine the stuck.
Phil'a September 27, 1843. 3m.
TtrA BING desirous to have my real estate
. : .C.g,11 sold at a fair price for the times and of
paying my debts as far, and as soon as pos
sible, 1 talcs this early opportunity to an
nounce the sale of the followhig described
property by the Sheriff at the November
court, no., next ensuing, and most respect
fully invite persons to call and examine the
adjoining Jacob Lex on the west, with a
frame building, with brick front, 30 by 34
feet, three and a halt stories high, plastered
from top to bottom, containing
12 Thorns and two Cellars,
calculated for two families—splendidly fin•
ished with cornish and dormant windows in
front; with double stable, 18 by 30 feet, and
other back buildings, and protected by a
wharf 81 feet high.
Two thirds of a Lot,
adjoining th 9 above, protected by a Stone
wharl 81 feet high, with a
Brick Building 40 fere li•ont by 20 feet
buck, with a bark building
Pi by 20 f, el,
three and a half stories high, contaiaiug 10
rooms, with large hall, and Piaza, and all
plash: red, and a cellar under the whole buil
ding—cornish and dormant windows in front
—three rooms and the hall splendidly pa
pered, and four Russian Sheet Iron Grates,
permanently fixed in the fire-places--porch
to the back-building—also a back building
on the lot.
Ogle third of a Lot,
adjoining the above, protected by a wharf
feet high, with a
Brick building 20 feet front by 50/l back,
(being the store-room, and it is said to be the
most splendid in the county,)—thi ee and a
half stories high; the third story being in
one room, second story in three rooms, first
story being the
and all plastered—the store being furnished
in the I), st style, having the common snel
ving; with glass cases rtund the whole room,
and 32 drawers, two heavy panneied coun
ters, with heavy popular pima tops, each
counter being 36 feet long—also sash door s
between store and office. All the above
buildings in one block.
Call and see, gentlemen, I will be happy
to show you through.
Sept. 27, 1843.—tc.
Auditor's police.
MBE creditors of Joseph Maze, late of
4-A the borough of Huntingdon deed., will
take notice that the undersigned auditors
appointed to distribute among the creditors
of said deed. the assets remaining in the
hands of Wray Maize, his administrator,
will meet for that purpose at the office of
Thomas P. Campbell in the borough of Hun
tingdon no Thursday the 26th day of Octo
ber next, when and where all persons hue'.
toted are requested to present their claims,
or be debarred from coming in for a share
of the debts.
Sept. 27, 1843. Auditors.
Six Cents Reward
"", Ran away from the subscriber
1 " st " residing in W arrimmmk Town,
ofthe al on Monday the 18th inst., an in
-1 HIL E Lit ted appentice, named
ihURPRI All perosns and hereby forbid
....iir cureitrusting or harboring said bu),
under, the penalty ie• E l4 . law.
Sept. 27th 1843.
N pursuance of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Huntingdon county, there will
be exposed to public sale, on the premises,
Wednesday the 4th of October
next, at 1 o'clock P. M., All that certain
tract or parcel of laid situate in Shirley
township, in the county of Huntingdon, ad
joining lands of the heirs of Maj. John Shaver
dec'd, Samuel Shaver, Andrew Politick's
heirs and others, containing
176 ACRES,
more or less, about 140 acres of which are
cleared, about twenty of which are meadow
—thereon erected a large log dwelling house,
a log barn, and a spring
house, and two Apple .*TI,?,
• Orchards thereon, late
the real estate of Cul.
William P . ostleth wait, deed.
TERMS OF SALE.—One half of the pur
chase money to be paid on confirmation of
the sale, and the residue in one yer r there
after with interest, to be secured by the
bond and mortgage of the purchaser.
By the Court
Attendance will be given at the time and
place of sale, by
Sept. 13th 1843.
Potts, Zinn .S Harris,
Wholesale Drukgists and Apothecaries
N. 13. The Harris in the above firm, is Dr.
John Harris, Known in Huntingdon and
Ct.ntre counties. Having been bins engaged
in the Drug business in the country, he trusts
he will be the better prepared to meet the
wants of country druggists, storekeepers and
St ptember 27,1843.—pd.
Taken up, on the Ist of August last, and is
at the residence of the subscriber, in Whlker
township, near the borough of Huntingdon,
a white and red spreckled Cow, about six
years old. The owner is requested to come
forward, prove property, pay charges, and
take her away--otherwise she will be dispos
ed of according to law
Sept. 13, 1843
A. K. Oi►l;;r Vll,
ATT011111:27 AT 11,21.17*
Vice in Main &reel. two doors East of
Mrs. McConnell's Temperance Rouse.
tl - EZLANK BONDS—Judgment and cum•
visrdmou—lor sale at this office.
