THE JOURNAL. One country, one conetitutionone destiny Huntingdon, Dee. 15, 1 841 Temperance Meeting. The Huntingdon Temperance Society will meet at the German Presbyterian church, ►n the Borough of Huntingdon, un next Tuesday evening the 21st instant, where it is expected that addresses will be delivered—The public are invited to attend. Our readers will excuse us for the lack of editorial matter this week. The Pre sident's Message, and the great press of advertisements, have filled our coluums. IVe will make amends in our next. The Message Is given in our paper ot this week. We leave it without comment for the present. It tells its own tale. It is neither a hig nur Loco F(ico, it is rather in a state of “bettvcenety." The Capting will most . likely, ere he is through with his admin- Istration, be entirely back to his first love. Temperance. The cause of Temperance has coin nienecd a new era in our town, and we believe elsewhere. Every body, old and young, are gathering under its banner, and lifting their voices against that worm that never dies—the still-worm. e have in our town twn societies that are engaged in urging the good work, the Huntingdon, and Washington. On Saturday evening the court house was filled to overflowing, at the monthly meeting of the latter, and the eloquent and able appeals of the speakers to the community, were listened to with much interest and attention ; and their zeal and the energy of the members were commen ded by all. Much has been already done,i but much remains to do. We trust that• no•friend of the cause will ,eta. tusettorts until the reform is complete. EatIMMIIIMIO D On Thursday evening last, in this Po rough, by Rev. J. Peebles, Mr. Tivrimia- AR GIEEN to MiSS MARY ANN WADDLE, both of this township. With the above notice we received a botintiful supply of cake. It is what the printers like to see. It tells of kindness of heart, and a thoughtfulness of the wants of others. The happy couple have the "prayers of the poor"—printer, for a long life of happiness. DIED, At his residence in Antis township, in this county, on Wednesday, the Ist inst. Mr. DAVID BEYER. in the 79th year of his age. He was a resident of this county about forty two years, and was respected by all who knew him. MECHANIC'S LIEN. HUATINGDON COUNTY, SS. - - • The Commonwealth of Penn sylvania to the Shen: of Y) Huntingdon county, Greet ing: Whereas William Elder, surviving part ner of the firm of Kring and Elder, hath fi led a claim in our Court of Common Pleas, for the county of Huntingdon, against Zach ariah Brown, for the sum of three hundred and thirty-five dollars and fifteen cents, for work done and materials furnished in and about the erection and construction of all that certain two story frame building situat. in Blair street, in the Borough of Hollidays burg, in said county, containing in front of Blair street twenty-sixTeet, ane in depth six teen feet, and on lot of ground known I. plan of said borough as lot No. 217, and th. lot or piece of ground and curtilege mutt to said bulding. And whereas it is al leged that the said sum still remains due an unpaid to the said William Elder, suryiyit., van et r h o e t r the re fi w r e m co,fm,Krn youand Kring and that yet make known to the said Zechariah Brown and to all such persons who may hold or (a copy the said building, that they be and at • pear before our Judges of said Court, at Court of Common Pleas to ote held at Hu, tingdon, on the second Monday of Jam,at next, to show if any thing they know • pave to say why the said sum of three hut, Bred and thirty-five dollars and fifteen cent should not be lotted of the said building t the use of the said William Elder, surviviu partner ticc. aOPordillr to the form and ettec of the at of Assembly In such case mat' , and provided ,j 1 to them If shall seem expo client, and have yqu theft and there this writ Witness the lion. george W. Woodwaro Esq. President of ottr said Court at flu tingdon, the 7th doyPecemli-r, A. p. 84; JAM AS §T F 7.1., PrOey. 9". 7, 5 . 1941. REGISTER'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to all per sons concerned, that the following named persons have settled their accounts in the Register's Office, at Huntingdon. and that the said accounts nill be pre• sented for confirmation and allowance, at an Orphans' Court to be held at Hun tingdon, in and for the county of Hun tingdon, on Thursday, the 13th day of January next, viz : . - - I. John Hoover and Conrad filling, Guardians of John, Henry, Catherine and Isaac filling, minor children of Henry Dilling, late of %%, oodberry township, de ceased, and George Hoover and John Hoover, Executors of the last will and testament of the said John Hoover, dec'd, and Conrad filling, the surviving Guar dian of said minors. 