TAILORING• PETER 0' ROURIi RESPECI'FULLY informs the ci t zens of the Borough of Petersburg and all others, who wish to have their work dons in a durable and workmanlike manner, that he continues the TAILORING BUSINESS in the house formerly occupied by John Scullin, two doors west of James Mur phy's, in Petersburg; where, being in the receipt of the fashions, quarterly front New, York and Philadelphia, he will be, much pleased to attend to all ()Mersin his' line, and execute the seine with prompt.' ness and despatch. June 17, 1840.—1 y. TO THE PUBLIC. FHE public are hereby informed, tha JACOB MILLER has been appointedagentJ for Huntingdon county, for the sale of Dr, Evans' Camomile and family aperient pills, where all those that need medicine, can be supplied AS he intends always to have a sup ply on d. Tr_ IFE AND HEALTH,—Persons whose 4,lia nerves have been injured by Calomile, or excessive grief, great loss of blood, the sup pression of accustomed discharges or cuta neous, intemperate habits, or other causes which tend to relax and enervate the ner vous system, will find a friend to soothe and contort them, tin EVANS' CAMOMILE PILLS. Those afflicted with Epilepsy or Falling Sickness, Palsy, Serious Apoplexy, land organic affections of the heart, Nausea, Vomiting, pains in the side, breast, limbs, head, stomach or back, will find themselves mmediately relieved, by using EVANS' AMOM ILE N DA APERIEN T PILLS. _ DR. EVANS does not p retend to say that nis medicine will cure all diseases that flesh and blood are heir to, but he does says that in all Debilitated and Impaired Constitutions —iu Nervous diseases of all kinds, particular ly of the DIGESTIVE ORGANS, and in Incipient Consumption, whether of the lungs or liver, they will cure. That dreadful dis ease, CONSUMPTION, might have been checked in its commencement, and disap pointed its prey all over the land, if the first symptoms of Nervous Debility , had been counteracted by the CAMOMILE FLOW ER chemically prepared ;together with many other diseases, where other remedies have proved fatal. How many personsdo we daily find tortu red with that dreadful disease, SICK HEADACHE, If they would .only make trial of this invaluable medicine, they would perceive that life is a pleasure and not a cource of misery and abhorrence. In conclu skin I would warn nervous persons against the abstraction of BLOOD, either by leech es, cupping,:or the employment of thelancet. Drastic purgatives in delicate habits are al most equally improper. Those .are prac tices too often resorted tc in such cases, but they seldom fail to prove !highly injurious, Certificates of cures are daily received which add sufficient testimony of the great efficacy itthis invaluable medicine, in relieving af flicted mankind. The above medicine is for ale at Jacob Miller's store, Huntingdon. 0:7 - The article published below Con cerning the new and popular doctrine ad yawed by tne illustrious Goelicke of Ger bury, cannot fail of exciting a deep and mrilling interest throughout our coun try. trranalated from the Gertnan.3 LOUIS OFFON GOLIKE, OF GERMANY. THE GREJTES - 7P OF RU. JEAN BEA EFaCTORS. Citizens of Xorth and South anserica. To Louis OFFON OOELICKE, M. D., o Germany, [Europe] belongs the imper dshable honor of adding a nervand precious doctrine to the Sciences of Medicine—a aoctriue which, though vehemently op. posed by many of the faculty, (of which he is a valuable member,) he proves to be well founded intruth as any doctrine of eoly Writ—a doctrine upon the variety of which are suspended the lives of mil lions of our race, and which he boldly shallenges his opposers to refute, viz: Consumption is a disease always occa sioned by . a disordered state of Vis Vitce (or life principle) of the human body: of. *en secretly lurking in the systemfor years before there is the least complaint of the Lungs—and which may be as certainly , though not so quickly, cured as a com mon cold or a simple headache. An in valuably