The journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1839-1843, February 08, 1843, Image 3

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Monday, Jon. 30, 1843.
Several local and private bills passed
committee Ind .econil and Hod reading.
On motion or Mr. Kidder, the bill to
repi al the Nicholson court, and release
the lien or tar commonwe.ilii, or the
estate of John Nicholson, was taken up in
committee of the w';ole. Several amend.
menus were proposed and discussed at
length. The bill was still in committee
when the Senate
Mr. M. Williams presented a petition
for a rail mid from Bennington to linlii
daysbuig. One for a new county to be
called Blair. And one fur a law regula
ting tavern licenses.
A cottaintted of five was appointed to
investigate intO the extravagant expendi•
tures in the repairs of the Delaware Di•
vision of Pennsylvania Canal, with power
to sand for persons anti papers.
Mr. Dalin . toot ell die House proceed to!
the consideration of the a im . i s o im,Ht ma d e
by the Senate to the II use bill providing.
for the cancellation of the relic)• notes ;
agreed to. T , te amendments were read.
Mr. N:iwell inoved so to amend the bill
as to make the State 'l'r•easurer cancel on
ly $50,000 per month. in place of 100,000
us culled fur by this 1)11. Mr. K. w. tit into
all argument in -support of li d s motion.—
lle was oplm•ed by 'Messrs. Kat ns, Mc.
,Daniel~ and Roatlifort.
Mr. Elwell wilidrew his intendment.
Mr. Lotwry moved to emend, to the e:-
Teci that the hovel nor be authorised to sell
th, ct,rpola.itto Stuck, otvord by the coot
mottwealth, for cash, the proceeds to be
applied to the retlantptiun of the Retie!
Mr. L. supported his motion at length.
Mr. McDaniel opposed the amentlown ,
in this plaee. Ile was iu EIVOr of the pro.
position and would go it for when properly
and Lulli,. brought up; but he opposed it
-here, as it seemed to Inin merely proposed
for the purpose of embarrassing the bill.
Mr. Kerr (Merrer ) supported th. ,
amendment and opposed the hill. The
hill was further discussed, when the vote
was Mkt,' on the amendment of Mr. Low
ry, and resulted as follows, yeas 13, nay
-70; an it was nut agreed to.
The previous question was then called
•and being sustained, the bill passed.
Tuesday, Jun. 31, 1843,
Mr. Penniman, boo; the committee on
'the subject, reported the Congressional
,Apportionment with amendments.
The resolution to provide for the pay
-eta of the interest on the public debt,
n .
falling due in February 1843, was then
taken up and several amendments offered.l
which wete discussed for a considerable'
time, when the subject was posponed.
Oa motion of Penniman, the Apportion
ment 8.11 reported by the committee this
morning, was taken up and passed com
mittee of the whole.
Mr. Kidder moved to amend by Ptlik.
in. out the whole bill and substitotinit an•
other, of a most °dams character, a per
fect Gerrymander. The motion met with
•but little favor.
Ellin to were then made to popone
. . .
Sir. Penniman said he was strongly in
'duce() to apply the previous question. He
'disliked to do it, hut he wished to have a
'vote on :Ina bill at once and it sustain
cd he would call tar the previous question.
The motion a as sustrmed by the folloa
ing vote—yeas 16, nay• 12.
The first section of the bill then passed
'fid lows,—yeas 17, nays 11.
A motion was then again made to post
pone, on which the yeas and nays were
called and resulted, yeas 8, nays :20.
The hmn• of ore I ar%ilig now arrived, the,
Bpt.t.k r the t4ellate.
Mr. Elwell offered the following reso
Iltso:red, That th. Committee on Il'ays
and Means be it•troct ell to inquire into,
the expediency of brio:tin; in a hill to priiH
ride 'hut alt.•r the fist cancellation 1.0
one hundred thousand dollars of the relief
notes, under the resolution recet.tly pass•
ed, there shall be no more of the said
totes cancelled until the Ist day of Muir
tiext, and then only in monthly sums or
fifty thousand dollar.
Mr. Roumfort ntovpd that the rcsolu
lion be laid on the table, which, after sum ,•iun wag disagreed to. Hn thet
moved to postpone the resolution lilt thi
day v.eek, a hick was 1160 negatived. Tli,
resolution was then discussed till til l
hour of adjournment.
