The journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1839-1843, October 06, 1841, Image 3

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    lad yet another.
n &we of Mr. JOHN COOPER was
H;,..e , 1 Jim the "%milting" commit
~ .out his knowledge, consent or ap
~ l tili. He ileclars his deteriitina.
to, support the Democratic Ticket, as
h.,. al was s done before.
d/r Edifon—By the last number of
• 01, Democratic (Lornfoco) Standard,''
perceive the miscalled "workingmen" held
meeting on the 11th Sept. inst., in the
tsorough of Franksi own, and placed my
•iame on the committee of Vigilance for
Frankstown township. Injustice to my
self I wish, through the medium of the
"Register," to say that I was not at the
Frankatown meeting, and my name was
used without my knowledge or consent.,
It was probably thus used because I was
a Delegate to the Alexandria Convention,
and was therefore presumed to be favora
ble to their Ticket. Now, Iwsh to say a
word or two on the subject of that Con
vention. I went to it under the impres
sion that it was to be a Wino meeting;
but when there I saw that it was compo
sed in part of the friends of David R•
Porter— sonic of whom were facet s of•
the meeting, I became dissatisfied ; and
since the meeting I have disco, red that'
the Locofocos claim the ticket formed as!
a Loco measure, and am fully cotivinced I
that it is a scheme to divide and distract
the IThig party—l also have seen us the
Standard a Poetical call on "the work
ingmen" to come up and assist in Vetoing
John Banks, and as 1 am not
"A workingman! !nicest and sober,
Win will rally and fill u; their ranks,
Anti help on the 12th October,
To Veto Honest John Banks"—
in justice totnyseif I must let the public
know it.
Frankstown township, Sopt. 28,1641
111 x. Jones— By the late number of the
"Democratic Standard" I observe that a
meeting was held on the 1 Ith of Sept., in
Frankstown, by some gentlemen prof,
sing to act in behalf of the workingmen.
who placed my name on their committee
of Vigilance for this Borough. In justice
to myself I wish, through the medium of
your paper, to say that I was not at the
'rankstowa meeting, and my name wa ,
used without my knowledge or consent.
3011 N TiIOMSON.
Hollidaysburg, Sept. 28th, 1841.
In addition to these there area number
of others, whose names we know were
used by the "working" party folks, with•
out permission, and who have expressed
their dissatisfaction at such unwarrantable
freedom. and avow their determination
to support the Banks Ticket ; but as they
have not requested, or authorized us to
publicly proclaim the fact, we refrain from
n►entioning their names; but we can do it
if necessary, and among them will be
found some of the must respectable men
in our neighborhood.
Truth out at Last
LOOK OUT 11" oft 11.1 -
G. LI 1.114
A leading loco foco in our town
yesterday, while talking, as he
thong it to a Workingman, said
"1 Timm the ,Forkingmen ought
to vote fly Porter, if WE vote
for their county ticket." He was
mistaken, he let
The Secret Out !
that they were to sell their votes
to the Workinamen, to get votes
for Porter. Irfe
made the mistake!
and. let the cat out of the bag.
Isett's "LETTER" and Mr Woods'
"ARRANGEMENTS" can now be un
derstood. The ticket has been
got up to help Porter. LO WE
OD' ! You will be cheated in '
to a support of Porter ! Loco Fo.
co office holders are no Working
men. They work only forthem,
selves and Porter.
that certain men got up this tick
et to help Davy IL This open
ino;ithed politic ian let the cat out
of the bag.
EV' Air ..:taw who want:,
to dethrone this plundering party,
of pardoned horse thieves, Musa
be careful they are not create
This loco loco thought ho won
coax a Banks man to vote for V •
ter ! Friends of John Banks d
not be decieved.
CC 7 'RE
and look at your ticket. See that
they are right, and that you have
a full ticket. Let no one deceive
you by LYING. The locos will be
busy for the Workingmen. They
are anxious to deceive their old
,enemies. CU' Watch them—do
any thing EXCEPT what they tel
.1 BOLD 0101VE
If the Locoro, sang in the last ,Stand
ard" does not open the eyes at our /I hig'
"working" friends, to the tact that the
LocolOcos are but seeking to use them,
certainly naihim , can, not even the open )
declaration of diter; of Porter himself.
ii e will quote a few verses, to show our
readers how loving the Lorofocos are.
