NA'T'URAL PRINCIPLUS. it is written in the Book of Nature and 0111111011 SCIISV, Oats the natural vegetable• productions of every country are, if prop-. crly applied, amply sufficient fur the cure o r every malady incident to that clime. WHIGIIT's INDIAN VEOETABLE PILL% are founded upon the principle, that the human body is subject to but one disease, viz.: corrupt humors, which, when conli• ned to the circulation, give rise to those disordered motions-of the blood called le vers; but when lodged in the various parts of the body, are the cause not only of every ache or pain we sutler, but every malad incident to man, ? r r It a g old be remembered that iliight's Indian egetable Pills are composed of roots and herbs, which grow spontaneous ly on our own sail, and consequently are so admirably adapted to our constitutions that, while they cannot possibly injure even the most delicate, a perseverance in their use, according to directions, is absolutely certain to di i .'e disease of every name from the body, IVhen we wish to restore a swamp or morass to fertility, do we not drain it of the superabundant water ? In like man ner, if we would restore the body to health, we must cleanse it from impurity. Wright's Indian Veg e table Pills, will be found peculiarly adapted to carrying out this grand purifying, because they ex pel all corrupt humors in an easy and natural manner, and while they every day GIVE EASE AND PLEASURE, the constitution is restored to such a state of health and vigor, that disease will find no abiding place in the body. BEWARE Or COUNTERFEITS! Aq the great popularity of t% right's Indi• an Vegetable Pills, has raised up a host of counterfeiters the public are cautioned against impostors, who ire travelling about the country, selling to the unsuspecting storekeepers a spurious article for the above celebrated Pills. It should be remembered that, nil who sell the genuine medicine are provided with a certificate of agency, of which the following is a copy : This is to certify that the within na med - is a regular and duly appointed -Agent for the sale of Wright' Indian Vegetable Pills, in the town of -, in the State of --, and this certificate, which is signed by Wm. Wright, Vice President of the North American College of Ilea Ith must also be countersigned by the acting, Clerk or Agent, from whom said certifi cates is received. This certificate of agency will be re- 1 new•cd every twelve months; therefore, if any alteration should be made in the 1 , date, do not purchase. The public are further informed that all who receive the above certificate, are also required to sign the following or PLEDGE. a This is to certify, that the subscriber" by certificate bearing eyen date herewith,. signed with the proper handwriting of William Wright, Vice President of the' North American College of Health, -. been appointed Agent for the sale of WRIGITed INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, Or Indian Purgative, in the town of -, and State of -, to hold and continue in said agency during the pleasure of the said %%Ulan' Wright, and no longzr, any thing contained in the said certificate signed by the said William Wright, to the contrary thereof notwith standing. In consideration whereof, I hereby covenant and agree to and with the said %V illiam Wright that I will not sell, or expose to sale, any medicine bear ing the above or a similar name during my , said agency, other than that which I rt. ceive from his authorized agent or agents, under the penalty of five hundred dollars to be paid by him, as liquidated damages. Witness - hand and seal, the - day of - one thousand eight hundred and forty - Thus it will be seen that the friends of the genuine medicine may be perfectly free from any apprehension of fraud, as all agents, who are provided with a certificate of agency, have invariably SIGNED THE PLEDGE not to sell any Indian Vegetable Pills ex cept those received from the above named William Wright, or his authorized agents. Country agents and other, wil! be on their guard against travelling imposters, and remember that all authorized travel ling agents are also provided with a certi-, licate of agency as above described, and that Pills otkred for shle, by those who cannot show a certificate of agency, are sure to be counterfeit. It wilt be further observed that all gene ine medicine has the title expressed in ful un the sides of the boxes thus : WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLEPILLS, (Indian Purgative) OF 'fHO &ORTH AML ' IIICA 'COLLEGE OF HEALTH. The patrons of Wright's Indian Vege table Pills, will also bear in mind that the directions which accompany each box of Pills, have been secured by copywright, and the proper forts, viz: „ Entered ac cording to the act of Congress, in the year 1840, by William Wright, in the Clerk's Office, of the District Court of the Eas• tern District of Pennsylvania," will be found at the bottom of the first page of said directions. Thus it will be seen, that a trifling at tention on the part of the purchaser to the . above particulars, s ill put an effectual stop to this wholesale robbery, and drive, it is hoped, all depredators upon society to an honest calling. The following highly respectable store k=eepers have lieu: appointed agents for the sale of (Fright's Indian Vegetable Ells, of the North American College o/ Health. William Stewart, Huntingdon. Henry Learner Hollidaysburg, A. F. 1101, Antes township. Robert McNamara, Newry. Samuel S. (sett, '1 yrone township. Millikens he Kessler, Mill Creek A. & N. Cresswell, Petersburg. Gemmel & Porter, Alexandria. Moore & Steiner, Water• Street. Joseph Patton, Jr. Duncansville. R. H. McCormick, Collinsville. Wolf & Willet, Frankstown. Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of the medicine, wholesale and reiail, No. 288 Greenwich street, New York ; and No. 198 Tremont street, Boston ; and Principal Of fice, No. 169 Race street, Philadelphia. N. B. The public are respectfully in formed that the Pills made by one V. 0. Flack, and sold by a man trained Parker, in street, are not the genuine Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills ; and as counterfeiters and their associates sell at ball price, it is absolutely impossble for them to have the genuine medicine for sale. * 5 Be particulas in all cases to ask fur the genuine Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, November SO, 1842. PTO INVALIDS. 4 • How important it is that you commence without loss of time with BRANDRETH PILLS. They mildly but surely remove all impurities from the blood, and no case of sickness can effect the human frame, that these celebrated Pills do not relieve as much as medicine can do. COLDS and Coucus are more beneffitted by the Brandreth Pills (than by Lozenges and Candies. Very well, perhaps, as palliatives, but worth nothing as ,ERAmenTons of diseases from the human system. The Brandreth Pills cure, they do not merely relieve, they cure. Diseases, whether chronic or recent, infectious or oth erwise, will certainly be cured by the use of these all-sufficient Pills. CURE OF A CANCEROUS SORE. SING SING. January 21, 1843. Da. BENJAMIN BRANDRETH : Honor'd . Sir, 7 Owing to you a debt of gratitude that mo ney cannot pay. 1 am induced to make a public acknowledgement of the benefit my wife has derived from your invaluable Pills. About three years this winter she was taken with a pain in her ancle, which soon became very much inflamed, and swollen, so mach Iso that we became much alarmed, and sent for the doctor. During his attendance the pain and swelling increased to an alarming degree, and in three weeks from its first commencing it became a running sore. She could get no rest at night the pain was so great. Our first doctor attended her for six months, and she received no benefit what ever, the pain growing worse and the sore larger all the time. He said if it was healed up it would be her death, but he appeared to be at a loss how to proceed, and my poor wife still continued to suffer the most terrible tortures. We therefore sought other aid, in a Botannical doctor, who said when he first saw it that lie could soon cure the sore and give her ease at once. To our surprise lie gave her no relief, and acknowledged that it quite baffled all his still. Thus we felt atter having tried during one whole year the experience of two celebrated physicions in vain, in absolute despair. My poor wife's constitution rapidly failing in .• the prime of her years from her continued suffering. Under these circumstances we concluded that we would try your Universal Vesetable Pills, determined to fairly test their curative effects. To my wife's great comfort the first few doses afforded great re lief of the pain. Within one week to the astonishment of ourselves and every one who knew the case, the swelling and the infla mation began to cease so that she felt quite easy, and would sleep comfortable, and sir, after six weeks' use she was able to go thro' the house and again attend to the manage ment of her family, which she had not done for nearly fourteen months. In a little over _ . two months from the time she first commen ced the use of your• invaluable Pills her uncle was quite sound, and her health better than • it had been in quite a number of years be fore. 1 send you this statement atter two years test of the cure, considering it only an act of justice to you and the public at large. e are with much gratitude, Very respectfully, TIMO niv & ELIZA A. LITTLE. PS.—The Botanical Doctor pronounced the sore cancerous, and finally said no good could be done, unless the whole of the flesh was cut off and the bone scraped. Thank a kind Providence, this made us resort to your NBA, which saved us from all further mis ery, and fur which we hope to be thankful. 7'. &E. A. L. Dr. Brandreth's Pills are for sale by the following Agents in Huntingdon county. Wm. Stewart, Huntingdon. & N. Cresswell, Petersburg. Mary W. Neff, Alexandria. Joseph Patton, Jr. Duncansville. Hartman & Smith, Manor Hill. S. Miles Green &Co. Barren Forge, Thomas Owens, Birmingham. A. Patterson, Williamsburg. Peter Good, Jr. Canoe Creek. John Lutz,liirleysiour.. Observe each of Dr. Bredreth's Agents have an engraved certificate of Agency.-- Examine this and you will hind the NEW LABLES upon the certificate corresponding with those on the Boxes, none other are gen uine. B. BRANDRETH, M. D, Phil'a. Office S. North Bth St.