Manch Chunk, September 20, 1842. my cot reel apprehension of the scope and Dalai t'll:—...*l'he, undersi4ned, " Com• -pats of the NIUSIM: legislation, by nu Otis tee upon leetures"having listened with means implies even a moderate acquaint • much interest to your addr.sses upon once with its details, and with the usages Temperance before the .. Mauch Chuck and peculiarities 01 the people, to vellum Total Abstinence Society," unit b e li,vi lig lit wns addiess..d. E 1.,, assuredly, we the public would he equ.illy gratified to should never have been culled to combat see them in p r int, in conformity with a the absurdity lit confounding much, nay resolution of the Society to that effect,. must, ul the vapid trash known to the Mit respectfully solicit a copy fur publication. I mtic economy, as .. strong drink," w ith the Yours tt Lily, potent poisons, now known as .. IntiNtea 0. H. WHEELER, ting beverages ;" and of interring from the for the Counnittee. .0 use of the farmer, as totem') festivals be ll. Rogn M'CorcIELL, M. D.:. e ..% foie life Lootioluttiority. to use the latter, Colliery Surgeon, fur Lehigh Co., Sum. in our day, at festivals the reverse of soil mit Mine. elan. Fortunately fur the irate rests of Do the Seroptures of the Old or New l'estmateist a"b"hor. tee the use of Isitoxicatingd Beverages? Reform, winch always implies change, unfortunately does not always infer, retie vatMn, any inure than move, Men% Another cant term of the demagogues of the day for agitation," necessarily supposes •• progress." In the Tt raperatice Itelorin, however, a change fruity vat,' se t t better, in all respects, and which ailifreaes itself, alike, to the health of the hotly, the ile• velopement of the intellect, an I the re genet ation of the moral sense, the most! lynx-eyed objector, it 'bight be supposed, w• old be at fault to discover a germ of evil, I and yet,a mitt,* has presented himself,' respec able from official position, and (rum the vehicle in which his cavils appear, to denounce the actual Belem as !enrolee', and the titian act question itself, as one,, purely . of expediency, and not of mural obligation. In the very extravnance these opinions, would be tumid their best corrective, did they involve no practical conserve ce ; but when we find the word of God invoked to sanction ductrilies, at once di:Minor:ode to the Creator, and in-1 juriuu• to the b. st intereros of his ration,' • creatures, and men are taught that the use' of lama:eating drink. is now pertectly lawful, because, .• God exdreasly author.' intl their use at the 11-ligioua festivals of the Jews," it is high time the monairous error, boot of tact awl inference, 5h.1.11.1 be exposed an 1 reauked with a severity only restrained within the limits Chria ban Courtesy. It I. ~hest fully conceded, that the ad vocate of this « uricntous doctrine diociatina its practical cousaqiimices ; anil having rentwilvied hir by aiguing a tem perance pledge, this liorrty" once deliv ered to the Saints, illustrate*, by his lite and conversation, the beauty of hornless., Butt what then ! ate the error,' of a good ,an, therefore le,* mischievous 1 . on the contrary tse regard them as doula.y Ilan grime-; *MCC, AbsOC hoed as they I. et tent., y are, with mural wortii,.—in eliectuall cultiv a ti o n, a ,11 auto.), they obtain au iiitleetice MIA a currency, nut due to their worth ; all. hundreds ate seriously by the questionai.le precepto tit sudi a te,.:6'Wr fur one who to ueneh act!, by the correctii:g! influence of his wiser example. But tut the argument. the smitary sanction, within the boards of tie Bonk for this vet y remarkable assertion of the Review, is supposed to be found, in Dent. xiv 26, witch is thus, (in forgetfulness of the Call• 110 it the only intalliable rule of Scrip ture interpretatien, is Scripture itaell.) ,de to an mance a doctrine, in direct' conflict with the umform tenor of both aw and gospel. But, where sinne find au