JUDGE BANKS, The nomination of Jadge Banks wris received with the warmest demonstrations' of popular approbation. His name will be a tower of strength. Whenever it was mentioned in the Convention the large and crowded concourse of "lookers on" burst forth in enthusiastic cheers. The union, harmony and good feeling that pre. wailed throughout the entire action of the, Convention, was hailed as auguring hall and ardent cooperation throughout the entire ranks m his friends, and full confi dence of' triumphant success. The spee ches of Messrs Stevens, Brown, Pearson, anti neither last or least, that of Mr Bear, the "Bucker Blacksmith," delivered during the recess of the Convention, roused the strongest impulses of popuar enthusiasm. The speech of Mr Stevens drove ft om the minds of the Loco feces, if any was present, all hope that they may have had of disunion in our party.—Tcl egraph. r0.....,•••=0.1 One of the most active and distinguish ed supporters of the administration of Gen Jackson and Mr Van Buren m Northern Pennsylvania writes to the editor of the Sentinel, under date of the 29th nit. “The interest of the 'people of our State is to sustain Pennsylvania institutions a gainst the assaults of banks and brokers and shavers of New York especially, and other States. The "Bank of the United k totes" should be sustained if her memo. dal to the Legislature is true. I have no' hesitation in saying so, and if I was in Harrisburg, L would so express myself not only to my particular representative, but also to the Uovt rnor.—American yen find. TffiE JOURNAL. One country,one constitutionone destiny, I.lmilingdon, March 17. 1 Sill Detnocratie Candidate FOR GOVERNOR, JOHN BANKS, OF BEIM COUNTY. COMMUNICATED. Kltinlingdon Fernald Semina• An examination of the pupils in this /a stit ution, under the care of Miss Phillips, took place on last Thursday, being the end of the second quarter. It was grati fying to the friends of literature to see the large school room crowded with an attentive audience, thus affording a proof of the interest felt in the education of fe males. As it is conceded by all writers on the subject, that "ladies give tone to ~ c iety," it is therefore highly impatant that they should possess well cultivated The examination was highly creditable Hill to the teacher and pupils. It was .!,.rightful to Observe the progress made oy children of eight and ten yeats of age, N..dio answered questions propounded, on grammar, Arithmetic, Geography, &c. with as much ease as some of those of ti er years. It would be invidious to make a selection, by name, of those who acquitted themselves best. It was easily perceived, however, th :t some had been :ouch more attentive than others. The' „hick the class in Astronomy plained the celestial Globe, was surpri. : ,Mg. The class in Arithmetic, were !ale to give tile reason of the mules, by. ..;hich an operation was performed, a mat. , er ton much neglected in common schools. The whole exhibition was so satislacto ry, that it seemed to be admitted by all :iresent, that there was now no necessity i'or the citizens of Huntingdon county to, ;end their daughters abroad to receive an education. A SPECTATOR March 8, 1841 TO TUE PATRONS OF TEE BEANDRETE VFOI•TABLE UNIVER•AL have &len intimd permit's desirous to know how :oon thistnedicitte will cure them. It is wpossible to say —it altogether depends Ilion the state of the blood and humors. )ne thing may be relied upon--that if the ,ills are preservered with according to he printed direction which accompanies ,ch box, the cure will be effected much cner than the patient could have expec, i. Tee many lingering chronic discos •, daily see, are Owing either to tour.! •ury or bleeding, or to not having been ;rohcvly purged in Fevers, lijiamalions, hid, Measles, Small Pox, or Lying in, t is utterly impossible for us to attain or' ;ePp health without sound purging. We nay fasten up the disorder by borka and (mica, but if it be in the body, it must' come out before health can be W enjoyed,l SHEFI g P' s 3 "LES and sooner or later it will ok out of itself, worse than ever, if this meth ' (l of ITN,. Y virtue of sundiTy wiit:OfNliiii• • i purifying the body is delayed too long. %I.,r!ltExponas, issued out of the ci,to i a: Ito danger can arise from purging with common pleas 4 Huntingdon comity :Ind t,, .Brantlreth's Vegetable Pills. It has been me directed, e , proved, beyond doubt, that these celebra. ! th e r e c o t t ' il i t H wil l i i. h e e i " lirb ",d r t m " v i li n ::f lic ilut Atdon, on * Mondily, r t ' l r ic . 