N THE HUNTINGDON IDURNAL "One country, one constitution, one destiny." Lea awn a v.= codtica) Wednesday morning, June 14,1843. V. B. PALMER, Esq. (No. 104 S. Third Street, Philtuf e4.41a,) is authorized to act as Agent for this paper, to procure subscriptions and adeer /laments. To Advertisers. Advertisements must be handed in on Tuesday morning before 9 o'clock to insure their insertion in next morning's paper. ~rn®ssap®csaQonss son INC REASING ANU EXTENDING Tits MACULA" TION or THE "maiNTraranoN 30131LNAL." "The experiment has been tried, and it is sulli ciently proved," that a newspaper can be supported in Huntingdon county. Nearly eight years ago the publication of the "Joents.ti." was commenced under circumstances the most unpropitious. By some it was whispered that it would "follow in the footsteps of its predecessors"—go down, as did other papers started here, by reason of mismanagement and neglect. Others stood aloof, and looked upon the enterprise with an eye of suspiscion and distrust. Its founder and late editor, however, launched his frail bark upon the "tempestuous ocean of experi ment," and soon had the satistitction of knowing that he had weathered the storm and succeeded in placing his feet upon terra firma. Although little exertion has been made, the sub scription list has more than doubled itself since the commencement; and notwithstanding the severe pressure of the times ever since we assumed the editorial chair, it has steadily increased and is yet increasing in numbers. Thus encouraged, we have purchased new type &c, and improved the the ap pearance of our paper, so that we are now enabled to present the neatest and most beautiful paper ever published in Huntingdon county or the " region round about." We believe not - only that our old Mends are de tennined to stand by us, but that there are many others, who, if solicited, would cheerfully extend their support to their own county paper, knowing that it will be vastly to their advantage to do so.— For this purpose we have issued this prospectus, hoping that our friends in the different villages and townships of the county, will use their influence to extend our circulation by procuring new subscribers. We have gone to considerable expense to improve and beautify the ' , Journal," and to obviate objec tions to it. We now promise still further improve ment as soon as our circumstances will Our intention is to make the "Journal" emphati cally a FAMILY NEWSPAPER-an ever welcome ve hicle for me conveyance of interesting and useful information to every circle. We are prepared to spread /Well:genes from every quarter of the habita ble globe before our readers weekly, as well as from every section of our own nation, state and county. Being in the monthly receipt of the best liemry pub lications in the country, we can also furnish much of the choice Literature of the day. The Farmer, ever the "bone and sinew" of the Republic, will find his interests attended to, under the head of Agricul ture and the cause of Religion, of Morality, and of Temperance shall not suffer, while at the .nne time we devote a comer of our paper to Amusement. The "Journal is now the only paper published at the "Seat of Justice" of the great county of Hunt ingdon; and there is no probability that there will be any other for a long time to come. Time has been when other papers were put forth here, and political warfare was then carried on to an alarming extent, which proved to a certain degree destructive of the peace and happiness of our citizens. That time, however, is past, and we trust the scenes of excitement and violence then witnessed may never again be re-enacted in our midst. Experience has taught us all that no good can result from extrava gant political wrangling and personal vituperation. We do not wish to be understood to assume neu tral ground for our future course.—The "Journal" will, as heretofore, maintain Whig principles with all rsiaxisss and in MODEIIATION, as we believe the welfare of our common country to depend upon the success of those principles. Believing thus, we will continue the humble but steadfast advocate of the Whig cause "through sunshine and through storm" —through success and through defeat. And rah& on the Presidential question, our personal predilec tions are strongly in favor of the great champion!of our creed—Has nr Cr.sr —yet we shall yield our full and hearty support to the nominee of the Whig National Convention, should that body, in its wis dom, elect some one of the other distinguished :Statesmen whose news have been mentioned in connection with the Presidency of the United States. In short, no efforts on our Part shall be wanting to make the "Journal" what a newspaper ought to be—a messenger of inestimable value to the Farmer, Mechanic, Manufacturer, Merchant, and all Busi ness Classes whatsoever. TERM The" HUNTINGDON 70131. AL " is published