~~, We have' seen in our town scores of orders on the state officers handed about for sale; and on one particular occasion, we saw one drawn about the time of the justices election, which was for the pay of a poor laborer, and underneath was these very expressive words, Mr David Woods, Sir, You will please pay the bearer the above small bill and if pos siLle give him employment. "he is the right stripe." T. WOODS Yet notwithstanding the man was the "right stripe," and it was near the justi ces election yet the poor laborer otlered it to us at a very heavy discount, and we know it was presented to others. Does any man doubt us? Let him go on to the line of the canal and ask the first lack keeper or laborer what the state owes him, and we can assure hint the answer will be two or three, perhaps six or nine months, .and this too is done by the party that is ,now trying tolnake capital of the want of money in the county tres4ury. Will not this satisfy you? Then go to Ir -Ain and James Horrell—toJolm McComb— to James Etecvens, and to scores of others, and ask them if they have not beensoldal ntrst, to a batlit opt state treasury. Will not this answer to show yr, u that you prove too much? If not, I ; o ask Dr. Chas. Coryell, or James R. Johnson, who took fern their estimate tor the Petersburg inlet,' lIISEE HUNDRED DOLLARS, for, r.llcci their " D SIION 0 It D DR AFT ?" Ask them what administration rlishowl, t 1 the engineers estimate, and who was that individual who snatched from them t)ic price of flair tell? We know the man. 11, i.. ,ot ot.ly kader among yen, but his stand, 1.1.;li !•ti the ucket t ,t 1 are ohli• t,v citirra-rt. ll,tw do 3 , ..n lit, the sp i.iie:(ll• t.f t , wn argument? Does it with' y, .or notion s t,f matters and thins? You must have fovgotiwn the ad vice you so wisely give to others; "Look be ft:re you leap." irrThe voters in Tyrone and Antis Town shipswill bear in mt nd, that by the law of last session refludu ing election oistricts, all the voters of each of said townshipi are hereafter to vote within their several aul respective townships, at the pi ces of elec tion therein. None of the voters of f ither of said townships ire to vote at C. Bucks, in Wattior,mark township, as heretofore. See Pkiniphhtt of 1339:90:1;14,.e. ..Tltempt at Efonery. On 'flittr,da) evening. of last week, as Ilewit and Jos Watson was return• ing from our town to their !mown; when about one and a halt miles from our town, on the Petersburg road, were suddenly assaulted by ruffians, who with clubs knocked them down and so stunned them that they could make no eflbrt at defence. Air Watson was so badly beaten that it was feared he would not recover. Hov i t was seen to have considera ble money w; t 4 him and the robbers ex pected to secure it, fortunately they fail• ed, he had two pocket books, one fin• his money, and one for his papers. They took the largest and got none of the money. The rocket book was found about ;I mile fre next day with its contente undisturbed We are nut aware that suspicion rests, neon any pal ticular person. Fon TUN JOURNAL. Vac issue--reigest of Z"rin cipie APc. The political struggle is now about to come to an issue; and the event of that issue must show whether we arc willing to sanction the acts of a party, reckless in power and regardless of the interests, of the people, The event wall determine' whether thy d rk spirit of Loco neolant must sink its poisonous fangs deeper into the vitals of our still beloved country, and crush what little civil liberty may yet remain amongst us ; or whether that par% alining incubus shall be shaken otr, and the dazzling . rays of the sun of liberty be agatepermitte'd to rest upon this unfor tunate land. The contest is not for me:t —it is the contest of principle—and it behooves every man, friendly to the great interests we advccate, to east wade all personal predilections fur individuals pre sented before them as candidates, and go heart and has I fir tho3e who will sup port silt estA. in Congress, this district has been mis t...presented for many years: the persons whom we have sent to represent us there, have turned a paracidal arm against our most vital interests ; and with a blinded . party zeal, have assisted to carry meas ures at variance with our prosperity. They have assisted to DESTROY the, currency of our coun/ry. They assisted in DISFRANCHISING the sovereign state of New Jersey, and in saddling upon the people, against their will, THE ODI OUS SUBTHEASURY. They NEW SEE) to aid the