SHEciiFF'S SitLES. By virtue of sundry writ- Lroi , ;o Facias and renditioni 12.:pows8, i.asued out of the Cow . ; of Huntingdon row, v, and to toe do , c tea, will he rtpo, d Iu pull r tli Court ho•in in the homo , „:It of Ilun'in;. don, nn Monday the 14 t , 6:+y td . Argurt, 1843, the toll,' sag pity, t, , 'ph, r i g ht and interest el .I,tie. Dick eon, and also the right it,tl jut,. s;ul ItlTtillo•telt in a,,.1 - 0 tilt . liWtik, ing described te:d : A I, 'f land purchased tit de, ick 11,1,11 -ituate in Warrior•lliAlk too taluinStabuut 176 at le , of tir•t In r -.tone 14111.1, of tOlit'h cloarell, W 1 .1111,111 g I.tiiti U &J. Ii rabery,!gr, Voik, ,Tal on a pipe tire k and a 1:.1,1, ;11.(1 1,1111 4/1180. a tract idf gond i1d416 . 11i1 , g the aln,ce, pu; irl containing auto): 70, i and a good tcell of %vale,. ut the door, Also, a piece of laotl co!!!Aininc Aimn acre., known HS rt. IC IL silo, in slid lownship, 1 , 11 , 1 LioN .1 !mit Jacel) t..r, havin three tie:l , lllo t , , 10m.c., d .!ore roy m. frame ,•table, a blAck shop, and limestone quarry tl. crew:. Jllso, a piece of I.:ltd.:a:Ale !o fho sa; odje;nio;,-; lan 't; & J. !...hoentt , r,,ger, (IP:cc! L. L10,d,,1,0‘c ler and J., . ~, •••••, :Amu( 3 act, ~•,! I, not J.,I!!! St.., twaker for an o •,,k, pith a dwell'' , oouse 18 te, V 10' 1.1•. e he ore bet k . thy• acres of land, •oljtooitiu loud- of (;. & tl Jo,ltua tito! J:o•ol)( ti,l:vo in • the plop It 1• oi (3,orge :~ 1.,; <) About one and • 0 Sallie mnre or r. tit k, 11, mice ab,,ve I , i,rt iu 11. nt,n-hip. Hu yin lust ,on,ttt, nfijnin lands of Sati,tol Sie,art, Mtl ell and John 11,itr, 11.11,1111 rrectrtl BM I ett Furnace and stakk, a cto,cr mill acd taken in execution, and to b ny the ptupet , y George saw mill. ALSO. Seized, taken in execution, atol to he 1 ilaqr lot No. o, the town plot u FOlll as the property id Jo . .in auu I HMI d trominv, 87 legit uo th Thomas Nlitclwll. tag, nad, and runnin ALSO, ek the of the Penn.% Iva”co.n, A certain ine,,ua F ,e,1.1,1.:.e tool lacinry , with the machinery thereto bt•l!ttlmsvi.i. ; smith shop, saw mg ;Hui tt) Int Nr. 107, ',la. nning hack 180 feet to ,:itu,,te in the tuW,lo'ntm,,,, m , Cf) hat in„ thereon erecter)the - t%,,0 s•iwy Mick dwelling house, „Loan', %%alter B. 111.1.1111, acd i " . . stair it, t.tketi executien. and to b containing 73 acres, be the s•;ed Olt. I less, being, Ilse saute pte- • I't' as -hi• propel ty of Thomas NPNaina ert Spent' tract of land, situ. Ii" W NI. Lloyd, I:xecutin's nl 'ht. J'"" alk " .ol e' f ' l . ..ettesaid, bounded Li lands 01 .t. ALSO. Taylor, Matthew Ta . ilor, jr. ill, the All that certain tract of land situate, hens of Robert Nlar'llail and oil, r , • it,— I v•ett 10 - ditt. in Henderson township, taining 84 acres, be the same i• r , •• , tc of 11 .... 1 . 1 : 40 11, nujeilltnt; being, the same rends., cs.! „t J, Im Fee. James Ilatopsim and Taylor granted and 1.• -t .n., contain i ng 415 acres, be the wrote said John 'pas cur in fr, , ~1 !:,. 14,•, (tieing the Smite tract of lams undivided third of a ~ •• 3 ow , Sias, by nitleti• toe, dated in the same town-1, , -t e ,•• !I'' , . ttitil conveyed hi tied by hods of Jaitt• • •• t.