Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, September 13, 1843, Image 3

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    qr2llacs) cl7couazr.mtal,ll..
Huntingdon, Sept. 13, 1843.
To Advertisers.
Ad,rtisernenta must be handed in on Tuesday
morning before 9 o'clock to insure their insertion in
next moniing'e paper.
cry' OATS and CORN will be taken, at the
market price, in payment of subscription and job•
bin/ due this office.
July 12, 194-3.—tr.
rrj-An Apprentice to the Printing Business is
wanted at this race. A boy 14 or 15 years of ago
will find a good situation, if application is made
soon to the EDITOR.
3rd 74ocefaco Wicket.
The following Ticket was agreed upon by the
Porter branch of the Locofoco party of this county,
on Tuesday evening, .Itgth August.
For Amembly:
EDP►►AD BELL. Esq., of Antes tp.
WILLIAM WNITT. of Shirley tp.
Capt. Joys Brun.Aar, of &area, tp. for 3 years.
Wiut.tx BARU, E. of Blair tp. for 1 year.
hoar Donr.Arro, of Huntingdon.
&urn 8. 13.isa,
Ist Locacco Ticket.
The following Ticket was agreed upon by the
Anti-Porter breach of the Locofoco party of this
county, on Tuesday evening, the 15th August.
For Assembly:
TRORAII P. CAMPBELL,E.q. of Huntingdon,
EDWARD BELL, Esq. of Antos township.
Capt. Joaw tawavraar of Barree tp. for 3 years.
Harm. M', of Tyrone tp. for 1 year.
Treasurer :
Dzwxze Dooy, Esq. of Huntingdon.
We leain that Jour; SMITH alias John Fer
ree, the man who was convicted of Horsestealing at
out last Court, had been pardoned by the Governor
and released from the Western Penitentiary in Al
legheny county, only ten days before he stole the
horse in this county.
Fatal Affray.
A isorious affray occured at Elkton, Maryland, a
lawyer, of that village, formerly a Locofoco mem
ber of the Legislature, and Palmer C. Ricketts, edi
tor of the Cecil Whig. A misunderstanding had
existed between the parties for a considerable time,
and Forward had threatened to cowhide Ricketts.
The latter waslcaving the post office, when he was
mot by Forward, who seized him by both arms;
Rieketta disengaged himself and drew a revolving
six barrelled pistol, from which he discharged four
balls, the first missing, the latter three taking effect
in his antagonist's body, causing death soon after.
Ricketts immediately gave himself up to abide the
laws of his country, and was taken into custody by
the Sheriff.
Convention of colored men was held at Butiblo,
New York, some time ago. All the non-slave hol
ding States, and several of the others, were repre
sented by 75 delegates. The object was to devise
means to elevate the condition of their race. The
Gazette says the proceedings were every way cre
ditable, and exhibited much talent.
An address to the colored people was adopted,
making, we learn from the Newark Advertiser, a
stirring appeal to them for action in the great cause
of self-elevation and self-advancement, nod chewing
that all other canoes of their debasement may be re
moved except that of color. A corresponding com
mittee of two from each State was appointed, with
power to call future conventions, etc., and resolu
tions were adopted for the circulation of petitions to
Congress for the abolition of slavery in the District
of Columbia and in the Territories, and against the
annexation of Texas, &c. Mr. Demon, of Phila
delphia presided.
A SUOCKING MuneEn.—The Salem, Alabama,
Free Press, gives some further particulars of the
murder of Mrs. Mary Aiinc Chapman. It is stated
that during her husband's absence from home, she
was by some means enticed by the negroes into a
corn-field about 150 or 200 yards from the house,
sod there murdered by one of them, by means of a
rope thrown over the neck in a running noose.--
After being thus strangled, she was carried to the
opposite side of the field, dragged over the fence so
violently as to leave some of her hair torn out upon
the rails ; and thence taken some 60 yards further
into a ticket, and the body then concealed under the
bark and rotten pieces of an old log.
The Free Press adds:—'Much excitement, we
understand, was produced by the circumstances,and
at a meeting of some 400 or 500 citizens, theques
tion was submitted whether the negroes should be
burnt upon the spot of the murder. Much to their
credit, however, it was agreed that the law should
be permitted to take its course, and the negroes were
accordingly committed to jail."
