The journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1839-1843, May 31, 1843, Image 3

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    !neliery linnia[fiked
nor rs va. TYLER
list. John M. Butts having been charg- 1 1
.. ea with falsehood By Authority' in the
Madisonian, in reference to some asser-I
lions made by him in regard to the treacli•
ery of John Tyler, appears at fthgth in
the Richmond %Vin of the 10th in reply,
traversing the whole matter in difference,
and closing his statement with an affidavit
of its correctness. We give the following
extract from the letter, being a conversa
tion relative to the election of Tyler for a
second term to the Presidency. It fur
nishes a key to the motive of his treachery
to the Whip which unlocks the whole se.
cret of hos infamous conduct.
I said, Tyler there is one piece of ad
vice I want to give you, and as you have
invited me to talk freely with you, I shall
do so. You are a poor man, and will feel
it inure sensibly when you retire from
your present situation, than you have ever
done before—you will find it ni•cessary to
live and entertain in a different style from
what you have been accustomed to, and
unless you provide the means now,you
will be placed in an embarra,sing situa
You ought to lay up from your salary'
$15,000 a year, which in four years will .
give you $60,000, and that in Williains-'
burg will be a fine es'ate, u p:m which you
CBll live alter the payment of all your
debts, as will become your station.
Bolts," said he, " why confine me to
/Our veers r"
Why, confine you to what ?" said I
with surprise.
" /es confine me to four years? Why
not twelve! lam now only fini..hing out
the unexpired term of General 11 riiSoll,
Paid if 1 can make my administration pop.
Oar, why should I not be entitled to an
election on my own account, and then if
I could make myself acceptible to the'
people why shouhi I not serve out my own
eight years, as oiliors have dune before."
" Why, Mr. Tyler," I answered, "you
forget the one term prin. iple. "Nor
said he, "if every body else would Li ,
bound by the one term principle, so would
I, but nobody else is, and why should I
!kir. Tylei," said I, "let itip entreat
you, cnen infrit, never to talk this way to
tinily else,"
No;‘ , Botts, don't you go off half cock
and oppose my administration—l had
rather any man in Congress should oppose
my administration thou you—l am under
greater obligations to you than any body
else, and there is no man whose interest I
hhould take greater pleasure in promoting',
than yours. Now sir, I have a Cabinet
around me not or my own selection : this:
14 General Ilarrison's Cabinet, and I do
not know• how long I tiny live in harmony
uith them. I kllO haw so Ol I 111:13
leave to call around roe a political family.
IX my own choice, and when I do, Owe'
should 1 luck so soon as to my old friends,
'rummy own doors," extending both hi t ud,'
towards me.
Said I, "Mr. Tyler it is time you end
had come to an understanding: You say
you had rather any man in Congress
should oppose 3 our administration than I.
Now, sir, let me say to you. if it is your
purpose to act with strict fidelity to that
great %Whig party to which 1 am and ever
have been attached on principle, and
which brought you into power; if it is
your purpose to carry out in good faith
those measures of relief, 1% hich we have
promised to the country—you shall never
want a supporter on that flour while I am
there and able to render you assistance ;
* 4 ', Mr. Tyler if it is tour purpose to
betray that party, and to defeat their mea
sures ; if it is your purpose to break them
down and set up a party for yourself—l'll
'"* if ever you slid see a more violent
and bitter opponent than you will find me;
and as fur office, to which you have allu
ded, let me say to you, that there is not
an office in the gill of the Executive that I
desire to hold, and not one that I would
consent to accept, if it were to be attended
with the slightest sacrifice of my political
integrity, or of the confidence of my con
"Nell, well," said he " we wont talk
any more about this now—Come take off
your hat and stay and cline with me." I
tried to excuse myself ; ie in,isted, took 1 ,
toy hat and umbrella from me, nod I ioaol, ,
and broke bread that day with 'din lot the ,
last time in his hou,e.
Nova. James Ir•vien.
