11 - 3:.r-: nutt:Cslg'doEl, C32ffetice-CD Persons having accounts of one year's standing at this office, for advertising or job printing, ore re quested to pity the same besrc tl:e end of the ensu ing August Court. July 12, 1843.—te. cr,OATS and CORN will be taken, at 11,, market price ; in payment of subscription and job bing due this offer:. July 12, 1843.-tf: Religious ?gctice, By Divine perrnis,ion the Rev. N. Lernen, of the Methodist Protestant Church, will preach in the Old Court House, in Mullin!,lon, nt 4 o'clock in t he afternoon of Bunday the Gth of Atunt4 next. rtheriff's klal!)s. There are six sales, wide)) wereomitted List week, third and advertised in this pap, three on the fointh t) which we call et:ention. Vroceedi: nunir 1,1;:i The 17ninn Tempt Ilendcrsou lown,1!; 1 , to I to an appund (in Vv't,t tot,liship) ' !licit had Veen 'that lions, than meta at the We-t when they tbund th, done by the Comm 7'rc? e Why the door was 10r;, , ,1 .nmitht us is mom we know.—We Imant Imwfvor, that it was done on account of had Minviem mulcted ~11 the previous night of meeting, whirit t, as .l cue 1 tl j We !WOW thst there was no bad heha Mur on that night by the w , . , hingtonians. WI, did tint those mencome out um' our lariviour mid not 'n 1 r • from the report. ot " , !,( , • • •• . yell bons who name there on toot ingt,t t0 , ,0.r0 t •:, we are led to 1,, , 11, , r, their la riaqt. • Be'3 no! us that they did no: ta hear t.r !mow thClA[ils but rather to erleoure,,e l.;;> s in their disgrace ful behaviour. How that matter is we know not, fur ther than may be judged by their aetions—the re. - ponsibility of shuttio4 the door ogai.t the Wash iirrtoniar.s, is I them to settle at the bar of their own CO, •: • • . and look the drunkard's wife in the face as I;.• .! c•oy—tar wire not len, how ever, withou: u.l even in West township; we were kum!y ;;: .! I;;; `.lr. George Hite Mimi(' our meeting - i!, i.. I:Ouse, which was near, and we did so. Then• Ie ! a spirited meeting, when we appointed ono;'. s s!lgg to he held in his barn on Friday ceelur, lib, V, hen the meeting ad journed to na .; ~ o It"aturiloy July lot., at the Union Sehoobhouse, ill Henderson township, where the door has never yet been shut against any thing good. liv order of the Society. \ViLLIAM PORTER, Jr., Tnn Serious feat, arc entertained that the continued rain of the past lcav days will completely damage the wheat. We teas many complaints of mildew. and the cut grain is raid to be rprouting. As ear write, however, Monday evening, the sky tea. clear ed, and there is a fair prospect of good weather. [Lancwsbr Idc From the 10th up to this day, the 18th, this city and vicinity has been deluged with rain. To-day the weather is clear and hot, and we propose that it shall continue so until the crops are got in. Most of the wheat in this vicinity, we understand, would have been cut and placed out of harm's way before this, but for the rain; how far i t has been injured by standing, and how much by ,u,t we knew not. Peaches, which in Newcastle county have become almost as much a staple as wheat we understand are flourishing finely.—Dcf. Stoic Jintrurd. a in getting housed A few of our Carmel their hay and Mediterranean W....at, but the great hotly of grain is yet anent, or standing in shocks, and being day after day umnereifolly rained upon. A moat ruinous htt , laess this tar the farmers.— &dein, (N. J.) Mlt/aid, The wheat crop in Montgom is said in the Rockville Journal, will yi2!d the lhr noir a rich reward for his labor. Correvondenee of the Journal of Commerce SYRACUSE, J uly 1.1 , The season has been very thvorablo in this cur tion for the youtn; crops. Them has been no lack of rain, and vegetation looks well. There is every appearance of inn an average yield, It Change We find the following complaint a3airbit thi Globe in the Madionian The efforts of the Globe to destroy the Demo cratic party, by causing dissensions in its ranks, and by its efforts to prevent those ftont uniting with it whose whole lives had been denoted to its success, but who could not follow Mr. Van Buren and a few nitro letulces in their wild and visionary schemes, excite the astonishment of every observing man.