JU 1 TA I!i(.)N • ‘V 0 RK S, Lncitteil on the Penns ► lvania Canal near Alexi inlria, county Pa These Wl/118 are now in active over, ti,m, manufacturing every variety of nial 1 Iron such us Bailer Sheet, Elite and Tank Iron, Btlt IRON OF ALL SIZES Round And Square. All wade out of the best Juniata Bloom lied at the most favorable rates of the mar ket. The following are the sizes of the bar Iron. viz: 4 inches. 5 31-3-24 2, 11--14-I.j and scollop; Horse shoc Bars. and carriage Tire, and all sizes of Round Bats. OAR AXLES Manufactured from the Bar--Warranted All •rders from a distance punctual ly attended to. Samuel Hatfield Alerandria, Huntingdon Co. Pa. eti, 1839.-1 y. VERY IMP n TANT TO FARMERS. The Subscribers offer offer for sale their improved celebrated Thrashing-Ma chines, at their Shops in Huntingdon and Lewistown. By application, made by mail or otherwise to John Switzer, Hun tingdon--or Arthur B. Lung, Lewistown, farmers can be accommodated on the most reasonable terms. Fur running easy, doing the work well, and for durability; they defy the State of Pennsylvania to ex ceed them. Those who wish it, can have a straw carrier attached to their Machine, which will be ,a great advantage in thrash-, ing, one hand less will be required to take away the straw, and the caving much inure easily performed. By an agreemen with the Patentee's, we have the Exclu sire Privilege at building and selling, _in the county's of Perry Junintta, ltlif Huntingdon and part of Cambria. If runners, will consult their own Interest, and keep free from trouble—they will beVtre of baying :Thames, of any kind, with the Strap passing under the Horses feet unless made and sold by us, as thr Pattent Laws, will be Strictly enk?rce.l. A. B. LOSIG,Bt. Co June, 4,1839.—Y R. Sv:ayne's Compound Syrup of pr ALP /sus of Virginiann or wild Cherry This syrup is highly beneficial in all pecto, ral affections; also, in diseases of the chest its which the lungs do not perform their proper office from want of due nervous energy: such as asthmas, pulmonary con sumptkon, recent or chronic coughs, hoarse near, whooping cough, wheezing and dif ficulty of breathing, croup and spitting of blood, 4.c. How many sufferers do we ally behold approaching to an untimely 'grave, wrested in the bloom of youth from slick dear relatives and friends, afflicted with that common and destructive rava ger, called cossumption, which soon warts the miserable sufferer until they become beyond the power of human skill; it such sufferers would cnly make a trial of Dr. Swavne's invaluable medicine, they would soon . find themselves benefitted; than by gulphing the various ineffective certain remedies of which our newspapers daily abound. This syrup immediately begins to heal the ulcerated lungs, stopping pro fuse night sweats, mititigating the distres sing cough at the same time inducing a healthy and natural expectoration, also re lieving the shortness of breath and pain in the chest, which barrage the sufferer on the slightest exercise, and finally the her. tic flash in the pallid and emaciated cheek will soon begin to vanish, and the sufferer wilt here peceive himself snatched from a premature grave, into the enjoyment again of comfortable health. For sale at Jacob Miller's store Hunt Coughs and Colds. How many sufferers do we daily behold afflicted with that common and distressing disease! Do we not find that almost every person or friend we meet with complains of a bad COLD or a distressing COUGH? We ; also find in assemblies of all kinds that there :s a continual coughing, by which we perceive t hat there is one halt of the human family filleted with that troul)lesoMe disease. If t hose sufferers would .only make a trial of Dr Swayne's Syrup or wild cherry they would soon find themselves relieved, lid by continuing the use of the same for a few days, it will effect a permanent cure. Hundreds can testify to this fact, as in the short space of two months, 'upwards of five hundred bottles have been sold. The syrup for sale at Jacob Millet's storr Huntingdon Pa. '0 Nlarkesmen THOMAS DO UGL ASS. Olin AsnitiO. Ernitespectftigly informs his frtends. and the public, g enerally . that he still continues the l above b - usinnss in M'CONNELL'FOWN. ).nd is prepared to manufacture all kind guns or pistols, or to make any necessas try repairs ; upon any article of the kind. If careful attention will merit success, he hopes t,n secure the patronage of the sharp shoo- Apr, of this county. Any orders left with hoc a +As willlle punetusl' y attended to, e m Noybrefter a, 311. s i"f) ar,.; :O Ihe article published lielow ecu• turuing the new and popular troctilde •;.liNturions Guelicke ul tier TIIE Subicriber respectfidlv de.