The journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1839-1843, March 17, 1841, Image 4

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French Burr .7.7111 Stone
THE subscriber respectfully informF
the Millers and Millwrights, and the
bade in general, that he still continues
to manufazture
in Harrisburg, where he keeps constant
ly on hand a good assortment of French
B:ir Block, of a very superior quality,
which he is prepared to manufacture to
order, on favorable terms, and cheaper
than the same quality of French Burrs
can be had at any other place in the U.
States, and will warrant them equal in
duality to any that can be made in Amer
The subscriber will, if desired, deliver
Burrs at any given point along the Canals
or Railroads; at his own risk.
Orders by mail will meet the same
prompt . attentention as if personal appli
cation is made.
August 5,1840--6 m
(rrThe article published below con
cerning the new and popular doctrine ad
vanced by the illustrious Govlicke of Ger
wary, cannot fail of exciting a deep and
thrilling interest throughout our coun
lTranxlated from the German.]
.+11.1101 REA EF.ICTORS.
Citizens of Xorth and South
Germany, [Europe] belongs the imper
ishable honor of adding a new and precious
doctrine to the Sciences of Medicine—a
doctrine which, though vehemently op
posed by many of the faculty, (of which
he is a valuable member,) he proves to be
as well founded intruth as any doctrine of
Holy Writ—a doctrine upon the variety
of which are suspended the lives of mil
lions of our race, and which he boldly
challenges his opposers to refute, viz:
Consumption is a disease always occa
sioned by a disordered state of Via Vitae
(or life principle) of the human body: of.
ten secretly lurking in the systemfor years
before there is the least complaint of the
Lungs—and which may be as certainly
though not so quickly, cured as a com
mon cold or a simple headache. An in
valuably precious doctrine this, as it im
parts an important lesson to the apparently
health of both sexes, teaching them that
this insidious foe may be an unobserved
inmate of their .'clayey houses" even
while they imagine themselves secure
from its attacks, teaching them that the
great secret in the art of preserving health
is to pluck out the disease while in the
blade, and not wale till the full grown
This illustrious benefactor of man is al
so entitled to your unfeigned gratitude,
and the gratitude of a world, for the in
vention of his matchless sanative,—whose
healing fiat may justly claim for it such a
itle, since it has so signally triumphed
medicine which has thoroughly filled the
•acunm in the Meteria Medica, and there
,y proved itself the Conqueror of Physi
ians—a medicine, for which all mankind
will have abundant cause to bless the
Jeneficient hand of a kind Providence,--a
medicine, whose wondrous virtues have
been so glowingly poi trayed even by some
of our clergy, in their pastoral visits to
the sick chamber; by which means they
often become the happy instruments of
changing despondency into hope, sickness
nto health, and sadness of friends into
medicine of more value to man than th
vast mines of Austria, or even the united
treasures of our globe.—a mediciue, which.
is obtained equally from the vegetable,
animal and mineral kingdoms, and thus
possesses a three-fold power,—a medicine,
which though designed as a remedy for
consumption solely, is possessed of a mys.
terious influence over many diseases of
the human system,--a medicine, which
begins to be valued by Physicians, R
are daily witnessing its astonishing cut
of litany whom they had resigned to I
grasp of the Insatiable Grave
(JosE of the Sanative, for adults, of
drop; for children a half drop; and •
infants, a quarter drop; the directions ex
plaing the manner of taking a half or
quarter drop.
PRI on—Three and one third rix dol
lars* ($2,50) per gaLr
*A German coin, value 15 cents,
A certificate from three members of
Germany, in Europe.
We the undersigned, practitioners of
medicine in Germany' are well aware
that, by our courbe, we may forfeit
the friendship of some of the faculty, but
sot of its benevolent members, who are
gaiintueseed by selfish motives. Though
we shall refrain from an expression of .7217 DAVID'S
~ur opinion, either of the soundness or OR
insoundness of Dr. Goehcke's new doe- ' ifflamairm Tow aviturn .