precious doctrine this, as it im important - parts an lesson to the apparently health of both sexes, teaching them that this insidious foe may be an unobserved inmate of their "clayey houses" even while they imagine themselves secure from its attacks, teaching them that the great secret in the art of preserving health is to pluck out the disease while in the blade, and not wale till tire full grown ear. This illustrious benefactor of man is al so entitled to your unfeigned gratitude, and the gratitude of a world, for the in vention of his matchless sanative,—whose healing fiat may justly claim for it such a itle, since it has so signally triumphed medicine which has thoroughly filled the vacuum in the Meteria Medics, and there by proved itself the Conqueror of Physi cians—a medicine, for which all mankind, will have abundant cause to bless the beneficient hand of a kind Providence,- —a medicine, whose wondrous virtues • have been so glowingly poi trayed even by some of our clergy, in their pastoral visits to the sick chamber; by which means they often become the happy instruments of ehangin4 despondency into hope,sickness nto health, and sadness of friends int yfu GOELICKIVS. MATCHLESS SANA TIVE, medicine of more value to man than the vast mines of Austria, or even the united treasures of our glnbe.—a medicine, which is obtained equally from the vegetable, 'animal and mineral kingdoms, and thus possesses a three•fel(' power,—a medicine, which though designed as a remedy for consumption solely, is possessed of a mys• terious influence over many diseases of the human system,--a medicine, which begins .W be valued by Physicians, vw are daily witnessing its astonishing cut of many whom they had resigned to I grasp of the Insatiable Grave DOSE of the Sanative, for adults, of drop; for children a halt drop; and infants, a quarter drop; the directions ex plaing the manner of taking a half or quarter drop. PRlCE—Three and one third rix dol. 1are(82,50) per lIALF oONC E. ISE! *A German coin, value 75 cents smine A certificate from three members of the MEDICAL PROFESSION in Germany, in Europe We the under;itned, practitionen of medicine in Germany' are well aware that, by our course, we may forfeit the friendship of some o the faculty, but sot of its benevolent members, who are uftiellueseed l selfish motives. Though we shall refrain from an expression of our opinion, either of the soundness or unsoundness of Dr. Goelicke's new doe trine, we are happy to say that we deem Sanativ too valuable not to be general-, ly known—for what our eyes behold and our ears hear, we must believe. We hereby state, that when Dr. Louis Of on Goelicke first come before the Ger man public, as the pretended discoverer of a new doctrine and a new medicine, we held him in the highest contempt, believ ing and openly pronouncing hi:n to be a base imposter and the prince of quacks. But, on hearing so much said about the Sanative, against it and for it, we were induced, from motives of curiosity mere ly, to make trial of its reputed virtues, upon a number of our most hopeless pa tients; and we now deem it our bounden duty (even at the expense of 'our self in• terest) publicklyto acknowledge its effi; nicy in Curing not only consumption Jut otherfearful maladies, which we hay heretofor ebelived to be incurable. 0 attcempt for the discoverer of this rued cine was at once swallowed up in our ut ler astonishment at these unexpected re sults; and, as amends or ourabuse of him 'we do frankly confess to the world, that we believe him a philanthrophist does who boor to the profession, and to - our coun try, which gave nun birth. The recent adoption of this medicine in to some of our European hospitals is a sufficient guaranty that it performs all its premises: It need not our testimoy, fom wherever it is used it is its own best wit ness. HERMAN ETMULLER, M. D. WAL'rER VAN GAUL I', M. D. ADOLPHUS WERNER, M. 1). Germany, December 10, 1836 4 The above precious medicine (the prig loaf discovery of Dr. hOUIS 0. GOE. ICKE, of Germany,) is for sale, wholesall and retail, by, L. G. KESSLER AGENT FOR Mill ( reek. JAMES ENTRIKEN, Jr, Agent for Cofryßun. Agent for Colrain Forges. D. S'rEWART. Huntingdon County, Pa, CETIFICATES OF AGNECY FOR THE SALE OF NrattirretWo Timetable Tinlberoal Are held by the following agents, in, their respective counties. Huntingdon County. Wm. Stewart, Huntingdon. John Swoope, MeConnellsbur [flair & Madden, Shirleysburg. Hartman, Smith 4. Love, Manor Hill. S. Miles Green & Co. Barree Forge. A. &N. Crewell, Petersburg. • Love & Oyer, Saulsburg. Lowry & Garer, Hollidaysburg. D. H. Moore, Frankstown. A. Patterson, W illiamsburg. Thomas Owen 4 Son, Birmingham. Malin County. John A. Sterrell, Lewistown. W m. Hardy, N aynesburg. G. M. McVey, Newton Hamilton. Examine the date of the certificates of agency. If more than twelve months, do not purchase—there is doubt. Sept. 9, 1840. H E WE'S Atrve and Bone Liniment. This article is cffered to the' public as a never-failing cure for the Rheumatism, and it has for a number of years sustained its reputation, and accomplished cures which, had defied the power of every other article. In acute and recent cases, the relief is inva ' riable, after one or two applications of*the Liniment, and in Chronic Rheumatism, the cases of core are numerous. It is truly a remedy that reaches the nerve and bone with the most happy effect. For sale at the Drug Store of THOMAS READ, Huntingdon, Pa. May I?, le4l. ..012 mo w A G REA_ THE RESURRECTION, 2MMOIAFf ienzae. (e:TIn order that this valuable medicine' should not be counterfeited, we have al plate reproseming a Persian scene, that is l struck on each bill, one of which accompa- Iflies each box. .We deem it unnecessary to publish a long list of Certificates, - as it it will neither add to nor diminish the virtues of this admirable compound. Superior to the Hygean, Brandreth's, Ev ans', Tomato, the Matchless (priced) Sana tive, or any other Pills or Compound before the public, as certified to by physicians and others.. Let none condemn theni until they have tried them, and then we are certaid they will not. It is now a settled point with all those who live used the Vegetable Persian Pills, that they are pre-eminently the best and most, ,efficacious Family Medicine that has yet i been used in America. if every family would become acquainted with their sover eign power over disease, they would keep them ana be prepared with a sure remedy to apply on the first appearance of disease, and then how much distress would be avoid ed and money saved, as well as the lives of I thousands who are hurried out of time by neglecting disease in its first stages, or by not being in possession of a remedy which, they can place dependence upon. All who j wish to guard against sickness, should use the. Persian Pills freely, when needed ; no injury can ensue, if used from youth to old age, when taken according to the directions. 'ehe Resurrection, or Persian Pills... Tit ese pills raise from the gieatvst weakness, die- tress and suffering, to a state of strength, I health and happiness. The name of these pills originated from the circumstance of the medicine being found only in the •cemetries of Persia. This vegetable production being of a peculiar kind, led to experiments as to its medical qualities and virtues. In half a century it became an established medicince for the diseases of that country. The ex tract of this singular production was intro duced into some parts of Europe lathe year 1783, and used by . many celebrated physi cians in curing certain diseases, where all other medicines had been used in vain.— Early in the year 1792, the extract was coin biped with a certain vegetable medicine im ported from Dura Baca, in the East Indies, and formed into pills. • The admirable ef fect of this compound upon the human sys tem, led physicians and families into its gen eral use. Their long established character, their universal and healing virtues, the de tergent and cleansing qualities of their spe cifical action upon the gtlanclular part of the system, are such as will sustain theirrepu tation and general use in the American Re public. CERTI Fir ATE.