Seems or TIM Womm.—The entheamount of
specie of the world is estimated by Jacobs at $l,-
900,000,000. to Europe, there is supposed to be
$1,000,000.000. According to the best authorities,
is 'App.:4a that the paper circulation is Europe
i 9 jan?ter'l emu :he ipecie curren:y.
Extensive 'iNirgery in :kl'ew 'SrcrlE.
A young' man named Saunders, a clerk in the
airti m home of A u,tio, Webnording R tin., Ir
ged a nunther rhooks of that house upon various
Banks in the city, where they had deposited, suc
ceeded in drawing the amounts, and making his
escape to England in the steamer Great Western.
The discovery of the forgeries ,us Tuesday morning,
produced great excitement in Wall street. The
amountsdrawn out upon theso forged checks were
as fidlows:
Merchant's Bank,
City Bank,
Phenix Bank,
Bank of Commerce,
Manhattan Bnnk,
Seventh Ward Bank,
State Bank,
Union Bank,
American Exchange Bank
Bank of America,
The imitation of the signatures are so perfect as
to deceive the most practised eye.
It seems that Saunders, when he disappeared
from the counting house on Thursday, must imme
diate have gone to these banks, (at all of which ho
was known as the clerk of A. W. & C 0.,) drawn
the money, and proceeding thence to his boarding
house, took his clothing, paid his bill, and passing
rapidly to the office of the Great. Western, took
passage under the name of Wm. Henry Taylor, of
Ohio, paid i.lOO therefor, and 5 for the stewart,
and immediately drove up to the ship ;just in time to
get on board, before the departure at 2 o'clock.
On the day of sailing of the Great Western, ho
canto to his boarding house in a carriage, to put on
his trunk, about 1 o'clock, when one of his fellow
boarders asking him where he was going, his reply
was to "Boston." When asked again, "why in
such a hurry," he replied, " I have a great deal to
do, and start early."
Ife is a son of Dr. Saunders, an Englishman, who
lived at. Manhattanvillo. As yet the father, whom
the police are in search of, has trot been heard of.
P. S.—The N. Y. Express of yesterday says, the
father of the young man who forged checks on
Friday in the name of Austin, Wilmerding & Co.
was arrested yesterday and is now in prison.
It is now ascertained that Saunders did not get to
the Great Western in time, for he was in the city in
the afternoon of Thursday, after five o'clock, and
therefore too late for the Boston boat also.
Horn •the Pffurderer.
The editor of the Baltimore Republicen, in the
course of an interesting account of a visit to Horn,
the murderer, says that he found the wretched man
seated at his grated window, apparently in medita
tion, gazing through the bars upon the arched
heavens. A small Prayer Book and a German
Bible was near him, and in answer to a question
shout the hitter, he raised it to his lips and kissed it
reverently, while the tears trickled down his cheeks,
as he said, " it was the gift aids mother in a foreign '
land." The editor adds:
"In one corner was his bed—a small table and
two chairs, which composed the furniture of his
apartment—he was firmly chained round the ankle,
the weighty part of his chain resting upon a billet of
wood. On our entering, he raised his eyes in an
inviting manner, seeming to welcome our visit and
in a few minutes we were conversing on general
topics, carefully avoiding allusion to the crime with
which he was charged. Among other questions we
asked him concerning the state of his health, to
which he answered, that his appetite was not so
good as it had been ! otherwise his health was good
—lie could not eat. Look,' said he pointing to a
plate, 'that is my dinner, I cannot eat it—meat is
OireIISIVO ill MA! it lima matnnals..l 11/. ..i._
cell musing—is he guilty or is he soil Let the
las n rif his , ountrvinen decide."
MELANCHOLY bE1711:::;1 7 ; regret to team nom
the Norristown Free Press, that Abraham Brower,
jr., son of Senator Brower, of that county met with
a most melancholy death on the 23d ult. The de
ceased was standing at the side of a tree at which a
man was engaged at falling, when the top unexpec
tcdly lodged against an adjacent tree, but sliding 011
from the stem, swung round and caught hint be
neath it, crushing hint in a manner truly horrible.
The body of the tree had to be cut loose from the
top before it could be removed. When extricated
it was discovered that his back was broken in two
places, besides one of his hips, and that he was
otherwise much mangled. He lived but a few hours
after. He was aged about 20 years.
On Thursday the 7th inst.. by the Rev. H. G.
this borough.
On the 31st ult., by the Rev. Mr. Gillette Mr.