2. Peter Boyle, Guardian of Isabella Burke, a minor child of John Burke, late of Cambria county, dec'd. S. J. C. McLanahan, Administrator of the estate of James Martin, late of the borough of Hollidaysburg ' dec'd. 4. Isaac Vaudevander Esq. and James Campbell, Administrators of the estate of Adam Oswalt, late of Hopewell township, dec'd. 5. Thotnas P. Campbell Esq. Admin istrator, de bonis non with the will an nexed, of the estate of Charles Brother line, late of the borough of Huntingdon, dec'd. JOHN REED, Register. Register's Office, Hunting. ? don, Dec. 13, A. D. 1891. S MECHANIC'S LIEN. HUNTIAGDON COUNTY, SS, 4 The Commonwealth of Penn sylvania to the Sheriff of' Huntingdon county, Greet , mg: hereas David Kneedler bath filed a claim in our Court of Common Pleas e for' the county of Huntingdon, against Dan iel L• Martin, for the sum of one hundred and twenty dollars and forty-three cents, for work done and materials furnished in id about the erection and construction of all that certain two story brick building situate on Allegheny street, in the bo rough of Hollidaysburg, in said county, and on lot recorded in plan of said bo rough as lot No. 177, and containing in front on said street tweuty-six Net, and in depth filty-four feet, and the lot or piece of ground and curtilege appurte • rant to said building. And whereas it is alleged that the said sum still remains due and unpaid to the said David Kneedler.— Now therefore we command you that vou make knovn to the said Daniel L. 111... tau, ano LI) 411 IBLI.I aa,v occupy the said building, that they CIA appear before our Judges of said court, at a court of Common Pleas to be held at Huntingdon on the second Monday of January next, to show if any thing they know or have to say why the said sum of lone hundred and tweuty dollars and forty three cents should riot be levied of the said building, to the use of the said David Kneedler, according to the forin and effect of the act of Assee bly in such case made and provided, if to them it shall seem ex pedient, and have you and there this writ. Wit ness the Hon. Geo. W. Wood ward Esq. President of our said court at Huntingdon, the seventh day of Decetn her, A. D. 1841. JAM ES STEEL, Prot'y. Dec. 15, 1841. TO OUR CREDITORS. MAKE notice that we have applied JR. to the Judges of the court of Com mon Pleas of Huntingdon county, for the benefit of the laws of this made for the relief of Insolvent Debtors ; and the said court has appointed the 2nd Monday . (10th day) of January next, for the hearing of me and my creditors, at the court house in the borough of Huntingdon, when and where you may attend if you see proper. JAMES S. HORRELL, IRV I N HORRELL. Huntingdon, Dec. 15, 1841. To the Honorable. the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Hunting don County, now composing a Court of Quarter Sessions of the peace. at the Januar* Term 1842, The petition of Peter L ivingston of the ;llage of Salsbury. Barree Township and may of Huatingdun . respectfully show rhat your petitioner is desirous of Icee a public house or tavern in the lu.ust • now lives, in said village of Salsbury; trove township that he has provided him -if with necessaries for the convenience nd sccnmmodatinn of travelers and stran ers. He therefore prays your honors to rant him a license to keep a house of pub c entertainment and he will pray flee.. PETER L IVINGSTON We, the subscribers, inhabitants of Ban e township aforesaid, do certify that ',ter Levinggton, the above applicant is of ~nd repute for honesty and tempe ranee, is well provided with house roam and' mveniences for the lodging and accommo- I ation of strangers and travellers, and that the said house, is necessary. .Vm. Hirst, A lx. Livinston. D. Barrick . Cowden. Saml. Miller, T. Stewart. ' ,hn Love, Gilb. Cherry, J A Sample Harper, Saml Hawn, J I M'quid. l /as. Love Saint Coen John W Myton. Jolyt Hirst 4 Lehndter, Benj Hartman. Dee. If, 1841. •To the Honorable, the Judges of the! Court of Quarter Sessions for the county of Huntingdon. The petition of the sub Scriber respect-, fully showeth that your pctitioaer is a cit izen of said, county, and occupies that well known house and raver stand situate in West township if. what is known as Wil sons town, formerly kept by Joseph Thomp son, which said house is well calculated for a public house of entertainment, and from its neighborhood and situation is necessary and suitable for the accommodation of 'in habitants, stranger's and travellers. He therefore prays the court to grant him a license to keep a public house there, and he will ever pray. ALEXANDER JOHNSTON. We, the subscribers, citize n s of and re siding in West township, do certiey that we are personally acd well acquainted with the above petitioner, Alexander Johnston, that he is of good repute for honesty. and