to thzt Vr:Dit. n I l'r , Om campaign of at a %cr . , - large 11,111,inp;t1on taunt a re:it:dation that they could nct R. Porter for Governor, becalm And it was a matter of frequent persona from that eeetion of After remaining about two weeks in the territory, I took peerage front Burlington in a boat Ruben with lead from the rich mineral region in the northern part of the territory. The river was very high, the wind blew a perfect gale, and the boat being laden with lead, rendered it very dangerous travelling. After proceeding down the river about thirty miles, we landed at Nauvoo where we were compelled to remain from early in the morning until night; this gave us an opportunity to visit Joseph Smith, and examine his establishment. Nauvoo is situated in Illinois, on the cast shore of the Missiasippi, and oc cupies a large bend of the river, which sweeps around from the north-east to the south-east, forming one of • the most beautiful sites for a town on the Mississip pi. I have no certain information in regard to the • size of the city, but suppose from the houses scatter ed in every direction, that it embraces the whole I bend, and the hill and country beyond for some con :he Public Works. I siderable distance, an era of some six or seven miles. ,fficial statement in the last number of I The city is not very compactly built. There are, rg Argus, we learn that the tolls re i however, several blocks of buildings where the tette > main line of the Public Improve-' 1 clients join, and a number of fine large brick houses ur the month of June last, when corn- and others built of wood and painted white. he amount received during the same . 1 I started in company with brother Gaston, of the I"t. straws an increase in favor el. the I Ohio Conference, from the upper landing about 8 000—considerable more than one-half 1 o'clock, A. H., to see the prophet (or rather the litt le amount re,eived for the same period !poster.) We had to travel about two miles through the city before we came to Joe's residence. We were immediately admitted into the audience room by the master of ceremonies, and found his majesty engaged in conversation with the gentlemen who had preceded us from the boat. The reader must bear in mind that at Nauvoo, Mr. Smith is prophet, Ipriest and king, and will therefore pardon its if we use lemon when speaking of him applicable to the character he claims. Ho was dressed in military costume, black morocco boots reaching to the knee, laced up at the side and tasseled off with silk, large gold spurs, white pantaloons, a splendid gold brooch, i a military coat, with two splendid gold epaulettes, a military cap with three largo black ostrich feathers, en elegant sword, and a large diamond ring on his finger. In conversation with strangers he is vet , affable, full of fun and frolic, and jovial as " - - " e is except when talking on rel igr i gNing himself merry ' quit° dogmatical.., !Pik° had landed some time be- W hcfteiirquested the privilege of lecturingupon guwenology and mesmerism. Joe said it was all a humbug got up to gull the people and get their mo ney—he had had his head felt ono hundred times, and by some of the best phrenologists in the coun try. The phrenologist would come and place his hand upon the back of his head and say, "you have a large organ of amativeness, "you love the seamen." "And so I do, " said Joe, " I acknowledge I love ' the women, and where is the matt that don't," rais ing at the same time a great laugh in which we all joined heartily. I thought of Bennet's account of Joe's amours, and I suppose the rest of the company thought of it too, especially when they saw the num ber of handsome girls and women there were about his establishment. While Joe was conversing, an officer of high rank (I supposed by his uniform,) entered the room. It was perfectly astonishing to ace tire servility with which he approached his mas ter. lie came in, bowing low as he entered, his cap in his right hand, and the despatches or papers in Iris left, and stood at my left hand, leaning a little forward, his head inclined to the right, with his fixed intently upon his majesty, who was standing about eight feet in front. Without deigning to notice him, his majesty kept the officer standing in that position a long time, on purpose as I supposed to let us see the perfect subserviency of the people. At length he gave him a nod when he stepped forward and delivered the papers. Mr. Smith presently changed the conversation to that of a religions character. He said