Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 02, 1843, Image 2

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..One country, one constitution, one destiny."
Ztl til ',V Ca CID Lla 9
Wodnooday morning, Aug. 2, 11.843.
V. B. PALMER, Esq. (NJ. 101 8. Third
Street, Philadelphia,) is authorized to act as Agent
far this paper, to prxare subscriptions and adrer
Delegate Illectien.
By the notice of The County Cuunlttee, publith
,l in this paper, it will he seen that the Delegate
Election is to be hold in the several boroughs and
townships, on Saturday next, at the usual places of
once Ling.
It is of great importance that these elections
should be attended to, RO that the sovereign voice of
tho Poophs--expreased fully, fairly and unequivocal
ly—may come up in the County Convention, on the
following Wednesday, and present a Ticket to the
Democracy of nuMbers in Old Huntingdon" that
will meet with their hearty approbation, and secure
their united and active support on the Second Tues
day in October. Let this be done, and our word
for it, we will triumph over all apparition let it as
sume whatever name it will.
The ensuing general election will be an important
one; and sound judgment should therefore be ex
ercised in all its preliminaries. The County Con
vention will be called upon to nominate candidates
for the following offices :
Two persona for Members of the House of Rep
resentatives ;
Two persons for County Commissioners—one to
serve for one year and the other for three years;
One person for County Treasurer;
One person for County Auditor;
The Convention will also appoint Congressional
Conferees to nominate (in conjunction with confer
ees from the counties of Centre, Mifflin and Juni
ata) a candidate for Member of Congress in this
And also two Delegates to the State Convention
to meet at Harrisburg for the purpose of nominating
three candidates for Canal Commissioners, and Con
ferees who, in conjunction with conferees from Bed
ford county, arc to appoint a Senatorial Delegate to
represent Huntingdon county in said Convention.
cry Mr. Wax intends making his 42nd Balloon
ascension, from the city of Lancaster, on Saturday
next, the sth day of August. He has given notice
that he will take as a passenger any person who
will pay $lOO, and make known his intention ten
days before the ascension. We do not know wheth
er any one has agreed to go as a passenger.
.3,i32.3411itiRef the length and
breadth of our country.
In thia borough it grips " without respect to
Is it fair, honest or gentlemanly?
Some of our " excellent friends" are in the habit
of sending us notices of marriages or deaths of their
friends, and invariably snake tut priN the po,tage.—
Such men must feel very contemptible if they have
any feeling at all.
We would be thankful for the notices if the pos
tage on them was paid. Hereafter such notices,
coming in such a way, will receive no attention.
67::j There was quite a rage in our town to see
the animate of the menagerie on Saturday last.—
Upwards of a thousand people—men, women and
children—attended ; and we heard some say that it
was not what it was "cracked up to be."
The New York Tribute says that an old sailor,
named Edward Benson, living near Wethersby,
Connecticut, has recently received intelligence that
there is now due him from the British Government
$2,400, and an annual pension of nineteen guineas,
for naval service. lie was pressed into the British
service from an American whale ship, and was with
Nelson at Tratalgar, and in other battles. Be is 74
years old, and is hale and hearty.
ry A rascal on trial in Lexington, Kentucky,
actually picked his lawyer's pocket of a silver muff
box, while he was making a speech to the jury in
his favor.
a:". Mr. Ira Fenton, of Belchertown, Massachu
eetts, has raised a Durham cow, which is now 8
years old, and weighs 1740 pounds. On the 20th
May she brought a calf, and the owner bad the cu
riosity to measure her bag ; it was two feet iu depth,
two feet in length, and eighteen inches in width !
The calf was then put upon one side, and thirty
pounds of milk taken from the other aide at the
same time. After the calf had done, 21i pounds
more were taken from that side. Twenty four high
ly r.pectable citizens of DeleherMwn attest these
facts in the Northampton Democrat.