-1) and public, that h e 1, . • • • • cur: er of marloq s•i f 7 Y 0rrui,; , .,1 es .1 I CAOI ‘_/N where he has on hvc: • oral tisortineni of (00D ;Ts; 11, , will sell cheap at e I.ule sale er retail. House spouting will he pat on at the shortest notice. lle also has on hantl a general assortment of Sheet Iron %c are, stove pipe, Drums, Dripping'pans, Coal Scuttles etc. Ile has also a general as sortment of HOLLOW-WARE, every size of Pots, . 71 / a shi Kettles. teakettles, and oval butlers. Of STOVES lie has a great variety—of all sizes of wood cook ing stoves, and coal stoves with Sheet Iron tops, all of handsome patterns, and of superior quality of casting, and are lin , ished with tin or copper, and in finish are not inferior to any in the county. All orders will be punctuallj• attended to, and thankfully received. Every ar• tick cheap for cash. He hopes by punctuality, and careful attention to business, to merrit a good share of Public Patronage. WILLI Of B. ZIGLER. Ituntingtion June 19, 1939.-1 Y. To the Public. rI-IE public are hereby informed, that JACOB MILLER has been appointed agent. for Huntingdon county, for the sale of Dr, Evans' Camomile and family aperient pills, where all those that need medicine, can be supplied as he intends always to have a sup ply unhand. Ilk IFE AND HEALTH,—Persons whose ,4 6 1. nerves have been injured by Calomile, or excessive grief, great loss of blood, the sup pression of accustomed discharges or cuts aeons, intemperate habits, or other causes which tend to relax and enervate the ner vous system, will find a friend to soothe and comfort them, in EVANS' CAMOMILE PILLS. Those afflicted with Epilepsy or Falling Sickness, Palsy,Serious Apoplexy, l and organic affections o the heart, Nausea, Vomiting, pains in the side, breast, limbs, head, stomach or hack, will find themselves mmediately relieved, by using) EVANS' CAMOMILE • •ND APERIENT PILLS'. DR. EVANS does not pretend to say that his medicine will cure all diseases that flesh and blood are heir to, but he does says that in all Debilitated and Impaired Constitutions —in Nervous diseases of all kinds, particular ly of the DIGESTIVE ORGANS, and in Incipient Consumption, whether of the lungs or liver, they will cure. That dreadful dis ease, CONSUMPTION, might have been checked in its commencement, and disap pointed its prey all over the land, if the first symptoms of 'Nervous Debility had been counteracted by the CAMOMILE FLOW ER chemically prepared ;together with many other diseases, where other remedies have proved fatal. How many persons do we daily find tortu red with that dreadful disease, SICK HEADACHE, If they would only make trial of this invaluable medicine, they would perceive that life is a pleasure and not a cource of misery and abhorrence. In conch* shin I would warn nervous persons against the abstraction of BLOOD, either by leech es, tupping,7or the employment i.f'the lancet. Drastic purgatives in delicate habits are al most equally impr.per. Those are prac tices to, often resorted tc in such cases, bait they seldom fail to prove highly injunoes. Certificates of cures are daily received w bleb add sufficient testimony of the gr , :ttt dily.acV . . if this invalu.tlilc in" relieving flicted mankind. l'he above inedicine is for sale at Jacob Miller's store, Huntingdon. trtNTERES'I ING CURE P ERFOR -44 MED BY Da. SWAYNE'S COM— POUND SYRUP OF PRUNES; VIRGIN lANA, OR WILD CHERRY. Having made use of this invaluable Syrup i I my fam ily, which entirely cured my child. The symptoms were Wheezing and choking of Flegm. difficulty of Breathing. attended with constant cough, Spasms, Convulsions, &c. of which I sad given up all hopes of its recrver', until I was advised to make trial of this invaluable medicine. After seeing