Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 12, 1843, Image 1

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Druotrts to Grairral 3litteittnence, Rbilettiotno, Volittro,7Littratttrr, Aloratitn, artti, Z.-arum, 3grictittnrc, anutocutent, fit., &t.
`Q7colic. `CS7UUI:IO 82M.
as•unk -
The "Jammu." will be published every Wed
nesday morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in neinaacc,
and if not paid within six months, $2 50.
No subscription received for a shorter period than
six months, nor any paper discontinued till all ar
rearages are paid.
Advertisements not exceeding one square, will be
inserted three timesior $1 00, and for every subse
quent insertion 25 &fits. If no definite orders are
given as to the time an advertkement is to be continu
ed, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged ac
64311aaravvearszt Maalicaaso..
BY virtue of an order issued out of the
Orphans' Court of Huntingdon comity , and
to me directed, I will expose to sale, on the
premises, on Saturday the
at 2 o'clock P. M., the following described
real estate, late the estate i f Willis , a In
grim, dvc'd, situate in Franklin tawnship,
in said county, viz:
Abaut thirty five acres of land, be the
mars more or less, purchased from Samuel
Gray, Davi:l eader, and others, commonly
called 'Owl's Hollow," and botincled by
lands of James Davis, Lynn, &orb & Co.,
aild others, together with the machine' y and
fixtures thereon erects (now in the posses
sion of William Curry.)
file terms ut sale will be cash.
BY virtue of a testatum writ of venditioni
exponas, issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Perry county, and to me directed, t,
will expose to sale, by public veudue or out
cry, on the premises. the following described
property, seized, tak..n iu t xeculion, aid to
be sold as the prop, rty of T Inas Patti son
('Pinner), on Thursday the 20th day a.f July
next, at 10 o'clot k, A. M., viz
All that lot of ground situate on the
northerly side of Mulberry street in the town
of Hollidaysburg, Huntingdon county,front
ing on sail street and extending back at right
angles to said street 180 feat to Strawberry
Alley, being lot No. 46 in the plan of the
said town, thereon erected a two story plas
tered dwelling house. Also, lot No. 3in the
old town of the said :own of Hollidaysburg,
being 60 feet in front on Allegheny street,
extending back 180 feet toStrawb: rry Alley,
thereon 'erected a two story brick tavern
house, a large frame stable and back build
ings. Also, lot No. 20 in the said town ot,
Hollidaysburg, fronting 60 feet on Walnat
street, and extending bark 180 feet to Cher
ry alley, being the lot of ground purchast
by defendant [Thomas Patterson] by arti
cles ut agreement, from James Lindsay, ad
joining a lot of John James, and having a
two story frame house thereon erected.—
Also, a lot or piece of gi °mid situate on the
corner of Blair sod Montgomery stir et, it,
the town of Hollidaysburg, being .55 feet
more or less, nn each street, bring part of
lot No.—in said town plot, having there..
erected a large three story Brick house and
a two story frame hi use."
0:7 the terms of sale will be cash.
Sheriff's Office, Hunting.l
June 28, 1843. S
LL persons are hereby mitified that 1.
Akas the subscriber, purchased at Sheriff's
Sale on the 6th day of M y inst. as the prop
erty of Thomas Cooper of Henderson town
ship, Huntingdon county, the loft tag prop
erty which I have left in the p,session of
the said Thomas Cuoper, to be taken care
of, it not being convenient to remove the
same, to wit: 1 bay hearse, 1 black horse,
2 sets geers, 1 cutting box, 1 hay fork, 1
wind mill, 1 iron wedge, 1 lot straw, 12 acres
wheat, 4 acres rye, 1 shor.l plough, 1 hie
sled, 1 harrow, 7 hogs, 1 side hill plough, 2
calves, 12 saw longs at Hampsoit's saw mill,
of 25 saw logs Latin's saw mill, 1 clock, 1
saddle and bridle.
And also a cow, bought at Cohstable's Sale
as the property of said Cooper, on 29th inst.
