The journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1839-1843, December 07, 1842, Image 4

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11.,,C;,bw..z,1%.1). 'Z3, 1842. p..bound with' neat,
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Hlt A. VV. lionc.lict is consti
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: ; • <r'r don L'ounty, Pa•)
• •' cilizeng of
• • . Cie ptddic generally,
• • - H •ared to do all kinds of atntk
••• 'thSiness-mak , i)g new, or
• kitl(l3 lif Hills,
j'.3IILES, Sill -MILLS, 4.
That he is Feparecl to ilo work in such a
manner as to give ~ v ery reasonable satis•
faction, and warrant it to perform every,
thing requieite. common flutter )
vi , heel saw mill with feet of operating,'
Lead will be warranted to ekw 1300 feet
cof boards in 12 hours.
Country prfoluce will be taken in pay,
nir work. All letters aildres,el.l tt.
I , urt st ill be nromptly aVeti.
x,17 D 1 LY.
. •r would rt,i, et fully in
, .:ensot tititini;clon 00(1 the
r • .t h • I‘,As rep.ored
. Fumo!ry,
• , r
, • .red to tx,
. : . t b,st 01,-
;„ . :
• r• on hand stoves
. ite Parlor coal, I;alary
• II nod &ryes:
Liviton Ploughs,
flammers, Hollow NVare,
aa,l Q ytt, , y of e:Lstings necessary fat
sr] indls, or machinery of any descrip
t box, of all [lest:l4,6 , ms, &c.
I , y!tizh c4n be had on as good terms as they
C•IY. !I 01 at ahy other lun:lry ii the coun
ty 01.4t3tr. il,ntentber the Rockdale Faun-
N .Y. IC4I
stiriscrilwr informs his frioi,!s
a:;,1 the public, !lilt he has hough
•••11,:titie Shop lorm.nly occupied by
'. r4,ia Allo;:;herly street, one dour
• where he will
i:••f—, the celebrated
= by Straub& Lon;.--
11,1 band wheel,
01 Cie ~.,neuts now in us,.
Llachine3 wiil be ored to any plsc e
on the canal. Orders sent by mail, or
otherwise, will be promptly attem!eil to.
+le had also added extra
All kinds of Threshing Nlachines will be
repaired at the shortest notice. The shop
frill by attended to by the subscriber hint.
I' June 30, 1841.—tf.
• ,-. .EGEI'ABLE
- • . .-A.; and rhum:i•
flr sale at the
, ;:. Alan a
.‘ • 1. , Agint.
• • ‘lle,wOol,iale
et.. 4 . L.; -opilly of Do,tor
‘..%;t. .:! :m 0; :14 C/orry
L'u , :., 'l, at t .• II u i tigtion I)rug,
Jidj l'", !'l
.?.'..Zll. l .Zl`.:!l"jto
. ..:., ';f . .7. -, -. 5 r. 1 .. t
fuCf.i.cois ra tit,: 8 0 , , • L .; La •rt
Orem: llti termita.
E_l rt T 1
r)f . our r 1 • , are prs
tiitiPrl . . rziii. blehsing,
i• • •n. it ~iarticul. r
t : •i • •• ••• ili• , t
1,),.,, g ' •" , tvt
fear, will Pi, Ye scrims, i. nn to
W , t11(1 those prls r• i 1110 1
medicine that has i• 1' in thous.inds of cases which is Dr. I l•dds Cnm
Strcngthening and Ci,.l man ient
Pills, so pre-rminently recommended for di
seases incident to the human ri.ce, they would
be replt.ced back again tt, life's sweet bles
4ing.' which is health.
Vl'e speak from occular prmf, knowing,
in n1:illy instances, iv here cures have been
performed by this medicine, with marked
success vatious compl.ants, such as Dys-'
r Compl:f to , illuunr tism, pain
in the Breast, Side vol , Costivyn,ss,
INCA./ 011 S \ ,akness, Emaciati , m, General
Os lolity, tkc. &c. 'this i tml cine cpnsists'
:,f two distinct Kinds, viz: 'Phu German
Aperient and the Compound Strengthening
Tonic Pills, the former to remove bile and
all excrementitious matter front the body,
thus cleansing and purifying the system, afterl
which the latter arc used to give strength'
and v: rto the weak and debilitated organs,
sto, '-o• lost apatite, and produce tranquil
!-weet repose. We highly approve
: • • • 11.ct , es theory' of treating diseases,'
certainly is safe and effectual, and
:•, :.• the afflicted to give his medicine a
' trial.—Daily Chronicle.