the wonderful effects it had upon my child, I concluded to make the same trial upon my self, which entirely relieved me of a cough that I was afflicted with for many years Any persons wishing to see me can call at my house in Beach street. above the marked Kensington, Phila. JOHN WILLCOX ODSERVE—The only place where this mg) tine can be obtained, is at Jacob Miller's store Huntingdon. ROCKDaL E FOUMDRI . The subscribers would respectfully in form the citizens of Huntingdon and the adjoining counties that they have repair• ed, and newly fitted up the Rockdale Foundry, on Clover creek, two miles from Wil. iamsburg, where they are now prepared to execute all orders in their line, of the best materials and workmanship and with ' promptness and despatch. They will keep constantly on hand, Stoves of every description, such as Cook ing, Ten Plate, Parlor, Coal and wood stoves; Ploughs, anvils, car rings, ham. mers bed plates, hollow ware, and every kind of casting.; necessary for forges, mills, or machinery of any discription wagon boxes of all descriptions arc. which can be had on as good terms as they can be had at any other foundry in the county or State Remember the Rockdale Foun dry. SAMUEL R. STEEVENS, Dec. 25. 839 JKORUS JIIULTICJULIS Persons desireous of growing silk, will do well by calling on the subscriber, and procureing a supply of the above trees at ten cents per tree, for two feet and up wards. Wm WALKER. Petaiburs Runt. co. Arch 18 , 1804 [Tmnaletd frfnn the German.] LOUIS OVFON GOELICUE, OF M.:HM.INY, Tiff 7; (: :u.l 'ET OE IW. OW BEA 11 7 .1 C 1 ORS. Citizens of Xorth and South daterica, To Louts OFFON GOELICXZ, M. D., ° Germany, [Europe] belongs the imper ishable honor of adding a nervaod precious doctrine to the Sciences of Medicine—a' doctrine which, though vehemently op- posed by many of the faculty, (of which 1 1 he is.a valuable member,) he proves to be y as well founded intruth as any doctrine of Holy Writ—a doctrine upon the variety' of which are suspended the lives of mil lions of our race, and which he boldly challenges his opposers to refute, viz: Consumption is a disease always occa• sioned by a disordered state of Vis Vitcc (or life principle) of the human body: of. ten secretly lurking in the system for years : before I , iert is the least complaint of the Lungs—and which may be as certainly, though not so quickly, cured as a corn-' , coon cold or a simple headache. An in- . valuably precious doctrine this, as it im parts an important lesson to the apparently health of both sexes, teaching them that . this insidious foe may be an unobserved ' 1 inmate of their "clayey houses" even' while they imagine themselves secure from its attacks, teaching them that the great secret in the art of preserving health is to pluck out the disease while in the blade, and not wale till the full grown ear. This illustrious benefactor of man is al so entitled to your unfeigned gratitude, and the gratitude of a world, fur the in• vention of his matchless sanative,—whose healing fiat may justly claim for it such a title, since it has so signally triumphed medicine which has thoroughly filled the vacuum in the Meteria Medics, and there by proved itself the Conqueror of Physi cians—a medicine, for which all mankind will have abundant cause to bless the beneficient hand of a kind Providence,- —a medicine, whose wondrous virtues have) been so ,glowingly poi trayed even by some of our clergy, in their pastoral visits to the sick chamber; by which means they often become the happy instruments of! changing despondency into hope, sickness' nto health, and sadness of friends int o lyfuness. GOEL/CKEIS. MATCHLUS SANA TIVE, medicine of more value to man than the vast mines of Austria, or even the united treasures of our globe,—a medicine, which is obtained equally from the vegetable, animal and mineral kingdoms, and thus possesses a three-fold power,—a medicine. which thoegh desiu lied as a remedy for COII,O pt solely, is possessed of a mys terious influence over many diseases of the human system,--a medicine, which begins to be valued by Physicians, yi are daily witnessing its astonishing cut of many whom they had resigned to I grasp of the hualiuble Grave Dose of the Sanative, for adults, w drop; for children a half drop; and infants, a quarter drop; the directions ex • plaing the manner of taking a half or a quarter drop. Pal cr.