SHALL CORRUPTION CONTINUO We have shown beyond the power of contradiction that the Canal Commission• ers have been guilty of corruption in the distharge of their official duties, that they have allotted contracts to their relatives and political friends at much higher pri ces than the average of good bidders, THEREBY ROBBING THE STATE OP • T.hOUSAIVDS, RENDERING THE TREASURY BANKRUPT & FORCING AN EXTRA IMPOSI TION OF TJIXES ON . THE P.EO• PLE. These commissioners will be con tinued in office it Governor Porter is re elected—it remains then with the Demo cracy of the Keystone to say, whether they will permit this indiscriminate plun der, or drive the spoilers from their prey? [Telegraph. ••••••••emamaim Cunn.—sv a statement from our cor respondent, it appears that the exports of that most productive spot of earth, 11111011 n ted in the year 1840 to almost twenty six millions of dollars; being four niillins and end a halt more than in 1838. The quantity of sugar exported was six times as large as the quantity of beet sugar grown in France dining a similar period. The immense wealth of Cuba and her productiveness, in despite of all the em barrassments imposed upon her by Spain, render her an interesting object for the contemplation of political economists. The foreign trade of that island is equal to one-filth of the foreign trade of the whole United States, including cotton, bread stuff's, and all the rest. Her inter nal trade is however comparatively small as there is very little variety in the pur • suits of her people. almost all of them are engaged iu agriculture, and that confined to two articles, the sugar cane and coffee tree.—Jour of Commerce PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION. "RESOLUTION RELATIVE TO THE AMEND- DIENT OF TUE SATE CONSTITUTION Reselred by the Senate and House of Rtpresentatire in General Assembly met, That the Constitution of this Common wealth be amended in the third section of the second article, so that it shall read as follows "'That the Governor shall hold his of• lice during three years, from the third Tuesday of January, next ensuing his election, and shall not be capable holding it longer than a single term three pears, in any terns of nine years." AVM. A. CRABB, Speaker of the House of RPpresenta tit•es. JN. 11. EWING, Speaker of the Senate. Fenn lykanict. as. . SEcaLTAav's Onion. 5 Ido hereby certily that the foregoing, is a true copy of a Resolution proposing an ati,eodment of the Consti tution, which was agreed at tho last ses• sum of the Legislature, by a majority of the members elected to each house, . the original of which remains filed in this of fice ; and in compliance with the tenth: article of the Constitution of the Common-' weslth, I do lie;cty cause the same to be published, as directed by the said article. ...W- th .ft, IN TESTIMONY whereof, .5',•'!5i1c4,,, , 0 I have hereunto set my hand and seal of said office, at Oar- V.lfie•‘ risburg, this 14th day of June, 1341. FRS. R. SHUNK, Secretary of the Commonwealth. El B M. ALI E S . [00E11E:CV:ID WEEKLY.] Philadelphia. WHEAT FLOOR, per bbl. - - - $5,12 ltyp: MEAL, do. - - - 3,121 Cent; do. do. WHEAT, piimc Penna. per bush. - - 1,15 do. Southern, do. - - - 110 Rym do. - - - 60 CORN, yellow, do. - 57 do. white, do. - . - 53 OATS, do. - - 37 WIIISKEY. in bls. WREAT FLOUR, per bbl. per bush let;RN, yellow, do, do. white, do, do. , ATs. I.VntsßEr, in bbls. - - - • 59 Pittsburgh - - - - '84,00 Fr un, per Uhl. VIIEAT, per bUSII, 'RYE, do. do. ConN, do. WlitsKr.v, per gal, - - - -37 i O:;ITUATtIY RECORD. "I the midst of life we are in death?, TM)—At his residence on Friday the 25th inst. JOSEPH DOUGLESS, after a short ilLess, in the 57th year of his age. At Mill Creek, on Thursday the 24th lost, ROBERT HAMPSON, son of Sam ule Harnpson, aged about 19 years. STIEIAV Z7IOII.CEI. lilll , ' to the residence of, A gri the subscriber, in War- l i rior mark on Saturday ]9th i June a gray horse supposed to, he a or 9 years old, about 15 hands high, has shoes on before, and none behind, and Is a natural trotter. The owner will please call, pay charges and take him a. , avay, or else he will be sold according to; law. JAMES BELL. June 30th 1841.