The journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1839-1843, September 02, 1840, Image 4

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    itifAra - 11,1LE FOUXDRI.
:riber3 would remedially in
of iluntio.dou and thy
tthrieA that they have repair•
lv fitted up the
Rockdale Foundry,
o:• cleat, two miles from Wl
;:;',lv,, where they are now prepared
t , ,
it utters in their line, of the
zinct workmanship and with
p-wap , .nes, lad despatch.
, viii keep constantly on hand,
Star :2 every discription, such as Cook
in;, term Plate, Parlor, Coal and wood
stoves; Plon4hs, anvils, car rings, ham•
mere net plates,hAlow ware, and every
kind of castiti2;4 necessary for forges,
mills, or niaOtinery of any discription
wagon bores of all descriptions &c. which
can be hail on .33 good taints as they can
be had at ;toy other foundry in the county
or State Remember the Rockdale Faun
Dec. 23
We consider it a duty to call public atten
tendon to this admirable preperation for i
Pulmonary Diseases— Especially Coughs
Colds,Consamptions, Spitting blood, Asth
ma, roncial Affections, Huopin Cough,&
It is used and very highly approved by perl
sons of the first respectability, but we fee
confident in saying that a trial of its efficacy
will be its best reccommenclation.
of New York), in a letter to Dr. Jayne da
ed New Y Jrk, Decembe.r. 1836. says:—
He was laboring under a severe cold, cough
and hoarseness, and that his - difficulty o
breathing was so great that he felt himsel
In imminent danger of immendiate suffoca
Lion, but was perfectly cured by using the
Delks, of Salem, N.J.
was cured of Asthma of twenty years stand
ing, by
_using two bottles of this medicine
Mrs. Ward, also of Salem, was cured of the
same complaint by one bottle. Ayoungla
dy, also of Salem, who was believed by her
friewl . to be for gone with consumption wa
perfectly restored by three bottles.—Dr.
Hamilton of St. James, South Carolina, was
greatly affected by a cough, hoarseness and
soreness of the lungs, and on using a bottle of
this medicine found permanent relief.
Mr. Nicholas Harris, sen., one of the Dea
cons of the First Baptist Church in this city,
has been perfectly cured by it—after having
suffered for sixty years with Cough, Asth
ma, and Spitting of Blood, which no remedy
before could relieve.
• -
Tile Rev. C. C. P.. Crosby, wriles as fol
New York, June 15,1838.
To Dr. Jane:—Dear Sir,—l have made
use of your Expectorant, personally and in
my gamily for the last six years, with great
benefit. Indeed I may consider my life pro
longed by the use of this valuable medicine,
under the blessing of God, for several years.
I may say almost as much in the:case of my
wife, and also of the Rev. Mr. Tonsoo, of,
he Island of Jamaica . Poi all cases of cough,'
ntimAtion of the chest, flings, and throat, I
o must unhesitatingly recommend this as the
est medicine I have ever tried. My earnest
wish is, th it others afflicted as I have been,
may experience the same relief,i_which I am
persuaded they will by using your Expects
The following Certificate is from a practi
sing .Pnvszcisli and a much respected
Clerz,vman of the Methodist society—da
ted Modest Town, Va. Au ) :pist 27, 1838.
Dr. I taxa, Dear Sir:—[ have been using
dour Expectorant extensively in my practice
'.he last three innes.hs, and fnr all attacks
of C:ilds, Coughs, Inflamation of the Lungs,
Conso , nption, Asthma, Pains and weakness
of the Breast, it is decidedly the best medi
cine I have ever tried.
Very respectfully yours,
Dr. Jayne's Office is No. 20 South Third
'met. Philadelphia, where all orders will
b- pcnnipt.y attended tn.
Y0',1,t130 by .1.4C013 MILLER, agent
Irmitticylan, Pa.—Price el.
Located on the Pennsylvania Canal,
near Alexrntlria, Huntingdon county Pa
These works are now in active opera•
tion, manufacturing every variety of mal
leable Iron such as
Boiler Skeet, Flue and Tank
Round And Square.
AU made wit of the best J uniata Blooms
%rid at the must favorable rates of the mar
ket. _ .
The following are the sizes of the bar
Iron. viz' 4 inches, 5
2, 11--.l}-11 and scollop; Horse shoe
Bars. and carriage Tire, and all sizes of
Round Bat s.