"Ye Democrats of the old Keystone,
Come ! Come! to the rescue once more.
And we'll put down the whips and the
NV here we often have put them before,
Ye workingmen honest and sober,
Come, rally and fill up our ranks,
For we, m► the twelfth of October,
Mudi veto the Lawyer John Banks."
Now, there's a little soft sawiler fur the
••working men." The Locol'imo paper
tells them that they are "honest and sob.
or," fur this laver they must "rally and
fill up their ranks," and help them on the
12th of October to "vEro the Lawyer
John Banks." Honest, but misled, whigs
true, but deceived, friends of John.
Banks, what think you of this? Your
allies first asked you to give up your
County Ticket, and you consented, now
they say you "/IlUS1"' give up John
B inks and }our Democratic principles,
and go in with them for previous Pardon
Porter, and help to " yd. down !he wivgs
and the ANTIES." Are von ready for
this ? If not, at core dissol v e a ll c o n nec
lion with the intrigoimr & treacherous crew
"Come out from among the foul party,
And vote with friends of Old Tippe -
"In Me 'nicht (,/ lye we ore indealh."
ril,llEn.o•ln this Bortri:h, on :lion.liiy
the Clt insti nt, CHARLES \ son of
Daniel U. and Hannah N.% 11, aged 14
LIST OF LE , „.,,„ 11,. in
the Pest Olkee at Duntitigdosi, Oc
tuber 1, 1641, which it not taken up, and
t h e p o .r age paid, will 1),., sent to tie Gam..
eral Post Offset as dead letters, illiTe
months from V:is 'late.
ilrotherline Julio Nlizchell Thomas
(lofts J. C. Martin .1.
Blake fiterouimus Me Mooegal Rebecca
Briggs George McCuls
Clayton Jahu lough 4. Co.
Chalaghan Barnard Moore bun Esq.
Cutler John Marrs Mrs. NN nt E
Coxe James E. Neill George B.
Cohen Emeline Norris Joseph
Cadwalailer P. Esq. Norris Letty
Director of the poor Patton .1. R.
1/minis Sarah Parker Grubs 0.
D'viti Timothy Richards George
Draper .ilbert Read .1. 11.
Eden William Rupert Samuel
Esrey Samuel C. Rudy Daniel
Evens Mary Roberts Blotter
Forbis Henry cared Smith Christopher
Haven Blacksmith Stork John
(dose Christopher Strong Julio
Ilavett Jaccn Smith Henry
Inks Samuel Spencer Albert
Ilaselet Foster Snyder Daniel
Keaves Robe Snow Jacob care of
Kesler Daniel Mr. Johnston ‘.2
Kay Thomas Smith Peter
I.eedingham Alex. Smith Pitt ick
I.yliarst Robert 'trough John
LumPhilipcare of 'Trimble William
Solomoni T. Scott Travis Samuel
Livingston John of Travis James
Johii Ilazß wood NN'hite Jackson
McLluahan J C Esti igaltin Christopher
\Jolson John NV harion S. S.
Aiolsori It. B. tPalker Iloory
McKee John ililliains John
Wager Stallard
ITuntingdon, Oct. 1, 1841.
IST OF LET FERS remaining in
the I'ost Office at Alexandria, O r.
tuber 1,1841, which if not taken up, and
the postage paid, will be sent to the Gen
eral Post Office as dead letters, three
months from this date.
\ dams James Keys George
Bowers Mlliain I.lthers James
Hanker II illiam Miller John
Cadwell James McElroy Jo%n
Curry William Miller \Villiam
Dourless Gmrge 2 Miller Adam
Doolis Joseeh Reiss Jane
Fackler Garry Rooney James
Grell Frederink Salter Jacob
fammill & Porter 2 Shorter Thomas
Keifer Moses Spyker Samuel
Kessler P. F. ;ins James
Youns f: er g o 11.
11E‘;RX NEFF, P. M
Alexandria, Ocr. 1, 1841.