Wednesday. Feb. 1, 1843.
A message w as I C 4 1 . 111111 the Gm
ornor, nominating the following Assnciat
Ilfrijamin Adams Plumer, of Penang
John Buckman. of Bucks county.
The amentlinent raging the salaries or
the Judges in Philadelphia from $2.000 t.
at. 600, alit ited some debate, and u as
pally concurred in by a vote of 14 to 12.
The amendment .o raise tie salary of
the Dia.rict Judge of Lancaster county to
$2.600, then came up, and was also Ills.
cussed. The amendment was not agreed
to—yeas 14--nays 14.
Mr. Kohler, on leave, reported a bill
from a committee on Banks, to allow the
The apportionment bill was taken up,
and after some opposition by the oppo•
newts of the bill passed second reading.
A motion way then made by Mr Penni.
mutt to dispense with the rule and take up
the bill immediately on final passage,
'which was not agreed to—yeas 15. nays
12—two thirds being necessary.
The resolution instructing our Senators
and Members of Congress to vote for re
funding the line un Oen. Jackson was then
taken up, on motion of Mr. Bigler.
Mr. Spackman said he would like the
gentleman to state the principles: on which
the resolution was based.
Mr. Bigler• briefly replied, when Mr.
Kline moved to amend the resolution by
ihcorporating in the resolution that the
tine shood be refunded on the ground of
Gen. Jacxsures military services.
Mr. Champneys took the flour in °ppm.
sition to this amendment, and haul corn•
menced a ginning eulogy on the charac
ter (.1' the old Hero, when he was cut short
by rho boor oradjournmont.
The bill abolishing the district court of
zeneral sessions of the city and county of
Philadelphia, was returned from the Sen
ate with information that that body had
non concurred in the amendment of the
!louse, which was to strike out the nth
section. The House rrceded from its
amendment and the bill therefore was sent
to the Uovernur.
Friday Feb. 2, 1843,
After pr•lition. und rports of cun u uit•
tves were presented, the first business in
ceder was the
The MI came up on final reading, but
was outdo taken into committee of the .
whole, fur the purpose of amendment. Mr. •
Kidder made another effort to substitute
his Gerrymander"—a most hideous ani
mal— but, very properly, failed. Strenu
ous Anis were then made by Mr. Kidder
and Mr. Wilcox to have the bill postpon
ed.all nt %%filch were promptly voted down.;
and the bill passed filially, by the lollow
ing vote, yeas 16. nays 12.
Mr. Cochran called up his resolution
oGred some days ago, calling on the Sec.
vetary of the
.Common wealth for a list of,
he pardons granted by 111 , . Governor since
, he second Tuesday in Jan. 1839 ; the na
ture of the crimes ; the county in which
committed; and the instances in which the
pardon was granted before trial,
Mr. Hill avowed himself opposed to the
resolution. He could see no necessity
for it ; it *as only intended to make alit.
tie political capital.
Mr. Cochran disavowed any such object.,
fi e wanted the inlorma tom called for to
him connexion with the question of
the Abolition of capital punishment.
- After being amended so as to embrace
Ole period from the 2nd 111 June, 1837,
the resolution was 11(101001.
The Ilmise w. 14 etiaaged chiefly in the
con.iiiteration of lord matters, until the
k pportionmetit B•II from the Slime
introduced, which wai immediately taken
lip for tint].
Several efforts o ere made to amend the
t f.iiled. The Previous Qiestion
was called by the friends or the b.II. but
was not sostained—yeas 44, nays 49.
A motion was then mute to postpone
, the bill for the present, was under
discussion at ihe hour of adjournment.
Meeting of the ii hig diem.
bers of the Legislature.
Al a 'Prolog of the Whig inembers ofl i
the Legs!wore of Pennsylv,lni.,, h. Id on;
Monday eve, itnt, 16, 1843, Tionnasl
Carsvp, of Franklin county. W:114 Called to
the Chair, and CH RUA B. ToEco, of
Philadelphia City, and WILLIA3I WDAN
IEL, of Washington county, were appoint-
Fell Secretaries.