—St. IssartiTY.--All diseases, even insanity and irrataLility of temper, proceed from depraved or corrupt humors, which, cir culating with the blood, occasion pain and discord in the human frame. It is clear, that by perseverance in the use of 13randreth's Vegetable Universal Pills, which is one of the very best, and only proper purgative medicine, insanity and irritability of temper can be cured, as well as all other diseases depending upon the pureness of the circulating fluid the blood. Brandreth's Vegetable and Universal Pills are known, by the experience of thousands, to perfectly cleanse the blood from all foulness, remove every morbid and renovate weak and cnfee. bled constitutions to perfect health and vigor. Their acknowledged innocence makes them safe through every period of exist ence, from infancy to old age. No extra care in either care or dress or diet is I equired when they are used. With this invaluable Medicine in our possession, we may visit the most sickly regions without fear. No contagion can bypossibility affect us, if we are careful to freely use these Pills. Sold at the store of WM. STEWART, Huntingdon, and only of Agents publish ed in another part of this paper. Auditors Notice. THE subscriber, appointed by the Court as Auditor to apportion the assets in the hands of Joseph Shannon, Sheriff, arising from the Sale of the pro. perty of William Hopkins and Ilopkins Beigle, to and among the Judgment Creditors of the said william Hopkins, w attend for that purpose at the House of Christam Couts, in the Borough of Huntingdon on Thursday the 15th day of July nett, when all who are entrust ed are requested to attend. JACOB MILLER. June 30 1841. Noir:crr4 TO COL:ma roes. ' The undersigned collectors of county taxes for the year 1839, are again noti fied that if the balances remaining due and unpaid, on their several Duplicates are not settled on or before the August Court, they will he certified into the Prothono tary's office and collected by execution, and the collectors of 1840, are also noti• fled, that unless then• several Duplicates ere settled, in a reasonable time, a simi lar course will be pursued. The condi• lion of the finances of the county render this course absolutely necessary, and no farther notice will be given. JAMES MOORE. JOSHUA ROLLER. Corn's. K. L. GREENE. Hunt. June 28th 1841.-3 t. GAYSTORT - FOUNDRY, AIR FURNACE. AND • steam Engine MANUFACTORY. H est end of Hollidaysburg, Huntingdon County, Pcnn'a. rriliE above establishment is now in -ft successful operation, and ready to, fill orders for casting s , steam engines, and other machinery, at the shortest notice. Steam Engines, of every size will be made as cheap and good as in any other part of Pennsylva nia. The stock of PATTERNS of this Nun dry, is large, among which is a choice as sortment of patterns for Large FORGE, HELVES, GAMS, Anvils, Blocks, and Hammcrs, with every other casting neces. eary for Forges, Rolling Mills, &c. Nail Machines, Stoves, and other cast imp always on hand, and will be sold at the lowest rates. 11. DEVINE, Proprietor. Hollidaysburg, June 24, 1841.—1 y. 0:7 - Bellefonte Democrat will insert the above ono year, and send bill to Balamnre. $5,25 1,13 THRESHING MACHINES. THE subscriber informs his friends and the public, that he has bought the Machine Shop formerly occupied by A. B. Long, in Allegheny street, one door west of Joseph Stewart's, where he will constantly keep on hand the celebrated Threshing Jliachines, as formerly made by Straub & Long.— Re also USC 4 the suspended band wheel, one of the best improvements now in use. Machines will be delivered to any place on the canal. Orders sent by mail, or otherwise, will be promptly attended to. 'le has also added extra Clover Concaves. All kinds of Threshing Machines will be repaired at the shortest notice. The shop will be attended to by the subscriber him self. A. L. DIEFFENBACIIER, Huntingdon, June SO, 1841.