Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 21, 1843, Image 4
THE HUNTINGDON JOURNAL. ..One country, one constitution, one destiny." LlClmuuttamaciaatailil a Wednesday morning, /tine 21,1843. V. B. PALMER, Esq. (No. 10 t S. Third Street, Philadelphia,) is authorized to act as Agent for this paper, to procure subscriptions and (dyer. :lament& To Advertisers. Advertisements must be handed in on Tuesday morning before 0 o'clock to insure their insertion in felt morning's paper. EP ze co as co cat Ct Inas SOR INCRZASING AND LITEVDING TM; "NUNTINODON JOURNAL." "The experiment has been tried, and it is suffi ciently proved," that a newspaper can be supported in Huntingdon county. Nearly eight years ago the publication of the "bonsai." was commenced under circumstances the most unpropitious. By some it was whispered that it would "follow in the footsteps of its predecessors"—go down, as did other papers started here, by reason of mismanagement and neglect. Others stood aloof, and looked upon the enterprise with an eye of suspiscion and distrust. Its founder and late editor, however, launched his frail bark upon the "tempestuous ocean of experi ment," and soon had the satisfaction of knowing that he had weathered the storm and succeeded in placing his feet upon terra firma. Although little exertion has been made, the sub scription list has more than doubled itself since the commencement; and notwithstanding the severe pressure of the times ever since we assumed the editorial chair, it has steadily increased and is yet increasing in numbers. Thus , ,ouraged, we have purchased new type &c, and improved the the ap pearance of our paper, so that we are now enabled to present the neatest and most beautiful paper ever published in Huntingdon county or the " region round about." We believe not only that our old friends arc de termined to stand by us, but that there are many others, who, if solicited, would cheerfully extend their support to their own county paper, knowing that it will be vastly to their advantage to do so.— For this purpose we have issued this prospectus, hoping that our friends in the diferent villages and townships of the county, will use their influence to extend our circulation by procuring new subscribers. We have gone to considerable expense to improve and beautify the "Journal," and to obviate objec tions to it. We now promise still further improve ment 11s soon as our circumstances will permit us to do so. Our intention is to make the "Journal" emphati cally a tAitur NEWSPAPER-an ever welcome ye hick for the conveyance of interesting and useful information to every circle. We are prepared to spread Intelligence from every• quarter of the habita ble globe before our readers weekly, as well as from every section of our own nation, state and county. Being in the monthly receipt of the best lierary pub lications in the country, we can also furnish much of the choice Literature of the day. The Fanner, ever the „ bone and sinew" of the Republic, will find his interests attended to, under the head of Agricul ture; and the cause of Religion, of Morality, and of Temperance shall not suffer, while at the same time we devote a corner of our paper to Amusement. The "Journal is now the only paper published at the "Seat of Justice" of the great county of Hunt ingdon; and there is no probability that there will be any other for a long time to come. Time has been when other papers were put forth here, and political warfare was then carried on to an alarming extent, which proved to a certain degree destructive of the peace and happiness of our citizens. That time, however, is past, and we trust the scenes of excitement and violence then witnessed may never again be re-enacted in our midst. Experience has taught us all that no good can result from extrava gant political wrangling and personal vituperation. We do not wish to be understood to usume neu tral ground for our future course.