• - • ...It together wlth the , ;Iwo:tents auil apportenaii r es. others, cow:doing . , , „ take') in en cation, and to be tieing the same pi , . , -old a.. the properly of George Lane. A t , tlei granted i• • ALSO, ~,1 j,,ht, ' l',, lot. in ft., Lot N. 10. in the 11 11 1111er11 liberties 1 , 1 h.l,tllllßl,nl. • te lairi i of I lollidaysharg, Iwo ~ h ug 60 Seized, ,• ~ I •et on Juniata street, and extending back wild an the prope rty 4.l Ji4llf4 Ta)' 11.4.1 ;bete°n ere' led • two .tool ALSO, i dwelling house and a small frame About 13 acre, ul c)• need lam!, ! Shirley th•• hi,' IL. .1, taken in exec Ohio, and to be of Sliitl4sburg,'l'llotiois Smeiker and (: .. ~, the:croperty el Charles Bush. Oliver ; B;titl land being lc ni. d and .ALSO, ulitvation. Also, about 200 assn of A lot of ground situicie in the town of well timbered tie... Hand, stici.tte spurt,llutitin g doe county, situate on well lowl.sltp; at;J• 4111 ::: 411 1. , n lite.... easteily side 01 Newly street, and William (Nese. and eller:. A 1.., all Irolitirg on said street 180 feet, Irem t•io interest of defendant in a Rae) of street to Perter alley, awl ;dung 80 ;sere, of ...Oil alley tiOl'eet !note or less, to the col t, the s in) tom i , t•••! , .., tier hit No. 77, and extending along to .Nbraliain Limn, t- ,•, 0, u, l ;. 0: • • line el 101 at tight anglesio Peon'a nod others, partly t.•. • :.till :clot 011 I s illl3l. street 30 feet more or Seized, taken •• •,' i'ss, as Lilo out cm , he ground and mar sold ay the Prop. ,; ; •• , keit No. 70, in the general plan 01 said A •0, tt, , herruts elected a t%,u story brick About 6 ;terns 01 cm awed , ,• elliog house. Also, a lot or piece of .he northerly side et tl e I round. bnuttle 111 int, said town of Gays tagp licit foul 1,.. NO. purl, 01 parts 01 lots, number e d 10, in the too iisltip of Alle;.tie c to de - 73, 74 and 75 in the said town, comittett vetnity of Iltiniii.gdiiii, lowie•—• ~,, on the north west Corner of Neor cord, by I,ools occspii di by J. , .:l'enn'a streets, and extending thence east by land el Pe 11' “Icing the said ['voted street 1.28 lee! to the i n the hiwi, of Flow , and .1,1 coriier of lot No. 73, 1 / 1 , the curvier styJu' n l'uok's I iril. titigion theilee N. 50 feet Seized, take', 1 0 10 log the east side or said alley, thence sold as the proper t ,41 ea•t 147 fi et to Newry street, thence along •11..7 , (), ry street 50 tent to the beginning, • , . • , • ,•., ; • tin d I 110 blowy !WIC!: dWellib,. hue two adjoining hits ~, „i, situate On I lie eioil side 01 . Bart, Ii „•••,, bootleg uu said 'trent 180 feet, ~„,, , xteiallog act %tngleP 111111/g Pl . llll ' ii I , lq, „il , l 1;i1 . 110., at l gut angles 11 Poi ter oil 120 leer to Said 11000 eel 82 anti 83, w the plan 01 -a •• a m Alb. , , a lot or piece of gitititl aiiil being the south eastern pall oft!, klati3 in toe Juniata river op :e s No. 1 and 2, in the plan of the LI ayspert, containing ,n bout Vile mac', ire the came wort: or less. sir iakeii in execution, and to be ii,i• property of John Hetherington, tN• ilettieriqt.•ll 'S 11. tenvder ti t • a ;;•I,ion. All that r rrtai % 11 , 1,0%, odj 11.1.1eInt.te ill.. in tin. c .0 building .1.1 /he hit Ily 1.11,, lit apputtenantlu cx e lii am the it•to,,, owner to rerwed I y A. \\ . K ; All that ceriiiii, house, ben tt pike road, leading, I,q t , Pittsburg. mid ext,:.!,11 ;1 ; situate ti lot No. 6, it, Lie can ,, tile, in the cianity tout bcuntloil hmtt ffit the en4t lip -- -- : 4 t•iz taken in and io hi' ~1,1 as the property of Ntichrtt I Stunri, ow rte! or and 1W11 , 1,11. repu ell ALSO, Three quartets id ,to ore.. td around,l ~;,,,,,t t. a t the t.ert4l end of the town ul S. ..11..bure, B..rree too eNhip, and tio the ..truth eil-terll si.te or toe Oval road te.,d , . t.; 1 1.r..n1i loth( lot, n, having thrreon :t an en.ti with l 2 vats, St., a too oory kg ~,o ,holt, ti 1 . 