Also, the undersign d purchased an as
signment of the lease of the land on which
Thomas Cooper lives, on the 27th April
1843, which lease is from David Hare to
Thomas Cooper, and expires on the 12th
April 1849. •
All persons are therefore hereby cautioned
and forewarned against int, rmeddling with
the above mentioned property, as the stone
belongs to me, and I will proceed itecording
to law against ally person intermeddliag with
the same or any part thereof.
May 31, 1841-st.
ALL persons are hereby cautirned a
gainst meddling with, selling. disturb•
lug or removing the !lowing described prop
erty, which 1 this day purchased at Sheriff's
S.le, as the property Thomas Ewing, in
West Ip., Huntingdon county, and left in his
possession until I see prop, to remove the
same, via:-2 bay snares anti I sucking colt.
Al persons are therefore cautioned and fore•
warned against intermeddling with the above
mentioned property, as the same belongs to
me, and I will proceed accordin•t to law
against any person intermeddling with the
same or any part thereof.
Miv 15, 1843.-3 t. pd. m 24
Executor's Not ice.
we i) 110 E is hereby given, that Letters
testamentary en the last will and tes
tainent of Samuel , late of Dublin town
ship, Huntingdon ei linty, tit , liner he'll
granted to the subscribei s. .11 persons there
fore indebted to the estate of said dec'cl., are
requeste,l to mak:. immediate p Intent. and
all having claims to present them duly at.-
thenticated for stitlenif•nt, to
line 21. 1848.--6 t. )
Whence are your glorious goings forth
Ye children of the sky,
In whose bright silence seems the power
Of all eternity
For time hath let his shadow fall
O'er many an ancient light;
But ye walk above in brightness still—
Oh, glorious stare of night!
The vestal lamp in Geecian lane
Bath faded long ago;
On Persia's hill the worshipped flame
Hath lost its ancient glow;
And long the heaven sent fire is gone,
With Salem's temple bright;
But yo watch o'er wandering Israel yet,
Oh, changeless stars of night!
Long have you looked upon the earth,
O'er vale and mountain brow;
Ye saw the ancient cities rise,
And guild their ruins now ;
Ye beam upon the cottage tome,
The conqueror's path of might,
And shed your light alike on all ;
Oh, priceless stars of night !
But where arc they who learned from you
The fates of coming time,
Fire yet the pyramids arose
Amid this desert clime !
Yet still in wilds and deserts far,
Ye bless the watcher's sight;
And shine where bark hath never been, ,
Oh, lovely stars of night!
Much have ye seen of human tears,
Of human hope and love :
And fearful deeds of darkness too,
Ye witnesses above !
Say, will that blackening record live
Forever in your sight;
Watching for judgment on the earth,
Oh, sleepless stars of night!
Yet glorious was the song that rose
With the fresh morning's dawn;
And still amid our summer sky
Its echo lingers on ;
Though ye have shone on many a grave,
Since Eden's early blight,
Ye tell of hope and glory still,
Oh, deathless stars of night !
From Graham'B Magazine.
,I-met . hini in the crowd to-night.
I met him mid the crowd to•night—
They told me I would meet him there—
My lip was gay, mine eyes were bright,
As I knew no thought of care;
I touched his hand amid the dance
And passed him as a stranger by,
I trembled 'neath his searching glance
And changed to smiles a rising nigh.
It was a weary part to play,
Yet I deceived the thoughtless throng,
I mingled with the fair and gay,
I breathed the blithest jest in song,
My seeming mirth the crowd beguiled
And he too paused my words to hear,
But only sighed when other; smiled—
He did not think my joy sincere.
For when I chanced to meet his gaze,
There was a softness in his eye
That spoke to me of other days
And woke a dream of memory;
A look, half sadness half regret,
That probed the weakness of my breast,
Though brief the space our glances met,
Width' that space the truth he guessed.
I turned with clouded brow aside,
He had no right my soul to see,
When near him stood his lovely bride,
His chosen when his choice was free;
Yet her that I had deemed no blest
Won not his fickle worship now,
Soon wearied of a love possest
He thought not of his plighted vow.
And when I saw he strove to wake
In me a feeling of the past,
I scorned him for my rival's sake
And from my soul hid image cast;
The love long nursed in lonely tears
Fled from me like a dream of pain,
My heart may mourn o'er wasted years,
But never beat for him again.
