Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 07, 1843, Image 3

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    41LT =ma unnataa.
nuntin o on, J. 7, i 811.
Democratic State Commit.
TV/areas; the General Assembly of
Pennsylvania, at its late session, enacted
a taw by which the Freemen of the State
are required, at the general election in
October next, to elect, by a popular vote,
a Hoard of Canal Commissioners: And
whereas, it is important that the demo
cratic Harrison party should preserve a
full and complete organization of all its
forces by the presentation of honest, faith- .
NI and competent candidates, distingutsh• I
ed for their integrity, in favor of a prudent
and economical management of the public
works, and opposed to the wastful expen
ditures and flagrant abuses ul the'pres
ent administration, to the free and inde
pendent voters of the State, for their sup
port :--The undersigned State Commit
ter,lheiefore, call upon the members of
said party,' in the different counties to
elect at such times and places as they
may think proper, in conformity with the
usages of the party, Ddegates troit each
Senatorial Representative District,
pursuant to the pi ovisiuns of the Senatori
al and Representative Apportionment
Act, passed at the recent session of the
Legislature, and equal to the number of
Senators and Representatives from such
county or district, to meet in General
Convention, at Harrisburg. on WED •
TEMBER, NEXT, at 12 o'clock, M.,
to nominate suitable 'candidates for CA
ported by the Harrison Democratic party
_nl . the State, at the ensuinz general elec
C EORGE ,FORD, Lancaster;
WILLIAM M. WA 1' US, Erie,
WM. F. HUGHES, Philadelphia co.,
JOHN G. MILES, Huntingdon,
JOHN TAGGART, Northumberland,
HARMER DENNY, Pittsburg,
May 17, 1843.
Bead Quarter; lOilt niViBio7l P. M.
May 29, 1843.
General Orderem.No.
The delegates (coin the several Volun
teer Companies in the 10th Division P. M.
wishing to participate in an Encampment
to be held during the present season, will
meet at the house of lieu Jackson in the
borough of Huntingdan, on Friday the
130th day of June, 1843, for the purpose of
fixing on the time and place of holding
• said Encampment, and making the neces•
sary arrangements for the same.
J 0 IIN PORTER, Major General.
Attest—\l. CRIiWELL, Aid -de•Camp.
• May 31, 1843.
Moles and Birds.
I had," says an English agricultural
- Writer, "a small field of rapgrass and
clover, one end of which early in the
spring, was like a honeycomb, from woe.
kings of moles. Many farmers would
have destroyed the workers: 1 on the con
trary, protected them., and not one was
destroyed ; but I took care to level the
mould which they threw up almost every
day; and now to the practical result. I .
lately cut my crop, which was a very
good one generally, but at the end where'
the mules worked, the crop was better
than any other part! and nosy not a mole
can be discovered in the field. They did
the work designed for them by a wise
Providence--eat up sll the grubs which
would have destroyed my young plants,
• and then took their depat ture to some
neighbor's field, where doubtless they
will be trapped.
Another remark as regards birds ; tor
example, as to those small birds which are
seen about fruit trees,such as the titmous;
-I!te vulgar opinion is, that they destroy the
b.:ds, and thus injure or ruin the crop,—
Now I never softer one of that kind of
•birds to be killed, but rejoice to see them,
and protect them, and I would lather see
a superabundance of sparrows than none
at all, even by wayot profit, and the con
sequence is, that I have very frequently
had a crop of fruit when my neighbors
have had none. Ag,ain, as you pass cottage
gardens, you Very frequently see the leaves
"'eaten oil' the cabbages and goosberry and
currant bushes growing near the doors by
catterpillers; whilst cabbages in the fields
and fruit trees a distance Irmo the houses
are flouriShing and left untouched. Here
again the same causes are in operation;
the small birds which would have destroy.
oil the insects, are driven from the doors,
but perform their natural operations at a
distance from them.
Peach Trees.