•I•he following Preamble and Resolos
tions were offered by Mr. Connote, of
York, seconded by Mr. linomm, of
ware county, and unanimou.•ly adopted :
Whereas, •I•he Whig citizens of various
ieCHOHS of Pennsylvania have, ill their
primary meetings. suggested the propriety
, olholifing a State Convention at the Seat
ii Gov,rian.lll, and have elected I)ele
otes to attend the same, whose object it
•hall be to avow the high respect or and
oclidence in the patriotism, integrity and
ibilities of lIEN la CLAY of Kentucky,
iitertained by a large portion of the pen
'le of this Con u nonwe•tlth, as well as 'heir
:reference toe hits► as a candidate lor Pre
•ident of the United States—a station
dock he is pre-eminently fitted to adorn,
Ilk long experience in pulilie affairs,
its comprehet►.ive system of policy adapt
to restore and preserve the prosperity
:f his country, his exalteel virtues and
ranscendent talent : And whereas it is
tecessary that a day should be fixed fur
;it: assembling of such Conventinn, smith:
ctionyet remains to be taken on the eub
•ect in many counties ol the State :
Resolved, That it is respectfully re
ontinelitletl by ihis meeting of %V hig
itembers of the Legislature flint the
pn•ed Convention of the friends of HENRY
CLAY, be held at
EEarriaburg, on Wednesday
The 22d of February next,
and that the Whig citizens of the severall
counties whu have nut yet acted upon this
,übject meet and elect such number of
delegates hb they may deem expedient tol
• represent them on teat ; tor the
confide' fly rely in the known zeal of those
to ~hom it is addressed in fa . vor of "[tarry
of the West." and the high apprecia•no
entertained by them of his ch %racier anti
the indispensable necessity of his service,
I to the welfare of our country.
On 'notion, Resolved, That the Whil:
papers throughout the State be requested
to publish the prozeedings of this meeting
Titus. CARSON,
CuAs. B. TRNIGO, Sce'rs.
this head, toe Keystone quotes tram a re
cent report made to Congress, by the act
ing comptroller, showing that the Govern•
went has lost 1112.310,816 by its connec
tion with local banks! 'Well, the Key
stone may thank Andrew Jackson for the
loss. Not a cent was ever lost by the
government for the forty years the United
States Bank was its agent ; but as soon as
Jackson made war on the currency and
Van Buren adopted the pet-bank system,
the result was precisely such as the Key
stone has quoted!
The nomination of Tyler and Porter is
the carrying out of would-be•tor - y
tua,:t at IVasitim!ton, on the 4th July
I last. "Veto anti Ditto!"
The Rev. Dr. Penny, fortnely President
of Ilantilinn College, is about to assume
the editorial charge of the Rochester kve•
ring Post.
On FridEn , the 3,1 inst. by Isaac Vandeyan
der, Esq. Mr. JOHN IsENBERG to Miss LYE
DIA PALMER, both of Porter tp. li lot. co.
On Tuesday the 31st ult. by the Rev.
bayid M'Kinoey, Mr. SAMUEL 1. ROYER to
Miss MARY ANN LOwItY, all 4 Holli
On Kindly evening the 211 oh., Mrs.
MARY ADAMS, wife of Hon. Joseph Adams,
of Williamsburg.
the Cu
To the heirs and legal representatives
Y elude of ..n order of the Orphans'
Hezekiats Rickets, Jr. issued nut o of' BY virtue of a writ of no ri Fncias
f' lla of Common
will be exposed to sale by public vendor or
3/ Cla': of the county of Huntingdon.