FRANKLIN PRICE, merchant of Hollidaysburg,
to Miss MATILDA ANN, daughter of Thomas S.
Valentine, of Coatesville, Chester county, Pa.
This excellent School, for the instruction of
young ladies, was again opened yesterday, after a
short vocation, had an opportunity is again offered
to all who desire to send pupils to it, for the term
which has just commenced, to do so during the
present and following week. It in very desirable
that all who intend to receive instruction in the
Seminary, should enter with the conunencement
of a term. THE TRUSTEES.
September 13, 1843.
The subscriber is now 1,, , t,, furnish
every description of Ai RS, from the
plain kitchen to the most splendid :sod fash
ionable one for the parlor. A Is ,, the
in which the feeble and afflicted inv
though unable to walk even with the aid of
crutches, may with ease move Welsch . from
room to rosin, through the garden and in
the street, with great rapidity.
Those who are about going to housekeep
ing, will find it to the it advantage to give
him a call, whilst the Student anti Gentle
man of leisure are sure to find in his newly
invented Revolving Chair, that comfort
which no other article of the kind in capable
of affording. Country merchants and ship
pers can be supplied with any quantity at
short notice.___
No. 113 Smith St.concl street, two doors
below Dock,
May 31, 1843.--1
Strayed or Stolen
•isaltOM the premises of the
sIQ - subscriber, near Peters
burg, on Thursday night last, a
bright brown mare, stone blind,
•_!!! ' both hind legs white to the lyis
tore Jonas, she had been kicked a short time
ago on the hintlieg and was lame. •
Any person "returning the said mare to the
subscriber will he liberally rewaided.
.Ai l Ealt 9, 11143.—:3t.. pd.
IAN it 6i T S
Philadelphia, Sept. 8.
WHEAT FLOUR, per bbl. - - - $4 62
RYE MEAL, do. - - - - 312
CORN Ho. do.
WHEAT, pI imc Penna. per bush. - - 1 00
RYE do. - - 54
Cone:, yellow, do. - - - 51
do. white, do. - - 50
OATS, do. - - - 23
WHISKEY, in hie.
flail Sept. 4.
1 7 li HEAT FLOUR, per bbl. - - - $4 87i
WHEAT, per bush. - - - 1 00
CORN, yellow, do.
do. white, do
WHISKEY, in bbls
PitAburgh, Sept. 8.
- - - 83 75i3 87i
- - - - 70 a 75
FLOUR, per Uhl.
WHEAT, per bush
RYE, (10.
do. - - -
WHISKEY, per gal. - -
J}' Its• Whiskey not reported
Rules of Discount in Philadelphia.
_ ranks in Philadelphia.
Bank of forth A Mt:lira : - par
Bank of the Northern Liberties - par
Kink of Penn 'ltiwnship - - Par
Comm( rci•cl Bank of l'enn'a. - - par
Farmers' & Mechanics' bank - - par
Kensington bank - - - pat'
Schuylkill bank - - - - par
Mechanics' hank • - - - par
Phil.alelphi a bank
Southwark bank - - - par
Western batik - - - - par
Moyamensing bank - - - par
Manufacturers' and Mechanics' bank par
Bank of Pennsylvania - - - par
Girard bank - - - - 15
Bank of the United States - 56
Country Banks.
Bunk of Chester CO. Wcstchester par
B of Delaware co. Chester par
Bank of Germantown Germantown
Bank of Montiery co. Non ktown par
11,ylest0wn bank Doylestown par
F.aston BankE•iv par
Farmers' bk of Bucks cc. Bristol par
I loneschtle bank llonesdale li
Farmers' bk of Lane. Linc.ister 1
Lancaster bank Lancaster i
Lancaster county bank Lancaster I f
Bank of Pitt,hurg Pittsburg 1
Merclets' & Manuf. bk. Pittsburg 1
Exchange bank Pittsburg 1
Do. do. branch of Hollidaysburg 1
Cora bk & bridge ca. Columbia i
Franklin bank Washington 1
Monongahela bk of B. Brownsville lf
Farmers' bk of Heading Heading i
Lebanon bank Lebanon 3
Bank of Northumberi'd Northumberland par
Bank of Middletown Middletown 2
Carlisle bank Carlisle . 2
Erie bank Erie 6
Bank of Chambersburg Chambersburg li
Bank of Gettysburg Gettysburg 2
York bank York • 2
Harrisburg bank Harrisburg 2
, ~,,. ,„,..,,, , ~,, • 0... z.0. , .. , ,u,.. .. 2
Bail ~f tinsqui ham,. co. Montrose no sale.