—The "Journal" will, as heretofore, maintain Whig principles with all rant:case and in MODERATION, as xve believe the welfare of our common country to depend upon the success of those principle. Believing thus, we will continue the humble but steadfast advocate of the Whig cause "through sunshine and through storm" —through success and through defeat. And altho' on the Presidential question, our personal predilec tions are strongly in favor of the great champion!of our creed—llzmnr CLAY-yet we Ault yield our full and hearty support to the nominee of the Whig National Convention, should that body, in its wis dom, select some one of the other distinguished Statesmen whose names have been mentioned in connection with the Presidency of the United States. In short, no efforts on our part shall be wanting to make the "Journal" what a newspaper ought to be—a messenger of inestimable value to the Farmer, Mechanic, Manufacturer, Merchant, and all Mal acca Clams whatsoever, TERMS: The "1I Tr nenoo JovavaL'ispublishedevery Wednesday morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance—and if not paid within six months $2 50 will be charged. No subscriptions will be received for a shorter , period than six months, nor any paper discontinued till all arrearagcs are paid, unless at the option of the editor. In thus soliciting an extension of public favor, the undersigned tenders his sincere thanks to his friends and patron. for the kindness and liberality hereto fore received at their hand., and he hopes to merit a continuance of their patronage. THEO. H. CBEMER. Huntingdon. hill!, 7, 190. MORGAN'S RHEUMATIC LINIMENT, HIS LINIMENT has fully established a character superior to any medicine ever offered for so painful a disease in this and the neighboring counties the relief it has given and the cures performed is fully known. The Medicine may be obtained at the following Stores, viz MIFFLIN COUNTY. Lewistown William Marks Waynesburg Smith & M'Vey Reedsville I). C. Miller Stcrretts Mill's K E. Lock & Co. Pet ryville W. & T. Reed Greenwood Jos. A. Bell A Ilenville Wm. Bell. HUNTINGDON COUNTY. Huntingdon Jacob Miller do. T. K. Simonton Mill Creek J. 11. Dorsey & Co. McConnelstown James Campbell Jr. Shirleysburg W. & B. Leas Orbisonia T. E. Orbisnn & Co. Shades Brice X. Blair Rebecca Furnace J. M'Kernan Hollidaysburg Robert Williams Yellow Springs James M. Kinkead Alexandi la John Porter Petersburg Jos. M. Stevens Shavers Creek Walker & Neff Saulsburg H. L. M'Carthy Ennis%)lle J. A. Bell & Brothers CENTRE COUNTY Bellefonte John Harris Farmers Store Penns Valley, J. A. Booser Mil'helm J. & W. L. Mustier Aaronsburg 0. P. & W.C.Duncan Spring Mills Duncan & Hays Boalsburg William S. Wolf Pine Grove B. Shulze. JUNIATA COUNTY. Mifflintown Samuel Pennebaker Perrysville Charles Yowling Johnstown Tus'a Va'y Micklagh & Milleken Jackson Ville James B. Morrison Waterford Matthew Laughlin Near do. J. S. Laird Waterloo David Kling JOHN J. MORGAN. Letters to the proprietor should be sent to Brown's Mills P. 0., Mifflin county) Pa. March 8, 1843.-Iy. ROCKDALE FOUNDRY. tr I t E r t s ubscriberne ci en s oHuntin g don wo ul d respectfully and the adjoining counties, that he still continues to carry on business at the Rockdale Foundry, on Clover Creek, two miles from Williams burg, where he is prepared to execute all orders in his line, of the best materials and workmanship, and with promptness and de spatch He will keep constantly on hand stoves of every description, such as GrOokinili Iten Vicar, Parlor, Coal, Rotary, Calking and Wood Stoves: Livingston Ploughs, Anvils, Hammers, Hollow Ware and every kind of castings necessary for for ges, mills or machinery of any description ; wagon boxes of all descriptions, ea., which can be had on as good terms as they can be had at any other foundry in the county or state. Remember the Rockdale Foundry, WILLIAM KENNEDY. Jan. 11th 1843. CHAIRS, CHAIRS. The subscriber respectfully in !. forms the inhabitants of Hunt * ingdon and its vicinity, that he has opened an establishment in the borough of Lewistown, for ' the manufacture of Chairs, Set tees, &c., of the following kinds, viz: French Chairs, Half Fi ench, Grecian. Fan cy curled Mae, Black Walnut, Office, Fancy and Windsor,Boston Rocking, Spring seat Mahogany, Cabinets, and Studying Chairs. SETTEES. -- _-_-JC .), ;,., I , , - ' ' , l' ( , ~, ~,1 0 11 1 111d111i111111011010111101 , ,, I ;i f liffiiv ' 'l.' !,,03. , "--- _ _, ... ~ . ' - -,e,:1-1 Mohgany, Fancy, Cushion, cane and common Settees, on an improved and fashionable plan, Settee Bedsteads, both elegant and useful, designed to close up, making a handsome Settee with cushion seat for the day time. The subscriber having been for several years past engaged in the above business in the cities of New York and Providence It. 1. he flatters himself that he will be able to give general satisfaction to all those who will honor hint with their patronage. All the above mentioned articles, and every thing in his line of business lie will furnish in the latest style and fashion, on the most reasonable terms, and warranted to doood service. N. 13.