- 6 ~,F • '^- 1 , 4 ot - , 0 , . I 0 N „I ~.... .., r t 5 11) _it xi -1 i _I. 1_ , 1 1 J 11)tUotcZr to Gem rat *ntellfgrucc, i3ottticti,7Litecatuc, igoratito, avto, acirntco, 3arirttl 7hiramentent, Scr. •Qra)ll. \ - -Va4LL a eMCD., PUBLISHED IIT THEODORE Ill'aa„M, ER, CIa 3 aDa.OLID.23. The ' , locust," will be published every Wed , . neglay 'naming, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance, and if not paid within six months, $2 50. No subicriptim received for a shorter period than six months, nor any paper discontinued till all at , rearages are paid. Advertisements not exceeding one square, will be inserted three times for $1 00, and for every subse quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are given as to the time an advertisement is to be continu ed, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged ac cordingly. TEJPIPER.I.NCE ;music:. HE subscriber occupying the I _' large three story brick dwell ing house at the south east corner of Allegheny and Smith streets, in the borough of Huntingdon, the third story of which during the last summer has been fitted for sleeping rooms ; having a large stable on the premises, and having employed a care ful person to attend to it and take care of horses, &c., informs the public that she is prepared to accommodate such of her friends and such strangers and travellers as may de sire accommodation. Site respectfully soli cits a share of public patronage, and hopes the friends of Temperance will give her a call. ESTHER CLARKE. Huntingdon March 1, 1843. WASHINGTON'HOTEL, MARKET SQUARE, H ARAISBLIRG, Pa The subscriber respectfully announces to his friends and the public generally, that he has taken the above named well known Tavern Stand, (formerly kept by Vim. E. Camp;) where he will endeavor to serve those that may call upon him in the most satisfactory manner: The Mame is centrally and plea santly located, and is furnished throughout with the best of bedding and other furniture, and his accommodations at e such as to make it a convenient and desirable stopping place. Vo• No exertions will be spared to make it agreeable in all its departments to those who may favor him with a call. FREDERICK J. FENN. DerembPr 21. 1842. CRAMS ! CHAIRS ! ! The subscriber respectfully in tik forms the inhabitants ef Hunt ingdon and its vicinity, that he has opened an establishment in • the Ll , rough of LL w iaLuwa, for the manufacture of Chairs, Set tees, &c., of the following kinds, viz: French Chairs, Half F: ench, Grecian. Fan cy curled Ma?le, Black Walnut, Office, Fancy and Vindsor, Baston Rocking, Spring seat Mahogany, Night Cabinets, and Studying Chairs. SETTEES. Mohgany, Fancy, Cushion, cane and comma Seders, on an improved and fashionable plan, Settee Bedsteads, both elegant and useful, designed tp close up, making a handsome Settee with cushion seat for the day time. The subscriber having been for several years east engaged in the above business in the c ities of New York and Providence R.I. he flatters himself that he will be able to give general satisfaction to all those who will honor him with their patronage. All the above mentioned articles, ard every thing in his hoe of business he will furnish in the latest style and fashion, on the most reasonable terms, and warranted to do good service. N. B.—Chairs, Settees, Sc.c.. repaired and ornamented on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. A constant supply of the above mentioned articles may be seen at the ‘Vareroom, one door east of the Store of Mrs. Jane M'C,,r tuick and immediately opposite the store of Patterson & ll,,ent.r. GEORGE W. SWAIN. Lewistown, Nov. 30. 1842 Snyder's 'Vegetable Concrete. frp do certify that my wife was “fflicted for -.4.11 some time with a very severe cough, with a pain in the breast, and after many other remedies had failed 1 was induced to procure a bottle of J. Snyder's Vegetable Concrete, and she was perfectly restored by the use of part of a bottle Nil. HUGH KELLEY, For sale by Jacob Snyder, Hollidaysburg, Jan. 18, 1843. II 0 II A. 17 1. X 111 la) EGS to inform the inhabitants of 4,,N4 Hun tingdon and Its vicinity, that he has commenced the business of light and heavy wagon making, and every kind of vehicle re pairing. Having learnt his trade in England, he is prepared to furnish either the English or American style of wagons, and hopes by diligence and attention to merit a share of public patronage. N. B. Shop near to Mr. J. Houck's black smith shop. Huntingdon, April 19, 1843.