Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 28, 1843, Image 2

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    my to acknowledge on this occroion the worth and
efficient efforts of that association. The remaining
efforts to complete the construction of this edifice
had another source. Garlands of grace and ele
gance were destined to crown a work which had had
its origin in manly patriotism. The winning power
of o the sex," addressed itself to the public, and all
that was needed to carry this edifice to its proposed
height, and to give it finish, was promptly supplied.
The mothers and daughters of the land have con
tributed largely to whatever there may be of elegance
and beauty in the structure itself, or of utility, or of
public gratification in its accomplishment. Of those
with whom the plan of erecting this monument
originated, many ate living and are now present;
but alas! there are others who have themselves be
come subjects of monumental inscription. William
Tudor, a distinguished scholar, and able writer, a
most amiable man—allied by birth and sentiment to
the patriots of the revolution, died in public service
abroad, and now lieu buried in a foreign land.
William Sullivan, a name fragrant with revolu
tionary service and public merit; a man w.•ho con
centrated in himself, to a great degree, the confidence
of this whole community ; one who was always
most loved where best known ; he, too, has been
gathered to his fathers. And, last, George Blake, a
lawyer of learning and eloquence; a man of wit
and of talent ; of social qualities the most agreea
ble and fascinating; of gifts which enabled hint to
exercise large sway over pubic bodies—has closed
his human career. I have, thus far, spoken only of
those who have ceased to be among the living; but
a long life, now drawing towards its close—always
characterized by acts of public munificence and
public spirit—forming a character sanctified by pub
lic regard and private atfection--may confer, even
on the living, the proper immunity of the dead, and
be the just subject of honorable meditation and
warm commendation. Among the early projectors
of this structure, none were more zealous, none
snore efficient than Thomas 11. Perkins. (Cheers.)
It was beneath his ever hospitable roof that those I
have mentioned as among the dead, and those now
living, were called together to take the first step to
wards the erection of this monument—a venerable
man, the friend of us all, whose charities were dis
tilled like the dew of heaven. He has fed the hun
gry and clothed the naked, and he has given sigltt
to the blind. (Applause.) And for such virtue,
there is a record on high, which our humble work,
and all the language of brass and stone, can furnish
only a poor and distant imitation. (Applause.)—
Not amongst the immediate progenitors of the
work, but one of its early friends and the first Pre
sident of the Corporation, was the then Governor
of the Commonwealth, General Brookes, who had
been here on the 17th June, 1775, and afterwards
distinguished by honorable services of the Revolu
tionary war, and who was throughout Isis whole life,
a soldier without fear, a man without reproach.—
(Loud applause.) I know well, that in thus allu
ding to the dead, I cause many tears to flow from
recollections of bereavements too recent to be sup
pressed ; but suds honorable mention is due to their
public and private virtues, and especially on this oc
casion, for their zeal and efforts in the accomplish
ment of the the purpose which has now reached its
Time and nature have had their course in dimin
ishing the number of those who were here at the
celebration of the laying the comer-stone of the
Monument 18 years ago, and most of the revolu
tionary characters hove joined the congregation of
the dead. Lafayette sleeps in his native land—yet
the name and the blood of Warren are here—the
kindred of Putnam, of titarke, of Knowlton, of
McLarie are here. And here too, beloved and re
spected, as universally as he is known, and now
venembie hitnself for hla years, is the son of the
gallant, daring, indomitable Prescott, (enthusiastic
cheering.) And here too, are some--a scanty band
—of those who performed military service on the
field on the 17th of June, '7s—(cheering)—all of
them now far advanced in age, who partook in she
dangers and glory of that memorable. ebuflict—
(cheers.) They have outlived all the storms of the
Revolution—they have outliyed the evils resulting
front the want of a gooasand efficient government
in this country—they have outlived the pendency
of clangers threatening the public liberty—they have
outlived site most of their contemporaries. They
have not outlived, they cannot outlive, the ever-abi
ding gratitude of their country—(loud and enthu
siastic cheering.) Heaven has not allotted to our
generation an opportunity of rendering service like
theirs and manifesting such devotion as they mani
fested in such a cause as theirs ; but it may well be
come us to praise actions that we cannot equal—to
commemorate what we were not born to perform.