12th day of April ted Pills and the human body are adapted next, the following prpety, viz: one for the other. By the use of this glo: A lot of grounit situate in the town of sinus medicine the contents or humors o f Williamsburg, frontiii, 50 feet on -- l lthe body can be entirely evacuated, alter- street and extendi ig - back at right angles , ,sired, and completely regenerated; and in ! s_at street 175 fret to an a11ey„ . 1 . 2 . f..et wiik, it manner so simple as to give every day ~6c . mitered —in the plan of silo town plo t, i 'laving a two-story frame house, weather ease and pleasure. I boarch d and painted white and a frailty Purchase them in ITUNTIACDON 'stable thereon erected. of WM. STEW ART, and only in th county, of agents published in anodic part of this paper. Remember every agent has a certificate of agency, dated within the last twelve months. If of an earlier date do not purchase. HYMENEAL REGISTER. The silken tie that binds two willing beans, MARRIED—On Thursday, the llth inst. by Eliel Smith, Esq. Mr. DANIEL SPIECE to Miss LYDIA BORELING, all of Union tp. OniTi xiZY KVICOND. "In the midst life we are in death." DIED, on the 12th host, near Mill Creek, Mrs. DARCUS wife of Mr. Alexander Jacobs, aged abt.ut 46 yei.rs. [COMMUNICATED.) Mrs, Jacobs had been, for a number of I years, a member of the Presbyterian church in Mifflin county, where she formerly resid ed. And, it is believed, that from the time she avowed herself to be a follower of 'Christ her deportment was in a high dr gree ornamental to her profession. From the commencement of the sickness which ter minated her earthly existence, she was deeply impressed with the belief that she was about to be called away. And, sensible of the solemnity of the event, she addressed herself with great diligence to the work of preparation. tlor ever bet efforts unavailing. For, although her mind was, during some part of her illnoss, much disquieted in view of her unfaithfulness to her Lord and Mas ter, yet, as her end drew near, it became, apparently, calm and submissive. And re lying on "the blond of the atonement," she expressed a reaJiness to depart—not doubt ing but that to her, "death woul I be gain." H Proclamation. e IIEREAS by a precept to me direc \ff tett dated at Huntingdon, the 15th day of January, A. D. one thousand eight 'hundred and forty-one, under the hands and seals of the Hon• Thomas Burnside, President of the Court of Common Pleas, Oyer and Termincr, and general jail deliy ery of the 4th judicial district of Pennsyl vania, composed of the counties of Muffin, Huntingdon, Centre, Clearfield, and idler soli, and the Hon. Joseph Adams, and 'John Kerr his associate Judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices assigned, ap pointed to hear, try, and determine all and every indictments, and presentments made or taken for or concerning all crimes, which by the laws of the State are made capital or I felonies of death and all other offences,' crimes and misdemeanors, which have been or shall be committed or perpetrated within the said county, or all - persons which are or' I shall hereafter be committed or be perpe trated for crimes aforesaid—l am commas ded to make Public Proclamation, Throughout my whole bailiwick, that a Crurt of Oyer and Ter miner, of Common Pleas and Quarter Ses sions will he held at the court house in the Borough of Huntingdon, on the second Mon day and 12th day of April, next, and hose who will prosecute the said prisoners, be then and there to prosecute them as it shall be just, and that all Justices of the Peace, Coroner, and Constables within the said county be then and there in their pro. per persons, at 10 o'clock A. M. nt said day, with their records, inquisitions, examinations and remembrances, to do those things which their offices respectively appertain. Dated at Huntingdon, the 15th day o January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-one, and the 65th year of American Indepen (It nce. JOSEPH SHANNON, Sh'ff. Sheriff's Office, Hunting- I den, March 17, 1841. S Procla ma t ion. ViTHERE AS by Precept to me dime fed by the Judges of Common Pleas of the county of Huntingdoa bear ing test the 23d day of January, A. D. 1841, 1 ant commanded to make Public Proclamation throughout my whole baili wick that a court of Common Pleas will be held at the court house, in the borough of Huntingdon, in the county of Hunt ,ingdon, on the third Monday and 19th of April, A. D. 1841, fir the trial of all issues in said court which remain un determined berme the said Judges when and where all Jurors, Witnesses and sui tors in she trial of all said issues are re quired to