The following Resolution was passed
by the of Clinton county, at their
late meeting :
Resolved, That inasmuch as the inter
gists of the People and of the public works
in this section of the country require a
voice in the board of Canal Commission
ers, and having full confidence in the hon
esty and capability of our late able end
talented Congressman, Gen. JAMES I It-
VIN, we recommend him to the" Whi tl
party as a candidate for that office, Leilect,
however to the derision of a State Lon•
A more deserved compliment could not
have been bestowed on any individual in
thie section or the State. Gen. Irvin's in
dustry, integrity, and business habits,
qualify him in an eminent degree for a
post of so much responsibility as that of
Canal Commissioner ; but whether the
people of this district will consent to fore
go the benefit of his valuable s2rvices in
Congress, even that he may be transf:rred
to a sphere of greater usefulness, is very
doubtful.--Relleronte 11 hi;.
SLAVERY IN TEXAS.- -The N. y• Jour. 1 A SuAtur Bore. —The New York Sun- NOTICE.
nal of Commerce has intelligence from day Mercury h a s a genius in their " Nim- A.LL persons are hereby notified that 1,
Texas, to the effect th a t it i s se r i ous ly con- rod," whose brightness the editors develop'WA the subscriber, purchased at Sheriff's
templated by a large number of the citi- in the following lesson in catechism : Sale on the 6th day of Msy inst. as the prop
zens of that Republic, to abolish Slavery f. Well, Nimrod, can you tell me who erty . - .1 Thomas Cooper of He.ollawmgpr op• nderson town
-perhaps by paying for the slaves, which was th e first m a n 1.,, ship, Huntorgdati county, the f
, erty which I have left in the possession of
it $2OO each nimbi cot exceed 41,000,- " Ad a m somebody. His hither wasn't th e said Thomas Cooper, to be taken care
000 sterling , —a sum which the journal nobody, sad he never had no mother, on of , it not being convenient to remove the
considers might, with fair security on account of the scarcity of n OMCII and thesame, to wit: 1 bay horse, 1 black horse,
Texas lands, be immediately raised either pressure of the times." 2 sets ;; eery , 1 cutting hor s 1 hay fork, 1
wind mill 1 iron wed , e 1 lot straw, 12 acres
trim the Governtnent or individuals in j " How long were the children of Isreal ' 'shovel 1 1 1 log
In the event also, of Texas be-' , in the %, ildernessr wheat, 4 ' acres rye, I is oug 1,
sled, 1 harrow, 7 •
hogs, 1 side hill plough, 2
coming a Free Republic, it is thought that . " Till they found their way out." calves, 12 saw longs at Hampsoo's saw mill,
England would interfere to secure her " Who was cast into the lion's den 7"
immediate independence from Mexico.— " Van A mburg." i. of 25 saw logs Lane's saw mid, 1 clock, 1
saddle and bridle.
And also a cow, bought at Cofistable's Sale
Another effect would be, as Texas ad vi- ' " Why did they lint devour kiln i."
las the propertv of said Cooper, on 29th inst.
ceo presume, that emigrants from England " Because they had been fed with a 1 Also, the midersign d purchased an ns
ad the Eastern Slstes of this Union, a great deal better beef."
would, under the circumstances alluded .. Who was compelled to seek refuge in , i signment of the lease of the land cat which
Thomas Cooper lives, on the 27th April
to, pour into, and soon pupal ire and en- the land of Nod P 1843, which lease is from David Hare to
rich the young Republic. "Governor Do Thomas Cooper, and expires on the 12th
l /849.
" Why was he obliged to flee thither?" A All persons are therefore hereby cautioned
i' Because he gut up the King's Elene- and forewarned against intermeadling with
zer and Providence would'nt protect the above mentioned property, as the same
him." belongs to me, and I will proceed amording
" That will do Nimrod, for this week, to law against tiny person itityrmeddling with
the same or any part thereof.
You are tr my a scholar, and might be a WILLIAM HARE.
gentleman with little exertion." May :31, 1843.---st.