—I certify that I have, by way of experiment, used the Hygean, and most of the various kinds of Pills, in my practice; which have bonne the highest re pute in the public estimation, that have been offered for sale in this vicinity for the last five years, including those called the Res urrection or Persian Pills; and the public may rest assured that none among the whole catalogue has answered a better purpose, as an easy and an effectual remedy, than the Resurrection or Persian Pills, in most cases of disease. CH A'S. BACKUS, M. D. Rochester, N. Y. Sept. 21, 1837. For sale at the Drug Stun: of THOMAS READ, Huntingdon. AGENTS, for the sale of the above Pills. GEMMIL 8c PORTER, Alexandria, Hunt. Co. JAMES ORR, HollidaySlithy, Hunt. Co. G. W. Blixastan, Waypesburg, Mifflin Co. WI!. H. TAYLOR, Harrisburg, Pa. May 12, 1841. THE SICK AND AFFLICTED The public are hereby directed to the me dical advertisements of Dr. HARLICH'S Celebrated COMPOUND STRENGTH. ENING TONIC, and GERMANAPER. LENT PILLS, which are a Medidne of great value to the afflicted, discovered bt ' O. P. HARLICH, a celebrated physician it Altdorf, - Germany, which has been used witt unparalleled success ~..hroughout Germany.' This Medicine consists of two kinds, vtat the ER MAN AP ER I ENT, ana the OMPO UND STRENETHENING TO. NI PILLS. They are each put up is small packs, and should both be used tc effect a permanent cure. Those who alk afflicted would do well to make a trial of tti invaluable Medicine, as they never product sickness or nausea while using. A safe Ere kffectual remedy for DYSPEPSM OR LADIGES7ION. and all Stomach Complaint ,s• pain in th SIDE, LIVER COMPLAINTS; Lots t: Alifietite, Flatulency, Pal/citation of tin Heart, General Debility Nervous Irritabi. lity, SIK HEA DA HE, Female Disea ses, Spasmodic Affections, RHEUMATISM ,Astlimas ONSUMPTION , Btc.. The GERMAN' APERIENT PILLS are to cleanse t he stomach and purify the BLOOD The Tonic or STRENGTHENING PILLS are to STRENGTHEN and invigorate the nerves and digestive organs and give tone to the Stomach, as all diseases originate from impurities of the BLOOD and disordered Stomach. This mode of treating diseasesis pursued by all practical PHYSICIANS, which experience has taught them to be the only remedy to effect a cure. They are not only recommended and prescribed by the most experienced Physicians in their daily practice, but also taken by those gentlemen themselves whenever they feel the simp toms of tltose digeases, in which they kew them to be efficacious. This is the caso in all large cities in which they have an ex ensive sale. It is not to be understood that these medicines will cure all diseases mere by purifying the blood—this they will not do; but they certainly will, and sufficient authority of daily proofs asserting that tissue medicines, taken as recommended by the di rections which accompany them, will cure a great majority of diseases of the stomach, lungs and liver, by which impurities of the blood are occasioned, v. Ask for DR. H /MACH'S CODIPOUND STRENGTHENING TONIC, AND C VIDIAN APERIENT PILLS, Principal Office for the sale of this Medicine, is at No. 19 North EIGHTH Street, Philadelphia. Also—For sale at the Store of Jams ;Au, in the Borough of litinthiglon. Pe., vim is went fdr bbiativdcat ittilittV• JMV7 DAVID'S 31211331 MW IMAGINER. T"'peculiarities of this Chemical Compound. are owing to its extra ordinary effeets upon the animal fibre or nerves, ligaments and muscles, its virtues being carried by them to the seat of dis• ease or of pain and weakness. However good any internal remedy may , be, this, as an external application, will prove a powerful auxiliary in temoving the disease and facilitating the cure, in cases of local