Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 28, 1843, Image 3

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    ar - a ac.
ingdon, June 6 25, 1 543.
The "Iluntingdon Jo urnal."
We re , gratified to learn that our patrons, gener
ally, e• 'elate the improvement we recently made
on o ..per. The accession of names to our list
101 ,cribers, and the following notices of the press
—being only such as we can at present lay our
hands on—convince us that our endeavors to please
have proved in a high degree successful.
• Ton liexTrNonow JOURNAL•—This old and
sound Antituasonic and Whig paper, has received,
as it well deserves, a new and complete hotly and
head dress, and gives promise of both usefulness and
prolit.—Pittsburgh Amerieun.
C•That excellent paper, the Huntingdon Journal,
comes to us this week in a dress of handsome new
type. We trust the outlay will be justified by in
creased and prompt paying patronage. The Jour
'nal deserves it.—Harrabtog Telegraph.
€.The Huntingdon Journal came to hand lost
week looking as spruce as a lam of sixteen in expec
tation'of her beau. Its able and gentlemanly proprie
tor has procured a supply of new type, and trigged it
out in the neatest kind of style, with new head,
rules &c. We wish him all the success he merits
in his endeavors to render his paper valuable to its
readers; and we rejoice to learn that his past exer
tions have not been unrewarded.—lfollidaysburg
Tits HUNTTNODON JovaxAr..—This gallant Old
Whig p ' bas lately appeared in a new dress. It
is now 1 with new type, on fine white paper,
and th anical work executed in the best style.
We wish it continued prosperity.— Westmoreland
cCrThe licsrisonox JOURNAL comes to hand
greatly improved. We wish the editor success in
every thing but his political primiples.Lewistown
c--The Huntingdon Journal crones to us this
week in a new and much improved dress. The edi
tor, Mr. Cremer, has been at considerable expense
in procuring new type, and fine paper. The Journal
now ranks among the handsomest and beat papers
in the state, and we hope to see it prosper in propor
tion to its merits.—Cambria Gazette.
III:NTINODOX JocnN►L Comes to us en
larged and much improved. This we are glad to
see, for it was always a source of regret to us to see
such shabby looking papers coming frorn . the home
of our childhood, Mr. Cromer deserves credit for
this improvement, and we hope he will receive due
encouragement to indemnify him for his uxpendi
ture.—Butler Democrat.
HUNTINODON JOURNAL-The Journal made its
appearance last week in a new dress. It is vastly
improved in appearance, and if editorial ability and
enterprise are duly appreciated and properly re
warded, it will doubtless be rendered signally effi
cient in the next election and in the important
campaign o i 844. We expect to see old Hunting
don ~ rig , k
up."—Harrisburg Intelligence, '
1:0-1.1 lINTINGDON JOURNAL makes its ap
pearance in an entire new dress, and is printed in the
most handsome style. Friend env.nEß deserves the
liberal support of his friends for the expense he has
been at in endeavoring to render his paper hand
some es well as useful and interesting, and we sin
cerely hope he may receive it.—Hollidaysburg
Democratic Standard.
Our brethren of the press will accept our thanks
for the favorable notices they bestowed upon our
On Tuesday, the 20th inst., at the a American
Hauer," in Hollidaysburg, by the Rev. D. M'Kin
ney, Mr. JOHN L. HEMPHILL to Miss RE
In Hollidaysburg, on Thursday, the 13th inst.
by the Rev. A. K. Bell, Mr: ALEX. J. M'KEE, of
Lewistown, to Miss MARGARET JONES of
In this Borough on Thursday last, Mr. WIL
LIAM ALLEN, aged 80 years, 7 months and 10
In Hollidaysburg, on Thursday, the 15th inst.,
iORGE, son of Mr. George Bowers, aged about
nty months.
In Birmingham, on Thursday evening, the 22nd
inst., ANNE ROAN, an interesting daughter 'of
James and Sarah Ann Clarke—aged 2 years, 11
months and 10 days.
Weep not for those whom the veil of the tomb,
In life's early morning, bath hid from our eyes,
Ere sin threw a veil o'er time spirit's young bloom,
Or earth had profaned what was horn for the skies."
~ From Texas---President Iloustcn---
Com. Moore—Ravages of the In
diana in Mexico.