VrOTICE is hereby given that at an Or- Pleas of Huntingdon county; and to me out cry, on the preuneses, on Saturday the
ekll pieties Court held at Huntingdon, in and directed, will be sold at public sale at 18th day of February next, A. D. 1843, the
for the county "I Huntingdon, on the 21stday the Court House in the borough and min- r, a l e state late of - Nictidemus Benson, late
ef Januai y 1543. on motion o f A. P. Wilson, ty of lls ntingthm on Monday the 6th day of Ted towuship, in said county, (We'd., be-
Esq. a rule was granted I.y the said Court, of Nlarcli neat, at 10 o'clock A. M., the
on all the heirs and legal representatives of of land situate in stud township; adjoining
H• zekiali Rickets, Junr., late of Shirley 111 • descr i bedreal • •
o owing
lands ef John Hare Nivel( on the north
townet ip, Huntingdon county dec'd. is qui. All that certain tract or parcel of land
Muttliew 'Frunian on tile south east, and
ring them to appear at an Orphans' Court situate in the township of Cromwell in l en d of Abraham Beyer, and land belonging
to he held at tluittingdon, fa'
the couittY said county, bounded by lands of the heirs to John 1 2 . Snare on the west, containing
of Flniitiegdona oil the Ist Mond y (and 6 thClf D. Cdilegate un the north, and on the ' 128 ACRES,
day) of March ny xt, then aiid there to show
west bytheAughwick •
dati , e if any they have, why William Dorris, Sw nth-east .. •
Jacob Miller and Ft ter Swootie, Auditors to creek, containing 13 acres,
,yhuni had been referred ty the Court, at on which is erected! the more or le"; of which are cleared with a cabin house awl
Aughwiek Forge, a stable thereon erected, (excepting about
.1 inuary term 1835. the ittliniiiiitration Sc- with the buildinge, improve:news, water half an acre Whlth was sold by said Benson
cothit • f David W. Rickets, administrator of patter and appurtenances thereto belong,- in his lifetime ;) being pare of a Niger tract
said deceased, and the exceptions thereto of land surveyed on a warrant in !he Liam:
dell, should not be discharged. and why the of Horatio Clark t .
i rig, Or 11l any w i s e
, a , ppertaining or thel . e.
.iiti administration account should not be TERMS OF SALE :—One third part of
with used or rule ti—
confimred by the said Court. Also, all that other piece or parcel of the purchase money to be paid no the coil-
JOHN SHAVER, Shr'ff. land ,ituate in the Said township of Cron]. firmation of the sale, and the residue thereof
Sheriff's Office, Hun-2 in two equal, annual payments thereafter,
tisigclon, Feb. Bth 1842. S well, bounded by lands of John Flasher
with intere st , to he secured by Mc bunda
---- and David COlegtite'S heirs, containing 6
-. and mo r tg age ca the pin coa.,:t.
acres more or less, together with the p' v - By the Court .
DAY, GERRISH &, CO. ilege of keeping up the dam on the. Augh. JOHN REED, Clerk.
central tip:Mute, wick creek at the A ughwick Forge 6 feet Sale to commence at 11 o'clock A. M. of
6 inches high front the low water mark, to said day.
Commission and Forwarding the top of the data and to raise the water
Attendance will he given by
alereliants. to that height and tin higher. /Vine's. of N. Benson deed.
Seized,taken under execution, anti to Jan. 18, 1843.—t5.
Granite Stores, lower side of Race strett,
be sold as the property a George W.
on the Delaware, Philndelphut.
111)ESPECTFULLY inform their friends Pennock. LAST NOTICE
!_eieta and themere:nts generally, that they By I
have taken the large Wharf and (sranite JOAN SHAVER Shrf. LOOK OUT .I • •
Front Storrs, known as Ridgeway's Stores, February 1, 1643. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of
immediately below Race sti eet, iii addition4l.l, Aaron Burns, late of Williamsburg.
to their old wharf, where they will con- eroltaitti' eourt aide. either by note bond, or bock acccunt are ie-
Sour the produce commission business, as By virtue of an order of the Orphans' quested to neck, p iyinent on in before the
also to receive and forward goods veal] points
.. i the Juniata, and North and West branches Court of the comity of Huntingdon the fill- hest clay of March next. The times are
lowing real estate formerly of John Wheel- tight, but necessity compels us to close the
el the Susquehanna Rivet... Via. the Tide
Water,etul ennsylvitiaa, and Schuylkill and and, late of Franklin township, in the s aid accounts of the estate, and we are detertniii-
Kin:. Alcohol Boot !! Die IT ,
.....,... cabals. county of fluotingdom deed., will be sold at ed to do so. We lope that no one, who
HE mnaal meeting of the Huntingdon This establishment has many advantages intone yendue, on the premises, on Wednes. knows himself iii be indebted, will neglect
day the let day of March next, at 10 o'clock this ...tier, as We will be lei ced to add costs
county Washington Temperance Snot- over any other in the clty in point or hion, hi the f 0,.,,„, it it is not :mewled to. Is further twin'•
ety will be held in the bor..twii of Hunting- iind convenience for the accommodation of Two cuntigurus tenements or tracts of Bence will be given to any ant.