intiamation, schrofuluus al-. fections, king's evil, gout, inflammatory, and chronic rheumatism, and in all cases where a seated pain or weakness exist. A gentleman traveling in the south of Europe and Palestine, in 18:30, heard so inuch said in the latter place, in praise of Jew David's or Hebrew Plaster, and of. the (as he considered) miraculous caures hadprformed that he was induced to try it it on his own person, for a lung and liver affection, the reit' oval of which had been We consider it a duty to call public atten the chief object of his journey, but which tention to• this admirable preparation for had resisted the genial influence of that Pulmonary Diseases— Especially Coughs balmy and delicious climate. He soon Colds, Consumptions, Spitting blood, Astb- Bruncialatfections,.Hoopin , Cough,& . found Ids health improving, and in a few bo t n is s o u sed the aw i t .s ‘ t •ez p h e ig e l t i a ly bi itr t i y i:u weeks his cough felt him the sallownessbut by per i l of his skin disappeared, his pain was re- confident in saying that a trial of its efficacy' moved, and his health became permanent- will be its best reccommemlation. ly reinstated. Since that time he has DR. JONATHAN GOING, PRESIDENT been recommending it to his friends and OF THE GRANVILLE COLLEGE, Ohio (late acquaintances, for all fixed pains whatev. of Ne w New Ne Yurk, December. 1836. says:— w York), in a letter to Dr. Jayne Ba er; such as rheumatism, gout, head ache, He was laboring under a severe cold, cough nervous teeth ache, pain in the side, back and hoarseness, and that his difficulty o and limbs, schrofulous humors, knots, breathing was so great that lie felt Maisel wens, white swelling, hard tumors, stiff in imminent danger of immendiate suffix:* u to t r , a v i a n s . e r i e r c s t . l y p e c l u i r s ed o by a using N the joints, aguei cakes, ague in the breast, thou, weakness and pain in the stomach, weak wa!,, b cured ot Astli 4 ma of twenty years stand limbs, lameness, affections of the spine, log, by using two bottles of this medicine female weaknesses, &c. No female sub- 'Mrs. Ward, also of Salem, was cured of the ject to pain or weakness in back or side, same complaint by one bottle. Ayoungla-, should be without it. dy, also of Salem, who was believed by her. For sale at the Drug store of Thomas frien ds to be far gone with consumption wa perfectly restored by three bottles.—Dr. Read, Huntingdon, Pa. 'Hamilton of St. J..e).•,. ti,.njh Carolina, was Jan. 27, 1841. 'greatly affected 17. It!Ot, hoarseness and , ;soreness of the luOns, bu using a bottle of this medicine found Rermanentrelief. IMr. Nicholas Harris, sea., one oldie Dea cons of the First Baptist Church in this city, has been pertectly cured by it—after having !suffered for stxty years with Cough, Asth ma, and Spitting of Blood, which no remedy (before could relieve. ?he Rev. C. C. P. Crosby, writes as fol lows: COUGh, AS7 HMA.IND SPITTING BL 00 D Cured By JAYNE'S EXP TOR ANT. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 16,1838 Mr. Atkinson—Dear Sir: A few weeks ago I noticed in your paper, an account of the surprising effects of Jayne's Carminative, in restoring a great number of passengers on boerd of a Mississippi steam boat to perfect health, who were affected by violent Bowel C omplaint • I was glad to see you notic it so kindly; you may rest assured it deserves the praise bestowed upon it. The benefit 1 have veceived from his medi cine, more especiallyhis EXPECTORANT' induces me to state my case to you, fur the benefit of those who are afflicted in the same way. It has been my misfortune, sir, to las bor under a Cough and Asthmatical oppre sion, for more than half a century . When a soldier in the American Camp, i n 1778, I, with many others, (owing to great expo sure,) had a violent attack of disease of the lungs, by which I was disacled from duty fur along. time. Since that period, until recently, I have never been free from a vio lent cough and difficulty of