New Orleans papers report intelligence
of later dates from Galveston. The Tex.
ian papers manifest very ittle indignation
ut the conduct of President Houston, and
several of them speak with contempt of
they extreme interest manifested in their
atibirs by the people ol New Orleans.—
.. They account for it by thefact that the citi•
zciis of New Orleans furnished Commo
dore Moore with money, &c.. trusting to
the si.oils that he would bring back for
payment. It is reported 'IA Col. James
organ has been discharged from the
Board ol Naval Commissioners. The ac
counts of the crops in the interior are high
ly flattering. Corn and cotton are grow•
tog with great vigor and promise ; vegeta•
bles and produce of all kinds ale abundant.
The Alpaches Indians are committing
terrible ravages on the frontier of Mexico.
- The utmost consternation ?revolted along
the whole line of the Rio Grande. They
were said to be about 800) strong, and
there were no Mexican toups to withstand
them. They have overrunand desolated
a large portion of the deer
ran'tment of Co
e. Thecores militia Meta. ores had all
been called out, under the apprehension
that the Indians would &tend even to
that point. It is thought that the forty or
"'fifty Texians which escaped from the Mier
guard, are with them. It was known that
they intended Miming a junction with
the Alpaches.
Late from Europe,
lire steamship Columbia arrived at Bos
ton on Sunday the 18th, bringing dates to
the 41.11 of June. Business wits improving.
The repeal agitation in Ireland was increa.
sing rather than dintinishikg. The British
government wits pouring troops into Ire
land, and repaiting and provisioning tke
forts and castles. The number of troops
in Ireland this month, will amount tri l
25,000 men. 'I he established Presbyter
rian Church of Scotland has been nearly
broken up, by the secess;on of about 500
ministers—the hear blood of the Church,
euun•acing all that arc most distinguished
fur learning, talent, and energy—n Ito
have thrown thentsulves upon the volunta
ry principle, rather titan to submit to an
interference in matters of discipline by
the civil power. 'lle infant princess was
christened on the 2d inst. 'Die long tal.
ked of ministry measure of a fixed duty on
Canada wheat of ts. per quarter, was car
ried in the House of Commons ou the 2.1
inst., by a majority of 100. Many of Sir
Robert Peel's tory " country gentlemen"
kick hard against it. Spain is quiet.—
Ditto from Italia.
Interesting' from Yucatan.
We have News Orleans papers of the
11th inst., containing the important•
ligence that an arrangement for peace has
been entered tato by Mexico and the re
volted province of Yucatan. An armistice
has been concluded upon by Gen. Ampu•
ilia and the Yucatan Authorities, and
Commissoners were to be despatched
from Mexico, to agree upon the basis of a
pacific arrangement: Commodore Moore
was to sail with the Texan Squadron in
about a week.
Rates of Discount in Philadelphia.
Skulks in Philadelphia.
Bank of North America - - par
Bank of the Northern Liberties - par
Bank of Penn Township - - Par
Commercial Bank of Petm'a. - - par
Farmers' & Mechanics' bank - - par
Kensington bank -, - - par
Schuylkill bank
Mechanics' bank • - - par
Philadelphia bank - -- - par
SouthwarK bank - - - par
Western bark - - - - - par
Moyamensing, bank - - - par
Manufacturers' and Mechanics' bank par
Bank of Pennsylvania - - - . par
Girard bank - - - - 13
Bank of the United States 33
Country ranks.
Bank of Chester co. Westchester par
Bank of Delaware co. Chester par
Bank of Germantown• Germantown par
Bank of Montery ce. Norristown par
Doylestown bank Doylestown par
Ei won Bank Easton, par
. .
Farmers' bk nt Bucks co. Bristol par
Honesdale batik Honesdale . 1i
Farmers' bk of Lanc. Lancaster 1
Lancaster bank Lancaster 1
Lancaster county bank Lancaster '1
Bank 14 Nit:burg Pittsburg 1
Merch'ts' & Manuf. bk. Pittsburg 2
Exchange bank Pittsburg 1
Do. do. branch of Hollidaysburg 1
Col'a bk & bridge co. Columbia 1
Eratiklin bank Mashitigton 1
Monohgahela bk of B. Brownsville 1
Farmers' bk of Reading Reading i
Lebanon bank Lebanon 4
Bank of Northumberl'd Not thumberland par
Bank of Middletown Middletown 4
Cat lisle bank Carlisle 4
Erie bank Erie 7
Bank of Chambersburg Charnbersburg 4
Bank of Gettysburg Gettysburg 4
York bank York 4
Harrisburg bank Harrisburg 4
Miners' bk of Pottsville Pottsville 4
Hank of Susquehanna co. Montrose 35
Partners' 8:. Drovers' Lk Waynesborough 6
Hal k of Lewistown Lewistown 2
Wyoming bath Wi'kesbarre 8
Northampton bark Allentown 80
Belk.; county batik Reading 75
West Branch hat k Williamsport 45
Towanda bai k Towanda 80
Rates of Relief Notes.