! ::,cipal Office, Nc. 19 North Eighth
et, Philadelphia.
Sold at the Store of Jacob Miller, Hunt
r 30, 1842.
Is another dangerous symptom of Pulmo
nary rlffection, and difficult to arrest when
neglected; it commences with cough, copi
ous expectoration, which consists of briAlit
frothy matter, or black, and clotted with
blood; there in mostly some fever, headache,
palpitation of the heart, flushes of heat, and
redness of the cheeks; difficulty of breathing,
soreness of the throat, and saltish taste in
the mouth, &c. Dr. Duncan'e Expectorant
Remedy will be foond to arrest this com
plaint. One single bo,tle in many cases will
answer if used at the first attack, but when
neglected, it may require many mo•e.—
Il'hose who are afflicted with Spitting of
Blood should loose no tune in procuring the
:Move medicine, as thin disease mostly
proves serious when not early attended to.
Office fi n • the sale of this medicine, No. 19
North Et Alit street, Philatlelp' , ia.
Sold at the store of Jacob Miller, Hunt-,
iiwdnn. Priv.: et par bottle.
November 1, 18.12.
.C 7- :rA
* i
) ''''''
The subscriber r.sp,ctfully informs his
ICIFt ,, ITICTR, that he has recently returned
f,. the City with a splendid assortment of
Jcwetry consisting of
Gold and Silver Levers,
English, Quartier and Palent,
Gold and Slim. Eurriv)int.l,l Pa!'ent Pen.
ciZ, Fran s.
Gold F ii and Guard Chains, (.1:.1,1 Seals,
gener:il ass,a, moist of Grid Guard and Fob
Keys, A vory superior assortment of Breast
Finger Rings, Gold Snaps, Silver
Sbolms, Sugar Tones, Salt Spoons, Silver
Butler Knives, Gillotts, Steel Pens, Ear
Rings, Neck Laces, Bracelets, Silver and
Seel Spectacles. Also, A superior assort
onont of Pen Knives, with from one to four
'blades, manufactured by Rodgers IVesti
holm and Butcher. Also, A few Extra Ha-,
zors warranted. All the above named ar
ticles will be sold on reasonable terms.
All Watches sold will be warranted for
one year, and a written guarantee given, that
if not found equal to warranty, it will (du
ring that period) be put in older without
expense, or if uninjured, may be exchanged
for any other watch of roar) value. The
Warranty is caasider,d, void, should the
watch, with which it is given be put into the
bands of an other watch matter.
September 7th, 1R42.
Clocks ,11:1 lVatches, repaired as
usual, Al , o, an assortmcot of Clocks for Sale
cheap for cash
44 'the undersigned would inform the prin
ters and pablish,rs that they have common
ced the manufacturing of type, of almost
every description at their foundry, north-west'.
comer of Third and Chesnut streets, fourth
story. They have, at present, a variety of
beautiful book fonts ready for casting, which
they are enabled to offer to the trade at from
twenty-tire to thirty per cent. less than any,
of their competitors.
They would also call the attention of prin
ters to the fact, that they are practical type.
founders, having had from twenty to twenty
five years experience in the different bran
ch-; rf the trade. Their moulds and matric
arc all new, rm,de by themslyes, and express
ly for their own use.
The business will be conducted under tin
superintendence of Lewis Pelonze, where al
orders will he thankfully received punctually
attended to.
'l' he highest price allowed for old type ii
exchange for new.
