I U -4 2sa co cz) aa ara.l3..c. Huntingdon, Ai ung. 16. 1843 COUNTY CONVENTION, Democratic Ilarrison Meeting, The citizens of the several townships and bor oughs of this county, are requested to meet at their usual places of meeting, On Saturday the 12th day of Au gust next, to elect two Delegates from each of said townships and boroughs, to represent them in the County Convention, which will meet in the Borough of Huntingdon, on Wednesday, the 16th of August, it 2 o'clock in the afternoon, to nominate a County Ticket, to be supported by the opponents of the present State Administration, at the coming general election, and also to appoint Congressional Confe rees, and to appoint delegates to the State Conven tion which will assemble, at Harrisburg, on the Gth day of September next, to nominate candidates for a Board of Canal Commissioners to be supported by the Democratic 'Whig and Anthnasonic voters of this Commonwealth at the ensuing general election, and to transact such other business as may be deem ed ne; , ,essary for the promotion of the cause of the people. Ca• The Convention will meet at the Old Court House.4:o • By Order of the County Committee. THOMAS FISHER, Chairman. July 12, 1843. To Advertisers. Advertisements must be handed in on Tuesday morning before 9 o'clock to insure their insertion in next morning's paper. Notico.,o3 Persons having accounts of one year's standing at this office, for advertising or job printing, are re quested to pay the same before the end of the ensu ing August Court. July 12, 1843.-Ic. GI.OATS and CORN will be taken, at the market price, in payment of subscription and job bing due this office. July 12, 1843.—e. MUCH IS YET TINSIING. " Oh Gregoree, oh Gregori, Such poetree, such poetri." " A little bird I am you see." One day last week a wild-looking, long-haired, elittwholy countenanced inert entered our office-- at underarm, and apparently somewhat fatigued— who seated himself on a chair and drew from his pocket a sheet of paper, at the same time addressing us—" Sir, with your permission I will read you a piece of poetry which I wrote and some of my friends want to see published." We told him to proceed; whtripon he read, in a tone peculiar to himself, the following' [ lines," which we have con cluded to publish verbatim et 'Vera", as they were written. To our inquiry, whether it was not new poetry, he replied--" no, it comes quite na -1 star to me. We give the " poetry" without any further detail of the colloquium we had relating thereto. It will be found quite Byronical. THE DOVE. Of all the birds bcneth the sun The dov it tis the awetest ono Thare sompthing in its vois so plane That sounds aloudo its makers name Who woho is he that made me fare And (loth these words to me declare That I must fli from tre to tre The wickedness of man to see O wicked man how wicked thow To gold and silver you do how In Ouse of bowing to the Lord You curse his name and tramp his word And ! created hy the same Am but a bird the does my name And lick stranger herel rome With nether place a frend or home But you hay fiends a home and plaso And blest with other mono of goose God who made you with his hand Givs you food at your command But I a strange rove around I eat my food apon the ground Stil lie bare the glorious talc As I fly my vocal vale But you forget your makers name An grep for richie and for fame On hi a id lofty Beets you tet Your makers name you do forget But I wil sing from shore to shore Til sun shat rise and set no more The praseis of a God so good That give to me my duley food But you forget to sing his pram You think apon your tenth of days Do you think your welth so ga Wold wash the lest of sins awa But welth and pride is far from Inc A little bird I am you see Made by God and set on erth To sing the mis of my birth Who woho to matt a mong the rest That God bath made to be the best But vilest of the trane And seam &aim to hay the name But all the birds and beasts that are Doth thare makers natne declare And ansor to his dred commad Bocaus he made them with his hand But man the worst among them all Theta grosely wicked by the fall And ever wiced he sal bee Thru time and in eturnity But 0 the bird the call the dov It is so sweet and ful of lov There is no trubble on its brest Of all the biro it is tho best It is supposed that Webster, another of the Pi rates of the Lavinia, has been arrested in Albany, New Ilsk. 1 the Harrisburg Telegraph. PARTIZAN TaUTH-TZILLING The Locofocos " beginning" to tell the Truth---the Harrison Party has no need