— The Federal newspapers arc delighted at the lire brands which Blair is scattering around him, and quote and comment upon his coarse and vulgar as persions of the President and his Cabinet with great satisfaction. They have the wit to sec that nothing can be more propitious to the (2111.18 C of Mr. Clay and the Bank, than the sue.. of Blair's maniac course. men who voted against Mr. Van Buren in 1840, can be kept boas voting for the Democratic candidate in 1841, Mr. Cloy will he elected by nine teen Stated out of twenty six. If a large portion, I TO Ta.I.7IERS. say ono half, can be so olinded and disgusted by ! rgo HE subscribes' will sell on reasonable the intolerance and arrogance of Blair, as to refuse J. terms, that well known TAN YARD any support to the party that countenances him, the PROPERTY, formerly belonging to John moult is the same—Mr. Clay will be elected." Bur ket, situate near the town of Warriors- Now we do not core one button about the quarrel k, Huntingdon county, containing about between these two rapid papers. It is with them 4 gar's "i goad me'ici"' hatd , with a pull, Dick, pull—the other on. But it is al- Tan House, a Dark Mill, a two story ways worth while to mark the progress of those Plastered Dwelling lionise, who start on false principles. a number of VATS, a grind well of water, and a good garden thereon. The land is in The Madisonian is now crying aloud against the go d tillable order, and the buildings &c in Globe for disturblug the party;" while less than a good repair. This property possesses great year ago, the same paper was calling upon the pro• er advantages in regard to location and con ple to rally, and form a third party, separate and d vettience than any other propel ty of the kind is- • In the country, and persons wishing to cavil , ' fillet from the other two parties. Not succeeding] o n the Tanning Business will du well to call in that, it in now attempti% to occupy the ground and examine it. The terms will be made known by the . of the old Loeofoco party ;gird when they complain, scriber who lives about one mile and a halt t paper, litre the hedge hog in the fable, that was from the premises, warming itself in the cave of the Satyr, advice, JOHN SPANOGLE, Jr. those to mote that find thmioelves uncomfortable. Jotw 1,3 On the Lea day of June, the State Treasurer 3.:..~ ~ ~ eanaelled Ow amount of Mt May issues required by law, 1,,in1. fifty thousand dollars, issued by the fol- lowing Banim, to wit : Erie Bank, f 21.000 00 Merchants' and Nand's' Bic, Pittsburg, 12,000 00 Aloyamensing Bank, Phila. 1,400 00 Towanda Dank, 2,100 00 Manufacturers' and Mecleg Bank, Philadelphia, 2.400 00 Northampton Bank, 1,700 00 l'enn Township Bank, 4,000 00 Barks County Bank, 3,700 00 West Branch Bank, 1,200 00 C stEsTrAr..—We are favored just at present, with a splendid planetary display—for which our clear nights are especially adapted. Jupiter is in full blaze, rising at about 10 o'clock, and traversing the Con stellation Capricornus ; with a glass of very moderate power his four statellities may be seen. Saturn, quite as large but paler, and shining with a milder and more steady light, is in Sagittarius, some 35 de , grees above the horizon in aS. E. direction. Mars, red and fiery, is farther South in Scorpio, near Ant ares, and is nearer the earth than he has ventured before for many years. The trio make a brilliant E Tribune. A