To tlic rulers , f flutiPingdon Cottley.
-ETA. toys If to your
:nsitkration for the ~ t at the
owing election, a.:,1 if el..ct •:!., I pledge
.yself to till the ofti,, with ituimrtialty to
best of any iioility.
Williamsburg, Aug. 25, 1841.
Administrator's Notice.
ALL persons kit
indebted to the
toughis,, latent - 11,,-
Litigdon county, dee'il. are 'serf ested to
intake p tyment to the undersigned; and all
rouse having claims agrinsi suit estate
will present them propel ly authenticated
tor settlement.
1110.11.1 S DOUGLASS,
111LL1A111 SN 17/ER.
flO. lel I.
;MEC 71 1 .1.Vit's
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to
the Sheriff of Huntingdon county Gree ng
Whereas . Alba B W heeler bath filed a
claim in our court of Common Pleas tia the
county of Huntingdon against Gilbert L.
Lloyd owner, and John Hetherington con
tractor, for the sum of eighty seven dollars
and seventy six cents, for work done and
ni aerials furnished in and about the erec
tion and construction of all that certain two
crick [louse
erccted and built on Lot No 137, on the eas;
erly side of said Lot on Montgomery street,
n the borough of Hollidaysburg and county
aforesaid. and fronting on said street thirty
ei.;ht feet, and extending back thirthy feet;
and also against the lot or piece of ground
or curtilege appurtenant to said building.
And whereas it is alleged that the said sum
still rem ins due and unpaid to the said Alba
B Wheeler. Now therefor( we command .
you, that you make known tn the saii Gil
bert L. Lloyd owner: Al John Hetherington
contractor•, and to all such persons as may
hold or occupy the said ouilding, that they
be and appear before our Judges of said
court, at a court of common pleas to be held
at Huntingdon on the second Monday of No
vember next, to show if aynthing they know
or have to s,.y why the said suns of eighty
seven dollars and seventy six cents should
not be levied of the said building to the use
of the slid Alba 11 Wheeler, accordisvf to
the form and effect of the act of Assembly
in such case made a•nd provided, if to them
it shall seem expedient. and have von them
there this writ. Witness the Hon Geo. W.
Woodward Esq. President of our said court
at Huntingdon, the 18th day of August A.
Sept 29, 1841,
C11,1.17C 9 s LIEA
The e , uhnionwealth at Pennsylvania to
the :iheriff of Mintier:don county
Whereas Alba B Wheeler bath filed a
claim in our court of Common Pleas for the
county of Huntingdon, at Cilbert L.
Lloyd owner, and James 111. Page contrac
tor, for the sum of eighty four :dollars and
ighty five cents, for work done and mate
rials to rnished in and about the erection
and constructir.n of all that c,rtain two sto
ry _
Brick House
situate in Mongemery stree in the borough ,
of Hollidaysburg in said county, fronting o n
said 31ontgomery scree , forty feet, and ex
tending hick thirty feet, and erected and
built on lot No 137, according to the plan
if said borough, and also against the lot or
piece of ejoinal and curtilege appurtenant to
said bud ding% And , vhereas it ;s alleged
that tne said sum still remains due and un
piid to the said Alba 11 Wheeler, Now,
tk,r. fore we ci mmand you that you make
known to the sail Gilbert L Lloyd owner.
and James 11. F...a ; :e c , ntractor, and to all
styli persons as may I,ld ter occupy the said
Ottihling, that they he and appear before
the Judges of our said coma at a court oil
Gommnn Pleas to be held at Huntingdon
on the second M-nday of November unkt,
to show if any thing they know or have
say, why thr sum of eighty,rur
ind eighty five cents should not he levied •
,1 : the said building to the use of Allyi li. •
, e lyr according t.) the term and ff- ct
the act of Assembly in such c use made
:old provided, if to them it shall seem ex
•,,dient, and have you then and there this
wn it. Witness the am Geo 1V Wood
, ird Esq . President of mir said curt at Hun
tingdon, the 18th 4.iy of August A. I). 1841
Sept. 26 1841.