• For peach worms we have a cheapand
complete remedy. We intend to be out
in lull upon the subject at the right sea.
son. At present we would say, save all
your ashes till fly time ; put none on ►n
spring. By the last of June, [or last of
; May near Cincinnati, place a pile of good
ashes about the roots of each tree, great
and small. If you have no ashes take
lija, lime or some other substance that will
destroy the eggs ns soon as they are laid
by the fly at the root. If you scrape away
the earth from the roots, early in the
s pring, you may find some of the last ear's
worn►s in it. Let this be remov •om
the tree, but don't wound the t• t is
better to let the• worms come out tu.
rity than to ir,flirt m•!.•; „rrrrr l° t:irh the
From the Meseeachtesetts Ploughman.
Worms in Trees,
Our readers who neglected to attend to
their apple,
„quinee,and peach trees, last
summer, at the time-Ave pointed nut to
them to destroy the worms, will do well
to look to them immediately. •
It will be recollected that the borer,
which is so destructive to the ripple tree
and the quince, just buries itself under
the bark during the first season; tint in
October last the brood which was hatched
out in July hail grown to be one quarter
of an inch lung—a white worm with a
yellow head as hard as an Inditm's.
Now these worms may yet be destroyed
before they work into the body of the
tree, if they are attacked early, before
warm weather.•—They are now just hid
under the bark, generally at the root of
the tree, of the apple or quince, Hy scra
ping or by cutting through the bark,
where the worms efKcted an entrance
last summer, they may be exposed and de,
strayed. But :recollect you must not at
tempt to destroy them by merely washinh
the tree, as you might (lace done soon af
ter they were hatched ; you must fit
expose them to view, then a wash of Icy
will kill them.
You will find it much more difficult to
kill the worms now than at the time of
hatching, but it will be easier to do so be
fore they entered the sap wood than alter
wards, and the tree will be less injured
than by cutting them out of the wood.
It should also he borne in mind that the
worms which were hatched saintlier before
last are now in the heart of the tree.
They will bore out in June, making holes
12 inches from the ground, in some cases
resembling holes made with a gimlet. If
you examine closely you will find them,
in' the latter part of June, lying at the
mouth of the hole made for their exit, anti
waiting for nature to furnish them with
wings. . . .
!inlay not be of much service to meddle
with the elder brood unless you wish to
satisfy yourself, by actual examination, of
the manners and habits of this most de-
structive worm. Let them come out,
male and female, and be ready to kill
their offspring as soon as they are hatched
next summer.*
(*We think it would be better to kill
all that can be discovered now, and then
to transfer the war to the offspring of those
which may escape—we believe the old
adage— a bird in the hand is worth two in
the bush.)
Baldwin Apple.
This tree bears early, ant 4 the fruit is
the most profitable apple in Massachu
setts, very productive, of beautiful ap
pearance, and high flavor, but still inferi
or, we think to the Prior Red, of Ohio.
Mr. C. Forbush of Grafton, Mass., has a
young Baldwin tree which bore two Apples
the senond year, and half a dozen or more
the third year; and the fourth year at
bore ten bushels of apples, and taking
only 40 to fill a half bushel, the apples
being laid on as long as they could be
made to stay by packing. There were
also two bushels of windfalls. The sound
apples sold for 50 cents a bushel; - the
tree is less than eight inches through at
the butt, and stands in grass land and has
never been dug about, as it should have
been. Last year Was the sixth year and
it bore twelve bushels of sound handsome
apples, which were sold at •75 cents per
bushel, it being $5 the fourth year and $9
the sixth.
Grafton is a tnaoufacturing village, or
Mr. F's apples would never have sold; for
this price., So much for living in a town
where there is much manufacturing.—
Farmers who understand their own inter
ests will encourage the mechanic arts, and
The latest news from Texas is, that
another Santa Fee expedition has been
fitted out. Three hundred volunteers
have been readily raised, under command
of Cul, Snavely, well mousited anti equip
ped, and .a descent upon Santa Fee is to
be made for the r capture of the tyrant
Armijo and the traitor Lewis. • The Ci
vilian says " the meu are determined that
they trill nut return . without Armijo and
Lewis, dead or alive.
. Gov. flousToN has issued a proclama.
tion, denouncing Com. Moore as a pirate,
and authorizing his arrest and the seizure
of the vessel under his command, wher
ever they ma,t4 he found.