•rtrie, we are happy to say that we deem ali 7 , 1 1 11..4rdaa ...
it , a Sanativ too valuable not to be general- THE peculiarities of this Chemical
ly known—for what our eyes behold and Compound,!are owing to its extra-1
me ears hear, we must believe. ordinary effects upon the animal fibre or
We hereby state, that when Dr. Louis nerves, ligaments and mnscles, its virtues
Offon Goelicke first came before the Ger- being carried by them to the seat of dis'
Juan public, as the pretended discoverer ease or of pain and weakness.
of a new doctrine and a new medicine, we However good any internal remedy may
held him in the highest contempt, believ- be, this, as an external application, will
ing and openly pronauncing him to be a prove a powerful auxiliary in removing
base imposter and the prince o f quacks. the disease and facilitating the cure, in
flat, on hearing so much said about the 1 cases of local infiamation, schrofulous af-
Sanative, against it and for it, we were , fections, king's evil, gout, inflammatory,
induced, from motives of curiosity mere- and chronic rheumatism, and in all cases
ly, to make trial of its reputed virtues, where a seated pain or weakness exist.
upon a number of our most hopeless pa- A gentleman traveling in the south of
tients; and we now deem it our bounden Europe and Palestine, in }B3O, heard so
duty (even at the expense of our self in- much said in the latter place, in praise of
terest) publickly to acknowledge its effi- Jew David's or Hebrew Plaster, and of
:acy in curing not only consumption the (as he considered) miraculous caures
Jut otherfearful maladies, which we hay hadprformed that he was induced to try it
heretofor ebelived to be incurable. 0 it on his own person, for a lung and liver
attcempt for the discoverer of this med affection, the removal of which had been
cine was at once swallowed up in our ut the chief object of his journey, but which
ler astonishment at these unexpected re had resisted the genial influence of that
sults; and, as amends for ourabuse of hint balmy and delicious climate. He soon
we do frankly confess to the world, that found his health improving, and in a few,
we believe him a philanthrophist does who weeks his cough left him the sallowness
hour to the profession, and to our coon- of his skin disappeared, his pain was re
try, which gave aim birth. moved, and his health became permanent-
The recent adoption of this medicine in- ly reinstated. Since th.:t time lie has
to some of our European hospitals is a been recommending it to his friends and
sufficient guaranty that it performs all its acquaintances, for all fixed pains whatev.
promises: It need not our testimoy, for er ; such as rheumatism, gout, head ache,
wherever it is used it is its own best wit- nervous teeth ache, pain in the side, bac k
and limbs, sehrofulous humors, knots,
Germany, December 10, 1836.
The above precious medicine (the orig.
inal discovery of Dr. LOUIS 0. GOEL.
ICKE, of Germany,) is for sale, wholesale
and retail, by,
AGENT Fox Mill I reek.
Agent for Con) , Run.
Agent for Colrain Forges....._
Huntingdon County, Pa
Wattbretlll3 Vegetable
Vttiberoal Vito,
Are held by the following agents, in their
respective counties.
Huntingdon County;
Wm. Stewart, Huntingdon.
John Swoope, MeConnellsbur
Blair & Madden, Shirleysburg.
Hartman, Smith 4. Love, Manor Hill.
S. Miles Green at Co. Barree Forge.
A. di N. Crewell, Petersburg.
Love & Oyer, Satilsburg.
Lowry & Garber, Hollidaysburg.
D. H. M oore, Frankstown.
A. Patterson, 14 illiumsburg.
Thomas Owen 4. Son, Birmingham.
Mifflin county.
John A. Sterrell, Lewistown.
W m. Hardy, IT aynesburg.
G. M. McVey, Newton Hamilton.
Examine the date of the certificates of
agency. If more than twelve months, do
not purchase—there is doubt.
Sept. 9, 1840.
The public are hereby directedito the me
dical advertisements of Dr. HARLICH'S
LENT PILLS, which are a Medicine of
great value to the afflicted, discovered b]
0. P. HARLICH, a celebrated physician at
Altdorf, Germany, which has been used with
unparalleled success ,hroughout Germany,
This Medicine consists of two kinds, via.
the ERMAN AP ER lENT, and the
N I PILLS. They are each put up ir.
small packs, and should both be used ti
effect a permanent cure. Those who are
afflicted would do well to make a trial of thi
invaluable Medicine, as they never prod=
sickness or nausea while using. A safe an:.