—1 y. P.VPIPILLET OTICE is hereby given that the Pam phlet Llws of the late session of the Legislature have come to hand and are ready for distribution to those entitled to receive them. JAMES STEEL, Prot'y. July 12, 1843.-:!t, 110UCKS VEGET 413 LE LINA MENT, for sprains and rhuma tism, just received and for sale at the drug store of T. K. Simonton. Also a fresh supply of Mucks Panacea. 7. K. SIMONTON, Agent. Huntingdon Oct. 5, 1842. arnLANK BONDS to Constables for Stay of Execution, under the new law, just printed, and for sale, at this citcs W. H. Monni.,, R. M. Kiluaninn WILLIAM H, MORRIS& CO. WWV..ia@JILE.D3 ehaVilLers3o AND Commission Merchants, HAVRE DE GRACE, MARYLAND AVING the large and commodi 'OA ens Wharf :Lod Warehouse situated di rectly on the Canal Basin, are now prepared to receive consignments of goods tor tran shipment or sale. A general assortment of Groceries, consisting of Loaf and Brown Sugars, Coffee, Molasses, Sperm Oil and Candles, White, Yellow and Brown Soaps, Fish, Salt, Plaster, &c., together with all kinds of Spices and Paints—and also ready made Clothing will be kept constantly on hand and disposed of on city terms or exchanged for country pro duce, Coal, &c. April 19 1843.-3 m. THE GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE, 41Zi11i13EJ0U.4P5...t VaIIIEOU DETAITZ° OF 11'111.L.IDELP HI& Office No. 159 Chesnut Street. Make insurances of lives, grant anninuities and Endowments, -and receive and execute Trusts. Rates for insuring $lOO, on a single life. Age. For 1 yew•. For 7 years. For life. " annually. annually 20 SO 91 $O 95 $1 77 30 1 31 1 36 2 36 40 1 69 1 83 3 20 50 1 96 2 09 4 60 60 4 35 4 91 7 00 EXAMPLE :—A person aged 30 years, by paying the company $1 31 would secure to his family or heirs $lOO, should he die in one year—or for $l3 10 he secures to them $:000 Or for $l3 60 annually for 7 years, lie se cures to them $lOOO should he die during the 7 years—or for $23 60 paid annually du ring life he provides for them 1000 dollars whenever lie dies— for $65 SO they would re ceive 5000 dollars, should he die in me year. Further particulars respecting Life Insur ance, Trusts, nr management of Estates and property omfded to them, may be had at the o ffi ce. . 13 . W. RICHARDS. Pi esident. JNO. F. JAMES, Actuary. Phil'a. April 19, 1843.-6 m. DAY, GERRISH GIENERAIIA I'It4IOIJCES Commission and rorwarding Merchants. Granite Stores, lower side of Race steed, on the Delaware, Philadelphia. ryr ESPEC I'FULLY inform their friends 44 and the merchants generally, that they have taken the large Wharf and Granite Front Stores, known as Ridgeway's Stores, immediately below Race street, in addition to their old wharf, where they will con tinue the produce commission business, as also to receive and forward goods to,all points nu the Juniata, and North and West branches of the Susquehanna Rivem via. the Tide Water, and Pennsylvania, and Schuylkill And Union canals. This establishment has many advantages over any other in the city in point of room and convenience for the accommodation of boats and produce. Being our of the largest wit trves on the Delaware, and the stores extending from Water street to Delaware Front. Five or six boats may at the same tiro• be loading and discharging. The usual facilities will be given on all consignments entrusted totheir charge, which will be thank fully received and !meet with prompt atten tion. Salt, Fish and Plaster, constantly on hand and for sale at the lowost market price. References, Philadelphia. J. Ridgway,Esq. I Brock, son & Co Jacob Lt x & Son Waterman & Osbourn Mulft;rd & Alter Scull & Thompson Seiler & Bro E I Ettiog & bro Bray, Barcrott & C o Morris, Patterson & co Lower & Barrow, Lewistown. J & J Milliken A & G Blitnyer Patterson &Horner J McCoy, Esq. fl aterstreet. Stewart & Horrell E W Wike, Esti, Februiiy 8, 1843.