gentleman who lett the Mormon city of Nau voo, a few days since, informs the editor of the Cincinnati Chronicle, that of the 15,000 persons who make up the population of Native°, about one third are of various religious denominations. The arrest of the leader, Joe Smith, had caused great ex citement and he confirmed the previous statement that two parties of armed Mormons had left the city for the rescue of Smith while on his way to Springfield, Illinois. He adds that all the gunpow der in Nauvoo had been made into hall cartridges, and even the women had been actively engaged its casting balls, and makitsg cartridges. SiTlefy of Union, made at tlieftr.the American Temperance in May, shows the foltowitig•rceting at New York the importation of brandy, wino ann"gling. off h, 1:14 year. The report gives the importation in'n first quarters of 1842 and 1843 at the port of New York : 13.12. Quarter casks of brandy 1,0•20 Pipes of brandy - 44 0 Half pipes of brandy 2,034 38 Butts and pipes of wine 295 27 Hogsheads and IS-pipes of wine 2,318 197 Quarter corks and bbls. of wine 7,042 1,347 Boxes of wine 6,358 227 Pipes of Gin BLACK Pls.—A school of black fish entered Barnstable harbor onquesday of last week, and 95 out of 98 were captured by the inhabitants, who attacked them with pitchforks, scythes, axes, some old lances, a bayonet lashed to a pole, &c. The sport lasted from noon until SP. M. The hunters :numbered about sixty, many of whom were far . niers, and but little acquainted with the game.— ' Their success, however, was beyond their expecte ti.ms. The fish are expected to yield about a barrel of oil each. The Miner's Journal states, that the intended military encampment at Pottsville will be the Ira , gest ever held in the State--besides the companies in the neighborhood amounting to nine, the corn : mince have received information that several com panies from the City, four from Reading, three from • Hamburg, and several others front different points have determined to be present. They can count positively upon twenty four independent of any that may came from the City and other places, where invitation has been given and no answer received. underdand that the command of the En. campment has been tendered to Con. R. H. Ham. mond, of Milton, end that he has accepted of it. Lowm.L.—They make nearly a million and a (puler yank of cot' ,n cloth at Luwell per week, ouuty, Aid, i employ 9000 operative Z. The trial of Marks John Allison, for the murder of Mary Thompson, in May last, took place in Philadelphia, last week. The defendant was ac quitted. (Cr- I' a the r Miller writes to brother Hine (bathe thinks the cud of the world will be posponed till uf- ter the autumnal equinox, GOOD DuslNEss.-There WU born on board a steamboat on a trip from Cincinnati to Pittsburg, seven pigs, one calf, one baby, Plnsmasomaccrwmaagmar Camp Meeting. The Camp Meeting, tot' the Trough Cm, k circuit of the Methodist Protestant C hurch, will commence on Friday, August the 25th, near Chilcoatstown, on the hind of Daniel Kurfman. rhe friends of Camp Meetings 1 the different religious denominations, are i.,,pectfully invited to tent on the ground during the Meeting. \V M: FISHER 1. MUG ll'l' LENI EN F. SMITH WILSON 3. ELIAS July 26, 1843. SHERIFF'S SALES, _ RYA I c l i t u " s e 0t a„d su tl Y dfi ni o„i t s .a , issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, and to the direc ted, will be exposed to public sale, at the court house in the borough of fl outing don, on Monday the 14th day of August, 1843, the following property, viz: All that certain furnace for smelting iron ore, named and called n Chester Fur• nace," a casting house, bridge house and t0:1 house, erected and situate on the fol lowing described lot or piece of ground— beginning at a gum tree, thence north forty-four degrees east twenty-two per• dies to a stump, thence south thirty de guess west, thirty-three perches to a stump, thence south fifty-two degrees east nineteen perches to a stuinp, thence mirth forty•two di-grees west, twenty-two perches to the place of beginning, lying and in Cromwell township, in the county of Huntingdon, and being part of a tract of land which teas conveyed to the said Joel Pennock & George W. Pennock, by John Potts and wife, by deed dated 24th May, 1837. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Joel Pennock. $50,000 00 All th.it lot and a half of ground situate on the northerly side of the Turnpike [toad, in the borough of Gaysport, in the couuty of Huntingdon, fronting 9U feet on the said road, and extending back at right angles to same to the bank of the Juniata river, bounded on the east by a lot of Peter Boles, and on the west by a lot of Jacoii Le . x, having thereon erected three brick buildings fronting the whole breadth of said lot and a half, on the Turnpike Road and frame stable, the back part of said lot of ground adjoining the river is protected by a wharf eight feet high. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Bauslough. - ALSO, The one undevided half part of u t s".rveel olland, situate in Franklin tow,. 318 acreu• -.lion county, containing about • d ”ie more or less, boun ed dec by lands ~ by Jones au.' 'r , Evan . Crony, acres of which are rleareu dwelling houses. one triune and 'Mc PI ) of hen c;1 legs, and a Irame barn and othe buildings and an apple orchard thereon. 1843. 7 Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Ewing, with notice to Martin Bates and other terre ;events. 1,096 2,111 t:0,193 - JOHN SHAVER, Sl u Sheriff's Office, Hunting dun, July 26,1843. 0 As much difficulty has arisen in making Sheriff's sales by reason of per. sons bidding who are 'trouble, or who fail to the pay amount of their respective put, chases, therefore IS HEREBY GIVEN, that in all cases, when the purchase money does nut exceed $3O 09, the whole amount of the purchase most be paid immedietely into the hands of the Sheriff; and if the purchase exceeds th,it sum, then the amount (viz : $5O 00,) 'oust ht. paid into the hands of the Sheriff immediately after the property is thicken down and the payment of the balance ar re,ntged with the Sheriff and fully secured to be paid, to his saasfartioq ; or else the property w:II he again put up and sold. This rule will po,itively he strictly ad hered to, and purchasers, whither able to pay, or not, will do well to observe it, if they wish to hold the property stricken down to them at their respective bids. JOHN Silk VER, She'. July 26, 1843. , F, — .:3Uatm,d2 9, sts GERJMN RENOYATEVG PILLS. kre a vegetable and efficacious remedy in AHi aunts of the Liver, Asthma, Plurisy, Colds, Coughs, Weakness of the Breast, Pain in the Head, Breast and Side, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, &c., &c. LIFT OF AGENTi. Fisher & M'Murtrie, Huntingdon Alex. Knox & Son Newry. W. & 13. Lens, Shirley MAI g. Dands O'Conner, Three Springs. Blair & Ntidden, Madden's Mill. Hunter & Wigton, Rockhill Furnace. 'Thomas E.Orbison & Co., Orbisonin Brice X. Blair, Shade Gap. No foreign testimony in favor of these Pills is adduced ; but certicatea are presented trem citizens of our own comity. No. 1. From John B. Logan, Three Springs. I have used the German Renovating Pills prepared by 1)1.. Shade, with the utmost satisfaction. Every member of my family GREAT and SDIALL, have been bencfitted more or less by them. JOHN B. LOGAN. July Ist 1843. No. 2. From Capt. Hudson of Shade Gap. I have for a long period labored under In flammatory Rheumatism. I was induced to use the German Renovating Pills. and with entire success. W. A. HUDSON. July 12, 1843. Committee. Executor's Notice. LICE is hereby given, that Letters testamentary 011 the last will and tes tament of Samuel Finlay, late of Dublin town ship, Huntingdon county, deed., have been granted to the subscribers. till persons there tore indebted to the estate of said dec'd. , are requested to make immediate pays , . • • all having churns to present them - thenticated for settlement, to JOHN WALKER, JAMES CREE, Jr. Executors. June 21, 1343.