Manufactured from the Bar.--Warranted
All •rders from a distance punctual
ly attended to.
Samuel Hatfield
Alerandr;a , Maniingdon Cu. Pa. I
Dec. 26, 1839.-1 y.
How many sufferers do we daily behold
afflicted with that common and distressin g
disease! Do we not find that almost every
persPn or friend we meet with complains of
a bad H,D or a distressing COUGH? We
als• find in assemblies of all kinds that there
is a continual coughing, by which welirrevive
that th ari is one halt of the human family
afflicted with that troublesome disease. it
those sufferers would only make a trial of
Dr Swayne's Syrup or wild cherry
they would soon hod iii,mselyes relieved,
nd by continuing the use of the same for a
few days, it will effect a permanent cure.
Hundreds can testify to thin fact, as in the
short space of two months, !upwards of five
hundred bottles have begin sold.
flTeiyrup for sale at Jacob Miller's start
Huntingdlou Pa,
111111. Swavne's Compound Sgrup of pr
murette of l'irginiona or wild (limp
syrup is highly beneficial in all pectu
ul affections; also. in diseases of the chest
in which the lungs do not perform their
'proper office from want of due nervous
energy: such as isthmus, pulmonary con
stnupt ion, recent or chronic coughs, hoarse
less, whooping con;li, wheezing and dif
ficulty of breathimx, crogp and spitting of
dowl, 4'c. flow many sufferers do we ,
gaily behold approaclisig to an untimely
grave, wrested in the bloom of youth from
'heir dear relatives and friends, afflicted
with that common and destructive rava
4er, called consumption, which soon wasts
the miserable sufferer until they become
heyond the power of human skill; it such
;offerers would cnly make a trial of Dr.
Swayne's invaluable medicine, they would
40011 find themselves bcnefitted; than by
gulphing the various ineffective certain
remedies of which our newspapers daily
abound. This syrup immediately begins
to heal the ulcerated lungs, stopping pro
!'use night sweats, mititigating the thstres
aing cough at the same time inducing a
healthy and natural expectoration, also re
lieving the shortness of breath and pain
iu the chest, which harrasa the sufferer on
the slightest exercise, and finally the hec—
.tie flash in the pallid and emaciated cheek
will soon begin to vanish, and the sufferer
will here peceive himself snatched from a
premature grave, into the enjoyment again
of comfortable health.
For sale at Jacob Miller's store Hunt
FHB public are hereby informed, that
JACOB MILLER has been appointed agent]
'for Huntingdon county, for the sale of Dr,,
Evans' Camomile and family aperient pills,
:where all those that need medicine, can be,
'supplied as be intends always to have a sup
ply unhand.
IFE AND HEALTH,—Persons whose
QM nerves have been injured by Calomile,
or excessive grief, great loss of blood, the sup
pression of accustomed discharges or cuta
neous, intemperate habits, or other causes
which tend to relax and enervate the ner-1
eons system, will find a friend to soothe and
comfort them, in EVANS' CAMOMILE
PILLS. Those afflicted with Epilepsy or
Falling Sickness, Palsy, Serious Apoplexy,
and organic affections of the heart, Nausea,
Vomiting, pains in the side, breast, limbs,
head, stomac.ii or back, will find themselves
mmediately relieved, by using)
DR. EVANS does not pretend to say that
his medicine will cure all diseases that flesh
and blood are heir ' but he does says that
in all Debilitated and Impaired Constitutions
—in Nervous diseases of all kinds, particular
ly of the DIGESTIVE ORGANS, and in
Incipient Consumption, whether of the lungs
ur liver, they will cure. That dreadful dis
ease, CONSUMPTION, might have been
checked in its commencement, and disap
pointed its prey all over the land, if the first
symptoms of Nervous Debility had been
counteracted by the CAMOMILE FLOW
ER chemically prepared ;together with many
other diseases, where other remedies have
proved fatal.
How many persons do we daily find tortu
red with that dreadful disease, SICK
HEADACHE, If they would only make
trial of this invaluable medicine, they would
perceive that life is a pleasure and not a
source of misery and abhorrence. In conclu
sion I would warn nervous persons against
the abstraction of BLOOD, either by leech
es, ...upping, or the employment of the lancet.
Drastic purgatives in delicate habits are al
most equally improper. Those are prac
tices too often resorted tc in such cases, but
they seldom fail to prove 'highly . injurious.