(A tremendeous burst of applause. o Pubs/grunt
est, hate facere,bene dicere,bene ab secundum est."
lei, BUNKER llim. Mov rm., is completed.
Here it stands. Fortunate in the natural eminence
on which it is placed, higher infinitely in its object
and its purpose; behold it rise over the land and
over the sea, and visible this moment to 300,000 of
the citizens of Massachusetts. There it stands--a
memorial of the past—a monitor to the present and
to all succeeding generations of men.
I have spoken of its purpose. If it had been
without any other purpose than as a work of art,
the granite of which it is composed, would have
continued to sleep on its native bed. But it has a
purpose, and that purpose gives it dignity and causes
us to look upon it with awe. That purpose it is
which eurohea it with a moral grandeur—that pur.
pose it is which seems to invest it with the attributes
of an august, intellectual personage. It is itself
the great Olive. of this occasion. (Tremendous
cheering.) It is not from my lips, nor could it be
front any human lips that that strain of eloquence
is to flow, most competent to stir the emotions of
this multitude. The potent speaker stands before
you. (The speaker pointed to the majestic pile
which rose before him as he spoke, and the vast as
semblage broke into a tementleous cheer.)
It is a plain shalt ;it bears no inscription, fronting
the rising sun, front which the future antiqurian
shall he employed to wipe away the dust; nor does
the rising sun awaken strains of music on its sum
mit; but there it stands, and at the rising of the
eittn. and at t h e setting of the out ; the blare
of noon-day, and in the milder effulgence of lunar
light, there it stands. It looks—it speaks—it acts
to the full comprehension of every American mind,
and to the awakening of the highest enthusiasm in
every true American heart. (Great applause.)—
Its silent, but awful utterance—the deep solenutity
with which, as we look upon it, it brings before us
the 17th of June, 1775, and the consequences remit
ting from the events of that day to us, to our coun
try, and to the world—consequences which must
continue to 7•• • ..Litence on the destinies of man
kind to the end of time--surpasses all that the stu
dy of the closet, or even the inspiratiott of genius
could produce. To-day--to-day it speaks to us.—
Its future auditors will be the successive generations
of men, as they shall rise up before us and gather
round its base, and its speech will be of courage and
patriotism—of religion and liberty—of good gov
ernment—of the renown of those who have sacrifi
ced themselves to the good of their country. In
the older world, many fabrics are still in existence,
reared by human hands, whose object and history
are lost in the darkness of ages. They arc now
monutnents of nothing, but the power and skill
which constructed them. The mighty pyramid it
self, half buried in the sands of Africa, has nothing
to bring down and report is us, but the power of
Kings and the servitude of the people. If asked
for its design, or just object, or its sentiment, for its
admonition—for its instruction to mankind—for any
great end of its being, it is silent—silent as the mil
lions of human beings that lie in the dust at its
basis, or the cataconalsi that surround . it. Having
thus no just object now known to mankind—though
it be raised against the Heavens, it excites no feeling
but that of the consummation of power, mingled
with strong wonder. But if the present civilization
of mankind, founded as it is, on the solid basis of
science, or great attainment in art, or in extraordina
ry knowledge of nature, and stimulated and perva
ded as it is by moral sentiment and the truths of the
Christian religion—if this civilization be destined to
continue till there come a termination of human be
ings on the earth, then the purpose of this monu
ment will continue to be on earth till that hour
comes. And if, in a dispensation of Providence, the
civilization of the world is to be overthrown, and
the truths of Christianity obscured by another de
luge of barbarism, still the memory of B esti=
HILL and the great events with which it is connec
ted, will be parts and elements of the knowledge of
the last man to whom the light of civilization and
christianity shall be extended. (Loud cheers.)--
This celebration is honored by the presence of the
CHIEF MAC ISTRATE of the Nation, surrounded by
the distinguished individuals who are his constitu
tional advisers (cheers.) An occasion so national
—so intimately connected with that re volution, out
of which the government grew, is surely worthy of
this mark of respect and admiration front him, who
by the voice of his fellow citizens and the laws of
the country, is placed at the head of government.