C , minunications addressed to Lewis Pe
louse, north-west corn( r f Third and Chen
nut streets,
September 211, 1842.-3 t
0°1117 , 1:11'. subscrilwr especifolly Mifflin
lilt friendS, and the public in gen
end, that he ha; orned a Shop at 11 ate. ,
street, where he wilt carry o n the abovi
business. The public may rest assurvii
that he will attend closely to buiines,,,
ensue to his
-.•.1 ,, re ru ,pectlolly
Watcrstrect,Ju:i 16, 1641
Tli /3 -..
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1 0P/ ~.A
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For Consumption of the
Affections uf the Lis er, A •nrhitis,
Pains or 'Weakness of tht• Bt•ea,t La;‘,4s,
Chronic G.tighs, 11.•ti“,rylige
of the Lungs, and all adrectiuus of the
Pulmonary Or:',,ans
.Nitture's c:rii l'rescriphon.
A comp , and Rilsrunic preparation of the
Prunus Vir6 , iniana of Ch,
combined with the Extract of Tar, prepa•
by a chemical process, approved and
!recommended by the in,st d'siinnushed
'physicians, and universally , acknowledged
the most valuable medicine ever discovered.
No Quackery ! ! No Deccp:iol,
In setting forth the virtues of this truly
great medicine, we have no desire to deceive
those who are laboring under the :ifiliction,
nor do we wish to eulogize it more than it,
deserves. Yet we look around and see the
vast amount of suffering and distress occa
sioned by many of the diseases in which this
medicine has proved so highly successful,
we feet that we cannot urge its claims toy
strongly, or say too much in its favor.
Various remedies it is true have been of- 1
fered and pulled into notice for the cure cf
diseases of the Lungs, and some have no,
doubt been found very useful, bat all that
have yet been discovered, it is admvsed by ,
physicians and all others who have witness-
edits tlfects, that none have proved as suc
cessful an this. Such, indeed, are the
Surprtsing Virtues
Of this Balsam, that even in the advanced
stages of Consumption, after all the most
,esteemed rentedieh of physicians have failed
'to effect any change, the use of this medi
cine has been productive of the mast ut.ton
ishing relief, and actually iffected cures
after all hopes of recovery had been dis
paired of.
In the first stage of the clisnse, termed
Catarrhal Consumfition, ori,,,inoting• from
neglected COLIS, it has hoe,, used with un
devioting success, luid hundreds acknowl
edge they owe the rester: tie of their health
to this invaluable ine,liciae tlozie, in that
form of cmstunuticm so prev lent amongst
lelirate young females, commonly termed
" Gain ii to a Decline,"
A complaint with which thousands are lin
gering, it has also proved highly successful,
and net only possesses the power of checking
the progress of this alarming complaint, hut
,(150 strengthens and invigorates the s:•st,in
more cif. t tually than any medicines v,
ever possessed.. .
Besides its suprising efficacy in cc ,
tion, it is equally efficacious in Live, C. m-1
plaint, Asthma, Bronchitis, and ull ff e-!
tions of the Lungs, and has cured to, my
the mast obstioate cases. atter every :1•21*
remedy had failed. rp For pat tieul,l see
Dr. Wistor's treaties on coasutuptioni to be
had of the agents.
A SURPRISING CURR---AMong the man)
singular cures which this medicine er
fer,ted, there is perhaps none in which its
powers are so fully shown a 3 in tile case of
Th;s lady has been consumptive f , ,r seve
ral years, and during the gremerpart of this
time had recdvad at ,
• • -
and tried all the most valuable renat:lies, ye t
nothing could he found to arrest its progress.
Ilihe became subject to violent fits of cough
ing, expectorated large quantities of matter
occasionally tinged with blood, and step by
step this fearlul disease continued its
course, until all hones of a recovery V. is des•
paired of. While in this distressing situa
tion, lingering upon the very verge of the
grave, she cenmienced the use of this Bit
i.ll. MIMI, to use her own expressien, op-'
permed almost like a charm. Is a few days
she expectorated freely, the cough was gra
,appressed, and every day tlppeareil
to add fresh vigor to her looks, and now,
the place d that emaciated form wiilterim
to decay, she is seen mingling in society, in
better lica!th than she has enjoyed for years.
witnessed the sot prising efficacy of 1)r.