The Bedford Gazette of the 20th ult. says :--"We
are gratified to be able to state that there are now
about 200 persons at the Bcdfoid :Springs, which is
an unusually large number for this stage of the sea
son. There is yet en abundance of room both at
the springs and in town, and the accommodations
are far superior to what they over have been hereto
On the rooming of the 12th of July, there war
not only a heat' frost, but thin ice in the State of
Of Two hundred conv icts in the penitentiary at
Colncubus, Ohio, one hure!!ed and eixty are sick of
the dnfi,t•uia.
Alphonso Smith, the Pickpocket.
The New York Tribune says r—o A fellow na
med AlPhonao Smith went this afternoon on loan:
the steamer independence, Capt. Forbes, at pier No.
2, North River, and thrustinff his hand into a gen
tleman'. 'pocket had his pocket book nearly out,
when Capt. Forbes sprung forward and caught him
by the throat, and aided by officers Bliss, conducted
him to the Police Office, where he was committed
to prison. The gentleman who had his pocket
picked, and who disappeared in the crowd, is parti
cularly requested to call at the Police Office and
make affidavit that the culprit may be punished.
This fellow, Smith, was pardoned out of the
Philadelphia Penitentiary about three weeks since
by Governor Porter, having been sentenced for
three years to that prison for picking the pocket of
Mr. Gideon Scull, of Philadelphia. Who is ac
countable for «the last pocket picking, the thief
Smith, or Governor Porter 1"
More Riots in Canada.
A riot took place at Kingston, Canada, on the
12th ult. between a party of orangemen and their
opponents, in the course of which fire arms were
used, and a lad named Robert Morrison was killed.
The troops were called out to quell the disturbance,
and the Kingston Statesman says that three of the
military were wounded, besides several men and
boys. Both parties charge each other with the
origin of the trouble.
Mr. Thibodo, a gentleman holding some office
under the Government, was arrested on the charge
of having given order to fire when the lad Morrison
wag killed; but the Chronicle intimates that the
charge was without foundation.
During the day, the Orangemen were celebrating
the Battle of the Boyne by a grand dinner.
The New York Journal of Commerce says the
Rev. Roosevelt Dailey, lire Eriscopal Rector at
Herlaem, has renounced Protestantistu and become
a Catholic.
Letters speak of the prevalence of Influenza in
London. Whole families were down. The disease
appears to be the same as in this country.
Camp Nteeting.
The Hollidaysburg Register says:-- , 4 We under
stand that the Methodist Congregation intend hold
ing a Camp Meeting near the Big Spring' at the
Natural 'funnel, two miles east of this place; to
commence on the Bth of September next."
The Philadelphia Gazette of Saturday last says
that a new counterfeit 10 dollar note on the Ken
sington Hank has been put in circulation—the exe
cution is excellent.
At the election in Louisiana, it appears the Loco
Faces carried the four congressional districts by
small majorities.
The Comet.
A letter from Otah ite, published in the Provi
dence Journal. ghee an account of the comet, which
was very brilliant and caused great alarm to the
aimPle Islaliters. It waa 111.4. at, si
rising from t e verge of the horizon to the height of
thirty degrees, illuminating the ocean as far as the
eye could reach. The natives at first thought a
neighboring island was on fire. It measured fifty
four degrees in length and four degrees in breadth.
It was supposed there that the temperature had
risen very materially from the proximity of the
celestial visitor.
fire was discoveled, on Wednesday morning, break
ing out in three places, within the wall of the State
Prison at Sing Sing, New York, and before it was
extinguished, destroyed property to the amount of
$lO,OOO. The buildings destroyed are the brass
shop, in which are manufactured stirrups and other
articles used in the completion of harness, the plain
maker shop, and the stone cutters shop, which had
been fired in three places, by an incendiary. For
tunately the prisoners, to the number of 769 males,
many of whom are men of desperate characters,
were each confined in the separate cells at dinner,
at the time the fire was discovered, or the conse
quence might have been the breakingloose of many
desperadoes on the community in the confusion
which the fire occasioned. There is something
wrong in the management of this establishment.