-6 t. lUPUST received 50 kegs of " Pure White Lead" in oil, and a general assort ment of Naik, which will be sold at low WILLIAM DORRIS. 1,111(Xl, a CZ - 3 it * e 7 , 2 . NOTICE is herebygivem to all persons concerned, that the following na med persons have settled their accounts in the Register's Office at llontingdon, and that the said accounts wall be presented fur confirmation and allowance at an Or- Owns' Court to be held at Huntingdon, in awl for the county of Huntingdon. on Wednesday the 16th day of August next, 1. Jacob Dopp, otiminktrator of the es tate of John Hopp, late of Hopewell tbwnhhip, 2. Henry Miller, surviving administra tor of the •state of Pull• ker, late of the borough it Huntingdon, deed, 3. Thomas W. Neely. administilitor pe , derile lite of the estate of F. Jamison, late of Dublin township, clee'd. 4. Barbara Nl'Mullin,administratrix of the estate of William AVNI ullin, late of Tell township, deed. 5. John Ullery and Samuel Calvin, E-q. Hxecutors ut the last will and testament of William Holliday, late of Frankstown township, dec'd. 6. James Thompson and William Cald well, Executors of the last will and testa ment of Thollla9 IWNlillett, late of Tyrone township, dee'd. 7. Thomas Postlethwaite and John Pos t lath waite, Administrators or the estate of Elizabeth Postlethwaite, late of Shirley township. dee'd. Also, 8. Tl;onnis Pustlethwaite, Guardian of the minor children of Jonathan Doyle, late ut Shirley township, dee'd. 9. Joseph APCune, Esq., acting E X ec t ., for or the last will and testament of Peter Stetley, late of Frankstown (now Blair) township, deed. 10 Juhn Postlethwaite, Administrator of the estate of David Taylor, late of Henderson tow d e ed. 11. Moses ItoMs..o, Administrator of the estate of William Dean, late of the Alexamhia, dee'd. !-, Atrica and George Taylor, ..tdmintstrators of the estate of Julia Patton, Esq., late of Walker towns ship, deed. JOHN REED, Register, Register's Olice, don, My 19, A. D. 1643. t tt 1 PETER Lit —ll 0T E , 1 1 Respectfully informs the PA. county, and the public generally, that .. removed to and opened a Public House that large and commodious brick building situate at the centre of the Diamond, former ly occupied by C. Couts, where the ~ w ay worn traveller " will find every attention that will minister to his convenience and comfort. His TABLE will receive his especial atten tion, and shall always be abundantly supplied with the best to he had in the county. His BAR is furnished with the choicest Wines and Liquors. His STABLING is the best in the place, and the mist careful and attentive ostlers will always be in attendance ; and the HOST pledges himself to make every exertion to render his house a “home" to all who may favor him with a call. The stranger and the friend may rest asrured that if a desire to please be successful he doubts not his suc cess. He tenders his thanks to his old cus tomers for past favors, and respectfully so licits a continuance of their patronage. (0- BOARDERS will be taken by the year, month or week. July 12, 1843.