attend. Dated at Huntingdon the 23d day of January, A. D. one thousand eight hun dred aml forty-one, and the 65th year ut American Independence. JOSEPH SHANNON, Shcrif. Sheriff's office Hunting don March 17, 1841. A. K, CORNYN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. %TWILL carefully attend to all busines f icno g rnit,;gAnccooti:netiieltiArcsir 'nyn may be found at his office, in Market St., opposite the Store of Mr. Dorris, in the borough of Minting:lon. Seized, taken in execution and will be sold as tt e property of Andrew Davis, with no tice to Peter Rhoads Terre Tenant. ALSO, A lot of ground in the borough of Holli daysburg, fronting 60 fee. on th , south side of Walnut street and extending back at • right angle s 180 fret to an alley, the s amp being numbered 20 in the town plot of said (borough, having a weather boarded house and frame stable thereon. ALSO—A tract of land situate in Franks town township, adhining lands of James • Smith, Dr. Peter Shoenderger, Henry SOLI. and Joseph M'Cone, containing abut !one hundred and twenty acres, ahont sixty of • which are cleared. having a house and barn. thereon. ALSO,—A tract of land situate in said township, adjoining lands of Conrad Geesy, J. G. Miles and others, containing about 170 acres, about 130 of which are cleared, hav . ing a two story brick house, two story log house, a log barn and other out buses there 'on erected. Seized, taken in execution and will he sold as the property of Samuel Smith, Samuel . Duncan and John M'Closkey. ALSO, A lot of ground situate in the bormigh of'' Hollidaysburg., fronting tm Blair street sixty fe •t and extending back to Bank alley one' hundred and sixty feet and numbered 223 in the plan of said borough, having thereon erected a two story frame house, weather boarded and painted white, and two other small one and a half story frame buildings weather-boarded and painted white attached thereto. Seized, taken in execution and will be sold as the property of John Murphy. ALSO, All the right title and interest of Jacob Kinsel (being the fifth part) of a tract of a tract of land situate in Allegheny township, adjoining lands of James Hutchinson, Elias Baker &co., Ezra H.n•t i.thers, contain ing about 393 acres more ur less, about 150 of which are cleared, with an apple orchard thereon, end having two dwelling kiuses, log barn and e saw mill there.] erected. Seized, taken in t xecutii n ;o:il will be sold as the property of Jacob JOSEPH SHANNOIS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Hunting•• Z don March 17, 1841. Mechanics Lien. HUNTINGDON COUNTY The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the sheriff of Huntingdon county Greeting. Whereas Robert Lytle, Jr. bath tiled a claim in cur county court of Comm. pleas for the county of Huntingdon, against Thom as Blair, for the sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars aid thirty-one cents, for materials furnished and provided and work done to and to ''All that certain frame coach maker shop, being eighteen feet on Front street and extending back t veiny-two tort on slid street, adj• ining the black sMith shop of Solomon Shffino iii the south; said couch makers shop being sltu de on lot N. 1! in the borough of Hollidaysburg. And whereas it is alleged that the said sum still remab‘s due and unpaid to the said Robert Lytle, Jr. Now we command you that yen make known to the said Thrinas Blair, and to ill such persons as shall lo Id or recopy the said building, that they b, and appear avirry th' Judges of our said c nut, at a court of common pleas to be held at Huntingdon and tor the said county of Huntingdon, on chi second Mu nday of April next, to show, i any thing they know or have to say. why thu said sum of one hundred and twety-live dol tars and thirty one cents should not he levb of • the said building to the use of the sal. Robert I.) tle, Jr., according to the ru and effect of the act e>f Ai•sembly in , uel case inP de and provided, if to them it shad seemtexpedient; and have ) ou then andther this writ. Witness the Honorable 't Noma Burnsides, Esq., President f our said roar at Huntingdon the 22nd day rf January, A D. 1841 JAMES STEEL, Protley March 17, 1841. NOTiCE TO CREDITORS 11EREAS in pursuance of an act of the General Assembly of the Com— monwealth of Pensylvania, an attencluneut hath been granted by the sobscriber one of the justices of the pence in and for the coun ty of Huntingdon. at the instance of Jonathan i Teague and Thomas B aird, of Union town ship, m the county of Huntingdon, against a certain Joel Pennock, of the township of Union, m the county aforesaid, whereon cer tain goods, chattels and abets of the sal Joel Pennock have been at ached and are. now in the possession of Mathew F. Gm,' bell and Asa Corbin, of Henderson and Union townships, until they shall be disposed of according to law. 1 his is therefore to give notice to the creditors of the aforesad Joel Pennock to appear on Saturday the 10th clay of April next, at the office of the subscriber in the borough of Huntingdon, then and there to ciscover and make proof of their dtonaods agreeably to the directions of th said act DANIEL AFR IC .1 Much 8. 