Familiarly acquainted as he is with Yonwrows,
where the last great military effort of the 'Revolu
tion was performed, he has now had an opportunity
of seeing the theatre of the first of these great
struggles. He has seen where WARREN fell;
where Szanxs, Kx•owLTov.
LARIE, and their associates, fought. He has seen
the field on which a thousand chosen regular troops
of England, were smitten down in the first great
contest for liberty, by the arm of the yeomanry of
New England—and, with a heart full of American
feeling, he comes here to-day, I am sure, to partici
pate in as feeling a degree as any individual present,
in all the enthusiasm—in all the grateful seebilec
tions—which this day and occasion are calculated
to create. (Cheering.) His Excellency, the Gov
ernor of the Commonwealth is also present ; nor is
it to be doubted that ho too enters with a glow of
enthusiastic feeling into on occasion intended to
celebrate an event so highly honorable to the people
of that Commonwealth over which it is his good
fortune to be called to preside. (Cheers.) Ban
ners and flags, processions and badges, announce to
us that with this multitude have come up thousands
of the natives of New England resident in other
States. Welcome, welcome, ye of Itindred name
and kindred blood ! (Great cheering.) From the
broad Savannahs of the south—from the far regions
of the west—from the thousands of eastern origin
who cultivate the rich and fertile valley of the
Genessee and live along the margin of our ocean
lakes—from the mountains of Pennsylvania—from
the thronged and crowded cities of the coast—wel
come--welcome! Wherever else you may be
strangers, you are all at home here. (Most enthu
siastic cheers—the ladies on the glacis waved their
handkerchiefs.) You have a glorious ancestry of
liberty—you bring with you names such as are found
on the rolls of Lexington, and Concord, and Bun
ker Hill. You come More to this shrine of liberty
near the family altars where your lips were first
taught to lisp the name of God—near the temples of
public worship where you received the first lessons
of devotion—the halls and colleges where you re
ceived your education. You come here, some of
you, to be embraced once more by a Revolutionary
father—to receive, perhaps, another and a last bled
sing, bestowed in love and tears, of an aged mother
who has survived thus long to behold and enjoy
your prosperity and happiness. If those family re
collections—if those tender associations of early life
have brought you here, with something of extraor
dinary alacrity, and given from you to us and front
us to you, something of a peculiar and hearty gree
ting, it has extended to every American from every
and any spot, who has come up hero this day to
tread this sacred field with American feelings, and
who respire with pleasure an atmosphere redolent of
the sentiments of 1775, (cheers.) In the seventeen
millions of happy people who compose our Ameri
can community, there is not one man who has not
an interest in that structure, just as there is not one
who has not a deep and abiding interest in the
events which it was designed to commemorate.—
The interest, I may say the sublimity of the occa
sion, depends entirely on its nationality. It it all--
all American. Its sentiment is comprehensive
enough to embrace the whole American tinnily, from
North to South, from East to West; and it will
stand, I hope, for ever, emblematic of that Union
which connects u, together. And wee betide the
man who cohtcs up here to•day with sentiments any
less than wholly American. (Cheers.) Woe be
tide the man who shall venture to stand here with
the strife of local jealousies, local feelings, or local
enmities burning in his bosom. All our happiness
and all our glory depend on our union. (Cheers.)
That monument itself, in all that is conunendable in
its sentiment and character, depends upon. union.—
I do not know that it would fall if the States
were rent asunder by faction or violence. Ido not
know that the heaving earth would move it from its
base, and that it would actually totter to its fall if dis
memberment should be the affliction of our land,
and I cannot say that it would mingle its own frog
meats with those of a broken Constitution. But
in the happening of such events, who is there that
could dare to look up to it? Who is there that
1 front beneath such an overwhelming load of morti
fication and shame could appreach to behold it ?
Who is there that would not expect his eye-balls to
be scared by the intensity of its silent reproal—
(Great npplause.) For my part, I say, that if it be
a misfortune, designed by Providence for me live to
see such a time, I will look at it no more—l will
avert my eyes from it forever! (Applause.)