1,111 0 Shed with ortchinei y for ..liiii.tin_ balk, and a Mit story Ina tiwell. ....,11.....e. &Ist, a pie. eor parcel ml hod ' ...,01 to,v...s , ip cotthiinitia 23 acres hod 155 pe. 0., „oott 13 arts ill whit li afr el. ;I.t.ii I'm! 11l t !illiv3 , i , h, ;1,10 . 11111,1 Laois " 1 P. lir Lit l'.1::• , 1 1 . J II II II \‘' ,11,1 1. 111111 1 and . ‘V.lh...ti Hitst, Egi. . . . SViZ , •II, wkt o , v; xrcution, and to tie Ad ;is die propurt% nl Pltincas Runyan. ALSO, "I'hi• one undisiileil half of all that tract al* law! situate in 11,litli•r..on township, county, adjoinitu the Junot'a h ti ter, Jduks Nloti . ntain' and hod of A Vinmievander's heirs, emmtnpos.d of Iteo 4 a surveys, tone in the Hanle of ' Daniel I;:mmu., anti the whet in the na ne m.l ;'' B!eitlien Duncan &_ James INl'Allister, , I conialning abuat 135 acre,: and 18 per a ches, aln.ui SO 31.'14, of which a, cleared, I ha , in; an apple orchard and a cabin hou,c ;Irv" ilc thereon. Al., a tr.,ct or angealvil laid in shia i iir 11,iiti•rstio, gut veyili in the it- ;ICU:, 11, 145 perch..S. atjtitlllll..! I iild it Jaen!) • i .viil Rupert, NVilisitio Steel's 111 . 1114 ethers. izod, taken in execution, and to he „Id „, t h e p iolwr iv JI/1111 ALSO, Hors 65 pi.. Lilo.. anti zdt , ,,, in N;wn•llip, et „_• 1 .. A r• lof Isnot. silo ve‘tod in pursooonee tol a%, ' ollll l t 4!;0 acres lhr II th June 1640, .11 the wino. ul Geortte Arhle tl o• ; - 23.• i J•ono , ory, 1840. Iloilo:led by lanes oo! .I—toplo Young, Cas•iolys, mod the All,. A l)o. ; Nl.orrairo, bt,111. , ihe nhoole of the "'",• Lotol .41:veveos in lout,tiattee 01 said tsat !rant, %yolk exception of Omni 65 acre. s old lry George Arlote to John Colyer, 1100, in; thereto) a diettummy Ina house and stable. ,ume cleared hood. :1 ALSO, All that certain I..nne hdditiing. three and 44 , e halt high, .4itua , e no the Tulninke R 'ma lead , iig ttnin Iluniingden In p 541 .. 1 , 4 ,, g in I. Indliezli ul tiaysport, in the county of Huntingdon. 3O feet la inii and S 4 feet back, ebrt:ctt d owl uitooted Int No. 6, according to die plan it 44.4141 oltrou. d h, onii the lot 4.r piece of ground and cur , ilege appui tenant lo said buildin;z Seized, tuko•ii in execunon, unit too Ir sold as the prign.rov of John linu,laugh. MI the right tide arid estate of G..0.W. 1 l'entiriek to or in all that certain plati , ti thin er tract la , it situate in Cronnwe.l rownshile, ..1 too ittrcet. of ad. tewir.hip on the hank of Itr Ri g ('reek, hounded tit ether 1,11(1. 01 (it'll. NV . Peneock, lii formerly untied by containing 9.3c2 stab 109 per • cites, hating ii Iwo ,t.iried log h0n...., a double lag barn ther , ott, and about 100 iit twared land. Also. a small ',act or land adjoining the above and last - scribed tract, containing 50 acres and 45 perches, mole or le-s, and bounded ht -aid last described tract, lands r:hare r, land 11)1111e11, 1.1 lied by Chink,. Pro4ser and Uthel s, ti, w hint small tract of land is attached a water previll•go• WI said Aogewick Creek on the land roi merle oo tied by Charles Prw , ser, the, s ato, !win g the iiret,dego of erecting a thin &e.