—Three and one third rix Lars* ($2,50) per HA:SOMME. =men *A German coin, value 75 cents. A certificate from three members of the MEDICAL PROFESSION in Germany, in Europe. We the undersigned, practitioners of medicine in Germany' are well aware that, by our course, we may forfeit the friendship of some of the faculty, but not of its benevolent members, who are uninfluenced by selfish motives. Though we shall refrain from an expression of our opinion, either of the soundness or unsoundness of Dr. Goelicke's new doc trine, we are happy to say that we deem his Sanativ too valuable not to be general ly known—for what our eyes behold and our ears hear, we must believe. We hereby state, that when Dr. Louis Offen Goelicke first came before the Ger man public, as the pretended discoverer of a new doctrine and a new medicine, we held him in the highest contempt, believ ing and openly pronauncing him to be a base imposter and the prince of quacks. But, on hearing so much said about the Sanative, against it and for it, we were induced, from motives of curiosity mere ly, to make trial of its reputed virtues, upon a number of our most hopeless pa tients; and we now deem it our bounden duty (even at the expense of our self in terest) publickly to acknowledge its efli 7.acy in curing not only consumption Jut otherfearful maladies, which we bay' heretofor ebelived to be incurable. 0 attcempt for the discoverer of this med cine was at once swallowed up in our ut ler astonishment at these unexpected re salts; and, as amends for our abuse of him we do frank!) , confelis to the world, that 'k believe hitn a philanthropist who doe moor to the proression, and to nor coati rv, which;rave him birth. The recent adoption of this medicine in o , otne of our European hospitals is r_tiaratity li n t it performs all its ppromint , !: tlejd not our testimoy, tip wherever it is used it is its own best wit ETSIULLEII, NI. I). 11 I,TEII VAN GAULT, M. I) ADOLPHUS 1% ERNEII, M. D. Germany, December 10, 1830. The above precious medicine (the on discovery of Dr. hOU IS 0. GOEL ft:KB, ul Germany,) is for sale, wholesale and retail, by, - _ L. G. KESSLER AcEprir Fox Mill / reek. JAMES ENTRIKEN, Jr Agent for Wry Run. Agent for Colrain Forges. D. STEWART. Huntingdon County, Pa, COUGh, ASTHMA 3ND SPITTING 131. 00 D Cured By JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 16, 1838 iMr. Atkinson—Dear Sir: A few weeks ago I noticed in your paper, an account of the surprising effects of Jayne's Carminative, in restoring a great number of passengers on board of a h o Mississippi steam boat to perfect health, w were affected by violent Bowel Complaiiit • I was glad to set you notic it so kindly; you may rest assured it deserves the praise bestowed upon it. The benefit 1 have received from his medi— cine, more especially his EXPECTORANT induces me to state my case to you. for the benefit of those who are afflicted in the same way. It has been my misfortune, sir, to las bar under a Cough and Asthmatical oppre sion, for more than half a century. %V hen a soldier in the American Camp, in 1778, I, with many others, (owing to great expo sure,) had a violent attack of disease of the lungs, by which I was disacled from duty for along time. Since that period, until recently, I have never been free from a vio lent cough and difficulty of breathing. Year after year, I have expectorated over a gill a day. Often much more, and sometimes mix ed with blood. For months together, night after night, I have had to sit or be bolster red up to obtain my breath. The weakness and debility caused by such constant expec toration, frequently brought me to a state borderins on death. It has been a matter of astonishment to my family and frie.ids, that lam here to write this to you. I have had skillful physicians to attend me, and ev ery thing done that was thought likely to give me relief, without any beneficial effect. Last winter I had another very seveee at tack of inflamation of the lungs, which I ful ly expected would be the last. I then con sidered my case as past the aid of medicine. When I