-Bm. TO IZZ:33IE3IW-IM. THOMAS DOUGALSS, GUN-SMITH, ESPECTFULLY informs his friends, and the public generally, that he still continues the above business in IVI , CONA ELLSTOWN, and is prepared to manufacture all kinds cf . Gunner Pistols, or to make any necessary re pairs upon any article of the kind. It careful attention will merit success, he hopes to se cure the patronage of the sharp shooters of this county. October 11,1842. BOOTS AND SHOES, Leghorn and Straw [bonnets) PALMLEAF AND LEGHORN IATS. Memhants and others from Huntingdon and adjacent places. are respectfully reques ted to call and examine the stock of the above kinds of g aids, which is full and extenaive, and which will be sold at prices that will give satisfaction to purchasers, at No. 168 Market. te:reet south-east corner of Stlt street, Philadelphia. GEO. W. & LEWD; B. TAYLOR. Pils. Feb. 6, 1843.—Gino. DR. WILLIAM SWOOPE D • kULD inform his friends and the pub lic, shut he has removed to the new house, on the corner Immediately above his former residence in Main street. Where he can at all times be found, by those who desire his professional services. liuntinz,den, Dec. 91, 1942. 40Z`G703..Q:ne3a , E4D a aE1341a3. POMTRT. The Prayer on Punka' Hill. During the battle of Bunker's Hill, a veneratle clergyman knelt on the geld, with hands upraised and gray head uncovered, and while the hullos whistled around him, prayed for the success of his' compatriots, and the deliverance of his country. It was an hour of fear and dread— High rose the battle cry. And round, in heavy volume, spread The war-cloud to the sky. 'Twas not, as when the rival strength Contending nations meet, Or love of conquest madly hurls A monarch from his seat. Yet one was there, unused to tread The path of mortal strife, Who but the Saviour's flock had fed Beside the fount 'life. He knelt him where the black smoke wreathed, His head was bow'd and bare, While for an infant land, he breathed The agony of prayer. The column red with early morn, May tower o'er Bunker's height, And proudly tell a race unborn, Their patriot father's might ; But thou, oh patriarch, old and gray, The prophet of the free, Who knelt among the dead that day, What fame shall raise to thee l It is not meet that brass or stone, Which feel the touch of time, Should keep the record of a faith Tlmt woke thy deed sublime; We treed it on a tablet fur, Which glows when stars wax pale, A promise that the good man's prayer Shell with his God prevail. IZIEJOELL.9.IIMOITEI. NIGHT SCENE IN A POOR MAN'S HOUSE. BY MART 111.1 WITT. It was in the middle of winter, on the night of the twenty-third of January, when the weather •vas miserably cold ; it neither decidedly froze, nor di.lit thaw: but between the two, it was cold and damp, and penetrated to the very bone, even of those sat in carpeted rooms before large fires, and were warmly clad. It was on this evening that the seven little children of David Baird, the weaver, stood huddled together in a small room, beside a small fire which was burning comfortless. The baby lay in a wooden cradle on the corner of the hearth. The fire, to be sure, gave some warmth, because it boiled an iron pot full of potatoes, but it gave very little cheerfulness to` the room. The mother had portioned out the evening meal—a few potatoes to each—and she now sat down by the round table, lighting the farthing candle, and was preparing to do some little• piece of housewifery. , 'May I stir the tire!' asked David, the eldestboy. .No no,' replied the mother, 'it burns away too fast when it is stirred. . I wish we fad a good fire !' sighed Judith, the second girl. Bless me; said the mother,' it is a good fire!— Why, there's Dame Grumby and her grandchild gone to bed because they have no fire at all !' I should like some more salt to my potatoes,' said little Betsey ; may I have some more, mother Them is none, child,' site replied , I put the last in the pot.' , 0 dear l' cried out little Joey, ,my feet are so bad! they get no better, soother, though I did beat thorn with holly.' 4 Poor thing!' sighed the mother; 4 I wish you had better shoes.' 