--the -aid land and iwevilege 1....itu.4 the same that were sold by tialottel Carothers to G e o.l,V. Joel l'entiock. iaktql 111 xeculiou, and to be Jcl aS the I,loperiy of lieu. NV. Pennock ALSO, All that part hi a lot of ground in the Borough of llollida)sburg, !WolinAlton county, numb-tett lOU in the town plait of -aid t;orough, sit odd , oii the curio,. of %Val hit mot Front streets, lo•gioiiiiig at the i.,.., .r of Cherry Alley. and extetithh:, • , ''' , -t: %MID , 42 feet to a lot of Jolt. Nl'Ca u,tn, and runiting liorlit,,ril trutu !said ~, nor I'4 an Chin v Alley. 82 f..itt lug h•iont stn u •t t) the tither In rt on of the sail lid, Ilo•r on erected a story tram, house and a small track building. takcii in esi.ciition, and to tic mild as chi. 'wiper) ni John AbiLliell li,la)sburg ) ALSO, The ttittliN 411.11 dirt, •luulUof the rollovting „,„I ttul Real estate, 110 , .%.1.11 11,11 . 111.4 und, r r (rein ge W. NAilte, that IS I hounisNet of land siluate ut Allegheny atist6p, 011 which the l'ortag,e 'run Wlllks are erected, containing 151 ai and 75 perches and: allowance, and ny the :Stitiiney riil2e, and by Lind now or I,,te of Jacob (hiller and other., (eNct•pting and reser, ieg live lots ol ;;wind in the 111.01 Of 011111:4:1,Vilit., Nos. IS, 19, 20, 21, 22 Midi 24)- -Also, another tract or piece of L.nd situate in SIMI cont.ining 531 acres anal allow• alive 4-c. bounded by hinds of 't u b e r \l'Namara Also, another tract situate in said township, cootaitiing, 70 acres 80 perehe, and allowance ate., bounded by lands now or foi inerly of Itonert M'isi.iinara, Buchan- Is and others. Also, an , 'her piecr ur pal •el of land siiunte in the said lownshp, roniiiiing I acre 3 rods and 18 rreltes and allnwance dantled lay the l'urninke and Pot. 1,%e ltdil Road, and ny Ididl now or la!, of lerdncis Smith and A 1-o, an dher !tact .1 land situate in sild town-hip, containing 3 acres, 93 per ches, hounded tie aids ul :Samuel and twit rs. Also, another tract of lamd siluale in said township, containing 107 Sc, es and allootvotoocr, bounded by tut tl non or lately claimed ny tittle!. Inaugli and others. Also, mimeo' Irani of land si bate in 9.11,1 lots oship, coniationg, 100 acres, allow :tore bounded litho till, or lortnitto. ly of %Vol. and Also, a certain win, tract situate in said tov.itship, 1p:1;4 on or near the tilti Gap R,u, containing 400 acres, but veyed 01 I 11"Illit• ISRik k. Also, a certain meet tract situa e in sant teemslop, mijmning lands of Davnt Mitchell inn! Franc!, Smith, clintateni K 3 acres more er Irss, therein crucied a one story lug {muse and frame kilt: Also, a certain other tract situate in said township, cotitamieg 400 act vs, sur ve,)e.l in if; twin , . el Hicimiti flannel'. Also, a certain Intim tract of kuil situ at, 111 said township, hUlVeyell lfl of limit:till I. liaiiiten, contaiiiiiig tweet 400 a ores more or less. 1.0, live others tract, situate in said township, tine thereof, containitig 4.30 'acres 19 perches, surveyed in the name of Robert Black, another thereof, 354 acres, surveyed in the name of Chi's topher Black, another thereof, containing 400 acres surveyed in the fiance 01 Jou.. 'Lunen —mud het thereof, containing, 400 acres surveyed ire the nano. of Jotiatitao flannel' arrither tiotretif, containing 4;18 aches 96 parches, surveyed in the !lame or Jam. I larris, each -urve) et! on %%ar rat,. dwelt 527111 'Alacit 1793. Aka another to act situate in said turn slop ( . 