North: ro Liberties Delaware Comity Fat-
mers' Bar k of Bucki, Germantown par
Bei ka Cm any, Waynesburg, Erm,Towantla,
Moyamensmg, lia 1, & Mechanics, Mid
dletown, Northampton, \ Vyoming 546
All others 4A.,5
Philadelphia, Jui.e 524•
WHEAT FLOUR, per bbl. - - - 6.5 00
ltyr. MEAL, do. - - - - 3 25
CORN do. do.
W HEAT, pi ime Penna. per bush. - - 1 13
RYE do. - - - 65
CORN, yellow, - - 66
do. white, do. - . 55
OATs, do. - - - 32
WHISKEY, in bls.
llalCatore, June 23.
WHEAT FLOUR, per bbl. $4. 25 a
WHEAT, per bush. - 1 00 a 1 10
CORN, yellow, do. - - - 62
do. white, do.
liyE, do.
°Ars. do.
WHISKEY', in bbls.
Pittsburgh, June 23.
83 75 a 3 87
FLoun, per bbl
WHEAT, per bush
RyE, do.
OATS, do,
COHN, do.
WHISKEY, per gal. - - -
reWheat Rye, Oats, Corn and Whiskey
nut reported.
A trunk, of which there is no known owner ,
has for some time remained at the W:u•c
House of the subscriber, at Miunt Union,
Huntingdon county, Pa. It is apparently
new, appears to have a double name on the
bottom--Ukz Newland & Mc-something.
Where from and where consigned to is not
legible. Judging from its weight, it proba
bly contains staneting. The owner is re
quested to come forward, prove property,
pay charges and t,ke: it away.
Democratic Stale Conven
Whereas, the lieneral Assembly of
Pennsylvania, at its late session, enacted
a law by which the Freemen of the State
are required, at the general election in
October neat, to elect, by it popular vote,
a Board of Canal Commissioners: And
whereas, it is important that the demo•
cratic Harrison party should preserve a
fall and complete organization of all it,
forces by the presentation of honest, faith•
NI and competent candidates, distingtii,h
ed for their integrity, in laver of a prudent
and economical management of the public
works, and opposed to the wastful expen
ditures abd flagrant abuses ut the pres
ent administration, to the free and inde
pendent voters of the State, fur their sup
port :--The undersigned State Commit
tee, thmefor.., call upon the members of
said party, io the different counties to
elect at such times and places as they
may think proper, in conformity with the
usages of the party, Delegates from each
Senatorial and Representative District,
pursuant to the pi uvisions of the Senatori
al and Representative Apportionment
Act, passed at the recent session of the
Legislature, and equal to the number of
Senators and Representatives hunt such
county or disti let, to meet in General
Convention, at Harrisburg. on WED
TE.IIBER, NEXT, at 12 o'clock, M.,
to nominate suitable candidates for CA
ported by the Harrison Democratic party
of the State, at the ensuing general elec
CEORGEFORD, Lancaster,
WM. F. HUGHES, Philadelphia co.,
JOHN G. MILES, Huntingdon,
JOHN "I'AGGAR Northumberland,
HARMER DENNY, Pittsburg,
May 17, 1843.
!hail Quarters 10th Division I'. M.
Miry 29, 1843.
General Orders—No. e,
The delegates from the several Volon
Leer Companies in the 10th Division I'. AI
wishing to participate in an Eneanyme»t
to be held during the present season, will
meet at the house of Geo. Jackson in the
borough of Huntingdan, on Friday the
30th day of June, 1843, for the purpose of
tixinv, on the tim e and place of holding ,
said Encampment, and making the neces
sary arrangements far the same.
JOHN POTTER, Major General.
Attest—M. CRIiWELL, Aid-de-Camp.