sobriety, and teat he is well provided with house room and conveniences, for the ac commodation of inhabitants, strangers and travellers, and the house for which a license is prayed, from its neighborhood and situ ation we believe to be suitable and necessa ry for a house of public entertainment. Jesse Henry, Saml. C Espy, Jas Myton Wm Stewart, D M'Alevy, A Mattern Geo Hallman, Jacob Borst, Isaac Neff, M Raynolds, John Stryker, W M'Clure Dec. 15, 1841. To the honorable the Judges of the court of Quarter Sessions o f the peace of the county of Huntingdon. The petition of Samuel Steffy respectful ly showeth, that your petitioner occupies that well known tavern stand situate in Bar ree township, on the road leading from Pine Grove to Greenwood Eurnace In Hun tingdon county, which he has occupied du ring the last three years, and being desi rous of continuing to keep a public house of entertainment and for thispurpose has pro poses has provided himself with everything convenient and necessary thereto. He there fore prays the Honorabie Hourt a license for that purp3se and he will evar pray &c. SAMUEL STEFFY. We the undersigned citizens of Barree tp. do certify that Samuel Steffy is a man of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and convenience for the pccommodation of stran gets and travellyrs, and that said tavern is necessary to accommodate the public and en Certain travellers and stranges. Chas M Bell, sr, Daniel Cleper N Burley M. Steffy, Jnhn Stewart S Mitcciell Wiliam Price, M Herringer. L. Steffy, M Retbremer, , Geo Wilson, C ('earheart Dec. 15, 1841. To the honorable judges of the Court for the county of Huntingdon, The petition of the subscriber a citizen of said County, respectfully, showeth that your petitioner occupies, that well known house and tavern stand, situate at Mc , Alaveys Fort Barree Township, owned by Robert Bair ; which said house is well calculated, for a public house, of entertain ment, and from its neighborhood and sit uation, is suttable for the accommodation Of inhabitants, strangers and travellers. He therefore, respectfully, prays the court 'dila , I Ylskti,... k nen a. nubile lino .e pray dsc SAMUEL E. BARR. linntingdon County. SS. W e the subscribers, citizens of, and re- 1 siding within the neighborhood of AlcAl- , aveys Fort, in the Township of Barree du ; certify, that we are personally and well acquainted with Samuel E. Barr the above petitioner, and applicant fur a tavern li cense, that lie is, and we know him to be of good repute, for honesty and temper ance, and is well provided with house room, and conveniences 01 the lodging and accommodation of inhabitants stran. gers and travellers and we do further cer tify, that we know the house for which the license is prayed, and from its neigh borhood and situation believe it to be suit able for a tavern, and necessary to accom modate the public, and entertain strangers and travellers. William Bicket, Robert Stewart, Samuel Bicket, A• E. McDonald, Samuel Mitchell, Charles M. Bell William Kealsh, Stewart Fox, John Mitchell, John Duft, Thomas Mitchell, Robert Barr, Dec. 15, 1841. MECHANIC'S LIEN. HUIVTIAGDON COUNTY, SS. The Commonwealth ot Penn. sylvania, to the Sheriff of Huntingdon county, Greet ing: NA , hereas Lewis Bergstresser hath filed a claim in our court of Common Pleas for the county of Huntingdon, against Elisha Shoemaker, for the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, for work and labor done and services performed as a millwright in building arid erecting a saw mill with its fixtures on the waters of Stone creek, in Henderson township, in the county of Huntingdon. And whereas it is alleged that the said sum still remains due and unpaid to the said Lewis Bergstresser.— Now we command you that you make known to the said Mahe Shoemaker, & to, all such persons as may hold or occupy the said building, that they be and appear, before the Judges of our said court at a court of Common Pleas to be held at Huntingdon, on the second Monday of January next, to show if any thing they know or have to say why the said sum of, two hundred and fifty dollars should nut, be levied of the said building, to the use of the said Lewis Bergstresser, according to the form and effect of the act ot Assem bly in such cascade a mud provided. if to th in it shall seem expedient, and have you then and there this writ. Witness the Hon. George W. Woodward Esq. President of our said court at Hunting. dqn, the first goy of December, A. P. 1841, JAMES STEEL ProVy. Dee. 15, 1841. VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. By virtue of an order of Sale issued by the Court of Common Pleas, of Hunting. don county, in action of an Amicable par ation by and between the children and heirs of Mary Huyett, formerly Mary Swoope, deed. I