Certificates of cures are daily received which
add sufficient testimony of the great efficacy
ifthis invaluable medicine, in relieving af
flicted mankind. The above medicine is for
sale at Jacob Miller's store, Huntingdon.
Ten years standing, cured by the use cf
Dr Harlich's Compound Strengthening and
German Aperient Pills.
Mrs Sarah Buyer, wife of William Boyer,
North Fourth Street above Callowhill,
Philadelphia, entirely cured of the above
listressing disease. Her symptoms were,
mbitual costiveness of the bowels, total loss
if appetite, excruciating pain in the side,
stomach and back, depression of spirits, ex-
Teme debility, could not lie on symptoms in-
Heating great derangement in the functions
the liver. Mrs. Boyer was attended by
,everal of the first Physicians, but received
gut little relief from their medicine—at last,
t friend of hers procured t. package of Dr.
.iarlich's Strengthening and German Ape
'..ient Pills, which, by the use of one package,'
nduced her to continue with the medicine,
:Ouch resulsed in effecting a permanent cure
)eyond the expectations of her friends.
Principal Office for this Medicine is at No
3 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia.
Also for sale at the store of Jacob Miller,
is agent for Huntingdon county.
Cured by Dr. Harlick's Celebrated Medi
--- Mr. Win Morrison, of Schuylkill Sixth
Street, Philidelphia, afflicted for several
years with the above distressing disease--
S'ckness at the stomach, headache, palpita
tion of the heart, impaired • ppetite, acrid
eructations, coldness and weakness of the ex
tremities emaciation end general debility,
disturbed rest, a pressure and weight at the
stomach after eating, severe flying pains
in the chest, back and sides, costiveness, a
dislike for society or conversation, languorand lassituee upon the least occasion. Mr.
Morrison had applied to the most eminent
physicians, who considered it beyond the
power of human skill to restore him to health
however, as his afflictions had reduced him
to a deplorable condition, having been in
duced by a friend of his to try Dr Harlich's
Medicins, as they being highly recommen
ded, by which he procured two package, he
found bina,elf greatly relieved, and by con
' tinning the use of them the disease entirely
disappeared—he is now enjoying all the bles
sings of perfect health.
Principal Office, 19 North Eight Street,
[Ve have just received a fresh 'apply ofl
DR. JAS 1 'IRS' )
More than seven millions of boxes of these
celebrated pills have been sold in the Uni
ted States since January 1835.
Hundreds and thousands bless the day
they bee. me acquainted with Peters' Vege
table Pills, which, in consequence of their cx
traordinary goodness, have attained a popu
larity unprecident in the history of medicine
W hen taken according to the directions
accompanyingthem, they are highly benefi
cial in the prevention and cure of Billions
Fever; Fever and Ague; dyspepsia, Liver
Complaints, Sick-head-ache, Jaundice, Asth
ma, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Enlargement o
the „Spleen, Plies, Colic, Female obstru c
tion, Heartburn, Furred Tongue, Nausea,
Distension of the Stomach and Bowels, In
cipient Diarrhea, Flatulence, Habitual Cons
tiveness Loss of Appetite, Blotched or Sal
low Complexion, and in all cases of Torper
of the Bowels; where a cathartic or an .pe
ration is needed. They are exceedingly
mild in their operation, producing neither
nausea, griping, nor debility.
Extract of a letter written by D r. Fran
cis Bogart, of Providence, R. 1. Dec. 17,
MS.—Peters' pills are an excellent ape
rient and cathartic medicine, those effects
Leing produced by the differences of the
quantity taken, and and are decided! ; su
perior to Lee's, Brandreth's or Morri
son's Pil!s.
Extract from a letter by Dr Hopson 0
Bangor, 111 e. Jan. 9, 1839. They area
peculiarly mild, yet efficient purgative
inediaine, and produce little, of any grip
ing, or nausea. 1 have prescribed them
with much success in sick headache an
right billions fever.
Extract of a letter by Dr Joseph Willi
anis of Burlington, Vt. July 9, 1837.—1
cordially recommend Peters' Pills as a
mildly effective, and in no case dangerous,
family medicine. They are peculiarly in
costivenenss and all the usual diseases of
the digestive organs.