Farmers' ft Dec. vers' Lk Waynesborough 3
NV pinitig uai ii Wlikcsbarro 3
Northampton b a ck Allentown no sale
Becks county bark Remling 75
West Branch bank Williamsport 35
Towanda Lack TlWanda 88
Rates of Relief Notes.
North , rn Liberties, Delaware County, Far
mers' Bark of Bucks, Germantown par
AU others - - - - - 2}
aIIAME to the Farm of the
Wll oa
`s `-‘,,,,,e subscriber, near the bo.
( rough of Alexandria, Hunting
., dun v,.uity, on Saturday the
19th inst., a light sorrel horse,
I,,vy iii.ule, with A small star in his fore
head, six yt ars old last spring, ard about 15
hands high. The owner is requested to
come and prove property, pay charges and
take him away, otherwise he will be disposed
of according to law
Augnst 30 1843
QZ) Lta M
aisE P.A,aras are offered furl
b." , le, containing each about
250 Acres, of fine Limestone
11'1 .1_ aid Chocolate Land, well water-
improved, with a due proportion of
wiwt:, situate ass the State Ro.M, m Trough
Creak Valley, six is Has from the Raystoun
isranCis of the Juniata and Chilcoatstowa,
alma 7 from the rub-mill Gap, 13 from
CaMpbell's Lock on the State Ca
nal, and 20 From M'Conuellsburg
and the town of Huntingdon.—
They ate surrounded by a respec
table and thriving population, established
snore than 50 yeats since ; and are near to
several iron works, which, independent of
other sources, afford mat kets fot the produce
this fertile and beautiful valley.
For information, apply to Mr. James Bo
les kin, Jr.. Coffer-Ruts I'. 0. Huntingdon co.
Pa., or Mr. William Houck, Broad-top P.
0. Huntingdon co. Pa., who will show the
Ang. 16, 1843.- , -3ms, Plidadelpliish
Wholesale Clock Establishment,
c . ,'W HERE in to he found the largest
VAr sortment of clocks in the United
States, among which are Forrestville, Hills
Goodrich & Co., Atkins, Porter & Co.,
Ives' Brewsters, and other eight day brass
clocks. C. Jerome's, Bristol manufacturing
company, A,kins. Porter & C a., Hill's,
Goodrich & Co., Forrestville, H. Welton's,
and other thirty hour brass clocks, Board
man & Welle's, Helkins and Alfred's, 11. C.
Smith's and other wotal clock.
Sole agent far Crane's celebrated year and
month clocks, as well as several of the above
Also, church and hall chick,
Watchtm.k•:rs, Merchant, and others, will
find it to their interest to cal'.
Look'ng Glosses manufactured.
Philadelphia. July 28, 1843.-3 m
Zzm',l'la3(.tirs 9
la 3. U. M. TOVVir .
paESP E.C . I F ULLY announCCH tO the ci
tizens of Huntingdon cout.ty, that he
bus returned to Alexanuria, where he ts pre
pared to attend to the practice of his Pro
fession, until the first of September next,
when he will leave for Cincinnati.
N. 8.-1)r. Young has a new discovery for
destroying the nerves of Teeth 'without pain.
Also, a new Pariaion Cement, for plugging
Teeth in the most durable manner, for only
half the cost of GAL
August 2,1843.-3 t.
Paper Pedlin g.
The subscriber informs the Merchants of
Huntingdon and the adjoining counties that
he still continues in the above business, and
that the report put in circulation, by inter
ested persons, that he has quit travellbig
this section of country is utterly false. He
still continues to give the highest price for
All orders m his line, left at the " Hun
tingdon Journal" office, or Exchange Hotel,
will meet with prompt attention from the
- 17 a 18
37 a 40
July 26, 1843.-3 t
Estate of Conrad DUtenger.
Late of It oodberry township, &ed.