breathing. Year after year, I have expectorated over a gill a day. Often much more, and sometimesmix ed with blood. For months together, night after night, I have had to sit or be bolster red up to obtain my breath. The weakness and debility caused by such constant expec toration, frequently brought me to a state bordering on death. It has been a matter of astonishment to my family and frie.,ds, that lam here to write this to you. 1 have had skillful physicians to attend me, and ev ery thing done that was thought likely to give me relief, without any beneficial effect. Last winter I had another very seveee at tack of infittlllatioll of the lungs, which I ful ly expected would be the last. I then con sidered my case as past the aid of medicine. Wher I was persuaded to call yin Doctor Jayne—with the assistance of Divine Provi dence, througn him 1 was once more raised from my bed: but the cough and wheezing wearied me day and night. He advised me to use his Expectorant. I did so, with a strong hope, that, as it had cured many of my acquaintances of various diseases of the lungs, it might, at least miti Sate my suffer jogs. Need I say how satisfied I feel— ' IT. HAS EFFECTUALLY CURED ME As soon as! commenced taking it, I found it reached my case, and I began to breathe with more freedom. My expectortion be came easy, and my cough entirely leftme. I now feel as well as! ever slid in iny life, and better than 1 have been for th z lastsix years. Last summer I spit a great deal of blood; now thank God I am perfectly cured. Now sir, aftersuffering so long, and finding at last, such signal relieffrom Doctor Jaynes Expectorant, :I ' feel anxious to inform my fellow citizens where relief may be had. If you think this worth a place in your paper, you will oblige roe by noticing it. I%ICHOLAS HARRIS,Sen. Nc,. 35 Landlord street. The above valuable medicine may be had wholesale and retail 'at Jayne's Drug and Chemical Store, No. 20, South Third street Phdac'elphia. Price 111. Sold, alsri, by JACOB MILLER, Agent Huntingdon Pa. EAD THIS!: Da. SW AYNE'S COM Jai) POUND SYRUP of PRUNES VIR GINIAN A, it WILD CHERRY: This isde cidedly one of the best remedies for Coughs and COlds now in use: it allays irritation of the Lungs,lo - isens the cough, causing the plegm to raise free and easy; in Asthma• Pulmonary Consumption, Recent or Chron ic Coughs, Wheezing & Choking of Phlegm Hoarseness, Difficulty ofbreathing, Croup, spitting of Blood. &c. This Syrup is was raved to effect a permanent cure. it taken accordisig to directions which accompany it. For ties. sale only at Jacob Miller's store anehlees Cheap hardware Establishment, • 10. 9, North sthiSt.'a fel doors from 11/Farket St., where he offers for sale, BUEHLER'S CELEBR Al Ell & WAR RANTED CRADLING, AND GRASS SCYTHES. Also warranted Hay anc‘Ma mire Forks, Steel Hoes, &c., with a general assortment of Hardware and Nails, which he offers low for cash or credit, to country mer chants. %tradeiptikie Vril 1, 1841. ROCKDALE FOUNDRY. I HE tielswo7u.nrtezeg.N.Ll adjoining counties, that they have repaired ausl newly fitted up the Rockdale Foundry, on Clover Creek, two miles from Williams burg, where they are now prepared to exe cute all orders in thew line,•of the best ma terials and workmanship, and with prompt seas and despatch. They will keep constantly on hand stoves of every description, such as Cooking, Ten Plate, Parlor, Coal and Wood Stoves: Ploughs, Anvils, Hammers, Hoilowry fur and every kind of castings necessary with fot ges, mills, or machinery of any descrrip 'Roil: wagon boxes of all descriptioons, &c. !which can be had on as good terms as. the) j can he had at any otoer foundry in the cons ty or state. Remember the Rockdali- Foun dry. STEEVENS & KltdyNgDY. January 1, 1841. DR. JAYN E' S EXPECTORA IV 7 New York, June 15,1838. To Dr. Jayne:—Dear Sir,-1 have made use of your Expectorant, personally and in my family for the last six years, with great benefit. Indeed I may consider my