Cumberlani County—New Dove!.
The last Carlisle Herald says t—We learn from a
correspondent that Gen. Thomas C. Miller, of Dick
inson township, has recently discovered in sinking a
shaft, in one of his Ore Banks at Cumberland Fur
nace, an immense deposite of pure red Ochre, the
stratum or vein being twelve to fourteen feet thick,
and of the finest quality, second only to the finest
Venetian red, and quite superior to the Spanish
brown or Baltimore red.
The General is now preparing it in large quanti
ties for the market. It is so pure that he need do
nothing more than dry it on scaffolds in the sun,
and grind it through his mill, which prepares it fur
the finest kind of painting. His apparatus for dry
ing, though very simple, is capable of preparing a
ton a day. From the appearance of the mine, it is
supposed there is an amount sufficient to supply the
whole united States. It is now coming into general
use in the immediate neighborhood, and painters
using it pronounce the quality excellent, both for
body and brilliancy of color, and there appears to
be no doubt but it will soon suporcede all other red
paints now in use for barns, gates, wagons, ploughs,
harrows, common tables, desks, and for all other
common purposes.
The Military Encampment.
We learn from the Register that letters of invita
tion have been sent to fifty companies of Infantry
and Cavalry, and to GEN. SCUTT, GEN. DILLI.R,
and a number of other distinguished men, by the
committee of invitation; and from all accounts the
greater part of them is confidently expected to
at•e ,rl.
Flints to Parents and Rich Men.
The Forum of the 26th ult. says We lately
noticed a munificent act on the part of Mr. Potter,
of Princeton, (N. J.) in presenting his four children
with $200,000 each on the 4th of July. This is
mild to be the second act of the kind on the part of
Mr. P. We need no better proof of the sound
acme and kindly heart of Mr. Potter. When pa
rents have fortunes to bequeath to their children, it
is much better to divide them before death. We
have frequently observed with pain the ill-feelings
cnmendered hi families where children expect for
tunes from their parents, and are obliged to await
their demise before they can realize them. A hipo-
critical strife takes place for the affections of the
parents—those who are from home are misrepresen
ted and prejudiced by the children at the fire-side--
the father is frequently persuaded to unnatural ne
glect of his elder born offspring by the younger
members of the family, who are always present with
him, "and a degrading jealousy invariably disturbs
the harmony of the household.
Besides this, there is, humiliating as may he the
fact, a secret longing for the death of the testator,
who is to enrich his heirs. The thirst for indepen
dence and riches knows no bounds, and often ren
ders its victims callous to the ordinary feelings of
human nature. The progress of time is carefully
noted—the lapse of yeara anti hours enters into the
selfish calculation of the duration of human life,
and every moment which protracts the delay of the
rich man on the stage of life is regarded with
jealous envy by his expectant heirs. We have
witnessed many ouch scenes, and they are a part of
every day history•.
How much better would it be for the testator, as
Mr. Potter, to distribute his fortune, while living,
among his children? How much more congenial
ton generous mind to see, before death, his descen
dents in the enjoyment of independent ease—to
witness his cllspring, by the aid of his own well di
rected bounty, rising to honorable position in society
—to behold them through the influence of charne
-1 ter and wealth become the ornaments of their family
and the benefactors of society. 'We know of noth
ing more cruel than the spectacle of a parent living
in affluence, with children struggling in poverty and
distress against the hutTetings of the world, refusing
to extend to them the least aid from his own abun
dant store.. These observations will apply equally
well to the man of competency, as well as the mil
lionaire. Advancing age freezes the blood and dims
the eye, but why should it dry up the heart and
drown all the good feelingS of our nature in avarice
and selfishness? Why should age lose its sympa
thy with youth, and stinginess or parsimony take
the place of generosity and good nature? Let us
hope that the good example of Mr. Potter may have
Forgery in 2ostcn.