to make such a commence ment—Honesty the best Policy. Z.The locos arcbegliming to speak the truth. [Daily Forunz. We wish we could say as much for the Whigs. [Harrisburg Union. No doubt the Locofocos would be glad enough to I place their opponents in the same unenviable cate gory with themselves. But for proof that the Democratic Harrison party has not now to begin a career of veracity, the Union is referred to the cam paigns of 1838 and 1840—to go no further back— for the charges and evidences against David R. Porter, that it may compare the colors in which he is there displayed, with those in which they are every week painting him; and that too, without their having any new developements to improve their political vision, or add to their limning skill. They will discover the files of the Telegraph of those periods to contain substantially the same alle gations, like proofs, similar deductions, with those which are now served up, every week, with epicu rean gusto in it own columns. Indeed, so much is this the case, that the editor of a Reading paper queries whether Mr. Benedict, the former editor of the Huntingdon Journal, is not now connected with the Union, in the capacity of assistant editor ! A marvellous union truly that would be, but the sup position is nut to be wondered at, when the tenor of some of our neighbors editorial ebulitions are con sidered, redolent as they are with denunciations of Porter's dishonesty—Porter's lumbering and Kick apooism—Porter's bribery and corruption—Porter's robbery of the State Treasury to pay his brother and Attorney General Johnson fees of $2,000 each —Porter's hypocrisy and perjury—Porter's abuse of the pardoning power—Porter's treachery and trea son. The Union in all this, is notoriously following in the footsteps of the Democratic Harrison press. It is uttering now, for the first time, truths, which were declared years ago. Did not its conductors then know them to be truths? They cannot place their hands upon their hearts, and answer, nay! They cannot hold up their hands to Heaven, and declare that they sinned in ignorance. Yes! After years of political tergiversation and falsehood in defence of Porter and his misdeeds, the locofoco presses are "eating in their own words!" —seizing "our thunder" to annihilate a monster who they erst shielded from its bolts—gathering our spent arrows wherewith to destroy the serpent whom they themselves warmed into life. And yet, to a remark, made we are confident in a liberal spirit, upon their new born veracity, the Union replies by an insinuation of entire falsehood in the Whig par ty ! Some people, in view of the fact, that almost every column of that press contains matter which is a triumphant vindication of the sterling integrity and unswerving truthfulness of the party which we have the honor to act with, would be disposed to denounce such an insinuation as unparalled impu dence. But that might be considered harsh and uncharitable ; and we would rather deem it but the force of an old habit, which having become like se cond nature from long custom, is very hard to shako off all at once. With time and care, it is not to be doubted but that the Union may become a pretty fair truth-teller, for a Loco foco organ ; and we shall live in hopes of so desirable a consummation. " Wet;ish we could say as much for the Whip:" If we chose to misunderstand the meaning intended by the Union in this sentence, it could easily be in terpreted into an admission of the correctness of the Forum's remark; and as a regret that the Har rison party had so much of a moral advantage, in , not having at this time to begin, like themselves, "to speak the truth." Sitting upon the stool of repentence for former advocacy of Porter, as they confessedly are, this kind of an admission would have been more consistent with a character of real contrition, and with its present course. It is to be feared, however, that the differences existing between us and our Locofoco friends in the matter of truth-telling, are too vital to be easily ad justed. With them, it is a question of expediency —with us, an immutable, unchangeable principle. We, therefore, have never to " begin" in that way. But in the above reply to the Forum, taken literally, the Union tacitly admits that its own party has made such a beginning, including also the inference that it sometimes treats truth as a malefactor, by making it to undergo a temporary suspension, as being too dangerous to the party interests to be suf fered to go freely at large. It was this Lynching