den i. \\*eche edgy th•• 22 , 1 day of February, boats and produce. Being one of the largest
/1 1 .9SHING TON'S BIRTII DAY wharves en the Delaware, mid the stores land situate in . the s rid township of Franklin, ill' W k. , :
heat or flour will be tan at Mar..
in the county of Huntingdon. One thereof ken Price.
—at 10 o'clock A. M. to which ..11 the Tem- d i .. , x ,, t , eutlil i f , i e m i l r V s y m at i e ) i: n st a i•eet a toaDoewlas‘yititure adjoining lands of .I.lnt & Gorge Shoenber- .1. S. '1 ) , HARRIS, / Adrera
perm ice associations of the county, whether r .' 1 "..
Bes s containing
e , ger—the heirs of William Ingrain and otli- ALE XANDF.R M'K.AmEy, 5
t_nr .,.. t!eload . ing and dise . lll:r6Tll4. • 'l:!te usual Washingtonian ur 'old school,' are earnestly W il liadsburg, Jan. 18, 181 3 .
ail he given on all coneigumente
invited to send strong delegations of cold facilities ' . . . . , 119 ACRES, -
entrusted to their charge. which will he thanic
water men.
There cannot be less than eight thousand . y . .
full ree .iverl and meet with >rum it atten-moreorless. The other thei•eof adjoining
names to the Temperance Pledge in o y
• II tem. S ilt. Fish anti Plaster, constantly at the above mentioned tract, contemning
[Estate of , Henry Neff, deed.]
baud and for • I at the Inwost market piize.
Hutaingdon, and we wish to see ty large p.m-
Wet of them in procession. 'Die victory is Riferenees, Philadelphia. The subscribers, Administrators of the
within our grasp, and we need but reach out j . Rik w e y .ie s q. J Brock, son Ile Co and allowance more or less—about one bun- said estate, hei•eby notify all perstms bite!.
the arm of our sttemgth P. detlo•one the tired and twenty-five acres of which are ested, that one or more of the said Adminis-
J ,co b Lex & Son Waterman &Osbourn d d 'of eult•v• tio with • •
aleare an in a State i a n, a mattes w
ill at all times be in Alex indent
Minister Runt, and use up the liquor selling Mulford & Alter I Seidl & Thompson
busine.ot. ; Wilson, Seiger & Bra E J Etti,g & lien fur the purpose of settling up the said estatt ,
II illy! Freemen!! to temp. posts and the u
.rey, Bartrott &(o M .rris,Pattersuit &co LOG HOUSE, .1 from this date until the Ist day of April
• Devil's Tea Kettle' wifi be einptied of its Lower & B a rr o w. - as e next, after which time no further indulgenc:
pillion. - can be given.
D. 111'Murtrie Jr. Lewishwa. Frame Barn, aid other buildings thereon l'hose who cannot raise money to pay off
' litozattgdon i & J Milliken •
A & G Blimyer erected!, the whole being occupied acid used
.are required to give their nines cc' due bill,.
Peer Swo pe.
Patteeson & Horner J McCoy, Esii. as tine Farm and being the smile tract or Settlentem toilet be effected. :.
John Port's% Illexandria. Parted of land either yed by a certain Thomas DAN 1 EL N 1.3 F F.
Betv;am;n Leas, Shirleysburg, Watt erstreet. Ewing to the said John Wheelend dec'd., ALEXANDER S'I'ITT, s Allm'rs.
Davit/ Stewart,t , Stew art & Horn 11 E W Wike, Esq. deted 3tl April 1840, recorded in Hunthige.on JACOB HERNCANE,
Hush See ls,
.SFruce Cr. February 8,1843.-6 m. county in Deed Book B, N.,. 2 page 368. Alexandria, January 4, 1843.
terms and conditions will be made
Robert Itilliams. Hollidgrbnrg. BOOTS AND SHOES. known at the time tool place of sale by.