—tf. • NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the under signed on book or note accout are requested to make payment, nn or before the Ist day of August next. If payment is dela7•ed beyond the above specified time. Their accounts will be left in the hands of a Justice for collection. t. L. PLOWMAST. Mill creek, June 30. MOFFAT'S LIFE MEDICINES. THE PHOENIX BITTERS are so call ed, because they possesss the power of re storing, the expiring embers of health, to a glowing vigor throughout the constitution, • as the Phoenix is said to be restored to life from the ashes of its own dissolsiti. n. The Phoenix Sitters are entirely vegetable, com ' posed of roots found only , in certain parts of infallibly curewestern country, which will cure FEVERS AND AC UES of all kinds; will never fail to eradicate entirely all the effects of Mercury, infinitely sooner than the , most powerful preparations of Sarsaparilla, I and will immediately cure the determination, nt BLOOD TO THE HEAD ; never fail in i the sickness incident to young females; and will be found a certain remedy in all cases of nervous debility and weakness of the most impaired constitutions. As a remedy for Chronic and Inflamatory Rheumatism, the efficacy of the Phoenix Bitters will be de monstrated by the use of a single bottle, The proprietor rejoices in the opportunity • afforded by the universal cliffusien of th e press, for placing his VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES within the knowledge and reach of every individual in the commun':.y. `Unlike the host of pernicious quackeries, which boast of vegetable ingredients, the Life Pills are purely and SOLELY VAGF.TA • BLE, and contan neither Mercury Antimeny, Arsenic, nor any other mineral,m any form whatever. The following arc among the distressing varietes of human diseases, to which the vegetable Life Pids are well known to be infallible: DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly dooming the first and sem% stomachs, and creating a I flow of pure and healthy bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind,—flatulency, Palpita tion of the Heart, Loss of Appetite, Heart burn and headache, Restlessness, 111-temp er, Ankiety, Languor and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as a natnral consequence of its cure. Costiveness, by cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a solvent process, and without voilence. Diarrhea and Cholera, by removing t.!7e :harp acrid fluids by which these domplaints ore occasioned. The Liter Medicines have been known to core Rheu matism permanently in three weeks, and Gaut in half that time. Dropsies of all kinds, by freeing end strengthening the kid• neys and bladder. A certain remedy for the worst cases of Gravel. Also Worms, by dislrnlging from the turnings of the bow els the slimy matters to which these crea tures adhere ; As films and Consumption, by relieving the vessels of t' e lungs from the mucus; Scurvey, Uuleers, and Inveterate Sores, by the perfect purity of these Life P lls give to the blood, and all the homers; Scorbutic Eruptions and Bad Clomplexions, by thew alterative effect upon the fluids that feed the sluts: The use of these Pills for a very short time, will effect an entire cure of 'Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, nil striking itoprovement in the clearness of the Skim Common, Colds and Influenza, will always be cured by one dose, or by two, even us the worst casesest Piles,—as a remedy for this most distressing and cb stinate malady, the Vegetable Life Pills de serve gdistinct and emphatic recornmenda ties. It is Well known to loindreds in this city, that the originator of ese invaluable Pills was himself afflicted with this com plaint for up Nerds of thirty-five years, and that he tried in vain every remedy pre , scribed within the compass of the Materia Medici: He however, at length, tried the, medicine which he ea, firers to the publie and be was cured in a very short time, All that Mr. hia•frat requires of his pa tients is to be particular in taking the Life Medicines strictly according to the direc tioeS. • .., ADVICETCfr EIL\ LES.