thority or caminand ushers at [oust, ills cover but aufferatice or permission ; and the difference ts of tremendous wino:l, l when it iiivolves both the hullinesa of God and the happiness of titan. Biulical actor'• ars are aware, that it is a usual lieuraistii, to express 11l an imperative and active form, what is ititended to be understood only permissively. Thus, we find Moses, Exult. xxi 10, and Deist. xxt 15, as •i ex pressly authorising" polygamy as, in the text 111 q readmit, he is ab.umeil to author• ise Drusikeitness. Are christians there fore, atithorw.ed to conclude with Dr. that audaltery lawful," and that the 7th cottonattilmein was there fore, aurogated by the .•express authority 11l Gull 1111111,e11." %$ by nut ? But again, iti Deut ;eII. 14, Moses, l in language the mans unegiosocal " ex preonly audhoritea" the Israelites, when I I they enter upon the promised lauli, to n et a king over them " like us the nations Ilia! are about thrill " Thou shalt &o ;" direction, universally interpieted by the Robbins, and 'ay many christians, as a command. and yet, now runs the coin tnentary7 why, at a subnequent period when they pro )used to obey this " com mand," we find their conduct tleridiuddla by Jehovah, as an act of etnd I ion ; fur the " Lord said unto Samuel, they have re jected Me, that I should not reign dived them." 1. Sarni. vii 7', and in allusion to Saul, the first King actually set over Clem " I gave ihee a King in mine anger, awl took kiln away in wrath." Ilonea xiii. 11. Tile " express authority" of . Moses, then, does not necessarily involve the approbation of God. In point of fact, the apparent (Mr it in but appare.,t) ales ) onialy is explaidied by our 6.,v111111, when he tells the Pharisees, in . ieference to ip.ii )g muy, and Intemperance &c, that l bl anen because of the hardiness of your heart., suffered these practices' hut from, • the begilimito it wan out so." Mat , . xix 8 and about the time ut 40 years, suffered " he, 'not authorise 1, (Ktrupdiphorasen, as a-, tfor . se eimures the petulant wilfulness of clutch) their manner. in the wit ti dereso." Act.. alb 18, But ►uppu>r it concvtled that " permiss ion" if nut'• exprers,"6. at !emit ‘. virtual authorita." V•;;'Jws, that a tott:ra ;truth, this is in no - material degree, it phi• lological etiquirY, or question of mere language, slept-paws upon Lexicons and ; Curlew dances, and the hair splitting easu• istry of scholastic logic, for its elucida tion. It i• on the contrary, almost exclu• sively a Phystolooct.l investigation. 01' enquiry into the relations of !acts and things, the data for which, by the over ruling providence of timl, have been pre served to us by the laborious idleness of the Turgomists, and other Jewish annuli'- , tors, whose commentaries, eke Si) worth• I less, contain, with other curious facts of a like kind, the various materials and com position of the " Stint% lii ink" in every place (18 times in the old Testament, and out once in the new) where the phials tic.; curs. By itivokilig the, elm e, • he aid or, natural science, the unwritten is made to' illustrate the written ward of truth ; lor,, since the laws of Chemical relation, like their Almighty aui hot. are unchangeaule, the saute yesterday to-day, and forever, modern analysis, a safe , ;vole than a whole faculty of theology, authorises as, ' a ftera the lapse ut zitiOo years, to ptiontionce with absolute precision, upon the real streogili of the " bating lit ilk" of the . Israelites. " And thou shalt bestow that money, for whatsoever thy eon! lusleill Ole!, oxen, or for sheep, or for wine, or ter, sti crag drink, or for whatsoever, thy soul demi eft ; thou shalt ea t three, ihfore the L rd s hy God .iiid thou shalt rejaice thou, awl thine household." 