'There's a pair,' mid Joey, briskly, at Timmy Nixon's for fourteen pence.' Fourteen pence!' repeated the mother, 'it would take a long Unto to get fourteen pence.' Mat Willis begged a pair of nice warm booth,' replied Joey, experimentally. We will not beg,' mid the mother, if we can help it—lot me see the shoes; and Joey put one of his frost bitten feet on his mother's knee. 'Bless thee ! poor lad,' said tho mother, ' thou shalt not go to work again till it is wanner.' ' Mother,' interrupted little Susan, ' may I have some more V ' There is no more,' said ale,'but I have a whole loaf yet.' ' Oh dear, 011 dear, how nice!' cried the children, clapping their hands ; and give Joey the bottom crust,' said one, because of his poor feet.' ' And give me a big bit,' cried Susan, holding, out a little fat hand. The mother divided the loaf, setting aside apiece for her husband, and presently her husband came. It rains, and it is very cold,' said he shivering. Pleas God,' rejoined the mother, it will be war mer after the rain.' David Baird was a tall, thin man, with an uneasy look—not that ho had any fresh cause of uneasiness —his wages had not been lowered ; his hours of la bor had not been increased ; nor had he quarrelled with his master ; but the life of a poor man is an uneasy life—a life of care, weariness and never en ding anxieties. 'What wonder, then, if his face have a joyless look/ The children made room for their father by the tire ; Susan and ?Teddy placed themselves between his knees, and his wife handed him a portion of supper which had been set aside for him. Mary, the eldest girl, was sitting on a box feed ing the squirrel with the bread which her mother had given her—she was very happy, and kissed the squirrel many times; Judith was sitting beside her, and David held the cup out of which the squirrel drank. Nobody has enquired afteE the squirrel,' said father, looking at them. No,' replied Mary, and I hope nobody will.' 'They will not now,' said young David, , for it is three months since we found it.' 'We might sell it for half a crown,' said the fatter; Mary looked frightened, and held the squir rel to her bosom. Josey's feet ore very bad,' remarked the mother. ' And that doetor's bill has never been paid,' raid e father—'seventeen shillings and sixpence.' , 'Tie more money than we can get in a week,' sighed the mother. I go round by the back lane, to avoid passing the door,' said the father, and he asked me for it three times.' We will get it paid in the summer,' rejoined the mother, hopefully; 'but coals arc raised, and bread, they say, will rise before the week is out.' Lord help us !' exclaimed the father internally. Mary, fetch the other candle,' cried the mother, as the farthing candle burnt low in the stick and went out. 'There is not one,' replied Mary, we burnt the other last night.' Have you a farthing, David?' asked the wife. 'Not one,' replied he, rather hastily. 'Nor have we one in the house,' said the wife, I paid all we had for the bread.' Stir up the fire, then,' said David. Nay,' rejoined the wife, coals ere raised.' Lord help 119 r again sighed David, and two of the children began coughing. Those children's coughs are not better!' remarked the father some what impatiently. And the baby woke—so did Betsy, who had fallen to sleep on the floor unob served, crying lam cold, father! I rim cold!' Go to bed with her, Mary,' said the mother, 'for you were up betimes, this morning, washing—pull up your clothes on the bed, and keep her warm.' Mary went into the little dark chamber to bed with her sister, and her mother .tried to hush the crying infant. David was distracted. He was cold, hungry, weary and in gloom. Eight children whom he loved were ahem him. .1 , 1 he thought. of them only as born to poverty and care, like himself, he felt unhappy, and grew almost angry as the baby con- tinned crying. Cheer up, David, honest man! there is that com ing even now—coming within three streets length of thee—which will raise thee above want forever! Cheer up! this is the last hour any of you shall want fire; the last hour you shall want for candle light. Thou shalt keep the squirrel, Mary ! Betsey, thou