was persuaded to call On Doctor Jayne—with the assistance of Divine Provi dence, througn him I was once more raised from my bed: but the cough and wheezing wearied me day and night. He advised neet to use his Expectorant. I did so, with a strong hope, that, as it had cured many of my acquaintances of various diseases of the lungs, it might, at least miti sate my suffer imp. Need I say how satisfied I feel— lIAS EFFECTUALLY CURED ME As soon as I commenced taking it, I found it reached my case, sad I began to breathe with more freedom. My expectoration be came easy, and my cough entirely left me. I now feel as well as I ever did in my life, and better than 1 have been for thz last six- years. Last summer I shit a great deal of blood; now thank God I am perfectly cured. Now sir, after suffering so lung, and fading tt last, such signal relief from Doctor Jaynes Expectorant, :1 ifeel anxious to inform my fellow citizens where relief may be had. If you think this worth a place in your paper, you will oblige me by noticing it. NICHOLAS HARRIS, Sen. No. 35 Lombard street. The above valuable medicine may be had wholesale and retail -at Jayne's Drug and Chemical Store, No. 20, South Third street Philat'elphia. Price 1,1. Sold, also, by TACOB MILLER, Agen Huntingdon Pa. LIVER COMPL A 12 1 ,2", Ten years standing, cured by the use of l)r Harlich's Compound Strengthening and German Aperient Pills. Mrs Sarah Boyer, wife of William Boyer, Niorth Fourth Street above C'allowhill, ehiladelphia, entirely cured of the above listressing disease. Her symptoms were, tabitual costiveness of the bowels, total loss if appetite, excruciating pain in the side, totnach anti back, depression of spirits, ex reme debility, could not lie on symptoms in- Ilcatin4 great derangement in the functions f the liver. Mrs. Boyer was attended by •everal oldie first Physicians, but received iut little relief from their medicine—at last, t friend of hers procured a package of Dr. larlich's Strengthening and German Ape lent Pills, which, by the use of one package, nduced her to continue with the medicine, vitichresnised in effecting a permanent cure ieyond the expectations of her friends. Principal Office for this Medicine is at No North Eighth Street, Philadelphia. Also for sale at the store of Jacob Miller, is agent for Huntingdon county. • DYSPEPSIA AND 111? °CHUN DItIAISM, Cured by Dr. Harlick's Celebrated Medi tines, Mr. Wm Morrison, of Schuylkill Sixth Street, Philidelphia, afflicted fur several years with the above distressing disease— Sck ness at the stomach, headache, palpita tion of the heart, impaired r ppetite , acrid eructations, coldness and weakness of the ex tremities, emaciation end general debility, disturbed rest, a pressure and weight at the stomach after eating, severe flying pains in the chest, back and sides, costiveness, a dislike for society or conversation, languor and lassituee upon the least occasion. Mr. Morrison had applied to the most eminent physicians, who considered it beyond the , power of human skill to restore him to health, however, as his afflictions had reduced him to a deplorable condition, having been in duced by a friend of his to try Dr Harlich's B4edicins, as they being highly recommen ded, by which he procured two package, he found himself greatly relieved, and by con tinuing the use of them the disease entirely disappeared—he is now enjoying all the bles sings of perfect health. Principal Office, 19 North Eight Street,' Philadelphia. GREAT ARRIVAL FROM NEW YORK --i We have just received a fresh supply of I Dn. JAS. P PET RS' CELEBRATED VEGETABLE ANTI BILIOUS PILLS. ' More than seven millions of boxes of these celebrated pills have been sold in the Uni-' ted States since January 1835. Hundreds and thousands bless the day, they beta me acquainted with Peters' VegtH table Pills, which, in consequence their ex, traordinary goodness, have attained a popu-' laeity unprecident in the history of medicine' "%A hen taken according to the directions' acconipacyingthem, they are highly henefi • cial in the !prevention and cure of Billions Fever; Fever and Ague; dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Sick-head-ache, Jaundice, Asth ma, Dropsy, Rheumatism, 'Enlargement o the 4 