\Vistar's Balsam of Wild C berry, in the
case of Mrs. Austin, I cheerfully acknowl
edge the above statement to be true wid cor
rect. J. C. WALTERS, M. 1).
son was afflicted with this complaint tot
nearly five years, during which time she was
under the most skilful physicians—had tried
Mercury, Botanic and litancepathic reme
dies, and every thing that offered her any
hopes of relief. She had dull, wandering
pains in her side, sometimes in the shoulder
mid small of the back, a hacking cough, fre
quent pains in the breast, and had been utia
:de to sleep on her right side for three years.
By the use of this Balsam she was cured in a
few weeks, and remains well to this day.
ELIZA TtiompsoN.
Woodstown, Sept. 4, 1842.
Dear Sir:—Although pair valuable meal
:Me has already found hundreds of powerful
• dvocates, it still may be gratifying to you to
receive a communication from any one that
pas been relieved by it. Such, sir Is truly
ny Lase. I lit've been a victim of that tem
de disease consumption, for many months,
Lad have suffered so much, that I had be
ome almost weary of my life. He ding
:our Balsam so highly praised, I began ta
:nig a few weeks back, and can assure you ,
mit it has relieved me noire that any thing!
have ever used before, and I confidently
why ve it will cure me eff•ctually. Please
;ive the bearer the worth of the enclosed,
aid oblige
Yours Respectfully,
Chester county, Sept 6, 1841.
Friend Vista, --It give, my much pica
.nre to inform th, th;.t my wife's lt,alth has
mproved very nnt,h since she has been
piny thy Balsam of Wild Cherry, and we
:hick there is no doubt it will cure her. Site
tins taken the two bottles 7 purch,ed front
ii :e a short time since, and her cough is
much better, she okit sie ps well at night,'
hurl says she has frond nithing to give her
ittucn •Wt., gm. tit,
ail f
i i' i ui~
Tuy 1.',• .
• f,113 wing from 1)r. la , ob
of exteuslvrllactic4 in
t--- I !,r. cut cfl cne bottle of Dr.
; 1", , Cherry, from
• , . - , c,bilci of
i,ich many other 0. me
; ti d retryout ony relief. Thc
relief, um! in my (pin
: t . , c ct'lly cured by its use
110FE1IAN, M. D.
Dec. 21, 1841.
Dear Sir:—Your Balsam of Wild Cherry
'has eff,ctcd some astoM slung cures here.—!
Dm (.f which i < an old lady, Mrs. Russ.:'.,
wino has be, ii suir.:ring for a 1 mg time with
shortness of breathing., and gellt'Vol weak
ness, until she was finally rbliged to keep
her bed. Aftci varmus other remedies'had
tken resorted to in vain, she ccanmenced
using your Balsam, and after taking two bot
tles was so fur recovered as to be able
to at
tend to :ill the duties of her house, and on
takin:; two bottles mute was entirely cured.
Respectfully &c.,
_ _
Pottsville, Pa.
CAUTION.—As there is a spurious mix
tore called Syrup of Wild Cherry, purcha
sers should be particular to ask fur Dr.
l , listar's Balsam, and observe his signature
lon the bottle.
Prepared for the pi oprietor, and sold at
wholesale by Williams & Co., Chemists,
No. 21 Minor street, Philadelphia, sold also
in almost every town in the United States.
Price one dollar per b,ctle.
For salt• by Thomas Read, Huntingdon,
I and James Orr, 1 - I.,llidaysburg.
November 30, 1842,
.Ilograt'B Life Oleoliciite.
ed, because they in the power of re
storing the expiring embers of health, to a
!!Bloiviog vigor throughout the constitution,
las the Phoenix is said to be restored to ltle
from the ashes ()fits own dissolution. The
Phoenix Bitters are entirely vegetable,con,
posed of roots found only in certain parts of
the westeen country ' which will infallibly
cure FEVERS A 141) ACUES of all kinds;
!will never fail to eradicate entirely all the
effects of Mercury, infinitely sooner than the
!most powerful preparations Of Sarsaparilla,
'and will immediately cure the determination
at BLOOD TO THE HEAD ; never fail in
,the sickness Incident to young females; and
'will be found a certain remedy in all cases
of nervous debility and weakness of the most
impaired constitutions. As a remedy fur
C !ironic and Inflamatory Rheumatism, the
efficacy of the Plicenix Bitters will be de
, m!mstrated by the use of a single bottle,
1 The proprietor rejoices in the opportunity
afforded by the universal diffusion of the
press, for placing his VEGETABLE LIFE
MEDICINES within the knowledge and
reach of every individual in t he community.