There seems to be a little light breaking I
in upon the minds of- the Mexicans, as
'Will be seen by the following paragraph
from the New . Orleans Picayune 't
The $270,000, the first instalment of
the indemnity due the United States, has
been paid to our Minister, General
Thompson, and wet e to have been forwar
ded on the 20th ult. by the Dolphin. The
Government had great difficulty in raisin..
the sum. It addressed circulars,. (104
17th of Apr l, to two hundred and eighty
citizens of Mexico, asking their atten
dance at the office of the Minister for
Foreign Affairs. Some thirty attended
the meeting, and the necessity of raising
the $270,000 ,for. Uncle Sam was laid be•
fore them in supplicatory terms, but only
from seven to tout teen thousand could be
so raised, in consequence of which the
Mexican papers talk in very despairing
tones of the situation of theirgovernment."
The yellow fever hag broke out in Vera
I Cruz. Contradictory reports are cir-
:New Orleans papers- of the 14th ult.,
say that the appearance of Commodore
Moore off Campeachy had broken the
blockade. The assistance of the Txians
had quite overjoyed the Campeachians.—
Ampudia, it ia thought will have R) sur
render. :
I,ATER.--We have five days later news,
and we learn that Coin. Moore had another
skirmish with the Mrxican steamer on - the
5d ult.
The Picayune says:
Bat a few shots were exchanged before
the steamer played their old game of
crawling, and there was not wind
enough to . follow them. From the confa-
Sion onboard one of the steamers, it was
thought that one of the Texan balls did
considerable daMage. All Coin. Moore
wanted was a stiff breeze.
A hind light was anticipated, at Cam
peachy, as Gen. Ampudia rein
forced by - '
52000 men. 'lliampeoelia
noes, however were expecting aid from
Merida, and were determined to give the
Mexicans battle to the death.. • •
The men .wounded on board the \% hay
loft, and among them Midshipman Fays
soux were all doing well. Other than the
above we could find no news of interest.
Presbyterian General Assembly.
In the Old School Assembly, on Thurs
day week, the resolution denying the
right of the ruling 'Elders to join with
preaching Elders in the laying on of hands
in the ordination of a Minister, was
adopted by a vote of 12.1 to 'B. On Fri•
day, the marriage question was laid upon
the table by a vote of 83 to 54. the ques•
tion is whether chapter 24, section 4, of
the confession of faith, which is under
stood by sonic to prohibit a man from
marrying his deceased wife's sister shall
be erased.
The A'ew School General Assembly, on
Thursday, adopted the following resolu
tion, alter a lengthy discussion, by a vote
of 66 to 33:
Whereas, there is in this assembly
great diversity of opinion, as to the proper
and best mode of action on the subject of
slavery. And whereas, in such circum
stances, any expression of sentiment,
would carry with it but little weight, as it
would be passed by a small majority, and
must operate to produce alieniation and
division. And whereas, the general as
sembly of 1840 with great unanimity, re
ferred the whole subject to the lower Ju
(bestrides, to take such order as in their
judgment might be adapted to remove the
evil : therefore, Resolved, that the assent
; Oly do not think it for the edification of
the church, for this body to take any ac.
thin .(in the subject."
The marriage question was indefinitely
postponed.. ,
~.a.aa[amlllica)Eci 2
The members of the Phtenix Fre Compa
ny are requested to meet at the Old Court
House, on Saturday the 10th inst. ar 5
o'clock, P. M.
By order of the President.
W. DORRIS, Jr. Scc'y.
June 7, 1843.
Chair and Cabinet Making.
Respectfully informs the citizens
of Huntingdon and vicinity, that
t he has commenced the above
businesses in all their various
/ branches, in the shop occupied by
I him the last year as a chair shop,
opposite Gen. Jackson's hotel.
.All kinds of work made to order on the
the shortest nottce, warrented to be good,
and will be given in exchange for all kinds
of country produce, and very cheap for cash.
Coffins mule on sight.
June 7, 1842.
Orphans' Court Arblice.
At an Orpisens' Court held at Huntingdon
on the second Monday of April 1842, a rule
was granted upon the heirs and legal repre
sentativeSof Robert Thompson, late of Dub
lin township, deed., to come into Court on
the second Monday of August next, and
acceptor refuse the real estate of said deed.
at the valuation thereof.