-6 m. All persons interested will take notice that the undersigned having been appointed Au ditor by the Court of Common Pleas of Hun tingdon county, to apporti , n the balance no the account and in the hands of Daniel Afri ca, & George Taylor. Esqrs., assignees of I. & J. S. Harrell, to and among their pteler red creditors agreeably to their deed of assign moment, will attend for that purpose at the office of Bell &Orbison, in the borough of Huntingdon. on Friday the 4th day of August next, (1843,) at 2 o'ctock, P. M. JACOB MILLER, Auditor. July 12, 1843. Uacaulaca2 L.Pc:Dua The subscriber will offer at public sale at the Court House in the borough of Hunting don, on Friday of the first week of the next August Court, If not sooner disposer' of at private sale, the tract of laud and premises on which he resides, situate in Henderson township, adjoining lands of the estate of Abraham V indevauder, dec'd. on the east, Abraham Plowman on the west, and Juniata river on the south containing about 75 ACRES. The improvements are a two stor) log house an., a stabie, a small orchard, and about 25 acres of cleared land. Terms made known on the day of sale. ALEX. .1 AC 0 BS. Henderson township, June 7, 1843. Administrator's Notice. E ITERS of administration on the es tate of Dim. Yoder, late of Henderson township, Huntingdon county, deed., have been granted to the undersigned. All per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those havin; claims against it will present them properly authenticated for setth meat without delay. DAVID 'YODER, Henderson tp. Huntingdon County JACOB ZOOK, Mem) tp. Mifflin Crum, Admuiistrat.T, June 14, 1843.-6 t. ; ; ur administration ontlrys- tiuntingdon - ciamiy, deed., have been granted to the undersigned. All per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against It will present them properly authenticated fur settlement without (May. MAR N. CLAYTON, JAMES CLAYTON, Admittbtrators, June 21, 1841 Auditor's Notice. administrator's .lolice, John Clayton, hilt, of West I THE MARKETS. foolticLuti.o %.• ELEty ..1 l'it , l,drlphia, July 14. 11 1 Wit KAT 1 , t.otnt, per 1,1,1. - - - .15 t 25 lIVK MEAL, do. - - - - 3C7 ColtN (to, do. WHEAT, psime Penna. per bui.ll. - - 1 12 It IrE do. - - - C., COltN, yellow, 'I.. - - - SG do. white, do. - - - 56 OATs, do. - ---- 32 WnisKEY, in bls. /Ball itnorf, July 14. WnEAT Lou ix, per bbl. -*5 2.5 1 a - Wit AT, per hush. - 1 17 a I 20 CORN, yellow, do. - - - 54 do. white, RYE. OATS. Will:A:Ey, in bbls. Pillsbursh, Jolly I 1. Ftmt:n, per kb!. ‘VHEAT, per lay,ll RYE, do. OATS, do. ConlY, do. WHISKEY, per gal Btooms—held at s46as3o per um ; one sal of 21 tons Juniata at $4B rash par mem,. PIG METAL—SaIes hour $21a22 a (Ca ; sale of 100 tons at ; 4 21,50. /'Wheat Rye, Oats, Corn and Whiskey not reported. 33.A.ATIC NOVIE Pat cs of Discount in Philadelphia. ranks in rhiladelphia. Bank of North America - - Bank of the Northern Liberties - Bank of Penn Township - - Commercial Bank of lienn'a. - Farmers' & Mechanics' bank - - Kensington bank - - Schuylkill bank - - . Mechanics' bank • - - - Philadelphia bank - - - Southwark bank - - . Western bark - - - Moyamensing bank - - Manufacturers' and Mechanics' bank Bank of Pennsylvania - - - Girard bank - - - _ Bank of the United States Country ranks. Bank of Chester co. Westchester Bank of Delaware co. Chester Bank of Germantown Germantown Bank of Montg'ry co. Norristown Doylestown batik Doylestown Easton Bank E tston Farmers' bk of Bucks co. Bristol Honesdale hank Honesdale Farmers' bk of Lanc. Lancaster Lancaster bank Lancaster Lancaster county bank Lancaster . Bank 14 Pittsburg Pittsburg 1 Merch'ts' & Manuf. bk. Pittsburg 1 Ilf i lenge bank Pittsburg 1 F M a t irt m te h i g •stk en - cc . l°l:f t' -il i 4 ;: ' , "l , l l .i i l i it L Y "t b o bt n ." 1 delministrator's A Wien I Lebanon bank •••• Bank of Northumt,....pd ." N T,V' sville 2 i 1 ~.K.A.JI II" '- e "S'iliErgs cf administration NI the Bank of Middletown ~,,,..`",‘l 4. . 