of truth which put a Porter into the Executive Chair, to disgrace it. The Harrison Democracy did their best to prevent the sacrifice; but the beacon lights which the majority of the people had been accus tomed to look to for guidance, shed a false glare over the land, and the deed which they all now lament, was blindly perpetrated by them. The events of the last 'few years of political his tory in Pennsylvania, however, renders it more clear than over, that the remark so often applied to indi viduals, is not less appropriate to parties—that after all, "honesty is the best policy." As the poet beautifully says: "Truth, entailed to earth, shall rise again, The eternal years of God are hers; But error, wounded, writhes in pain, And dies amidst her worshippers. Lynch Law in Pennaylaania , The Philadelphia Ledger is informed bye gentle man from Columbia, Lancaster county, that a fiend like attempt was made by a negro to commit an outrage on the person of a white girl, at that place, on the afternoon of the lot inst. The girl had taken passage on board of a canal boat for Harrisburg, when the negro came on board, locked her in the cabin, and attempted the outrage alluded to. The cries of the girl attracted the attention of a boat. builder on the other side of the canal, who immedi ately rescued her, and took the negro before 'Squire Lloyd. After hearing the case, the magistrate com mitted the negro to the town hall, to await a con veyance in the morning, to the jail in Lancaster.— The outrange soon became known, and much ex citement prevailed in the neighborhood. During the night u number of citizens and strangers went to the town hall, rescued the negro, took him down to the beach on the Susquehanna, stripped him of his clothing, and gave him thirty-nine severe lashes.— They then tarred and feathered the wretch, gave him thirty-nine lashes more, supplied the place of the feathers which were cut off by the last beating, by a fresh quantity, then pinioned his arms, took him to the door of the house of a leading abolitionist of Columbia, and left him, in that condition, tied to the handle of the door. (0- The readers of the above paragraph will deeply regret that the indignation which would nat urally be excited at the foul outrage upon a person, should altnost be extinguished by the outrage which was afterwards committed on Justice. The repea ted usurpations of the rights of the Law, cannot be persisted in without overwhelming our country in lawlessness, confusion and anarchy. BOUNTIFUL DorrarroN.—A messenger says that the Christian Watchman, recently entered the rooms of the General Assembly's Board of Foreign Mis sions in Now York, and counted out ten one thou sand dollar bank notes, saying it was for the mission to China, and no quemini.) were to be asked as to the dons,. A VOTE or Tossus.—Among the toasts drank on the last 4th of July at Yazoo city in Mississippi, there was the following : By H. C. Lewis—Christopher Columbus, the discoverer of America—very much obliged to him indeed. Who, after this, will contend that republics are ungrateful? Excounsouro TO SLAvEnoLneus.—A corres pondent of a Florida newspaper, quotes Genesis, chap. 9, v. 26, 27, as a text for some remarks, con cluding that the Africans are the true descendants of Canaan, and that holding them in bondage fulfills prophecy. FnosT rx Jr LT.-Although we have had a severe drouth for the last live or six weeks, on Friday night last, the 21st ult., a frost occurred which has actually killed quantities of corn in low situations. —Canton, 0., Repository. A PENN9TLVANIA DrAionve.--"Hallo ! Hard Cider! What do you think of your Whig Presi- dent V' ', He's dead, Heaven bless him !—What do you think of your 'Democratic' Governor'!" —The Loco pulled lus hat over his eyes, and made tracks venomously. The Warren, Pa., Monitor, of the Ist inst. says: "On Saturday last, as two men were engaged in getting saw logs into Mr. Irvin's dam, about six miles from town, one of them a young man named George Mook, fell into the water, and before assis tance could be rendered, was drowned. The High Constable of Lancaster, arrested in that city on Thursday last, two men named Hugh Green and John Thompson, who are charged with passing counterfeit $lO bills of the Western Bank of Phila delphia. They have been committed for trial. The Erie Railroad Company have stopped all the travel upon their road on the Sabbath. The Richmond Whig •likens Mr. Tyler's endea vors to procure a nomination for the Presidency to the very pretty operation of a young kitten's chase of its tail. An examination of the two men charged with be ing pirates of the Lavinia, held before the U. States Commissioner in New York, has resulted in them being fully committed for trial. Fifteen Days Later from Europe. Arica! of the Acadia. The Acadia steamship arrived at Bos ton onWednesdav afternoon after a pas sage of 14 dais. 