Spleen, Piles, Colic, Female Obstru c tint,, Heartburn, Furred Tongue, Nausea, Distension of the Stomach and Bowels, In cip!ent Diarrhea, Flatulence, Habitual Cons tiveness Loss of Appetite, Blotched or Sal low Complexion, and in all cases of Torper of the Bowels; where a cathartic or an i.pe ration is needed. They ate exceedingly mild in their operation, producing neither nausea, griping, nor debility. Extract of a letter written by Dr. Fran cis Bogart, of Providence, R. 1. Dec. 17, Ism—Peters' pills are an excellent ape rient and cathartic medicine, those effects Leing produced by the differences of the quantity taken, and and are decidedly su perior to Lee's, Brandreth's or Morri son's Pills. Extract from a letter by Dr Hopson of Bangor, Me. Jan. 9, 1839. They are a peculiarly mild, yet efficient purgative medicine, and produce little, of any grip ing or nausea. I have prescribed them with much success in sick headache an right billious fever. Extract of a letter by Dr Joseph Willi arcs of Burlington, Vt. July 9, 1837.-1 cordially recommend Peters' Pills as a mildly effective, and in no case dangerous, family medicine. They are peculiarly in costivenenss and all the usual diseases of the digestive organs. Extract of a letter from Dr Edw. Smith of Montreal, U. C. Sept 27, 1836-1 nev er knew a single patent medicine that I could put the least confidence in but Dr Peters Vegetable Pills, which are really a valuable discovery. I have no hesitation in having it known that I use them enten sivelv in my practice, for all complaints, (and . they are not a few) which have their source in the impurity of the blood. Extract of a letter from Dr. Dye of Quebec, L. C., March '6, 1837'. For bil lions fevers, sick head-ache, torpidity of the bowels, and enlargement of the spleen Dr. Peters' Pills are an excellent medi cine. Exiract of a letter from Dr. Gurney N Orleans, La., Oct. 9,1837; I have receiv ed much assistance in vny practice; espe cially in jaudice and yellow fever, from the use of Peters' Pills. I presume that, on an average, I prescribe lOU boxes in a month. Extract of a letter from Dr. Prichard of iudson N.Y. June 3, 1836; 1 was aware „ . that Dr. Peters' was one of the best diem ists in the U. States, and felt assured that lie would smne day (from his intin ate knowledge of the properties of herbs and drugs) produce an efficient medicine, and I must acknowledge that his Vegetable Pills fully respond to my expectations. They are indeed a superior medicine, and reflect credit alike upon the (Chemist, the Physician, and Philosoper. Extract of a letter from Dr. Wains of, Cininnati, Feb, 2, 1838; your Fills are the mildest in their operations, and yet most powerful in their effecst, of any that I have. There action on the chyle, and hence on the impurities of the bloodis ev dently very surprising. Extract of a letter from Dr• Scott of Baltfinore, Dec. 17, 1836; I am in the daily habit of prescribing them (Peters' Pills) and they in nearly all cases answer my purposes. I have directed other medi cines, some of them very good ones, in their favor. Charlotte, N.C., June, 1, 1837 Dear Sir: I have frequent use of your Pills in the incipient stage of bilious fevet and obstinate consuinstion of the bowels, or, in the enlargement of the spleen, shronic disease of the liver, sick head-ache feneral debility, and in all cases have ound them to be very effective. J D Boyd Mecklenburg Co, Va. Feb. 7,' 1837. Having used Dr. Peters' Pills in ray !prac ticer the last 13 months, I take pleas urein givin my testimoy of their :good ef fects of cases of dyspepsia, sick headache billious ferers, and other diseases, produ ced by inactivity of the liver. They are a sale and mild aperient, being the bestar ticle of the kind I ever used. G. C. Shot! M. D These Valuable Pills are for sale by JACOB MILLER— Hutingdon, J &.J, MILLIKEN—MiII Creek. HENRY NEFF—Alexandria, HilastaN Tussay &co.—Shaferaville, J. Comoron & Gooo—Canoe Creek, Nypi Luau; OccoomEttsalicp)tburg. DR. JAY NZ'S EXP.ECTORAA7 We consider it a duty to call public inters tention to this admirable preperation f or Pulmonary Diseases— EspeeiaFl y c d , ugh , Colds, Consumptions, Slotting blood, Asth ma, Broncial ffectious, Hopping Cough,& It is used and very highly approved by pen sons of the first respectab ility, but we fee confident in saying that a trial of its effitacy will be its best reccommendation. DR. JONATHAN GOING, Pantos/ r or THE GRANT!LLE COLLEGE. Ohio (late of New York), in a letter to Dr. Jayne da. ed New York, December. 