-Females who value good health shoulirt ~ ..t..yr be without the Lite Medicines, as they "pwity the blood, remove onstrwtions, and give .u• skin a beatiful, clear, health; , and bloom ing4appearance. 10 I'ARENTS AND OTHERS.—Per sans of a plethoric habit, who are su') . ti fits, headache, giddiness, dimness of si!fl,t, or drowsiness, from too great a flaw of lil.‘ad An the bead, s ouid take it frequently. ' Children, and persons (jail ages, may take them at any tone, as they do not ccatain mercury, or any big redien` that requires , confiaement or restriction of diet. ' TO ELDERLY PERSONS.--Manv healthy aged individuals, who know th'e valve of Moffat's Life Medicines, make it a rule to take them two or three tiros a week, by Which they remove the causes that produce disease, preserve their healt., and keep off qv! irlirmities of are. HEADS OF FVMILIES sbatdd always keep a quantity of the Life Medicines in the house, as a remedy in eases of sudden illness; far by their prompt administration, Cholera Mortals, Gout in tl.c stomach, Cramps, Spasms, Fevers, and other alarm ing complaints, which too often prove fatal may he speedily cured or prev,ined. FACTS FOR MOTHERS & NURSES. —lt is a fact establi died by the annual bills of morality, that one half of th children born are cut off before attaining seven years ' of age; and the fruitful source of this mor tality is found to exist in that foal state of of the stomach and bowels which produces the generation of Worms. As the safe re storer of lofinite Health, in this critical state, the Life Medicines have long held a distinguished reputation; and for foulness of the stomach and bowels, and canralsions, although %W m's may not exist, it is allow ed to be superior to any other. • Sold at the Dem.; and Chemical Store o THOMAS READ, Huntingdon, Pa. June SO, 1841. heriMilty. To the Elector. of the court y of L'unting don: CENTLESSEN:—IIaving been so licit, d by a number of my acquaintances to Leco'ne a candidate lur the office of Sheriff, at the ensuing General Election, /submit the question to your cunwidera tion. If nonntiated at the Whig dortitatt , , convention When assembled to ticket fur' ;he support or the party, isitai! be thankful for your supoott. Should, however, another person he selected by the delegates, I shall consider it my duty to decline and support the ticket that may be agreed upon &c. I'AAC NEFF. Neff 's - Mill, West Bar. es, June 16, 1841. • • NOTIVE. O Elisha Grccnc Et' Thomas Greene, and alt other heirs or ether persons claiming a title or interes , to or in the real estate of George Greene (once of the coun ty of Northum Berland in the state of P.nn • sylvania deed.) The Orphan's court of Huntingdon coun ty have upon the petition of Robert Logan, o said county, setting forth in substance that article of agreement were entered into un der setal between the said George Greene, ;deed, by which the said George Greene leveed to convey to the said Logan, a car !tutu parcel ef land in Barree township Hun tingdon county, adjoing land of David Patch el, George Greene Lewis Watson & others, • for a consideration in said articles of agree ment mentioned, appointed George Taylor Erqr. as a commissioner to take thetestimo ny of witnesses on Saturday the 7th day of August next, in the borough of Huntingdon, to prove the said contract between the said George Greene dec'd & Robert Logan, fur the sale of the parcel of land aforesaid, as well upon the part of the petitioner as the ad,. v7rty, which testimony is to be ex hibited to our said count, on the second ;MondAy of August next. By the court. JOHN READ, Clk. June SO, 1841. TO CLAIMANTS. MI-HE subscriber has been appointed a s 4 Commissioner on behalf of the Cent nm wealth of Pennsylvania, to settle, adjust and compromise with any person or pets .ns who in any manner may claim, or allege ti tle to any of the lands late the property of Peter Barium, deceased: Any person who may have the possession or claim title to any of the following descri bed tracts of land situate in the counties - f Huntingdon and Centre, an I are dcsireous of compromising with the Commonwealth, are requested to attend "JAcxscw's Ho rEt" on Monday and Tuesday the 12th. and 13:11 of July next, and at Ilellefente in' Centre Cwinty on Friday and Saturday the ' 16, and 17th clays of July next. Those claiming are requested to exhibit et the same time the evidence of their claims. _ _ . . „.. ..... It is the desire of the Commissioner to bring to a speedy and final settlement, the estate of Peter Bayton so far as the Com menwealth is interested; he hopes that all interested will avail themselves of the pros ent offer; should it be neglected, the claims of the Gmumonwealth will he sold, and per haps, prevent those claiming from having an oppmlunity to compromise on as easy terms as at present. 