.101.1 N SIIAVER, Shr'ff.
Jobe 7, 1843. 4t.
an/ int Straloll 4 abliCe.
Tr_ 1'.111 , .1251 of administrstion on the es
tate 'of John Isenberg, late of the bo
rough of Alexandria, llunthigdon county,
deed., have been granted to the undersigned,
Mt persons indebted Ito said estate are re
quested to make immediate paytteht, and
those having claims against it will present
them properly authenticated for settlement
without delay.
June 7,1841.-6 t.
a - ssczYtllazar_m
11. - ,S hereby given to capitalists, that one of
4,Ll the very , finest limestone farms, will he
offered for sale on the 4th of July he'd, that
is in West township, about four Miles from
the Perm'a canal, and in a gdod . neighbor-
hood, containing
and allowances,. 250 of which are cleared,
and in a high state of cultivation, with two
large apple orchards, one peach orchard,
with one, large frame barn and one log barn,
with a large two story log house well finished
and two tenant houses, with other necessary
out buildings. The above 'described prop
erty was owned by the late Matthew Cris•
well and purchased by the subscriber. ow
ing to the. derangement '.of Money matters,
the subscriber twill feel willing to let the
property go at a fair price, so that any per
son living
. at a distance will not be dislippotp
ted by attending on the premises, on the day
of sale, at which time and place the condi
tions of sale will be made known by the sub
' .7riber. THOMAS E'sVING .
June 7, 1343.
(Mtlacsaaaa ,Ctcriztpc:l).
The subscriber respectfully Informs his
friends and the public gendtally, Witt he still
continues the merchandising In the I oath for
merly occupied by the store of Madden &
Lutz, in Shit leysburg,. and solicits a contin
uance of their favors. He has also erected a
for the manufacti4e of ST 0 N t and
EARTHEN W ARE. His ware hai been
well tested and prnvpn to be inferior to none
in the country. Merchants will find it an
advantage m supplying themselves at this
establishment. His terdis will be suitable
to the times. Orders froiln a distance will be
strictly and promptly attended to. Thank
ful for past hwors, he solicits a share of pub
lic patronage. JOHN LUTZ.
Shirleysburg, June 7, 1843.--tf.
In the Court of CoTninon Pleus of Hun
tingdon County.
Enoch M'Geary, No. 196 Novem
vs. her Term,lB42.
Elizabeth M'Geary, PluriesSulpcena fur
Divorce, returnable
the second Monday of August 1843.
On the Petition of the above named Enoch
.presented at November Term
1842, praying to be divorced from the bonds
01 matrimony entered into with Elizabeth
M'Geary,the Court grant a Pluries Subpcena
as above stated, directed to the said Eliza
beth M'Geary, commanding her, that set
ting aside all other business and excuses
whatsoever she be and appear in her own
proper person before the Judges at Hunting
don at a Court of C ommon Pleas there to In
held in and for the said county on the 14th
day of August next, to answer the petition of
the said Enoch, and spew cause why the said
Epoch her husband should not be divorced
from the bonds of matrimony agreeably to
the act of assembly in such case made and
June 7, 1843. 4t.
Fire! Smoke!! Seaars!!!'
31,000 common and
7,500 half spanish
just received and fur sale, by the thousand,
hundred, or box—clicap for cosh—at the
Huntingdon, May Sl.—tf
The subscriber is now prepared to furnish
every description of CHAIRS, from the
plain kitchen to the mostsplendid and fash
ionable one for the parlor. Also the
in which the feeble and afflicted invalid,
though unable to walk even with the aid of
crutches, may with ease move hims.•li from
room to room, through the garden and in
the street, with great rapidity.
Those who are :Lout going to housekerp
inS, will foul It to their advantage .to give
him a call, whilst the Student and Gentle
man of leisure are sure to find in his newly
invented Revolving Chair, that comfort
which'no other article of the kind is capable
Of affording. Country merchants and ship
pers can be supplied with any quantity at
short notice. _ _
No. 113 South Second street, two doors
below Dock, Philadelphia.
May 31, 1843.---1 yr.
Orpitroto' Court Ante.