4...tabling I 191 acres and &c.,bbutoied now o. late by Brobaket's hods, land of John Stutter, John White stone ;toll others. Also, another piece or parcel of land situ;tte ill said township, containina :Omni acres and allowance &c., h mik] by lands late of Shaetfer on NV e ,o, pike Road on North, Hail Road on South. ..tol land le.e. of FialiCii Smith on with a water previlege attached thereto. And also, any and all other I. nds, rea ,I;htF, Iyt.te Ise.= an I r,r.rvit.g,!.. ladled or beltrtg og to the said Portage Iron Work-. being the satin lands, Beal state and property, the andividid five ev,ilit part. of Which was conveyed by the .ail George W. Thomas M' Namara and his wile and Samuel Royer and his wile, trio Edward Bell, Riu , ' APNamara, Joseph Higgins, John Hover and Lii•orge Schnineker, oy deed limed 4 h iav of June, A. D. 1842, and recorded Recorders Office iii Huntingdon ill Record Book C. No. 2, page 577 4.10. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of George W. M'• Bride, Samuel Buyer and *Donnas M% Namara. lately trailing under the firm of Roy, & Co. And A.., a cet lain lot aground situate In the But ough of Giysport, Huntingdon county, Vitt;; lot No. 55 in said Borough, the upper Basin and running hack to Bedford street, thereon erected a tinge th.tne ware house, occupied lately oy ow Pilot line. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the ptoln rty of Thomas 111'Natti ara and Samuel Royer; A! SO, All that certain lilt of ground situate in the Bin ough of Ca)sport Huntingdon onto, y, being parts of lots Nos. 73, 741 od 75, in ihe plan of said borough, cinn• nient tag 50 feet Irmo the No, th West Corner of Pennsylvania and Bedford streets and running Northward along the \1 est side of Bedluril street 47 feet, thence West 58 leet, thence Snuth and parallel with Bedford street eight feet, theatre West 150 feet to an Alley, thence ;South 50 tel along said Alley, thence East 151 leet to the place ct beginning— therein) erected a two story brick dwelling nous, and a Ira tie shop, and frame stable. Se .2. d, taken in .Itecution, and to be sold as the properly of Cyrus Egiberl. AL.' 0, All that two scary back dwelling house, situate on Walnut at Ei et in the borough , 11 Rolittloystm . g, on lot No.Bl to the plan of said town and eurtilea.. appurtenant therein, to wit: '2O Ipet in fro Cit on Wal tn.; street or the said 11l Nu. St iP•rn 01 ilatsbuitt,aforesai ,l (twin. It.,' °r " k 40,1- f t oUnd lICCU ; tt ,pi;lit angles 180 g • I" `'Nlrt! I"Y• , Leii ex.Tulion, and to be I,ropmly of Jonathan SlutlGl'. , truer or reputill inner and contractor. A LSO, Two lots of g.o , tittl situate ill the bo• rough of Gaysport iti 'he county of Han tingdon, on the South %Vest side of lied. lord street, being 00 feet each in flow, and extending 180 leet back to all Allet the same being ',timbered 44 and 45 iu the of said borough (being the •atne two lots of grOllllll a^ ich lure he 1/eco, o c Record, con, yeti to will Jo eph Kett.; by Dr. P. Slittenberget )nn Which el VI • ~ .(1 a two story weather luau led bon— and a frame stable. Seized, taken in execution, and to be• sold as the property of Joseph Keay► an,l CutinioAliant. trading;, under tit, New of Ke. p & Conningh +tn. • JOIN SU — AVER, , S7er'f. , SherifB Office. Hun tinudon. July 19, 1843. S Cl z:r %sl much difficulty has arisen in making Sheritt's sales by reason of per. ne. bidditl2 who are unable, or who fail to the pay amounted their respective chases. ilierol•iie Z.