distribution of the pro ceeds of public lands amongst the States entitled, whereby we would have ben a ble to defray our immense state debt, and had a fund left the interest of which, alone, would be sufficient to school every child within our Commonwealth. They have refused to give their support th a bill cal culated to protect our manufacturers teem the competition of foreig ners, with out reduction of the wages of the laborer. The have, itnpliedly, given their consent to the REDUCTION OF WAGES, They have assisted in squandering the People'; money, o the tune of millions, in decora ting the Presidet,t's palace, in splendour surpassing the REGAL courts of Europe. They have, implied ly, given their consent to the passage of, he "Standing army hill" so "highly" recommended by the Presi dent in his last message, whereV thou sands of our citizens would I,e forced in to the performance of military duty, in time of place, at the will of a proud and ambitious President. I Not satisfied with the support of these great principles, by the representatives, at variance with the wishes of the people, the party descend to smaller and less important matters--and when our pres ent representative Mr. MCullough chew ed a little independence of spirit, in re fusing to lend his aid in favor of James IL Porter, an old Federalist, at Wash', ington, he was, by the influence of the Governor and the intrigue of the STATE OFFICERS, defeated in a re-nomination, and a man, who will be a more PLIANT TOOL in their hands, placed before the people. Notwithstanding all these high handed movements, this would be pliant tool of their party, and his Loco Foco !:rethren, have the assurance to say they pest their hopes of his election on the vrerns he will get from the Democratic Harrison party of this district ! Yes, fellow citizens, he who is pledged to sup port the dark doctrines of Loco Focoism, which we, as DEMOCRATIC nurunrocaws, are striving to exterminate, is to be elec• ted by US !! ! Shall this be ? I speak to the friends of Harrison, in this county. Ile event of the election of Congressman in this district, may be determined by one co'e; and the majority in Congress at the next session, may turn upon one member. Is there a man desirous of a change, who ;s not willing to grant the material to ef fect that change / What change in the measures of the administration can liar ' rison affect if the majority in Congress be opposed to him 1 Fliend of the gallant Harrison, let no personal motive control your vote at the Congressional election;— give it to your crnwry—your country de mands it No ties of relationship—no bonds of personal friendship, are para mount to the claims of your beloved coon ; try. It is the bounden duty of every democrat to weigh this matter well in his • mind—the event (mullet he doubted—he will come up to the polls and cast his vote for JAMES IRVIN ; who is friendly to our interests and the interests of this dis, trict, ant is no pliant tool of any party. Any other course, by one of our party, at this dangerous crisis, would be utterly ab surd, end would be treason to the great cause of HARRISON AND Ruronm. at si lent rebuke should be given to t!: ,, impu : dent assurance maifested by the Loro Fu_ cos, in expecting the vote of the Harrison, democrats of this county, in support of one, who in every thing, will oppose the measures of Reform. A HARRISON DENIOCIIAT IiEaLTII.-11calth is that state of body and mind which renders mere existence a blessing; any thing short of this is disease, and is crowd by the accumulation of morbid humors in the blood, and other juices, by neglect of vegetable purging. The cure is very simple: open the natural th,ins of the body which nature has prof .ded for the car ryiog out of all its impurities, and health will be sure to follow. This can be accom plished witl:out any inronvenience, by the use of Dr. Brandreth's Vegetable Universal Pills, which are known by the experience of thousands, to perfectly cleanse the Llood from all foulness, remove every morbid af fection, and renovate weak and enfeebled constitutions to perft et health and vigor. Remember these Pills are not sold genu ine at any Drug store either in the city or country. Dr. B. Brandreth, No. 8 North Bth St Philadelphia, Pa. Purchase them in HUNTLIGDON, of TVAL ST E 1 ART, and only in the county, of agents published in another part of this paper. Remember every agent has a certificate of agency, dated within the last twelve ninths. If of an earlier date do not put chase. To