It is not as a mere military encounter of hostile
armies that the battle of Bunker Hill finds its prin
cipal claims for commemoration and importance—
yet as a new battle, there are circumstances attend
ing it of all extonordinary character, and giving to
it a peculiar distinction. It was fought upon this
eminence, in the neighborhood of yonder city, in
the presence of more spectators than there were
combatants in the lightmen, and women, and
children, drawn from their homes, filling the towers
of the churches, covering the roofs of public dwel
lings, and all their residences, looking on for tine
result of a contest of the consequences of which
they had the deepest conviction.
The 16th of June, under a bright sun, these fields
exhibited nothing but verdure and culture; there
was indeed a note of awful prfparation inn Boston,—
but here all was peace; and the fields then rich with
the loads of the early harvest, told of nothing but
tranquility. The morning of tine 17th saw every
thing changed. In the night, redoubts had been
thrown up by a few mainly men under the direction
of Prescott. At the dawn of tine morning, being
perceived by the enemy, a cannonade was opened
upon them from the floating batteries on the water,
and the land on the other side of Charles' river. I
suppose it would be difficult in a military point of
view, to ascribe any just motive to either peak for
that conflict. It probably was not very important
for the provincial army to hem inn the British in
Boston, by a force a little nearer, when that could
probably have been done by a force a little further in
the rear. On the other hand, it is quite evident that
if the British officers had nothing else in view but
dislodge the occupants of Bunker Hill, tine British
commanded the waters, the Mystic on tine one aide,'
and the Charles river on the other, it was perfectly
competent to cut off all communication and reduce
Prescott to famine in eight and forty hours.
that was not the day for such a sort of calbulation
on either side. The truth is, both..parties were i
...nay, unit noxious, and determined to erg the
strength of their anus. I'ine pride of the British
would not submit that -a redoubt of the rebels, as
they were called, should be here, and stand inn their
very face s,nd defy them to their teeth. Without
calculating the cost, or caring for it, their object was
to diStroy the redoubt at once, and create awe by
the power of the Royal Army, and take res c nge, as
well as attain security. On the other side, Prescott
and his gallant followers being fully,persuaded that
the time was near when tine existing controversy
must break out into open hostilities, they thirsted
for tine contest. 'Piney wished to try it, and try it
Now ; and that is the secret that placed Prescott
there with his troops. [Cheers] I will not attempt
to describe what has been no often described better
than I can do it. The cannonading from the water
—the assaults from the land—tine coolness with
which tlic provincial army, if it might be so called,
met the charge of the enemy, the valor with which
they repulsed it, the second attack, tine second repulse,
the burning of Charlestown, and finally the closing
scene of the slow retreat of the Militia of New En
gland over the Neck, I shall not attempt to describe .
but in its consequences the Battle of Bunker Hill
stands amongst the most important that ever kin*
place between rival States. It was the first great
controversy in tine Revolutionury War, and in my
judgment, it was only the first blow struck inn the
war, but it was tine blow that terminated the issue of
that contest. [Cheers.]
It certainly did not put nn end to the war; but it
j put the country in a state of open hostility; it put
tine controversy between them to the arbitration of
the sword, and made one thing certain ; that, after
Warren fell; after the troops of tine New England
States had been able to meet and repulse tine attack
of the British regulars, it was certain that peace
would never be established between thetwo coun
tries, except on tine basis of tine acknowledgment
of American independence.
When the sun went down, the independence of
' these States was certain. [Cheers.] No event of
great military magnitude took place between June,
'75 and '76, when independence was formally de
clared. It rests, I know, on the most indubitable
authority, that, when General Washington, having
' just then received his appointment of Comminute
in-Chief of the American army, heard of the bottle
of Bunker Hill, and was told that for want of umu
nition and other causes, the militia yielded the
ground to the English troops, he asked if the militia
of New England stood the fire of the British regular
troops,--and being told that they did, and reserved
their own till the enemy were within eight rods, ainl
then discharged it with' fearful effect, he then ex . -
claimed—. The liberties of the country are safe !"
[Great cheering.]