effectual remedy for
and all Stomach Complaints; pain in th
41:Petite, Flatulency, Palpitation of the
Heart, General Debility Nervous Irritabi
lity, SD{ HEA DA HE, Female Disea
ses, Spasmodic Affections, RHEUMATISM
Asthmas , ONSUMPTION , &c. The
cleanse the stomach and purify the BLOOD
are to STRENGTHEN and invigorate the'
nerves and digestive organs and give tone to!
the Stomach, as all diseases originate from
Impurities of the BLOOD and disordered
Stomach. This mode of treating diseases is
pursued by all practical PHYSICIANS,
which experience has taught them to be the
only remedy to effect a cure. They are not',
only recommended and prescribed by the
most experienced Physicians in their daily
practice, but also taken by those gentlemen
themselves whenever they feel the simp
toms of those diseases, in which they kew
them to be efficacious. This is the caso in
all large cities in which they have an ex
ensive sale. It is not to be understood that
these medicines will cure all diseases mere
by purifying the blood—this they will not
do; but they certainly will, and sufficient
authority of daily proofs asserting that those
medicines, taken as recommended by the di
rections which accompany them, will cure a
great majority of diseases of the stomach,
lungs and liver, by which impurities of the
blood are occasioned.
Principal Office for the sale of this
Medicine, is at No. 19 North EIGHTH
Street, Philadelphia.
Also—For sale at the Store of JACOB MIL
LER, in the Borough of Huntingdon, Pan
who is agent for Huntingdon *lusty. 1
wens, white swelling, hard tumors, stiff
joints, ague cakes, ague in the breast,
weakness and pain in the stomach, weak
limbs, lameness, affections of the spine,
female weaknesses, &c. No female sub
ject to pain or weakness in back or side,
should be without it.
For sale at the Drug store of Thomas
Read, Huntingdon, Pa.
Jan. 27, 1841.
Cured by the use of Dr Harlich'sCompound i
Strengthening and German Aparient Pills
Mr. Win. Richard, Pittsburg, 1 entirely
cured of the above distressing disease: His
somptoms were, pain and weight in the left
side, loss of appetite, vomiting, acrid eructa
Lions, a distention of the stomach, sick
headache, furred tongue, countenance chang
ed to a Litron color, difficulty of breathing,'
disturbed rest, attended with a cough, great'
debility, with other symtoms indicating great
derangement of the tunctiens of the liver.
Mr. Richard hid the advice of several phy
sicians, but received no relief, until using Dr
Harlich'smedicine, which terminated in of
fectipg a perfect cure.
Prin — cip . al Aka, 19 North Eight scree
Philadelphia. [don Pa
For sale at Jacob Miller's store Hunting
RESPECTFULLY informs the cit
zens of the Borough of Hunting,-
don, and all others who wish to have their
work done in a durable and workmanlike
manner, that he continues the
in his old stand, opposite the Post Office
and two doors west of James Saxton's
Store in Market street, where, being, in
the receipt of the fashions, quarterly from
New York and Philadelphia, he will be
much pleased to attend to all orders in his
line, and execute the same with prompt•
ness and despatch.
June 17, 1840.—1 y.
FHB public
, are hereby informed, that
JACOB MILLER has been appointed agent]
for Huntingdon county ; for the sale of Dr,
Evans' Camomile and family aperient pills,
where all those that need medicine, can be
supplied as he intends always to have a sup
ply un hand.
IFE AND HEALTH,—Persons whose
sild nerves have been injured by Calomile,
or excessive grief, great loss of blond, the sup
pression of accustomed discharges or cuta
neous, intemperate habits, or other causes
which tend to relax and enervate the ner
vous system, will find a friend to soothe and
comfort them, in EVANS' CAMOMILE
PILLS. Those afflicted with Epilepsy or
Palling Slckneqs, Palsy, Serious Apoplexy,
and organic affections of the heart, Nausea,
Vomiting, pains in the side, breast, limbs,
head, stomach or back, will find themselves
mmediately relieved, by using
DR. EVANS does not pretend to say that
his medicine will cure all diseasesthat flesh
and blood are heir to, but he does says that
in all Debilitated and Impaired Constitutions
—in Nervous diseases of all kinds,
ly of the DIGESTIVE ORGAN S, and in
Incipient Consumption, whether of the lungs
or liver, they will cure. That dreadful dis
ease, CONSUMPTION, might have been
checked in its commencement, and disap
pointed its prey all over the land, if the first
symptoms of Nervous Debility had been
counteracted by the CAMOMILE FLOW
ER chemically prepared ;together with many
other diseases, where other remedies have
proved fatal.