_ _
EKti:act of a letter from Dr Edw. Smith
of Montreal, U. C. Sept 27, 1836—[ nev
er knew a single patent iredicine that 1
could put the least confidence in but Dr
Peters Vegetable Pills, which are really a,
valuable discovery. I have no hesitation
in having it known that 1 use them enten
'sively in my practice, for all complaints,
(and they are not a few) which have their'
source in the impurity of the blood.
Extract of a letter from Dr. Dye o'
Quebec, L. C., March 6, 1837. For bil
Irons fe v ers, sick head-ache, torpidity of
the bowels, and enlargement of the spleen
Dr. Peters' Pills are an excellent medi
Exiract of a letter from Dr. Gurney . N
Orleans, La., Oct. 9, 1837; I have receiv
ed much assistance in my practice; espe
cially in jaudice and yellow fever, from
the use of Peters' Pills. I presume that,
on an average, 1 prescribe 100 boxes in a
Extract If a letter from Dr. Prichard of
Hudson N. Y. June 3, 1836; I was aware
that Dr. Peters' was one of the best diem
ists in the U. States, and felt assured that ,
he would some day (from his intin ate
knowledge of the properties of herbs and
drugs) produce an efficient medicine, and
l must acknowledge that his Vegetable
Pills fully respond to my expectations.
They are indeed a superior medicine, and
reflect credit alike upon the lehemist, the
Physician, and Philosoper.
_ _
Extract of a letter fiotn Dr. \Vains of
Cininnati, Feb, 2, 1.1358; your Fills are
the mildest in their operations, and yet
most powerful in their effecst, of any that
I have. There action on the chyle, and
hence on the impurities of the blood is ev
dently very surprising.
Extract of a letter from Dr• Scott of
Baltfinore, Dec. 17, 1836;1 am in the daily
habit of prescribing them (Peters' Pills)
and they in nearly all cases answer my
purposes. I have directed other medi
cines, some of them very good ones, in
their favor.
Charlotte, N.C., June, 1, 1837
. _
Dear Sir: I have frequent use of your
Pills in the incipient stage of bilious level
and obstinate consumstion of the bowels,
or, in the enlargement of the spleen,
shronic disease of the liver, sick head-ache )
general debility, arid in all cases have
found them to be very effective. J 1) Boyd,
Mecklenburg Co, Va. Feb. 7, 1837. 1
Having used Dr. Peters' Pills in my !prac
ticer the last 1$ months, I take pleas
urein givin my testimoy of their good ef
, fects of cases of dyspepsia, sick headache
'billions ferers, and other diseases, produ
ced by inactivity of the liver. They are
a sate and mild aperient, being the best ar
tide of the kind 1 ever used.
G. C. Slott M. D
These Valuable Pills are for sale by
JAcos MILLER- Hutingdon,
HENRY N N.FF —Alexandria
1, EVAN 'FUSSES Etco.—Sliinfernville,
ConturoN & Goon—Canoe Creek:
Wtn HI/NOM !It &let% —Holticioyebtrig.
0z".7 - The article published below con
cerning the new and popular doctrine ad
vanced by the illustrious Goelicke of Ger
m, v, cannot fail of exciting a deep and
'brining interest throughout our coun
ITranslated from the German.]
Citizens of Xorth and South '
To Louis OrFoN GOELICKE, M. o
Germany, [Europe] belongs the imper
ishable honor of adding a new and precious
doctrine to the Sciences of Medicine—a
doctrine which, though vehemently op•
posed by many of the faculty, (of which
he is a valuable member,) he proves to be
as well founded intruth as any doctrine of
Holy Writ—a doctrine upon the variety
of which are suspended the lives of mil
lions of our race, and which he boldly
challenges his opposers to refute, viz:
Consumption is a disease always occa
sioned by a disordered state of Via Vitce
(or life principle) of the human body: of
ten secretly lurking in the system for years
before Olen is the least complaint of the
Lungs—and which may be as certainly
though not so quickly, cured as a com
mon cold or a simple headache. An in
precious doctrine this, as it im
parts an important lesson to the apparently
health of both sexes, teaching them that
this insidious foe may !)e an unobserved
inmate of their "clayey houses" even
while they imagine themselves secure
from its attacks, teaching them that the,
great seeret in the art of preserving health
is to pluck out the disease while in the
, blade, and not wale till the full grown
• ear.
This illustrious benefactor of man is al-1
so entitled to your unfeigned gratitude,
and the gratitude of a world, for the in.