May 31, 1843.
The undersigned appointed a Commit
tee of invitation or °rand - Parade,
to be held in the borough of Johnsfown,
Cambria county, Pa., on the 6 7, and 8,
of September next, would in compliance
with a resolution adopted at a meeting of
the volunteers and citizens of Johnstown,
held on the Bth day of June inst. respect
fully invite the V.:la ulcers of Allegheny,
W estmoreland , Arm rong, Indiana, Som.
erect, Huntingdon, Bedford and Cambria
counties, to co-oporate with us in the
above parade. Companies accepting this
invitation are requested to notify the com
mittee of investigation. as soon as conve
Moj. S. M. FOX,
Capt. J. K. SHRVOCK,
Lieut. R. B. GAGE BY,
Committee of Invitation,
June 21, 1843,
Letters of administration on the estate of
Jam vs Taylor, late of Antes township, Hun
tingdon county, dec'd, have been granted to
the undersigned, residing in the said town
ship. All persons indebted to the said estate
are requested to nu ke immediate payment,
and those having claims against it will pre
sent them properly authenticated for settle
ment without delay.
June 28, ‘843.-6,
n• 1 R •1V ED or stolen from the
ROI premises of the subscriber,
t r on the night of the 12th inst., a
black stud colt 2 years old, turn
ing grey about the head, two
sweris on the near side of his neck and one
on the other, a wart on the inside of the near
hind leg above the hough.
Any person returning said colt, or giving
information to the subscriber will be liber
ally rewarded.
Sinking Valley Huntingdon county,
June 21, 1843.-3 t. pd.
4dministrator 7 s .notice.
ETTERS of administration on the es
tate of John Clayton, late of West
township, Huntingdon county, dec'd., have
been granted to the undersigned. All per.
sons indebted to said estate arc requested to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims against it will present them properly
authenticated for settlement without delay.
June 21, 1843. 6t.
JUST received, and for sale, wholesale
and retail, a large supply of Doctor
%Vistaed Balsam of Clterry
liouck's Panacea, at the lluntingdon Drug
Store. !OS. RE A, D.
I DI. K LION DS—Jii thzinelit and coin
sale at this 0f11,:,e •
Adzulatistratolos Nonce.
FITTERS of taltninistration on the es-
ILLA tate of Dan. Yoder, late of llentlerson
township, Huntingdon county, dee'd., have I Respectfully informs the citizens
been granted to the. undersigned. All per- 11111 of Iluntingdon mid vicinity, that
sons indebted to said estate are rt. quested to I lie has commenced the
make immediate payment, and those havin; • businesses in all their various
claims against it will present .them properly ji i•muches, in the shop occupied by
authenticated for settlement without delay. him the last year as it chair shop,
DAVID VODER, Henderson tp. opposite C;eo. Jackson's hotel.
Huntingdon County All kinds of work made to nyder on the
JACOB ZOOK, tp. the shortest notice, warrented to be good,
Mifflin County. anti Will be given in exchange for all kinds
Admt istrators. of conntry produce, and very cheap for cash.
C. Inns made on bi`Lilt.
June 7, 1841'..
June 14, 1843.-61
adminisiratmos Aolice.
Tr._ El - IEIIS of administration on the 1 - .>.:r CLD TPI - 1: (....n14.---1
estate of John Scullin, late of the Bo- Tr r s hereby given to capitalists, that one of
lough of Petersburg, Huntingdon co., deed. h the very finest limestone farms, will be
have been granted to the undersigned. All offered for sale on the 4th of July next, that
persons indebted to the said estate are reques- is in %Vest township, about four miles from
ted to make immediate payment, and those the Peiin'a canal, and in a good neighbor
having claims against it will present them hoed, cc:twining
properly authenticated for settlement with- 373 ACRES
out delay. I and allowmces, 250 of which are cleared,
JOHN M'CULLOC If, Muer.and in a high state of cultivation, with two
June 14, 1843.-6 t. large apple orchards, one peac h orchard,
with one large frame bars and one log barn,
Administrator's Notice. with a large two story log house well finished
and two tenant houses, with other necessary
L ETTERS of administration on the
estate of Jacob Ilegie, late of Tell erty was owned
out buildings. The above described
by the late Matthew Cris•
township, Huntingdon county, deed., well and purchased by the subscriber. Ow
have been granted to the undersigned.— lag to the derangement of money matters,
All persons indebted to the said estai e ate the ro su ., b ,t s , e , i g i t b , c a r t l a wnie p e r l ic 7itlh t iLt t o an le y t t e..
requested to make immediate payment, I s ) on i livijg at a distance will not be disappinn
and those having claims against it' will till by attending on the premises, on the day
present thews duly authenticated lur set- iof sale, at w hich time and place the condi
dement without delay. dons of sale will be made known by the sub-
THOS. W. NEELY, Adm'r. I scriber. THOMAS EWING.