How many personsdo we daily find tortu
red with that dreadful disease. SIC K
HEADACHE, If they would only make
trial of this invaluable medicine, they would
perceive that life is a pleasure and not a
cource of misery and abhorrence. In conclu
don I would warn nervous persons against
the abstraction of BLOOD, either by leech
es, cupping, or the employment of the lancet.
Drastic purgatives in delicate habits are al
most equally improper. Those are prac
tices too often resorted to in such cases, but
they seldom fail to prove :highly injurious. I
Certificates of cures are daily received which I
add sufficient testimony of the great efficacy
ifthis invaluable medicine, in relieving af
flicted mankind. The above medicine isfor
sale at Jacob Miller's store, Huntingdon.
ISick Head Ache Remedy.
1-11%Oft the permanent cure of this distres
olsle- sing complaint, never fails. When
'persevered in, it effectually renovates the
system, and does away the causes of the sick
and nervous headache. Thousands have
tried it, and found precisely the relief which
the article promises to bestow. Certificates'
of the strongest kind, and from the most re
spectable persons, are in the possession t.f
the proprietor, some of which have been
published, testifying to the permanent cure,
and others to the immediate relief given lby
his remedy. It affords relief to the afflicted
nlsor 20 minutes fro m the first dose. HI
aken when the sympt oms of an attack are
first felt, it prevents the further progess ofl
the complaint, and can
. produce no danger
at any time by an excessive dose ; as in such
a case it would only throw off the contents
of the stomach, leaving it sweet and healthy
with an excellent appetite. All afflicted
with headache snould not fail to procure the
article, and relieve themselves from so dis
tressing a complaint.
Physicians have in many instances given
tt to their patients, and in every instance, to
our knowledge, with great satisfaction have
found it a certain cure. Sick and Nervous
Headaches is a complaint with which phy
sicians do not wish to have any thing to do,
and gennerally prescribe only for temporary
relief: consequently, Dr. Spohn's Sick Head
ache Remedy escapes the opposition which
some other proprietory articles meet from
that source.
Try it once and you never will regret it.
ft is composed entirely of vegetables, and
contains no mineral, or poisonous drug of
any kind, and does not require auy change
of diet or exercise.
Sold wholesail and retail by Comstock
& Co. Whnlesail Druggist, 2 Fletcher street
N. Y., and by the principle Druggists in
the Union.
For Sole at the Drug Store of Thomas
Read Huntingdon.
Jan. 20, 1841.•3m.
Cured By
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 16,1838
Mr. Atkinson—Dear Sir:
A few weeks ago I noticed in your paper,,
an account of the surprising effects of Jayne's
Carminative, in restoring a great number of
passengers on hoard of a Mississippi steam
boat to perfect health, who were affected by
violent Bowel Complaint • I was glad to see
you notic it so kindly; you may rest assured
it deserves the praise bestowed upon it.
The benefit I have veceived from his medi
cine, more especiallyhis EXPECTORANT
induces me to state my case to you. for the
benefit of those who are afflicted in the same
way. It has been my misfortune, sir, to las
bur under a Cough and Asthmatical oppre
sion, for more than half a century. When
a soldier in the American Camp, in 1778, I,
with many others, (owing to great expo
sure,) had a violent attack of disease of the
lungs, by which I was disacled from duty
fur along time. Since that period, until
recently, I have never been free from a vio
lent cough and difficulty of breathing. Year
after year, I have expectorated over a gill a
clay. Often much more, and sometimes mix
ed with blond. For months together, night
after night, I have had to sit or be bolster
red up to obtain my breath. The wenkness
and debility caused by such constant expec
toration, frequently brought me to a state
bordering on death. It has been a matter
of astonishment to my family and frie.:ds,
that lam here to write this to you. I have
had skillful physicians to attend me, and ev
ery thing done that was thought likely to
give me relief, without any beneficial effect,
Last winter I had another very severe at
tack of inflamation of the lungs, which I ful
ly expected would be the last. I then con
sidered my case as past the aid of medicine.