VTOTICE is hereby given, that letters
gaol testamentary on the last will and tes
tament of Conrad Diltenger, late of Wood
berry township, Huntingdon oamty, have
been granted to the undersigned. All per
sons indebted to said estate are requested to
mske immediate payment, and those having
claims or demands against the same are re
quested to present them duly authenticated
tor settlement,
July 19, 1843-6 t
All persons are hereby notified that 1, the
subscriber, purchased at Sheriff's Sale, on
the sth day of August inst., as the property
of Richard 1). Bathgate, in Ennisville, Hun
tingdon county, the following property,
which I left in the possession of the said
Batligrue, it not being convenient to remove
the same, to wit .-61 sheep :kills in the
vats, 96 calf :Alps, dn., 1 grey horse saddle
and bridle, and /0 cords of tan bark in the
balk mill. All persons are therefore hereby
cautioned and forewarned against intermed
tiling with, the above mentioned property, as
the wime belongs to me, and I will proceed
according to law against any person inter
meddlin,i, with the same or any part thereof.
Aneust 9, 11343.—pd.
A Female Teacher
The School Directors of the borough of
Alexandria, wish to engage a Female Teach
er, to tOce charge of a School composed en
tirely of Females. She should be qualified
to teach Reading, Grammar, Geography,
History, Composition, Writing and Ari! h
metic, and be ready to commence on the Ist
of October next.
Application to be rnacle to either of the
Commit. P.
Loa of the .13 , n•ough i f Shirleysburg.
Huntingdon comity, decd.
Notice is hereby given that letters of ad
minstration upon the said estate have been
granted to the undersigned, All persons
Navin;; claims or demands against the same
are requested to snake them known without
delay, and all persons indebted to mak:: im
mediate payment to
.I,igtigt 0, 1843.-6'. pa
Chair and Cabinet atlaking.
:: 36 : eActSf : ili:iD C rIkn
s: hecitizens
a: Huntingdon and vicinit r
f he l;scm:iE::th:aon
,i,esi:lt v ar ious
11,ranches, in the shop occupied by
4 1 7
him the last year as a chair shop,
oppustte Geo. Jackson's hotel.
Ail kinds of work made to order on the
the shortest nottce, warrenteo to be good,
and will be given in exchange for all kinds
of vu ultry produce,
and very cheap fur cash.
Collins made on sight.
June 7, 1842.
TO nausmitEEPERS
.2fc aindl i„)„„ds Feathers fur
' , ff”-F‘-olto sale very low in any
quantities to suit purchasers for cash. at.
prices from 10, 15, 20 and 25 cents per
pant!. Ready made beds, bolsters. and
Fillows, and cut led hair mattresses, 1110b8
(10. and all other kinds to suit any size
beadsteads always on hand. Culled hair
and New Orleans 1111155 by the bale or
single pound.
Country store keepers would find it to
their advantage by calling on the subscri
hers before purchasing.
FINLEY 4. co. •
South East corner f ,Veennd
and Walnut street, Phil'a,
March 22, 1543 —3m.
Late of Barree township, deed.
Notice is hereby given, that letters testa
mentary on the last will and testament oldie
said 'thus. Blair have been granted to the
undersigned. All persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims or demands
against the same are requested to present
them duly authenticated for settlement, to
Dr. MORDIC.II 11,ASSEY, /Jaffee tp.
JOHN BORST, West tothriship,
July 19, 1843.-6 t
BLANK DEEDS, of an improved
form, for sale at this office.
Tno LANK BONDS to Constableslor Stay
4,11 of Execution, under the new law, just
minted; and for safe, at this office.
tapaazitai 2
Dr. aloffat's Life Pills
The perfectly sate, unerring and suc
cessful treatment of almost every species
of disease by the use of 1)1. MOFFAT'S LIFE
MEDICINES, is no longer an experiment ;
as a reference to the'experience of many
thousand patients will satisfactorily prove.
During the present month alone, nearly
one hundred cases have conic to the
knowledge of Dr. MOFFAT, where the pa
tient has to all appearance, effected a per•
manent cure by the exclusive and Judi
cious use of the Life Medicines—some
eight or ten of these had been considered
hopeless by their physicians. Such happy
results are, a source ut great pleasure to Dr.
M., and inspire him with a new confidence
to recommend the use of his medicines to
his fellow citizens.
The LIFE. Alrnictxns are a purely
VEGETABLE preparation. They vie mild
and pleasant in their operation, and at the
same time thorough••acting rapidly upon
the secretions of the system-•-carrying off
all acrimonious humors, and assimilating
and purifying the blood. For this reason,
in aggravated cases of Dspepsia, the Life
Medicines will give relief in a shorter
space of trine than any other prescription.