that there had been no Christianity since the days of Constantine until the Latter Day Saints. The church of Rome l and of the Protestant sects had become corrupt, from the crown of the head to the sole of the foot—yes, corrupt to the very extremity of the tee nail, (suit ing the onion to the word, and kicking out his foot violently at the same time.) The Methodist Church was not only corrupt as the rest, but they believed in blasphemous contradiction and absurdities. Their discipline reads, " God is a being without body or parts, " and what sort of a God is that, gentlemen l It is a perfect nonsense,—" without body or parte," —who corn understand or tell any thing about such a God ;it is not the God of the Bible. And a little farther we read, "Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and Jesus Christ was crucified upon the cross; " and here is the Methodist God without body or parts crucified upon the cross! This he said with quite l i an air, and raised a laugh among the company at our expense. The company, as supposed, were not suf ficiently acquainted with theology to understand these things, and there being an apparent absurdity in the way he had presented the subject, I thought a reply necessary, turd had, in addstion, to turn the laugh on Joe if possible. I accordingly rese and said: "As Mr. Smith has called the doctrines of the church, to which I had the honor of belonging, in question, I would be glad to reply if I could have the privilege of replying without interruption." "You shall have the privilege, sir, " he repeated in a pomp ous manner, and sat down. I replied in substance as follows : " Mr. Smith said correctly when Ile stated, we believed in a God without body or parts, and such is the God of the Bible. Ile is represented as being a Spirit, a pure spiritual essence, John 4 : 34, " High as the Heaven turd deeper than hell," Job 11, 8. 'Behold the heaven of heavens cannot contain thee. " 1 Kings 8, 27. " Whither shall Igo from thy Spirit 1 or wither shall I flee from thy presence I If I ascend up into heaven thou art there ; if I make my bed in hell behold thou art there." Psalms 130: 7, 10. "'l'o whom then will ye liken God, or what likestm w ill ye compere unto Win. " latt. 49, 10. same reason for not supporting ni well as other reasons, of a more ii7ent character. were passed unheeded mos. Dot a change seems to have no. At a late meeting of leading spir org, resolutions averse to the Governor in which they declare that they "do ,er renounce and abjure all and every olitical fellowship with him—and bid red" on the high road to political de r a num! , er of reasons which they as. of which is, " Because, in a word, WE an mats, and have LEARNED TO rs will sce that, after floundering about 3, our loco-foeo opponents have arrived tnowledge which our Huntingdon coun issessed in 1939. . zufficient proof of the gross frauds and have been charged upon the condor- Kanch of the Public Viorksl—This too what the works might have been d the State under proper management. t to be sufficient evidence of the nem. ediately phwing the works out of the he state. It should by this time be :mi t to all, that so long as they arc continu rmagement of the state government, they to a source of corrupt ion, and will sink ad deeper in difficulty. Let no one m the teudt above stated, that any real taken place. The fear of those who are the works, that the people are about them to other hands, has driven them to ,nce of a little economy ; but it will last '4. as the question of their sale continues led. oming fill election the people will egair Pon to decide whether or not thevity 1 : and we hope they wills., d es i re to -ft - Free PM's. Govon modesty. ring is the concluding. paragraph of letter to the Loeofecos of Philadelphia, :ad at the late party celebrati3a on the it city. It is only remarkable for its Testy inciples upon which I glen continue to remain at the head of the Government, Welt are derived from the great teacher ablicatt School—and if for this I shall he the object of abuse, I shall console the reflection, 1/tot the disciple should , fate different from that (f his master. and generation no matt was more vili kc author of the Declaration of lode- Awe disciple lam ! ! !" Cr may console himself with the belief allowing in the footsteps of the illus ion. But the people think otherwise; admit that he is a disciple of one of the tors in the American Revolution. But and not the floor of Congress, was the se exploit which gave the master an un- John Tyler, is worthy of being his I of perpetuating the remembrance of —Albany Evening Journal. o Burnet and itiMr. Clay. laving been circulated in some of the pers, charging Judge Burnet with an up another Whig Candidate for the that gentleman has published a letter; says: Terrace has been drawn from any remark IL it was in contemplation to get up a date, other than Mr. Clay, nay meaning isunderstood, for I have uniformly ex opinion, that the Whigs as a party recede front the support of Mr. Clay, ; own request. J. BURNET. June 10, 1843. TunTi.u.