shall have blankets to warm thee ! The doc tor's bill shall be puid—nor Baird, shalt thou ever again skulk by beckvvays to work to avoid an impor tunate creditor.'' Joey, thou shalt turn the wheel no longer—thy feet shall get well in woollen stock ings, and warm shoes at five shillings a pair! You shall no more want to sell potatoes, nor shall Susan go short again of her supper! But of this, all this, as yet, you know nothing about the relief—and such splendid relief, too, that is even approaching your door. Wail, little baby, and thou wilt—nurse thy poor tingling feet, Joey, by the fire ! and muse in sadness on thy poverty, David Baird, yet fur a mo ment longer it can do no harm, for the good news is even turning the corner of your street! Knock, knock, knock! David starts front his reverie. Some one is at the door!' said the wife, and up jumped little David. 4 lfit is neighbor Wood come to borrow some meal, you eon get her a cup full,' added the mother, as the knock was repeated more lustily. Up rose David Baird, and thinking of the doctor's bill, opened the door reluctantly. 'Are you David Baird !' asked the letter carrier, .;to had knocked. '1 ate,' said David. This, then, is for you, and there is twenty-two pence to pay unit,' said the man, holding forth a large letter. ' It is a summons !' cried the wife in dismay, . for what is David Daird summoned ?' and she rushed to the door, with the baby in her arms. ' It ia not for me,' mid David, half glad to escape hie liability to pay the two-and-twenty pence. But are you not David Baird, the weaver I' I arri,' said David. Then, continued the letter carrier, pay me the twenty-two pence, and if it is not right, they will return you the money at the post office.' Twenty-two penee !' repeated David, ashamed to confess his poverty. ' One shilling ten pence,' said the wife ; we have not so much money by us, good man.' Light a candle,' said the letter carrier, bursting into the house, and hunt up what you have.' David was pushed to the extremity. We have none,' said he; we have no money to buy a candle!' Lord bless me!' said the carrier, and gave David the younger four-pence to fetch half a pound of candles. David and his wife knew not what to think, and the letter man shook the wet from his hat. In a few moments the candles came, and the letter was put in David's hand. ' Open it, can't you?' said the letter man. Is it for me l' inquired David again. It is,' replied the other, impatiently ; what fuss is here about opening a letter!' ' What is this,' exclaimed David, taking out a bill for a hundred pounds. 'Oh !' sighed the wife, 'if after all it should not be for us! But read the letter, David, and David read it : Sir—You, David Baird, the weaver of —, and son of the late David Baird, of Marden on Wear, lineal descendant of Sir David Baird, Monk shauton Castle, county of York, and sole heir of Sir Peter Baird, of Monkshauton, aforesaid, lately de ceased, are requested to meet Mr. Dennis, solicitor of York, as soon after this as postale. It will be necessary for you to bring your family with you ; and to cover the travelling expenses, you will receive enclosed a bill for one hundred pounds, payable at sight. I have the honor to be, sir, Your humble servant, J. SMITH for Ma. DENNI.: Sure enough,' said David, David Baird of Marden-on-Wear was my father.' ' 0,0, 0, !' chuckled out little David, as he hop ped about behind the group, a hundred pounds and a castle.' ' Heaven be praised !' ejaculated the wife, while she hugged the baby in her arms. And,' continued David, 'the great Sir David Baird was our ancestor, but we never looked for any thing from that quarter.' Then the letter is for you l' asked the man. It is. Please Heaven to make us thankful for it,' said David, seriously ; but,' hesitated he, 'you want your money. No,' said the letter carrier, going out. .I'll call for that to-morrow.' Bolt the door after the man ; this money re quires safe keeping.' t Mend the fire l' said the mother ; and her son David put on a shovel of coals, and stirred up the ashes. Kiss me, my children !' exclaimed the father with emotion; 'kiss me, and bless God, for we shall never