Unlike the host of pernicious quackeries,
!which beast of vegitable ingredients, the
Lite Pills are purely and SOLELY VAGETA
nLE, undo - imam neither Mercury Alai:nutty,
'Arsenic, our any other mitieralon any form
The following are among the distressing
varietes of human diseases, to which-the
!vegetable Life Pills are well known to be
DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing
the first and second stomachs, and creating a
flow of pure and healthy bile, instead 0, the
stale toill acrid kind,—Flatulency, Palpita
tion of the Heart, Loss of Appetite Heart
burn and Headache, Restlessness, Appetite,
Anxiety, Languorand Melancholy, which
tare the general i.ymptomsof Dyspepsia, will
!vanish, as a natural consequence of its cure.
CostiVeneSS, by cleansing the whole length
of the intestines with a solvent process, and
without vi•dence. Diarrhaii and Cholera,
he removing t:•:e tharp acrid fluids by which
Leese complaints are occasioned. 'the Life
Medicines have I, •!rn known to cure Rheu •
matism permanently in three weeks, and
Gout in half that time. Dropsies of all
kinds, by freeing mid strengthening the kid.
neys and bladder. A certain remedy for
the worst cases of Gravel. Also Worms,
by dislodging from the turnings of the bow
els the slimy matters to which these crea
tures adhere ; As !lima and Consumption, by
relieving the vessels of tf. e lungs irons the
mucus; Scurvey, Ulcers, and Inveterate
Sores, by the perfect purity of these Life
P Ils give to the blood, and all the humors;
Seurlintic Eruptions and Bad Clomplexions,
ay then' alterative effect upon the fluids
that feed the skin. The use of these Pills
for a very short time, will effect an entire
cure of Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, and a
striking. improvement in the clearness of
the Skin. Common Colds and influenza,
will always be cured by one dose, or by
two, even in the worst cases. Piles, —as
a remeuy for this most distressing an d b
stinate malady, the Vegetable Life Pills de
serve a distinct and emphatic recommenda
tion. It is well known to hundreds in this
city, that the originator of t!:ese invaluable
Pills was himself afflicted with this com
plaint for up wards of thirty-five years, and
that he tried in vain every remedy pre
scribed within the compass of the Materia
Medica. He however, at length, tried the
medicine which he now offers to the public
:old he was cured in a very short time.
Allthat Mr. Moffat requires of his pa
tients is to be particular in taking the Life,
Medicines strictly according to the directi•s l
ADVICE To FEMALES.-Females who.
value good health should ever be without
the Lite Medicines, its they purity the
blood, remove obstructions, and give the.
skin a beautiful, clear, healthy, and bloom
ing appearance
sons of a plethoric habit, who are su!tject to
fits, headache, giddiness, dimness of sight,
or drowsiness, from too great a flow of blood!
to the head, should take it frequently. I
Children, and persons of all ages, may take{
diem at any time, as they do not contain!
!mercury, or any ingredient that requires
confinementc or restriction of diet.
Sold at the Store of JACOB MILLER!
liuntinv, , lim, Pa.
November 1, 1842.
M,, 1//:2 1 13„
ESPECTFUI f LY informs his friends
and the public generally, that he sul
continues the above business in
and is pr. pared to manufacture all kinds n 1
Guns or l'iNtols, to mak e any necessary re
p lies up m any ankle of the kind. If careful
att. till will merit succtiss, he hopes to se•
cure of the sharp shuw.ers ul
lOUs county.
Octolus 11, 1842.