Oafs• Creditors. Take notice, that we have applied to the Judges of the court of common Pleas . of illuntingdon county fur the benefit of the laws of this commonwealth made for the relief of Insolvent debtors; and the nail court has appointed the 52nd Monday (9th day) of November neat, for the hear-' ing of us and our creditors, at the court house in the borough of linntingdon, when and where you may attend if you ace proper. William Hackenberry David Baird. RO CKD.I.LE FOUJI'D RI . Tile subscribers would respectfully in form the citizens of Huntingdon and the adjoining counties that they have repair. ed, and newly fitted up the Rockdale Foundry, on Clover creek, two miles from Wl liamsherfr, whcre they arc now prepared to execute all orders in th...ir line, of the best mat,rial and workmanship and with promptness and despatch. They will keep constantly on hawl,, Stoves of every (Ike ription, such as Cook' in. 4, Ten Plate, Parlor, Coal and wood stoves; Ploughs, anvils, car rings, ham mers bed plates, hollow ware, and every kind of castings necessary for forges, mills. or machinery of any diseription ,ssgon boxes of all descriptions &c. which ran be had on ;;uot.l terms as they can be had at any other foundry in the county or State Remember the Rockdale Foul: dry. S IMUEL R. STEEVENS, Dee, 15.-1839 IS'l' of Letters renanining in the I ) * OA Office et Alexandria, on theist Oct ; 1840. Albright, Jacksen Ezekiel Justice of the Peace Baker Jacob of the Borough of Brown Daniel Alexandria. Canan John keys Gt orge O. Charlton J. S. Dr. al Campbell Patrick Maguire James Molson Samuel Davis John Murphy Thomas Dickey Joseph Piper John 2 Everet .41cl:lder 2 Proudfet Richard Engle Mrs. Pinkney Bertine Peterman Daniel Fox Charles rS Fleming Rebecca A Snyder Samuel Fisher Catherine Snyder Eliz'tli Miss G Sister Michael Gemmel] John Garland Masts Thornton Henry Gregory Jolts Gahagan John Wilson Hiram- - • II Wilson Ellen Harvey Mary M. Y Hewit John Young Gea. B. Esq. Young Sarah Mrs. Z- - - Zi gl a r Barney - - CHARLES PORTER, P. M. A lekandria, Oct. 1, 1840. 7 St._ LIST of Letters remaining in the Post Office at Huntingdon, which if not taken up and the postage paid, will be sent to to the General Post Office as dead letters, in three months from this date. A li Anderson Gen. Sam. Kerr James la Keyser Sebastian Baker John S Kaylor Daniel Bateman Rebecca Kent Mariah Brcwnsliwig Mc ses L Burnett CherleS Lovell Henry, Esq. Buckwalter Daniel or Isaac Atkins Blanchard Jno Esq 2 L•ilin John Bolinger Michael Laguai d John Brown John 2 Load. 11 enry Barr Samuel S. Lott Robert U Loud', Nancy (' resswell J. V. E.q. L L u ee tz Ji c l a u t t herine C)leman Peter Cameron Juts IS Cake Isaac M'Cain James Cameron Catherine M'Neal Jonathan D Murphy Henry Davis C. L. N Davis John Newberry James Decker Henrietta P 1 PI owman Hczekiah Entracan Mr., Sur- Pennock Joel veyor General of Parmenter S. 0. Hunt ingdon Co. Pierce ‘Vm. A. Eshleman Abraham Patton William )Jilin William R F Rub. Samuel a 3 Fish Samuel Ruwery John Franks Theo. Esq. s G Sheeter Samuel Gorsuch Stephen • Stattler Lcolv Gratz Simon Storer Challis 2 Griffith Philip IV Grave Sam,' Teets George II Thompson Abra'm Henry S. F. W Hager Adana Williamson Jane liewii Joh n Williams Wm. Esq. J Williams Isaac Johnston James Jr. Jackson J. M. . I. DORL \ND, P. M, October 7, 1840. PUBLIC SALE, WILL be sold, on the premi, ses, on Tuesday, November 24, 18- 40, .1 FIRST R.ITE FaIR.II, Belonging to the es , ate >f Philip Roller, de ceased, situated in Morris township, Hunt ingdon county, one mile from the Pennsyl vania canal, adj Ming lands of Geo. Davis, John Davis, It nj. Sproikle, David Tussey, and others—c,aitaining 253 Acres of good Lime- slonc Land— One hundred and eighty acres cleared, and. under good knee-15 acres or mot(' of ex cellent meadow—a large apple orchard— and all well watered. There is erected thereon, a good house, a large frame bank barn, and other necessary buildings. There is a fountain pump near the house, and a good well of water. Any person wishing to see the property, ran call on either of the subscribers, or D. Hewit, on the premises. The terms will be made known on the day of sale by Joseph Roller Joshua Roller: Exec'rs. October 7, 1840. WAKEIIE7 CIURVITOII42o AKE Notice, that I, Abra ham Cornelius, have applied to the court of Common Pleas of Miffin county, for the benefit of the insolvent laws of this com monwealth, and the said cuurs have appoin ted the FIRST MONDAY IN NOVEMBER next, tier the hearing of me and my creditors, at the court house in the Borough of Lewistown when and where you m.ty attend if you think pri•per. A braham Cornelius. October r, 1840. AUDITORS' NOTICE. MAKE notice that the undersigned, Au ditors, appoi•.ted by the court of Com mon Pleas of Huntingdoncounty, to distrib ute the monies arising from a sale of the es tate of Mathias Ripple, dee'd, to and among the respective claimants will meet tar that purpose, at the house of John M'Connell, in Huntingdon, on Friday, 30th October, lost. at ten o'clock, A. M when and wi.ere all persons interested may attend. WILLIAM DORRIS, THOMAS FISHER, AutPrs. DANIEL AFRICA, Hunting n, Oct. 7, 1840. 