The consequences, then, of the battle of Bunker
dill are just of the importance of the American rev
olution itself. If there is nothing of value—if there
is nothing worthy the regard of mankind in the re
volution itself—then there is nothing worthy arc
gard in the battle of Bunker Hill, and the conse
quences flowing from it. But if the American rev
olution be an era in the hi tors of man fa% orable to '
human happiness—if it be nn event which has shed
a vast influence on not only thin continent but. this
world—then that monument is not raised without
cause—then is Bunker Hill nut unworthy a perpet
ual memorial.
What then is the principle of the American revo
lion, and of this system of political government
which it has established and conformed ?
Now the truth is that the American Revolution
was not caused by any instantaneous adoption of a
theory of government which had ever before entered
into the minds of men, nor the embracing the ideas
and sentiments ofliberty, before altogether unknown.
On the contrary, it was but the development and
application of sentiments and opinions, which had
their origin for back in American and English
The discovery of America, its colonization by the
several states of Europe, the history oft' the colonies
when the principal of them threw of their allegiance
to the State by which they had peen planted, con
stituted a train of events among the most important
recorded in human annals. These events occupied
three hundred years, during which whole period
knowledge made steady progress in the old world;
so that Europe herself, at the time of the establish
ment of the New England States and Virginia, had
been greatly changed from that Europe which had
commenced the colonization of the continent three
hundred years before. And what is most material
to my purpose is, that in the first of these centuries
the settlement of Virginia and Massachusetts—
events occurred especially in England, and some
parts of the continent of Europe, which materially
changed the whole condition of society. Now we
know that after some few attempts in the reign of
Henry VII. to plant colonies in America, no effec
tive effort was etude for that purpose, either by the
crown, or the subjects under its protection, for al
most a century..
Without inquiring into the cause of this long de
lay, its consequences are sufficiently clear and
striking. England, in this lapse of a century, un
known to herself; was becoming fit and competent
to colonize North Aim ica, and men were training
for the purpose, competent to introduce the English
name and the Anglo Saxon race into a great portion
of this western world. The commercial spirit was
encouraged by several laws passed in the reign of
Henry VII, and countenance was given also to arts
and manufactures in the eastern counties of England;
and some not unimportant modifications of the Feu
dal System were effected by the power of breaking
the entailment of estates. These, and other meas
ures at that period, and other causes, produced a
new class of society, and caused it to emerge from
the bosom of the Feudal System. And this itself;
on the community of Europe. Thus was a cons
=wird or middle class—a class neither barons nor
great landholders on the one side, nor on the other
mere retainers of the great barons or the crown ; but
a class of industry, of commerce and education, thus
produced—a change on the face of Europe.
Operative causes were arising and cur land pro
duced un effect, which from the accession of Henry
VII. to the breaking out oT the civil wars, enabled
them to enjoy much More of peace than during the
contrt:Kersy of the houses of York and Lancaster.
Causes of another description also came into play—
the reformation of Luther broke out, kindling up
the minds of men afresh, leading to new habits of
thought and discussion, and the waking energies of
individuals that belbre were wholly unknown even
to themselves. The religious controversies of that
period •••• • auttstvii, sue in•
deed it were easy to prove, if this were the proper
occasion, that they changed the state in instances in
which they did not change the religion of the state.
The spirit of foreign commercial enterprise arid ad-
venture followed the revival of commerce.
Sir Walter Raleigh and his Associates in the set
tlement of Virginia, may be regarded as the first of
these causes, as a spirit of adventure and a hope of
gain, in the pursuit they occasionally deversitied the
dttty of settling the colony, by making eruizes upon
the ocean for the purpose of fighting with the Span
iards, and so frequent did they cross the ocean, that
the time and the difficulties and dangers of naviga
tion being considered, they were calculated to excite
the deepest surprise at their daring intrepidity.
It was other causes whirls moved the settlement
of New England. When the. May flower touched
our shores she came with no higher hope than for a
place of refuge, no love for gold—the prayer which
had been uttered on the Sea Coast of Holland, had
invoked a blessing upon her. She came like the
dove to seek a resting place for the sole of her weary
The star that guided her was pure religion—on
her deck was erected the altar of the living God, and
prayer on the ocean mingled with the sighing winds.