To POSTMMTER3.—By a late letter
from the Post Office Department, in reply
to inquiries on the subject lima an editor
in Maryland, it appears that letters and
papers are placed on the same tooting, and
a Postmaster has just as much right to
loan a letter Irmo his office as a newspa
per. The letter From the Department
says Postmasters ate expressly for
bidavo n. their instructions, to sutler any
pe,son whatever, except the Assistants
duly sworn, to have access to the letters
or papers in their offices. Consequently
no Postmaster can be justified in loaning
out newspapers received at his office to be
read, or in suffering them to be read at the
Ake by persons to whom they do Hot be
long." Postmasters would do well to re
member this.
RE•NlmintEn.—" In this Village," says
the Glenn's Falls Clarion, on the 22i1
April, by the Rev. J. Wells, of the Iltp
tist Church, Mr. Joseph Ft aims, to his
twit faithful spouse, with whom lie has
:iced in harmony, for the last 21 years.—
It appears that the former marriage was
solemnized according to the tiles of the
Roman Church, and at this late day, the
wife began to have doubts about the scrip
tural legality of the ceremony, and etre!).
oously refused to share the bed and board
, if her liege lord until the knot had been
'tied w language she could understand."
R..duced iu thi, alternative, the desolate
swain. with his old sweetheart, started on
oat through the snow for this cllage,
flounce of two miles, where the ceremony
was performed as above stated.
I NoTti.--The Harrisburg Reporter says
that Relief issues of the Harrisburg Bank,
dtered from one's and t%lo's, to lives are
in circulation. They may ba easily de
tected by kidding to . t , ie
The smile may la: said of the Erie and
the the York Banks.
Two's, counterfeit, of the Berke county
Bank' are very plenty.
Two's, cotinierfert, of the Exchange
1131Ik of Pittsburg are also very plenty,
and are difficult of defection.
a case recently carried up to the Su
preme Court, Judge Gibson delivered the
.opirnon of the Court, that, neither under
the law of 1841, nor that of 1841, was it
the intention of the Legislature that Cler
gymen or Teachers of Fthoois shoot! be
subject to taxation. This decision is final
in the matter that neither of that class of
persons Can hereafter be included among
those as receiviny salaries, in assessing
taxes.—Piit'burg American.
ANOTHER MUUDER.-011 Sunday, the
14th inst., the wile of Daniel Hummel, re
siding near the Big Darn, in Lebanon Co,
Pa. died very suddenly, and was buried
without any mispicions of foul play being
excited. Subsequently the coroner Oi l s
induced from some cause to disinter the
body and hold an inquest, which resulted
in the jury finding that Mrs. H. had been
Tiie Sabbath Schoals of New York City,
are now imparting instniction to two mill
ions or Americon youth. and have this
year distributed 600,000 volumes, includ
ing 268 Libraries, to destitute Sabbath
Schools=all at an expense or only 814,-
000, of which 81,700 was directly contri
buted by the public.
The neat U. S. Senate stands 26 IVhigs,
including us such Mr. Rives, and •2S Lo
co, with three vacancies, two rroin Ten
nessee and one from Maryland.
The Whigs have none very well in the
Old Dominion. The Locoloco majority in
the House or Delegates is from six to eight
=last year is was between thirty and
Governor Porter has again been exer
cising his right of &endive dentePey in
pardoning eight linters who were convicted
toil sentenced to one week's imprison
ment for disturbing a temperance meeting.
How infinitely below contempt has the
gutieruatoral incumbent batten!
The Northampton bank at Allentown,
oas made an assignment, at the same time
repudiating a batch of new notes, recent•
ly pet upon the market, signed by John
Rice, President.
The clothing of Yuculacos is said to con
sist of a hat and a pair of hose. Thoie
who wear pantaloons are considered a
mongst the aristocracy.
A woman in IVisconsin who was lately
attacked by a bear in the woods, no abus
ed the poet animal %% ith her tongue that it
died at her feet.