will expose to sale on the premises by public Auction, or Yen• due, on Thursday the 90th day of Decent. ber 1841, at ten o'clock i. ill., the follow• ing described land and real estate, WITM ER TOGETHERAS A WHOLE, Olt IN SEPAARTE PARTS OR PARCELS, as may be found 71108 l advantageous to the owners, and conveni ent and suitable for puechasera, to wit: A certain piece or parcel of land, situat ed in Porter township, in the said County of Huntingdon, bounded by lands of D. R. Porter, W illiam .Orbison, John Huyett, Jacob Huyett, and others, containing a out 818 acres and 136 perches, of which about 180 acres, are cleared on which are two Log Dwelling houses, two Log Banos, a Spring of never failing water, at each of the houses, and several apple Orch ards. Terms of sale to be one third of the purchase money to be paid on confir mation of Sale, one third in one year thereafter with interest to be secured by' sufficient and satisfactory securities, such as the bonds and Mortgage of the pur chaser or purchasers. The above describ ed land is situated about three miles from the boroug h of Huntingdon; lying on both sides of the public road, leading from Huntingdon to Williamsburg; is a good . Limestone soil; and be advantageously divided so as to make two good planta tions or farms, and will be divided if re quired and found advantageous to suit purchasers. _ JOHN SHAVER, Sherfff: Sheriff's Office, Huntingdon Dec, 15, 1841. I Proclamation. HEREAS by a precept to me direc• ted dated at Huntingdon, the 15tt_ day of November, A. D. one thousand,eight hundred and forty-one, under the hands and seals of the Hon• G. W. Woodward President of the Court of Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, and general jail deliv ery of the 4th judicial district of Pennsyl vania, composed of the counties of Mifflin, Huntingdon, Centre, Clearfield, and Jeffer son, and the Hon. Joseph Adams, and John Kerr his associate Judges of the 'county of Huntingdon, justices assigned,ap pointed to hear, try, and determine all and every indictments, and . presentments made or taken for or Concerning all crimes, which by the laws of the State are made capitalor felonies of death and all other offences, crimes and misdemeanors, which have been or shall be committed or perpetrated within the said county, or all persons which are or shall hereafter be committed or be perpe , trated for crimesam comman. • ',sew. ati Xs &V 2°2,4.0 " ThrOugh bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Ter miner, of Common Pleas and Quarter Ses sions, will be held at the Court House in the Borough of Huntingdon, on the second Mon day, and 10th day of January next, and those Rho will prosecute the said prisoners, be then and there to prosecute them as it shall be just, and that all Justices of the Peace, Coroner, and Constables within . the said county be then and there in their pro per persons, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, withtheirrecords, inquisitions, examinations and remembrances, to do those things which .heir offices respectively appertain. Dated at Huntingdon, the 15th day of Novem, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-one, and the 65th year of American Indepen dence JOHN SHAVER, Sh'ff. Sheriff's Office, Hunting. don Dec. 10, 1841. MECH ANIC'S LIEN. HUNTINGDON COUNTY SS. • The commonwealth of Pew ,q • sylvania to the Sheriff of Huntingdon County Greet sag Whereas Samuel Duff and Joseph Hunter acting and trading under the firm of Duff' and Hunter, have filed a claim in our conty Court, of Common Pleas, for the county of, Huntingdon against Samuel E. Barr (owner or reported owner) for the sum of twenty three dollars and forty nine cents, with in terest from the Ist May 1841' for work done to a certain frame stable, sixteen feet high, twenty eight feet long and eighteen feet wide erected, built and situate on the North-west end of a certain lot or piece of grouud, ad joing a lot of James Stewart on the South East and by Stone creek on the North west at McAlaveys Fort in Barree Township in the said county, on the road leading from Pine Grove to Green Wonod, also, a furth er claim of 63 dollars and 9 cents, with in terest from the first of May 1841, for work done to a certain frame house and building for a dwelling house, two stories high, 20 feet wide by 15 feet front, situate at McAl avey's Fort aforesaid—the same building being attached to and adjoing a certain two story frame hous occupied as a tavern at said McAlavey's Fort, on the South East end of the lot aforesaid: and whereas it is alleged that the aforesaid several sums of money still remairs due and unpaid to the said Duff and Hunter. Now we command you that you make known to the said Sam. E. Barr and to all such persons as may hold or occupy t"e aforesaid several