If prosperous winds filled her sails and carried them
on from, their own loud—if the elements were
wrought with fury, or if the tempest should threaten
to rend their fragil hark, still it could not change
their firm steady resolution to endure all—on shore
or on land—living or dying--the arm of God was
with them.
There ore some differences of opinion in New En
gland but they afford only a pleasing variety in the
great fatuity. They early felt the necessity of form
ing a union of come kind. The Revolution formed
new links, and finally the present form of Govern
nwnt which sees them with only one country, one
constitution, and one destiny.
The colonization ditto tropical Colonies afforded
an ample subject for meditation. As early as the
year UM—just about the period of settling Mas
sachusetts—Spain had formally token possession of
every foot of ground from Georgia to Cape Horn.
The object of her settlers was gold and they search
ed for it with a sordid haste touched with malig
nant cruelty.
Spain dill not proffer sovereignty to her colonies,
but maintained it by a military power. As there
was no liberty in Spain, Spain could transmit no
liberty to America.
On the other hand the Colonists were pursuing
their course of liberty. In vain descended upon
them the images of power, they would not yield, and
England only obtained her sway by proffering pro
teed°. Englund transplanted liberty to America—
Spain transplanted power. The Colonists were ma
king way to power by means of christianity and
minced°. Spain carried on her dominion by tire
and sword—the filmier colonized by industry, and
the latter stooped on its colonies like a falcon on his
prey, and thousands fell by fire and sword.
Tho difference resulting is that here, on this day,
at the foot of Bunker Bill, we are assembled to eel
bmte the completion of a monument dedicated to
freedom, and he could wish that it should be hailed
with an universal shout. [Cheering.]
Our inheritance woo of liberty—Spain's was of
power, commanding, unyielding, military power.—
In South Antenna there are only two millions of
European origin, while in this country there are
seventeen millions.
We must inquire what progess has been made by
the few republics, which have grown out of the
crumbling ruins of Mexico. The republics of
South America have shown themselves too much
disposed to use absolute power—to use military
power too much. Standing untie.: belon g to deg.
poisin —they do trot belong to—thoy arr out FI
place in a republican form of government. Ploy
enforce the civil authority by the military power.—
This is a Movement, but it is a retrograde one, tbr
it is on ostracism of civil government.
With proper regard for time and place, it is but
just to say that the difference in condition of North
and South America, arises from their political insti
tutions. And how broad is the distinction! Sup
pose a great .assembly to be convened in South
America, we should behold a volcano flaming, but
emitting no intellectual light—we ehould behold
large bodies of armed men, not freemen come forth
of their own free will to one of their festivals, but
hired men, ready to awe the multitude into submis
There arc places for the rich, and habitation:l
for the meanest; there is on episcopal hierarchy,
maintained at an immense cost, but there are no
Here the fields are verdant and smiling, because
they are tilled by our own hands. Our cities are
flourishing, for they have no dread of forced loans--
law, order, and security, cover the whole community.
Ten thousand youth are poured out from our schools,
and we look in vain for any such thing as this, ex
cept in those parts of the country settled under the
principles of liberty and christianity.
[tip to this phase of the oration, Mr. Webster
had been speaking upwards of one hour and a half;
and the Reporters were obliged to leave in order to
take passage on their return home; and it is but pro
per and just to add, that the latter half of the report
was taken under great disadvantages—the reporter
being seated in tlw midst of a bustling crowd, with
no convenience whatever for freedom ill writing,
with a strong breeze blowing in a direction opposite
to that in which he sat, and consequently could not
detect every word used. The sentiments are given,
if the exact language used is not.
There was a great disposition on the part of the
committee of arrangements to favor the Hoporters,
but their well-intentioncd etrorts failed, because of
the badness of the location of their seats. In less
than three minutes after Mr. Webster commenced
speaking, nearly every reporter had deserted his scat
and table, and, hook in hand, was taking his chance
amid the crowd.]