'Jeut. xis 26. Few of our readers r; quire to be inform ed, tout tit, i tint id ui, great goodness, ap pouted various national leeliValoi the Jews ; to give them instruction ; to psi petuate the memory of the w outlet s, he had wrought In their lavor ; and to renew the acquaintance, cm respondence, and p, of the tithes and families, by collectin; them to4ether, three times a year tit the lialy City. '1 he number of these festivals was tile three most aliment ,iiex i tot he Sahheitli, Welt. the Pusluver, cuni.neiniirtiillig the depal t ure Iron Egy ; Pentecost, the law giVeil at Jinni; and the Feast tot Tabernacles, lu • Oh•cis is the alluelOil in our T. vu, wherein thank, were return, il to Alinigh ty hind, fur the fruits of the earth then gathered in, and the people were remind • ed, that tin y were but pil o rims and tray titers throup the world. Upoli these three grand occasions, the whole male i; ;. , inilation were required to desellible " (lie place Where boil chose to place his, name" as lequireti fit the 23 verse. As this festival was held at, Oi' !worth ately after the vintage, It gave occasion to the heathens to conluund it with then I own Bacchanalia." It is observable, however, that Plutarch, in his lieatise till Isis d d o.sts," mow itli. landing his ouvious %visit to tegard tilts lestival as lido In holior of Bacchus, the god of mule, was not toile to find ally thing to the social Istrinles, festivities of the thanksgiving, I (with Ii b-gati and ended with a Jaubath, Lev. xxiii., 29,) approximating its obsery a to the wlamtous orgies of the idol, Remus Bacchaualta. 'Finn a Christiati ? di vine mill scholar should find in it, there -1 iore,anythifig warranting such a tendency,, which the Pagan punusnphrl, though an eye-witness, tailed to detect, may welt move our Especial mind.. In cominetit ing UpOil the Alosale cunuuand, we shall Lwow our Irma; ks into the loan of st vett consecutive theses, or propositions, and ; illustrate them separately ; 1h all Will Patio of which we have the 111.etin tulle to darer, thou.ll itot, we hope, irreconcilably, w till aii early friend, ilie Priticeion critic, with whose memory, thdugh salt •o arum tabus 'rennet vendentia !awl is," we nen. erthei es s associate many great ful recol lections of college compaulonship, tool youdoul attachment. We deny. in the first place, that the word wine, anion.; toe exclu• sively implied a beverage made of grape juice ; and assert that even when au made it was not necessaiily intoxicating. For 2 idly, the distinction of wines in• to i'lluxicating and nun intoxicating ler mated or unierntenteit, was expressly ie• cllgioleeil, dud continually meted Ulll.ll, 11l the ci lebrui ion of ane of the most Solent', cereimmies of the Jewish ritual. L v. x. U. And In the Sid place, the Ilelnew word shekhar, the strong drink 01 our version, I• a term demon g le alive strength only ; or strong as comp:toed with wine; dos, Is but ui one place (Isaiah v. I I.) in the 01,1 l'estaitient, characterised by competent. witnesses (admitted to be such by the Re viewer 111in:tell ) as inebriating ; and le there espies:sly explained as the exception 'to the common import of the word. In the 4.11 place, we will demonstrate, from the materials and composttion al tlie, shekhur, furnished by the Targoinists and inner Jewish authorities, in every place ;-;witere the -wurd-occui or, that its utmost SI , 2totrullc strength cOttltl,llot have exceeded six iieercent:'sail that its average ott was, in t Cases. actually much less. We thus determine, also, a fortiori the strength at the weaker wine. in the sth place, we affirm that the skeAhar was alw.iys a sweet anti lurious eiisetitailly innocent. unless spiced 1(or drugged) anti then its name war mail itiotl to tip oiS its altered p 1 opertieo. For 6thly, as an incidental philological corrubin atom ill the sweetness (iherelort of the lack of strength) of toe shelchur, is in a high degree probable that tins 11,,• brew word is the tactical of augur, in ul: the languages in the korth awl west to Europe, sixteen in nuaaber, of which or di furnish a hat. 7thly and lastly. By a similar