Dublin township, Mae 24, 1843.---1 pd. Julie 7, 1843.
Orphans' CourtXotice.
It is now more than a year since I clispo- At an Orphrns' Court held at Huntingdon
secl a the .' Huntingdon journal," and du- I on the second Monday of April 1843, a rule
ring all that lisle, 1 have been writing pa- was granted upon the heirs and legal. mine
tiently, upon those who are in my debt, for sentatives of Robert Thompson, late of Dub
subscription mid advertising. I have been lin township, deed., to come into Court on
living on promises ; and what is more, those the second Monday of August next, and
to whom lam indebted, have been ohliied accept or refuse the real estate of said dec'd.
to take ',promises' from me ; and they like at the valuation thereof.
myself, are getting out of patience with this JOHN SHAVER, Shell'.
kind of a . credit system.' Now by way of June 7, 1841 4t.
a hint I wish to soy to all who know them
selves to be in arrears to me, that I must have
my accounts closed ; and there is another
part of the story—l wtt.t.. I am not dispo
sed to be illnatured, but mind 1 tell you all,
I am out of money--nearly out of credit—
and a settlement must be had between this
and August Court--or well I wont say
what. A. W. BENEDICT.
Huntingdon, May 3, 184J.--tac,
ALL persons are hereby cautioned a
gainst meddling with, selling, disturb
ing or removing the ft flowing described prop
erty, which 1 this day purchased at Sheriff's
tide, as the property of Thomas Ewing, in
West tp., Huntingdon county, and left in his
possession until I see proper to remove the
same, viz.-3 bay mares and 1 sucking colt.
All persons are therefore cautioned and fore •
Warned against intermeddling with the above
mentioned property, as the same belongs to
me, and I will proceed according to law
against any person intermeddling with the
atirrit or any part thereof.
May 1.5, 184.3.--'3t. pd. m 24
yoAS returned to Huntingdon, and
opened an Office in the first housein
Hill street, next to the Bridge. Where Me
dicine and advice can be had for any of the
afflicting diseases that affect the human vs
tem. Ail letters addressed to Doctor Pur
cell, (* — Must Iso post paid.
Huntingdon. May 17, 18.13.-Iy.
, ;11:1,i; T
I ; *VW
ESPECTFULLY iiiforms the ems.
- turners of her late hatband, and the
imblic in general, that she has taken part
or the store formerly owned by her hus
band, and that she intends adding thereto
by a stuck of
from Philadelphia, this fall, which will
consist of Chths, Cassimers, Cassitietts,
Merinoes, [Muslin de [Aloes, Silks,
Shawls, Mastitis, Hosiery and Gloves;
Also, a general assortment of
Hardware and Groceries,
and all articles which are generally kept
in country stores, which will be sold on
the lowest terms.
Country produce taken in exchange
Alexatiolio, Nov, 8, 184„
VUULD inform his friends :ind the pub
lic,. that he has removed to the new
house, on the corner immediately above his
former residence in !Main street. Where
he can at all times be found, by those who
desire his professional services.
Huntingdon, Dec. 21, 1342.
Executor's Notice.
vro CI CE is hereby given, that Letters
, A 1 testamentwv - on the last will and tes
tament of Samuel Finlay, late of Dublin town
ship, Huntingdon county, dec'd., have been
granted to the subscribers. All persons there
tore indebted to the estate of said decd., are
requestea to make immediate payment. and
all having claims to present them duly au
thenticated for settlement, to
June 21, 1843.-61,
tzLANK BONDS to Constables for Stay
'" of. Kxecution, under the tic, law, just
Iniatvd, cued fur salt', at this attic,
Chair and Cabinet Making
The subscriber will offer at public sale at
the Court House in the borough of Hunting
don, on Friday of the first week of the next
August Cour, If not sooner disposed of at
private sale, the tract of land and premises
on which he resides, situate in Henderson
township, adjoining lands of the estate of
Abraham Vandevander, dec'd. on the east,
Abraham Plowman on the west, and Juniata
river en the south containing about
75 ACRE!.
The improvements are a two story log house
and a stable, a small orchard, and about 25
acres of cleared laud.