every Wednesday morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance—and if not paid within six months $2 00 will be charged. No aubseriptiona will be received for a shorter period than Biz months, nor any paper discontinued till all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the editor. In thus soliciting an extension of public favor, the undersigned tenders his sincere thanks to his friends and patrons for the kindness and liberality hereto fore received at their hands, and he hopes to merit a continuance of their patronage. C 17....ru1gitr., ?vie Y. 1313. cLI. The absence of the Editor is noticed as an apology for any deficiency that may be discernible in this week's paper. New York Cynosure. We have received the first and second numbers of a neutral penny daily newspaper bearing the above name, published in the city of New York, by an Association of practical printers. Its general ap pearance is neat, and its moral tone is of a high or , der. We think it is* such a paper as is greatly needed in New York. We wish it success, and shall gladly put it on our exchange list. The Late Frosts, We learn from our exchange papers that the frosts on the Ist and 2nd of this month, which in jured the vegetation here to a great degree, extended over the whole country, from Boston to as far West as we have heard from. Read and Remember. We would just intimate to our patrons, in as modest a way as possible, that our paper makers want money, and that we have none to pay them with. We hope our friends will bear this in mind when they or their neighbors come to attend the June Adjourned Court next week and the week after. New School House. The Board of Directors have allotted the building of a two sully Brick School House, 40 by 50 feet, in this Borough, to Messrs. CUNNINGHAM & BUR cnrcELL of this place, at $lBOO. National Forum. Mr. WALLACE, the able editor of this penny daily has enlarged his paper, and associated with himself in the editorial department, NATHAN SARGENT, Esq., a well tried and unfaltering soldier in the Whig ranks, and a gentleman who has the capacity to ren der good service to the cause he espouses. Incidents that should be recorded. Some time ago, while on a visit, about twenty five miles from this place, we were in conversation with a gentleman in the meridian of life, if not past it, when suddenly changing the subject, he said, "Do you know Miss J—, a servant girl in your town'!" Knowing all the girls in town, our an swer was of course in the affirmative. " Well" said he, "do you know how she is liked'!" We replied that we heard her mistress (knowing them all, too) speak favorably of her. "Now," said he, "I'm right glad of it—l'm rejoiced--I bespoke her the situation, and sent her up—her mother is a poor widow, and how she will be pleased!" We made no further reply, but thought to ourself- 11 there is oneof your much persecuted Bachelors! Show us a Bachelor, and we will show you the widow's and the orphan's constant friend." The same gentleman came to this place last win ter, in the deepest snow, to attend a Temperance Celebration. He met us it the street, and in a common conversation he told us he did not come in his sleigh because some two or three dozen of young ladies and their anxious mammas had innitedhimto able to take all of them, he lent "tO his neighbor and came here on horseback, for fear that by taking one of the interesting beauties he might give offence to others. There again was the soul of the Bachelor manifest. But the ladies, young and old, " double" and " single" pester and persecute Bache lors almost to death! A New Stocking-Znitting Machine The Philadelphia North American of Wednes day last says :—A denizen of the land of wooden nutmegs, yclept Arasmus French, has invented a machine for the manufacture of hosiery. It is de scribed as perfect in its operation. The products of the machine extend to every species of hose, which it makes without seams and without blemish. The merit of the invention does not stop with this im provement. It is very rapid in its work. One horse power can drive five hundred machines; one girl can tend ten machines, and each machine can turn out one sock an hour. By this rule an engine of one horse power and fifty girls, would manufac ture in one day (ten hours) five thousand short hose, or fifteen thousand pairs in a week. If our "calculations" be correct, the work upon each pair, including the spinning of the yarn, would not ex ceed one cent. The interest on the capital invested, etc., would increase this sum a fraction. The raw material might bring up the total coat of production to two cents. Lady Sale says somewhere in her admirable Journal of Adventures in Afghanistan, that certain worthies may carry on the government of India "while she is knitting her grand-children's stockings." Her fireside resource, after all her per ils, is likely to be taken