1041, EXECUTORS' NOTICE AiJiiit,e,;s7,sist'ATteedeftiN'Nki•ise„oe,svtnastpo Huntingdon county, :teed, arc requested ti make immediate payment, and all havin , claims against the said estate, will pleas vrc. sent flu_ m to the undersigned, properly au thenticated for setzternvnt. AN NE FOSTER. HENRY M'CRACKEN, JAS SAXTON, Jr., • JOSEPH M'CRACKEN. Exr's. March 17, 1841. Register's Notice. N -011( E is hereby given to all per •ons roocerneul,that the following ..am. ! persons have settled their account. n the Register's Office, at Huntingdon, Ind that the said accounts will be presen ted for confirmation and allowance, at an or, Inns' Court to be held at Huntingdon, her the county of Huntingdon, on the -.Tend ‘londay (and 12th day) of April nest:—viz. 1. Joshua Green, Administrator of the Estate of Richard Sinkey, late of Barree township, deed. 2. Henry AA bite and Jacob Fockler, Executors of the last will and testament .01 Jacob White, late of Henderson town ship, B. Peter Swocpe. Administrator of the Estate of Abraham Vandevander, late of Henderson township, dee'd. 4. Henry Neff, Administrator of the Estate of Henry Isenberg, late of Porter township, deed. 5. Jacob Burkhart and Samuel Smith, Administrators of the Estate of John Kit:- set, late of Allegheny township, decd. 6. Jacob Briibaker, Administrator of the Estate of Jacob Miller, late of West township, deed. 7. Brice Blair, Guardian of Rachel C. Brewster, formerly Rachel C. Elder, late of Goblin township, dec'd. •8. John White, Guardian of Alexan 'der, James, and Sarah Port, minor chil dren of John Port, late of Henderson Itow . nship, dec'd. 9. George W. Bell, Guardian of Eliz ahoth Bell, and Margaret Bell (nom Mt ion). minor children of Thomas Bell, late 'of Barree township, deed. 10. John Ker, E.g. Administrator of • the Estate of Adam Hagey, late of Wal ker township, di'e'd. 11. William McDivit. Guardian of Joseph, Caroline, Charlotte, and Sarah Miler, minor children of Samuel Miller, late of Henderson township, di'e'd. JOH N REED, Reaister. Register's Office, Minting- • (lon, 12th March, A. D. 1841. 5 Administrators Notice. grik ETTEllti of administration on tba es tate of Joshua Greenland, late of Union toweship, der',l, have been granted to the Umdersignad, therefore all TYTS,IS indebted to ttid estate ate requested to make hnme dime paymet, and those having claims against same are requested to present them prop erly authenticated f settlement. HIR AM GREENT. A N D, BENJAMIN GREENLAND.) Aclmr's March 17, 1841. A chance for pesons wishing to - enter into the 11ION BUSINESS. 1.2 1 7 :trainee &S Forge for Rent. The stibscril,er offers for rent his Iron Works and the fit, ms &:c thereto attached, situate in Cromwell township, Huntingdon county, consisting at "Chester Furnace" and " AUGHWICK FORGE," !with an excellent tiM,V MILL an' the necessary number of houses thereon f Ithe acconualation of workmen ALSO, several farms on one of which there is a Grist Mill &. Saw Mill, ALSO the privilege of WOOD LEAVE on his unimproved land.: and of ORE. THE I URAIICE Is new; every thing in and about it as well as the. Forge in good or and rep ir; wood we, ore are convenient. The ore banks are web opened and ore and coal can be easily and cheiply obtainod. Few estab!ishments possess move conveniences or greater ad vautiges. Any person desiring to rent the above premises will please apply directly per mail to the subscriber in Coatesville, Chester co; through George Taylor, Attorney at Law Huntingdon. GEO: W. PENNOCK. Jan. 6, 1840.—tt. Executors' Notice., A LI. persons indebted to the estate _Zia. of Weslo . ): Gregery, late of West to, nship, Huntingdon county, are re Ttested to make immediate payment; and all those having claims against said estate will please present them properly authen heated for settlement to the undersigned SAMUEL MYTON, Exec , rB. I JANE OREIiERY, February 17, 1841. William Pawson, eOntinititiio it piterthant, Np. 77, SMITH'S NVHARF, MaIIa,ITMCOEBWO Begs leave to offer his services to Millers, dealers in rain and other productions. Those disposed to make conisgnmrntn to him may rely upon his prompt and faithful em ration to their business. Herefers to Msessrs Stewart & Hnrrel Water Street. Patterson & Homer, Lewistown. 