111.2:1L7'11, 1.111.-1L771, BEAL 7 7/,
Restored, and Life presorved, by
Dr. D. Jayne's Medical
These medicines arc recommended and ex
tensively used by the most inv.-flip:lit pel an.
in the L nited States, by numerous Professors
'and Pr: EidelltS of Colleges, Pliyslcians of the
Army and Navy, and of Hospitals and Alms
houses, and by more than three hundred
Clergymen of various denomina
are expressly p re p are d f or f, unily combination of the most approved remedies
use, and have acqulred an unprecedented i n th e whole medical kingdom, and so pre
popularity tin ougliont the United States; and Tared in double refimd sugar as to make them
as they are So admirably calculated topre- as pleasant to tb taste as the best cv earn
serve HEALTH and cure DISP:ASE, no family candy ; children will eat them with avimi y ;
should ever be without them. The pro- ! besides they are more convenient tht n .oiy
prietor of these valuable preparations re- 'other me.licare, they are put up
ceived his education at one of the best 'form of a Lozenge so that a few may I, pet
Medical Colleges in the United States, and in the pocket and eaten at p1e:,11,. 1 . 4. re
has had seventeen years experience in an has never been a singly in which
extensive and diversified practice, by which they have failed to give pevient sAtisfaction.
he has had ample opportunities of acquit.- 'Fhe Medicid Faculty warmly approve of
ing a practical knowledge of diseases, and them.
f the remedies best calculated to remove sHERHANts COUGh LOZENGES
These preparations consist of 'Are the safest, most sure and off..catail riln-
JAY NE'S EXPECTOR ANT, a valuable edy for CMils, Ci,usumpthm. Whiiopii`g
remedy for Cough, Cords, Consumption, Cough„kstlinia, tightmss of the Lot,:. ) :i or
Asthma. Spitting of blood, Croup, limping Chest, &C. Ec,.
Cough, Irronskitis, Pleurisy and inflatnation Mr. John Starkey, font of Gouverneu,st. ;
of the Lungs or Throat, '6ll.lculty of Brea. cured of catO of eighteen months stand,,,..
thing, Rheumatism and all diseases of the supposed to be a settled c insionptinn, by
Pulmonary Organs. t d i () e i s i ej., h i i le t u , g i e l s ,, , im when the physiciiins c , .t.ii.i
Also JAYNE'S HAIR TONIC, for the
preservation, growth and beauty of the Mm'. Charles W Perkins, 71 It ~. •1 - , w.,
Hair, and width trill positively bring in cured of a severe cough an ii, ~i ': :lib,
new hair on bald heads, and Preventing it standing, by half a Lox of t!., ,-• ~
front falling off or turning gray. Rev Mr Hancock, 497 P..,iri-,-t.. 1a,.; used
Also JAYNE'S 'ION IC VERMIFUGE, them in his family with iii,.ri . ible sucre,s,
a certain and pleasant remedy fiir Worms, and recommends them to i,ll .vim ;,re afflict.
Dyspepsia, Piles, Fevre and Ague, and all ed with coughs, colds, or ai, ::ifection of the
diseases of debility, especially of the Stu. lungs.
mach and Bowels and organs of digestion, Mr M E Martin siiThi ~ .. •...-...
and many other diseases, with a distressing ciiii. , : , , • ' , .
ick D i liar a r t l l izi i t i , ,,, l s )y , s u e r n s te to ry .
Also JAYNE'S CARMINATIVE BAL. lieved, till he tt•ted t.. -.. ....7..,
SAM, a certain cure for Bowel and Sum. cured him in a few it; :: -.
Cmleii•..licC,(C"rii'altamii's't,'S' Mr James W lia:,., ',:: , ii - 2.. ..; a , :.
!mach, Cholera Morbus, sod all deriume- lugs, Wall-st., gay
herd not mijayed a i ' I : , : : .• ii .'. ,• i... -
of the stomach nod bowels, nerv'tus weeks, being ''''''' .:
'''' ''' '''''''
'affections, exe, with such a disti,-,;iii •:.;,00, :,, ;: • ,
JAYNE'S SANATIVE PILLS, for Fe-take away his '"
male diseases, Liver complaints, Costive- him raise '" abled l ' i ' n
ness, Fevers Inihmations, Obstructions of at night. He had tried every thing lie I
the Linn, Spleen, Kidneys or Uterus, &c.