Terms made known on the day of sale.
Henderson township, I
June 7, 1843.
Original Paintings by the first Masters of
the Art—Original Designs—Original
We offer as follows:---1 copy Lady's Book
and 1 copy of Godey's Centre-table Orna
ment, containing 13 elegant, mezzotint and
steel Engravings, for $3.
2 copies Lady's Book and 2 copies of ______—
( , odeVs Centre-table Ornament ointain- orpitinus , Court sb a u,
ing , lev;ant mezzUhit and steel Engra
vings, fur. $5 116 - 4 virtue of an order of the Orphans'
5 copies Lady'sßook and 3dodo do 10 vi,W" Court, will be exposed to sale by pub•
8 do do du . 4dudodo 15 lic vendue or outcry on the premises in
if do do do • 5 (.10 do du 20 Chilcoatstown, Union township, Hnntingdon.
23 do do do 10 do do do 40 ctainty' on Tuesday the 4th clay of July, A.
The Centre-table Ornament-is, th e fi rst D. 1843, All that certain messuage, tow
el the kind that has eve' originated in this m cat and but of ground in said village of
country, and, of course, came from the olihce elidcoatstown, in the said township and
of tile Lady's Book, from whence all other' county, bounded by lots of David Clarkson
designs and ideas are copied. itrickothers, upon which is erected a story and
We have now-in hand ten original Paint- n half trarue dwelling house, 26 feet in trout,
ins, by the most celebrated artists. of the and runhing back 22 feet, the said property
day. of Shedrick •Corbin, late of township,
Address county, and State all Pennsylvania, deceased.
The title is indisputtrii4,
TEnzits.—One third Of the purchase mo
ney to be paid on confirmation of the sale,
and the residue in two equal Rehm i 1 pry
nts thereafter, with interest from the con
firmation of the sale, to be secured by the
bonds and mortgage of the purchaser.
By the Court.
Attemlance will be given by ABRAHAM
CORBIN, Administrator.
May 31, 18-13.—ts
Publisher's Hall, Philadelphia
June 7, 1813.
zrai LL persons are hereby cautioned
/41 , against meddling with selling, disturb
ing or removing, the following described
property, which we this day purchased at
S:.le, as property of Alex. John
ston, in West township, and left in his pos
session until we see proper to remove the
same, viz : 1 Bay Stallion, 2 sorrel Horses,
1 farm Nagon and bed, 1 sleigh, 1 saddle,
1 lot of boxes, barrels and horse feed in sta
ble, 2 lots of boards, 1 grain cradle, 1 grind
stone, 1 shovel, 1 wagon-trough, 1 clock, 1
buffalo robe, 1 lot sundries on garret, 1 sled,
6 sets gears, 1 meat vessel, 1 Bureau and
book case, S stoves, 1 windmill, 5 bushels
corn more or less, 13 chairs,l dining table,
1 small stand, and all household furniture of
said Johnston, subject to execution.
I,V M. wrzw A RT,
May 12, 1843.-3 t pd. 17th
W Notire,
OTICE is herd)) , given to all persons
interested, that the accounts of Daniel
Africa and George Taylor Esquires, As
signees of Irvin Horrell anti James S. Hor
rel; under a voluntary assignment, has
been filed in my office, and will be presen
ted to the Court of Common Pleas of Hun
tingdon county, on the third Monday, (and
19th day) of June next, at an Adjourned
Court Oleo to be held in the borough of
lluutingdon, f o r confirmation and allowance,
and the same will then be confirmed and
allowed, unless cause be shown why the
same should not be done.
Prothonotary 's Office.
H / untingdon, May 3. 1843. 5
- AT, fur sprains and rhutna
;ism, just received and for Fa I e at the
drug store of T. K. Simonton. Also a
fresh supply of Hour ks Panacea.
T. K. SMIONTON, Agent,
Iluntingdon Oct. 5, 1842.
'U6TICKS' BL.\NKS fur sale at
this UilL e.