1-min V virtue of an order of the Orphnns'
44.1 Court, will be exposed to sale by pub.
lie vendee or outcry on the premises in
Chilcoatstown, Union township, linntingdon
county, on Tuesday the 4th day of July, A.
D. 1843, All • that certain messuage, tene
ment and lot of ground in said village of
Chilcoatstown, in the said 'township and
county, bounded by lots of David Clarkson
and others, upon which is erected a story and
a half frame dwelling house, 26 feet in trout,
and running back 22 feet, the said property
of Shedrick Corbin, late of township,
county, and State of Pennsylvania, deceased.
The title is indisputable.
TEnirs.—One third of the purchase mo
ney to be paid on confirmation of the sale,
and the residue in two equal annu it p; y
ments thereafter, with interest from the con
firmation of the sale,. to be secured by the
bonds and mortgage nt the purchaser.
By the Court.
Attendance will be given by ABRAHAM
CORBIN, Administrator.
May 31, 1843.—ts
AALL persons are hereby notified that I,
the subscriber, purchased at Sheriff's
Sale on the 6th day of May inst. as the prop
erty at Thomas Cooper of Henderson town
ship, Huntingdon county, the followhigprep
erty which I have left in the possession. of
the said Thomas CoOpel', to be taken care
of, ;it not being convenient to remove the'
same, to wit : 1 bay horse, 1 black horse,
2 sets geers, 1 cutting box, 1 hay fork, 1
wind mill, 1 iron wedge,l lot straw, 12 acres
wheat, 4 acres. rye, I shovel plough, I hog
sled, 1 harrow, hogs, 1 side hill plough, 2
calves, 12 saw longs at Hampson's saw mill,
of 25 saw logs Lane's saw mid, 1 clock, 1
saddle and bridle.
• And also a cow, bought at Constables Sale
as the property of said Cooper, on 29th inst.
Also, the undersign: d purchased an as
signment of the leash of the land on:which
Thomas Cooper lives, on the
~.27th April
1843, which lease is rom David Hare •to
j'Thomas Cooper, and expires on the 12th
April 1849.
All persOns are therefofe hereby cautioned
and forewarned against MU-meddling mio
• the above Mentioned property, as the same
belongs to me, and I. wjkl proceed :wr.cordiug
to law against any persOn Mu:meddling with
the same or any pagt thereof.
May 31, 1843.-3 t.
Administrator's notice.
ETTERs of administration on the es
tate of John Gahagen, late of Porter
township, Huntingdon county, deed., have
been granted to. the undersigned. MI per
sons indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims against it will present them properly
authenticated for settlement withoutdelay.
Alc:authia May 10, 1331:3.—0, pd.
(Above Gth Street)
Plitl«d el ph a.
HE subscriber, thankful fur the liberal
Wale support of his friends and the public
generally, respectfully informs them that he
still continues at the old established house,
where he will be pleased to allommodate
all those who favor him With their patronage.
Dec. 14, 1842.—tf.
Administrator's Notice.
_Err ELLS of administration on the
II estate of Jacob Jingle, late of Tell
township, Huntingdon county, dec'd.,
have been .granted - to the undersigned.—
Alt persons indebted to the said estate are
requested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims against will
present them duly authenticated for set
tlement without delay.
THOS. W. NF.V.LY, Adm'r.
Dublin township, May 24, 1643.-1 pd.
Tpl , l pursuance of an order of the Or
-44 Minns' Court of the county of Hunting
don will be sold at public sale on the premis
es, on Saturday the 17th day of June neit; at
one o'clock in the afternoon. " All that
certain tract or parcel of land situate in
Barren township, in the county aforesaid, ad
joining lands nt Josiah Cunningham, John
White, Gilbert Cheney nod Alex. Gregory
and others, containing about
be the same more or less, about 40 of which
are cleared, ab gat tour acres of which are
meadow—thereon erected a two story .log
DU EILLIAG House, ;r;
a one story house, a small stable and a small
log (double) Barn—late the estate of Henry
Widensall, dec'd.
_ _
. Terms of sale will be made known on the
day of sale, and attendance git , en by . •
with the will annexed.
By the Court
May 24, 1843.-4 s.
Vittitir salr.