Yention of his matchless sanative,—whose
healing fiat may justly claim for it such a
title, since it has so signally triumphed
(medicine which has thoroughly filled the
vacuum in the Meteria Medica, and there
by proved itself the Conqueror of Physi
cians—a medicine, for which all mankind j
will have abundant cause to bless the
beneficient hand nf 2. kind Providence,--a
medicine, whose wondrous virtues have
been so glowingly poi tray e;1 even by some
of our clergy, in their pastora; visits to
the sick chamber; by which means they
often become the happy instruments Of
changing despondency into hope, sicknes s
nto health, and sadness of friends int
medicine of more value to man than the
vast mines of Austria, or even the united
treasures of our glohe.—a medicine, which
is obtained equally from the vegetable,
animal and mineral kingdoms, and thus
possesses a three fold power,—a medicine,
which though designed as a remedy for
consumption solely, is possessed of a mys•
terious influence over many diseases of
the human system,--a medicine, which
begins to be valued by Physicians, m
are daily witnessing its astonishinw '
cut •
of many whom they had resigned to
grasp of the Insatiable Grave
DOSE of the Sanative, for adults, of
drop; for children a halt drop; and
infants, a quarter drop; the directions ex
plaing the manner of taking a half or a
quarter drop.
PRI Ca—Three and one third rix dol
lars* (12,50) per HALP WINCE.
*A German coin, value 75 cents,
A certificate from three members of
Germany, in Europe.
We the undersigned, practitioners of
medicine in Germany' are well aware
that, by our course, we may forfeit
the friendship of some of the faculty, but
not of its benevolent members, who are
uninfluenced by selfish motives. Though
we shall refrain from an expression of
our opinion, either of the soundness or
unsoundness of Dr. Goelicke's new doc
trine, we are happy to say that we deem
his Sanativ too valuable not to be general
ly known—for what our eyes beheld and
our ears hear, we must believe.
We hereby state, that when Dr. Louis
Offon Goelicke first came before the Ger
man public, as the pretended discoverer
of a new doctrine and a new medicine, we
held him in the highest contempt, believ-I
ing and openly pronouncing him to be a
base imposter and the prince of quacks.
But, on hearing so much said about the
Sanative, against it and for it, we were
induced, from motives of curiosity mere
ly, to make trial of its reputed virtues,
upon a number of our most hopeless pa
tients; and we now deem it our bounden
duty (even at the expense of our self in
terest) publickly to acknowledge its effi
:acy in curing not only consumption
Jut otherfearful maladies, which we hay,
heretofor ebelived to be incurable. 0
attcempt for the discoverer of this tried
tine was at once swallowed up in our ut,'
;er astonishment at these unexpected re'
salts; and, as amends for our abuse of him.
wed° tinkly waves to tht world , that
we beiieve him a philanthropist who does
honor to the profession, and to our coon
tr.x„which gave him birth.
'The recent adoption or this medicine in•
to some of our European hospitals is e
sufficient guaranty that it performs all its
promises: It need not our testi moy, foi
wherever it is used it is its own best wit
Germany, December 10, 1836.
The above precious medicine (the orig
inal discovery of Dr. /40U1S 0. GOEL
ICKE, of Germany,) is for sale, wholesale
mud retail, by,
. -
AGENT FOR Mill ( retb.
Agent lor Corry Run.
Agent fur Colrain Forges.
Huntingdon County, Pa.
made use of this invaluable Syrup in my fain
ily, which entirely cured my child. The
symptoms were Wheezing and choking of
Flegm. difficulty of Breathing. attended
with constant cough, Spasms, Convulsions,
&c. of which I sad given up all hopes of its
recrvery, until I was advised to make trial
of this invaluable medicine. After seeing
the wonderful effects it had upon my child,
I concluded to make the same trial upon my
self, which entirely relieved me of a cough
that I was afflicted with for many years
Any persons wishing to see me can call at
my house in Beach street. above the marked
Kensington, Phila.
Jomy WILLcox
OBSERVE—The only place where this med
eine can be obtained, is at Jacob Miller's
store Huntingdon.
BL 00 D
Cured By
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 16,1838
Mr. Atkinson—Dear Sir:
, A few weeks ago I noticed in your paper,
lan account of the surprising effects of Jayne's
Carminative, in restoring a great number of
passengers on board of a Mississippi steam
boat to perfect health, who were affected by
violent Bowel Complaint• I was glad to see
you notic it so kindly; you may rest assured
it deserves the praise bestowed upon it.