County Society Executive Committee. ROCKDALE FOUtIRRY
Huntingdon, Feb. 8, 1943. g writ an
Le I ' d Straw BOttilelS, GEORGE JACK. . Ad t
m rs. . 1
DAVI!) HARPS l'Elt, .
, . PALBILEAF AND LEGHORN HATS. pri t eHE subscriber would reepeafully in
*tray Aoki). Merchants and others from Huntingdon
. •• of the said John W heel:ltl, dec'd.
By tjte Omit tak form tor cititens of Huntingdon and the
adjoining cuuntit S. that he stille tonnes to
A stated meeting of the Washingtonian
Temp. -Twice Society will be held at the
Ulu Court House on Saturday evening next.
Punctual attendance is requested, as it will
be necessary to make arrangements fur the
l aproaching 22nd .4 February.
We hope the LAMM will attend, for of
l ate , i n our musical departmi nt, we have
felt n st-rionsl::iti of "Frel4,, voices,
By order.
Huntingdon, Feb. 8. 1843.
The Huntingdon i'emperance Society will
meet at the German Prshyterian Church
on Monday e% ening next, the 13th inst. at
6 o'clock, P. M. for the purpose of electing
Officers for the ensuing year, and for whet
purposes The ladies are respectfully invi
ter to attend.
Feb. 8, 1843.
Ilienlingdon Female
An examination of the Pupils of this Insti
tution will take place on next Saturday, 11th
init.. commencing at 9 o'clock A. M. The
following will he the order of the exercises:
Forenoon-I'w, classes in Geography
Grammer, Worcestor's History, Arithmt tic
and Algebra.
Afternoon—Natural Philosophy, Paley's
History, French and Astronomy.
Parents of Pupils and the citizens generally
are resew ctfull4 invited to attend.
Fhe next valley will corn m-nce on Wed
nesday, the 15th instant. Pupils a re reques•
ted to be puuctua' in their attendwice.
W. ORBISON. Prrs't.
of the Board of l'rustees.
Feb. 8, 1843.
SZrel AM E to the residence of
W.--' the AllilSCl iher in Header
sor tp.. Huntingdon county,
-,- _ -
cut the 22d of Eton I y last, a
white sow, with a black spot on the left hip,
and a black spot, below the right ye. the
owner is rt quested to come forward, prove
property, pay charges and take her away, or
she will be disposed of according t g , l aw
Feb. 8, 184:1 —3t.
Jelminixtratoes Xotice.
ETTERS of administration on the es
‘6lsa tate olJacob Hess, late of the borough of
Huntingdon, Huntingdon aunty, dec'd., have
been granted to the undersigned. All per
ions indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those liming
claims sipinst it will pm sent them pr, perly
authenticated for settlement without (I , lay.
CHARLES S. P.1...1.:!•"_,
William Dorris, Treasurer of the. Ilutingdon Academy,
in account with said Institution.
Jan. 9, To balance due on settlement before the
county auditors
18 To cash received per Samuel Calvin, Eiq.
fur the balance of principal and inter
est due on a bond of Messrs. Lowry,
Denlinger and Brewer
March 12 To cash received per state appropriation
fur the quarter beginning Dect 4th
1841, and ending March 10th 1842.
Sept. 14 To state appri.priation for the quarter
elating January 16th 1842
Oct. 4 To do. ending Sept. 14th 1842
Dec. 30 To cash rec'd per William Orbison, Esq.
for tine year's interest due on bond of
W. & T. E. Orbisou
Jan 2 To cash reed for four year's interest due
on bond of Messrs. Henry Glazier &
Dr. B. P. McMurtrie 182 40
Balance due at settlement 80
The outstanding debts due the institution are as follows, viz:
A bond of Henry Glazier &B. E. McMurtrie bearing int. 700 CO
A bond of 'l. E. & W. Orbi.on, bearing interest 1000 00
Two orders drawn on the county commissioners on the
treasurer interest at 6 per cent. 1000 00
We the undersigned Auditore of Huntingdon county, do hereby certify that we have examined the acaounts of William Dorris,
Tt.easurer of the II untitp4tlon Academy, from the sth day of January, 1842, to January 2nd 1843, both days inclusive, and find
the above account as stated t 6 1:e correct, anti do approve of the same.