Our eyes in parting met once more, I
My pale cheek caught no deeper shade,
My eyes no hidden sorrow wore,
Nor pensive tenderness betrayed;
What bitter pain it seemed to me
When first again he met my sight,
But now my heart, though cold, is free,
Free'd with the gaze 1 met to-night.
Had I met thee in thy beauty,
When my heart and hand was free,
When no other claimed the duty
Which my soul would yield to thee;
Had I wooed thee—had I won thee—
Oh! how blest had been my fate !
But thy sweetness bath undone me—
I have found thee—but too late.
For to one my vows were plighted
With a faltering lip and pale;
Hands our cruel sires united—
Hearts were deemed of slight avail!
Titus my youth's bright morn o'ershaded,
Thtts betrothed to wealth and State,
All love's own sweet prospect faded—
I have found thee—but too late!
Like the fawn that finds the fountain
With the arrow in his breast ;
Or like light upon the mountain
Where the snow must ever rest—
Thou host known me, but forget me,
For I feel what ills await;
Oh 'tin madness to hove met theo—
To have found Awe,—but too late!
cr:p Pickpockets—on tho increase in Now York
ZMIU7IOi'a 4 U/3r4D O LPENI.O ,,^aCE3
From the Knickerbocker.
I had taken my breakfast, and was waiting for my
home, when passing up and down the piazza, I saw
a girl seated near the window, evidently a visitor.
She was very pretty, with auburn hair and blue
eyes, and was dressed in white. I had seen nothing
of the kind since I had left Richmond, and at that
time I was too much of a boy to be struck with fe
male beauty. She was so delicate and dainty
looking, so different front the hale, buxom, brown
girls of the woods--and then her white dress! It
was dazzling! Never was youth so taken by sur
prise, and suddenly bewitched. My heart yearned
to know her, but how was Ito accost her? I had
grown wild in the woods, and had none of the habil
itudes of polite life. Had site been like Peggy
Pugh, or Sally Pigham, or any other of my leather
dressed belles of the pigeon roost, I should approach
ed her without dread; nv had she been as fair as
Shurt's daughters with their looking-glass lockets, I
should not have hesitated ; but that white dress, and
those auburn ringlets and blue eyes, and delicate
looks quite daunted while they facinated. I don't
know what put it into my head, but I thought all at
once I would kiss her! It would take a long ac
quaintance to arrive at such a boon, but I might
seize upon it by sheer robbery. Nobody knew me
here. I would just step in and snatch a kiss, mount
my horse and ride off. She would not be the worse
for it ; and that kiss—oh, I should die if I did not
get it.
I gave no time the thought to cool, but entered
the house and stepped lightly into the room. She
was seated with her back to the door, looking out of
tim window, and did not hear my approach. I
tapped her chair, and she turned and looked up.--
I snatched as sweet a kiss as ever was stolen, and
vanished in a twinkling. The neat moment I
was on horseback galloping homeward, my heart
tingling at what I had done.
After a-variety of amusing adventures Ringwood
attempts the study of the law, in an obscure settle
ment in Ky., where he delved night and day.—
Ralph pursues his studies, occasionally arguing at a
debating society, and at length become quite a I
genius in the eyed of the married ladies or the
I called to take tea one evening with one of these
ladies, when to my surprise, and somewhat to my
confusion, I found here the identical blue-eyed little
beauty whom I had so audaciously kissed. I was
formally introduced to her, but neither of us betrayed
any signs of previous acquaintance, except by blush
ing to the eyes. While tea was getting ready, the
lady of the house went out of the room to give some
directions and left us alone. heaven and earth !
what a situation ! I would have given all the pit
tance I woo worth to have been in the deepest dell
of the forest. I felt the necessity of saying some
thing in excuse for my former rudeness. I could
not conjure up an idea, nor uttei a word. Every
moment matters were growing worse. I felt at
once tempted to do as I had done when I robbed her
of the kiss—bolt from the room and take to flight;
but I was chained to the spot, for 1 really longed to
gain her good will.
At length I plucked up courage on seeing her
equally confused with myself, and walking despe
rately up to her, I exclaimed,
"I have been trying to muster up something to
say to you, but I cannot. I feel that lamin a hor
rible scrape. Do you have pitty on me and help
me out of it !"