1836. says:— He was laboring under a severe cold, cough and hoarseness, and that his difficulty o breathing was so great that he felt hinnsel in imminent danger of onmendiate saffota tion, but was perfectly cured by using the Expectoront."—Mrs. Delks, ofSalens,N.4 was cured of Asthma of twenty yearsstand ' ing, by using two bottles of this medicine Mrs. Ward, also of Salem, was cured of the same complaint by one bottle. Armagh, dy, also of Salem, who was believed by her friends to be for gone with consumption sus perfectly restored by three bottles.—Dr: Hamilton of St. James, South Carolinabowas greatly affected by a cough, hoarseness and soreness of the lungs, and on using a bottleof this medicine found permanent relief. Mr. Nicholas Harris, sen., one of the Dea cons of the First Baptist Church in this city, has been perfectly cured by it—after having suffered for stxty years with Cough, Asth ma' and Spitting of Blood, which no remedy before could relieve. The Rev. C. C. P. Croskrnwrites adf o i Iowa: New York, June 15 ,1838. To Dr. Jayne:—Dear have made use of your Expectorant, personally and in my family for the last six years, with great benefit. Indeed I may consider my life pro longed by the use of this valuable medicine, under the blessing of God, for several year. I may say almost as much in the case of my wife, and also of the Rev. Mr. Tonsoa, of he Island of Jamaica. For all cases of cough, nfiamation of the chest, lungs, and throat, I o most unhesitatingly recommend this as the est medicine I have ever tried. My earnest wish is, that others afflicted as I have been, may exp erience thelsame relief, which! am pereua ed they will by using your Expecte amt. C. C. P. CROSBY. The following Certificate is from a practi sing PHYSICIAN and a much respected Clergyman of the Methodist society—da ted Modest Town, Va. Augnst 27, 1838, Dr. JAYNE, Dear have been using ,Sour Expectorant extensively in my practice for the last three months, and for all attacks of Colds, Coughs, halamation of the Lungs, Consumption, Asthma, Pains and weakness of the Breast, it is decidedly the best medi cine 1 have ever tried. Very respectfully yours, It. W. WILLIAMS. Dr. Jayne's Office is No. 20 South Third treet. Philadelphia, where all orders will le promptly attended to. Sold also by JACOB MILLER, agent, Huntingdon, Pa.—Price $l. Dr. Brandreth's, GENUINE VEGITABLE UNIVERSAL, PILLS. The following are the only authorized agents in Huntingdon county who have for sale, Dn. BIiANDRETH'S Genuine Tegi table Universal Pills. illiam Stewart, lin ntingiton. Robert Lowery, Hollidaysburg. A. Patterson, Williamsburg. Jam's Campbell, McConnellsville. J. H. Moore, Frankstown. Messrs. Thomas M. Owen d• Son, mingham. Messrs. Conifer 4- Johnson, Salsburgh. F. A. WILLIAstSON, Travelling Agent for Dr. Brandi. elk //u titingdon Oct. 16, 1639. fin. FURNITURE, ,1 ' 7) 11 0 r I I I 11111 111 0 I } FOR SALE. The subscriber residing on second street inthe Borough of Alexandria informs the public in general that lie has on bands a large and good assortment of all kinds of Furitiere, not inferior to any in the county, • which he will sell cheap fur Cash. GEO. WILSON. Alexandria, Sept. 25, 1839. Dissolution of PAItTNERSHIP. THE firm heretofore existing under the name of Steevens & Griffin. was di solved on the Ist January, 1840, t? 1 mutual consent. All persons interested in said firm, are requested to come forward fur immediate settlement. The books are Is the hands of Samuel R. Steevens. The business will hereafter be carried el by Samuel R. Steevens. Administrator's Notice. A LL persons knowing themseleee 211. indebted to the Estate of Henry Kuniece late of enderson t ownship , tinghon county, dec'd. are requested to make payment to the undersigned; Audi)! tlioso having claims against said estate, will present them propel ly authenticat ed for settlement. A shel Brown Administrator. March 11, 1840 Job Printing PONE Xl' 7711: OFFICE.