'The news by her is 15 Mays later. The ,ession of Purliatnent was still prolonged : and was not expected to rise until October or later. Ireland continued to occupy its exclusive Men lion. The Cabinet is divided in council and purposes no decided measures. Sir Robert Peel is opposed to violent mea sures. On one question in the House of Commons, relative to Ireland, the majori ty for ministers had dwindled down to 73, 'he smallest they have yet had on adz/ great question. O'Connell is still holding meetings and making speeches. The grain crops in Ireland promise finely. Poseyism is said to be gaining ground in England. _ . At n meeting of the Irish General As sembly of Belfast, a subscription list on behalf of the Scotch Free Church was opened and the amount realized on the spot was £2OOO. Th e %% aterford Repeal demonstration is said to have been attended by 300,000 persons. The procession that accompa nied Mr. O'Connell is described as having been five miles in length. A platform was erected capable of containing 3,000 per sons. The choir was occupied by Sir R. Musgrave, Bart., and amongst the n•en• B onen present were Thomas Meagrian, Esq., Mayor of Waterford, twenty-two of the town council, Sir B. Morris, the Right Rev. Dr. Foran, Roman Catholic Bishop of Waterford, and a whole host of Catho lic clergy. The various propositions having been proposed and carried, Mr. O'Connell ad• dressed the multitude at great length and amidst the loudest cheering. His speech was comparatively exempt from the usual exciting and inflammatory topics, but though more moderate in terms, was not less confident and decided in tone, and he spake of the repeal as certain to be carri ed, if the people only kept with the law, and abstained Burn the slightest breach of the peace. . _ lire Morning Herald, which is now the sole organ which the Government pos sesses, had an article the other day de claring that the Ministry would riot have recourse to any coercive measure against Ireland, tor this very singular reason— that it would be the ruin of conservatism in this country to identify it with civil war in the sister kingdom. This article is regarded by the well-informed as ema nating from authority, and as consequent ly indicating the true Ministerial policy. In the Herald of yesterday the editor re joices in Sir R. Peel's declarations that he will not be forced by his ft iends into a coercive line of policy. The other Tory newspapers, such as the noes and the Morino? Post, are quite furious at Su• Robert Peel for nut adopticg violent mea sures at once.—Linerpoot Mercury. Despatches have been sent Wl' by Gov ernment to Captain Lard G. Paulet, of the Craysfort frigate, in the South Pacific, acknowledging the free independence of King Tainahamslia 111., and the Sandwich Islands from this or any other country. The disturbances in South Wales aps pear rather on the increase. Several inure turnpike gates have been destroyed by the rioters. A detachment of artillery with their guns has been sent up to Caermathen mom Woolwich, to act decisively against the secret band of disturbers known as Rebecca and her daughters." Mrs. ‘Voon.—This celebrated vocalist, after her very shut connex:oo with the Roman Catholics, has returned to her bus. , band and the Protestant faith. On SUN day last Mr. and Mrs. Wand tank Inn in the musical performance at Chord 'borne Chapel, and Mr. Wood understand, undertaken to prt side re i larly at the new organ %%loch has bi , en juio built for (114 place of w•or+htp by Mr. Booth of Wakefield.—Leeda kercury. It is stated that the Messrs. airings 4• Co„ of London have contracted with New Grenada, to complete the . ship canal through the Isthmus cut Panama ; to be complete in five years. Spain.