• (Z:11...W 11, RELY GIVEN, 1,11 41 sties, Whelt I, purchase money does Hilt exceed 830 00, the whole amount ul the purchase most be paid initnediciely into the lito.d. the Sheriff; and if the por Oast. exceed t hit -um, theo the atitoatif (viz: 830 00,) must he paid into the hands of the Sheriff alter the property is thicken own ;slid the payment of the balance i ;mg a! with the sheriff' and fully secured to be paid, to his satisfaction; or else the property will lw again put up and sold. 'rids rule w.II positively b fcrictly ail. It, if to, and purchasers. whither able to pay, or not, will do well to observe it, it the, wish to hold the property stricken •toon to them at their respective bills. JOAN S/, f. July 26. 1843. Proclamation. 'by percept .0 me direc• 1.01 by the Judges of the Common Ple•r, of he county Huntingdon, bear ing t. ..t th. 22nd day of April, A. I). 1843, 1 am C.llllllHtiliell to make Public Pro clamation thcnurout my whole bailiwick that a court of voimmin Pleas Will tr held ut the court house, iu the bilEtlllgh of Huntingdon, in the county of Huntingdon, on the thirst Monday (and 21st day) of Aw4iist, A. 1843. tor the trial of all is. sues in said court which remain undeter mined helm, the said Judges when and where all Jurors, V% itnesses and suitors in the trial of all said issues are required to attend. Dated at Huntingdon the 22nd day of April, A. 0. one thousand eight hundred an d rfirty three, and the 66 year of Amer.. lean Inikperidei,iie : JOHN SII AVER, SIM: slietiff 's (Ace flawing don, July 19011843 sitneetistratoto s Orol ice. RTTERS of itchnit.istrstion on the es tate of John Isenberg, late of the ha rothtli of Alexandria, Ilootingdon county, Irtre brrn granted to the undersigned. All pers.a, indebted to said estate are IL quested to make immediate payment, and those having clainas against it will present them pn,, city authenticated for settlement without delay. SAMUEL ISENBERG, Admit June• 7, 1813.-6. 4,,ravliasstatiot% 11 . 4 ,,,,,,EitEAS by IA ecept to me direr- V [HI dated at flatitmgdon, the 22titl day of April, A. IL one thousand right hundred and forty, three, under the hands and seals at the Hon. Abraham S. %%11 ' son, President of the C iart of Common Pleas, Oyer and l'ertioner, and general jail desire y of the 20th judicial dist' ict of Penns) Ivattia, comp.-ea of the counties of Huntingdon, Nlllll n and Union', and the lion... Joseph Adam, and limes Owin, his associates, Judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices assigned, appointed, to hear, try, and determine all and every Indictments, and presentments, made or taken for or concerning all crimes, which by the laws of the state are made capital or felonies of death and other offences, crimes and nitsdemeanots, which hare been or shall be committed or perpetrated within said county, or all persons who are or shall hereafter be committed or be per l.e, rated fur crimes aforesaid-1 out cum• mandril in make Public Proclaimlion, thrJughout my whole Wilk% ick that a Court of o%er and Terminer, of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions, will be held at the Court House, in the Borough of Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and 14th day) of August next, and thine who will prosecute the said prisoners, be then and there to prosecute the in it shall be ju.t, and that till Justices of the Peace, Lorimer and Constables within the saul county, be then 41.1 there in theit proper persons, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, with their records, inquisitions, examina tions and remembrances, to do those