4 lr----- - DEDICATION The"new Methodist Episcopal Church, lately erected at Chi!cotes town, Huti tingtiun county, will be dedicated to th, worship of Almighty God, o Salvrdup the 141 h. of November next. Service to commence at 10 o'clock it. the forenoon of said day. All friends of Zion's cause, both Preach era aid People are respectfully invited to attend. By the Trustees, !'STOVE & TH E her respectfullyl informs th üblic, that he still conno tes the above business, ;it the °oiier o ttet square,•imMt hcuse formerly cc by A. Cannon, where he always has on A general assortment of good tin ware, which to will sell cheap at wholesale or retail.— House spouting will be put cm at the short est notice. Ile also has on hand a general assortment of sheet iron ware, stove pipe, ileums, dripping pans, coal scuttles, etc.— lie has also a general assortment of of hol low ware, every size of pots, - mash and tea kettles, and oval boilers Of stoves he has a great variety, of all sizes—wood cooking stoves, and coal stoves, with sheet iron tops, all of handsome patterns, and of stmenor quality of casting, and are finished with tin •or copper, and in finish are not inferior to a'tv in the 'County. All orders will be punctually attenled to, ! I Red thankfully received. Every article, cheap for cash. He hopes by punctuality, and careful at tention to business, to merit a good share of public patronage. WILLIAM B. ZIGLER. Huntingdon, Oct. 7, 1840. 23 1 71\"TINGIDON FEMALE SEMINARY, THIS Institution is now opened un• der the direction of Miss Levautia L. Phillips, whose recommendations are highly reputable. The number of Pupils already admitted is nearly as large as can be instructed conveniently by one teacher. The Institution is incorporated by act of the Legislature, and provision is made, in part, for payment of the salary of one teacher, or more if the number of. pupils should be such as to require an assistant. It be expected that applicants for admission are sufficiently acquainted with the rudiments of the English language, to enter on the study of Grammar, Geogra phy, (Szc.• no others will be received. The following branches, in addition to the common course of studies, will be taught in the Seminary, viz: the French language, Drawing, Mathematics, Chem istry, Botary, Astronomy, Rhetorick History, Natural and Mental Philosophy The price of tuition for the presen quarter is two dollars and fifty cents ; the additional sum of fifty cents, to be paid by each pupil in advance, is required to defray incidental expenses. If ally fur ther sAm should he. wanted for that put , pose due Notice thereof will be given.— Application for ad mission must in all ca ses be made to the.offieers of the Hoard, who will submit the same to the Trustees of the Institution for examination and de. cision. It is desired that pupils enter at the commencement of a quarter, or as, soon afterwards as practicable. Ar W. OR BISON, President of the B9Ord, Wm. Donuts, Secretary. Sept. 16, 1843. TAILORING PETER CPROUnEE, ES PEC FFULLY informs the citi• zens of the Borough of Hendrik; don, and all others who wish to have their work done in a durable and workmanlike manner, that he continues the TAILORING BUSINESS • in his old stand, opposite the Post Office, and two doors west of James Saxton's Store in Market street, where, being, in the receipt of the fashions, quarterly from New fork and Philadelphia, he will be much pleased to attend to all orders in his , line, and execute the same with prompt-1 ness and despatch. J une 17, 1840.