The journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1839-1843, April 26, 1843, Image 6

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8 kts ':. i'..l i '1
pt l Term :4 ..r
Itol 1 It 11
- . 11/-
ho ul le e, •s store ,luorn, a frame stable, 4 hi•red 111, :tn . i it, , ''ast . , ~Tic;,.- her able to Trial Li l
blacksmith shop, and alimes!otte quarry pay o r a ,e, „ii d o .“.11 iii ,thserve it, it' Ititita) . StIMINTE LA M.
thereon. Also a piece of land situate in they wish to held the property stricken
Warriormark township, adjoining lands of down to them at their respective bid, FIRST WEEK. ,
'VHF subscriber respectfully informs
G. 4. J. H. Slmenberger, Gilbert L. Lloyd, JOHN SEAVER, Sir ',ll. Walter's heirs - vu' Stoller 3c Stoner .1. the citizens of Huntingdon county,
John Spitler, and Jacob Vantries, contain. March 20, 1843. M'Cauley vs Ramsey
and the public generally, that he contin
_... _____ Same TS Slime
mg about 5 acres, purchased l'rom John ----
Walter's heirs vs Stimeac Stoner ues to carry on the
Stonebraker for an ore bank, with a dwel- PROCLAMATION, Reeder vs Hulifigs Copper, Tin and Sheet-iron Business
ling house 18 feet by 24 thereon, for use Wallace vs Addleman
in all its branches, in Alexandria, where
of the ore bank hands. Also, right of ore WEI EREAS by a precept to me di, Footer ' s Ex'rs , vs M'Divitt
. . vs Seeds he manufactures and constantly keeps on
forever on 188 acres of hind situate in rected dated at Huntingdon, the n lie r wit,,
vs Eitnis hind every description of ware in his line;
Warriormark township, a dj o i n ing lands of 14th day of January, A. D. one thousand W ''e l n il ' i . "•ton et al vs Swoope's Adm'rs. such as
G. & J H. Shoenberger, J os h u a Coxe and eight hundred anti forty-three, under the Smith&M'Namara vs Biuglimati
Jacob Cronester. hands and seals of the Hon. Abrahast S. Butler vs Brown & Dougherty New and Splendid Wood Stoves,
Seized, taken under execution, and to Wilson, President of the Court of Coin- M'Cracken va Smiley 22, 24, 26..28 and 30 inches long.
be sold as the right and i n t eres t o f James mon Pleas, Oyer arid Terminer, and gen. M'Murtrie vs Morrison RADIATOR STOVES,
Dickson and also the right and interest of eral jail delivery of the 20th judicial Bell (.:o _ th . vs Pollock
' for Kinselsys Smith et al New Cooking Stove. of all kends, and
George McCulloch. district of Pennsylvania, composed of the cora m , th.
vs Peter Hewit Also four sizes of Coal Stoves.
ALSO, counties i t l Huntingdon, M Rill!' and Union, s ame vs M'Kee
A lot of about 7 acres of cleared land and the Hon. Joseph Adams and John Lightner . vs Johnston ALSO STOVE-PIPE, AND STOVES FINISHED
Kerr, his associate Jutlges of the county of Hopper vs Lytle at Patterson All kinds of castings done, for Forges,
situate in Blair township. on the north
Huntingdon, justices assigned, appointed,
Saw-mills, and Thrashing-inachivres. AI-
erlv side of the Turnpike Road, between
to hear, try and determine all and every
so wagon boxes, mill gudgeons, and hol-
Thtlitysburg and Duncansville, bounded
Carothers vs Wentz
indictments, awl ;presentments matle . or
/ow wore; all of which is dune in a work ,
an the north and east by lands of John
Patterson vs Caldwell
taken Mr or concerning all crimes, which
M'Calian, on the south by the turnpike Culbertson v s K em p se c unn i ng h am manlike mariner.
the town a by the laws of the state are made capital Hetherington vs Hewit Also, Copper, Dye, flash, Fuller, Pre
vost!, and on the west by
or . felonies of death and other offences, Householder vs Anderson
Waltersburg, thereon erected a two story serving, and Tea Kitties for sale, whole
brickcrimes and misdemeanors, which have Maize . vs Glazier sale and retail.
house and kitchen and a frame
vs Ennis
been or shall be committed or perpetrated Hemphill
Persons favoring this establishment
vs Haralerode et al
,i.hin said county, or ill persons who are Waggoner
Seized, taken under execution, and to • ' ' Ludiuwa Adm'rs. vs Coryell with their custom may depend on having
be sold as the property of John B. Buchan
or shall li
erealtei• be committed or be per- Miller vs Goodfellow' s Adm'r their orders executed with fidelity and
an 4 , George Buchanan.
petrated for crimes aforesaid—l am cum, M'Connel's Ex'rs vs M'NE•iniii•lt & Royer despatch.
mended to make Cresswell vs Kemp &Cunningham Old metal, copper, brass anti pewter
Pn Com'th vs Barton blic Proclamation, taken in exchan. Also wheat at market
Lot No. 30, and parts of lots No. 32, Holliday's Ex'rs. vs Alexander , ge
throughout my whole bailiwick, that a Ewing vs Ewing price.