—Chairs, Settees, &c., repaired and ornamented on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. A constant supply of the above mentioned articles may be seen at the Wareroom, one door east of the Store of Mrs. Jane M'Cor mirk and immediately opposite the store of Patterson & Horner. GEORGE W. SWAIN. Lewistown, Nov. 30, 1842. TO HOUSEKEEPERS, 25,000 sale F un) v d e s F e athers rvowi fo nany quantities to suit purchasers fur cash at prices from 10, 15, 0 and 23 cents per pound. Ready made beds, bolsters. and pillows, and curled hair mattresses, moss do. and all other kinds to suit any size beadsteads always on hand. Curled hair and New Orleans moss by the bale or single pound. Country store keepers would find it to their advantage by calling on the subscri bers before purchasing. FINLEY 4. co. South East corner of Second and Walnut street, Phil'a. March 22, 1643 —3m. Jllcr received 50 kega of " Pure White Lead" in oil, and a general assort ment of Nails, which will be sold at low 11" ILLIAM DORIIIS. For Consumption of the Lungs. Affections of the Liver, Asthma, Bronchitis, Pains or Weakness of the Breast or Lungs, Chronic Coughs, Pleurisy, Hemorrhage of the Lungs, and all affections of the Pulmonary Organs Nature't own Prescription. A compound Balsamic preparation of the Prunus Virsiniana of •Wild Cherry Bark,' combined with the Extract of Tar, prepa• red by a chemical process, approved and recommended by the most distinguished physicians, and universally acknowledged the must valuable medicine ever discovered. No Quackery ! / No Deception, In setting forth the virtues of this truly great medicine, we have no desire to deceive those who are laboring under the affliction, nor do we wish to eulogize it more than it deserves. Vet we look around and see the vast amount of suffering and distress occa sioned by many of the diseases in which this medicine has proved so highly successful, we feet that we cannot urge its claims too strongly, or say too much in its favor. Various remedies it is true have been of- fered and puffed into notice for the cure of diseases of the Lungs, and some have no doubt been found very useful, bat all that have yet been discovered, it is admitted by physicians and all others who have witness ed its effects, that none have proved as suc cessful as this. Such, indeed, are the Surprising Virtues Of this Balsam, that even in the advanced stages of Consumption, after all the most esteemed remedies of physicians have failed to effect any change, the use of this medi cine has been productive of the most aston ishing relief, and actually effected cures after all hopes of recovery had been dis paired of. In the first stage of the disease, termed Catarrhal Cononimptian, originating from neglected COLDS, it has been used with un deviating success, and hundreds acknowl edge they owe the restoration of their health to this invaluable medicine. alone, in that form of consumption so prevalent amongst delicate young females, commonly termed debility, or " Going into a Decline," A complaint with which thousands are lin gering. it has also proved highly successtul, and not only possesses the power of checking the progress of this alarming complaint, but also strengthens and invigorates the system more effectually than any medicines we have ever possessed. Besides its suprising efficacy in consump tion, it is equally efficacious in Liver Com plaint, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all affec tions of the Lungs, and has cured many of the mast obstinate cases, after every other remedy had failed. irr• For particulars see Dr. Wistor's treaties on consumption, to be had of the agents. WHILE LIFE REMAINS WE STILL HAVE SOME HOPE. A SURPRISING CuttE.---Among the many singular cures which this medicine has ef fected, there is perhaps none in which its powers are so fully shown as in the case of Mrs. Austin. This lady has been consumptive for seve ral years, and during the greater part of this time had received the best medical attention, and tried all the most valuable remedies, yet nothing could be found to arrest its progress. She became subject to violent fits of cough ing, expectorated large quantities of matter occasionally tinged with blood, and step by step this fearful disease continued its course, until all hopes of a recovery was des paired of. While in this distressing situa tion, lingering upon the very verge of the grave, she commenced the use of this Bal sam, which, to use her own expressien, op perated almost like a charm. In a few days she expectorated freely, the cough was gra dually suppressed, and every day appeared to add fresh vigor to her looks, and now, in the place of that emaciated form withering to decay, she is seen mingling in society, in better health than she has enjoyed for_ years. DISINTERESTED TEsnalony.