3 lough of Petersain ,-,, _Whit, late of the Bo- Carlisle bank cAlLto w,, ' ~,,,1 hate been granted to the t0...010 n co., dce'd. Erie bank Erie - persons indebted CO the said estate a... 4 mi Bank of Chambersburg Chambersburg t I lit , to make immediate payment, and tfii; .. Bank of Gettysburg Gettysburg 3 ,l,o oeriyiaitns against it will present them 1 York hank York 3 I ' ••1 , enticated for settlement with. Harrisburg bank Harrisburg 3 Miners' bk of Pottsville Pottsville 3 Balk ..f Susquehanna CI). Montrose 25 F timers' & Drovers' bk ‘Vaynesborough 5 Bank ..f Lewistown Lewistown 2 Wyoming bark Wilkesbarre 6 Northampton bark Allentown 85 Brills county bark Beading 70 West Branch bark Williamsport 30 • Towanda bat k Towanda 85 Rates of Relief Notes. Northt•rn Liberties Delaware Cronty, Far- 1 viers' Bar kof :ruc ks, Germantown par Bet ha Comity, Waynesburg., Erie,Tcwancla, Aloyamenging, Man. & Mechanics, Mid- I diet wit, Northampton, Wyoming 3.131 All others - - • - - 343 I Notice to Creditor& T:.!, notice that 1 have applied to the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon crusty, for the benefit of the l a w s of this Commonwealth made for the relief of Insolvent Debtors, and the said Court has appointed the 2nd Monday (and 14 day) , 4* August next, for the hearing of me aim my creditors, at the Court House in the borough of Huntingdon, when and where you may attend it you this is proper. JAMES BAILEY. July 12, 1843. Administrator's Notice. Letters of administration on the estate of I Jason Taylor, late of Antes township, nun- tingdon county, dec'd, save been granted to the undersigned, residing in the said town ship. All persons indebted to the said estate are request,il to make immediate payment, and those having claims against it will pre sent them properly authenticated for settle mutt without delay. ROBERT CANIPBEL.I., Aduer June 28, v 843.-6. CHAIRS! CHAIRS! ! The subscriber is now prepared to furnish every description of CHAIRS, f r om the plain kitchen to the most splendid and fash ionable one tar the. parl o r. Also the LUXURIOUS A A'D EASY I'OR THE INVALID, in which the feeble and afflicted invalid, than,th unable to walk even with the aid ot crutche.., may with ease move himself Iron room to room, through the garden Ina', it, Orphans , Court Xotice. the street, with great rapidity. I',s, ATE OF ROBLuir TnomrsON, DEC' Those who are going to housekeep ing, will find it to their advantage to give At 1,0 Orplit'lls' Court held at untingd him a call, whil,t the Student and Gentle- on the secotal I‘.l tatty of April 1893, art man of lei-ore are sure to tint in his newly I was Granted upon the hells and legal min invented Retia!ving Chair, that comfort setouti yes or Hubert Thompson, late el Dr wh i ch on ()the ,. „ tide ~f ,h, c „ 1 ,,,b1 e lin tow nshm. dec'd., to come into Court of tilThriling. Country merchants :ilia ship- the second Monday of ugust Pt xt, pert can be supplied with any cputi.tity at accept or refuse the real estate of said dec . short notice. at the valuation thereof. ABRAHAM McDONOUGII, JOHN SI - LiVER, Shelf, No. 113 South Second street, two doors June 7, 1813. 4t. below Dock, PhiladOphia. ---- May 31, 1843.--1 yr. II WICKS VEGETABLE LLY .4./EAT, for sprains and rhun JUNT received, and tor sale, wholesale :ism, just received and for sale at I and retail, a large supply of Doctor drug store of T. K. Simonton. Alas ‘Vistar's Buloani oj 11 rid Carry fresh supply of Mucks Panacea. Ilouck'e Pa nuceu, at the Huntingdon Drug T. E. SIJIGNTON, Agent. Store. '1'11o . ,:. READ. Iluntipgdyn Oct.., I ';A:2. Chair cm! orabinft .Ilatiii 'll'EfrflAti A DA:fl;ki, Respectfully infercustliecitizet . c .....4? Ifill' i i , f , I i fu i n , t ii c i ,, g i cl , , a ct i i w z . i ., i c al e c t i , it:i i i , i t i , t y , , ,f , ( 1 ,, i , businesses in all their vario. ' ' / rranclics ' in the slop occupied I, ' Ilia) the 1.0,t bear,. ::. Chair Oil" Orpf,lte