The benefit I have veceived from his medi—
cine, more especially his EXPECTORANT
induces me to state my case to you, for the
benefit of those who are afflicted in the same
way. It has been my misfortune, sir, to las
hor under a Cough and Asthmatical oppre
t;!nn. for, more than half a century. When
a soidier in she American Camp, in 1778, I,
with many othei3, (owing to great expo
s,) had
y ad
h v i i c o h len l t
w at a t s ac d h is o a f ei d e i d sea ff s o e m of au th t, e ,
fur along time. Since that period, until
recently, I have never been free from a vio
lent cough and difficulty of breathing. Year
after year, I have expectorated over a gill a
day. Often much more, and sometimcs mix
ed with blond. For months together, night
after night, I have had to sit or be bolster
red up to obtain my breath. The weakness
and debility caused by such constant expec
toration, frequently brought me to a state
bordering on death. It has been a matter
of astonishment to my family and frie.als,
that lam here to write this to you. I have
had skillful physicians to attend me, and ev
ery thing dose that was thought likely to
give me relief, without any beneficial effect.
Last winter I had another very severe at
tack of inflamation of the lungs, which I ful
ly expected would be the last. I then con
sidered my case as past the aid of medicine.
Wher I was persuaded , to call ;,in Doctor
Jayne—with the assistance of Divine Provi
dence, througn him 1 was once more raised
from my bed: but the cough and wheezing
wearied me day and night. He advised me
to use his Expectorant. I did so, with a
strong hope, that, as it had cured many of
•my acquaintances of various diseases of the
lungs, It might, at least miti gate my suffer
ings. Need I say how satisfied I feel—
As soon as I commence 1 taking it, I found it
reached my case, and I began to breathe
with more freedom. My expectoration be
came easy, and my cough entirely left me.
I now feel as well as I ever did in my life,
and better than I have been for th z last six
years. Last summer I snit a great deal of
blood; now thank God I :on perfectly cured.
, Now sir, after suffering so long, and finding
at last, such signal relief from Doctor Jaynes
Expectorant, ffecl anxiousto inform my
fellow citizens where relict* may be had. If
you think this worth a place in your paper,
you will oblige me by ',miring it.
No, 35 Lombard street.
The above valuable medicine may he had
wholesale and retail !at Jayne's Drug and
Chemical Store, No, 20, South Third street
Philadelphia. Price 81.
Sold, also, by JACOB MILLER, Agent
, Huntingdon Pa.
This is to certify that I received a severe
bruise in my shoulder, by a fall from a tree.
Medical aid, and every thing I could hear of
being tried, I tried for a long time, but all
failed. lat length used one bottle of Ry
man's Rheumatic Nepenthe, which restored
the flesh and strength to the shoulder and
arm, and perfectly cured me.
Huntingdon Furnace, Pa.
The above, with many other certificates,
go to establish the fact, that Ryivan's Rheu
matic Nepenthe is one of the best Linaments
before the public. Not only for Rheumatism
but for sprains, bruhles, pains of the back,
sore-throat, croup, mumps, frost-bites, scalds,
and in fact for every thing a liniment may
be wanted for; and not a family should be
without it. It may be had of the following
agents in untim don county. Jacob Miller,
Huntingdon; A. & N. Cresswell, Petersburg
H. Neff, Alexandria; H. B. Mytinger, Wa
ter Street; Jacob Snyder, Hollidaysburg;
M'Namara & Royer, Duncansville, R. M'-
Namara, Newry ; A. Stephens, Warriors
Mark ; J. Shoenherger, //untingdon Fur
nace; John Isett, Spruce reek; John Blair,
Shade Gap; John Brewster, Shirleysburg; J.
Milliken & Co., Mill Greek; S. F. Green,
llarree Farge; Johli 11,:ffman, A Ilenville:
William Bailey, Baileyseille,
MPreh 4, 1840,-8 mu.
The public are hereby directed to the mo:
lical advertisements of Dr. HA RLICH'S
TENT PILLS, which are a Medicine o.