—1 y. ADM INISTRA TORS NOTICE• All persons knowin4 themselves in debted to the Eestate of Wm. Steel, Esq. late of the borough of Huntingdon decd are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned; and all those having claims against said estate, are requested to present them properly authenticated for settlement. STEEL JAS ENTRIKEN, Esq, Mtn rs Hunt. 22, July 1840. Executors' Notice. ALL persons indebted to the estate of John Logan, late of Cromwell township, Huntingdon county, are re• C uested to make - immediate payment; and all those having claims against said estate' will please present them properly anthems Cleated fur settrement to the undersigned JOHN B. LORAN, DA .J. ULOA N. Ex " August 26, 1840. L. A, BUNKER, & 78 SOUTH WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA FLOUR FACTORS. & ;I IL AD PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Adoanecs made on Consignmen't of Pro dune. Goods for the interior, to be forwarded ia title water rand, will be received and itipt to an air.ent !Lyre de Grace, in a ~ gular line of rtrlcrts. August 12, 1840.—Sm.•p. Job Printing AEA 7' D EXTEDITIOU SLY DONE .97' THIS OFFICE NOTICE . To Assessors. THE Assessors of the SI , er.il town ships within the cwin!‘ of Hunt ingdon, will take notice tl.,t Monday, The sth day of Oeloscr next, is the day appointed by law, for returnin : l into the Commissioners' office, tate duly certified copy of the list of names . cad surnames of the white freemen and quA itied voters, residing within their respec live townships; au exact copy of which' list it is matte their duty to retain and hand over, without alteration or addition, to one of the inspectors of the election of their proper election district, on or before 8 of the clock, on the morning of the gen eral election. The attention of the as. sessors to this matter, is requested. PETER SW OOPE, JAMES MOORE, Com'rs. JOSHUA ROLLER, Huntingdon, Sept. 16, 1840. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. In pursuance of an order of the 0 rplian court of Huntingdon county, will be expo sed to public sale on the premises, on Sat urday the third day of October next at one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, "All that certain tract, piece, or parcel of land situate in West township in said county, adjoining lands ot Wm Foster, John Stewart John Hall and others, containing 100 acresl more or less, about 20 acres cleared, theon erected a (CABIN HOUSE, CABIN BARN & sTA BLE, late the estate of Joseph Cornprobst deccas ed. Terms of sale, one half of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of the sqle and the residue in one year thereafter with interest, to be secured by the bond and moil gage of the purchaser, attendance will be given by HENRY Cd`RNPROBST, Ad By the Court, mr. JOHN REED, Clerk. Hunt. Sept 9, 1840. CETIFICA'rES OF AGENCY FOR THE SALE OF Brattbretit'o Vegetable Vnlberoal Vito, Are held by the following agents, in their respective counties. Hun:ingdon County. NVni. Stewart, Huntingdon. John Swoope, IlicConnellsbur Blair & Madden, Nhirleysburg. Hartman, Smith 4' Love, Manor Bill. S. Miles Green & Co. Barree Purge. It. Lowra, Hollidaysburg. D. H. Moore, Frankstown. A. Patterson, ff illiamsburg. Thomas Owen A. Son, Hirminstwsn. Mifflin County. l iJohn A. Sterrell , Lewistown. NV in. Hardy, // uynesburg. 0. M. McVey, Newton Hamilton. Examine the date of the certificates of agency. If more than twelve months, do nut purchase—there is doubt. I Sept. 9, 1840. OTT,AIt' Xa.aximo, - 4-, 4 -1 AME to the iii ....... ilLi residence of ' 4l : ll a . ' the subscriber, liv• Z7 ; ,.` "•-`- - . tig in Barree tp., !_""`"' about the 40th of August, 7'llo DARK BAY MARES. One supposed to be 5 or 6 years old, the other eight or ten. • The oldest has a lit• tle white mark on the fore head--no othet marks discernible. The owner will please to prove property, pay charges. and take them away, or they will be sold accordini to law. HENRY LEE. September 9, 1840. ZEIRA,EL Gadtprzus VLUSM.73, ALEXANDRIA, HUNTINGDON COUNTY. M. ES PECTFULLY informs the AM Zeus of Alexandria and the county generally, that he is prepared to attend to putting up ROUSE SPOUTING. as cheap as any other person in that town. Let those who wish to ascertain the truth call on the suscriber. ISR tEL GRAFFIU3. Alexander, Sept. 9, 1840. SIXCENTS AND AN OLD BROKEN RASP e se a to 11 ! AN away fi ow the sub , ; t bCriberjiVing in Spring. field township; Huntingdon county, on the 18th of July. 1840, JOSEPH Dl7lll- an indented apprentice to the Blacksmitl; business. Said Joseph ,was between twenty and twenty-one years, of age, about live feet eight inches high. Had on when he ran away, a beaverteen, roundabout, blue waistcoat, and striped, pantaloons, and a broad brinied wool hat.. 