buildings, that they be and appear before the Judges ' of the said court at a court of common Pleas to he held at Huntingdon on the 2d Monday of January next to show if any thing they know or have to say why the said sum of twenty three dollars and forty nine cents should not be held of the said building to the use of the said Duff & Hunter according to the form and effect of the act of Assembly in such case made and provided, if to them it shall seem expedient, and have you then and there this writ. Witness the lion. Geo Woodward Esq. President of said court a" Huntingdon the seventh day of Decembc A. p. 1841 JAMES SVEEL. Prot'y Dec. Is, 1841 SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry writs of Levari Facia, and Venditioni Erponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon coun.y, and to me direct ed, will beexposed to public sale at the Court (louse in the Borough of Huntingdon, on Monday, the 10th day of January, 184, the following property, viz: • All that certain tract of land situate in Barree township, bounded on the east by lands of Alexander Ennis, on the north by lands of David Barr, on the west by land of James Stewart, and on the south by other land of defendant, containing one hun dred and ten acres, more or less; having a two story house, and a one sad a half story house, and a frame barn thereon. Also one other tract of land in said: town: ship of Barree, adjoining lands of John Smith, Joseph Oburn, and on the north by the above describad land of the defendant, containing ninety acres, about seventy of which are cleared, having two one and a half story houses and bank barn thereon erected. Seized, taken under execution, and to be sold as the property of James Ennis ALSO, A lot of ground situate in Williamsburg, numbered 62 in the plan of said town, having thereon erected a log house and stable. Also a tract of land situate in Walk er township, adjoining lande of the heirs of Thomas Dean, the !lawns and others, containing 360 acres, about 40 of which are cleared, on which is erected a cabin house and a log barn. Seized, taken under execution, and to be sold as the property of Wray Maize. A LSO, The interest and estate of Isaac Long in a piece of ground situate about two miles east of the Borough of Huntingdon, adjoining land of Jacob Fackler, contaift ing about one acre, through which the turnpike passes, having thereon a one story log house with a garden attached thereto. Seized, taken under execution, and to be sold as the property of Isaac Long. ALSO, A tract of land situate in Cromwell township, Huntingdon county, on the bank of the big A ughwich creek, bounded by other land of George H. Pennock, land fota nierly owned by Jonathan Doyle and others, containing 232 acres and 109 perches, having a two story hewed log house, a double log barn thereon, and about 130 acres of cleared land. Also a a small tract adjoining the above, bounded by the said de scribed tract, by land of the widow Sharrer, and land formerly owned by Charles Prosser and others, containing 50 acres and 4b perches, to which said described tract of land is attached a water privilege in said creek, on the land formerly owned by Charles Prosser, the same being the privilege of erecting a dam, dm.; the said lands and privilege were sold by Samuel Carothers to George If. and Joel Pennock. Seized, taken under execution, and to be sold as the property of George W. and Joel Pennock. ALSO, A lot of ground in Shirleysburg, on which is erected a two story log house and potter's kiln, adjoining John Owens on the south, and Mary Barton on the north;-- Seized, taken under execution, and to be sold as the property of James Oliver. A LSO, The Clinton Forge property situate on the Raystown branch of Juniata slyer, in Hopewell township, consisting of three several tracts of land, containing in all 750 acres more or less, about 80 acres of which are cleared, having thereon an apple or chard, a forge, a grist mill, a saw mill, a stone house, and five hewed log houses. Seized, taken under execution, and to be sold as the property of William Hop. kips, William Biegle and George P. Mattern. ALSO, All that certain tract of land situate in Barree township, Huntingdon county, bounded on the east by !ands of Alexander Ennis, on the north by lands of David Barr, on the west by land of James Stewart, and on the south by other land of de fendant, containining 110 acres more or less, having a two story house, and one and a half story house, and a tratne barn thereon;--also one other tract of land in said township of Barree, adjoining lands of John Smith and Joseph °bourn, sad on the north by the above described land of the defendant, containing 90 acres, about 70 of which are cleared, having two one and a half story houses, and bank !barn' them