The Boston 'Times says that Mr. Charles Cole,
Jr., a young and hitherto respectable merchant of
that city, has been arrested on a charge of having
committed a series of extensive and heavy forgeries.
The notes were discounted by the Massachusetts
Bank—one for $492 mosoordwr. Jo k•e r rirwld, he
Peters & Co.; a third for $l2OO signed 7t'insor ray,
and one for $59.1 signed by Cole, and purportiog, to
be endorsed by Fay. lie was formerly President of
the Mechanics' Bank and has held several posts of
considerable mercantile responsibility. Helms been
bound over in heavy bonds for trial.
Irom M. Johns, P. A.
By the supercargo of the brig Vesper, which left
St. Johns, P. ii., we are sorry to learn that the yel
low fever prevailed to some extent among the ship
ping. American vessels had not suffered much, but
nearly the entire crews of two English vessels had
fidlen victims to the disease. The crop of sugar and
molasses was mostly shipped off, and freights dull,
at 45 per cwt. Markets well stocked with Ameri
can provisions.
A destructive hail storm at Portland, Maine, on
the dth ult., destroyed 50,000 panes of glass, besides
doing great injury to the hay crop and young fruit.
We were struck the other day, in looking at a
work called the Lives of the Pre.sidents," with a
few curious coincidences of numbers which relate to
the lino of five Presidents, beginning and ending
with an Adams. Here is a table, for instance, of
the periods in which they were born and went out
of office
Born. Retired.
1735 John Adams, 1801
1743 Thomas Jefferson, 1809
1751 James Madison, 1817
1709 Janine Monroe, 1825
1767 J. Quincy Adams. 1829
Now, it will be seen by this that Jefferson was
born just eight years after his predecessor Adams ;
Madison eight years after his predecessor Jefferson;
Monroe eight years after Madison; and John Quin
cy Adams eight years after Monroe. Another curi
ous fact to be observed is, that Adams was just sixty
six years old when he retired; Jefferson was Sixty
six ; and John Quincy Adams, had ho been elected
to a second term, would have been sixty-six.—
Adams, Jefferson and Monroe all died on the 4th of
July.—N. Y. Post.
"One day whilst working at my plough."
2d ult., Esquire Miller, Magistrate in the borough
of Tarentum, Pa., went to the house of a man
living five miles back of that place, according to
previous arrangement, to marry a couple. He ar
rived at the appointed time, and finding no prepara
tion for the wedding, he began to think he was
hoaxed. He consequently went to a field where a
man was ploughing, to ace what was wrong. On
his arrival the man stopped his plough, saying he
would sec if she was coming, and after walking a
few steps, with his eyes fixed on a little hill at a
short distance, they eaw a beautiful girl of about
sixteen, descending its heights, and wending her
way towards them. It was her; and on her arrival,
they were united in bonds of matrimony on the
spot, and he went on with his ploughing! 'The
man wee vaid tithe abet thirty.; r.
An Affecting Ocene.
The New York Sun relates the following:
A few days since, at Buffalo ; a boat load of Ger
mans landed from the canal, evidently direct from
the "Fuderland." Among them was an old lady
and some three or four children, quite grown up;
several tavern-keepers were around the boats, as is
customary, to solicit patronage from the immigrants,
and one of these approached the old lady, who, im
mediately upon seeing him, threw herself upon his
neck and wept, the children also embraced him, and
team and smiles alternately bore their sway ; the
explanation of the scene given was, that the old
lady was on her way to Detroit in search of her
husband, who had emigrated some years previous,
and she had thus unexpectedly fallen upon him at
this place. What a meeting! Who would not
have been them to share in those feelings which
overpowered the happy family with inexpressible
delight, as the weary wanderers embraced the ob
ject of their search ; as he recounted his deprivations
and sufferings, his toils and efforts, to amass the
means of bringing out his family ; as the mother re
counted the perils of her voyage, her alternate hopes
and fears ; and then as both surveyed their offspring,
all poured out tears of joy at the happy event !