Given under our hands at the Counnisioner3' Office in the borough of Huntingdon, January 4th 1843.
14bruary Bth 184 r,
and adj teem places, are respectfully requt s- JOHN REED, Clerk, .. _... clip t the Rockt'ale Ettipidri ,
. t 5.
al' Y oh laistorsi a
tecl,to call and examine the stock of the above January 25, 1843,—t5. c:.
kinds of goods, which is full a n d extensitr. --- . ' on Clovei• Creek, two miles from Willi:me-.
aed which will be sold at prices that will NOTICE. orders in his line, of the best inaterials anti bui.r, where he is prepared to citeente all
No. give satisfaction to purchasers, at N. 168
M .rket. s reet south-east corner of sth street, VP' °TICE is hereby given, that the fog workmanship, and with promptness and de
ntinal. Iphi I. - till lowing described property was, on the sp•itch •
(:EO. W. & LEWD: , i 3. TAYLOR. 16L11 ,lay of J a n nary, R. 1). 1843, sold at He will keep constantly on hand stoves ti
Ptla. Feb. 6, 1843.-6 . Constable's S de, ati the property of Phi.ip every description, such as
• - ---- Courter, of Fri:Alm township, and bought W ....
OOtttittr, Ent vlate,
Executor's Notice. 117 t, the subsCribers, and the property has
tl, left in the hands of the said Philip Parlor Coal, Rotary Cooking,
CoUrter, to be used by him, and to be deli-
I vo rlc 1.7., is hereby given, that Letters
vered up to the subscriber,: whenever de- and 111lood Moves
i i i,LA testamentary on the last will and tes
landed viz: if it Dlottfttio,
tunent of Robert Moore, Es q. late of the n - ' .
wheat, one wood sled and
13. , rottgli of Huntingdon, dec'd., have been 15 acres of Anvils Ila.mmers H
granted to the subscribers. All persons hollow %V an:,
therefore indebted to the estate of said deed. double trees, 1 heifer, 1 black cow, 2 billltlS, , ,
1 sow and 4 pies, 1 plough, 1 hint row, 5 and every kind cf castings necessary for for
are request: d to make immediate payment,
horses, with their gears, 1 waggon and wag- ges, milts or machinery of nay deseliptito ;
and all having claims to present them duly gon bed, and 1 riding saddle, wagon box, sof :,11 clescriptints, ect. , which
S. MILES GREENE, rani t, 1,4,1 .-.,, :,.: t..-..,1 ,•, 'et-. • , ,o,• t"- , I, -
authenticated for ttettlt meet, to
J. H. DORSI - N,
GEORGE H. STEINER, / v.... _ .. -
, iO5l-11'1.-1 MOOltl.',.
Jan. 18, By cash paid Jas. ll,qmphill for work $ 650
March 8, du. 1 doz. panes of glass 50
12, do. order in favor of Isaac Lauinger 80
June 10, do. 1 corn brown 186
17, do. order of trustees in favor of Mr. Massey 21 90
29, do. ditto do do. 20 00
July 28, do. order In favor of John G. Stewart 225
Aug. 26, do. one corn brown 186
Sept. 17, do. order in favor of Mr. Massey 20 (JO
Oct. 1, do. ditto ditto 40 00
11, do. order on the Ottstees to invist, fur the
8 397 34
203 11
100 00
100 00
100 00
use of said Institiltitin, orders drawn uu
the county treasurer by the cumini.sion
era, bearing interest from Jdne 14,1842 1000 00
Dec. 24, By order of trustees in . favor of Air. Mussy 20 00
du. ditto ditto 2 32i
60 00
Jun. 2, do. cash paid T. ll.Cremer, Esq.fur publidh
81143 65
NOT.—The teacher's salary is $486,00 per annum, and paid
the past year as follows, viz :
Received from pupils
Paid by orders on treasurer as above
e 2760 00
Tradini,7 tr.sier the fit,
ing !'owner account and noticed
do. cash paid E. V. Euverhart, Esq. fur pub
lishing notices
6 09
3 00
I!14 3 05
3364 10
lel 90