The cause of temperance is making ea.
pill progress in New Hampshire, and ma- MEM ale a "i 1 1 0 0721L
ny dealers in intoxicating, liquors have No. 200 MARKET STREET,
given up the business within the past year. (Above 6th Street)
Specie continues to arrive at New Or Philadelphia.
le.ina in considerable quantities. Tr HE subscriber, thankful for the liberal
SA, support of his friends and the public
generally, respectfully informs them that he
ILEIRPZED, still continues at the old established house,
John ee
On Tuesday, the 23d inst., b
ts, Mr. SIMON AXE tO y
Miss the Ret, where he will be pleased to accommodate
Pl,I lin
sANNAn, daughter of Patrick Lang, Esq. , all all those who favor him with their pltrimage.
of this county.
Dec. 14, 1842.—tf.
On Tuesday the 23rd inst. by the Rev.
H. G. Dill, Mr. BENJAMIN INGAHD, to Administrator's Notice.
In "Ir A ETTERS iit administration on the
Milton, on the 18th inst., by the Rev. M
George Hildt, JOHN PORTER, Esq. Editor p,
e•itate of Jacob Hegie, late of Tell
of the Milton Ledger, to Miss ELIZABETH townshiHuntingdon county, dec'd.,
have been granted to the undersigned.—
PILLING, formerly of Washington city.
All persons indebted to the said estate me
At Money on the 16th inst. by the Rev.
requested to make immediate payment,
Mr. Shadden, A notamos VV n.sots, Esq.,
Attorney at Law, formerly of this place, to and those bovine claims against will
Mist EitzesEm ANN, daughter of Gen. present them duly authenticated for set
%Villiam A. Petrik in of the former place. ilcment without delay.
Neat. Lewi,bur tt on the 16th inst. by the THOS. W. NEELY, Adm'r,
Rev. Willi tin dennec, Mr. WILLIAM township, May 24, 1843.-1 pct
8 . .y00rg., of Huntingdon county, to Miss
NANCY MILLER, of York cxinty, Pa.—Pa.
In Philadelphia, on Thursday the 25th
inst., by the Rev. Mr. Moore, JOSEPH B
ARD, M. D., of Lewktown, Pa., to Mrs.
ELLEN B. KEAcy, cif tho f oln, ph,
On the I lth inst., of scarlet fever, BEN
JAMIN ALLEN, aged l yell'', month, and
23 days ; and also, ot the'l4th inst., HELEN
lowA, aged 2 years, 2 months and 24 days ;'
children of David S. and Strati S. Hell, of
Barba township, Huntingdon county.
you will assemble for plrade'
on Saturday the 3d of June, at
2 o'clock, for the purpose of
44 ' Target 'Shooting.
It is expect:4 that every man
e will be in his place.
liy order of
May 24, 1843. Capt.
Fire Smoke Ser,ars !!!
31,000 common and
7,500 half Spanish
just received nod for sale, by the thousand,
hundred, or box—eheup for cash—at the
T. K. SI moyroiv.
Huntingdon, Nlay 21.—tf
The Eubscriber is now prepared to furnish
every description of CHAIRS, from the
plain kitchen to the most splendid and fash
ionable one for the parlor. Also the
in which the feeble and afflicted invalid,
though unable to walk even with the aid of
crutches, may with ease move himself front
room to room, through the garden and in
the street, with great rapidity.
Those who are about going to housekeep
ing, will find it to thtir advantage to give
hint a call, whilst the Student and Gentle.'
man of leisure are sure to find in his newly
invented Revolving Chair, that comfort,
which no other article of the kind is capable,
of affording. Country merchants and ship
pers can be supplied with any quantity at
short notice.
No. 113 South Second street, two doors
below Dock, Philadelphia.
May 31, 1843.-1 yr.
eyphano' (Court Stale.
TElli virtue of an order of the Orphans'
Court, will be exposed to sale by pub.
tic vendue or outcry on the premises itc
Chilcoatstown, Union township, Huntingdon
county, on 'Tuesday the 4th clay of July, A.
D. 1843, All that certain messuage, tene
ment and lot of ground in said village of
Chilcoatstown, in the said township and
county, bounded by lots of David Clarkson
and others, upon which is erected a story and
a half frame dwelling house, 26 feet in tmnt,
and running back 22 feet, the said property
of Shedrick Corbin, late of township,
county, and State of Pennsylvania, deceased.
The title is indisputable.