—There id in the borough of ys the Delaware co., Republican, a land :hose shell is inscribed "Jonathan liar- 1," and " W. Eyre, June 17, 180-I." vho is now advanced in years, distinctly Larking this turtle at the date above men was found near that spot where he was Mr. Eyre, and appears no older than he first found, except a number of curs i6ible upon his outward covering. ce NlLmtr..—Mr. D. J. Kennedy has very elegant gold medal he has menu • the Pottsville Rifle Company, to be the best marksman of the company.— ° take place at the time of the encamp it place. The medal consists of paint vory of a rifleman on the watch for an is seen in the woods, upon an island, in r. The painting is exquisitely done and Id; plain, but rial.—Forum. Butler Democrat, we learn that two vicinity were scuffling with a loaded the piece was accidentally discharged, ne of them b 0 that he died in a few hours. tassut's Island, made classic by Mr. Wirt's containing about 350 acres, is now divi o farms, cultivatcd by two Virginians. No Blennerhasset's mansion remains, but is of it is a coirrforitthle dwelling. Xe I eni.T.T.I!, TIM PIKORDiON. The following . account of an interview with Jue Smith, contithiinz some curious particulars, well worth reading. We tike it from a communication concerning lowa and the west in the Pittsburg Christian Advocate. A'attvco--. 7 0e Smith the Vvrmmn— c. "Do not I fill heaven and earth said, the Lord." Jet. 23: 23. a Ile filleth all in all." Eph. 1: 23. Such gentlemen, is the account the Dime g ives us of Cod. But Mr. Smith would have you believe that God has a body and parts ; and if a body he must be located. De would have you believe he is a great man, and the Bible says he is as high as the llcavenl, and deeper than hell ! A great man, reach ing from heaven to hell ; a tall than that, I think gentlemen (and then the company raised the laugh upon Joe.) Again the Blide says he fills heaven and earth. If that be the case and he is a greatbody, hiimust necessarily crowd off of the earth every body else, and there is no room for Mr. Smith and mc. And then the company raised the laugh on poor Joe again, which appeared to irritate him considerably. . . I further stated that the Bible taught us, that Jesus Christ possessed two distinct natures, the God head and the manhood, and quoted Hebrews 2 : 14, 18. Forasmuch as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise, took part of the same "—.. for verily he took not on him the nature of angels, but he took on him the seed of Abra ham, " &c. Here some being, or character, is rep resented as taking on himself something else ; and what is that? The Deity takes the humanity; the God-head associates with itself the human nature; not sinful nature as some tell us, but human nature. And that human nature was subject to suffering ; he was hungry, thirsty, was weary, slept, was sub ject to pain, Ws soul was" exceeding sorrow fill, even unto death," &c. Now we believe that it was the human body that was crucified ; not the divinity ; it was that which he took on himself that was crucified, not the Divine nature which took the human, as is plainly shown in Hebrews, 2: 14. Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the sonic, that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death. " The company can clearly see from • this explanation of the subject that Mr. Smith has done us injustice, that the doctrine we believe ac cording to the Scriptures, and neither contradictory nor absurd." He arose when I had finished, and replied with great warmth. He said I had misconstrued the Scriptures, that the Bible said God had eyes, hawk feet, &c., and what are we to understaegleat deal he has no hands and feet? linonotthinkworth more to the same p uri ,— with. As soon us he while to Ito', ,ett the room, to all appearance eon lis t ..y vexed. The next I saw was of his majes ty he was in the yard is front of his house. Look ing up the street I saw a company of cavalry in full