'June 23, 1841. JNO. D. CREIGH, LIST OF LANDS. 20 tracts of land surveyed in pursnance o warrants granted in the name of Susannah Lamb, Samuel Lamb, Catharine Lamb. John Watson, William Watson, Esther Moore, James Smith, William M'Connell, David Goodfellow, 'Thomas Goodfellow, Honicle Straw, James Adams, Nathaniel Adams, John Hoover, John Sherrick, John Lee, Joschn Williams, John Lamb, Hugh Hamilton, James Lamb. and dated. 181. h. January 1794, and containing in each tract 433 acres 153 per. and allowance. 18 Tracts of land surveyed in pursuance of warrants granted in the name of Rich ard Malone, Thomas McCalmont, John Mc Calmat, Bennet Lucas, Charles Lucas, Moms 1 , ,,k hie, Alexander Speer,.otlmeil Speer, John Speer' Gorge Houtman, Rich ard V. itcltead, Peter Lowder, John Low . d?r, El:za HootAan. John Harri,n, Rob. f ert Thomast.Marion, William \Vil 'son, dated 13th in each 433 acres 15: A tr,ct in name ( rant dated 18th Jar, Wa3 surveyed 410 al 144.1) Spcer t ants clatetl!!,'Stil Jar ,urveyed 412 acres ,n each. t wo tracts of tar Ardinv and Ann Ar trd March 13th 179 d 396 acres 117 pe cowl 398 acres 116 One tract in the n warrantees, and tl centhiaing 400 acre 77: 1 111 I.IUATLVGDON The Commonwe the Vacriff of Hunt %interns, Robert el aim in our Court the county of Hunt as Blair, owner, 01 sum of one liundre , tars and thirty-on fa rnishcd , certain Ramo CortelimuVil feat on Front etrel ttlenty-two feet o o nit% a hlacksn Slltnno ott the sou shop being situate rough of ll ollide Anil whereas, it St1:11 of one hundre lars and thirty•ont and unFrOtl to th- Now we comment known to the said all such persons the said building, before the Judges Court of Commoi Huntingdon, on August next. to know or have to s; one hundred and 1 thirty-one cents sl .the said bu; l ling, Robert Lytle, Jr. atv! effect of the 114 case made and p shall seem exp,;( l i , and there this wri George W. Woo ,of our said Court lday of April, A. JAM • Juno 13,1841; .PIE CILSOI IC'S .141E.71. 1-IUNTINGDOA COUNTY, SS. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvrnia to the Sherid of . Huntingdon County, Greet ing: AVherens, Henry Kring hath filed a claim in our Court of Common Pleas fo: the county of Huntingdon, against John B. Hughes, owner and contractor, for the sum of seventy-two dollars and forty-nine cents, for work and labor a 3 a carpenter, done, performed and bestowed, in and about the erection and construction of all that certain frame Taylor's Shop, one anti a half stories hi;11, situate on lot numbered one hundred and forty-six in time new town plot of the borough of Hollidaysburg living twelve fact on Juniata street, and extending back twenty feet from said street. And whereas it is alleged that Cie said sum still remainsdue and unpaid to the said Henry Kring. Now thereforj we command yru, that you in,,ke known to the said John B. Hughes, owner and contractor, and to all such persons as may hold or occupy the said building, that they be and appear be fore the Judges of our said Court, at a Court of Common Pleas to be held at Huntingdon, on the second Monday of August next, to show if any thing they know or have to say, why , the said sum of seventy-two dollars and forty-nine cents should not be levied of the said building to the use of the said Henry Kring, ac cording to the form and effect of the act of Assembly in such case made and pro vided, if to them it shall seem expedient, and have you then and there this writ.