things which to their offices respectively appertain. Dated at Huntingdon the 42nd day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred 4rAh e N ca „ three, and the 66 ve- Indepen tenets SHAVER, Shy'. . Oiler Hunting c' don July 19ill Trial List for august Term aZ4O 4 Fll?S'l' ti ELK. % , t , niter's heirs v stoner & Stoner Ramsey v Grafius W , Lltev's heirs v Stoner & Stoner Reeder v Rulings Royer v F..rrinswot•th B , ssinan v Royer et al Johnston v De, li,iger's aditer. O'Friel's Ex'rs. v liatfidd Royer et al v Ake Smith & INVNamitra v Isangliman Butler v liv..wit & I),,uglierty Lightner v Jo!tnsion 11.,over v It ....At • t al Ca:lA.llmm v K , 1 et .1 I. u.• It Adtr , .% , , VS,. M iz . v 17 zer FI , mit% et al v I,b „ti • r Ludt ws v t r) ell M'Coitin , l's Ex'r, a M'S nat.n tt al Creswell v K top st al SELOND It EEK. Bridetibaugh v Steel Com'th v tttu•ton Holliday's Ex'rs. v Alexander Jackson v Healthy Caldwell v M'Cauley et al Com'th for use v M'Cartney et al Com'th v Ennis ct al Same v Jacksial Same v Woods Kemp for use v Green B &kyr v Benner ltel v Bracht Pollock v Logan Rogers v Hewn et al emietii for use v Lightner et al Brown et al v Royer et al Storm v Kinney H a•tley v M 'Cord Shaver v M'Caltan Hewit v James Hall v Conrad's Ad'inr. Kurfman v E. Corbilis' Ex'r, M'Carthy & Wife v Truman Stonebralicr v Shank Johnston v Brubaker Same v Gal bet. Hirst v Johnston Gardner r Tle , nipson Ginter v Dorsey & Co. A/Pi:abaci v Buchanan Weaver v Ferry Coun'th for use v Maize. Same v Ak 's Ex'rs Same v Maize it al Adams et al v C ail. Cong, Milli. fdaysliurg, M'Gary v M'Namitra et al Adams et al v Crissman Curtins Adni'r v Myton LIST OF JURORS For the Courts if Cbarter Se•)siomra, and Oyer• and Terminer. wit, Common Plea , , at August term, 1843. GRAND JURORS. Allegheny Townehip.—William Lou deo, John Smith. finles.— Taylor W. Glasgow, Graham McCamant, Esq. Blair.—Diviil Caldwell, Davil II Moore, Elijah Ferree, John Barr, Esq. Cromwell.— I)at.iel Esq. • Franklin.—John Ingrain. Hopmell.—lletiderson Gorsuch. Norris. —Robert Tussey. Shirley.—,th Rickets. Till.—Samuel Campbell. Tod.--Mordecai Clll4'oo. 'Tyrone.—'l holm, McLain. Union.—Tliouths I i isle. Walk, r.—Petri Haber. n'arriorbmarle —George W. Russ. 11 cat.—Christ opher Irvin, Jacob Borst 11 ou !berry. —George . Smith, Sam'. Royer, Samuel IL Stevens. TRAVERSE JURORS. F.lll S7' 11 EIzLIC. .Hllegheny Tozewhip.—llaniel Co!cies ser, Robert Haimßio, Jr. Aides.—Jonathan Hamilton, Allen Mc. tilathery, Jacob lgow, Jr., Dal id 0, Hun. ter. Burr , ^.— J Christian Oy..r. Janws Forrest, Rube, t Johnston. . • Blatr.--Joineß M. liewit, Jr' culla!) C. ft, v,. j u h t , (Me; y, James Switb, Oliver P. NlcKeelon, Rooett A. flamilton, John Lowe, Robert "A !Hiatus, Smnuel Adams, j,r v oitr,%) Cutimmingltatn. X. Inair. F . ..nh•t ;:pn.—Gorge Copp. HFnd sun.—Jaciob ‘llllt.r, (Valley,) Francis E q., Jesse Yocum. Eutrekin, Anthony Ala riv. —Juba K.'ller, Of John.) noel% —J.ici.b 0. Hes% it. S'lnrlty.—Peter Etnier, David Fraker, Samuel Douglass. Snyder.—Jahn Farrunsworth. ; pringficld.- Jerenikh Bruhn. Tell. —.hone.' Gifford. 'l'od --John S. Douck. Tyrone.--Andrew Ro'ueßon, Jr. Union.—ll..viil Stever. TVulker.--Jantro Moore. Pe%MO, 1 . 1, 1 / 1 3/1 KAU r man, Samuel M usser, Andrew Mattern, NVil ham ‘‘ Ikon. ll'oodberry.--Joseph Rees, John Kagy, Henry litigant. TRAVERSE JURORS, SECOND WEEK. AntcB. I itottats NV.lliatn.,, Oco. Plitlsui B , ,rree.--lienry Lee. Blair.