life pro longed by the use of this valuable medicine, under the blessing ofGod, forseveral years. I may say almost as much in the case of my wife, and also of the Rev. Mr. Tonsoa, of he Island of Jamaica. Forall cases of cough, nflamation of the chest, lungs, and throat, o most unhesitatingly recommend this as the est medicine I have ever tried. My earnest wish is, that others afflicted as I have been, may experience the same relief, which I am persuaded they will by using your Expecto. anrt. C. C. P. CROSBY. The following Certificate is from a practi sing PHYSICIAN a much respected Cle — rgyman of the Methodist society—da ted Modest Town, Va. Augnst 27, 1838. Dr. JAYNE, Dear Sir:-1 have been using your Expecturantextensively in my practice for the last three months, and fur all attacks of Colds, Coughs, Inflamation of the Lungs, Consumption, Asthma, Pains and weakness of the Breast, it is decidedly the best medi cine I have ever tried, Very respectfully . l , curs, R. W. W ILLIAMS. Dr. Jayne's Office is No. 20 South Third street, Philadelphia, where all orders will be prompt:y attended to. Sold also by JACOB MILLER, agent Huntingdon, Pa.—Price $l. g,R. Swa vnel, Compound Syrup of Pru l nus of Virginetna or wild Cherry This syrupis highly beneficial in all pects rat affections; also, in diseases of the dice n which the lungs do not 'perform their proper office from want of due nervous energy: such as asthmas, pulmonary con suniption, recent or chronic coughs, hoarse ness, whooping cough, wheezing and dif ficulty of breathing, croup and spitting of blood, 4-c. How many sufferers do we, gaily behold approachinfr ' to an untimely' ifrave, wrested in the bloom of youth from heir dear relatives and. friends, afflicted with that common and destructive rave g,er, called consumption, which soon watts the miserable sufferer until they become beyond the power of human sk !: • • sufferers would cnly make a trial o:! Swayne's invaluable medicine, they would soon find themselves bcnefitted; than by gulphing the various ineffective certain remedies of which our newspapers daily abound. This syrup immediately begins to heal the ulcerated lungs, stopping pre - fuse night sweats, mititigating the distre. sing cough at the same time inducing a healthy and natural expectoration, also e lieving• the shortness of breatb end pa' a in the chest, which harrass . the sufferer t r the slightest exercise,. and finally the he tic flash in the pallid and emaciated cheek will soon begin to vanish, and the sulliirer will here peceive himself snatched from a premature grave, into theenjoyment again of comfortable health. For sale at Jacob Miller': store H• Spaniselti des, Tanner's Oil, anti Leather. 1 - EN, KIRKPATRICK & SON, at No. 21 4,10' South Third Street, (between Mar ket and Chesnut Streets) Philadelphia, have for sale a large and excellent assortment Of HIDES, PATNAKIPS, TANNER'S Oil. &c. at the lowest market prices, tither for cash, in ex.:hange for leather, cr upon cred it. Consignments for leather received for sa!e, or purchased at the highest market price. - Vl.eather stored free of charge. April 28, 1841.-1 y: PORTAGE IRON WORKS AND leNaCt Savtory. JOHN BINGHAM and GEORGE W. Bump: having associated themselves with 111'Namar & Royer, in the Portage Iron Works, situate at Duncansville,hunting- don county, Pa. fur the manufacture of IRON, NAILS AND SPIKES and doing a general business, inform the Public that the business will be conduc• ted under the grm of 11I'Britle, Royer, Bingham &Co., who would be thankful to their friends and the Public fur all favors. All description of Iron, Nails & spikes ,ot the best Juniata, kept constantly on hand. Merchants and others can be supplied to any extent on the most advantageous terms. For the benefit of the public, producct generally as well as flpffe,flßOwl &LID RE00.7.18 n•,li be n i❑ exchange and cash will not he refused. Being, situated immediately on the Por tage. Rail Road, all orders from the East or West, North or South, will be prompt ly attended to. TIIOS. 