A smile dimpled upon bet mouth, and played up
on the blushes of her cheek.—She looked up with
a shy, but arch glance of the eye, that expressed a
volume of comic recollections; we both broke into a
laugh, and from that moment, all went on well.
Passing the delightful doscripiton that succeeded,
we proceeded to the denouement of Ringwood's
love affair—the marriage and settlement.
That very Autumn I was admitted to the bar,
and a month afterwards was married. We were a
young couple, she not above sixteen, I not above
twenty, and both almost without a dollar in the
world. The establishment which we set up was
suited to our circumstances, a low house with two
small rooms, a bed, a table, a half dozen knives
and forks, a half dozen spoons,—every thing by
half dozens, a little delph ware, every thing in a
small way; we were so poor, but then so happy.
We had not been married many days when a
court was held in a country town, about twenty-five
miles. It was necessary for me to go there, and put
myself in business, but ho* was Ito go I I had
expended all my means in our establishment, and
then it was hard parting with my wife so soon after
marriage. However, go I must. Money must l,e
made, or we would have the wolf at the door. I
accordingly borrowed a horse, and borrowed a little
cash, and rode off from my door, leaving my wife
standing at it, and waving her hand after me. Her
last look, so sweet and becoming went to my heart.
I felt as if I could go through fire and water for her.
I arrived at the country town on a cool October
evening. The inn was crowded, for the court was
to commence on the following day. '
I knew no one, and wondered how I, a stranger
a mere youngster, was to make my way in such a
crowd, and get business. The public room was
thronged with all idlers of the country, who gather
together on such occasions. There was some drink
ing going forward, with great noise and little alter
cation. Just as I entered the room, I saw a rough
bully of a fellow, who was partly intoxicuted, strike
an old man. He came swaggering by me, and She came to me before I had finished, and asked me accepted him, not because she thought him the best
elbowed me as he passed. I immediately knocked who I had collected the money for. of all her auitors, but because he was the only one
him down,and kicked him into the street. I needed "For myself, to be sure," replied I, with affee- left, and alwayo held himself at her service. Her
no better introduction. I had half a dozen rough tell coolness; "I made it at court."
part of alto play was ended—the became domestic
Winked of the hand and invitations to drink, and She looked at me for a moment incredulously.— and studied housewifery.
found myself quite a personage in this rough as- I tried to keep my countenance and play the Indian, The time finally arrived; her old beau came back
sentblage, but it would not do. My muscles began to twich, to the village; and a day or two after strolled over
The next morning court opened--I took my seat my feelings all at once gave way, I caught her in to the cottage with his pipe, in apprarance quite an
among the lawyers, but I felt as a mere spectator, my arms, laughed, cried, and danced aboutti room ie antiquated man. But he said nothing, about the
not having any idea where business was to come like a crazy man. From that timeforward we subject of matrimony..
of .
an. Annette at last took the
fron . In the course of the morning it man was engagement. lie
liberty of reminding him his ,
never wanted money.
put to the bar, charged with passing counterfeit mo- ---- - --- - - started; "indeed, madam, you surprise mei'
ney, and was asked if he was ready for trial. He THE VILLAGE 233aLLn.
expe never dreamed that you could be serious in such a
answered in the negative. He had been confined Doubtless many a pretty Miss dts in this • "Surprise you, why sir I" "Because," said he, "I
in a place where, there were no lawyers, and had story, to read of near er of glorious conquests ; and thingas a matrimonial engagement ; and meting
not had an opportunity of consulting any. He was with itlia good opportunity I got married before I left
told to choose a counsel from the lawyers present, her blue eyes brighten, and her little heart beats! th e
and he ready far trial on the following day. He quicker, at the thought of being one day the hero Fortune had finished the game, and Annette was
ire herself of some legendary proscr, and of hay
looked around the court and selected me. I, a , left to pay the furfsit ; she never married because she
ing her victories recorded. Well, the desire to be !
beardless youngster, unpracticed at the bar, perfect
beloved may reign in an amiable bosom—may pas- j tory common to hundreds of those fair creatures,
ly unknown. I felt diffident, yet delighted, mid never had another chance. And hers is but the his
aeon a kind and b enevo l en t heart.-but power is 1 who trifle with the power that beauty gives them
could have hugged the rascal.
dangerous; there are many temptations to its abuse.