—Jubi. Oa% is, Christian (33rhcr, James %V. Ititllll,, ilichael SittionQ.Jamrs NlcClusky, Peter Oliagen, John . Cromwell.--And re w Ei egie. Dub! i Ruddy. uraha . Bailey, James Dy- Fran k f liii 1) v s,i rt. '"en'; rierson. lir my Smith, Charles Black. Christian Colestock, Solomon Sharp, 13.mj.noin E. Miller, James Short, Charl, s It. Miller. Hvewell.—NVilliam Dean, El. Norris.— 11. Steiner, Robert J'ilin Davis. Slurby —Henry Brewster. Springfirld.--Geurge D. 114(lson, John B T.ll. —Jameß Lathe's. Tyrone.—Willidni vtell. Union.—Joim Stever. ffalreoramark.--tienry If es/ —liepj,ill:itl Brubaker. 11 oodb.rry. —Daniel S. 11.11.110. cHAins, CHAIRS. The subscriber respectfully in forms the , bitatits Hunt. in :dou iiiid it 3 S iCiPity that he e‘tiibl:shment in the I) rom t h iif 1.-wistnwn, for 010 itirtioircitire of Chairs. Set. S • „f th e f , dl,,wing kinds, viz: Fri iris t• ,cli, Grecian. Fan. cv eurlen M pl. , Walnut, Office. Riney and B , stun Rocking, Sprint , silt M .leTany, Night Cabinet:, and Studying Chairs. :( 117 SET TEES. Molt piny, Fancy. Cushion, cone and Comm , n Setters, on an improved and fashionable plan, Settee Bedsteads, both elegant and useful, designed to close up, makibe is handsome Settee with cushion seat for the clay time. The , übscriber having been for several years vast engaged in the above business in the citit s of New York and Providence R. I. he flatters himself that he will lie able te. give general satisfaction to till those who will honor him with their patr ,, nage. All the above mention el articles, and every thing in his line nf business lie will furiiisli in the latest style and fashion, on th e most reasonable terms, and warranted to chi paid service. N. i 3.— Chars, Settees, &c., repaired and d t , th e shortest notice and mcst reasiitiable terms. A const•ont supply of the mentioned articles matt• be ;.ern at th” S;'au•ei•c m, One (111,1. taq (if the Store of Mrs. Jane M'Cor mirk and imm, diatcl y opposite the store of P.aterson & H.,rti, r. GEORGE W. SWAIN, Lewistown, Nov. $O, 1842. ROCKDALE FOUNDRY, „ m ,E would respectfully in -44 form ttiv citizensof limiting - don and the adj icing counties, that he still ,mth l u es to c u ry on 'msmess :it the Rockettle Foundry, u a Clover Creek, two miles from Williams burg, where he is prepared to execute all orders in his line, of the bust materials and workmanship, and with promptness and de spAch fit, will keep constantly on hsnd stoves sf every dosrriro a , such as eooltinl, ern *gate . , Parlor, Coal. Robtry, coking and Third Si'.res: Lisingtiton Pioughs, Anvils, Ilan - liners, Hollow Ware and every kind of c,stines necessary for fur ges, mills or machinery of any description ; w.tgon boxes of all descriptions, uct., which on as good terms 118 they can be hail at any who' l“tinilrY in the county or state. Remember the liorkdale Foundry. WILLIAM KENINEDI. J.!, 11th 1843. ,11 A '47 'lt IT EGS to infirm the inhabitants of Hun , 4410 ring !on and its vicinity, that he has c , inniticed the nusiness id light and heavy w,,gon making, and every kind of vehicle re. pairing. Ha% ing learnt his trade in England, he is prepared to furbish either the English or A tneric in style id wagons, and hopes by diligence and attention to merit a share of piddle patron:lg, N. B. Sh, , p near to Mr. J. lionck's black smith ;hop. Huntingdon, April 19, 1843.-Iv, LANK BONI/5 to Cow:tables fur Stay of Execution, undo* the net; la t,, itt:t I