-Iy. WASHINGTON HOTEL MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, Pa The subscriber rt spectfully announces to his friends and the public g2nerally, that he has taken the above named well known Tavern Stand, (formerly kept by Wm. E. Camp,) where he will endeavor to serve those that may call upon him in the most satisfactory manner: The House is centrally and plea santly located, and is furnished throughout with the best of bedding and other furniture, and his accommodations ate such as to make it a convenient and desirable stopping place. r' No exertions will be spared to make it agreeable in all its departments to those who may favor him with a call. FREDERICK J. FENN. December 21, 1842. S. S. IPILIMITOA; Ag1i7011111147 AT 11Mo HUNTINGD6SI:I)A. Officc in Main &reel, oppoaite the Drug note of 'rho". nerd. PIIILADLITII IA A DI; ERTISEMENTS. DAY, GERRISH &► CO. Genera Vrolmre, Comntission and Forwarding Wilerchants. Granite Stores, lower side of Race street, on the Delaware, Philadelphia. TIBINESPECTFULLY inform their friends ta). and the merchants generally, that they have taken the large Wharf and Granite Front Stores, known as Ridgeway's Stores, immediately below Race street, in addition to their old wharf, where they will con tinue the produce commission business, as also to receive and forward goods tolall points on the Juniata, and North and West branches of the Susquehanna Rivers. via. the Tide Water, and Pennsylvania, and Schuylkill and Union canals. This establishment has many advantages over any other in the city in point of room • and convenience for the accommodation of boats and produce. Being one of the largest wharves on the Delaware, and the stores extending from Water street to Delaware Front. Five or six boats may at the same time be loading and discharging. The usual facilities will be given on all consignments entrusted to their charge, which will be thank fully received and meet with prompt atten tion. Salt, Fish and Plaster, constantly . on hand and for sale at the lowost market price. References, Philadelphia. .1. Ridgway,Esq. J Brock, son & Co Jacob Lex & Sun Waterman &Osbourn Mulford & Alter Scull & Thompson lVilson, Seiger & Bro E J Ettiog & Bro Bray, Barcroft & C o Morris,Patterson & co Lower & Barrow. Lewistown. • J & J Milliken A & G Blimyer Patterson & Horner J McCoy, Esq. ITraterstreet. Stewart & Howell E W Wike, Es% February 8, 1843.—Gm. THE p)I3ARD__LIFE INSURANCE, aarguisaautc zaga vaveate COZTAII7 OFeiII.LeIDELPIII.I Office No. 159 Chesnut Street. Make insurances of lives, grant anninuities and Endowments, and receive and execute Trusts. Rates for insuring $lOO, on a single life. Age. For 1 year. For 7 years. For life, _ annually, annually. 20 $0 91 $0 95 $1 77 30 1 31 1 36 2 36 40 1 69 1 83 3 20 50 1 96 2 09 4 60 60 4 35 4 91 7 00 EXAMPLE :—A person aged 30 years, by paying the company $1 31 would secure to hts family or heirs $lOO, should he die in one year—or for $l3 10 he secures to them $:000 Or for $l3 60 annually for 7 years, he se cures to them $lOOO should he die during , the 7 years—or for 823 60 paid annnallyfu ' ring life he provides for them 1000 (Weirs whenever he dies— for $65 50 they would re ceive 5000 dollars, should he die in one year. Further particulars respecting Life Insur-. ance, Trnsts, or management of Estates and property confided to them, may be had at the office. B W. RICHARDS, President JNO. F. JAMES, Actuary. Phil'a. April 19, 1843.-6 m. BOOTS AND SHOES:. cee • Leghorn and Straw Bonnets, PALDILEAF AND LEGHORN HATS. Merchants and others from Huntingdon and adjacent places, are respectfully reques ted to call and examine the stock of the above kinds of goods, which is full and extensive. and which will be sold at prices that will give satisfaction to purchasers, at No. 168 Market, street south-east corner of sth street, Philadelphia. GEO. W. & LEWIS B. TAYLOR. Pila. Feb. 6,1843.-6 mo. W. 11. MoRRI4, R. M. KIRKBRIDE WILLIAM H. MORRIS&CO. War9Uadelailias 7 :trldiird AND Commission Olerchants. HAVRE DE GRACE, MARYLAND.' WING taken the large and commodi ous Wharf and Warehouse situated di rectly on the Canal Basin, are now prepared to receive consignments of goods for tran shipment or sale. A general assortment of Groceries, &c., consisting of Loaf and Brown Sugars, Coffee, Molasses, Sperm Oil and Candles, White, Yellow and Brown Soaps, Fish, Salt, Plaster, &c., together with all kinds of Spices and Faults—and also ready made Clothing will be kept constantly on hand and disposed of I on city terms or exchanged for country pro duce, Coal, &c. April 19 1843.—5 m. TO iIOUSLEEEPERS. 25, 000 se pounds, V,y Felnieirns any quantities to suit purchasers for cash at prices from 10, 15, 20 and 25 cents per pound. Ready made beds, bolsters. and pillows, and curled hair mattresses, moss do. and all other kinds to suit any size beadsteads always on hand. Curled hair and New Orleans moss by the bale or single pound. Country store keepers would find it to their advantage by calling on the subs.cri bers before purchasing. FIN LEY 4- CO. South East corner of Second and Walnut street, Phil'a. March 22, 1843 —3m. LANK BONDS—Judgment and iTom '4,4ition—ter sae ztt this office. ROCKDALE FOUNDRY, subscriber would respectfully In d.% form tit, citizens of Huntingdon anti the adjoining counties, that he still continues to c u•ry