0110011 A 1 TRW; TOR' 8 NOTIG E. LETTERS of Administration upon the estate of Jacob Piper, late of Morris township, deceased, have been, granted to the subscriber. All persons ther,fore, indebted to the said deceased 'are requested to come forward and make payment immediately. Those having) claims will present them properly authen ticated fur settlement, JOSEPH ISENBARG. Administrator Feb. 17, 1641. Common ScL ools. The followi , g statement for the info✓„• • lion of the dirictors of Common Schools, is made in compliance with the Hali aection of the school law, passid June 131 h, 1836. Number of taxable it; habitants in the several School districts of the county of Huntingdon, according to the enumera• dons of 1835 mind 1839. 1835. 1839. Allegheny, 218 295 Antes, ' 296 347 Barree, 435 439 11lair, 150 Cromwell, 211 268 Dublin, 154 160 Franklin, 236 319 Frankstown, 387 301 Henderson, 280 227 Hollidaysburg, 298 493 Hopewell, 188 - 262 Huntingdon, 260 268 Morris, 335 St I Porter, 251 360 Shirley, 214 304 Springfield, 197 245 Fell, 181 209 Tyrone, 220 235 Totl.l, 193 203 Union, 164 180 Walker, 155 176 Watriormark, 326 391 West, 577 459 W ood berry, 579 459 Williamsburg.l7o _. . The amouilt of lax every district must levy to entitle itself to its share of the State appropriation, is a sum equal to at least 60 cents for every taxable inhabitant in the district, according to the last trien nial enumeration made in the spring of 1839. A list of taxables in each district Is hereto appended. Districts that have already accepted the Common School system, and received their share of the appropriation for former years will, on levying the proper amount of tax, be entitled under the existing laws to re ceive fur the Scholl year 184:2, which emn• mences on the first Monday of next June, one dollar for every taxable. Districts which have not received any part of the appropriation of former years. but which accept the systew for the first time, at the annual elention in March next, and levy the proper amount of tax will under the existing laws receive $4 50 for every taxable in the district in 1835, and $3 00 for every taxable in 1839, ac cording to the above list. These sums, by a resolution passed April 13th, 1840, wirl remain in the State Treasury for the use of nonaccepting districts, until the first of November, 2841, and no longer, JAMES MOORE, JOSHUA ROLLER, Coms'rs K. L. GREENE, Commissioners Office, Hunt- t ingdon Feb. 3d, 1641. Public Sale. 111),I virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon County, will be sold, on the premises, on the stll day of April, A. 1). 1841, at 1 oclock of said day, that val uable property in the borough of Hunting don, known and occupied fur many years as the Washington Motel, Consisting of two lots of ground fronting on Allegheny street and running back to the Canal ; upon which is erected a very large and elegant 18:13 111DUZIE Four stories high. The Hotel is now occu /?ied by James S. Horrel, and formerly by James I'. Scott, and Walter Clarke Esqrs, dec'd. It is kuown as one of the best TAVERN STANDS between Harrisburg and Pittsburg. TERMS OF SALE:—One third part of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and the residue in two egnal an nual payments, with interest, to be secured by the bonds and mortgage of the purchaser. Attendanu given by FRANCIb B. WALLACE, Guardian of James T. Scott, minor child of James I'. Scc.tt, deed, M.trch 1, 1841.—ts. COVERLET 4 Ca 1 i PIT WEAVING, THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of If ood Cock Val. Icy and its vicinity, that he has establish ed himsell . at the residence of abrahans Rowers, in Wood Cock Valley, in the above busi ness; and prepared to weave COVERLETS AA D CARPETS of any and all patterns, at short notice and on the most reasonable terms. lle will also be prepared in the spring' to color every variety of colors to suit his customers. CHRISTAIN MEINHART Feb. 3,1841.7 t-p. 