uniform, coming down, preceded by a fine brass band, tuning their instruments to notes of sweetest melody. An officer of high rank led up a splendid black home elegantly equipped holster, pistols, &c. &c.; the horse appeared to be rather mettlesome at fast, the officer at length succeed in bringing him up to the block, mid placing his master's feet in the stirrups, his majesty rode out into the street. Some of the company then led tip the horses for Joe'l women, four in number and assisted them to mount; his women paraded on his left. The general then next in command mounted, and his women, three in number, mounted their steeds. Then another officer and his three women. They all marched up and formed in the roar of his majes ty and his harem; the gentlemen on the right, and the females on the left. In the meantime the caval ry arrived, bearing three stand of colors, and para ded in file on the side of the street. His majesty and suite then marched forward past the troops, who saluted him in handsome style with swords, colors and music. As soon as he was past the cavalry, they wheeled by platoons and formed in his rear.— They all then marched out to the parade about three miles distant to review the troops. This NV, the last I saw of Joe. Some of the company went out to the parade and reported that as near as they could judge there were about 5000 men under arms. No doubt many of the readers of the Advocate will marvel at this account. I marvel at it myself. I am perfectly astonished that men and women can be found in this enlightened land that believe all this pageantry, all this show of military glory, is in any way connected with the religion of the mcci: and lowly Jesus! How unlike the religion of Him 1 who declared his " kingdom is not of this world." How unlike the proceedings of those holy men who said " the weapons of our warfare are not carnal." To see Joseph Smith, with his sword and pistols, with his military hat and three ostrich feathers, like a Mahornedan pacha with three tails, pretending to be a prophet of the Lord, a preacher of righteous ness, believed in by thousands, is one of the won ders of the age. But why should we wonder at this, when we see a large portion of Europe, bowing down before crucifixes, counting beads, adorning saints, angels and images. Alas ! poor human nature. In my text, I intend to give an account of Smith's pretended Egyptian mummies and ancient records written on blank paper, which I was permitted to see by paying 20 cents, and to hear interpreted by Smith's mother the prophetess. The Nattvoo tem ple is unlike any thing else on earth. Arnim—A negro nation has been discovered in Africa by Mr. Wilson, a Missionary, who is sta tioned on the Guboon river, which empties in the Atlantic, about twenty miles north of the equator. They live in the interior of Africa, about 500 miles from the sea coast; and he calls them the Pungwe people. Ho supposed that this people are spread over the vast unknown region of Africa. Their ap pearance is not described, but he says they show evidence of an approach to civilization, by having in their possession articles made of iron of their own manufacture. VAN DUREN IN N. HAMPSIIIRE,•4IIO Plebciwi says—" All the Democratic papers in New Hamp shire. excepting two, have run up the Van Buren flag. The latter declare him to be their choice." Clad to hear it! If Mr. Van Buren gets the "democratic" nomination, harry Clay will heat him just as easy as Ohl Tip did. As Eiwritanent.—A shock of an earthquake was felt in various parts of Canada, on the 9th inst. about 0 o'clock in the evenntu. • Tnn In this t,ougli. on Thursday last, by Daniel Africa, nal., Mr. ,D7CfN COULTEP, to Miss MARGARET LUNG. In thi, Borough, on Sunday not. by the same, Mr. SIMON WESTON, t, Mis; CATHARINE SWONGER. , Iu Frankstown, on Tuerdav morning, July llth, Mani, second duughtcr of G.W. and Eliza Horton —aged 4 years atul 9 days. Adieu, bright seraph, fare thee welt, A mother's tears shall flow, A father's sighs of grief shall 1 , 2i1 Short was thy stay below: No more shall life's tempestuous storms Upon thy helplessness descend ; Sweet child thy loss to us is great, But unto thee Ter given. Naked, shivering, pale and wan Jests are silent wit is gone ; Yet cease fowl parent weep no more, Your child is safe on Canaan's shore. COXXUNICATI:II4 BRIDGE PROPOSALS. Til PI undersigned Commissioners of Hun tingdon county will receive Proposals, at the Commissioner's °nice in Huntingdon, up till TUESDAY the 22nd August next, tor building an Arch