01E C 5.17 C 9 N LIIX
The Cilmnionwcalth of Pennsylvania, to
the Slit-riff of Huntingdon county, Creeting:
Whereas, James N. Stitt bath filed a claim
in Imr court of common pleas for the county!
of Huntingdou, against Robert Wiggins for'
the sum of twenty seven dollars and seven
tv-one cents, for work, labor and services',
done as a carpenter, in and about the erec
tion and construction of all tl,at certain two
'story log d wt 1 ling house situate in Tell town
ship, Huntingdon Co. , and also against the
lot or piece of ground and curtil apporte-,
tent to the said building—the said building'
being on and the said lot part of a lot of a
bout sixteen acres of land adjoining land 4
‘Vm Wilson on the south, Samuel Wiggins!
on the east, Gideon Shearer on the North !
and Plexander Scott on the west.--and!
whereas it is alleged that the said still re! !
m tins due and unpaid to the said Jamey!
N Stitt. Now, we command you, as you!
were before commanded, that you make.
known to the said Robert Wiggins and to!
all such persons as m ty hold or occupy the
said building, that they be and appear be,
fore the Judges of ote' said court, at it court
of Common Piers to lie held at Hunting
don on the second M ulay of November
next, to she wif :any • they know or
have to say, why the said stun of twenty-'
seven dollars and seventy-one cents, should
not he levied of the said building, to the use
of the said James N Stitt, according to the
form and effect of the act of Assembly in
such case made and provided, if to them it
shall seem expedient, and have yon then
there this writ. Witness the lion. Geo W
Woodward President of our said court at
Huntingdon the 20ih day of August, A. D.
Sept. 29 1841.
ppular remedies of the present d.t
:tie thns, which cleanse and purify the bleu
and which :ire known to a innocent in thei
qua:ities Such r• merit., as Mercury, Anti
mom'. Z ac, and the y,.course to bleeding in
diseases, are now out ref fashion, ond vegeta
ble remedies are the popular medicine now.
Brandt, th's Vegetable Universal Pills are
used and app:eciat:d. They ure known to
act nn every part of the body; being taken
up by chyle they p tss into the blood, which
they purify; and it sit aild be remembered
that thy only those parts fern the
1,1,40 which were the cause of tritlamithn
N .thing is equal to ridding the vitiated hu
with a vegetable of this kind
which eight) -four years have proved neve
• .1 • injury out alw sys good.
Sold at the :tore of WM. STEW 41;T,
Huntingdon, Pa.
OSE OINTNI ENT, for the cure of t
litter, Iti!ig- worm, P . ,tople4 on
t:ie I.tee, a auperiur just received
and fur sale at the D..ult Sr'ne of
Huntingdon, Oct, 6, 1841.
Proelamat ion.
WRE in and by an act of the
General Assembly of the Com.
Imonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled un
"An act relating to the elections of this
Commonwealth," enacted on the £d day
l or July, 1830, it is enjoined on rue to give
public notice of such an election to be
held, and to enumerate in such notice,
what officers are to be elected, I, JOSEPII
SIIANNON, Sheriff of the county of
Huntingdon, do therefore hereby make
known, and give this
to the electors of the said coanty of Burt
tin don, that a
will be h; Id in the said county nn the
next (being the 1...2th day of the month), in
all the several districts composed in the
following:order, viz:
Ist Di - Strict composed of part of Hensl
demon township, west of the line begin.
tug at Mifflin county line on the summit
of Jack's mountain, thence west so fat as
to include the farms owned by Michael
Speck and the heirs of James Kelly to
Mill Creek, thence up the said creek to
West township line, thence along said
line to the line of M county, amid al•
so a part of Porter township, sod all that
part of Walker township not in the 20th
district, at the Court House in the llos
rough of Huntingdon.
District compirsed of Dublin town
ship, at the house of Mathew Taylor, jr.
in said township.
31 District composed of Warriormark
township, including so much of Snyder
township as formerly belonged to "or
riormark township, at the house lately oc
cupiedby Christian Wick.
4th District composed of the township
of Allegheny, at the house of Jacob Black.
sth District cotnposed of that part of
the township of ‘Vootherry not included
in the 6th ilistrict, and part of Morris, at
the house of Christian Ilewit, in Williams.