away if this wonderful ma chine should go into operation. What wise dame will spend even her leisure hours in plying her knit ting needles, when perhaps three cents will buy a neat, strong and comfortable pair of socks for a grown person. We should not wonder to hear of a strike among the worthy grand-dames of Spring field, where this invention is said to exist at this moment. A beautiful sight would it be to see them with drum and fife and flag parading to the house of the great innovator, and tusking a bonfire of the manufacturing premises with all their contents. Robbery. The Lancaster Examiner of Wednesday last says;—"" Whilst the Menagerie of Messrs. Raymond and Waring was at Manhehn Borough, on Satur day evening last, $975 in specie was stolen from one of their wagons. A reward of $lOO was imme diately offered for its recovery, and on the succee ding afternoon the money was found by a lad, buried in the ground near the canvass. A man attached to the caravan, named John Lowry, was arrested and is in prison on suspicion of having been concerned in the robbery. The city of Hamburgh is rising from its ruins in increased beauty. Five hundred houses have been erected on the sites of a portion of those burnt in 1842. The streets have been much enlarged, and a contract has been entered into with a 1: midi. cm. pan•, to light the city with gab. THE DDLAWARD DIVISION. Riotous Proceedings—Sale Suspen• ded—and referred back to the Le• gistaturc. In pursuance of the act of the last Legislature, au thorizing the sale by subscription, of the Delaware Division of the Pennsylvania Canal, the price being fixed at $16,000, divided into 1600 shares, the Commissioners under the act, met for the purpose in Philadelphia, on Thursday the Ist of June inst.— The books were opened at the Merchant's Exchange, in the morning, when one of those scenes which marked the taking of bank stock in years gone by, ensued. We condense from the Inquirer :—The moment the books were opened a crowd rushed to the place of subscribing. The ascendency was gain ed by mere brute force. Several parties of bullies, hired for the occasion, were seen in attendance.— Some took otf their coats the better to enable them to accomplish their object, and during the day, sever al fights took place. The large room of the Ex change was crowded, and the yells, shouts and struggles were indeed disgraceful. The books were closed at 10 o'clock, some of the Commissioners being unwilling to proceed in such confusion, and with the prospect of haring the doors"' burst in upon them. At that time, 1550 shares had been taken by sixteen persons. Some of these im mediately sold out their right for from fifty to one hundred dollars. After the adjournment the Com missioners deliberated. Some were for going on— others for selling the stock by auction—and others for referring the whole business back to the Legisla ture. The matter was still undecided at three o'clock, when the crowd and the bullies again as sembled, ready to re-enact the scenes of the mor ning. But the Commissioners seeing this, refused to proceed, and adjourned, and the crowd, after waiting some time, burst open the dooes of their pri vate room, but found the books etc.' among the missing ; they then dispersed. The papers all seem to say that there were two or three organized bands of men in attendance—employed, it is supposed, by certain companies, who wish to get possession of the line for ulterior purposes. Twenty-one Com missioners were in attendance. Eighteen were ab sent. They held several meetings subsequently, to determine what to do. On motion of S. D. Ingham, they finally adopted a resolution, to submit the whole circumstances to the next Legislature, and to suggest the expediency of revising the law so as to sell the Division at auction. At a meeting held in relation to the stock, in front of the State House on Friday evening, Henry Horn presiding, strong resolutions were passed requesting the Commissioners to suspend proceedings, and to to refer the matter to the Legislature. During the meeting, a fisticuff took place between a friend and opponent of Gov. Porter. Among the resolutions adopted by it, was the following : Resolved, That we here denounce any officer of this Commonwealth, even though in be the Cover nor himself, if he dares to sway by his official pow er the action of the Commissioners, who are bound to frustrate this fraud and shield the State from dis- It was understood that the Governor was present in Philadelphia, and endeavoring to prevent the Commissioners from referring back to the Legisla ture. Another Tight Place. The false swearing in regard to the imaginary conversation with Judge Banks, in the celebrated affidavit given by James M. Porter to sustain the legality of his nephew's appointment as Sheriff of Philadelphia county, was not the only "tight place" into which the Secretary involved