In Fever and Ague, Inflammatory t{heu•
'Tunisia, Fevers of every descm iption, Sick
Headaches, Heartburn, Dizziness in the
(lead, Pains in the Chest, Flatulency, 1m•
paired Appetite, and in every disease ari.
sing from impurity of the blood, or a diso
ordered state of the stomach, time use of
these medicines has always proved to be
beyond doubt, greatly superior to any
other mode of treatment.
All that Dr. Matt asks of his patients
is to be particular in taking them accor
ding to the directions. It is not by a
newspaper notice, or by any thing that he
may say in their favor, that he hopes to
gain credit. It is alone by the recnit of
lair trial. Is the reader an invalid, and
(Ines he wish to know whether the Life
Medicines will suit his Own case If so,
let him call at the office of the agent, and
procure a copy of the Good Samaritan,
published gratuitously. lie will there
find enumerated very many extraordinary
races of cure; perhaps some exactly Simi
lar to his own.
Sold by JACOB 111 tt. Lrit , Huntingdon
August SO, 1843.
0:3 Fla Sr.l
Has just received and offers for sale,
7,500 first rate-half Spanish
31,000 good common
Cr"Teountry Merchuuts can be supplied
on reasonable terms
Huntingdon. July 19.—t f
21,1C.1U11LA: I I rhpetallilly IltiorMS bls
friends and the public generally, that he still
continues the merchandising in the r oom for
merly i.crupied by the store el Madden &
Lutz, in SIM leysliurg, and solicits a contin
uance their Incurs. lie has also erected a
for the manufacture of STONE and
EARTHEN '% ARE. His ware has been
well tested and proven co be inferior to none
in the country. Merchants will find it an
advantage in supplying themselves at this
establishment. His terms will be suitable
to the tutors. Orders from a distance will he
strictly and promptly atti:iichll to. Thank
ful for past favors, he solicits a share of rib-
Vic pi . ttronage. JOHN LUT Z.
Sholeysburg, June 7,13,13.-4 r.
Respectfully informs the citizens of this
county, and the public generally, that he has
removed to and opened a Public House in
that large and commodious brick building
situate at the centre of the Diamond, former
ly occupitcl by C. Coats, where the " way
worn travelkr" will find every attention that
will minister to his convenience and comfort.
'His TABLE will receive his especial atten
tion, and shall always be abundantly supplied
with the best to be had in the connty.
His BAIL is furnished with the choicest
Wines and Lieu Ts.
His STABLING is the best in the place,
and the mast careful and attentive ostlers
will always be in attendance ; and the HosT
pledges himself to mrke. cccrr exertion to
render his house a "home" to all who may
favor him with it call. The stranger and
the friend may rest ttsrured that if a desire
to please be successful he doubts not Ids suc
cess. He tenders his thanks to Isis old cus
tomers for past favors, and respectfully so
licits a continuance of their patronage.
cO'• BO ARDERS will be taken by the
y ear . iwtsith or week:
July 12, 1843.—ftm.
9,ll l llLst t i l l= e r ns ‘ , , , t l:l l ll( i i ,
adjoining comnie a, that he still contiuucs to
cdrry on business at the Rockdale Foundry,
an Clover Creek, two miles from Williams
burg, where he isprepared to execute all
orders in his line, of the best materials a un t
workmanship, and with promptritss and de
He will keep constantly on hand stoves of
every description, such as
Coolthm, Ern %Hate,
Parlor, Coal T:Rotary, Corking wid
Wood Sinves,
Livingston Ploughs,
Anvils, Ilaininers, Hollow 11'are
and every kind Of castings necessary for fur
ges, mills or machnwry of any description ;
wagon boxes of all dos . criptioos, ,•ct., which
can be had on as good terms as they c:in be
had at any other foundry in the county or
state: Remember the Rockdale Foundry.
Jan. 11th 1843
G - 0,1 - aamciac D gi
icp AV E At.itird an enviable crieln ity as
46 - 54/ a vegetable remedy in llv , entery,
Choleramorbus, Bilious diseases, Rheuma
tism, the premonitory stage of Scarlet lever,
&e., &o. A ll affections arFaing from impure,
blond, are warranted to l), relieved by
their use.
Fisher & Huntingclori
Alex. Knox & S - in, Newry.
W. & 13. 1at.114, Sliirleysburg.
Dennis O'Connor, Three Spring..