The conquests of a Napoleon furnish no delights to
equal the happiness of a scene like this.
NEC: G 00177. Mt TnO EXIMCIS2 or LYNCH
Low.-One of the Louisville papers tells a story
illustrative of new ground for the exercise of lynch
law. A young lady of New Albany, lowa, in the
last stage of pulmonary consumption, who had been
given over by the physicians of that place as incur
able, was married on the 25th ult., after a short ac
quaintance, to a medical professional, under a sol
emn pledge that he would restore her to health ; but
the A lbians, believing him to be a humbug, gave
him notice to quit, and he left the place in haste, to
avoid n free suit of tar and feathers. The bride,
who was obliged to sit in a chair while the vows
were pronounced, was left behind.
Rebellion in
The St. Louis Era of the evening of the sth,
says Two hundred citizens of Coles county,
Illinois, have resolved in a public meeting that no
heed should be paid to the decision of the Supreme
Court of the United States setting aside theappraise
merit law of Illinois; that all officers be advised not
to carry out such decision in the sale of property ;
that they be asked to resign their offices if they
cannot comply with such recommendation; and
that they (the people) will oppose them by all fair
and mild means, and if that will not do, they will
oppose thorn by force of arms and all other means
lin their poorer; that committees be appointed to
ascertain from such officers whether they r will per
sist in such sales or will resign their placee ; that the
meeting appoint officers to carry out the resolutions ;
that the decision of the Supreme Court is regarded
las unjust, and not binding on the people of Illinois ;
and that they pledge their Hoes, fortunes and Sacred
I honors to sustain their resolutions.
Another Breach of Promise.
$20;000 had been served by Sheriff Stryker on a
gentleman in Flatlands for a breach of promise of
marriage. Whether the arrest of the gay Lo.
thario" reminded one Miss Long of a promise made
by one Francis Gerrity, both parties being natives of
the Emerald Isle, is more than we can avouch, but
be that as it may, Miss Mary Long sued out a capias
ad reppondendum, against the faithless styain Fran
cis, in the sum of $lO.OOO, for refusing to complete
an arrangement which had been made when on
board ship, crossing, as Mary said, a say as
threacherous as Frank's own heart." The writ,
duly tested, was placed in the hands of Sheriff
Stryker, endorsed with the words following, viz:—
, Let the defendant be held to bail in the sum of
one thousand dollars."
The Sheriff proceeded to the whorcabout of Mr.
Gerrity, and having found that worthy, Wormed
him of his business. Mr. Gerrity launched forth a
volume of expletives which it is utterly impossible
to give with any degree of correctness. The Sheriff
suffered him to partially exhaust himself, and then
suggested that he might perhaps settle the difficulty
by calling in the priest and fulfilling his promise to
Mary by marrying her. Francis inquired if the
sheriff would go wid him" to Mary's residence, and
the sheriff assenting, they trudged off in company.
On arriving at the house of Miss Long, a fine bux
otn looking girl made her appearance, and after some
conversation the sheriff and the parties proceeded to
the residence of the priest and merged the suit in
the abyss of matrimony.—Brooklyn Neu,
The Hollidaysburg Register of laid week
says:--"A mare and colt, the property of Mr.
Jerome Dawson, of that place, were killed by light
ning on Sunday morning last, in a pasture field
near the head of Plane 10."
ciyHt.Nrnir D. rorrEn has been nominated by
tho Locofoco conferees of Bedford, Cambria, and
Westmoreland, for Congress.
WasWngton county.
The Whigs and Antimason of Washington coun
ty have nominated the following ticket to be sup
ported at the approaching election:
For Congress—Julis 11. Ewiso, (subject to a
conference with Beaver county.)
Assembly—Wm. M'Daniel, Geo. V. Lawrence,
Sheriff—John Wilson.