himself by the perpetration of that curious document. The Eas ton, Pa., Argus has the following in reference to another point in said affidavit: "Upon his coss.examination, Mr. Secretary Por. ter, speaking of Wm. A. Porter, testifies as follows Porter was a student of La Fayette Col: " lege when my certificate is dated. He graduated "in the latter part of September, 1839 ; he went " through and took the first honor." "Strange to say, this testimony is directly contra ry to the fact. Mr. Win. A. Porter did not take the first honor, and we hold ourselves ready and willing to prove our assertion before all the world, if tweet , sary. No honors were granted at La Fayette Col lege in 1939, to any one. The Faculty considered it impolitic to grant honors, and determined not to do it, and Mr. J. M. Porter was President of the Board of Trustees at the time." The Secretary, nor any of his friends, have made reply to the grave charges of false swearing and per jury, in the statements of this affidavit. There's a virtue in silence sometimes. Disagreeable explana tions may be thus avoided.—Pa. Telegraph. Mr. Clay at Home, The Woatern Christian Advocate, one of the or gans of the Methodist Episcopal Church, is publish ed weekly in Cincinnati. Its editor has recently visited Kentucky, and from an interesting account of his journey, we extract the following, to us, very interesting paragraph concerning the great man of the nation and his household: A person who sees so many newspapers as an edi tor's exchange list furnishes, could scarcely visit Lexington without making some inquiry concerning Ashland and its propri tor. It happened that our well tried friend, brother Bascom, wan the long and intimate friend of Mr. Clay. Their acquaintance was formed when the former travelled Danville cir cuit in 1836, who, by his powerful eloquence, cogent reasoning, and overwhelming Scriptural authorities, gave a death-blow to the rife Arianism of that coun try, which threatened to overrun Kentucky. Our , kind host conveyed us to Ashland ; but the proprie for was not at home. On hearing, however, of our visit, we received a moat cordial invitation to dine at Ashland, of which we availed ourselves, and spent three full hours in very pleasant chat with our kind entertainer, and three more agreeable hours we never spent in all our life. Mr. Clay is sixty-five years of age, but might pass for fifty, and will, in all proba bility, be well capable of public buainess till four score pass over his head, if God spare him that long. Ilis manners are as plain and republican as they aro gentlemanly and unalKeted. Tho moral principle, producing honesty and conscientious fidelity to his trust, seemed to us to have taken deep possession of his mind, and we believe governs his heart, Ile is now closely engaged in his duties as a lawyer, and dors not forget his farm, which is in admirable order. His house is plain indeed, and his improvements around it, consisting of grass lawns, and rows of shade trees planted by his own hands, are in good taste, and in complete keeping with his republican principles and manner of life. And then, Mrw. Clay is more than a pattern—she is an exact model for all the ladies in'the land, She minutely super intends all her household affairs. Her little green house, and collection of flowers and shrubs, are most tasty and well selected. But her butter -yes, her bolter (for we eat some of i9—is superior. Prom her dairy, conducted' under eye, she supplies the principal hotels of Lexington; and it is no small glory to her, that her son Thomas showed the other day, the suit which his mother purchased for him with the avails of her butter. Whether her first name be Lucretia or not, we cannot say ; but then we are sure she deserves it. The topics of conver. sation were, moral, religious, and miscellaneous sub jects; and we were glad to learn to our satisfaction, that Mr. Clay was a firm believer in the Christian religion—that he read his bible, and attended, with his excellent lady and family, the Protestant Episco pal Church in Lexington, and frequently hears min isters of other Churches. Destructive Fires, On the 25th ult. a conflagration occurred at Tallahassee, Florida, which was not extinguished - until nearly every house in the town was destroyed. The fire commenced about 5 o'clock, P. M. on the 25 ult. and was not arrested before 8, so that the destruction w, effected in the short space of three hours. From the investigation of a committee ap pointed to ascertain the extent of the loss, it appears that the injury sustained is not less than $500,000, and may probably be found to exceed that sum.— The Star says t " The, whole business portion of our city has been swept away. Not a store of any kind was left. It is not certainly known whether the fire was the work of an incendiary, or was the result of an accident. FIRE AT TAUNTON, MARSACHESETTII.