on erected. Seized, taken under execution, and to be sold as the property of James Ennis in Springfield township, Hun tingdon county, cohtatiling contracted to be sold and conveyed by John Patton, Esq. now deceased, to Henry Freed, by articles of agreement dated 2tl Sep tember, 1817, and 6th February, 1828, the same being part of a larger tract bound ed by the Rocky ridge or Jack's mountain on the east, by Clear ridge or lands of Alexander Park on the west, and lands of Thomas Green and others on the south and north, the said 150 acres to be laid off south of and from a division line run through said lands by bral ter B. Hudson, Esq. from Jack's mountain to Clear ridge, by a line parallel with said division line, and having thereon a lag house and barn, and forty or fifty acres cleared, on which said Henry Freed now resides. Also a tract or parcel of land situate in the same valley and township as above, containing" about 170 acres, be the same more or less, hounded by lands of Thomas Green on the south, lands of Alexander Park or the Clear ridge on the west, the above descri bed pike of land on which Henry Freed reside„ on the north, and Rocky ridge or Jack's mountain on the east, on which there is no improvement now existing, but on which there was forme , iy a small cabin hou:e, now !Tiled down, sad a small piece of land cleared, now grown up again. Also a tract or parcel of land situate in the same valley and township as above, containing about 560 acres, be the same more Or less, bounded by Rocky ridge or Jack's mountain on the east, by land of Joseph Stever on the north, by Clear ridge or land of Philip Runnell on the west, and by the above,described piece or tract of land on which Henry Freed resides on the'south, the same being unimproved. Also a tract or piece of land situate in An tis township in said county, bounded on and by the Brush mountain and by lands of , Edward Bell, Lyon, Shorb, and company, and others, containing from 120 to 180 acreS, lie the same mere or less, on which is an old cabin house and stable, and other small buildings, anti from 30 to 60 acres cleared, the same having been surveyed on a warrant in the name of James Burns. Seized, taken under execution ; and to be sold as the property of John Patton, Esq. deceased. ALSO, The following described three tracts or parcels of land situate in Allegheny township, Huntingdon county, adjoining lands of Henry Gordon, the heirs of Geo. Kuntz and others, one thereof surveyed on warrant to John Boynton and Samuel if harton, dated 28th of July, 1766, designated and known as No. 7 Vol. 3, and con taining 410.1 acres. One other, adjoining the above, surveyed on warrant to the same, of same date, kuown as No. i 0 Vol. 3, and containing 5191 acres. And the other adjoining the above, being part of a survey in name of James Sterrit, begin. ning at a white oak, corner of the above tracts, near the spring, thence north 60 east 37p to a post, thence ba Ruhns land north 16+ west 152 to white oak, north 14 east 2? to ash, north 62 west 20 and three tenths to white oak, north 85 west 140 and five tenths to a post, south 87 west 7 to post, thence by Jacob Lantz south 34 east 80 to white oak, south 44 west 82 to toe line of the fir‘t above survey, and thence by the same south 60+ east 199 to the beginning, containing about 158 acres more or.less. Seized, taken under execution, and to be sold as the property of Bernard O'triel, deceased. A tract of land situate in Frankstown township, adjoining land of James :Smith Dr. Peter Shoenberger, Henry Stuffier and Joseph McCune. containing about 120 acres, about 60 acres of which are cleared, having a house and barn thereon. Seized, taken under execution, and to be sold as the property of Samuel 41tuith, Satnuel Duncan, and John McClosky. ALSO, A lot of ground in the Borough of Huntingdon, fronting 50 feet on Washington street, and extending back 200 feet to MitlEn street, and numbered 142 in the plan of said town, with a one and a half story lug dwelling house, and a one awl a half story log house lately occupied as a school house, thereon erected. Seized, taken under execution, and to be sold as the property of Lazarus B. Me Lain. A LSO, It lot and a half of ground situate in the Borough of Gaysport, fronting 90 feet on ihe northerly side of the MAUI street or turnpike road, and extending back at right angles to the same to the Juniata river, being lot No. 7 in the plan of said Borough; and the halt of lot No. 0, adjoining the said lot No. 7, having thereon erected a twa story brick dwelling house and back buildings, a frame building one stoty and a half high, and a frame stable. Seized, taken under execution, and to be sold as the property of John Deermit. JOHN SHAVER, Sherif. Sheriff's Office, Huntingdon, Dec. 8, 1841. ALSO,