Diseases of the skin, etc. and in all of, and nothing else tliv leas , nil
where on Aperient, Alterative or Purgative
cases —another instance of a fellow-bCu
from an untimely gr..,
Medicine is required.
Also JAY NE'S AGUE PILLS, a positive
cure for Fever and Ague.
for children cutting teeth and . sure
: mouth, throat and lips, &c
13AL•rmouit, March 27, is3s.
Dear Sir,—You ask me what proofs I
meet with of the efficacy of your Carmina
tive. I can safely say that I never prescri
bed a medicine for Bowel Complaints that
has given me so much satisfaction, and my
patients so speedy and perfect relief as this.,
henever introduced into a family, it be
comes a standing remedy for those ailments,
and is called for again and again; which I
think a pretty goad proot of its efficacy and
usefulness. In the Summer Complaint of
children it has frequently appeared to snatch
the little victims, asit were, from the grave.
It saved the life of toy child, and of such
and such a child.' I have repeatedly heard
said. In dysenteric affections of adults, 1
have time and again seen it act like a charm,
and give permanent relief in a few hours, I
may say few minutes. In fine, it is a valua
ble medicine, and no family should be with
out it. Respect fullY ;
M. L. KNAPP, M. D.
Late Physician to the B.dtba , ire Dispensary,
and Agent fur the Maryland Vaccine In
For sale by JACOB MILLER, Hunting
idom N. v . 1, 1842.
Vegetable Universal 'IU.
The public will please observe, that no
Brandreth Pills can be relied upon as the
Taut: and GEN U IN E so l ess each box has
new labels upon it. hcre are three, and
each c.,ntains a far. simile signature of Dr.
Brandreth. These labels are engraved on
steel, beautifully designed, and done at the
expense of several thousand dollars.
Remember the fac simile signature of B,
Brandreth must be upon the top of the box,
- ipon the side, and also the bottom of the
lox. By careful examination the name of
3enjamin Brandreth will be found on sever
il of the new labels, being as exact
musics. of the writing of Dr. Brandreth.
this name will be found in the net work.
The Pills are sold at 25 cents per box, by
he undermentioned lorents.
Wm, Stewart, Huntingdon.
Lowry & Gather, Hollidaysburg.
A. & N. Cresswell, Petersburg,.
'Thos. Owen & Son, Birmingham.
Wm. Patterson, Williamsburg.
John Swoope, McConnellstown.
Madden & Lutz, Shirleysburg.
Hartman, Smith & Love, Manor Hill.
S. Miles Green & Co„ Barree Forge.
J. Blair & Sons, Shatle Gap.
Observe that each agent has an engraved
Certiticate of Agency, containing a repre
sentation nf Dr. Brandreth's Manufactory at
Sing Sing, and upon which also will be seen
,exact copies of the new labels now usedup
on Brandreth Pill Boxes.
Philadelphia, Office No. V,
North Eirht Street.
Jan. 12, 1842.
N 177
VP I rip 11E undersigned
respectfully in
"''r;forms the citizens of
• .q
, • , Huntingdon county and
the cominunity at large
that he has opened a
Temperance house in the borough of Alex
andria. in the large and suitable house, for.
merly occupied by Christian Staymon,
dec'd., and is well prepared with materi•
als lot the accommodation of strangers
aid travellers; and solicits a share of
public patmna2e.
April fill, 1.84t.--tf.
The ECV (g flw na, r.:.
We ask the scrims attenti , n cF rs e:y
man, woman, nnd child in the United
to what will prove to be the most valuable
discovery ever made, a discovery that only
w i airis to he known to be appreciated.
Are the hest medicine in the world. Quere:
Whyt 3imply because they are ill, n e at
tfficamous, the cheapest, and 11, pl,•as,m
est to take. What are they? 'Hwy are a
It EU S 6V .1 L 0 Z.'.:'
Proved in more than 40,000 ci,s,
; the only ccrtahl w,rlv.
medicine ever di,c , ,vera,.