-A fire broke out at Taunton, in the dry good store of Mr. John 0. Burt, on Wednesday evening last, which spread with such rapidity that all the buildings on the south side of Main street, between Brewer's block and the Croker House, were either consumed or pulled down to prevent t h e further ravages of the fire. The buildings destroyed were occupied by J. 0. Burt, dry good dealer; Solomon Woodman, dry good dealer ; George Townsend, hat and shoe dealer; L. -M. Perkins, dry good dealer; Charles Godfrey, Merchant; Messrs. John and William Read, merchants; and E. C. Baker, merchant.— The buildings demolished to arrest the flames were occupied by Messrs. Stearns & Stanly, Mr. C. R. Pierce, and Mr. Pitts. The total loss on the build ings alone are estimated at $30,000, two-thirds of which is insured. The loss on goods is very heavy. Fine AT COLUMBUS, Onto.—The Ware-house of Joseph Rutter & Son, at Columbus, Ohio, to -stWie."klilfesgfruStArtniiPirragirie irr e ,ra t . he Mail bags belonging to Messrs. Patterson & Slocum, worth $5,000; furniture belonging to Mr. C. Col gate, valued at $3,000; and other goods belonging I to various persons, were entirely consumed. The fire is supposed to have proceeded from spontaneous combustion. There was no insurance upon any port of the property destroyed. DESTRUCTIVE FIRE AT BUFFALO.—The Buffalo Daily Gazette of Thursday morning contains the following particulars of a destructive conflagration in that city t About two o'clock, this morning, a fire broke out in the Boiler Manufactory of Dayton street, which consumed all the building on both sides of that street between Main and Prime streets, to the brick block on the corner, including the old Steamboat Hotel. About twenty tenements in all were des troyed. More Lynch Law. Pour Horrible Murders.—Arrest of the supposed murderers and the execution of one without We learn from the Van Buren (Ark.) lute!lige'. cer of the 6th tilt., that a family by the name of Coa, waa recently murdered near the Choctaw line, on the Poteau river: " Mr. Cox (the Intelligencer says) was a black smith, and had been working in the Indian country•, either among the Creeks or Seminoles, under the employ of the United States, and had lately moved into the State, and settled in Scott county, at the place where he and his family were murdered, An Indian and a negro who were supposed to be the murderers, were pursued and arrested in the Indian country, and were brought back and delivered to the civil authorities of Scott county. They confessed that they had committed the crime. It appears from their statements that the Indian shot Mr. Cox, and at the report of the gun Mrs. Cox ran to the door, and the negro knocked her down with an axe and killed her—then killed a small child and cut its head off. They then robbed the house, and found something like a thousand dollars. They were pla ced in jail—but the populace became so much enra ged, that they went to the jail, and took the negro out, tied hiss to a stake, and burned hint to death." A gentleman engaged in taking the census of Louisville, informs the editor of the Kentuckian, that he "came across a man who was 55 years old ; he had been married three times, by his first wife he. had eleven, by his eecond he had ten, and twelve by his last, making thirty three children, and his wife is now in a very interesting state. Twenty-three of them were boys, and ten girls; nineteen boys and girls arc living. lie married in his 18th year, and remained in a state of widowhood three years." The Harrisburg reporter nays that in defiance of the 4th section of the bill passed by the Legislature to reduce the expenses of the Canal Commi.ion ors, two clerks arc stiU employed by the Board at a yearly salary to each of $lOOO. This is the respect paid to the lawn by the present Administration. ror Young Men and Women. We find the following excellent article in , •The Offering," edited by the Factory Girls of Lowell. It breathes the right spirit. Every mother and daughter, father and son, should rend it : "From whence originated the idea that it was derogatory to a lady's dignity, or a blot upon female character, to labor? And who was the first to say, sneeringly, "Oh, she works for a living?" Surely, such ideas and expressions ought not to grow on a republican soil. The time has been, when ladies of the first rank were accustomed to busy themselves in domestic employment. Homer tells us of prin cesses who used to draw water from the springs, and wash with their own hands the finest of the linen of their respective fiunilies. The famous Lucretia used to spin in the midst of her attendants; and the wife of Ulysses, after the Beige of Troy, employed herself in weaving until her husband returned. to Ithaca. "And in the latter times, the wife of George of England, has been represented as spending an evening in hemming pocket handkerchiefs, while