Treasurer—Uriali W. Wise.
c - Messrs. Botts and Jones are now takng testi
mony at Richmond, Vu, in regard to their Contes
ted Election in Congress.
V1. , ..7-.P.IMD,
By Daniel Africa, Esq. on Thursday last, Mr.
On the same day by John Porter, EN., Mr .
KEITH, both of Henderson township.
On the 25th ult. by the Rev. D. Shaver, Mr.
WILLIAM MADDEN, (nterebent,) of Springfield
township, to Mite RACHEL BOOKER, of Cro►n
well township.
UT - 0- 73.
LLI., s us. r. at...tut .tghiast
• —• ,t t. t , t
it .I t tit— . t•
s, 1 gray Iter, twit ; Ik••,t, 2 Shots,
, too, It-, 1 wa,,,oti mitt iat , •:, rs, 1 sltigh, 1
wtodo.i:t, 2ttusof lu I,t harrow tet tit,
1 l.lxtkcow and calf, 2 calves, 1 red cow, 2
head y. Ling c ttile, .5 bee hives, 1 eight day
clock, 23 acres wheat, 8 acres rye, 8 RCM a
oats, 8 acres corn, 3 art es bat kwhet.t, 1 side
saddle,. 5 bed longs, cropper kettle, 1
wheel barrow, 1 lot of i'•tso.
Fir pewcll tp. July 10-1843. 3t. :mg. 2
ESPEC t FULLY ann,unc,s tothe ti•
tizens n.t Huntingdon t , w.h, thot he
has trturnt.d t.. A lexunc , w h,r, he 1, pre •
pared to attcnd to the pi active his Pr,,-
tetsion, until the first of ticpu.niber nt
when he will live for Cit,cisLoi.
N. B.—Dr. Young has It new tii,c.neery for
clestrt ying the net:Tsar Teeth without pain.
Also, a new Parisian Cemet:t, f, plugging
Teeth in the no .s, for Ohl)
half the coot of
Motu 2, I/743 —3t.
Slrayed or Ntoltat
IROM the premises of the
sMiscyiber, woe Peterii
!whit: i;;, ,i l., m g
night lest, a
stone blind,
= u Mt! legs wide to the vis
turc j , aots, she hod been kick..d at shot t time
;,go wi the hind Is and was lame.
Any person returning the said metre to the
subscriber will lie liberally r-wauko.
August 2. 1843.-3 t. pd.
E undersigned Commissioners of Hun
tingdon county will receive Proposals, at the
Commissh ner s Office in Huntingdon, up
till TUESDAY the 22nd August next, for
'militia.; an Arch Bridge across Sln c: is
Cretk, at Petersburg, to be located just be
low the present fit will tr: 100 feet
from altutment to abutme la, and be raistil
two feet higher above low watt r mark, than
tie present one.
Bidders will remember that the Pr , posais
most he f. r all e xpenses for the tit ea, atioi,
Stoo, work, Lime, Sand, lion, P,int, and
Lunthrt, &c; every thing to finish el make
:i.e Bridge substantial, and complete.
The whol- to 0, Mme under the dirt emit of
the Comiliksion,rs of the eeme,y,
A plan of hula Bridge, and the specific:,
ti mz can he Seel) at theit office, ca the day
of letting.
K. 1.. GREENE,
ALEX. KNOX, Jr., Conlib'rs,
A. W. BE \ Eptc - r,
Ountuis , ioners Office,
July 26, 1643--3 r.
Paper Pedling.