philie. lugie.ll analogy, ne are enabled to deter 'mine the precise impost of siktra, the Week equivalent of toe sepuagint, and of the New Testament for this same "strong drink ;" a term, which having passed from the Otientals to the Rimini's, was by them Trimble:red with other memorials et con- Good !sign cpiest, to the British Islands; and alter a, There is nu mistake in the sign descri. Lipse of 32U0 yea's, is at this day cork- bed in the following article. Whatever quially pronounced sisera," though use- may be thought of Millerisin in the con. ally written "sierra , " by the inh..bitauts , ter- , crate. in the abstract, this particular omen of 'northern Italy ;and with a triyal in ;Ilion is also retained in our own If erIINCII- iis worthy to be specially regal tied. We tar as " cider;" the same word, fora bey- find it without credit in an exchange pa erage of the same sti emir as the " mr°°Oper, but its authenticity should tort be drink" of Moses, and similar, at least its composition and properties, as we ' will questioned on that account, as such things show. Ilasing thus ascertained what was not used by the Jews for the purpo-es of its iiixtecition, we will next wont:led to treat ut the titebriasits (the "ails trritamenia." of limy, or ion' rin itants it-of by both Greeks and "Lanai's Isis sinular put pose*) winch were all used, viz : Opium. bum Iron' the red and white poppy ; Nerium 'Oleander; lisgailunt ii.nmina, UI Iyrlaa1 yrlaa Rue ; common Rue; Bangui. ut the Per. !stints, train the leases and male Hillier...l the hemp, a common native of minhent Judea ; B 'fugue Inan the leases ut th. Ilibiscutil bummed's ; seeds of Various species of I hurnsiipple (1.1 4 bra 111110 Penang ; Imo a 01 black Henbane, (.%lutiiinte;in't ;) Hyuseismus Physalonles us' watt: nriniocis ; bet rtes or the night saade, und iii .slythe A , ..tlu-sea, or aro , mane. spicery , 11111101 hit II the East lul the . 1 t ny.le sel vice, of which an in •tsnie !is also mentiones in Gets. xxxs 11. 45., be lore the Exude of the Jew', 01111 300 y • a's Helm e the eta sit s, rott,t.titig 4 , 1 Xlyrrii, Oitgehd, B I , llttini, &.•., all pow I tul hal colic,, awl employed alike It) Jews, Ureeks and Romans, and Our a like purpose, viz : to reinter their wines ille• ut which were other% Ise innocent trims davit ul alcoholic strength. AttU , haying ilcpt ived the " mod erate ilrnikei" Isiocted support til Musaic suilbs by," we will complete our to-k destionstratmg with what a sexy high degree of pt ucabil:ty it may be villein 11, that St. Paul 11l kis inemonibli invite to Timui.hy, (inemoraislv as the un ly s'isitow ut rah, trui.vitt.eut .is the New lesiament, and ! raids slso, it la to be I, sited, as hissing myosin', ell tar more " Ir. qUent nail unties" than Cr it isilvvia,rii) 1. 1 " mat little 'Amt.,' had nu torten-lice at lilt It. qUdlitli . 4 much sir little; but Id inereiy Auggealllig, 111 csolllid DM) with a then cut ...CUL 41101. ut Ilippocrstes' Aphat sect. 4, ". %Vine (set Coos) relieves Ills gnaNing p.llll tol a Ily.peptie stomach.") usr us the smsll, W. uk , unlerntetitne vinou s syrup.§ ul the skinny, [Eresusj In Sino' Hi n tmy was then is n• 1114, urn , tioalll ca-es sit ganttistlpie us' dya (.n: Illlieli,auce lit the 111W101 , 1U. .!;;;.; bilitllo.l6 sit all.ages ant sts lovonaut, attendant, cunstspatimi. " For ),.u, atuttadch'h tiake, anti 3,uut• fn titi‘ sit infirm !tier." Aelheuelas , 111 tile i11i1 , 611i41, Llit vet) term eitiplo,tql by tlippucrates lot lint' ut the bowels, ur costiveness. "I McClean D. D. Vice President of Proicettio College, in the pc' tu ry and Pl'lliCllull Itt.VlcW" for April ant', (Jett.Uri Ib4l. tile ablest Literary Periodic.a ui cowitr), anti wilieli is witiersitsAl to ue toe c. , riter.ttl organ of that tone honorttl histituttuh, (the OWli ltllcTelble alma mato. t•• Thelyphthora." London 1784, By the I(.v. Mr., the hdi..tdedu Ue teuce a,t l'ad)F,dui) that lads appedrtu aial WIIICII is 41%U. (1 cam fly .lir two quaaud unner, and lival W.. Vaal% Oat hibritlini and De., Gals Slealltl liaVe but one w Ile, tiwt therefore ll sods •• law till " I.l' 1.1)11101 to to than one, a 11. whiCa has at least tile adVa.a.,ge ut .