6Th District composed of all that part
of Woodberry township, layin?, .ion:11 of a l
line to commence at the line of said town.l
ship on the summit orrussey's mountain,
thence to run westoardly, an as to in,
elude the imos, of Joseph Everhart. nod
-oath of the hOOSf! Of Aaron Burns, John
Uitrh and Pew Sorriek, =o as to include,
the Power Intl Piny Y creek, and theory'
too the line ot said township on the summit
•of Canoe moitittain, at the public school
house on the premises of Samuel 11.!mles,
on the I lite) , creek road loading Iron
Sprintield furnace to NIA
7th District composed of the towns'iip
of itopewdi, at the house of David S:-
11101111111, in said township.
8 , 11 District composed of the township
f Birrim, at the hints , . of John Harper,
the town of ..ialesbury, in said town-
District eompo.etl of the township
of , at the house of John Lutz, io
10th District composed of the township
of Antis, including that part of said town
ship which was formerly attached to the
fld district, at the house of John Bell, in
said township.
11th District composed of Porter and
part of Walker townships, and so much
of West township as is included in the
following boundaries, to wit; beginning
at the south west corner of Tobias Caul
luau's farm on the batik of Little Juniata
river, at the lower end of Jackson's nar
rows, thence in a north-easterly direction
to the must sowbelly corner of the fat in
owned by Illichael Maguire, thence north
40° west, to the top of Tussey's mountain
to intersect the line of Franklin township,
thence along said line to Little Juniata
river, thence down the same to the place
of beginning, at the public school house in
the town Of Alexandria.
12.11 i District compose - (I of the township
of Franklin, a: the house formerly occupi
ed by William Lytle.
tith District composed of 'fell town•
ship, at the Union school house near the
Methodist meeting house, in said town
14th District compoied of Sprinafielii
township, at the school house near Hunt
er's mill.
I.lth District composQd of part of Union
township, at the house formerly occupied
by L. S. Lagoon!, in said township.
16111 Distrirt composed of that part o
Henderson township not included in th
Ist district, at the public school housj a
the villa„ , re of Roxbury.
17th Diszrict composed of Tyrone town•
ship, including that part of said township!
which was ',innerly iittached to the tid
electi•ut district, at the house of James
Crawl Mal, in Tyrone township.
ISt'► Dist net composed at Morns town
ship, at the hots: of Frederick bubo io
811111 LOW/Ishii,
. . -
, .
19th District composed of that part ot
West township not included in the nth
• district, at the public school house on the
' farm formerly owned by Jain,..s Ennis in
said township.
• 20th District composed of those put; of
the township; of Dor weD and Walker
within the following boundaries, to wit:
beginning at flartsuck's Gap in 'Fusser',
mountain, thence down Gardner's Ham
so as to include the h•laie or hit hew
Garner, Isaac Bowe rs nil George Brum
beggh; thane, in a atra3iplat lige *pone
ey's Gap to the Union townshiii
toence down the same to a point op
p 'site David Corbin's, thence down no
raiht line, including the house of D.
yid Corbin, to the corner of Porter town
ship, on the Huntingdon and Woodcock
Valley road, thence along the said summit
to the place of beginning, shall hercaftei
be a seperate election district, and that
the general election for said district be
held at the holse occupied by Jacob Mu
;.thy, in the village of McConnelsburg.
21st District composed of that part of
the township of Union, now compuring
ihe township of Todd, beginning on the
of Bedford county where the line of
~.i triN;field and Union townships meet,
thence by the line between the townships
to a point Oil said line, nearly opposite
John SO as to include his farm,'
'thence by a straight line to Hopewell
township line at Forshey's Gap on Ter
race mountain, thence by the line of
Hopeo ell anti Union too nships to Bed
ford county line, thence to said place of
beginning, shall hereafter be a seperate
district, and the electors thereof shall
lierealter hold their general elections at
the house now occupied by J. Henderson,
in said distlict.