—The most interesting and im portant news is from this unhappy country. ! he accounts rep., sent the insurrectionary movements to have gained so much head.. way, that Espartero the Regent, is nearly in desperate circumstances. He still holds the capitol and most of the fortress es, and has three armies headed by him. self, Gen. Setione, and Gen, Zurbano, be sides the corps of Gen. Von Hellen, which after an unsuccessful movement on Gren ada is retiring toward Cadiz. On the other side, the insurgents, who were joined at Valencia, JUIIP 27th, by Gen. Raymon Narvaoz and several other Chris tine are in great force, possess most ol the open country, and are march• ing un Madrid, from Valencia under Nar veaz (the new convert.) lrom Badjos un der lien. Urbina, and front Valladolid, • under A spiros and Amor. The last is now nearest to Madrid. Espartero in person faces the army of Narvaez, but has lately retreated from Albacete to Balazote, one day's march toward Anda• lusia. This retrogade movement uncov ers time road to Madrid, and justifies the imptession that Espartero contemplates abandoning the Capitol and carrying off the yours;: Queen to the strongly lortified city of Cadiz, believing that the money of the insurgents will soon be exhausted, their forces scattered or diminished, and then the possession of the Queen and the strongholds will enable him to recover all the ground he has lost. Seville, Malaga, Barcelona, and Va lencia, indeed all the towns on the coast, with the exception tit . Cadiz, hays'' decla red" against the cause of Espartero.— The authorities of Cadiz had refused all intercourse with the other ports. Porlugal is agited by these operations, it being apprehended that the triumph of the insurrection in Spain would be follow• ed by a similar convulsion in the sister kingdom. The Finance of Portugal ap pear to be utterly bankrupt, yet the Min. i,try is contemplating a new issue of Treasury paper. T he confinement of the young Queen is expected to take place within a month. Algiers.—Tlie Paris papers publish a letter from Algiers, which states that Abd el-Kader was surprised on the 9.d ult., while aslcvp in his camp, about 60 miles from Mascara, by a division under Col. Grey, and that not a person would ha ve escaped but for the war-cry raised by the ArtO allies of the French. "On waking," says the writer " he took his glass and re cognized the Assassecas, who did riot in spire him with great confidence. lie sent forward a force to keep them in check, and in the mean time Col. Grey, with his column was approaching without being perceived. V 1 Bile the alarm was sounding in the camp, Col. Grey sent into it 150 Spahies, and followed at the head of his regiment. In an instant the melee became general. The Spahia used their swords with fury, and our infitntry bayoneted right and leti. In a very short time 500 of the regulars of Abd•el-Kader sere killed, anti we tool; 150 prisoners, a standard, GOO camels, 180 horses ready saddled,loo laden mules, 400 muskets, swords, pistols, &c. The Ewe had his horse killed, and in his flight left behind him his splendid horse collar, ornamented with amulets, said to have been a present from the Em peror of Morocco, the hollow stone in which he performed his ablutions, his staff of justice, a NIS. history of the war with the French, his correspondence with the Kalifats and other important personages, and an immense booty. France.— In the early part of the week it was reported that Ilis Majesty, the King of the French, was seriously todisposed. The reports, which, at the time'of the pub• lication of them, were doubted, have nut subsequently been either confirmed or renewed. We observe in the Paris papers a "democratic re-union" in favor of the DWI Repeal, which the National states to have taken place " in compliance with the wish manifested by the Repaid icans of the Uni. ted States it, favor of Ireland." The whole miscellaneous assemblage only amounted .0 one hundred persons, including, it seems, deputies of the extreme gauche, members of the Institute, I: terary men, electors of Paris commanders HA officers of the National Guard, and a deputation of the " patriots of Orleans and Rouen." Dr. Dahneman, the founder of Mince. patty has died in Paris, aged BS. Estate of Conrad DiWagger. Late o/ 11 oodberry township, deed. , 1 6 - 79,0T1CE is hereby given, that letters testamentary on the last will and tes tament of Conrad Dillenger, late of Wood berry township, Huntingdon county, have been granted to the undersigned. All per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same are re quested to present them duly authenticated for settlement, to DANIEL PAUL, / E „,„ JOHN SKYLES, j —• " July 19, 1843-6 t LANK BONDS to Constables for Stay ,&W of Execution, under the new law, just !whited, and for sale, at this office. Tor 1.1 MARKETS. 1 p, RIIECTED WEEKLY.) Ph,ladelphia, Au;;. 9. WHEAT FLOUR, per bbl. - - - $4 75 RYE MEAL, do. . - - - 325 C.,,ax do. do. W HEAT, pi ime Penna, per bush. - - 1 00 RYE do. - - -60 CORN, yellow, do. - - - 53 do. white, do. - . . 