• ties lowa ueing ladseu Upon tutee *. Instead ef adae un.y. trite adjective ..oligos," though here ren dui Ld • little," by nut' ttantthuors, pe t ss a t g, in their upiokit , qu anity," is generally employed, both radtcst, sou urn% - .ttire, by classical authors, to utinite hies" et the persons or Whigs with w hien it IS aSSUCIACILI; and is actually thus iiittrpre- Led in our twit VCESI,II of the New Testa ment, in seven el the eleven places where It is fuel IQ the 01 . 1611111,1. Lad, as re st rictva to ..quatittues," ts, on the c.atrktry, prive t ly thus reiidcred 111 I, WClltr , ibt" I crb, tame a. sic (ale t.t the mitt i firs GI tek equivalents woks hay., that toe .1. tug exclu al'C never us: d tot xpress • •q Itlt as we will illustrate ill CMCLISO. Chat such was the characterot the wines is questa: awe have the t xplicit and dirt.ct at t, station si Ariststie, I , Au iu. Grills, At liemn us, cee 'us lti.cedie,sams, and Csriirlis us Celsus, an.. pro sousce them sus-int,,xicating, lllcausc akusslic, tor uuttruirtitett. Perseus, the satirist, confirms the above aim adds that the ••whits ISt t he Coos and Lt ebl s, (model M) telene) in the null di ate %min ty of r trhraus, were end, d •• vwa .lubtica," and •• lubricantia". till account Of their cattail tic quali it s. An enorlllll _ h ; earAnessuring eight fee' in len :ion his elope to the tip 01 hit. tail, at sighing four hundred pound., was killed near the village of Tuberg, in Oneida county. N. Y., a few days since THE HUNTINGDON JOURNAL. ilianhogdon, nay 17. 1 543. " One country. one constitution, one destiny.' V. B. PALMER, Esq. (No. 104 S. 3rd St. Philadelphia,) is anthorard to act as Agt nt for this 1, iper, to procure subscriptions and itnivertiscnients. sometimes occur." A M r. Blitidioan, pilot on a Hat boat on the Ohio, recently saw a most %vomit.' tut sight in the heavens. He was watching,' eagerly, toe Coluet's tail, when all at mite he ra w me tail curl up, and tortn, in big letters, the wor.i I'A Y Mr tloln't pay much attention to it ; but in a few minutes he looked round again, and saw distinctly, in the save place the word 1 HL A*lontalied at this, he 11111 below to inform the captain, and when he had gut bail, looken Lp at the tail, he Wood that ii had changed agave, and had !tinned the o old ' PIUN Whereupon he 111.6 the captain marvelled greollv and resolved instantly to heed the atittinnition, and 116 soon as :hey got home it, pa) the printer. 11 r wish a good man, could see that sight, and pi ortt uy it. Cancelling Relief Issues. UL'I]CIAL. TREAhURV DEPARTmExr, Harrisburg, Apra 29, 543, This day the I rea.urer canned to be cancelled, and deltverrd to the Auditor tietteral, Firty I huttsatol Dollars, ',oleo antler act ut 4th May, lb-11, uy the lollow mg, named tu Wit : Bei ks County Baiik, 816,362 S 4.,u .Nlanulat turei & Mechanics Bank, 6 sut) Oma►► , la 6,4UU I . CIIII TON !WIT Bank, 5 958 rto R a.utll 154.11%, 4 . 4. 4 Kne .11ank., 1 bli The above amount or Fifty T/1111.1Ndllio dollars was c,uterllyd under the provis ions olio' act of the lieuetal As,eilibly eeinislvanto, Choi led act to pi tile tar the pa) meat of the Domestic Lretiitth, 4 thus euniounioralili, sale ol state and for other purposes," passed 81h April, 1843. .1011 11ANN, Treasurer. Per A. At FA i I Alt, Co. elk. Vl'tempt to sissassinale. .1 he p, to ut 1 ucada) toe 9.1 i tuat., loaf:1111S a.cuuuta lit au al wiiiitt to d'ad.6l,.atte JUAN AI E•ti. .%).9o• ul the city. l ite b.:tuner give. tic folluoing aceoitn : it aeVllls that all Italian, Hauled Adel uert llenettict I'dileutta•, hat! lite!' in the oauu ul collo% at tne hlayai's tither, anti making impinges t• 1 1111 e 1,011 or i1001.01 . 