— Witness the Hon. George W. Woodward Eq. President of our said Court at Hun• thigh!), the 16th day of April, JI. D. 1841. JAMES STEEL, Prey June 10. 1841.- 4t. VicrllL\ll-JP'S LEN. HUNTINGDON CeVIVTI; SS. The Commonwint;th of Pennsylvania to 'the Sherill liantindon County, Da e-t- Mgt - ‘,Vhaieas, Thomas Jackson bath filed a claim in oils Court of Common Pleas, for the county of Huntingdon, against Daniel K. Reatney, for the sum of live hundred and forty : eight dollars and seventy cents, lor materials . found, provided, and furnish ed, for all that cel lain two story new brick house, being and situate on lot No. 106 in the new town plot of itollidays• burg, bounded as follows, to wit: on the north by Allegheny street, on the west, and south west by Juniata street, on the east by lot belonging to the estate of John Walker, dec'd. and on the south by Straw. .eery Alley. And whereas it is alleged that the said sum still remains due and unpaid to the said Thomas Jackson. Now we command you, that you make known to the said Daniel K.Reamey, and to all such persons as may hold ur occupy 'the said building, that they be and appear before the Judges of our said Court, at a Court of Common Pleas, to be held at I tin n lIIECUANIVS LIEN, HUNTINGDON COUNTY, SS. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sheriff of Huntingdon County, Greeting: IVhere.o. John 11. lin,:hes. for the use ef James R. J Iniston, Juan filed a claim in our' Court of Common I'w:is Ix the county of. Huntingdon, against John 13. llnihes for the 'um of nine c'•.ilars and fort• cetav, fn• ma— terials tut nishcd for a certain building, to wit: ..All that certain frame 'Tailor one and a half statics hi p,h, ,ituate No 146 in the new town pit of the Borough of Hollidaysburg, being twelve feet on Juniata' street, and extending back twenty f :et from , said street." And whereas, it is alleged that the said sum still remains due and unpaid to the sail John B. Hughes, for the use of the said James H. Johnston. Now we command you, that you make known to the said John B. Hughes, and to all such persons as may hold occupy the said building, that th,y be and appear before the Judges of our said Court, Int a Court of Common Pleas to he held at Huntingdon, on the .second Monday - of AU gust next, to show if any thingthey know or have to say why the said sum of nine dollars and forty cents should not be levied of the said building, to the tine of the said John 11. Hughes, for the tile aforesaid, if to them it shall seem expedient : and have you then and there this writ. Witness the Honorable George W. Woodward, F.,q. President of our sa'd Court at Huntingdon, the 16th day 'of April, A. D. 1841. JAMES STEEL, Prot'. June .23, 1841.-4 t. MECHANib j S LIEN. IIUNTIXCDOV COUNTY, S.Y. The CoMmowealth of Pennsylvania, is the &Fria of Huntingdon County ; Greet ing,. 4'hereas, Thomas Jackson filed &claim in our Court o f a,....- -- 4 """ , for tb. (N,ansj or Huntingdon, against Arthur Roney for the sum of one hundred and sixty five dollars and forty three cents, for materials furnished to and for a cers taro building to wit, All that certain two Story Bride dwelling house, fronting twenty four feet on Walnut street said two story Brick dwelling being situate on lot No. 191, in the new plat of-Hollidays burg. And whereas it is alleged that the sail sum still remains due and unpaid to • the said Thomas Jackson ; now we com mand you, that you make known to the said Arthur Roney, and to all such per sons as may hold or occupy the said build • ing, that they be and appear before the Judges of our said Court, ate Court of Common Pleas too be held at Hunting don on the second Monday of August next, to show if any thing they know or have to say, why the said suns of one hundred and sixty five dollars and forty three cents, should not be levied of the: said building to the use of the said Thom as Jackson according to the form and efs feet of the act of the, penalty in such case made and provided, if to them it shall seem expedient, and have you then there this written Witness the Honorable Oeo. Wookuiard Evil. President of our sand Court Huntingdon the 10th day of April A. D. 1841. ~,~