There never was before in Boston or perhaps in
the whole country, a display of so grand a character
as this. From all quarters people hart come up to
pay a reverence at the shrine of liberty, and to listen
to the honorable mention from the lips of the orator
of the achievement of those who struggled there,
and its tremendous consequences. A sip& idea
seemed to reign paramount with all; a single spot
seemed alone to possess an interest in their eyes,
and toward that spot they thronged m thousands;
and ono could not but paw to reflect how deep
and abiding must be the love of liberty in the heart,
when its expression was given in such a tone of
moral grandeur. No accident as we are aware of
cast a cloud upon the pleasures of the day, which
closed with festivities of a character suited to the
joyousness of the occasion.
We had the opportunity, shortly before the pro
cession fanned, of seeing the bullet which killed
General Warren. We believe that it was appro
priately reliTred to at the dinner at Fancuil
'One country, one constitution, one destiny."
cia ua waTiCciD rano
Wednesday morning, Tune 28,1843,
B. PALMER, Esq. (No. 104 S. Third
Street, Philadelphia,)is authoeized to act as Agent
for this paper, to procure subscriptions and adver
To Advertisers.
Advertisements must be handed in on Tuesday
morning before 9 o'clock to insure their insertion in
next morning's paper.
c ry. The lines of X. arc not altogether without
merit, yet some of them arc so defective as to render
them inadmissible:
Thniker Hill Monument Celebratio
In to-day's paper, commencing on the first
will be found the proceedings of this grey
lion, including the oration of Mr. Wcbst
copied front the Philadelphia U. S. Gazette, for
which paper two reporters had been sent t 8 witness
the Celebration. There were upwards of :30615C0
persons present at this grand jubilee,
cCr :Several interesting articles prepared for this
week's paper arc crowded out by the proceedings of
the Bunker Hill Monument CelebrAion.
c 0". We arc informed that on Sato cht night last
a most disgraceful assault and battery was commit
ted in Williamsburg, in this county. Two Packet
"hands" decoyed one of the citizens into an alley
and there fell upon him with clubs, and heat him
most unmercifully. The assailants, we learn, have
been committed to jail, to await there trial in Au
(.The Governor has vetoed the bill of the last
session, entitled " An Act to authorize the Governor
to incorporate the Perm'a. Canal and Railroad Com
pany from Philadelphia to Pittsburg." The mes
sage has been sent to the Secretary of the Com-.
monwealth to be delivered to the next Legislature
within three days after their meeting.
Death of Mr. Legere.
The following ❑nnouncement of the death of Mr.
Legere we find in the Boston Evening Bulletin of
Tuesday evening of last week.
" We regret to announce the death of the Hon.
Hugh S. Legere, Attorney General of the United
States, and acting Secretary of State, whirls took
place in this city this morning at a quarter before six
o'clock, at the house of George Ticknor, Esq. in
Park street. His death was caused by bilious cholic,
of which complaint he has been ill since his arrival
in this city on Friday last, on which day ho was
present at the reception room of the President, but
was not able farther to participate in the festivities
of the celebration. Mr. Legere was a resident of
Charleston, S. C., he was a gentleman of eminent
abilities, thoroughly learned in the law, and an ele
gant classical scholar. His death will be a severe
loss to the National Cabinet, of which Ile was one
of it' brightest ornaments mid most valuable mem-
Cancellation of Relief Notes.
The Democratic Union says that on the 31st ult.
the State Treasurer and Auditor General cancelled
an additional stun of $30,000 of the relief issues, '
The following statement shows by what banks they
were respectively issued, and the amount each of
these institutions has still in circulation :
Cancelled May 31. In cireulationl
Bello County Bank, $4,900 $10,2824
Manufac. & Mechanics' 4,000 09,200
West Branch Bank, 1,900 10,844
Towanda, 2,000 15,804
Moyameneing, 5,000 49,070
Penn Township, 5,100 88,942
Northampton, 1,1100 29,571
Eric, 25,000 341,979
j•The Washingtonians of Hollidaysburg pur-
pose celebrating the approaching Anniversary of
American Independence in a manner suitable to the
occasion. The Executive Committee give notice
of the intended celebration, and respectfully invite
neighboring societies and all others to attend.
Zliness of the Prosident.