----1-laving witnessed the sutprising efficacy of Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, in the case of Mrs. Austin, 1 cheerfully acknowl edge the above statement to be true and cor rect. J. C. lA'ALTERS, M. D. LevEa C oat y LAINT. ---M rs. Eliza Thomp son was afflicted with this complaint for nearly five years, during which time she was under the most skilful physicians—had tried Mercury, Botanic and Honicepatliic reme dies, and every thing that offered her any hopes of relief. She had dull, wandering pains in her side, sometimes in the shoulder and small of the back, a hacking cough, fre quent pains in the breast, and had been una ble to sleep on her right side for three years. By the use of this Balsam she wascured in a few weeks, and remains well to this day. ELIZA THOMPSON. Woodstown, Sept. 4, 1842. Dear Sir:—Although your valuable medi cine has already found hundreds of powerful advocates, it still may be gratifying to you to receive a communication from any one that has been relieved by it. Such, sir is truly my case. I lave been a victim of that terri ble disease consumption, for many months, and have suffered so much, that I had be come almost weary of my life. Hearing your Balsam so highly praised, I began ta king a few weeks back, and can assure you that it has relieved me more than any thing I have ever used before, and I confidently believe it will cure me effectually. Please give the bearer the worth of the enclosed, and oblige Yours Respectfully, JOHN I'EARSON. Chester county, Sept 6, 1841. Friend Wistar:—lt gives me much plea sure to inform thee that my wile's health has improved very much since she has been using thy Balsam of Wild Cherry, and we think there is no doubt it will cure her. She has taken the two bottles I purchased front thee a short time since, and her cough is much better, she also sleeps well at night, and says she has found nothing to give her SO much relief. Thee will please give the bearer two bottles more for Thy Friend, EDWARD HOLMES. t Read the following from Dr. Jacob Hoffman, a physician of extensive practice in Huntingdon count) : Dear Sir:-1 procured one bottle of Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, from Thomas Read, Esq: of this place, and tried it in a case of obstinate Asthma on a child of Paul Schweble, in which many other reme dies had been tried without any relief. The Balsam gave sudden relief, and in my opin ion the child is effectuelly cured by its use. Yours, &c. JACOB HOFFMAN, M. D. Dec. 23, 1841. Dear Sir:—Your Balsam of Wild Cherry has effected some astonishing cures here,— One of which is an old lady, Mrs. Russel, who has been suffering for a long time with shortness of breathing, and general weak ness, until she was finally cbliged to keep her bed. After various other remedies had -ken resorted to in vain, she commenced using your Balsam, and after taking two bot tles was so far recovered as to be able to at tend to all the duties of her house, and on taking two bottles more was entirely cured. Respectfully &c., JOHN S. C. MARTIN. Pottsville, Pa. CAUTI6N.--As there is a spurious mix• tore called Syrup of Wild Cherry, purcha sers should be particular• to ask for Dr. 1J /star's Ba/sant, and observe his signature on the bottle. Prepared for the proprietor, and sold at wholesale by Williams & Co., Chemists, No. 21 Minor street, Philadelphia, sold also in almost every town in the United States. Price one dollar per bottle. For sale by Thomas Read, Huntingdon, and James Orr, Hollidaysburg. November 30, 1842. TO ZAIBIEDIMIRM THOMAS DOUGALSS, GUN-SMITH, 11)ESPECTFULLY informs his friends, *IA and the public generally, that he still continues the above business in bl'CONti ELLSTOWN, and is prepared to manufacture all kinds of Guns or Pistols, or to make any necessary re pairs upon any article of the kind. If careful attention will merit success, he hopes to se cure the patronage of the sharp shouters of this county. October 11,1842, CLOCK AND WATCH MAKING, =r C ,- -114 The subscriber respectfully informs his customers, that he has recently returned from the City with a splendid assortment of Jewelry consisting of Gold and Silver Levers, English, Quartier and Patent, Vertical IL &ekes, Gold and Silver Everpointed Patent Pen cils ileinaluiy Frames. Gold Fob and Guard Chains, Gold Seals, a general assortment of Gold Guard and Fob Keys, a very superior assortment of Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Gold Snaps, Silver Spoons, Sugar