31 anti 29 in the plan of the town of Gays
., C ourt of Oyer and Terminer, of Common Jackson vs Reamey
port, Huntingdon county, fronting
leas and Quarter Sessions, will be held Caldwell vs M'Cauley et at
Newry street 65 fret and extending back of Com'th for use vs Clayton
at the Court House in the ' Borough
200 feet to an alley, thereon erected aMiddletown Bank vs Betts et a l ai
Huntingdon on the second Monday and corwth
two story brick house and frame stable. vs Ennis
the 10th day of April next, and those who Piper vs Coulter's Adm'r. .
Seized,staken under execution, and to
ESPECTFULLY informs the cue
will prosecute the said prisoners, be their Stewart vs Stewart
turners of her late husband, and the
be sold as the property of Jeremiah C.
and there to prosecute them as it shall be Devine vs Patterson & Lytle
ALSO, just, and that all Justices of the Peace Baker & Co. vs Benner public in general, that she has taken part.
Smith vs Hunter & Wigton of the store formerly owned by her lois-
Coroner, and Constables within the said M'Nutt vs Henry
A certain tract of land containing 130 band, and that she intends adding thereto
county be then and there in their proper same vs Hart
by a stock of
acres more or less, situate in Allegheny persons, at 10 o'clock 4. M. of said day Bolinger vs Cromwell
township, Huntingdon county, adjoining
000 D S
with their records inquisitions, examine. Stroub & Co. vs Moore
lands of Jacob Miller, Abraham Beahl, vs Bracht
bons and remembrances, to do those het from Philadelphia
Elias Baker & co., and I lenry Glass, hay- things which to their offices respectively Moors's Ex'rs. vs Caldwell & Gates
' this fall ' which will
about 60 acres cleared land, and a log appertain. Rogers vs Hewit & Fries consist of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinetts,
Moorl.ead vs Holing Merinoes, Mouslin de Laines, Silks,
dwelling house and a log barn thereon— Dated Ii
.at riuntingdon, the 14th day of Jan. Corn'th for use vs Li Lig htner et al Shawls, Mullins , Hosiery and Gloves;
Also lot numbered 150, in the plan of the in the year of our Lord one thousand Brown's Assignee v Ro yer et al Also, a general assortment of
town of Hollidaysburg fronting fifty eight eight hundred and forty -three and the Knox vs Bolin
6601 year of American Independence. Paterson feet on the north side of Juniata street, Paerson vs Gates hardware and Groceries.
and extending back 160 feet to Batik Al- JOHN SHAVER, Shr'ff. ShaverM'Cal a and all articles which are genetally kept
Shr . f•.v - Moore 's Ex'r s. va vs CaldWell n & Stewart
ley—thereon erected a three story brick s her i ff! , o ,e.
sire, Hunting- i in country stores, which will be sold on
Moorehead . vs Leslie
Tavern house, and a large frame suable. dun, March 22, 1843. c ..______________- -....L._
Seized, taken under execution, and to ______
Country produce taken in exchange.
Proclamation. CHAIRS, CHAIRS. Alexandria, Nov, 8, 1842.