TERMS.—..One third of the purchase mo
ne!, to he paid on confirmation of the ,sale,
and the residue in two equal ahnu it pa•y
me nts thereafter, with inter est from the con
firmation of the sale, to be secured by the
bonds and mortgage of the purchaser.
By the Court.
Attendance will be given by ABRAIiAdI
coRBIN, Administrato!
M.!!! 18.15.—ts
appliante (court Sbatc.
N pursuance of an order of the Or
phans' Court of the county of Hunting-
Idon will be sold at public sale on the prelim
les, on Saturday the 17th day of June next, at'
one o'clock in the afternoon. " All that
certain tract or parcel of land situate in
Batree township, in the county aforesaid, ad-
Hning lands lit Josiah Cunningham, John
White, Gilbert Cheney and Alex. Gregory
and others, containing about
be the same mire or less, about 40 of which
are cleared, kb tut four acres of which are
meadow—thereon erected a two story lo g
• •
0 :71,L1.1 G House, 541 4 - ,
l a one dory braise, a small stable and a small
log (double) Barn—late the estate of Henry .
Widensall, dec'd.
Terms of sale will be made known on the .
,day of sale, and attendance given by
with the will annexed.
By the Court
May 24, 1843.—t5.
sPub *atr.
j~ti undersigned will offer at public sale,
11. on'Tuesday, the Ist day of August next,
on the premises, in Antes township, that
large and valuable tract of
situate tat thy• little Juniata, adj. - ailing land
of Edward BAI, including the large bottom
on this side of the little Juniata, containing
300 ACRES,
more er less, about 8 or 10 acres of cleared
land, and the remainde rremarkahl y well
, timbered, with both Pine and
• Oak ; and a first rate natural scat
• of water power, sufficient water
to run a Grist and S•AAV
'terms of sale will be made known on the
premises, on the day of sale ; and will he
such as will be most likely to accommodate
?4a} 54th, 1543.-3 t. pd.
.entice to Creditors.
EIWHEREAS in pursuance of an act of
General Assembly of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania an attachment hat h
been by the subscriber one of the Justices Of
the peace in and for the county of Hunting
don at the instance of a certain Peter Swoop&
of the borough of Huntingdon in the county
of Huntingdon against a certain James lien-,
derson, Cabinet Maker, of the borough of.
Huntingdon, in the county of Huntingdon,'
where certain goods chatt,ls and effects of
the said James Henderson, bath been attach
ed and are now in the hands of David Snare,
Esq. and Charles A. Newingham, of the
same borough, until they shall he disposed
of according to law. This is therefore to
give notice to the creditors of the said James.
Henderson, to appear on Saturday the 17th"
day of June next, at my Office in the borough
of Huntingdon in the county aforesaid
then and there to discovor and make proof
lot their demands agreeably to the directions
of the said act.
May 24, 1843. -------
fitintintotratOro Sonce.
E FTERS of administration on the es
-401 tate of J.4in theliagen, late of Porter
township, Huntingdon county, deed. have
been granted to the undersigned. All per
sons indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those harin;
claims against It will present them properly
authenticated for settlement without delay.
. ..
Alcx:lndria May 10, 181:;.--6!. pd.
W ill be received by the common School
Directors of the Huntingdon District until
Saturday evening, E'd June next, for building
by contract a two story
Brick School House,
in the hor-02h of Hunt.ngdon, 40ft. by 50ft.
Proposals, sealed, to be directed to Dennis
Buoy, Secretary of the Board of common
school directors, by whom the plan and
specifications will be exhibited at any time
previous to the letting.
Pres. Board C. S. Directors.
May 24, 1g43.
'7ILL be received by the undersigned,
Commissioners of Huntingdon County,
at the House of K. L. Green in Springfield
Township, until the 3th day of June next,
(at which time the letting will take place
on the ground) for the building of a Bridge
ever Shade Crock at Shade Gap, in Dublin'
Township. The plan and specifications can'
be seen at any time in the possession of Mr.