522nd I)istrict composed of that part of
\N est township on the south.east side of
NN'arrior ridge, M . ginning at the line of
%Vest n l Ileildcrscri tewilship, at foot of
said ridge to tliv line of Barre, township,
thence by the division like of Rance and
I'est to tiships to the summit of
mountain, to intersect the line or
derson anal %Vest townships, thence by
said line to place of beginning, shall be a
seperate election district, to be culled
, •Mtirrey's Run district,' and that the
elector; therein shall hold their general
elections at the louse now occupied by
Denj:tittin Corbin on Murrey's num
23d District composed of CI ow well town
ship, shall hold their general election at
the house one: at:copied by \V at. 111'Car
rel in thns/mid.
24th District composed of the Town
ship of Frankstown at the public school
house in the Borough of Frankstown.
4 25th District composed of the town
-Jill, of Blair constituting a seperate elec•
(ion district to hold their election, there
fore at the public school house in Holli
26th District composed of the Borough
of flollidaysburg at the brick school house
n said Borough.
27th District composed of the town of
Gay-port at the school house in said town
o here the Borough election; are held.
At which time aad place will be elect
For the office of povernor of Peonsylvit
lobe Shei itr,l Cowoy or ituntinplon
ri 0 pEhSONS
r 0 represent the said county in the Gen
eral assent:fly of the Coatni,snwealth,
To be Tceasurer of to s d coursty,
To be Coroner of the said county in th
place of James A. Nl'Cahat resigned,
To be Commis,ioner of ihe said county,
Cu be Auditor of' ihe said county,
And the Sheriff of every county in the
Commonwealth, :s directed by the said
zictol . ...lssembly to give notice.
.• That everj , peron, excepting justices
•if the peace, who shall hold any office
of appointment of profit, or trust un
der the government of the United States,
or of the State, or of any city or incorpo •
rated district, %%halter a commissioned
officer or ait - ent, who is, or shall be, em
ployed under the legislative, executive or
Judiciary department of this State, or of
the United States, or of any incorporated
lktrict, and aluo that every member of
Ciangrc,i, and of the State Legislature,
and of the selett or comlllllll Connell ofany
city, or commissioners of any incorpora
ted District, is by law, incapable of hold.
tag or exercising, at the same time the of •
[leer or arpaintinent of Judge, Inspector
or Clerk of any electron of this common
wealth, and that no Inspector, Judge, or
other officer of any such eketion, shall
be eligible wally office to be then voted
"In case any clerk, appointed under
the provisions of this act shall reject to
attend at any election daring said year, it
shall be the duty of the inspector who ap
pointed said clerk, qualified an aforesaid,
who shall perform the duties of the year.
And the return judges of the respec,
five districts are rilatred to meet at the
Court house iu il,intingdon, on Friday
socee, ding the second Tuesday in Orin
her and there to p..rforin the duties en
joined upon them by law.
Given under my nand at Huntingdon, the
20th nay of September 1841, and of the
independence of the United StAtes the
[God save the Commonwealth.]
Executor,' Il'otice.
r r rEits testamentary on die estate
444 J.,1111 Blair, late of Dublin township,
Huntingdon county, deceased, have bee,
granted to the und..rsigned. All per,on
baring cl dills Or delllallilsagailist tie est.k ,
of said deceased, wig please tn.tke th
kitten without delay ; and all persons i
twined to said estate are requested to c
tel make sett' meat immediately,
A. C. BLAIR, /
A•inot !.' I, IV, Executors.
Orl3liiiilS / Court
DY virtue of an order of the Orphans'
Z 4 Court of Huntir.gdon county, will:be
xposed to sale by public vendue or outcry,
o the premises, Friday, the Ist clay of
ktober, next, (1841) the following real es
ite, being the real e,tate of which aivid
.ckson, late of Barree township, in the said
:ounty, d, ed. died, seized, viz: "A tract or
,t tree' of land situate in the said township of
tiarree, surveyed the 4th June, 1795, and re
airveyed the 27th May, 1812, on a warrant
ranted to James Little, datLd 14th Novem
:ter, 1786, adjoining lands of Lines Stewart,
MeMonigal and others, containing 191
cres and 19 perch: s, and allowance, &c.,
with a two story log dwelling house, a large
frame bank barn, & orchard, & about 80 ac
res cleared thereon. Also, 1 other small tract
or parcel of land, adjoining the tract above
described on the north, and lands of Samuel
Barr, David Barr and William Bicket on
the south east, containing 25 acres, more or
Icss, with a saw mill, a frame grist mill with
one pair of chopping stones, and a large die
. tillery thereon yr, cted. The said two tracts
of land, &e. to be sold subl.ct to a lease
thereof to a certain William Bell, which
lease still expire on the Ist cay of April,
1842,—and subject aloo to the interest of
Margaret Jackson, with.w if Joseph Jne k son+
E,q. deed. therein ; being the sum if thirty
dollars yearly during her life, which ammil
payment, or sum of money is cln.rg ed upr n
the said real estate, by the last will and te,-
tament of the said Joseph Jackson, Eq. de
Ms OF SALE:—One half of the pur
chase money to be p id on confirmation Of
the sale, and the rcsiduz within one year
thereafter with interest ; to be st cur a ed by
the bonds and mortgage of the pure, stir.