C:3U - 2,:.e5 - -r - m. —Mtk CD tricS).
The subscriber respectfully informs his
friends and the public generally. that he still
continues the merchandising in the itaim for
merly uliied by the store ,f Madden &-
Lutz, ia Sim leysburg, and solicits a contin
uance of their favors. Ile has also erected a
1,,r the manufacture of STONE and
EARTHEN %A. ARE. His ware has been
well tested and proven to be inferior to none
in the country. Merchants will find it an
advantage in supplying themselves at this
establishment. His terms will be suitable
to the times. Orders from a distance will be
strictly and promptly attended to. Thank
ful for past favors, he solicits a share of pab-
He patronage. niliN urez,
Snirleysburg, June 7, 184:3.--ti.
In the Court of Common Pleas of liun
lirbrlon County.
Enoch M'denry, No. 196 Nevem
ber Term, 1842.--.
Elizabeth M'deary, Pluri2S Subpcenn fur
Divorce, returnable
the second Monday of August 1843.
On the Petition of the above named Enoch
NrGea! y,
.presented at November Term
1842, praying to be divorced from the bonds
of matrimony entered into with Elizabeth
M'Geary,the Court grant a PluriesSubptena
as above stated, directed to the said Eliza
beth M'Geary, commanding her, that set
ting aside all other business and excuses
whatsoever she be and appear in her own
proper person before the judges at Hunting
don at a Court of C ommon Pleas there to be
held in and for the said county on the 14th
day of August next, to answer the petition of
the said Enoch, and show cause why the said
Enoch her husband should not be divorced
from the bonds of matrimony agreeably to
the act or assembly in such case made and
June 7, 1843. 4t.
Fire! Smola!!! Segars!!!
31,000 common and
7,500 half spanish
just received and for sale, by the thousand.
hundred, or box—chap fur each—at thi n
Huntingdon, May 31.-0'
The subscriber is now prepared to furnish
every description of CHAIRS, from the
plain kitchen to the most splendid and fash
ionable nne for the parlor. Also the
in which the feeble and afflicted invalid.
though unable to even with the aid of
crutches, may with ease move himself front
room to room, through the gardor and in
the street, with great rapidity.
Those who are about going to housekeep
ing, will find it to tilde advantage to give
hint a call, whilst the Student and Gentle
man of leisure are sure to dad in ids newly
invented Revaluing Chair, that comfort
which no other :lynch., of the kind is capable
of affording. Country merchants and ship
pers can be supplied with any quantity at
short notice.
No. 113 South Second sLrect, two doors
below Dock, Philadelphia.
May 31, 1843.-1 yr.
LL persons are hereby I:culled that 1,
444, the subscriber, purchased at Sheriff's
Sale on the 6th day of M w inst. as the prop
erty of Thomas Cooper of Henderson town
ship, Huntingdon county, the following.prop
erty which have left in the possession of
the said Thomas Cooper, to be taken care
of, :it not being convenient to remove the
same, to wit 1 bay horse, 1 black horse,
2 sets Beers, 1 cutting box, 1 hay fork, 1
wind mill, 1 iron wedge, 1 lot straw, 12 acres
wheat, 4 acres rye, 1 shovel plough, no i;
sled, 1 harrow, 7 hogs,
1 side hill plough, 2
calves, 12 saw longs atiiatupson's saw mill,
of 25 saw logs Lane's saw mill, 1 clock.
saddle and bridle.
And also a cow, bought at Coastal)le's Sale
as the property of said Cooper, on 29th inst.
Also, the undersign.d purchased an as
signment of the lease of the land on. which
Thomas Cooper lives, on the 27th April
1843, which lease is from David Hare to
Thomas Cooper, and expires on the 12th
April 1849.
All persons arc therefore hereby cautioned
and forewarned against intrrmeddling with
the above mentioned property, as the same
belongs to me, and I will
. proceed according m
to law against any person termeddling with
the same or any part thereof.
May 31, 1843.•--3 t.
Tr_ ETTERs of administrstion on the es.
4.14 tate of John 'lsenberg, late of the bo
rough of Alexandria, Huntingdon enmity,
deed., hive been granted to the undersigned,'
All persons indebted to said estate are re
quested to make immediate payment, ,and
those having claims against it will present
them properly authenticated for settlement
without delay.
SANIUET, A,lll)'r,