111W.4111ARA, SAMUEL I?OYER, JOHN BINGHAM, GEO. kV M'BRIDE. Portage Iron Works, March 24,1841. Ozlrleavin,, ,, sold out half of the above establishment to John Bingham & Geo. W 61'B e, we thankful to the public fur past favours, and respectfully request the continuance of ihe patronage of the pub lic to the establishment. M'N.HMARA 4. ROYER, I.IST - OF LETTERS remaning in 4 the Post Office at Huntingdon, wllich if not taken up I ne - the postage paid, will be sent to the General Post Office as dead let ters in three months from this date. Chilcott Benjamin Martin Andrew Coder Simon Molsin Robert Couch Mary Moore William Esq. Dougherty John McDivit William Ewing Thomai Morningstar Adam Emly Anthony H. Nusbaum Victor Edson Josiah 0 rlady Martin Fink Jonathan Piillitt Samuel Goleker William Patterson Mary Goss Weston Rosseseler Rowlen Hinkle Philip Robison Joseph Householder Mr. Helmond George Heffner Peter Rilmbaugh Win. M. Holmes Leroy N. Shriner Daniel M. Huyett Jacob G. Shaver Catherine Hiafield Mr. Snow Jacob Humes James Esq. . Steen Charles Hay Jno. ec Elizabeth Shannon George Joseph Jones Sweeny George Kendig John 2 Stils R. & T. Kinsman John . Sthith Susan Kyler George Smith Andrew Lyons Mary 2 'Williams Wm. Esq. Malone John Wray Dauglous McFadden David Wallus Miller Maher Patrick Williamson Jane Maher Patrick S. S. Esq. I. DORLAND, P. M. . April 1, 1841 LIVER COMPL !INT. Cured by the use of Dr Harlich's Compound Strengthening and German Aparient Pills Mr. Will. Richard, Pittsburg, Pa. entirely cured of the above distressing disease: His somptoms were, pain and weight in the left side, loss of appetite, vomiting, acrid eructa Lions, a distention of the stomach, sick headache, furred tongue, countenance chang led to a Litron color, difficulty of breathing, disturbed rest, nttended.with a cough, great debility, with uthersymtoms indicating great Ideratigementof the Itunctiena of the liver, Mr. Rickard fad the advice of several phv sicians, butreceived no relief, until using Dr Harlich'smedicine, which terminated in ef fecting a perfect cure. Principal Offica, 19 North Eight stree Philadelphia. • [don Pa For sale at Jacob Miller's store limiting 44 NTERESI'ING CURE PERPORia MED BY DR. SWAYNKS. COM. POUND SYRUP OF PRUNES; VIRGIN JANA, OR WILD CHERRY. Having made use of this invaluable Syrup in my fain ily, which entirely cured my child. The symptoms were Wheezing and choking of Flegm. difficulty_ of Breathing. attended with constant cough, Spasms, ConVulsiona, &c. of which I sad given up all hopes of its recrvery,•until I was advised to make trial 3f this invaluable medicine. After seeing ie wonderful effects it had upon my child, ,•c chided to make the same trial upon my or • ..:11',11 entirely relieved me of a cough that I was afflicted with for many years Any persons wishing to see me can call at my house in Beach street. above the marked Kensington, Phila. JOHN VVH.Lcox only place where thismcd dine can be obtained, is at Jacob Miller's tore Huntingdon. Dr. Bartholomew's Pink Expectorant Syrup. The cases of consumption are so numer ous in all the northern latitudes, that some remedy as a preventive should be kept by every family constantly on hand, to admin ister on the first appearance of SO direful a disease. This Expectorant Syrup will in every . case prevent the complaint. It is quite impassible for any person ever to have consumption who will use this remedy on the first approach of oough and pain in the side, and.in many instances it has cured when physicians had given up. the case as intilra le. Tor male at the Drug Store of THOMAS READ, Huntirg4on, Pa. May 12, 1841. A. CORNYN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. j -dj, ILL carefully at tend to all busing • committed to his care in the Court of Huntingdon & Mifflin counties. Mr. Cot uyn may . be found at his office, h MatlLat s4ogosttn the Store of Mr. Donts, in the ° liblkllol4l%