Before leaving the court he gave me one hundred
I would have my readers ta- ' 1
shrine of ambition; and aim only to enjoy the title,
dollars in u bag as a retaining fee. I could scarcely These thingsover the, minds of men, sacrifice every thing at the
her as they go along with me—and tt may
, better, There of the VILLA. Bests.
heaviness of the fee spoke but lightly of the man's shall be solver, and therefore berore we purl. 'be we
belisve my senses, it seemed like a dream. and the triumph that lights for a little while the
you will see to Alesbur
should ever goy,
innocence—but that was no affair of mine. I was If you .__ . _..-- -
to be advocate not jury or judge. I followed hint a sweet little cottage in the meadows towards the Country Newspapers.
river valley, half hid amid a cluster of black alders Newspapers that are published in a town or vit
t() the jail, and learned of him all the particulars in
with its white ehimneY end snowy palings, peeping ' pages are called country papers in opposition to those
the case, from thence I went to the clerk's office,
through the foliage-and they will tell you that published in the city.
ate took minutes of the indictment, I then examin-
&nett° Morton once lived there, for all the villagers Some people won't subscribe to a country paper,
ed the law on the subject, and prepared my brief in
reinember her. It was one of those tarrestrialpara- , because they say they see first every thing eon
my room.—All this occupied me until midnight,
discs which the sick heart, weary with the wrongs tallied in the country in the city paper. These are
when I went to bed and tried to sleep. It was all in
men, so often pictures to it se lf— so often longs very wise people surely, and have very sharp eyes
vain. Never in my life, VMS I more wide awake.--
for—and she, oh she was a beautiful creature—my too. If they don't take the country paper how do
A bust of thoughts and fancies kept rushing into
heart even now beats quicker as her image rises be-' they know or see what is in it , Do they borrow
my mind; the shower of gold that had so unexpee- fore me.
it, and so read it without the pleasure of paying for
tally fallen into my lap, the idea of my poor little
wife at home, that I was to astonish her with my She \vas a gay, lively- girl—with the polish of a it ;or do they guess what is in it? No city paper fiatunts But the awful responsibility I had summer in the city, and a fine education, and what- ,I can furnish country people with matters in which
undertaken to speak for the first time in a strange °miter talents might have been, she at least pos-1 they are half so much interested as the country pa
court, the expectations the culprit had formed of my Headed the power of pleasing ; the tact of whining pers can—because the country papers narrate what
talents; all these, anti a crowd of similar notions hearts in a most copious measure. I never could ! occurs immediately around them ; Marriages and
kept whirling through any mind. I had tossed divine exactly how she did it—but there was a free, deaths of their friends—the advertisements of their
about all night, fearing morning would find we ex-
frank, friendly air about her that inspired confidence; I neighbors—the sales of personal property near them
!twisted and incompetent; inn word, the day dawn
and gifted thus at all points, she played u most ! which they aro in need of. These are matters pe
ed on me a miserable fellow. masterly game among the village beaux. Every 1 culittr in their neighborhood papers alone, and most
body was glad to gallant her—was emulous which 1
got up feverish and nervous. I walked out to . agreeable to them.
breakfast, striving to collect my thoughts, and Prone should pay her the most attention—and every young The advertisements of a neighborhood paper are
, .. idioms:l in the village win, ecu'.d :Hord to eprure i Po. lint thlng, tot bt. read. 1 .' 0,0 P.P.'S' srok
quit.: my feelings. It was a bright morning—
the ''' ll ' iinself up a little once in twenty four hours,
air was pure and frosty—l bathed my forehead and . p ing. the advertisements are the most interesting parts
. usually of all newspapers, to all readers.