The Boston Daily lice of Tuesday the 20th inst.
says:—" A friend just from the apartment of the
President, informs us that he was seized, during the
night, with a delirious fever, and that he is unable
to rise from his bed this morning. Dr. Warren is
in attendance upon him, and lie will receive all the
aid that can possibly be rendered. W resume that
his illness 11118 been occasioned by and unu
sual excitement."
New Post Office,
A new Post Oflicc has been established at Mary
Ann Furnace, in this county—between Coffee Run
and Cassvillc—and PenervAL P. DEWEES has been
appointed Postmaster.
THE subscriber will sell on reasonable
terms, that well known TAN YARD
PROPERTY, formerly belonging_ to John
Burket, situate near the town of Warriors
mai k, Huntingdon county, containing about
4. acres of good meadow land, with a
Tan Rouse, a Park Mill, a two story
Plastered Dwelling House,
a number of VATS, a good well of water,
and a good garden thereon. The land is in
good tillable order, and the buildings &c in
good repair. This property possesses great
er advantages in regard to location and con
venience than any other propel ty of the kind
in the country, and persons wishing to carry
on the Tanning Business will do well to call
and examine it.
The terms will be made known by the sub
scriber who lives about one mile and a half
from the premises.
June 28th 1843.-3 t pd.
%:311acfau.n.a1 49 6:5 Evlllas)gs.
BY virtue of an order issued out of the
Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, and
to me directed, I will expiate to sale, on the
premises, on Saturday the
at 2 o'clock P. M., the following described
real estate, late the estate (I William In
grhm, dec'd, situate in Frack:in township,
in said county, viz:
About thirty five acres of land, be the
same more or less, purchased front **Tel
Gray, David Elder, and others, cOmmonly
called '• Owl's Hollow," and?liciUncled by
lands of Jams Davis, Lyout'Shorb & Co.,
acd others, together with the machtnet y and
fixtures thereon erected, (now in the posses
sion of William Curry.) •
The terms ot .sule will be cash.
BY virtp . bla testatum writ of venditioni
ealtonas,lssued out of the Court of Common
'.Perry county, and to me directed,
rose to sale, by public vendue or out
r u the premises, the following described
' rty, seized, taken in execution, and to
old as the pi opirty of Thomas Patterson
'inner), on Thursday the 20th day of July
ext, at 10 o'clot k, A. M., viz :
All that lot of ground situate on the
noltherly side of Mulbec ry street in the town
of Hollidaysburg, Huntingdon county, front
ing on saia street and extending back at right
angles to said streei 180 feet to Strawberry
Ailey, being lot No. 46 111 the plan of the
said Town, thereon erected a two story plas
tered dwelling, house. Also, lot No. 3in the
old town of the said town of Hollidaysburg,
being 60 feet in front on Allegheny street,
xti filing back 180 feet to Strawberry Alley.
thereon et ected a two story brick tavern
house, a large trance stable and bat k
logs. Also, lot No. 20 in the said town of
HollidaysLurg, fronting 60 feet on lWalnut
street, and extending back 180 feet to Cher
ry alley, being the lot of ground purchased
Icy defendant [Thomas Patterson] by arti
cles of agreement, from James Lindsay, ad
joining a h t ct John James, and having a
two story frame house thereon erected.—
Also, a lot or piece of pound situate on the
corner of Blair and Montgomery street, in
the town of Hollidaysburg, being 55 feet
more or less, on each street, being part of
lot No.—in said town plot, having thereon
erected a large three .story Brick house and
a two story frame hi use."
fri - The terms of sale will he cash.
Sheriff's Office, Hunting- /
don, June 28, 1893. $
'Outline Aalr.
THE subsctiber will diet , at public sale,
hi s entire stock of perssnal property, viz
10 Horses and ewers, 3 new Wagons,
several old ones, a large assort
menl orsToRE GOODS, Nails,
Glass by the box, While
lead by the keg, Bar
lion, Coal, 800
Ln , %. k aaar.:p - allUquzzcza a
together with a variety of other articles
too tedious to enumerate.
(rreSide to commence on Wednesday the
sth day of Zuly next,
. . . _
at 10 o'clock A. M., and continue until all is
sold. Due attendance and a reasonable ere-,
clid will be givF.n.l2y._.
Elizabeth nage, Frai