By the Court,
JOHN Clerk.
Sale to commence at 1 o'RclockEED,,
P. M. of
said day. Attendance will be given on the
day of wile by
GEC. RUE WILSO/,SJackaon, deed.
Sept. 15, 1841.
ar ME to the stable of the
IP.' . ‘i- ) subscriber, living in the
Borough of Alexandria, *
• Monday the tad] inst. a
about fil teen 11311,19 high, with all hio: feel
„hate, and a bald lace, about eighteen
years (doge. The owner is requested to
conic forward prove property pay charges
and take him away, otherwise he %bill be
dit•tpo,ed i taccorcliog to law.
Sept. 15th 1641.
CIAME to the residence or
the Subscriber, livinu in
11,.nderson townihip, Hunting
c, unty, on the 31st of Aug
„ lc. i nod Whits MULEY COW,
supp,,st d to be .ietweon 8 and 9 years 01d...-.
i s re quested to come forward;
,yway cliarg -s, and take. her
, she 1,,111 be disposed of accordibg
Ito law.
Scpt. 15, 1341.—Stp,
To the Voters of huntingdon County.
FELLOW-CITIZENS -1 oiler myself to
row. consideration as a Candidate lur the
:dike of Sheriff. at the ensuing general
elcction,aml respectfully solicit yoursup
port. Should I be successful, I pledge
myself to discharge the duties of said QC•
lice pith impartiality and fidelity.
Slorlevsborg July 3, 18-11.,
To Ike Eltetors of Huntingdon Cause,.
Circumstances rentleir
it proper that I should withdraw my name;
as a candidate for the office of Sheriff; in so
doing, permit me to return my thanks td
those of my friends whose kind feelings weird
interested in my kliult.
Birmingham, Sept. 21, 1841.
To the Voters of Huntingda
Thankful to my numerous friends far
their tendered support, 1 hereby inform
them that 1 have withdrawn from the cati
vo, for the Slierifllilty, and shall most
cheerfully support the NVoikingmea's
ticket, at the head of which is the name
o f niir John Shaver, for Sheriff.
Cll RIS . TI AN CiArt,
Finntingirm, $ t. ai,7184t.
Certille tte of deposite of the Marine
Bank of B:lltimore, dated the 26th day
of July, 1841, No. 2a4, for one thousand sixty
nine dollars and ten cents, payable to the or
der d Lent) P. Miller, and ny him endor
sed, p tyable to the order of Lunt, Entrain.
Poyinent being stopped, the Butler will
please return it to 3. I'. Miller, or to the
Bank, or James Entrekin, et 11:e Run, Pa.
Baltimore, Aug. 31, 1841.
The dedic•ttien of tht7cletholl4st
pal Church in the town of Warriortnark,
ill take place on Sunday, the 17th day
Octoher next, where the following din•
moished Clergymau have consented to
,tend, viz: Rev. H enry Slicer of Carlini,:
Rev.itcob Larkin 01 H s
Avg, .tatton, Rev. tieorge llildl Presiding
:lifer, together with several other Preach ,
from the adjo.eing Circuits, when and
:here all ri.mos friendly to the cave,
re tewectfully invited to attend, by
'I'l'l: TR us hi:Es
Sep'. 9 0 2, 1841