Wher I was persuaded to call 4 in Doctor
Jayne—with the assistance of Divine Provi
dence, througn him I was once more raised
from my bed: but the cough and wheezing
wearied me clay and night. He advised me
to use his Expectorant. I did so, with a
strong hope, that, as it had cured many of
my acquaintances of various diseases of the
lungs, it might, at least mitigate my suffer
s Weed I say how satisfied I feel—
I' i
As soon asl commenced taking it, I found it I
reached my case, and I began to breathe
with more freedom. My expectoration be
came easy, and my cough entirely left me.
I now feel as well as I ever did in my life,
and better than 1 have been for th e last six
years. Last summer I spit a great deal of
blood; now thank God I rim perfectly cured.
Now sir, after suffering so long, and finding
at last, such signal relief from Doctor Jaynes
Expectorant, ifeel anxious to inform my
fellow citizens where relief may be had. If
you think this worth a place in your paper,
you will oblige me by noticing it.
No. 35 Lombard street.
The above valuable medicine may be had
wholesale and retail at Jayne's Drug and
Chemical Store,
No. 20. South Third street
Philaeelphia. Price $l.
Sold, also, by !Aeon MILLER, Agent
. Huntingdon Pa.
lANA, ott WILD CHERRY. Having
made use of this invaluable Syrup in my fam
ily, which entirely cured my child. The
symptoms were Wheezing and choking of
Flegni. di ffi culty of Breathing. attended
with constant cough, Spasms, Convulsions,
&c. of which I sad given up all hopes of its
recrverv, until I was advised to make trial
of this invaluable medicine. After seeing
the wonderful effects it had upon my child,
I concluded to make the same trial upon my
self, which entirely relieved me of a cough
that I was afflicted with for many years
Any persons wishing to see me can call at
my house in Beach street. above the marked
Kensington, Phila. JOHN WILLCOX
OBSERVE—The only place where this med
tine can be obtained, is at Jacob Miller's
store Huntingdon.
cidedly one of the best remedies for Coughs
and COlds now in use: it allays irritation of
the Lungs, loosens tho cough, causiug the
plegm to raise free and easy; in Asthma.
Pulmonary Consumption, Recent or Chron
ic Coughs, Wheezing & Choking of Phlegm
Hoarseness, Difficulty of breathing, Croup,
pitting of Blood. &c. This Syrup is writ
nted to effect a permanent cure, it takes
t rdin gto directions which accompany the'
For tles*. sale only at Jacob Miller's store.,
From the 9th day of January 1540, up to and including the
7th day of January 1841.
Receipts. l'xpenditures.
Years. Collectors. Townshigps. Attorney General and 'others ow
1834 John Postlethwait Henderson $l9 55; criminal prosecutions 980 ?s
1835 Charles Cummins Barree 21 22; Grand and Traverse Jurors 2574 19
1836 James Saxton, sr. Henderson 25 00 Sheriff Shannon boarding prisoners,
Paul Rhodes Woo dberry 58 00; conveying convicts, summouing Ju-
William Corbin Springfield 35 94; rors and commission on fines col
-1837 David Bullet Cromwell 51 71' lected 173 06
John Stonebraker Franklin 33 68 Sundry persons for cleaning court
J. F. Lowry Frankstown 50 00 i house and washing for prisoners 60 06
Win. Hammond Morris 14 03 Do. premiums on wild cat and fox
Jacob Bucker Springfield 43 72 1 scalps 296 87
A Freaker Walker 18 571 Constables for making returns and
1833 John Kciugh Allegheny 20 00' mileage Imps
David Beyers Antes 25 03' Assessors 414 00
Joshua Greeii Barree 266 73 Judges, inspectors 8c clerks;cl dee-
John B.illinger Cromwell 18 891 tions 940 40
Wm. Clymans Dublin 92 50' Bridge and road viewers 210 00
James Ewing Franklin 50 00 James Entriken in ftill of bridge over