ALEX. KNOX Jr., Coms,
May 17th, 1843.
persons are hereby cautioned
'CA ping meddling with, selling. disturb• i
ing or removing the lellowing described prop
.•rtv, which I this day purchased at Sheriff's
S tie, as the property of Thomas Ewing, in
West t p., Huntingdon county, and left in his
possession until I see proper to remove the,
same, viz :-2 bay mares and 1 sucking colt.
Ail persons are therefore cautioned and fore •
warned against intermeddling with the above
mentioned property, as the same belongs to
me, and I will proceed according to law
against any person intermeddling with the
same or any part thereof..,
May ?S, 1843.—5 t. pd. m 24.
EMDIViIIt n 0170114
WAS returned to Huntingdon, and:
opened an Office in the first house in
Hill street, next to the Bridge. Where Me
dicine and advice can be had tar any of the
afflicting diseases that affect the human sys
tem. All letters addressed to Doctor Pur
cell, (1:;r Must M. post paid.
Huntingdon. May IT, 1843.---ly.
Six cents Reward.
Tr_ EFT the residence of the l
subscriber on Friday the'
t r g sth day of May, inst.,
An indented apprentice to the
House Carpentering business.
lie is about twenty one years of
age and had better than two years of his time
to stay. Alt persons are cautioned against
harboring or trusting said apprentice.
Huntingdon, May 17, 1843.---3 t pd
fVOTICE is hereby given to sill personal
interested, that the accounts of Daniel'
I 4
Attica and George Ta)lor, Esquires, As-I
signees of Irvin Horrell and James S. Dor
een under a voluntary assignment, has
been filed in my office, and will be presen
ted to the Court of Common Pleas of Hun
tingdon county, on the third Monday, (and
19th day) of June next, at an Adjourned
Court tiled to be held in the borough of
Huntingdon, for confirmation and allowance,
and the same will then be confirmed and
allowed, unless cause be shewn why the
same should not be done.
Prothonotary's Office,
Huntingdon, May :3, 1843. 5
r ETTERS of administration nu the
419 estate of Hui Williamson, of liarree
township, Huntingdon county, dec'd. have
been granted to the undersigned. All per
sonsindebted to the said estate are requested
to snake immediate payment, and those hav
ing claims against it will present them
properly authenticated for settlement with
out delay.
May 10, 1843.-6 t.
It is now more than a year since I dispo
sed of the " Huntingdon Journal," and du
ring all that time, I have been writing pa
tiently, upon thnst who are in my debt, for
subscription and advertising. I have been
living NI promises ; and what is more, those,
to whom I am indebted, have been obliged
to take 'promises' from me ; and they like
myself, are getting out of patience with this,
kind of a 'credit system.' Now by way of
a hint I wish to say to all who know them
selves to be in arrears to me, that I must have
my accounts closed ; and there is another
part of the story-4 WILL. lam not dispo.'
sed to be illnatured, but mind I tell you all,
lam out of money nearly out of credit—
and a settlement must he had between this
.and August Court--or well I wont say
'vs/hat. A. W. BENEDICT.
Huntingdon, May 3, 1843.--tae.
ipp EG S to inform the inhabitants of Hun
tingdon and its vicinity, that he has'
I commenced the business of light and heavy]
wagon making, and every kind of vehicle re
pairing. Having learnt his trade in England,
he is prepared to furnish either the English
or American style of wagons, and hopes by
'diligence and attention to merit a share of
public patronage.
N. H. Shop near to Mr. 3. Houck's black
'smith shop.
Huntingdon, April 19, 1843.-Iy.
;BLANK DS of an improved
sale E a t
this office.
Telt LANK BONDS to Constables for Stay
iggl of Execution, under the new I:tw, just
tntc6, and for salr, at tlir, efficc.
lisslgir *Mfr.
N pursuance of ati
It order (:1 the Or
phans' Court of Hun
tingdon county, will
irArltvri‘' be exposed to public
sale, on the preinkes, on Monday the 19111
day of June next, 1843, the following real
estate, late of John Miller, Esq. of the
borough of Huntingdon, viz
All that lot of ground on the northerly
side of Hill street, opposite the Market
lionise in the borough of Huntingdon,
fronting 50 feet on Hill street, and ex
tending back 185 feet to Washington
street; bounded by Bath street on the
west, and a lot of Samuel Steel, Esq. err
the cast, with a large two story brick
house and frame stable thereon erected.