53 OATS, do. - - - 27 WutskEr, in bls. flullintore, Aug. 9. WHEAT FLOUR, per bbl. - - - $4 62i Wise" T, Per bush. - - - - 90 CORN, yellow, do. - - - - 52 do. white, do. RYE, do. OATS. do. WHISKEY, in bbls. Pittsburgh, AIIE lO. FLOUR, per Uhl. - - - $4 00a4 12i WHEAT, per bush. - - - - 70 a 75 RYE, do. - OATS, do. - - - - 20 a 22 CORN, do. - - - - 28 a 30 WHISKEY, per gal. - 11" r Rye, and Whiskey net repotted. BANE NOTE =ST. Rates of Discount in Philadelphia. Banks in Philadelphia. _ Bank of North America - - par Bank of the Northern Liberties - par Bank of Penn Township - - par Commercial Bank of Penn'a. - - par Farmers' & Mechanics' bank - - par Kxtisington bank - - - par Schuylkill batik- - - par - Mechanits' bank - - - - par Phihdelphia bank - par Southwark hank - - - par Western back - - - - par Moyamensing bank - - - par Manufacturers' and Mechanics' bank par Bank of Pennsylvania - - - par Girard bank - - - - 1.5 Batik of the United States 33 Country Minks. Bank of Chester co. Westchester par Bank of Delaware co. Chester par Bank of Germantown Germantown par Hank of Montery co. Norristown Doylestown bank Doylestown par Easton Bank_ par . _ Farmers' bk of Bucks co. Bristol par Honesdale bank Honesdale 1$ Farmers' bk of Lanc. Lancaster i Lancaster bank Lancaster i Lancaster county bank Lancaster 14 Bank of Pittsburg Pittsburg 1 Merch'ts' & Manuf. bk. Pittsburg 1 Exchange bank Pittsburg 1 Do. do. branch of Hollidaysburg 1 Col'a bk & bridge co. Columbia 4 Erai.klin bank Washington 1 Monongahela bk of B. Brownsville 14 Farmers' bk of Reading Reading i Lebanon bank Lebanon 3 Bank of Northumberl'd Northumberland par Bank of Middletown Middletown 3 Carlisle bank Carlisle 3 Erie bank Fri, 6 Bank of Chambersburg Chambersburg 3 Bank of Gettysburg Gettysburg 3 York hank York 3 Harrisburg bank Harrisburg 3 Miners' bk of Pottsville Pottsville 3 Bark of Susquehanna co. Montrose 25 Farmers' 8c Drovers' bk Waynesborough 3 Bark of Lewistown Lewistown 2 Wyoming bank Wilkesbarre 5 Northampton bank Allentown no stile Bei ks county bark Reading 70 West Branch bank Williamsport 35 Towanda bank Tov..anda 85 Rates of Relief Notes. North - rn Liberties, Delaware County, Far mers' Bark of Bucks, Germantown par All others - - - - - 301 EsTATE 'OP THOMAS Late of Barree township deed. Notice is hereby given, that letters testa mentary on the last will and testament of the said I'h• Blair have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims or demands against the same are requested to present them duly authenticated for settlement, to Dr. MORDICJII AAA SSEY, Barree tp. JOHN BURST, West townslop July 19, 1843,-6t Estate of Benjamin Rudy, Late of Ilarree tow»sliip, Huntingdon county.decra - sed, it 0 I'ICE is hereby given that letters of `I administration upon the said estate have been granted to the undersigned. All poisons having claims or demands against the same are requested to make them known without delay, and all persons indebted to make immediate payment to WILLIAM MAFFIT, Achn'r July 12, 1643. Barree . township, Estate of Do•. Peter Swine, Lute of Shirley township, Huntingdon conhty, deceased. TVOTICE is hereby given, that letters 4ILA testamentary upon the said estate have been granted to the undersigned. All per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same are re quested to present them duly authenticated for settlement, to. JOHN LUTZ, 3 Exes GEORGE SWINE, tiliirley township, July 12,78.13. • Uacsauacia Lrcoz2A •_.!3•• The subscriber will offer at public sale at the Court House in the borough of Hunting don, on Friday of the first week of the next August Courr, it' not sooner disposes' of at private sale, the tract of land and premises on which he resides, situ ste in Henderson township, adjoining lands of the estate of Abraham Vandevander, dec'd. on the east, Abraham Plowman on the west, and Juniata river on the south containing about 75 ACRES: The improvements are a two sun, log house ant a stable. a small orchard. and about 25 acres of cleared land. Terms made knosin on the day of sale. ALEX. JACOBS. lenderson township, June 7, 1843. 