7HE undersigned will offer at public sale,
on Tuesday, the Istday of August next,
on the premises, in Antes township, that
large and valuable tract of . .
situate on the little Juniata, adjoining land
of Edward Re% including the large bottom
on this side of the little Juniata, containing
000 ACRES,
more or less, about 8 or 10 acres of cleared
land, and the remainde remarkably well
timbered, with both Pine and
Oak ; and a first rate natural seat
, • of water power, sufficient water
to run a Grist and Saw Mill.
ems of sale will be made known oh the
premises, on the day of sale ; and will •be
such as will be most likely to accommodate
May 24th, 1843.—1 t. pd.
olive to Creditors.
i l HEREAS'in pursuance of an. act of
4 ( 4, General Assembly of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania an attachment hat h
been by the subscriber one of the Justices of
the peace in and for the county of Hunting
don at the instance of a certain Peter Swoope
of the borough of Huntingdon in the county
of Huntingdon against a certain James Hen
derson, Cabinet Maker, of the borough of
Huntingdon, in the county tit Huntingdon,
where certain goods chattels and effects of
the said James Henderson, bath been attach
ed and.are now in the hands of David Snare,
Esq. and Charles A. Newingliani, of the
same borough, until they shall be disposed
of according to law. This is therefore to
-give notice to the creditors of the said James
• Henderson,qn appear on Saturday the MI
day of June next, at my Office in the borough
of Huntingdon in the county aforesaid
then and there to discover and make proof
of their deniands agreeably to the directions
of the said act.
May 24, 1843.
LL 'person; are hereby cautioned a
-CA gitiostmeddling El . with, selling. disturb
ing or removing the lowing-descrtbed prop
erty, which I this day purchased at Sheriff 's
as the property of Thomas Ewing, in
West tp:; •Huntingdon county, and left in his
possession until 1 see proper to remove the
viz:-2 bay mares and 1 sucking colt.
All persons arc therefore cautioned and fore•
warned against intermeddling with the alaßve
mentioned property, as the same belting's to
me, and I will proceed afcofding to law
against any person intertneddling with the
same or any part thereof.
May 1.5, 184.1.-3 t. pd. m 24. .
EMIDIEDAIL rrotrazzi,••
WVAS. returned to , Huntingdon, and
openeffan Office in the first house in
street, next to the Bridge. Where Me
dicine and advice can be had for any of the
afflicting diseases that affect the human sys
tem. All letters addressed to Doctor Pur
i cell. (} - Must be pont paid.' ;
Iluntingdon. May 17, 1843.---ly.
.Idministratoes Mice.
V.I"I:ERS of ndinmistration on the
4.4911 estate of Hugh Williamson, of Barree
township, Huntingdon cottyty, deed. have
been granted to the undersigned. All per
sons indebted to the said estate arc requested
tcrmake immediate payment, and those hav
ing claims against it will ptesent them
properly authenticated for settlement with
outdml v.
ROBERT %VI LI 1.; NON, Mtn).
r ,
47A re.,.
Alt r*.
A 4
WN pursuance id an
ig order of the, Os
'Awns' Coort
• tingdon county, wOl,
30 lie ex noscd to pulaic
sale, on the premi,es, un hlorithAie 19th
day or Jung next, I ;, tho fuTTIIVing real
est . ate, late of John Miller, of the
'borough of Iluoting,don, vv.
All that lot or,grouoit On the nor t h
a lik
side Hill street ; , opporite
,the kair
house in (he borough of liuntinAdon.
fronting 50 feet on llill street, and ex
tending back 185 feet to W,ashington
street; bounded by Bath street on the
west, and a lot of Samuel Steel, Esq. on
the east, with a lar,te two story brick
house and frame stable thereon erce,ted:
A 1.80,
All that other lot of ground on the nor:
therly side of Hill .street, in said borongli,
fronting 50 tert,on said street, and extend
ing back , 200 feet to 11 1 :hint e cton street,
being lot No. 104 in the-plait of said town,
bo.,intled by a lat late or lolin Yocuiri on
the cast, with a.two fury (Mose, part log
and part (came, and a blacksmith
All those two adjoining Ms of ground
on the southerly side of lidl Greet, in• said
borough by a lot of William Ward on the
west, antra lot of . John IWCalian (mike
east; each of said lots frontidg S(J feet on
Hill street, and extending in depth 200
feet to Allegheny street, and being lots
No. 82 and 83 in the plan of said town ;
with a large two story weather boarded
house, part frame and part log, a large log
stable with a stone basement, and a tart
yard andtarge Frame Tan Ilouse thereon.