Bridge across Shaver's Cret h., at Peters'airg, to be located just be• low the present Bridge, and ,iil he lOU feet from abutment to abutment, and be raised two feet higher above low water mark, than the present one. Bidders will remember that the Proposals must be I( r all expemes for the excavation, Stone work, Lime, Sand, Iron, Paint, and Lumber, &c; every thing to finish and make the lit idge good, substantial, and complete. The whole to be done under the direction of the Commissioners of the county. A plan of said Bridge, and the specificat. Lions can be seen at their office, on the day of letting. K. I. GREENE, ) ALEX. K NOX, Jr., Con, • A. V. EDIC Cornoli,si , mitn , l (tit. . . July 26-'-- - Paper Pedliag. Tice subscriber informs the ;Merchants of flutitingthin anti the adjoining counties that he still c.ontii,ms in the above business, and that the report put in circulation, by inter ested liersuns, that he has quit travelling this section of country is utterly false. He still continues to give the highest price fur rags. All orders in his line, left at the . 1 Hun tikgdon Journal" t (Tice, or Exchange Hutt I, will meet with prompt itttentiou from the subscriber. GEORGE KEYSER, July 26, 1843.-3 t Estate of Conrad Late ci/ H ood' , erry town,hip, dred. w0 . 1.' ICE is hereby given, ilia letters Al testamentary on the last will and tes tament 01 Conrad DiHenget', late 01 Wood berry township, 11 un tin gdon county, have been granted to the undersigned. All per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same are re quested to present them duly authenticated tor settlement, to 'DANIEL PAUL, JOHN SKYLES, ) ' July 19, 1843-6 t ESTATE OF THOMAS BLAIR. Late of Barree township, deed. Notice is hereby given, that letters testa mentary on the last will and testament of the said Thur. Blair have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are ri quested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims or demands against the same are tegus•sted to present them duly authenticated for settlement, to Dr. 11101 D IC. I IIII,ASSEY, Parree tp. JOILV BORST, 11 7 t,st township. July 19, 1843.-6 t Eli 1. - M 02- 171.. c 2 T. K. SIMONTON. Has just received and offers for sale, 7,500 tirst rate half Spanish .11ND 31,00() good common SEGARS, OtrCuuntry Merchants can be supplied on reasonable terms Huntingdon, July 19.-11 Vitt!TlC *Mr. A I.OIF. subscriber will sell, at public sale, ~11, on Friday the Ist day of September next, all that farm at the north end of the Borough of Shirleysbut g, Huntinedon noun• ty, Pin t (late the property of 1)1.. Peter Swine, deed.,) containhig ctal) more or less, 125 acres there,l cleared and in a good State of cultivation, about 12 acres meadow, and the res,due can readily be cleared and turned into meadow or upland. The improvements are a • , , GRIST MILL, SAW MILL, CLOVER MILL, and two Farm Houses, with a burn to each. There are two Apple Orchards 44-'' on the said farm and a spring of never filling water to each of the houses, and several other good springs on the place. A great portion of the farm lies on the Big Aughwick Cretk, and is among the best farm or bot tom land on said stream. The Milli are on Fort Run which passes clear through the farm and every field can be watered by it. There is also another good mill seat or ,site fur machinery oa the farm. • Any person wishing to see and examine the premises, is invited to call it the sub scriber, residing at the Mill, far that pur pose, at any time between this and the day of sale. The whole will be sold together, or in two parts, if desired, and the terms will he made to snit puvehasers. hale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. DAVID LI11" July 1813,—ts, Oppitcato' Conti gi.kalkt. ytsl,l' virtue of an ~rder of the Orphans' ,I Court Court will lie exposed to Public Sale. no the preirise s iu I•.larree township, on Sat urday the 12th day of August, A. 1). 1843; All that ct twill tract :Ind phmtation of I.dul. situate in the said township of Barret,boun ded iv ,:eds et Thomas Blair on the gorth, 1....5e.r! Steffy on the West. Edward 1) , a le rty on the South, and John Stemon ott the _ - - 41.030 .2Q.:Cr, a.C6ai be the sant, more or less, with the appurte nances, The said tract of land has tr; Two Rouses, U, and a cabin barn erected thereon, and abcut 100 Acres cleared, and a first rate ORGH ARD of bear ing fruit trees, late the estate of Asaph Fa gan, deceased. TERNS OF SALE One third of thr pur chase money to be paid on emit, matiotl ,of the Sale, roe third in one year therealter with interest and the remaining one third at the death of the widow, Elizabeth Fagan, the int( rest of the said third to be paid an nually to the widow, to be securitt by the bond and mortgage of the put chaser. By the Court, JOHN REED, clerk. Due attendance will be given by J. W. MYTON, Trustee. Anvil 19, 1843.