.lIL SO, WHEREAS by a Precept to me di- Tine subscriberrespectfolly in- ROCKDALE FOUNDRY
All that lot of ground in the borough of rested by the Judges of Common illi,_l forms the inhabitants el Hunt- a
HE subscriber would respectfully in-
Pleas of the county of iluntiogdon bear- Om ingdon and its vicinity, that he
Hollidaysburg, lying and being on the
has opened an establishment in iL " form tne citizensof Huntingdon and the
southerly side, of Allegheny street, and ing test the 14th day ot January, A. D. 77 1 the borough of Lewistown, for adjoining counties, that lie still continues t
in front tin said street 60 feet, and extend- 1843, lam comma nd ed to make Public the manufacture of Chairs. Set- carry on business at the Rockdale Foundr,
Pi ()clam tion throughout my whole baili• tees, &c., of the following kinds, viz: on Clover Creek, two miles from William s -sing in depth at right angles to said street
180 feet to Strawberry alley, as laid out wick that a court of Common Pleas will French Chairs, Half French, Grecian. Fan- burg, where lie is prepared to execute all
on the ground and marked in the plan be held at the court house, in the borough cy curled Maple, Black Walnut, Off i ce, orders in his line, of the best materials and
Fancy and Windsor, Boston Rocking, workmanship, and with promptness and de
thereof, numbered 34, together with the of Huntingdon, in the county of Huntilig- S p ring seat Mahogany,
Night Cabinets, and spatch
hereditaments and appurtenances. don, on the third Monday and 17111 do( of Sudying Chairs. He will keep constantly on hand stoves cf
Seized, taken under execution, and to April, A. D. 1843, for the trial of al is
be sold as the property of Jacob Snyder. sues in said court which remain untleter. SETTEES. every description, such as
e 0 Oki VIZ, Een Ali 14t r,
JOHN SHAVER, Stu ' y: mined before the said Judges when and Mohogany, Fancy, Cushion, cane and
Sheriff's Office, Ilit». 1 where all Jurors, Witnesses and suitors common Settees, Parlor Coal, notary Cooking,
tingdon, March 20,1843. S in the trial of all issues are required to at- on an improved and fashionable plan, and from! Stoves :
. ili
Or As much difficulty has arisen in Dated at Huntingdon the 14th day of Settet Beilliteroo, IlAbingoton touglio,
making Sheriff's sales by reason of per. January, A. D. one thousand eight both .a elegant and useful, designed to close up, Anvils, Hammers, Hollow Ware, ,
sons bidding who are unable, or who fail hundred and fort y-three, and the seat
tig the
I , l a ancl t sm
u oe Settee with cushion and every kind of castings necessary for for
to pay the amount of their respective par. 6611 i year of A titi•rtcan la er l Independence. The eibsc n
l e, aving been for several gel, mills or machinery of any description ;
chases, therefore JOHN '; I I X VP, lt, mist years Shy*
• .. engaged in the above business in wagon boxes of all descriptions, ert which
can be had on as - . ' '.'
good terms as they c-iti be
. Sheriff's Office Ilunqng- E the cities of New York and Providence
R, I, d atany •
Notice don, dinrait 22, 1543 i he fl.itters himselfthathe whitbe able to
I state. Remember the Rnckdale Fou Y
___. give general satisfaction to all those who will WILLIAM KENNEDY.
is HPRE7Y G.:". , ,, Cal in all cases, when RED LION 113 TEL honor him with their patronage. Jan. 11th 1843.•
the purchase money does not exceed All the above mentioned articles, and
$5O 00, the whole amount of the purchase No. 2W thing in his line i
_____ , I every .. i f business he will
h'itEl STRLET, furnish in the latest style and fashion, on
must be paid immediately into the hand: and Straw Bonnets,
(Ai m ,. Ruh Sheer) the most reasonable terms, and warranted
oldie Sheriff; aad if the purchase exceeds PHI LAIIELPHIA. to do good service. PALMLEAF AND Lzit.,nOßN HATS.
that sum, then that amount (.iz: 850 00.) BO uRDIIsG 111,00 PER D ay, N. 8.-Chairs, Settees, &c., repaired and March" ei- sear others from Huntingdon
must be paid into the hands of the Sheri ff •oen,mentecl on the shortest notice and most -''..aujacent places, are respectfully requcs
rhe subs •ribin• thankful for the l'bei reasonable terms. red to call and examine the stock of the above
immediatelyafter the property is stricken bupp .1 of hi, friends and the public e..rie-ra-i mentioned kinds of goods, which is
supply o - full and extensive.
clown and the payment or the balance hr. ally, respectfelly informs them that he suit ..An s _ tant i .,,,r., - Itqtelit ' l v a e reroom, one and which will be sod
ratged with the Sheriff and fully secured continues at the old established house, where door east gill.
,core of Mrs. Jane M'Cor- give satisfaction to put•cttasperrisatast t i l si m o t w l lll
p r ide paid, to his satishclion ; or else the lie will b e . pleased to accommodate - allthose w a icJc ir a e ng i ti c org a d i ztry .
opposite the store of Market, slreetsnuth-eaat cswiler:ofsth sireet B
~.k., will ut . • wino tavot him with their patronage. •
Philadelphia. ... • '
pis ru_ • zi.ip Jut upend sold. CHRISTIAN BROWER. GEORGE W. SWAIN, GEO. W. & LEWIS B. TAYLOR.
-ill pos t " -,1-, e strictly ad• Dee. 14,1841",—tt. Lewistown, Wm 30, 1842. Pila, Feb. 6,1843...-6roo,
be sold as the property of James R. John
Alexandria, Nov. 1,1842.-3 m.