All that other lot of ground on the nor
therly side of Hill street, in said borongh,
fronting 50 feet on said ,treet, and extend
log back 200 feet to Washington street,
being lot No. 104 in the plan of said town,
!bounded by a lot late of John Yocum on
the east, with a two story house, part log
and part frame, and a blacksmith shop'
All those two adjoining lots of ground
'on the southerly side of Hill street, in said
borough by a hit of William Ward on the
west, and a lot of John AVCallan on the
east; each of said lots frontiag 50 feet on
Hill street, and extending in depth 200
feet to Allegheny street, and being lots
No. 82 and 83 in the plan of said town;
with a large two story weather boarded
bootie, part frame and part log, a large log
stable with a stone basement, and a tan
yard and large Frame Tan House thereon.
The title of the above property is indis
Terms of Sule.—One half of the pur:
chase money to be paid on the co;ifrr►na
lion of the sale, and residue within one
year thereafter, with interest; lobe secu
red by the band and mortgage of the par.
chaser. By the court,
3011 N REED, Clerk.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A.M.
of said day. Attendance will given by
J AC Oli MILLER, Trustee, &c.
May 17, IS-13,
CAUTION" " " -
LT. persons arc hereby cautioned
against meddling with selling, disturb
ing or removing, the following described
property, which we this day purchased at
Sherisff's Sz.le, as property of Alex. John
ston, in West township, and left in his pos
session until we see proper to remove the
same, viz : 1 Bay Stallion, 2 sorrel Horses,
I farm wagon and bed, 1 sleigh, 1 saddle,
1 lot of boxes, barrels and horse feed in sta
ble, 2 lots of hoards, 1 grain cradle, 1 grind
stone, 1 shovel, 1 wagon-trough, 1 clock, 1
buffalorobe, 1 lot sundries on garret, 1 sled,
6 sets gears, 1 meat vessel, 1 Bureau and
book case, 2 stoves, 1 windmill, 5 bushels
corn more or less, 13 chairs, 1 dining table,
1 small stand ; and all household furniture of
said Johnston, subject to execution.
May 12, 1943.—1 t pd. 17th
1 ,1 0 V Ia Olt Atilt!
WiTHEREAS by precept to me direc-•
ted by the Judges of the Common -
Pleas of the county of Huntingdon, bear
ing test the 15th day of April, A. D. 184:3„.
1 um commanded to muke
throughout my whole bailiwick that an ad
journed court of Common Pleas will be
held at the court house, in the borough of
Huntingdon, in the county of Huntingdon,
on the third Monday (and 19th day) of
June, A. D. 1843, fur the trial of all is
sues in said court which remains undeter
mined before the said Judges when and
sheen all Jurors, Witnesses and suitors
'in the trial of all said issues arc required'
to attend.
Dated at Huntingdon the 15th day Id'
April A. D. one thoutf.u►d eight
hundred anti forty•three, anti the Cd
year of American Independence.
SheriVA office Hunting
don May 17th 1843.
II F.RE AS by precept to me diree•
ted by the Judges of the Common .
Pleas of the county of Huntingdon, bear
ing test the 15th day of April - , A. D. 1843.
1 ant commanded to make
throughout my whole bailiwick that ati
adjourned court of Common Pleas will be
held at the court house, in the borough of
Huntingdon, in the county of IluntinOon.
on the fourth Monday (and 26th day) of
June, A. 0, 1843. for the trial of all is
sues in said court which remains undeter
mined before the said Judges when anti
where all Jurors, Witnesses and suitors
in the trial of all said issues are required
to attend.
Dated at Huntingdon the 15th day or
Aptil, A. D. one thousand eight hundred
and forty•three, and the 66 year of Amer.
ican Independenee.
Sheriff's office Hunting
don, May 17th 1843,
Prtglicel in the srocrol Courts of Hun
),?i,l counties.