4,ClDaaCriKei , 2
All persons are hereby notified that I, the
subscriber, purchased at Sheriff's Sale, on
on the 15th day of September inst., as the
property of Christian Oyer, in Barree town
ship, Huntingdon county, the following pro
perty, which I have left in the possession of
the said Oyer, it not being convenient to re
move the sante, to wit : 1 Napper horse; 1
do. mare, 11 years old ; 1 do. do., 7 years
old ; 1 grey yearling colt; 3 cows; 3 two
' year old heifers; 3 spring calves; 4 calves;
8 hogs; 1 sleigh, harness and robe; 1 buggy
wagon ; 2 sets of wagon gears; 1 two horse
wagon; 1 wind-mill; I vertical wood saw ;
two fifths of the hay, oats, corn and buck
wheit ; 1 man saddle; all the property in the
old house; 1 side. board ; 1 gilt frame lock
ing glass; 1 rug; all the old and new carpet
ing in the house; 1 rocking chair; a lot of
cord wood in the woods; dozen chairs; 1
pair* of brass and-irons, shovels and ;
1 settee and furniture ; 1 bureau and book
case on top; 1 small stove and pipe; 1 corner
cupboard ; 2 guns ; 1 eight day clock and
case ; 3 chaff beds and bedding ; all the win
dow curtains in the house; a lot of old arti
cles in the garret; 1 maple secretary and
hot k -cast; 1 mahogany framed looking glass;
1 m: ntel deck ; 4 tables.; a lot of brick in
the kiln ; I:cherry bureau ; 1 small walnut
bureau and all the other personal property of
said Oyer. Allipersons are therelore hereby
cautioned and forewarned against intermed
tiling with the above mentioned property, as
the same belongs to me, and I will proceed
according to law against any person inter
meddling with the same or any part thereof.
Huntingdon, Sept. 20, 1843.-3 t
Ml.l zrsen.
(rIANIF. to the farm of the
Wisubscriber, near Alexan
-410111V,4 dria, tour or five wetks ago, a
two year old_ Heifer, nearly
black, with a white face. The owner is re
vested to come forward, prove property,
pay charges and take her away—otherwise
she will be disposed of accordinf to law.
Sept. 20, 1843—St
Late of Tyrone township, deceased.
w() f ICE is hereby given, that Letters
testamentary on the last will and tes
tament of said deceased have been granted
to the subscribers. All persons therefore
indebted to the estate of said deceasd, are
requested to make immediate payment, and
all having claims to present them duly at:-
thenticated for settlement, to
Sept. 20, 1843.- 6t Tyrone tp,
Late of Henderson towns/up, deceased.
ErFERS of administration on the said
' l '' , estate have been granted to the under
signed. All persons indebted to said estate
are requested to make immediate payment.
and those having claims against it will pre
sent them properly authenticated for settle
ment without delay, to
O. W. HAMPSON, Adm'r,
Sept. 20, 1843.-6 t Union tp.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of
Henry Neff, late of the boroug of Alexandria,
dec'd, are hereby notified to pay their re
spective accounts to the undersigned or eith
er of them on or before the Ist of November
next. • All accounts then unpaid will be pla
ced into the hands of the proper officer and
collected as seepdily as prissibet.
Sept. 20, 1843.—td Executors.
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Huntingdon county, there will be
exposed to sale by public vendue or outcry.
on the premises, on
Sato , day the 2lat day of October next,
the real estate of John Ward, late of Tell
township in said county, deceased, to wit, a
certain MAC 1' OF LAND situate in Te
township, Huntingdon county, aforesaid,
bounded on the north by lands of David
Parsons, on the west by William Magee, on
the east by hind of Widow Piper mid James
Parsons, on the south by lands of George
French and Widow ['rester, containing
200 Acres,
more or less, about one halt of which is im
proved, with two log
u a of
A GOOD BARN, ASD 9 1 jitt 4 '
• thereon...
Tile land is of the best quality of slate
land, easily cultivated and produces well—
there is excellent and never-tailing water on
the premises, and ten or fifteen acres of first
rate meadow It lies about two miles from
the Shade Gap, and about fifteen miles from
the Pennsylvania Canal, in a good neighbor
hood, with. a good township road passing
TFIIM:4 OF SALE:—One third of the
purchase money to be paid on the confirma
tion of the sale, one third in one year there
after with interest and the residue at and
immediately after the death of Mary Ward,
widow of the said intestate, the interest of
the said third payment to be paid to the said
widow annually and regularly during her
natural life—the whole to be secured by the
bond and mortgage of the purchaser.
By the Court.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, I'. M., of
said day. Attendance will be given by
Trustee to make sale.
Sept. 13, 1843—ts
Estate orMatthew Gilleland,
Lute of West township, Huntingdon
county, deceased.
OT ICE is hereby given, that letters
%ILA testamentary upon the said estate have
been granted to the undersigned. All per
sons indebted to said estate are requested to
m;,ke immediate payment, and those having
claims or demands against the same are re
quested to present them duly authenticated
for settlement, to
Sept. 13, 1843-6 t West tp.
BLANK DEEDS, of an improved
form, for sale at this office.