Tongs, Salt Spoons, Silver Butter Knives, Gillotts, Steel Pens, Ear Rings, Neck Laces, Bracelets, Silver and Steel Spectacles. Also, A superior assort ment of Pen Knives, with from one to four blades, manufactured by Rodgers Westin holm and Butcher. Also, A few Extra Ra zors warranted. All the above named ar ticles will be sold on reasonable terms. All Watches sold will be warranted for one year, and a written guarantee given, that if not found equal to warranty, it will (du ring that period) be put in onder without expense, or it uninjured, may be exchanged for any other watch of equal value. '1 he Warranty is considered void, should the watch, with which it is given be put into the hands of an other watch maker. D. BUOY. September 7th, 1842. A. B. Clocks and Watches, repaired as usual, Also, an assortment of Clocks for Sale cheap for cash TEMPEL:4.IOE HOUSE. ri Hl subscriber occupying the • large three story brick dwell ing house at the south east corner of Allegheny and Smith streets, In the borough of Huntingdon, the third story of which doling the last summer has been fitted for sleeping rooms .• having a large stable on the premises, and having employed a care ful person to attend to it and take care of horses, &c., informs the public that she is prepared to accommodate such of her friends and such strangers and travellers as may de sire accommodation. She respectfully soli cits a share of üblic patronage, and hopes the friends of Temperance will give her a call. ESTHER CLARKE. Huntingdon March 1, 1843. Snyder's Pegetable Concrete. Trdo certify that my wife was afflicted for some time with a very severe cough, with a pain in the breast, and after many other remedies had failed I was induced to procure a bottle of J. Snyder's Vegetable Concrete, and she was perfectly restored by the use of part of a bottle full. HUGH KELLEY, For sale by Jacob Snyder, Hollidaysburg. Jan. 18, 1843. E % 1111,AWIL111110. (OA EGS to inform the inhabitants of Hun tingdon and its vicinity, that he has commenced the business of light and heavy wagon making, and every kind of vehicle re pairing. Having learnt his trade in England, he is prepared to furnish either the English or American style of wagons, and hopes by diligence and attention to merit a share of public patronage. N. B. Shop near to Mr. J. llonck's black smith shop. Huntingdon, April 19, 1843.-Iy. - .91TTORXEIr . 1 1T .L.IIIC HUNTINGDON, PA. Practices in the senes•al Courts of Ilan tingdon and Mifflin counties. gra LANK BONDS to Coustable: for• Stay gal of Execution, under the new law, just • ‘t -d, and tot b.IIC, at this office. NATURAL PRINCIP LES. It is written in the Book of Nature and common sense, that the natural vegetable productions of every country are, if prop erly applied, amply sufficient for the cure of every malady incident to that clime. IV►►tctrr's INDIAN VEGETADLF, PILLS are founded upon the principle, that the human body is subject to but one disease, v:z: corrupt humors, which, when couft• ned to the circulation, give rise to those disordered motions of the blood called le , vers; but when lodged in the various parts of the body, are the cause not only of every ache or pain we sutler, but every malady incident to man. It should be remembered that (Fright's Indian Vegetable Pills are composed of roots and herbs, which grow spontaneous ly on our own soil, and consequently are so admirably adapted to our constitutions that, while they cannot possibly injure even the most delicate, a perseverance in their use, according to directions, is absolutely certain to di ice disease of every name from tl►e body. When we wish to restore a swamp or morass to fertility, do we not drain it of the superabundant water I In like man ner, ►f we would restore the body to health, we must cleanse it from impurity. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, will be found peculiarly adapted to carrying out this grand purifying, because they ex pel all corrupt humors in an easy and natural manner, and while they every day GIVE EASE AND PLEASURE, the constitution is restored to such a state of health and vigor, that disease will find ilno abiding place in the body. liilV,lllE OF COUN'TERPEITS: As the great popularity of W right's Indi an 'Vegetable Pills, has raised up a host of counterfeiters the public are cautioned against impostors, who ire travelling about the country, selling to the unsuspecting storekeepers a spurious article for the above celebrated Pills. It should be remembered that, all who sell the genuine medicine ate provided with a certificate of agency, of which the following