her daughter Mary sat in the corner darning stock ings. Few American fortunes will support a woman who is above the calls of her family ; and a man of sense, in choosing a companion to jog with through all the uphills of life, would sooner choose one who had to work for a living, than one who thought it beneath her to soil her pretty white hands with man ual labor, although she possessed her thousands. To be able to earn one's living by laboring with her , own hands, should be reckoned among female ee -1 complishments ; and I hope the time is not far dis tant, when none of my country-women will be asha med to have it known that they are better versed in usefulness, than they arc in modern accomplish ments." An Unfortunate Affair. The Lancaster Intelligencer says—. On Monday last, at Concord, in this county, a disagreement hav ing occurred between Mr. Samuel Meharry, of that place, and a man named Hawk, from New Holland, the latter picked up a stone and struck Meharry with great violence on the head, fracturing his scull in several places. The injury at first was supposed to be slight, and Hawk was suffered to depart. But on Tuesday Meharry become wore, and then nearly delirious—after which he never spoke a word until his death, which took place on Tuesday evening." Slavery in Indiana. The Baltimore Sun gives the following as an ex tract of a letter received by a gentleman of that city, from his brother in England: " An ordinance has passed the Council in British India, by virtue of which all slavery ceases from the present time, in all our Eastern dependencies." The Tug of Wan A " Will Case" is to be argued in Kentucky, be fore Judge Simpson, of Clark county: "Messrs. H. Clay, M. C. Johnson, A. K. Wool ley and R. Pindell, appear as counsel for the estab lishment of the will, and Messrs. J. J. Crittenden, J. 'P. Morehead, Thomas F. Marshall, and W. B. Kinkaid against it." Kentucky to hear. THE PROGRESS OF AMERICAN MANUFACTURES. —We had the pleasure, yesterday, says the U. S. Gazette, of examining a number of pieces of Lawn Chintz, and looking at a well stored pattern book of the seine kind of goods, manufactured at the Man chester Print Works, near this city. They are of a very excellent fabric, and the figures are choice, neat, and tasteful. This is one of those articles which it was once thought American manufactures would never be able to make in competition with foreign looms.— But we have the lawn chitz now in all their beauty, doing credit to the enterprise and skill of the manu facturers, and justice to the looks of those who will wear them. GETTING Ozn.--A South American paper gives the following account of a lady now living in Vene zuela. She was born in the year 1699, was con firmed by Arch Bishop Rancor at the age of 16, she has never been married, nor never had a child, her hair turned entirely gray, and at the ago of 133 re turned to its original color, black, commencing at the back of the neck to the forehead, but it is now turn. ing gray again. She lost her sight entirely at the age of 118, and recovered it naturally at the age of 138, in such a manner that she can thread a common needle, she is at present a little deaf. Her principal occupation is spinning and sewing. lip to the 31st of January she was still alive. ICAZ.P.IMID, - . On Tuesday, the 6th inst., by the Rey. A. K. Bell, Mr. JAMES DE ARMENT to Miss C ATHA, RINE ALBAUGH, both of Allegheny township. C. : 3 2:15 On Friday, the 2nd inst., MARTHA, consort of the late Andrew Martin, deed., aged 25 years. Adininistralmos Notice. Tr_ ETTERS of administration on the es tate of Dan. Yoder, late of Henderson township, Huntingdon county, dec'd.,have been granted to the undersigned. Al per sonsindebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against it will present them properly authenticated for settlement without delay. DAVID YODER, Henderson tp. Huntingdon County JACOB ZOOK, Menno tp, Mifflin County, Administrators. June 14, 1843.-6 t, administrator's Aolice. Tik ETT ERS of administration on the gilka estate of John Scullin, late of the Ho tough of Petersburg, Huntingdon co., deed. have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to the said estate are reques ted to make immediate payment, and those having claims against it will present them properly authenticated for settlement with out delay. • JOIIN Adus's• June 14., 18.1:1.