The su b sc riber informs the Merchants of
- ,1M511 . 1, 2 !hat
NeliellillnntillUes in the above business, :oul
that the report put in circulation, by inter
ested pt twins, that he has quit , travellino;
this sectinn of el,utitry is utterly filse. He
still continues to give the highest price for
rags, . _
AR orders in his line, left at the " Him
tiagdoti Ji.urnul" ffice, or Exchange lintel,
will meet with prompt ;atrial,. from the
July 26, 1843.-3 t
Estate of Cortrad
L« h• of li I , odl;erry hoon,h:p.
y ` ,N r O I'I('I is heve)y given, t . 114t
.14,41 tt:o,lll,:itary lioit .1d U.,-
taikit•ut C. r, Lac u I
I. g
111 • Wirt. 1,i,11,(1. A' I
r , . cst•tte are nqu st• tt)
iu. k. iuun:•; n ut. and tlr s • 11.1Ving
tit•III,l1 ,Is S:lille arc re
cichu•ct to pn.seilt tix•m duly autuenticattd
hut s... , th.lueut, to
Jul IN SKYLEs, )
.ItCy 19, 1843-6 t
Late of thirrce township, dec'd.
Antic; is hereby given, that letters testa
mentary on the last will and testament of the
said Th. , s. Blair have been granted to t h e
undersigned. MI persons indcbted to said
estate are ri quested to make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims or demands
against the same arc megm.-sted to present
them duly authenticated fin• settlement. to
Dr. ,'.)OR/)/:.HI D,ASSEY. Pareee
JOILV BORST. West town,hip.
July 19. 1343.-6 t
Nos just received and offers for sale,
7,500 first rate half Spanish
31,000 good common
OtrGiuntry .'.lerclt•ints can be supplied
rt•a.onaMc tprfiti
Huntingdon. 19.—tf
I'o Tda ER S.
Pill*: subscriber will aell:inrensonstble
J. terms. that well known TAN YARD
PROPERTY, formerly belonging to Lim
Burka, situate near the town of Warrior:i
nt itk, Huntingdon enmity, c , intnining about
4 'tres gond nie nlnw land, with n
Tan House, a Dark Mill, a two story
Plastered Dwelling House,
a num twr of VATS, a good well of water,
and a gond garden thereon. The land is in
good tillalde order, and the buildings &c in
good repair. This property possesses great
er advantages in regard to location :led con
venience t'• all ;my other property of the kind
in the country, ahd persons wishing to carcv
on the Tanning Business will du well to call
and oc.anine it.
The terms will be made known by the sub
scriber who lives about one mile and a half
trom.the premises.
June .. '131,11 1843.-2! pO,
Or:Wane Court 5 alt.
MY virtue of an order of the Otpliaus'
ill be exposed to Public Sale.
the pt..miscs in Bargee township,.on Sat
, • -.N . the 12th day et August, A. D. 1843.
t certain tract and plantation of land.
•tc in the said toa nalip of Barrer, boun
d by lauds, , •t Thomas Blair Do the 'North.
i nor:! Stt fry on the West. Edward
rty on the Suuth, nod John Steinun
4,, the Fast. containing
he the saw more or less, with the appurted
mulct 4. The said tract of hold has
Two irOI4SCS,
and a cabin ban crected thel ecn. and aticut
100 Acres
cleared, and a first rate ORCH A RD of bear•
ing fruit trees, late the estate of A saph Fa
gait, deceased.
TERMh OF SALE : Or•e third of thr per..
chase money to be paid on cot.fimation of
the Sale, one third m one year thereafter
with int, rest and the remaining one third at
the death of the widow, Elizabeth Faga ia.
the Tote rest of the said third to be paid am
'malty to the widow, to he secured by the
Wad and mor!eage rf the putchaser.
By the• Court,
Due atterdance will he Oven by
J. V.'. MITON, Trustee.
April 19, 1841-41.
Auditor's Notice.
THE inal,r:ig,:d auditor appointt d by
the Grunt of Gornmon Pleas of Huntingdon
county, to distribute the proceeds of the sale
of the renl•estate of James B. Frampton, (in
the hands of the Sheriff.) among the various
claimants, will atterd at the Prothonotary's
Office, iu Huntingdon, on Tuesday the Ws
day of UGUir a ne. at 10 *halt, A. M.
for the porno, of m, king said distribution,
w h en an d w h ei , parsons interested may
attend if they this k proper.