is a copy : This is to certify that the within na med - is a regular and duly appointed -Agent for the sale of Wright' Indian Vegetable Pills, in the town of -, in the State of --, and this certificate, which is sogned by Win. Wright, Vice President of the North American College of Health must also be countersigned by the acting, Clerk or Agent, from whom said certih ca tes is received. This certificate of agency will be re newed every twelve months; therefore, if any alteration should be made in the date, du not purchase. The public are further informed that all who receive the above certificate, arc also equired to sign the following 0:1" PLEDGE.O This is to certify, that the subscriber by certificate bearing even date herewith, signed with the proper handwriting of William Wright, Vice President of the North American College of Health, - been appointed Agent for the sale of WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, Or Indian Purgative, in the town of and State of -, to hold and continue in said agency during the pleasure of the said William Wright, and no lung3r, any thin; contained in the said certificate signed by the said William Wright, to the contrary thereof notwith standing. In consideration whereof, I hereby covenant and agree to and with the said William Wright that I will not sell, or expose to sale, any medicine bear ing the above or a similar name during my said agency, other than that which I re ceive from his authorized agent or agents, under the penalty of five hundred dollars to be paid by him, as liquidated damages. Witness-hand and seal, the - day of - one thousand eight hundred and forty thus it will be seen that the friends of the genuine medicine may be perfectly free from any apprehension of fraud, as all agents, who are provided with a certificate of agency, have invariably SIGNED THE PLEDGE not to sell any Indian Vegetable Pills ex cept those received From the above named IVilliam Wright, or his authorized agents. Country agents and other, will be on their guard against travelling imposters, and remember that all authorized travel hog agents are also provided with a certi.- ficate of agency as above described, and that Pills uttered fur side, by those who cannot show a certificate of agency, are sure to be counterfeit. It will be further observed that all genu ine medicine has the title expressed in full on the sides of the boxes thus: WRIGHT'S INDIAN VECIETABLEPILLS, (Indian Purgative) OF THE NORTH AMERICA COLLEGE OV HEALTH, The patrans of Wright's Indian Vege table Pills, a ill also bear in mind that the directions which accompany each box of Pills, have been secured by copywright, and the proper form, viz: " Entered ac• cording to the act or Congress, in the year 1840, by William Wright, in the Clerk's Office, of the District Court of the Eas• tern District of Pennsylvania," will be found at the bottom of the first page of said directions. Thus it will be seen, that a trilling at• tention on the part of the purchaser to the above particulars, m ill put an effectual stop to this wholesale robbery, and drive, it is hoped, all depredators upon society to an honest calling. The following highly respectable store keepers have been appointed agents fur the sale of Irright's Indian Vegetable Pills, of :IR North American College of Health. William Stewart, Huntingdon. Henry Learner Hollidaysburg, B.F. Bell, Antes township. Hobert McNamara, Newry. Samuel S. Isett, '1 yrone township. MiPikens & Kessler, Mill Creel. A. & N. Cresswell, Petersburg. Gemmel & Porter, Alexandria. Moore & Steiner, Water Si r e el. Joseph Patton, Jr. Duncansville. R. H. McCormick, Collinsville. Wolf & Willet, Frankstown. Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of the medicine, wholesale and reiail, No. `..288-‘‘ Greenwich street, New York ; and No. 195 'Fremont street, Boston ; and Principal Of fice, Na. 169 Race street, Philadelphia. N. B. The public are respectfully in formed that the Pills made by one V. 0. Flack, and sold by a man named Parlor. in Third street, are not the Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills ; and as contact feiters and their associates sell at halt price, it is absolutely imposshle fur them to have the genuine medicine for sale. **. Be particular in all cases to uek for the genuine Wright's Indian Vegetable November 50, 1842. PTO INVALIDS...a How important it is that you commence without loos of time with BRANDRIMI PILLS. They mildly but surely rt move all impui ides from the blood, atilt nu cane of sickness can effect the human frame, that ,^ these celebrated Pills donut relieve as much as medicine can do. Coins and Conons are more bend:titled by the Brandreth fills than by Lozenges and Candies. Very wcll, perhaps, as palliatives, but worth nothing as ERADICATORS of diseasts from the human system. 