4reat value to the afflicted, discovered br
D. P. HA 12 LICH, a celebrated physicians:
Altdorf, - Germany, which has been used wit
unparalleled success throughout German: ,
Phis Medicine consists of two kinds, vv:
the C ERMAN APERIENT, and 01)
SIC PILLS. They are each put up 1.1
,small packs, and should both be used to
effect a permanent cure. Those who are
afflicted weuld do well to make a trial of tli
invaluable Medicine, us they never proclia:
sickness or nausea while using. A safe t
effectual remedy for
and all Stomach Complaints; pain in tl:.1
Appetite, Flatulency, Palpitation of Oa
Heart, General Debility, Nervous Irri'r,bi•
lily, SICK FIEADACHE, Female
am, Spasmodic Affections, RH EUMAI
Asthinas , CONSUMPTION . &c. The
cleanse toe stomach and purify the BLOOD
are to STRENGTHEN and Invigoiate the
nerves and digestive organs and give tone to
the Stomach, as all diseases originate fry m
impurities of the BLOOD and disordered
Stomach. This mode of treating diseases is
pursued by all practical PHYSICIANS,
which experience has taught them to be the
only remedy to effect a cure. They are net
only recommended and prescribed by the
most experienced Physicians in their drily
practice, but also taken by those gentlemen
themselves whenever they feel the symp
toms of those diseases, in which they know
them to be efficacious. This is the case in
all large cities in which they have an ex
ensive sale. It is not to be understood that
these medicines will cure all diseases mere
by purifying the blood—this they will not
do; but they certainly will, and sufficient
authority of daily proofs asserting that those
medicines, taken as recommended by the di
rections which accompany them, will curs a
great majority of diseases of the stanaCh,
lungs and liver, by which impurities of the
blood are occasioned.
rt.. Ask for nit. Harettca's COMPOUND
Principal Office for the sale of this
Medicine, is at No. 19 North EIGHTH
Street, Philadelphia.
Also—For sale at the Store of lAColl Mit-
LER, in the Borough of Huntingdon, PL,
who is agent for Huntingdon county.
MINE subscrhers respectfully tli
friends and the public in genera!, that
they have irt received, at 'the old stand of
H and C. ; ewineham, in Market ,cptare,
in the borough of Hunntingdan, a fresh sup•
ply of
.4PR1.1 G .10171 S U. 71.11111,
coteensware • Groceries,
traN BA
: 11111,KPE
All of which will bs sold for cash, or vow
try produce, at very reduced prices'.
117-The public are invited to call and tnt
May 15, 1840,
Dr. 0. P. Harlich's Compound Strength
fling Tonic, and German Aperrient Pills.
Th.te pills remove all those distressing dis
eases which Females are liable to be;affiic
ted with. They remove those morbid sec
retions which when retained, soon induce a
r umber of diseases and oftentimes render
eniales unhappy and miserable all their
Ives. Thos.: pills used acco.iding to direr,
ions, create a new and healthy
ction throughout tl?t , whole system by /turf
yiug the blood, and g;ving strength to the
stomach and bowels, at the :Name time re
lieving the pain in the side, back, and Wing,
giving appetite and invigorating, the systrm
tgain to its proper functions and restoring.
ranquel repose.
GINIANA, or WILD Centex: '1 his is de
cidedly one of the best remedies for Coughs
and Colds now in use: it allays irritat:oo of
the Lungs, loisens the cough, causiug the
plegm to raise free and easy; in Asthma-
Pulmonary Consumption,
Recent or Chron
ic Coughs, Wheezing & Choking of Phlegm
Hoarseness, Difficulty of breathing, Croup,
npitting of Blood, &c. This Syrup is wet -
wilted to effect a permanent cure, it takes
nncording to directions which accompany the
nttles. For sale only at Jacob Miller's store.
Those who enjoy Health, must certainly
feel blessed when they compare thcmselvet
to those sufferers that have been afflicted for
years with various diseases which the human
family are all subject to be troubled with.—
Diseases present themselves in various forms
and from various circumstances, which, in
the commencement, may all be checked by
the use of Dr. 0. P. Harlich's Compound
Strengthening and German Aperient Pills,
—such as Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints.
Pain in the Side, Rheumatism, General De
bility, Female Diseases, and all Diseases to
which human ff nature is subject, where th
Stomach is a ected. Directions for using
these Medicines always accompany them.
These Medicines cast be taken wit h . perfect
safety by the most delicate Female, as they
ire mild in their operation and pleasant in
their effects.
Principal bffice for the United States, No.
19 North Eighth Stret , Philadelphia.
Also for sale at the store of Jacob Iht Hier,
Ituntiogdon, Pa.