John H, Stuffier Frank stown 170 00 Raytown branch 1848 00
Dani e l Africa Henderson 32 87: J. & It. Madden do do Shade Creek 194 00
Alex'r Richardson Springfield 60 00 J. G. Watson do do at Ennisville 475 00
William M'Mullen Tell 13 32! T. Patterson do do Franklin Forge 1400 04
Ph i lip Taylor Union 35 16 Jas Burke do do near Hollidaysburg 449 00
~,,,,,,David Ake Woodberry 250 33iuThos. Bender on acct. of bridge at
" Abraham Myres Allegheny 420 90' Williamsburg 549 61
Daniel Irvin Antes 100 751 R. Stitt du do Union Furnace 100 00
Abraham Henry Barree 555 00 J. Madden do do big Aughwick 500 00
Daniel Teague Cromwell 144 16 J. Matlin do do near - Davidsburg 215 00
' John Kelley Dublin 58 00; J. Africa &A. H. Hirst do do Crook-
John Ingram Franklin 365 00 ed Creek
James Smith Frankstown 260 00 J. Covert &R. &J. Madden do do
Andrew Huey Henderson 200 00r Vandeyanders 1900 00
John Anderson Hopewell 265 001 A. M. Groves do do Stone Creek lue (JO
John Hyle Morris 259 80, A. Carman & J. Mr racken on cc
, Robert Lytle Porter 55 40; count of repairing Jail wall 300 00
Hesekialt Rickets Sliriey 163 06; Sundry persons for articles of mer-
John Coutshall Springfield 116 00, chanclize and furniture for court
James Pattison Tell 113 87j house and jeil 102 01
George Sharra Tyrone 57 86! R. &J. Stitt on account of building
Henry Horton Tod 104 501 new court house 2727 SI
Jacob Estep Union 80 59 Jacob Cresswell for taking drakof
Wm. Smith Warr icrsmark 423 26 court house at Williamport j2O 0)
Hiram Williamson West 300 00 FililWallace & .1 Dinsmore for
i Oil
George Fought Woodberry 408 48 . ng prisoners 22 75
William Shomo Blair 239 56 Inquisitions on dead bodies 60 30
1840 Peter Igo Antes 160 00 Sundry persons boxes and stationary
Win, D. Black Barree 415 00 for elections 45 81
John James Blair 720 75 Printers, A W Benedict 51 SO
Andrew Gilleland Cromwell 100 001 .1 P Jones 103 50
John M'Pherran Franklin 150 001 G A Miller 300
Thos. M. Robison Frankstown 184 54 Auditors, Jesse Moore 6 00
William Barefoot Henderson 651 501 John Sister 900
Sr muel Watson Hopewe .1 264 00 Commissioners, Peter Swoope in full 67 sa
Samuel P. Wallace Morris 275 00.. Bell & Orbison counsel to commision
Andrew M'Clure Porter 400 00,1ers for 1839
Isaac Shrra Shirley 200 00'.Sundry persons road tax on unseat-
Jacob Baker Springfield 61 6511 ed lands 83 05
James Pettis 41 Tell 13 12 Sundry persons refunding orders 35 63
John M'Millan Tyrone 400 00i J. Steel Dockets for Proth's office 44 32
John M'Lain Jr. Tod 77 00 ;Wood at court house and Jail 111 86
John Hampson Union 57 681 john Reed recording Treasurers bond 1 93
Abraham States Walker 225 00. G A Miller assisting to compare as-
Benjm. Johnston Warriormark 302 0011 sessments
Sagiuel Thompson West 600 00
Charles Biddle Woodberry 450 00
A. Clarke & J. P. Snare on torfeited
Wm. & J. S. Patton halanca on bond
iu full 199 09
John Bumbaugh, admr., fine and jury
fee in Commonwealm vs. Jessee
Johns dec'd.
Samuel M'Dowel fina fo.i refusing to
serve as collector of Allegheny
township for the year 1840 20 00
G. B. Young Esq. fine of pedlar for
refusing to exhibit his license
R. Allison Esq. consideration of a re
lease to him by the county of a
lien on a certain lot in Hunting
don 30 00
Sundry persons redeeming lands sold 40 77
Owners of unseated lands, taxes coun
-150. do. 341 96
road 96 90
Sundry persons for lands sold at Com
missioners Sale 77 37
Jos. Shannon fines and Jury fees 173 00,
'Fo amount in Treasurers hands
at last settlement 4692 97i1
Balance in tavor of D. Blair Tr'sr 91005}
We the undersigned Commissioners of
correctness of the above account, have
January A. D. 1841,
Clerk. K. L. GREENE.