my hands in a beautiful running stream, but I could her an afternoon or an evening visit A
man that does not subscribe to his neighbor-
It would have been amusing to one who went as
not allay the fever heat that raged within. I retur
a mere spectator, to have attended a Saturday even- 1 lia*d
lied to breakfast, but could not eat. A single cup of paper is certuinly ignorant of rare half that
mg levee at the Alder Cottagt,-amusing to see the ' Pusses around him; and if lie is a business man
coffee formed my regtast. It was time to go to court,
address practised by the competitors for her smiles "Itch lenses 'lto Price of subscription in the senles
and I WCIlt there with a throbbing heart. I believ elicitingin eliciting some distinguished mark of her favor-- snort of an estate, or sale of some property in which
if it had not been for the thoughts of my dear little
they gathered round her in the little parlor, and if he was interested. Besides the paper tells hint
wife in her lonely house, I should have given back
to the man his dollars, and relinquished the cause. she spoke there was a strife as to who should most w here to go and get the cheapest goods; to thin ui ll
store or find ; fie. those who advertise usually se
approve what she said; if she dropped her handker-
I took my seat, looking I an convinced, more like
chief two or three heads were truntped together in the cheapest--tells him where he can buy what
a culprit, than the rogue I was to defend.
the end. to 'we're it to her—and if she walked, 1 .- wants -- a 1 " ) u 'e or a f a rm—a h " r '''' °I.
they were hapa sow, c
When the time came ter me to !Teak, my heart , w h o got „ t hp, „hi„. an d ail t h e ;
died within me. I rose embarrassed and dismayed,, &c., or where he can sell some reticles
rest were miserable. There were to be seen nil • has. Do tits ists papers do d...t. ? Not tit all.—
and stammered in opening lily cause. I went on kinds of faces, and every description of temper— l'lo'Y will Wit y'"' a great deal of what is going on
from had to worse , an d kit as i t i was go i ng d s sii. an d such a spectator alight have host .dilied ; but in the cities, nn:.: :••" sun a great deal of what you feel
Just then, the public prosecutor, a mat of talents, 1 the principal impreesion on his mind would proba- no elltertailllllellt in , hatever—but do they tell you
but somewhat rough in his practice, made a awe.- • bly have bees, that courting under such (Sem - went- that which you are interested in—your neighbor
tic remark oil soinething I had sa id. It was like . CC6 was a most particularly foolish kind of business, hood How e.
electric . spark, and rim tingling, through every vein But Annette sung—. The moon had climbed the , Another class of people soy that country papers
in my body. In an instant my diffidence was gone.
My whole spirit was in arms. I answered with
promptness, for I felt the cruelty of such an attack
upon a novice in my situation. The public prose
cutor made a kind of apology. This for a man of
his redoubtable powers, was a vast concession. I
renewed my argument with a fearful growl, car
ried the case triumphantly, and the man was ac
This was the making of me. Every body was
curious to know who this new lawyer was that had
suddenly risen among them, and bearded the Attor
ney General in the very onset. The story of my
debut at the inn on the previous evening, where I
had knocked down a bully, and kicked hint out of
doors, for striking an old man, was circulated with
favorable exaggeration. Even my beardless chin
and juvenile countenance was in my fitvor, for the
people gave the far more credit than I deserved.—
The chance business which occurs at our courts
came thronging in upon me. I was repeatedly em
ployed in other causes, and by Baturday sights
when the court closed, I found myself with u hun
dred and fifty dollars in silver, three hundred dollars
iu notes, and a horse that I afterwards sold for two
hundred dollars store.
Never did a miser gloat more on his money and
with more delight. I locked the door of my room,
piled the money in a heap upon the table, walked
around it with my elbow on the table, and my chin
upon my hands, and gazed upon it. Was I think
ing of the money I No—l was thinking of my
little wife and home.
Another sleepless night ensued, but what a night
of golden fancies and splendid air. As soon us mor
ning awned, I was up mounted the burrowed horse
on which I had come to court, and led the other
which I had revolved as a fee. All the way I was
delighting myself with tlio thoughts of surprise I
had in store fur my wife; for built of us expected
I should spend all the money I had borrowed and
return in debt.