1', anti altegi, g that he With 10 a el y tote ciditittinn. Money had had been rr p went . ) g.rit ht.. . eilietl .ei wand's toil a 10001111 1 . 1.,Lie 10 reside 1111 was quite ditto.) ing di has implies. Yostrltla) lie t ailets alit elal , n ru ha' Ili, .11a)uI, tut Puttee Ullicei 1 'Jung said that die Aloyor nue buir.), and tuuill fail. In dlaiutueu. Ile, hillhe,er. ientaitteti in in office, and watt:tied until the gentleman, win, Was Ull a Vlhlt to tile Mayor, 1.11111: tut of the pii%ate t,ffice, when lie uncere intintouNty pushed we Kay in. lie then ti god ed Uir Sloyor to loutish him with a, house, nut that nlncer 001 having leisure, Ut itsten to his unsold importunities, ten dered him some inn hey, supposing limi to Ur 111 'listless, and turned to li:dee th. romp, by pissllig through a dual' leading 11110 all au j uuwle Office. Upuu Cola, the ! [tenon tiro... , a pistol ut small size, and tip-' , parently hew, and discharged It. ' 1 he call struck the Mayor Ili the back, ',asst.', through Ills coat and vest, and lot Innate!) attack the suspenders o hoe 111 e ., ClticcCU, atm glahced sidenayr. l lie wound, theieltne, only amounted to 3 severe bruise, although the Md .. or was ennsttlrl ably sniggered by the shock, the elf' cts ul windi way still prine unpleasant. At this point, officer Young entered a u nt ar rtoited the Wall. with the pi• tit' w his 111i1j11. ir-cocked. Ile made 1111 1 e , it•tance, and nellig unable to speak English, gave nu explanation. Stone pima, r and st.eeral balls were Mind upon Ills psi sun. A NARROW E•cApE.—The Milton Led.: ger s too the liUll. ELLIi LEN I. i With ton tither persons, duini g tne high water, got into a canoe about Mr. Fil Uel t+, Ili nlull county,) designing to ei deep water createu in the toad by the damming up of the ivea; and atm Una out, uy b ttttt c mean* ihe boat upset. and Judge I.ewis gut into the water, and woulii in evitably have perished, had out immediate assistance been rendered. The Contest in Tennessee, The canvas• forllovernor in Tennessee conducted with great spurt by • the se- veral parties. Dor. Josses, the present in-' eumnent is the Si hig Candidate—and .1. 1 It. Polk, Formerly Governor—the Locioto- 1 VIII candidate. Until recently they had the li. Id all is Uten a. lvt s. bit torpeirs trots the Nashville Whig, that a new candidate had been plated upon the course. The hig says : Mr. Moses Singleton, of Davidson co., accepts the nomination tor Doov ei nor made by a atajot it v of the Ty v men of NI and is out in the Franklin Res [ view with an address to the people. Ile lis 'I y ler Democrat of the first Phis 18 a sad breach in the patty Ito tiov. Polk, who is already hedged tumid n ith linnumeraLle difficulties. We really !My the poor IOWO9. John Tyler, vie rear. will prove too lievy a %eight for them to carry. Their own sins abundantly sufficient to bear them down. let skim the iniquities of the Traitor Ty ler. To give our readers an idea of the wa) they manage this gs in, we co py a few paragraphs Irmo the proceeding• of a meeting in Springfield, Robert:wit count•. Mr. Polk arrived in Spring Id on the night pre nous to the meeting, and : wet by Mr. Cave Minato'', and a Ice At au eatly hour the yeomanry of 111 , vuutitty vivre :Well eotnuig 111 It Bet%s to. 9 and 1U o murk large and slentlnl limner, oat. s•ett Hut .ermg to the a r lout the cupola of th Curt Iluu.r,heastug in lofty aott tole•- nc pride toe folkm in-rtipttutt CLAY ANL) A 11. 6. BANK." About (Ms Clue a large mother UI moun ted men slatted out in the tierectom to 'out city lur the purpose id meetiog at, escorliog liuv. J.Mes into ltm ti , haviur teat ite•l that he w 441.1 Imige at Alta. H0b..., ten tulle, distant, last light. At the., "Wad Wits burise a sup• rb satin Balmer a, to lug lue .iniericatt Em4le. ill Ins heal. lie Um e it whet' , sct oil, which, as tm rum, Mid seemmaly mounted Spam I 'stretched nal to glacriut lohla bettea.ll ht. n tt mg, Utspl.n lug J.