'rile Brandreth Pills cure, they do not merely relieve, they cum Diseases, whether chronic or recent, infectious or oth erwise, will certainly be cured by the use of these all-sufficient Pills. CURE OF A CANCEROUS SORE. SING SING. January 21, 1843. DR. BENJAMIN BRANDRETII Honor% Sir,— Owing to you a debt of gratitude that mo ney cannot pay. I am induced to make a public acknowledgement of the benefit my wife has derived from your invaluable Pills. About three years this winter she was taken with a pain in her allele, which soon became very much inflamed, and swollen, so mach so that we became much alarmed, and sent for the doctor. During his attendance the pain and swelling increased to an alarming degree, and in three weeks from its first commencing it became a running sore. She • could get no rest at night the pain was so great. Our first doctor attended her fur six months, and she received no benefit what ever, the pain growing worse and the sore larger all the time. He said if it washealed up it would be her death, but he appeared to be at a loss how to proceed, and my poor wife still continued to suffer the most terrible tortures. We therefore sought other aid, in a Butannical doctor, who said when he first saw it that he could soon cure the acre and give her ease at.once. To our stile lie gave her no relief, and acknowledged it quite baffled all his skill. Thus we felt atter having trie d durin whole year the experience of two celebrat physicions in vain, in absolute despair. My poor wife's constitution rapidly failing in' the prime of her years from her continued suffering. Under these circumstances we concluded that we would try your Universal VegetablC Pills, determined to fairly test then* curative effects. To my wife's great comfort the first few doses afforded great re lief of the pain. Within one week, to the astonishment of ourselves and every one who knew the case, the swelling and the /Au motion began to cease so that she felt quite easy, and would sleep comfortable, and sir. after six weeks' use she was able to go thro' the house and again attend to the manage ment of her family, which site had not dune for nearly fourteen months. In a little over two mouths from the time she first commen ced the use of your invaluable Pills her allele was quite sound, and her health better than, it had been in quite a number of years be, fore. I send you this statement atter two years test of the cure, considering it only an act of justice to you antl the public a large. We are with much gratitude, Very respectfully, TIMOTHY & ELIZA A. LITTLE. PS.—The Botanical Doctor pronounced the sore cancerous, and finally said no good could be done, unless the whole of the flesh was cut oft and the bone scraped. Thank a kind Providence, this made us resort to your Pills, which saved us from all further mis• cry, and for which we hope to be thankful. T. & E.•A. 1.. • Dr. Brandreth's Pills lire for sale by the following Agents in Huntingdon county. Thomas Read, Hutmgdon. Wm. Stewart, Huntingdon. A. & N. Cresswell, Petersburg. Mary W. Neff, Alexandria. Joseph Patton, Jr. Do ucansviile. Hartman & Smith, Manor Hill. S. Miles Green &Co. Barrer Furv, 'Tomas Owens, Birmingham. A. Patterson, Williamsburg. Peter Good, Jr. Canoe ( 'reek. John Lutz, Shirlevsburg. Observe each of * Dr. Bredreth's Agents have an engraved certificate . of Agency E.- Examine this and you will hind the NW LABLE.ti upon the certificate corresponthhg with those un the Boxes, none other are gen uine. B. BRANDRETH, M. D, l'hil'a. Office S. North Bth St.-Iy. WASHINGTON HOTEL MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, Pa The subscriber respectfully announces to his friends and the public gznerally, that he has taken the above named well known Tavern Stand, (formerly kept by NV m. E. Camp,) where he will endeavor to serve those that may call upon him in the most satisfactory manner: The House is centrally and plea santly located, and is furnished throughout with the best of bedding and other furniture, and his accommodations ate such as to make it a convenient and desirable stopping place. irr No exertions will be spared to make it agreeable in all its departments to those who may favor him with a call. FREDERICK J. FENN. December 21, 1842. S.B. IrMIRTOA; 4ITTOIBIIZZ azil.l7* HUNTINGDON, PA. Office in Main B,:rtet, opposite L'rvg Ntorc Read. i