'Executor's Notice. ; All persons knowing themselves in debted to the Estate of Alexander Caro thers, late of Morris Township, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned; and all those having claims against said estate, are requested to present the a properly authenticated, for settlement. AARON BURNS, Williamsburg, March 10, 1841. —tit. County Appeals. Commissioners of Huntingdon ii county hereby give notice to the tax !able inhabitants, the owners and agents of real and personal property tataCe for !county and state purposes, and the inn keepers and all persons deshous of keep ing an inn or tavern, who have requested to ue returned according to law, within the county of Huntingdon, That an AP VEAL for the benefit of all persons inter ested will be held for the several town ships within the said county, as follows, viz:— For the township of Franklin, at the office of Lyon, Shorb & Co. in the said low nship, on Monday the 15th day of March next. For the township of Warriormark, at the house of William Shipley in the said town ship, on Tuesday the 1 tith day of March next. Fur the township of Tyrone, 'at the house of James Crawford ir, the said town ship, on Wednesday the 47th day of March next. For the township of Antes, at the house of John D. Miller, in the said township, on Thursday the 18th day of March next. For the township of Allegheny, at the ' house of David Black in the said township, on Friday the 19th day of March next. For the township of Blair, at the house of David H. Moore in the borough of Hol lidaysburg, on Saturday the 20th day of March next. For the township of Frankstown, at the house of Mrs. Denlinger in the said township, on Monday the 22d day of March next. For the township of Woodberry, and borough of Williamsburg, at the house of Francis McCoy in said borough, on Tues day the 23d of March next. For the township of Morris, at the house of Alexander Lowry (Yellow Springs) in the said township, on Wednesday the 24th day of March next. For the township of Porter, at the house of Michael Sissler in the borough of Al exandria, on Thursday the 25th day of March next. For the township of Walker, at the house of Andrew Fraker in the said town ship, on Friday the 26th day of March next. For the township of Hopewell, at tho house of Mrs. Enyeart (widow) in the said township, on Saturday the 27th day or March next. For the township of West, at the house of John Scullin in Petersburg, on Monday the 29th day of March next, For the township of Barree. at the house of Peter Livingston in the said township, on Tuesday the 30th day of March next. For the township of genderson, at the Commissioners' office in the borough of Huntingdon, on Wednesday the 31st day of March next. For the township of Shirley, at the house of David Fraker in the borough of Shir• leysburg, on Thursday the Ist day of April next. For the township of Dublin. at the house of Brice Blair in the said township, on Saturday the Sd day of April next. For the township of Tell, at the house of Henry Eby in the said township, on Monday the sth day of April next. For the township of Cromwell, at the house of William McCurille in the said township, on Tuesday the fith day of April next. For the township of Springfield, at the school house near Hunter's mill in the said township, on Wednesday the 7th day of April next. For the township of Union, at the house of John Montgomery in the said township, on Friday the 9th day of April next. For the township of 'Fod, at the house of John Henderson in the said township, on Saturday the 10th day of April next. When and where all persons who con- Isider themselves aggrieved by the trien nial assessment or valuation of their pro perty, professions, trades and occupations by them pursued, the offices and posts of profit any of them hold, the value of their personal property taxable for county, common school or state purposes—the yearly rental of an inn or tavern any of them occupy, or house of that purpose any of them intended to occupy; are hereby notified to attend and state their grievan• ces if they think proper. The Commissioners, for the informa tion of all interested, make known, that they are bound by law not to "make any allowance or abatement in the valuation of any real estate in any other year than that in which the triennial assessment is made, excepting where buildings or other improvements have been destroyed subse quently to such triennial assessment; and in the case of personal property, offices, trades, professions and occupations, where there has been any alteration in the assessment, occasioning a different valuation from the former year: and also where persons have come to inhabit in the county since such triennial assessment" —and that according to law no notice in the two years succeeding the triennial as sessment is to be given to the taxable in habitants aforesaid, but in the latter reci ted case only. JAMES M OORE, JOSHUA ROLLER, Comm s. R. L. GREEN E, Commissioners' Office, Hun• tingdon, February 2:11841. BLANKS FOR SALE ✓7T THIS OFFICE,