- ,e 4, y, A/ ea, Wing, I it het complete. A milv 11111110.11 till Governor met lb woe ..hoot o loco op tied I. oto the et.i 11. , Ifirothtig avriitie 111111.14 II II ill. pat , . ar..Al mkt 4.44.4 y the le. .• /WIZ t Fin( JONES" t..11-ce i.lai , In lie peak, 1, lit tile tor. riw 11114Ce•riallaJ.C1Illio -4,..-.114ro11110 lot I,,weii 11.,,;11111 111 viitri lug Ih.• town hilt were met an iireeeeued by u 14.11141 111 /11U Oaf air.. •mg puruuit lee of ocione et outl, to brikili 611 Vie cumpa,, p re ,, eli t .1 the %illigs ul J.4lles ow. receded utill 4ele ttttt eel id very neat and appropriate at4l.lreuu by Fe Its Put ker, Jr., frOlik his hill*St'• [OA the 11Usrlllrlll, .11111 I.4coig, file er.i4v,i, Irelorliell one 411 the lutist laud efoqueot re4.140..bes I ever braid. 1 oiiiy attentio, HI 11111114 16111 wj Isilur, 1111 bur the hollowing k. W hich W.,pi .411 lnt l ut 8,11 up.o4 Illy 11111111 ion to lie forgotieu. 11. r. oho ked 611 11111 ru.i.ot; nod polo. itig Ills righ. l 11111111 tuflant. tile top it Inr Court Itodt.t Ii full ,iew, 4• th. r , IJ my boomer— tad ttt.der Mot fag I ow, ti her moults, r or ill.!' tv, k . rithg, awl the liut ri ton mils t tfildUlll II 9 - 3u,ouu ll ll 11 . 0, I.: 11,e crnt , .ll 't‘ 1111, mour.eil the Ciiivermor In the ;11..111°111s' t:hurt 11, 1111% le the spe,,king ‘ta, ti plat. Al quarter ita.t 11, Giiverlicr Jones led nll' in it Still at,' 111.4Niefl\ elllll athltess of 1,11/ hour, 111ft:0111M I o he ciao he ol a I joinder by Gov Join, he baid Tuo [sing to Polk, he said, I hive :1,- Ik , tl you minim )ttu ate fur a. litemitelit ? Yttit telu-e to attsiier: Say whoysiu Isle fer for Vice Prestileut ? and ilati't let any little scruple, of modesty skier you. dm Int CLAY fir..t. C L. 11( last, CLAY all the lane" ile replied so do stale charges against CLAY, and showeo that the Whigs have magnanimous heart is repair guy injury they may IliaVe %own since seitstnle lit it. You tel. what we are /or," said Jones, nut nn mutt uu are Ind'—N'hat I. your :Cult dji .fles appointment. Richard S., lute editor of ill Peon,ylvatila lotelliu,eocer, 1134 O. eti ap pointed Aid to ht, Errakitry / ! Porter, 64t, 'Tour ol ivcitild, tt ul the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Our nriehbor of the Keystone is consii.- erably wrathy at this appuintnirut . %% mink, in view of the p which ti Governor and his new Aid wards each other in times past—it is lode singular; a *meniati y which rat only be explanird by the tact of Mr all. .inve b. tween Tyler and Port. v—an all lice it Inch this %mall el, cumstance goe• to establish. Mr. Elliott to los‘m nto hav torn site only 'll . ler man in these dig 4illb"— the entire rank and file of ilit President's parry in I larrisburg, alter slim imiclionary's desertion of ilmsr who el,- led him. For his singular faithful:leis, he was rewarded with an Indian Agency, soon after James M. Porter because Sec• retary of War, ... . . Now, a military title is thought to be , i ffective among the kiltans,.. the poor ba. , 'lighted savages supposing it is with the whites as it is with theut-•-that nature des note derils--and that a high military tle. I.ienettun is conferred fur correspondingly high and dating nehievenielts on the bat , !ile.fielil. A great mistake, indeed! .A, military handle to the name or the neW . ~1....,, ut WitS, therefore, elf,,iralOH: and,vilso ISO proper, under the ell cumstitares, .to 'confer it as Imo 10 W l lOlll .. Indian" trans . actions were she familial? 'We have' no manner ordoilbt, that David R. Porter Cantered this commis.aan vilon on ad :enenly, ( t the direct ifistunre of the " pow ,et 3 awl" be tit Wa4hington. 