want bread again.' Is the house on tire?' screamed Mary, at the top of the stairs, for there is such a blaze.' ' We are burning a mould candle!' said Judith, ' and such a big fire!' Come here, Mary,' said the father; and Mary slipped down stairs wrapped in an old cloak. Father's a rich man ! and we art all rich—and shall live in a grand castle!' laughed out young David. We shall have coats, and blankets, and stockings. and shoes!' cried little Joey, all alert, yet still re membering his frost-bitten feet. , We shall have beef, and plumb-pudding!' said Susan. We shall have rice-pudding every day!' cried Ncddy. David Baird wan again distracted ; but how dif ferent were his feelings; he could have done a thou sand extravagant things—he could have laughed, cried, sung, leaped about, nay rolled on the floor for joy ; but he did none of these—he sat calm and looked almost grave. At length he said—' wife, send the children to bed, and let us talk over this good fortune together.' You shall have your Sunday clothes on to-mor row,' said the happy mother, tw she sent them up stairs. To bed they went, and after a while laughed themselves to sleep. The father and mother smiled and wept by turns, but did not sleep that night. BIBLE IN SCIIOOLS. Religious instruction only can elevate, man to the possession of happiness and civil liberty. Know ledge is power—power to do good, and power to do evil; hence a knowledge to do wickedness is not wisdom. To educate the head only "is to arm vice ;" for the march of intellect, separated from Bible instruction, has always been the rogue's march. And that progress of the'ruind which leaves the Bible in the rear, may be an advance—but it will be like that of our first parents in Paradise towards the tree of knowledge—the advance of death. Said Milton, Imagination's mightiest son," "Think not That liberty from knowledge and religion e'er will dwell Apart; companions they of heavenly seed connate. , And even Lord Byron, who for the want of roll• " Shot madly from his aphcre, And "From the zenith dropped like a meteor star." Even ho was compelled to say— "The tree of knowledge is not that of life " • • " I have known That knowledge is not happiness." In proof of this what a terrific illustration was his life! The children of this freo people, then should receive at our hands that highest boon from God to "That pearl which rich men cannot buy, And which learning is too proud to gather up," a Biblical training—an enlightened religion. cul- The Bible is the great lever for achieving man's elevation. It would be as destructive to the intel lect to take the Bible from it as it would be to the body to take the oxygen from the air. Take the Bible from our schools ! When the stars in Heaven can cut themselves loose from God and continue to shins; when the earth can bud and blossom without the Sun or its Creator, then can our schools do without the B!ble. Say, why are there so many urnatisfied, aching, throbbing beano '27 - 3Para 0) Tlem. 4 75'® a sa3Gipala all over this world 1 Because the Bible, with its fullness and its love, and its hopes and promises, has not been their study. Why do so many " fail" of happiness hotel In that Lexicon of youth which religion reserves for a bright manhood, there is no such word as fail. But in after life, when the heart has been hard ened by the fierce flees of the world, it la convinced without faith, and believes without feeling. We Bay then, let the Bible—the charter of liberty —the "Magna Charta" of a world's freedom—be the text book of every school house—that sentinel of liberty. Take away, if you will, the teacher of the school --but take not away that "Teacher sent from God." A free constitution, liberty and all, do nor prevent crime, poverty and suffering. No the practice of the precepts of the Bible only can do this. Our money-mating system may be perfect; but let us not forget that man has another end far more noble, more divine, than to move stones about the earth. The end of man is love, thought, conscience, adora tion, and there is a broad common ground for all sects and for the school room; for pure religion, on angel's wings, soon rises