-4 t. Auditor's Notice. THE undersigned auditor appointed by the Court (.1 Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, to distribute the proceeds of the sale of the real estate of James B. Frampton, (in the hands of the Sheriff,) among the various claimants, will atter (1 ut the Prothonotary's Office, in Huntingdon, on Tuesday the Bth day of AuGusT next, at 10 recto, k. A. M. foe the purpose of nu,king 8:1;d ,tilt ibution, when nod w h et , ~..-rsaans interested may attend if k )raper. JAMES STEEL, Auditor. July 19, 1843.-3 t. WHOSE TRUNK? A tru,k, of which there is no known owner has for some time remained at the ‘Var , t House of the subscriber, at Ataint Uuirier, Huntingdon county, Pa. It is apparently new, type ars to have a double name on the bottom—like Newland & Mc—something. Where from and where consigned to is not lekible. Judging from its weight, it proba bly contains sumeting. The owner is re quested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and tilt it away. 3 June 28, 184.3.-3t.pd Estate of nenjandes Rudy, Late of Barree township, Huntingdon county, deceased, ¶+O'I'ICL is lijreby given that letters of 44 , 8 administration upon the said estate have been granted to the undersigned. All poisons having claims or demands zwaimt the same are vs quested to snake them known without delay, and all perstns indebted to snake immediatepayment to ‘VII,I,IAM NIAFFIT, Adm'r July 12, 1843. Estate ofDr. Peter Swine, Late ol Shirley totonBhip.Huntiagdon county, deceased. WOTICE is hereby given, that letters al testamentary upon the said estate have been granted to the undersigned. All per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pa) meat, and those having claims or demands against the same are re quested to present them duly authenticated for settlement, t 0... JOHN LU I . Z. GEORGE SWINE, I Ext ' s Shirley township July 12,!843. Auditor's Notice. undersigned Auditor appointed by the (lona ut . Common Pleas of Hui.- tingdon county, to distribute the proceeds of the Sheriff sale of the real estate of Jacob & John C. Kinsel among those entitled thereto, will attend at the Prothonotary's office, in Huntlngden: for that purpose, on Tuesday the Rth dry of August in xt, when and where all persons interested may attend if they think props-r, _ Executors . . - NIES t'.T EEL, Atul'r. Hu ingelon, July 12, 1843. ~.3'®{~!~®moo LL persons having accounts standing 4:14, nine months and upwards, with the subscriber, are respectfully, but earn,stly r, quested to make immediate payment be tween this and the 10th day of. September next, longer credit cannot be itfrorded July 12, 1843.-st. PUBLIC SALE OF _LE -- z....c11a LW a3Tacrilacs• . By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of the county of Huntingdon, made the 29th day of June, ult., there will be exposed to public sale, on SATURDAY, the sth day of AUGUST next, at the house of David Fraker, in ShirleyshuriT, at 10 o'clock, A. M. the following described property, viz : The undivided half part of a certain teat'', ct land situate in Shirley township in sai d county, near the Aughwtek credc cont:da in all 110 .ICRES, more or les4; about t Nenty of whet) i.a clear ed, the principal part being well timbered, hovi..g thereon erected a log cabin house, still house, and a good spring house, adjoin ing land of William M'N ite on the east, land of Samuel Grove on the south, land of James Smith's heirs on the north, and land of Jo, seph Rhodes on the west, late the property of riezekinh Ritkets, deck]. TERMS.—One third of the purchase money to be paid on the confirmation of the salt--one third one year thereafter, and the remainder two years after the confirmation of sale, with interest. The'tiUe will be indisputable. Atten dance will be given by JNO. CRESSIVELL, Jr. Adni'v. do Donis non &c, of flezt kiall Rick- Is,deceased. N. 'B. The other undivided half of the above described tract of land, being the half or interest of David W. Rickets therein, will be exposed to public sale at sLille time and pl WV, and on same terms by the undersigned A RANDA L ALEXANDER, NATI! AN RICKETS, Assignees et David W. Matti. Is, only ]'l JOHN SHARER BarrtC township. GEO. A. SITE"