July 19, 1843.—5 t.
A tru• k, of which there is no known owner
has for some time remained at the Ware
Hc•use of the subscriber, at Maunt Union,
Huntingdon c city. Pa. It is apparently
w , npye ars to have a double name on the
h van--I,lte Newland & Mc---something.
Vi fr o nt and where consigned to Is not
Judging from its wcight, it proba
bly contains simeting. The owner is re
quested to come tot Aar& prove property,
pay charges and t,lte it away.
June 28, 1R43.-3t.pd.
Estate of Benjamin Rudy,
Late cf flrrrreetawnsiip,Huatingdon
county, deceascd.
!mane - F. is hereby given that letters a 1
*ISLA administration tip.a the said estate
have been granted to the undersigned. All
prisons has mg claims or demands against
the same are ',quested to make them known
witht at del iy, , and till persuns indebtcd to
make inimrdiatr payment to
Bayne tow nship.
July 15 104,9.
of Dr. Peter ~twitm•
Lute of Shirley tcwnship. Huntingdon
county, deceased.
`i OTICE is hereby given, that letters'
testamentary upnn the said estate h,tve
been granted to the undersigned. All per
sons indebted to said estate ate requested to
m,,k,' immediate payment. aW these having
Osumi or demands against the same are re
quested to presebt tiam duty authenticated ,
hr settlement, to
Jc)111:s7 Li.' I Z..
GEOItGE. IN F,, Exr ' s
July 12,1843.
Aeu Notice.
HE undrrsigaed Auditor appointed by'
the Coutt of Common Pleas of IN,
tiaedon county, to distribute the proceeds of
the 'Shelia's:tie of the real estate of Jacob fc
I , ihn C. Kinsel among those entitled theret•'.
%rid attend at the Prothonotary's rHee,_ in
ulunting,ien: far that purpose, on Tuesday
the Ant d, y ; f August nt xt, when and where
all pers , ,ns interested wily attend if they
think proper.
Hu' ingdon, July 12, 1843.
ALL pt.lB.,ns having — accrimts etatiding
nine mouths and upwards, with the
subscriber, are respeetlully, but earn e stly
r.quested to nuke immediate payment be
tween this and the lob day 04 September
next, longer credit cannot be afforded.
July V.', 1843.-5 t
rUnLic 6Abie air" —
U3ctz:lll LElatimactsi.
By virtue of an order of the Orphans'
Court of the aunty' of Huntingdon, made the
29th ay of June, Mt there will be expiated
to public. (11 SATURDAY, the Stli Ovj
of AUGUST next, at the house of Davi',
Frakoc, in Shirleyshurg, at 10 o'clock, A. 11.
the following desciihed property, viz
The undivided half part of a certain tract
, 4 laud situate iu Si.i-ley township in said
c ,, unty, near the Aughwick cretk containinG
in all
1 10 sii - CRES,
mere or leash about t uenty of witch is clear
ed, the principal pert being well timbered,
havi ,g thereon erected it log cabin emu,,
still house,
and a good spring house, adjoin
ing lond of M'Nite on the Cant, land
of Samuel Grove on the smith, land of James
Smith's heirs on the 11' , 1th t and land of Jo
seph Rhodes on he e: ant, late the property
of h Hirketa,
TER NI S. —One third of the purchase
musty to be paid on the confirmation of the
--une third one year thereafter, and the
remainder two years after the confirmation
of :tale, with interest.
The title will be indisputable. Atten
dance will be given by
Adner. de bolds non &c. of 1 - hat kiah Rick
ets, deceased.
N. B. The other undivided half of the
above described tract of land, being the half
or lot rest of David W. Rickets therein, will
be expmetl to public sale at time time and
place, and on same terms by the undersigned
Assignees. _
Assignees of David lA'. icket