5 JUS'T'ICES' BLANKS liar vale al this Office, Aglittitir 5111•0 r, iliE subscriber will sell, at ptiblir •.A on Friday the I,t day of le•ptt•nilwr next, ;ill that attn at the north end al the Borough of Shirleysbutg,lllintitigtlon coun ty, Pa., (bite the property of Or. Peter Swine, dec'd.,) containing c l erc.l more or less, acres thereof cleared and in a good state of cultivation, about acres meadow, and the recdue can readdy be cleared and turned into meadow or upland. The improvements are a 11 GRIS7' MILL, SAW MILL, CLOVER MILL, mid twit Farm Houses, with a barn to each. There are two Apple Orchards on the said farm and a spring of never failing water to each of the houses, and several other good springs on the place. A great Portion of the farm lies on the Big A ugh %dr k. Cret k, and is among the best farm in• hot. torn land on said stream. The Mills are on Fort Run which passes dear thri.m.,.l the farm and every field can be watt rt il by It. There is also another good mill scut In site •for machinery mi the farm. Any person wishing to see and t xaminit the premises, is invited to call on the Nub scriber, residing at the Mill, for that put - pose, at any time between this :tad the day of sale. The whole will he sold together. or in twn parts, if desired, and the terms will be made Ur stnt purchasers. SAII, to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. July 19, 1843.--ts, CHAIRS! CHAIRS ! l'he subscriber is now prepared to furnish every description of CHAIRS, from the plain kitchen to the most splendid and fash ionable one for the parlor. Also the LUXURIOUS AND EASY CHAIR FOR VIE INVALID, in which the feeble and afflicted invalid, though unable to walk even with the aid of crutches, may with ease move himself (emit room to room, through the garde(' and in the street, with great rapidity. Those who are about going to housekeep ing, will find it to their advantage to give; him a call, whilst the Student and (;entle man of kieure are sure to find in his newly invented Revolving* Chair, that comfort which no other article of the kind is capable of affording. Country merchants and ship pers can be supplied with any quantity at short notice. A BRAIIAM McDONOUGH, No. 113 South Second s:reet, two dot Ts below Dock, Philadelphia. May 31, 1843.-1 yr. C'ludr and Cabinc! Making. THOMAS ADAMS, Respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity, that i" 1, he has commenced the abone ,businesses in all their various I ranches, in the shop occupied by him the last year as al chair shop, opposite Geo. Jackson's hotel. All kinds of work made to order on the the shortest natter, warrented to be good. and will be given in exchange for all kinds of country produce, and very cheap for cash. Coffins made on sizht. June 7, 1842. Strayed or Stolen TIPAROM the premises of the v t• Op subscriber near Peters i• burg, on Thursday night last, bright I • own mare, stone blind, 1 2.-Tirr both hind legs white to the pa, ture Huts, she had been kiek,d a shot t time ago on the hind leg and was lame. Any person returning the said snare to the subscriber will be liberally rewai (led. JOHN HOUG HEAT V. August fJ., 1843.-3 t. pd. Paper l'edling The subscriber informs the Merchants of Huntingdon and the adjoining counties that he still contimus in the above business, and that the report put in circulation, by inter ested persons, that he has quit travelling this section of country is otterly false. tre still continues to give the highest price for . . 'Executors All orders in his line, left at the is litm tihgdon Jou rnal" c fire, or Exchange liottl, will meet with prompt tattntioa from the subscriber. GEORGE KEY SER nt July 26,1843 A PRIBUDLY It is now more than a year Sint' , l di,pn sed of the " Huntingdon Journal," :1,1 (i -ring all that time, 1 have been w: i,ii g pa tiently, upon those who are in my debt, for subset iption and advertising. I have been living on promises ; and oat is more, those to wltnu I ant indebted, hat, been obliged to take Vtromiscs' from me ; and they like myself, arc getting out of patient:, with this kind of a credit system.' Nuw by way of a hint I wish to say to all who knots them selves to be in arrears to ate, that I must have my accounts clonal ; and there is ;mother part of the story—l winn. I am not dispo sed to be illuatured, but mind I tell you all. I am out of moncy...acatly out of credit— and it settlement must be had between this and August Court—or well I wont say what. _ _ _ A %V BENEDICT. Iluntingdon, May t 3 am 0 3 , T. K. SI MONTON. Has jast received and Cifers for sale, 7,500 first rate half."..partisli AND 31,000 good e(aktinoti SEG ARS; 0.1-country !Merchants can be supoird or* reasonable Curios Huntingdon, Joly 19.—ir eirreceived, and tor sale, wholesale, and retail, a large , upply of Doctor NV ikar's Balsam of 11 it'd Ulf:try —al tuck's Funarta, at the Huntingdon lli ug Stole. I . llo'2. fiL AU. DAVID EBY