Our meeting was joyous as you may suppose;
but I played the part of the Indian hunter, who,
when he returns from the chase, never for a time
speaks of his success. She had prepared a rustic
meal for me, and while it was getting ready, I seated
myself at an old-fashioned desk, in ono corner, and
began to count over my money and put it away.—
highest hill"—and told boarding school stories, and
talked eloquently about love and poetry, music and
painting—was witty, sentimental and good natured
—was .. invincible always, absolutely always the
colquerer. The young ladies of the village saw
themselves undeservedly deserted—looked month
after month on the success of their general rival—
and prayed probably, if young ladies ever pray
about such matters, that Anisette might speedily
make a choice among her worshippers, and leave
them the remainder. It was a forlorn hope; she
intended to do no snch thing: she was the village
belle; and the village belle she meant to be.
It so happens, however, that great beauties, like
all other great folks, who have to lake their common
chances in the fortunes of humanity, sometimes in
the end outwit themselves. In process of time, one
and another, and again another wedding took place
in the village; tlse girls whose names were seldom
spoken ; whose modest pretensions and retiring ha
bits were perfectly eclipsed by the brilliancy of the
reigning star, secured their favorites, were wooed,
said won, and married ; and still Annette coquetted
with all, and was still admired by all. low many
good (Aims she refused or slighted, were only recor
sled in her own memory. .1-lupe deferred," mitts
the proverb, " makes the heart sick
were sincere in their addresses, gradually, one after
another, oared themselves, were rejected or put off;
and fell into some easier real to matrimony. She
was at lust left with courtiers as heartless in love
:natters, us herself; who sought her company be
cause she was agreeable, flirted with her because
she was " the belle"—and romped with and kissed i beautiful dashes of the looming 1 Who gate thee
her, whenever they had an opportunity, because it matchlesssymmetry of sienews and limbs I the man
ia always worth some pains to win such a favor lar flowing of blood the irrepressible an.l daring
from a beautiful girl. We never, never get to be passions of ambition and love? And yet the thun
much of the bachelor for this. Well might Byron d er , o f h eave , an d t h e ,v u tprs of t h e ear th are c h a i n _
ask— ed. They remain, but the how of reconciliation
'Woo can curiously behold hangs above and beneath them; and it were better
The smoothness and the sheen of beauty's cheek, that the limitless waters and the mountains worn
Nur feel the heart can x EV en all grow cold l" convulsed and commingled together—it were better
But Limo rolled on; and the grass at length be- I that those very stars were conflagrated by fire, or
gas to grow in the path that led over the meadows shrouded in eternal gloom, titan one single soul
to the cottage; Annette became alarmed ut the should be lost, while mercy kneels and pleads for it
symptoms, and seizing the only chance that was
beneath the altar of intercession
left, engaged herself to her only remaining beau.—
He was ut the time going to spend a season in the
city; they were to be married on his return. She
wcgZ 4 'll.aaDUcza ct?). CDGID(D
are made up of the city papers. This is another
mistake. A large portion of our country paper.
are as well edited as a moiety of the city papers, and
often copy a little from them. We know country
papers which are nearly tilled with original matter
written expressly for them.
The right way to hare a goad neighborhood pa-
per is to encourage it. A liberal subscription will
bring forth talent; for if the editor has not got it, the
almighty dollar will find it for hint somewhere.
Beautiful Mxtract.
Go out beneath the arched heaven in night's pro
found gloom, and say if you can. " There is no
God." Pronounce that dread mystery, and each
star above will reprove you fur your unbroken dark
ness of intellect—every voice that floats upon the
night winds will hew oil your utter hopelessness and
despair. Is there no God? Who, then, unrolled
that blue scroll, and threw open its high frontispiece
the legible gleanings of immortality? Who fash
ioned this green earth, with its perpetual rolling
waters, and its wide expanse of Wand end main !
Who paved the heavens with clouds, and attunes
amid banners of storms the voice of thunders and
unchains the lightnings that linger, and lurk, and
11,th in the gloom ? Who gave the eagle, the
eyry, where the tempests dwell and beat strongest,
and to the dove a tranquil abode amid the forest
Chat ever echoes to the minstrelsy of her moan ?
Who made thee, oh man, with thy perfect elegance
of intellect? Who made the light pleasant to thee,
and the darkness a covering and a herald to the first
'rho. who
('j The worm , are again playing havoc with the
Linden trees of Philadelphia.