The title of the above property is indis
Terms of Sole.—Qae half of the pur- 1
chase money to be paid on the confirma
tion of the sale, and residue within one
year thereafter, with interest ; to be secu
red by the bond and mortgage of the put
chaser. By the cotitt,____
Sale to 'commence at 10 o'clock A. M
of said day. Attendance will giiren uy
JACOB MILLER, Trustee, Le.
May 17, 1843.
CAUTtON " " "
LL persons are hereby _ CaUtioned
against meddling With selling,; disturb
ing or removing, the follottlng described
property, whiCh We this day purchased at
Sherisff 's Sole, as property of Alex. Jiihri
ston, in West township, and left in his pos
session until we see proper to remote the
same, viz : 1 Bay Stallion, 2 sorrel Horses,
farm Nagon and bed, 1 sleigh, 1 saddle,
1 lot of boxes, barrels and horse feed in sta
ble, 2 lots of boards, 1 grain cradle, 1 grind
stone, 1 shovel, 1 wagon-trough,. 1 clock, •1
buffalo robe, 1 lot sundries bn gutret, 1 sled,
6. sets gears, 1 meat vessel, 1 Bureau and
book case, 2 stoves,l windmill, 5 bushels
corn more or less, 3 choirs, 1 dining table *
1 small stand; and all household furniture of
said Johnston, subject to execution.
.1011N 4 P*A0EN.
May 12, 1843.-- , -St pd. 17th
VTOTICE is her,by given to all personS
4111 interested, that the accounts of Daniel
Africa and. George Tay 101 l Esquires, As
signers - of Irvin Horrell and James S. Hor
reli under a vnluntary assignment, has
been filed in my office, and will be presen
ted to the Court of Common Pleas of Hun
tingdon cohntv, Alt the third Monday, (and
19th day) of June next, at an Adjournep
Court theu to he held in the borough of
Huntingdon, for continuation and allowance;
and the same will then be confirmed and
allowed, unless cause be sliewn why the
same ahtfuld not Ile dote.
- • - JAMES STEEL, Prot'{'..
Prothonotary's Office.
H /
Huntingdon', May 3, 1843. '
• ~ • 11
It is now more than -a year since I diVa
sed of the " Matta, ydon Journal," and
ring all that time, i have been writing pa
tiently, upon those. who are in my debt, for
subscription and advertising. 1 - liaiie , been
living on promises ;
and what is more, thi9e
to whom am inde bted ,• have been °bilged
to take 'promises' from me ; and they Moe
myself, are getting out of patience With thbi
kind of a credit system.' Now by may , of
a hint I wish to say to all who know them
selves to be in arrears to ut,, that I must have
ray accounts an ,il4l ;". and there N another
part of the story-1 wam.. IMA not dispo
sed to be illanthred, but mind's tell you all.
I am out of money—nearly nut of
and a settlement must be bad between this
and August Court- 7 or well I wont Nay
what. • A. W. BENEDICT.
Huntingdon, May 3, 1843.—tae,
M. 124 1 Wmarts„
114 EGS to inform the inhahttants of lion-
IWO tingtlnn ands its "vicinity, that he lids
commenced , the easiness of light and heavy
wagon making, and every kind at vehicle re
pairing. Having learnt his trade hi England,
he is prepared to furnish either the English
'nr"American style of wagons, and hopes by
diligence and attention to merit a share of
public patronage.
N. B. Soup near to Mr. J. Houck's black
smith short,
Hiihtingdon, April 19, 1849. • -
7 7-
ZZ •
From his owner, on Monday lest; y REIIO
HORSE with white on the face • and "on I the, •4‘
hind rope, and with OA? cyck, Atiy
. _
. to thy., "whereabouts!' of :aid horn will bo
thank:hilt; rcefivod at thia