Smirroms OF kVORMS.—•P.,: ; • ;
or limbs, offensive breath, . • ,
'grinding of the teeth dm • .• • • ,
times a paleness about th•• . ~•
cheeks, uleeding at the ut•s,, •• . • •
sation at the stomach, flashes , • . .
surface of the body, slight (M 0 .,: •, a i,-.•:• •
logs, headache, drowsiness, vertigo, torpr.
disturbed dreams, sudden starting in
r with fright and screaming;
troublesome cough, feverishness, tniist, pa •
lid hue, fits, bad taste in the mouth,
breathing, pain in the sLinach b •w,ls, •
tigue, nausea,
(petite, leanness, stt,noch
griping?, shrmtig pains itt va:', t
the bo.iy , a soiht (I. I•l 's ,r;
Of . th, LI;tIS
n'tquent cicsire to pas, L .
lbowie is, and sometialcs 1 s 1
rand mucus.
Dr Galen Hunter, 108 F;;., , .1„ Avenue, is
4 child that Was cured 11, i.e f..
engoi, after three years sulf,:rie . g, ,nd wie.••
nothing else uould y - ,ve
boy on !maid of one of th , .. Havre pya:Lets 11,4
cured cf by only one dose of luvi I.
Dr libriskle, 18 Amine. test, has nr, - ..1
th.m in over 700 cases, scare of them f Cite
most alarming character, and a.iw•ays with
13eUlunin F Goodspeed, 130 Sixth
nue s f
has used them in his ondy for 2 years,
Willi entire bUCCCSS. Twenty-live cents per
SHERMAN'S CA' , '"."ol2. Olt
Give immediate relief inn •
ache, palpitation of the ! • • • • t
spirits, despondency, it,fi • . !!: ;., ,ni
sore throat, bowel cr sin,• •• •, • .
faihting, oppression or a>! •-•
the chest, cholic, spasm , . • ! . , •.• -
mach or bowels, hl >n •i. •
nervous diseases, dr. • •
and wakefulness at ; -.•
morbus, diarrhces, 1• . • , ! • •
fatigue. Pers:,ns Iran. , • • ! , !g•
large parties, will find tl,e , • !
reviving, and impartim . ; • •. • of
youth--used after dissipatic.,
state the tone of the system •• : . •
remove all the unpleasant
fr,in too free living.
John M Moore, Esq., Editor of the broth
er Jonathan, was cured of a severe hea.lirile
in six minutes by three of the Camphor to
zenges—he was prejudiced again,: them,
Dr G Hunter, 108 Sixth Avenue, has been
subject to violent attacks of headache, an on
to make him almost blind for two cr thre.
hours at a time. Nothing' ever afftaal.e•i tint
any relief till he tried these Lezen: , ,e,, and
they cured him in a few minutes.
NV H Attree, Esq., of the New Yt.rit Her •
ald, has used them for the last year for head
ache, or lassitude, and always lona:, mime.
diate reliet front them.
7'E R;
1,000,000 sold yearly of this best of All Flits.
tens. Rheumatism ,Lumbago, Pa;o Vi'eav •
ness in the B,cle, Loins, Side, P reast, :Stec,
or Limbs, effectually cured by it. Unit
12i, Cents each, :trot warranted superior
all other Plasters in use. Be particular
get Sherman's Pac,r Man's Plasters, or yam:
will be imposed upon. Avoid the sparl'us
and worthless intimations. The name is
stamped on the back of each ; get none with
out it, or you will be deceived.
A fresh supply of the above valuable zae--
(Unities just received and for sale by
JACOB MILLER, Huntingdon.
HENRY NEFF, Alexandria.
PETER iimETT, Hollidaysburg.
Purchasers will be particular and in
quire for Dr. Sherman'sLczenges, which are
alone known and approved.
Cough Lozer,ges only 15 cents a box.
Worm Lozenges 1$ do. do.
Camphor or Headache Lczenges 26 cents
per box.
Poor Mane Plaster only 12} Gents a }:.eta,
Nov. 1, 1841.
TpLANIC BONDS to Constaitles for Stay
i m P of Execution, under the new law, just
(printed, and for sate, at this office.