Geo. Jaclisen's hold. All kinds of WN'k 171,',C to older at tli the shortest ounce, waryLlitrd to he goo, and will be given iii exchulige fur all kiln'. of cr %Lary produce, atid very cheap fur cast, tiiffiiis made on si , , hi, Jute: 7, lii4::. The sultsr.rii.er respectfully informs Li frierrls and the public generally, that he sti; continues the tnerelbonlising th, loom Overly t erupted by the sure c.l Maddyn P. Lutz, in Slit: leyshurg, and sJlielts a eolith, Hance of their favors. Ile has also erc cted POTTERY, I , a. the mancifactime 1-3 TUN 1. am! LAIITLIEN 11 His wit- lc,, well tested and proven to be inferior to ncio. in the country. Merchants will find it sol advantage in supplying themselves ..t tIO• estublishnrut. IL. Li es trill be shital•;:: to the times. Orders tint a distance itrictly and promptly attended to. .1 k• MI for past favors, he suite:its a share ra ',b in: patronage. JOHN Siiirlevsburg, June 7. 1543. --tf. $4 23.,: 11133DIDAL ITOMO2I, TO TIIK SICK AND A FFLICTE TI to KtOI3Zatal—THAT DOCTOR Paißc l M A I AS returned to Huntingdon, alai ARP opened fin (Mice in the first house in Hilt street, next to the Bridge. Where Me dicine and advice can be had tor any of the afflicting diseases that affect the human '}-- tern. All letters addressed to Doctor Pur cell, Kr Must be post paid. Huntingdon. May 17, 11;43.---1 t'. pal' i par par Pur l A. E i RIENDLY HINT. par It is now more than a year since I dispn- Par sed of the Motive:in Journal," and du -13 ring all that time,l have been writing p a_ 33' tieidly, upon tho se who are in my debt, for subscription and :advertising. 1 have been „ ar j living on promises ; and what is more, those L at . j to whom I am indebted, have been obliged par j to take yironzises' front me ; and they like pat myself, are getting nut of patience with this par kind of a credit system.' Now by way of p „,. a hint I wish to say to all who know them -1,„,. selves to be in arrears to me, that I must have 14 , toy accounts closed ; and there is another . . 4 " part of the story—l w ILL. 1 am not dispo sed to be illnatured, but mind 1 tell you all, I am out of money—nearly out of credit— and a settlement must be had between this and August Court--or well I wont say what. A. W. BENEDICT. Huntingdon, May 3, 1843.—tac. June ,„_ AI'CULLOCII, Adm'y ETTEits 111 estate of Jacob Ilegie, iownship, It untine,don couniy, dec'tl have been granted to the undersi.zned.— Al l persons indebted to the said estate tit requested to make immediate pay men and those havity. claims against it toil present them dui . ; authenticated fur set dement without delay. THUS. W. NEELY, Adm'r rh,411 , , tnwn.hii , Alay 24, 1843.-1 pd. HOTEL. .No. COO M APART STREET, (Above 6th Street) ilad elph fa. BOARDING $l,OO PER DAY. SHE subscriber, thankful for the libeta %file support of his friends and the public generally, respectfully informs them that h still ciao:haws at the old established house where he will be pleased to accommodat all those %, ho favor hint with their patronage cIJJIISTIAN BROWER. Dec. 11, 18.12.—tf. LINT OF LIE'rTEICS rf)EMAINING in the Post Oilier at Mullin 44. don, Pa., July lot 1843. Ilnot called for pr vious to the lot of October next they will be sent the General Port Office as dead letters. Bell S. David Matson A. James Daily Mrs. Juno Morris Mrs. Elizabeth Boat Owen Porter Robert Canuee George Stevens Oliver Creswell Mathew Sankey Miss Julian Chutman Jacob Steel James 15 Egan Bernard Sellers P. William Gorsuch John Smith A. William care Gilbert Thomas 1)r. Shoenherger Jordan Miss Catharine Thomson John, turner J uekston Henry \Valhwc Thomas care Johnston Andrew John Houck Irons David Warick William Mulkelp Patrick Witherow John Moore lames Wells George Moore Rev. John Wolf Lorenzo DAVID SNARE, P. M. ,Ely 5, 190. ~ b .