Blair & Madden, Iklnilcirn's
'hinter & Wigton, Rockbill Furnace.
Thomas E. Orbisnn & Co., Orbisiiiia
Brice X. Blair, Shade CiaP . . —.—
No foreign testnin.ny in favor of these Pills
adduced) hut certificates are presented
from citizens of our own county.
From Wlll,:tm Al'Ltin, Req. cf Dublin
township, Huntingdon county. •
I was affected With Scarlet Fever. A
physician prc,crihed Dr. Shade's Pills. I
made use of three th.scs, which proved both
emetic and purgative, c:eansing the stomach
and bowels equal to any calomel I have ever
tt km. 1 have since used the Renovating
Pills in my family and cannot say too 11.Uth
in their favor.
August :5, 184
The subscriber rospectfully nnarunces to bin
Iriends and the public grtierally, that he has
taken the above named well known Tavern
Stand, (formerly kept by ‘l. m. li.. Campi)
where he will endeavor to serve those that
may call upon him in the most satisfactory
manner: The Iltpise is centrally :Ind plea
santly located, anal Is furnished throughout
with the best of bedding and other furniture,
and his accommodations ate such es to make
it a convenient and desirable stopping place.
trc- No exertions will be spared to make
it agreeable in nll its departments to those
who may favor him with if call.
lieceniber 21, 1842.
viAllE subscriber occupving•the
, lar l ,N three story brick dwell
ing house at the south east CDII/er
of Allegheny nod Smith streets, in
the borough of Huntingdon, the third story of
which during the last sworn,: r has been fitted
for bleeping rooms; having a large stable on
the premises, and pacing employed n care
ful pet son to attend to it and take care of
horses, &c., informs the public that she is
prepared to accommodate such of her friends
anti such strangers and travellers as may de
site accommodation. She respectfifily soli
cits a share of public patronage, and hopes
the friends of Temperance will give her a
Huntingdon March 1, 11.13.
TIFIFIng to _ • 4 .t,r... - garms - rti - .a.y
wagon making, and every kind of vehicle ye -
pairing. Ilaving learnt his trade in England,
he is prepared to fui nish either the English
or American style of wagonS, and hopes by
diligence and attention to merit a share of
public patronage.
N. B. Ship near to Mr. J. Houck's Wack
smith shop.
Huntingdrin, April 19, 1843.—1 y.
, IDESPECTFULLY informs his friends,
and the public generally, that he still
continues the above business in
and is prepared to manufacture all kinds of
(/uns or Pistols, or to make any necessary re
pai rs spoil :my article of the kind. It careful
attention will merit tapes to se-.
cure the pltronage. of the sharp shouleri, of
this comity.
October 11,1842.
WI:KU w122.11f31-TH4T
ItoAS returned to Huntingdon, and
opened an Office in the first in
Hilt street, next WV:we Bridge. Where M.,-
divine and advice can be had t 1• any of the
afflicting diseases that. aff,et the human w•-
tent. All letters address , d to Dector
WrMust be post 1 e
Huntingdon. :Illy 17, 1813.---1 y.
Nu. 200 a/ A KE 7' STREET,
( Gth Street)
r". l a , subscriber, thankful for the him
✓ saiiport of his friends and the public
VliehdlY, respect oily inform; them that h,
OM mutilates at the iA‘l cstablkhed 11 , 117 e,
where he will he l It isetl to accommodate
all those who favor him with their pmromtke.
chuttsTiAN BROWER.
Dec. 14, 1842.-11:.
LINT OF LE'll"l'Entli
LEMAINING in the Post Office nt Hunting
don, Pa., July lot 1843. Ifnot milled for pre
vious to the let of October next they will be se nt to
the General Port Office as dead letters.
Bell S. David ?Jolson A. James
Baily Mrs. Jane Morris Mrs. Elizabeth
Boat Owen Porter Robert
Canuee George Stevens Oliver
Cresat•ell Mathew Sankey Miss Julian
Chatroan Jacob Steel James 15
Egon Bernard Sellers F. William
Gorsuch John Smith A. William ears of
Gilbert Thomas Dr. Shocnberger
Jordan Mk: , Catharine Thomson John, tanner 2'
Jackston Henry Wallace Thomas care of
Johnston Andrew John Houck
Irons David Wariek William
Mulkern Patrick Witherow John
Moore James Wells George
Moore Rev. John Wolf Lorenzo
July 3, 1813.
z r.