over the walls of sectari- OLD IVLAIIO. Among the foolish prejudices which discredit the judgment of mankind, the prejudice against old maids is one of the most foolish. The very fact that a lady is an old maid, is, or ought to be, credita ble. It is an evidence that she por,essea prudence, foresight, and a relined taste; admirable qualities in a woman ! It is be j i lifJo he overly prudent, par ticularly cautious, iMliot prudent and cautious enough. The old maid generally has the iltre of prudence in its perfection ;—she has had offers of marriage, no doubt; what lady of thirty and up wards that has not"! She has rejected several suit ors, most likely, and doubtless she had her reasons for so doing. It had been better for many a wedded woman had she practised the PRIM caution. Much better is it to he a happy old maid than a miserable wife. So the old maid thought, and thought cor rectly when she rejected Meseta. so-and-so.—Per haps she had lived to see one of her former lovers hanged, another in the penitentiary, and a third in the almshouse. Perhaps one for whom she wan censured for refusing has since .proved a drunkard and a vagrant, or having succeeded in get..ing wife, has made her eminently wretched. All this mischief the old maid may have foreseen, and by , her prudence escaped it. Old maids arc often, very often, women of superi or minds: and such are most likely to be old maids, for more than one reason. In the first place, they have the discretion to be slow in selecting their part ners for life, and as three fourths of mankind have not the qualifications to make good husbands, it may he supposed that a discreet and judicious wo man will reject three out of four of those who solicit her hand. This, of course, makes her chances of marriage fewer, but it makes her chances of happi ness much greater. The second cause why sensi ble women are apt to become old maids is, that most men dread them. lies, it is a fact, that most mon dread a very sensible woman. It is not =- common to hear a man who is not a fool himself, make disparaging remarks concerning ' , female Solo mons," "I'latos in petticoats," &c. Who has ever known very highly gifted ladies to be popular amongst their male acquaintances? Men are apt to think that talents do not belong to the feminine mind; and even when they have discernment enough to admire a gifted woman as a friend or occasional companion, they rarely think of making her a companion and friend for life. All these things tend to thew that sensible and gifted women are most likely to be old maids, and the coin cm of the proposition holds good, with a few exceptions; old maids are generally sensible and gifted women. Where is the woman that knows how to conduct business?—is she not an old maid I Who are the successful authoresses I—the most meritorious arc ahnost invariably old maids. Where is the lady who has become eminent in any art or science l— in nine carts out of ten, she is an old maid. Even your most celebrated Fingers and dancers are un married, and presumed to be old maids;—though they seldom allow themselves to look old. Where is the woman, distinguished or celebrated for any thing, from Queen Elizabeth to Miss Martineau! Ah, search her out, and see an old maid or some thing truly wonderful and rare: viz, an exception from a rule very general. Glory to the old maids! say we. Let them flourish; let them have statues erected to their honor; let them be elegible to seats in Congress and places in the Cabinet! Let them be generals in the army, if they choose, and com modores in the navy. Were we to acknowledge their rights in all there things we might find our account in it. Especially as M. C.'F, they might do better than many, in pantaloons, who have gone before them. Give them a trial. PRTNTING !" exclaim.' an old woman the other day, as she peeped over her specks at the ad. verthing page of a country newspaper: Poor Job, they've kept him minting, week after week, ever since I flirt learned to reed and if he wasn't the most patient man that ever woo, he never could have stood it 60 lona. no hew." Reason was ,;:von to control our pass Zen, but many rover.. thc t,