We the undersigned Auditors of Huntingdon County, do hereby certify that we
have examined the drafts of the Comissioners of said county and the receipts for the
same for the past year, and we find a balance in favor of David Blair, Esq.. Treasurer
of said county, of nine hundred and ten dollars and five and a half cents.
Given under our hands at the Commissioners office in the borough of Hunting
don, the 7th day of January, A. D. 1841.
JESSE 11100 HE,
JOlifj SISTER. tAuditor'.
Due to the county of Huntingdon from collectors and o:::ers, ex,
eluding interest, but including exonerations and corns
missions to be allowed to collectors, which will
reduce the balance due previous to
1840 nearly one half
Years. Collectors. Tuwhships. George Kelley Dublin 223 1 1
1835 J., his Potts Shirley . $lB 38 John M'Pherran, Franklin 484 34
1836 D N Carothers Cromwell 88 74 T M Robison Frankstown 348 60:
Jis Sax ton Sr. Henderson 93 39 Wm Barefoot Henderson 326 7&
1837.1tobert Thompson Allegheny 251 80 Samuel Watson Hopewell 297 45,
John Stanebraker Franklin 145 06 Samuel P Walloce Morris 282 30.
JohnF Lowry. Frankstown 175 48 Andrew M'Clure Porter 285 03
1838 John Kiugh Allegheny 63 71 Isaac Sharra Shirley 246 08
Wm Clymans Dudlin 133 40 Jacob Baker Jr. Springfield 151 4a
James Ewing Franklin 249 67 James Pattison Fell 170 63
J H Stiller Frankstown 279 49 John M'Millan Tyrone 227 01
J W Galbraith Shirley 50 93 John M'Lain Jr Tod 86 64
A Richardson Springfield 22 18 John Hampson Union 138 07
1839 Daniel Irwin Antes 94 01 !Abraham States Walker 179 42
Abraham Henry Barree 161 19 lsenj. Johnston Warriormark 588 41
Daniel Teague C omwell 123 08 Samuel Thompson West 3:8 91
John Kelly Dublin 134 90 Charles Biddle Wwdberry 365 62
John Ingram Franklin 76 97 John K Neff Williamsburg bor. 161 25
James Sinitht Frankstown 112 52 A C Clarke &J P Snare balance on
Andrew Huey Henderson 91 19 forfeited recoqnizances 175 Oa
John Anderson Hopewell 59 63 J. Higgins sla huef & Jury fees 53,' 60
Robert Lytle Porter 110 95 J. Wallace 13 18
Hezektah Rickets Shirley 79 48 J MCollum 41 24
John Cutshall Springfield 45 85 I Dorland late Treasurer 652
Henry Horton Tod 23 30 Isaac Cook balance of note 10 00
Hiram Williamson West 94 18 Michael Hileman fine 20 00
William Shomo Blair 356 03 S Fraizer do 20 00
1840 David Robison Allegheny 616 33 Elijah Weston do 20 00
Peter Igo Antes 380 97 J. bhannon Shff. fines and Jury fees 20 00
Wm D Black Barrce 549 92 -
John James Blair 393 44
Andrew Gilliland Cromwell 260 38
f *llia charge should only be 40 15
John Blair on account of expenditutes
as commissioner on state road from
Drakes ferry to Chambersburg 174 00
Daniel Teague Esq. fur administer
ing oath to commissioner K. L.
Greene 37
.Mary Jenkins for schooling poor chi!-
drea in Barre tp. in the year 1837 900
'Mrs Clarke on acc't of boarding Jury
tn commonwealth vs R M'Conachy 85;00
Dr Lightner attending before Inquest
;Don the Browns 15 00
E Brode erecting scaffold for the
execution of M'Conochy 25 00
John Thompson making coffin for do 5 00
W Allen sr. for digging grave for do. 4 00
Sundry perons redemption monoy pd. 71 li4
J Armitage an account of his salery
us clerk to commissioners 60 15
David Blair Treasurer for loss sus
tained by him on Berks county
bank paper, premium paid by
him for silver, and interest on
money borrow to pay an election
Treasr's com'sn: on 830,939 04 at
1 per cent, 309 39
10 00
19 001
10 00
.untingdon county, to testimony of the
tereunto set our hands the 711 t day of
tHas since settled his duplicate
200 00
e Se
818,423 73
$10499 15