'le bus lost two fore teeth. The above reward but no chargos paid to any person who will deliver the alifiv e runaway to STEPHEN 1.,1%;!, Sept. 2,1540.-31. p. CAUTION ALL persons are hereby cactioned against purchasing or roeciling a Due Bill, tor 40 dollars, drawn by ;Samu el Egnew in favor at Thomas Oat•iis,,ss the undersigned rec,i% v.! value therefor, and is determined not to pay it, unless compellal !iv law. SASILT,I4 EGNENV. , ugust t 8 19, r - w - S7ll3py• AD:GI:RNLI) riler.u.k:\s 7' N pursuance I nc . plans' C't.:.: t f 1., rt ,;.e N ! iIl be expo:, : I to ,hle Itt. ;t rn Le r dir tnt.c ry i I p t n Monday ectoLer it: 1 ill the intere , t of SaII/1101 ICi tun, dec•'J• in the following described real rslate, said intereet barb , the urd,vidtd Vila tt.ercol, viz: "A curtain messuage, tenement, and tiiiet of land, containing Fifty AcrcE, • more or less, situs•e un Share creek in Franklin township in said county, tidjuiti ing lands or Richard Junes on the Lorth east, laud of C. Wigton on the cast, cc TUSScy'S mountain on the south, with a forge, known by the name of 17? A Mti 7.1 N PO RG E, the nvcesaary number of small housec for the accommodation of workmen, a large two story log mansion house, and about twenty-eight acres (the balance being mountain land) cleared thereon." sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. M. on said day. TERMS OF SALE--one half orthe ipurchase money to be paid on confirma tion of the sale, and the residue within one year thereafter, with interest; to be so cured by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser. By the. Court, John Reed, Cll A ttentlanc.?. wd be given by John S. Isett, Trustee. September 2, 1840. GARRET M'QUILLEN If Garret 11I'Quillen, who is presumed to be an old man, and supposed to reside some where in the upper end of this coon ty, will call at my office, with proof of his identity, he will receive information of value to him. DAVID BLAI A Hunt. Sept. 9, 1840.. oz - I'he Hollidaysburg papers will please copy this notice. Executor's Notice. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of Win Luveall, late of Toil town ship, Huntingdon comity, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment; and those having claims against said estate are requested to present them properly authenticated for settlement. Caleb Greenland, Ex't August 26,1_840. liaruaranuitd — Trcnch Burr Stone hi ANIMA C CY. THE subscribe,• respectfully informs the Millers and 111illwrights, and the bade in general, that he still continues to manufazture FRENCH BURR MILL STONES, in Harrisburg, where he keeps constant ly on hand a guoi assortment of French Bur Blocks of a very superior quality, which he is prepared to manufacture to order, on favorable terms, and cheaper than the same quality of French Burls can be had at any other place in the U. States, and will warrant them equal in i quality to any that can be made in Amer The subscriber il I, if desired, deliver Burrs at any given point along the Canals or Railroads; at his own risk. Orders by mail will meet the same prompt attentention as if personal appli cation is made. li . ..II.KEPNRE. August 5, 1840--Gin WORMS! WORMS!! SUPERIOR. Vermifuge Syrup. This preparation is confidently recom mended to the public, as an eflectual re medy for expelling and destroying worms. It has been extensively used for some time and has never failed to give relief triers worms have been present ; andin many cases where all other medieir.es have fail ed, this medicine has given immediate re lief. It is - preferable to all other medi cines, on account of the mildness of its operation, being ea.y to administer, re• quiring but few and small doses, and at tended by no bail consequences. This 'highly valuable medicine is a sate and sure remedy for expelling all wioms, to Illicit natty of the must respectable certificates eau be obtained. It is unnecessary to give any further detail splits goodness, as a lair trial will prove i:s eflicacy. Preferred aml sold holesal., and retail at the Drug, Chetnici.l and Fancy store of •I'homas Read, which is tinder ti c ,up, t. tutendence of Dr. Jacob Pitilitucc. lluntingdon, Jut) 6,1640.-3 t. IVSON Comml •7, ; IIL Sztii - ii's t• C., kis i% 1, ~K, 1 to the mill, rs am', • r 11. renerally, ill,. t. ~• ,t kLL tiirouph LI,A; t..t: , 111 I , 1.41;10.11111'MS CliSignnll:lll, h ii interests being I' , n lolowledge of to him hiros,ll co !teal!, Neff Esq , A 1 exa hdriu , A. Put. lersqn E. 11 . g, Kemp an '1 Canninzlinta llnll.idaysburg , .1. M11.1.11:1. IN, wr.• Jul) 29, I'3 t0..3t • I t unts