11 / e cannot sympathize with the Key stone in its rage at the .appoitrment, tan the gloom' iir Mr. Ell.ot's former oppusi- I thin to, and denunciation at the Governor. jThe Keyston e ' s pr e sent position is good' 'e‘itletice lii the Huth of these denuncia tions, and the correctness id that opposi-• lion. It has seen the emir of its lo a ner support of David R. Porter, and -now "de nounces" and " opposes" him!: Yet Mr.. Elliott never did, so lavas we,have heard, back out from any !hill lie ever said ur done against his . Kickai ooship. His ap 'ointment as Aid was doubtless given him at the instance of Putter's new alli, a.. without a why or wherefore" As 444 the 4ieiiia of the appointment, Mr. Elliott in l o d o ubt as troper a man, personally, as most of P utter ' s Aida. and • , Ilietter titan many. Aside trom any t hing 4•lse, how,ver, it wan all allll6t. 441 the pow. .r t eat. 41 in the Guyer: or of appointing hin Aids, hi confer a commission gr the kmil upon one Om at the time was an• “flicer of die General Government, and aim was 141.0, n to be oinking prepara ion, to remold immediately fr the 'Oat, into the %%dela ol Iowa! But "abuse of power" by 1)..v0i It. Porter, it too ommon 44 thing 44 excite, or M(101 .--liar. Tel. The Appointment of Mr. Cushing. We stated on the 9t't inst. hat fir. Cosh. ink 114.1 twell .111110 , 111,d agent to Chola by •lie of Mr. Everet., .vh o has declined the honor. W.- have o I ohketion to Mr. C.lllllllg per se—no 'tat. in the cotinf ry knoita iNsvotlomp i .,6 ivere.t. better hart he, and he is decided ly oh.• oo.s* t,deo pi of Mr. 'rpm'. 11. Bit we (1.1e41111,11 the legality of ,e apl o'vitutient. the Lcz of Congress cre.itiug the aL t eitry„ expre.sly pro‘i led Vim I' no (igen, Ault .4 e I.y virtue of •i 8 ‘‘c unle,, he shun hay been appoin• ie 1 by ~ n ./ wiet the a lynx and consent of ie Pieurae.'' Opiohseol to old., it io; argued • that the 'ool-tt lotion f the United Stititi Art. 2 0 . "ret. 2. par. 3 l'he shall !olive te . .rer to MI. 0.0 ;ill v.orarorie.4 that only loaptoroo olurtoog. rece.:4 of the Sroolite, by grant.n4,com ossimo.., a hick shall e.spre at 11.! chit of hr gession." John kr el simq to b. a "strict con. " lint wr think in .th s instance .hown himself quite a latitudina rian.—Forum. Whig Victory! lietroit Re. divined!! • The U•trnit id the 29th ult., .ay.—•• the election v.•sterday. for Alder. in the Second Ward, to 611 .the ea. an. y t eca.doned by the resignation of Aid Titian Scott, re.uit.•d in a glorious jenny, and the triumphant elec ton of that Whig t mem), licasamitt_ Win tor.m.rn by au impr.cedeoted roa m i•v of ONE HUNDRED AND SE. V !: 'l•h•s glees the VS higa a majority t: e Commo , , Council. (linty tuutiglii . Inother Family appointment ,% liii.ter, Esq., bas resiginll Ills sou .tion ac D pvty secretary of the C.lllllll, IW •,sl 11 P. Anderson, 6 sirph , ry qf Gov. Poger's, has been in his phi( e. Ali.. Anderson, it will be heniontereil, was toe Clerk ol the Canal 'Howl awl very activ, in gettin up the •' Cass Denotitsiration" at Ilarrisbuitg, when large placards were sent all over I be COUII,y, franked by the Canal Coin issionets, until this larceny of the public 'ninny was (le ectral.—Porttra. STAGE R 011BERY.-0.1 Tuesday morn. lug, (9.11 inst.) tar United Stales Ling - ta_te Coach, pasNing from Ligonier meat. MING about four notes ram of Hitigmlllwo, the bunt was uwittapped. n.l lour trunks taken therefrom. It . it the stage stopped at Youngs own the ro Awry W.IB iii•etiVrred, die ...setigers still red b.wk lull tilOt .earch I the I.e,t ha/gage.' The trunks were tound near the. toad aide, broken open and !kit of 'hew ciont,lit.i. Mr. Ilsepft [/'Curly, of Allegheny only mis our!, 1.0 .ttitie clothing; Mr. iir MI ,41101 b u sh clothing and ; and tiattg , iiileinen trom Ohio who id their baggage in cumtuuu , all their .miry and clothing. Ihe elo hing ato ll l• volmlitiut three hundred and ..etily•li,e dollars. SY% erol iti•rson. have been arrested on U.llll'loll, but 110 NOB have twin illicited ht it detention. A reward B.f one hundred dollars At red i'y the Slage Company for tho all 1,1 el.iint f the robbers. —lf catalpa.. 1 land littelligesdcer. 8114,447 in sprcie, .arrived at New prleam. en the 27th, ult., from Matamoros and Mobile,