--13t, ITEMS OF ALL KINDS, The Buffalo, N. Y. Gazette of last Saturday, states that the story of the marriage of the tiitutes3 Twins is true. A Whig State Convention is to be held at Rut land, Vt. on the 28th inst. The nominations for the annual election will be made; and, in addition, delegates to attend the National Convention, 1844, will be appointed. The sons of New England in New York city have held a meeting, and resolved to attend the celebra• tion at Bunker Hill on the 17th. At Columbus, Ga., a few days since, a man named Smith, who had been arrested on a charge of theft, attempted, while in the charge of the officer in the lobby Of the court house, to swallow prussic acid. He was partially foiled in his attempt, but immedi ately afterward drew a knife from his pocket and cut his throat in such a manner that he died PO at after. On the same day that this occurred, another man named Simpler wasdrowned in the river while attempting to make his escape from the officers of the law. The Lexington (Ky.) Observer of the 31st ult. states that on the Sunday afternoon previous, that vicinity was visited with a desolating storm such. 4 had not previously been experienced. Trees were rooted up, houses were unroofed or cast down, and a large number of cattle, homes, etc., were killed.— Happily, however, life was not sacrificed. The de struction of property is immense, and for four miles broad and forty miles in length, its path is marked with ruin and desolation. A terrific thunder-storm pawed over Detroit on the 30th ult., and the rain fell so as literally to in undate the city. A flash of lightning struck a school house in which were some sixty or seventy girls at the time, and two girls were instantly killed, two severely injured, and several others slightly so. The Montreal Courier of the 30th ult. complains loudly of American aggressions along the border.— If the story is true, and is not all on one side liko the handle of a pump, it should be looked into and the evil remedied at once. The Antimasons of Allegheny county have nomi nated Neville B. Craige, Esq., as their candidate for Congress. A farm of twenty-five acres, at, Flatbush, N. Y., with a house upon it of but little value, sold on Fri_ day at auction, by order of Chancery, at $7500i.0r $3OO per acre, all cash. The Dahlonega (Ga.) Times states that the gold: mines in that vicinity are yielding the precious ore in abundance. We see it stated that the perpetrators of the mur ders in Warren county, N. J., had been arrested.• They were said to be the brother, sister, and the nephew of Parke. The statement that the Siamese Twins are mar. tied is contradicted the Worcester Palladium. "Father, is President Tyler fond of Mester— " Why, son I" "Because I heard you say he had broutrht UD several ono:IA:vs!" A Philadelphia confectioner has modelled a stat ute of Clay out of candy, five and a half feet high. Mr. C. being his favorite candy-date for the Presi dency. The Locos now call the Governor, " David Rot tenhoun Porter." A writer on swearing, says than an oath from a woman's lips is unnatural and incredible, and he would as soon expect a bullet from a rose bud ! There has been a still further advance in the prices of grain. The latest sales of wheat in the Baltimore market readied a dollar and seventeen cents ! A suowza OF risa.—Thcre was a shower of fish at Pittsburg on Wednesday night week, du ring a thunder storm. The Chronicle Mates that several were an inch and ahalf in length. ::'cL>aczxt firpS hereby given to capitalists, that one of 441, the very finest limestone farms, will be offered for sale on the 4th of July next, that is in West township, about four miles front the Penn'a canal, and in a good neighbor hood, containing 373 ACRES and allowances, 250 of which are cleared, and in a high state of cultivation, with two large apple orchards, one peach orchard, with one large frame barn and one log barn, with a large two story log house well finished and two tenant houses, with other necessary out buildings. The above described prop erty was owned by the late Matthew Cris well and purchased by the subscriber. Ow ing to the derangement of money matters, the subscriber !will feel willing to let the 1 property go at a fair price, so that any per son living at a distance will not be disappoin ted by attending on the premises, on the day of sale, at which time and place the condi tions of sale will be made known by the sub scriber. THOMAS EWING. June 7, 1843. Chair and Cabinet Making. THOMAS ADAMS, Respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity, that he has commenced the above businesses in all their various branches, in the shop occupied-by him the last year as t: chair shop, opposite Geo. Jackson's hotel. All kinds of work made to order on the the shortest nottce, warrented to be good, and will be given in exchange for all kinds of country produce, and very cheap for cash. CoMns made on sight. June 7, 1842. Orphans' Court Motive. ESTATE OF ROBERT THOMPSON, DEC'D. At an Orphrns' Court held at Huntingdon on the second Monday of April 1843, a rule was granted upon the heirs and legal re_pre sentatives of Robert Thompson, late of Dub lin township. dec'd., to come into Court on the second Monday of August next, and accept or refuse the real estate of said deed, at the valuation therecf. 10111S - Sil.\ tat, Slo
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers