COUGh, ASTHMA.. 9 ND SPITTING BLOOD Cured By JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 16, 183 b Mr. Atkinson—Dear Sir: A few weeks ago I noticed in your paper. an account of the surprising effi.cts of Jayne': Carminative, in restoring a great number o passengers on board of a Mi•sissippi steam boat to perfect health, who were affected violent Bowel Complaint. 1 was glad to se. you node it so kindly; you may rest assure, it deserves the praise bestowed upon it. The benefit I have veceived from his medi cine, more especially his EXPECTORANI induces me to state my case to you. for benefit of those who are afflicted in the same way. It has been my misfortune, sir, to las bor under a Cough and Attliniatical oppre sion, for more than half a century. ‘l , hen a soldier in the American Camp, in 1778, 1, with many others, (owing to great expo ture,) had a violent attack of disease of the lungs, by which I was disaclecl from duty fir a long time. Since tha' period, until recently, I have never been free from a vio lent cough and difficulty of breathing. Year afier year, I have expectorated over a gill a day. Often much more, and sometimes mix ed with blood. For months together, night after night, I have had to sit or be bolster ed up to obtain my breath. The we, kness and debility caused by such constant expec toration, frequently brought me to a state bordering on death. It has been a matter of astonishment to my family and frie.ids, that lam here to write this to you. I have had skillful physicians to attend me, and ev cry thing done that was thought likely to give me relief, without any beneficial Effect. Last winter I had another very seveee at tack of infiamation of the lungs, which I ful ly expected would be the last. I then con sidered my case as past the aid of medicine. Wher I was persuaded 'to call S in Doctor Jayne—with the assistance of Divine Provi dence, througn him 1 was once more raised from my bed: but the cough and wheezing wearied me day and night. He advised me to use his Expectorant. I did so, with a strong hope, that, as it had cured many of my acquaintances of various diseases of the lungs, it might, at least mid cate my suffer• ings. Need I say how satisfied I feel— IT HAS EFFECTUALLY CURED ME As soon as I commenced taking it, I found it reached my case, sad I began to breathe with more freedom. My expectoration be came easy, and my cough entirely left me. 1 now feel as well as I ever did iii my life, and better than 1 have been for the last six years. Last summer I spit a great deal of blood; now thank God I am perfectly cured. Now sir, after suffering so long, and finding at last, such signal relief from Doctor Jaynes Expectorant, ~I ,feel anxious to inform my fellow citizens where relief may be had. If you think this worth a place in your paper, you will oblige me by noticing it. • MCHOLAS HARRIS, Sen. No. 3.5 Lombard street. The above valuable medicine may be had wholesale and retail at Jayne's Drug and Chemical Store, No. 20. South Third street Phdeelphia. Price 61. Sold, also, by TACOS MILLER, Agen Huntingdon Pa. FURNITURE, „;, , • ” ' ',lllioolllllllollklle' FOR SALE. The sul:scriber resid3ng on second street inthe Borough of Alexandria informs the public in general that he has on hands a large and good assortment of all kinds of Furniture, not inferior to any in the county,:which he will sell cheap for Cash. GEO. WILSON. Alexandria, Sept. 25, 1839. STORAGE, FORWARDING, AND Commission Business undersigned having erected a ' IL new and ,extensive warehouse, in the Public basin at Petersburg, are prep red to receive all kinds of grain or mer chandise; and upon the opening of the navigation. w ill have a convenient what erected. The following will be their rates of Storage. Merchandise per. 2000 ll,s 13 Smaller quantity 100 " Fish per barrel 8 Salt " 61 Flour " 4 Wheat per bushel 3 Rye dt Corn " 2f Oats 2 Commission as per agreement — WHARFA Blooms per ton (2240 lba) 25 Plaister 371 Pig Metal If 124 Bar Iron 2000 lbs 37# do stored 50 Weighing per ton 124 All charges to be paid before the remo val of the goods. All persons entrustiong their business into their hands, may feel confident that it shall be attended to with care and punctuality; and any goods directed to their care, shall be forwarded as pei order Steevens 4. Morrison. Petersburg, Hunt. co Pa. Jan. 1,1840.3 m $ll Reward. Lost on Sunday, the 16th inst. on the road leading from Huntingdon to the Yel low Springs, and between thetwo places. a silver case pair of Spectacles, i t ith con cave glasses. Whoever finds said spec tacles and leaves them at this office shall feceive the above reward. Huntingdon, Feb. 26, 1840. To the Public. rHE public are hereby informed, that JACOB MILLER has been appointed agent 'or Huntingdon county, for the sale at Dr, ;vans' Camomile and family aperient pills, whore all those that need medicine, can be applied as he intends always to have a sup- Ay on halal. IFE AND EIEALTIL—Persons whose ski nerves have been injured by Calomile, ir excessive j rice, great loss of blood, the sup' ittession of accustomed discharges or cuta terms, intemperate habits, or other causes , yhich tend to relax and enervate the tier-' vono system, will find a friend to soothe and! ..toodort them, ht EVANS' CAMOMILE PILLS. Those a ffl icted with Epilepsy or' Failing Sickness, Palsy, Serious Apoplexy, And organic affections of the heart, Nausea, Vomiting, pains in the side, breast, limhs,, head, stomach or back, will find themselves mmediately relieved, by using EVANS' CAMOMILE ""ND APERIENT PILLS: DR. EVANS does not pretend to s .y that his medicine will cure all diseases that flesh and blond are heir but lie does says that in all Debilitated and Impaired Constitutions —in Nervous diseases of all kinds, particular Iv of the DIGESTIVE ORGANS, and in Incipient Consumption, whether of the lungs or liver, they will cure. That dreadful dis ease, CONSUMPTION, might have been checked in its commencement, and &map ' pointed its prey all over the land, if the first symptoms of Nervous Debility had been counteracted by the CAMOMILE FLOW ER chemically prepared; together with many other diseases, where other remedies have proved fatal. How many persons do we daily find tortu red with that dreadful disease, SICK HEADACHE, If they would only make trial of ais invaluable medicine, they would perceive that life is a pleasure and not a cource of misery and abhorrence. In conclu slots I would warn nervous persons against the abstraction of BLOOD, either by leech en, euing,:or theemployment. of the I ancet. Drastic purgatives in delicate habits are al-1 most equally improper. Those Are prac-1 tices too often resorted to in such cases, but they seldom fail to prove highly injurious. Certificates of cures are daily received which add sufficient testimony of the great efficacy if this invaluable medicine, in relieving af flicted mankind. The above medicine is for sale at Jacob Miller's store, Huntingdon. STOP ES.IJID TLi ra • THE Subscriber respectfully informs the public, that he has removed his shop to the corner of Market Square, in the hence for merly occupied as a tavern, by Ales. CARMJN where he has on hand a gen eral assortment of GOOD TIN WARE, which he will sell cheap at whole sale or retail. House spouting will he put on at the shortest notice. He also has on hand a general assortment of Sheet Iron ware, Stove pipe, Drums, Dripping pans, Coal Scuttles etc. He has also a general as sortment of HOLLOW-WARE, every size of Pots, .Afashf Kettles. teakettles, and oval boilers. Of STOVES he has a 4reat variety—of all sizes of wood cook ing stoves, and coal stoves with Sheet Iron tops, all of handsome patterns, and of superior quality of casting, and are fin ished with tin or copper, and in finish are not inferior to any in the county. All orders will be punctually attended to, and thankfully received. Every ar ticle cheap for cash. He hopes by panctuality, and carelull attention to business, to merrit a good share of Public Patronage. WILLIAM B. ZIGLER, Huntingdon June 19, 1939.-1 Y. Coughs and Colds. How many sufferers do we daily behold afflicted with that common and distressing disease! Do we not find that almost every person or friend we meet with complains of a bad COLD or a distressing COUGH? We also find in assemblies of all kinds that there is a continual coughing, by which we.perceive that there is one halt of the human family afflicted with that troublesome disease. If those sufferers world only make a trial of Dr Swayne's Syrup or wild cherry they would soon find themselves relieved, and by continuing the use of the same for 'a few days, it will effect a' permanent cure. Hundreds can testify to this fact, as in the short space of two months, !upwards of five hundred bottles have been sold, The syrup for sale at Jacob Miller's storrl Huntingdon Pa. To Markesmen. THOMAS DOUGLASS. inn *mitt Respectfully informs his frtends. and the public, generally, that he still continues the above businnss to M'CONNELL T OWN. And is prepared to manufacture all kind of guns or pistols, or to make any necessas ry repairs upon any article of the kind. if careful attention will merit success, he hopes to secure the patronage of the sharp shoo ters of this county. Any orders left with Isaac Davis will be punctually attended to, Huntingdon November 21, 1838. TroNTERESTING PERFuIt -44 MED BY Da. SWAYNE'S COM— POUND SYRUP OF PRUNES; VIRGIN lANA, oa WILD CHERRY. Having made use of this invaluable Syrup in my fam ily, which entirely cured my child. The symptoms were Wheezing and choking of Flegm, difficulty of Breathing attended with constant cough, Spasms, Convulsions, &c. of which I sad given up all hopes of its recrvery, until I was advised to make trial' of this invaluable medicine. After seeing the wonderful effects it had upon my child, I concluded to make the same trial upon my self, which entirely relieved me of a coug that I was afflicted with for many year ' Any persons wishing to see me can call s. my house in Beach street. above the market Kensington, Phila. JOHN WILLCON• 0 eszavE—The only place where thismesii icine can be obtained, is at Jacob Millen! score Huntingdon. Receipts & Exviaditureq Huntingdon County lie ro m the 10th day of January A D 15139 up to and including the 9th day of January A 1) 1849 Receipts. Years Collecters lownsliips 1827 Alexander Ewing Franklin 818 9, '1835 John Potts Shirley 9 3, Charles Cummins Barret; 42 91 1836 William Corbin Springfield 9 Ot iCharles Muntganwry Franklin 73 41 Jacob Eberly West IS St David N Carothers Cromwell 25 Ut Valentine Fir k Hopewell 15 oe James Saxton Sr Henderson 5u 01 1837 John F Lowry Fraukstown 325 It Richard Glasgow Antes 92 7. Samuel Spreukle Porter 22 01 Mathew Taylor Dublin 13 31 James Ganoe Warriursinark 565 Ruben Thompson Alit gleeny 20 tiC John Stonebraker Franklin 100 01 Samuel Royer Woodberry 274 4:i Isaac Bnnibaugh Hopewell 77 95 Joshua Green &hue 149 a Abraham Wright union 32 6? John Long Shirley 41 01 James Myron Jr West 179 1S 1838 John Bollinger Cromwell 170 OL David Ake Woodberry 330 01 William M'Mullen Tell 121 7t Alex'r Richardson Springfield 100 01 James Reed West 20 56 Samuel Harnish Morris 112 82 John H Stiller Frankstown 150 Oc Jacob Nearhoof Warriorsmark 202 3.', Philip Taylor Union 215 01 John Keith Hopewell 3 3 1 3_ JohnKouglr Allegheny 290 01 David Beyers antes 50 01 James W Galbraith Shirley 92 15 Joshua Green Barree 318 3b James Ewing Franklin 100 01 "James E Stewart Tyrone 112 11 Robert Lytle Porter 43 9L William Clymans Dublin 50 01 Daniel Africa Henderson 455 01 1839 Incl. , Estey Union 80 01 Andrew hu2y Henderson 540 51 John Ingramiratil:iii 125 OL o n or. John Cornball Springfield ~. ~ 1 Abraham Myers Allegheny 70 tr. , Hiram Williamson %Vest 410 OC Wiliam Smith Warriorsmark 300 01 John Hy le Morris 195 00 1 1 William Robb Wa!ker 336 95 1 George Fought Woodberry 350 00 Robert Lytle Porter 445 01 George Sharra Tyrone 460 00 James Smith Frankstown 100 00 Abraham henry Barren 125 00 ticaekiah Rickets Shirley 140 00 Daniel Teague Cromwell 5e 06 John Anderson Hopewell 160 00 Daniel Irwiao Antes 280 00 Henry Horton Tod 50 0. William Shomo Blair 210 001 lames Pattison Tell 37 90 K Hutchison in full of Judgement 991 John Williamson Esq do elo 26 31 Joseph Murrel do do 52 001 4 C. lark & J P Snare on forfeited recognizance Isaac Cook on account of note James My ton jr part oiiner accru ing to the county on pros'n un. der orbit' ation law 12 50, D Witzel et E Clarke on forfeited recognizance 365 0( D Africa proceeds of sale of estrays 31 00 Samuel Frampton Esq fine of peddlar 25 00 Sundry persons for laud fedeemed 34 00; ' Abraham Sinyers fine for retusing to serve as collector of Spring field township 20 00 1 Owners of unseated lands county tax 105 19 do (10 Road tax 78 2‘ John Bumbaugh for house on 'Cad wallader lots' 30 001 Jos Shannon fines and Jury fees 145 00 Trustees of the Methodist E Church for Lamps 10 00 Commissioners, proceeds of sale ut Unseated Lands Balance in the hands of the Treasu reriat last settlement 5103 48 WE the undersigned, commissioners of Huntingdon county, in testimony of the correct. ness of the above account have hereunto set our hand,' the 10th day (of January A. D. 1840. Attest PETER S 1 DOPE, JOHN ARMITAGE, J. 4 MES MOORE, }Comers. Cl'k. JOBl - 111d ROLLER, WE the undersigned, two of the Auditors of Huntingdon county, do hereby certify that we have examined the drafts of the commissioners of said county and the receipts tur the same, for the past year, and we find a balance in the hands of David Blair Esq, Treasurer of said county, of four thousand six hundred and ninety two dollars and ninety-seven cents. Given under our hands at the commissioners office, in the borough of Huntingdon, this 10th day of January A D 1840. Dissolution of PARTNERSHIP. THE firm heretofore existing under the name of Steevens & Griffin, was dis solved on the Ist January, 1840, by mutual consent. All persons interested in said firm, are requested to come forward for immediate settlement. The books are in the hands of Samuel R. Steevens. The business will hereafter be carried on by Samuel R. Steevens. SAMUEL R. STEEVENS, A. D. GRIFFIN. Hollidaysburg, Jan. 22, 1840.-3 t. Expeaulit Welt ettorm•y Genei al Lt al on criminal prosecutions 113 31 is and and Traverse jurors 1791 87 inerifi Shan..on, boarding prisoners conveying convicts, summoning jurors and commission on fines collected iuodry persons cleaning court house and washing for priwniers 56 50 Do. killing wolves w. cats & foxes 404 50 .;taistuLles for returns and mileage 158 64 essessurs 1006 00 fudges, clerks and inspectors of Ekctions 3ridge and road viewers John & Robert Madden on account ut Blacklog Bridge James Burke on account of bridge over Frankstown Branch Wiffiain Bell & Thomas Patterson on account of the bridge at ' Franklin Forge Josephs G Watson on account bridge at Ennisville 300 00 L'hos. Bender on account of bridge at Williamsburg itobert & James Butt on account of bridge at Unicio Furnace Sundry persons for re p ..ars to court house and jail :1 56 Inquisitions on dead bodies 19 37 Printers, A W Benecict 113 66 J P Jones 97 00 Jones & Williams 11 00 1 J. S Juslin 12 00] W R M'Cay 12 00' Auditors David Hackedorn in full 750 Jesse Moore 7 50 1 .:om'rs John Steever in full 31 50 Peter Swoope 70 50 James Moore 75 00 ;Joshua Roller 24 00 John Armitage clerk to coms'rs 250 00 Sell & Orhison counsel for 1838 40 00 Sundry persons road tax on unseat ed lands (Sundry persons refunding orders &ober!' Campbell stationary for court. 2 43 8 24 19 John Cresswell slo do 183 9 & fees 83 87 Wood at court house and all 155 .00 John Reed Esq recordia Bonds 1 93 Do making double index to eosin; ty records 175 us Constable Hackedorn fees in case of commonweath vs Thompson & Peebles 3 S Wharton Esq fees in the case of forfeited recognizance of H M'Murtrie John Armitage cash paid by him for assistance in composing asses awns lists rhos Reed and Swoope & son fur sundry articles for prisoners Witnesses in case of Entriken vs. Huntingdon county John Armitage carrying assessment lists John Lutz on account of expendi tures as commisioner on state road from Drakes ferry to Cliam'burg las M Elliot Esq for procuring re lease of Stepen Drury to the co. commissioners of certain lots in Huntingdon V P Campbell for record book and copies of Mortgages &c 24 06 sheistiSh:.nnon tees in the sale of Cadwallader lots Isaac Durland postage William Barr and Sheriff of Dauphin county for conveying back Stephen Nelson a fugitive from justice Thompson Burdge crying conuns'rs sale of unseated land 1 50 Micheal Buoy seals for commissioners 5 25 Oavid Snare for administering oaths to commissioners 37 Thos Read for taking acknoweldge ments of commissioners deeds 5 62 Sundry persons redemption money pd 12 12 john Armitage for his expenses in relation to bridge at Hollidaysburg 600 Sundry persons election boxes and stationary I) R Porter for filing constables re turns, swearing township officers filing election returns &c for the year 1830 126 30 do do do for the year 1831 69 24 i do do do for the yaer 1832 55 32 do do do for the year 1833 107 94 do do do for the year 1834 93 17 Peter Swoope in full of his bill for mil dly articles furnished county jail & court house 48 54 Treasurers commission on $20716 37 at the rate of onep er cent 207 16 Balance it treasurers hands at set tlement 35 OC IS OCI 15 1 $15359 99 JESSE MOORE, i JOHN SISLER, § Auditors, T Kr Last 11 otice . -4=o aLL persons who know themselves indebted to the estate of Peter Swoope, deceased, arc i equested to call and discharge their accounts, as the ac• counts will be left in the hands of prop per officers for collection, if not settled before the Ist day of February next, without respect to persons. JNO. °OPE, PETER SW DOPE, Exe. Wm SW OOPE. Huntingdon, Dec, 25, 1889. LIOT OP OUTSTANDING DEBTS Due to the county of Huntingdon from col• lecters and others, exclusive of interest including exonerations which will amount to nbout two thousand dollars. Years Collectors. Townships. 1834 Limn Pusthelwait lientleison 94 60 1835 C CWIIIIIIIIIS . . BAITce 71 95 _ .......... .. John Potts SHrley 41 55 1836 1) N Carothers Cromwell 88 74 .his Saxton sr Henderson 118 39 Valentine Fink Hopewell 23 85 Paul Rhoads Wcaaluerry 171 03 William Corbin Springfield 55 63 1837 R Thompson Allegheny 231 80 David Bullet Cromwell 75 44 J Stonebraker Franklin 173 74 J F Lowry Frank stown 225 48 W Hammond Morris 53 9C; Jacob Booker Springfield 54 78 A Freakei t Walker 35 53 1 1838 John Bough Allegheny 83 71 David Bey,. rs Antes 56 47 Joshua Green Borree 320 00 John B.liingert Cromwell 43 45 W Clymens Dublin 125 90 Jas Ewing Franklin 299 67 1 H Sala. Ft ankstown 449 49 Daniel Africa Henderson 81 55 3, hn Keith Hopewell 22 04 J W Galbraith Shirley 50 93 A Richardson Springfield 82 18 W M'Mullen Tell 24 60 777 28 614 70 176 50 400 00 639 00 900 00 _ .... Philip Taylor Union 6" 68I' David Ake Wordberry 306 07 1839 Abraham Myers Allegheny 473 52 Daniel Irwin Antes 194 76 Abraham Henry Barree 716 19 Daniel Tape C! oin well 267 24 . John Kely Dublin 192 90 John Idgram Franklin 441 97 James Smith Frankittiwd 372 52 Andrew Hu y Ilendarson 291 19 John Anderson HA. ewell 324 63 John Hyle Morris 314 16 Haber Lytle Sr Porter 165 95 H Rickets Shirley 243 13 Jahn Cutshall Springfield 161 85 Jamas Pattison Tell 125 92 George Sharra Tyrone 89 41 Honry Hurter Tad 126 84 Jacob Estep Union 96 63 W Smith Warriorsmark 991 42 H Williamson West 394 11 Gourge Fought Woodberry 472 83 Willliam Shomo Blur 595 59 A Clark & J Satire balance on for .. 400 00 300 00 83 62 65 18 - - felted recognizance Jos Higgins Sheriff fines a:d jug Eras 56 601 W M & J Patton but of bond 135 00 S Guoshern 4 17 is Wallace 13 18 J M'Coliurn 41 24 I Borland late Tr:asurer 6 52 Christian Garber fine 20 GO Izaac Cook brl cf note 10 00 Thomas Jackson fine 20 00 John I.Lueherty do 20 00 Thos B More do 20 00 10 00 I Robt Williams do Sites Moore do 910986 75 1 - ['hose marked thuS have settled their Duplicates since the date of this' account. .13 07 14 03 Swavne's Compound Syrup ,7,1' pro -rim of l'irginiana or wild Chery. Ibis syrup is highly . beneficial in all pe: rah afiections; also, in diseases of the chest in which the lungs do not perform their proper office from want of due nervous energy: such as asthmas„ pulmonary con sumption, recent or chronic coughs, hoarse ness, whooping cough, wheezing and Al ficulty of breathing, croup and spitting of flow many sufferers do we Idly behold approaching to an untimely grave, wrested in the bloom of youth from their dear relatives and friends, affixted with that common and destructive rava ger, called consumption, which soon wads the miserable sufferer until they become beyond the power of human skill; it such sufferers would cnly make a trial of Dr. Swayne's invaluable medicine, they would soon find themselves bcnefitted; than by gulphing the various ineffective certain. remedies of which our newspapers daily abound. This syrup immediately . begins to heal the ulcerated lungs, stopping pro ruse night sweats, mititigating the distres , sing cough at the same time inducing a healthy and natural expectoration, also re lieving the shortness of breath end pain in the chest, which harrass the sufferer on the slightest exercise, and finally the hec tic flash in the pallid and emaciated check will soon begin to vanish, and the sufferer will here peceive himself snatched from a premature grave, into the enjoyment again of comfortable health. For sale at Jacob Miller's store Hunt 118 50 10 00 34 89 14 06 32 47 15 50 4692 97 $15359 99 VERY IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. The Subscribers offer offer for sale their improved celebrated Thrashing-Ma chines, at their Shops in Huntingdint and Lewistown. By application, made by mail or otherwise to John Switzer, Hun tingdon—or Arthur B. Long, Lewistown, farmers can be accommodated on the most reasonable terms. For running easy, doing the work well, and for durability; they defythe State of Pennsylvania to ex ceed them. Those who wish it, can have a straw carrier attached to their Machine, which will ben great advantage in thrash ing, one hand less will be required to take away the sti WA', and the caving much more easily performed. By an agreemen with the Patentee's, we have the Exclu' sive Privilege of building and selling, the county's of Perry Juniatta, Huntingdon and part of Cambria. II f'artners, will consult their own Interest, .ind keep free from trouble—they will beware of buying Machines, of any kind, with the Strap passing under time Horses feet unless made and sold by us, as the Pattent Laws, will be Strictly enforced. A. B. LONG, & Os • Jane, 4. 1839.—V. DYSPF,P ,SIA ... AND _III'POCHOY DRIAIS3I Cured by Dr. Ilarlick's Celebrated Mcdi , blues. Mr. W.ll M .rr'son, of Schuylkill Sixth Street, P,,ilidelphia, ',filleted for several years with the above distressing disease— Sickness at the stomach, headache, palptta tion of the heart, impaired ppetite, acrid eructations, coldness and weakness of the ex tremities, emaciation cad general debility, disturbed rest, a pressure and weight at the stomaco after e sting, severe flying pains in the chest, back and sides, costiveness, a dislike for society or conversation, languor and lassituec upon the least occasion. Mr. Morris:n had applied to the most eminent physicians, who considered it beyond the power of human to restore him to health however, as his afflictioas had reduced hint to a deplorable condition, having been in duced by a friend of his to try 1)r Idarlieh's Medicine, as they bring highly recommen ded, by which he pmeured two package, he found himself greatly relieved, and by con tinuing the use of them the disease entirely disappeared—he is now enjoying all the bles ~ings of perfect health. Princip tl Office, 19 North Eight Street, Philadelphia. LIVER C0.31, - )LAIN7', I Ten years standing, cured by the use t !Dr Harlich's compound Strev.heniog and German Aperient Pills. I Mrs S 'rah fI iyer, wife of William Boyer, North Fourth Street above Callowhill, Phil.tde?phi t, entirely cured of the above listressing disease. tier symptoms were, tabitual costiveness of the hawels, .otal loss A appetite, ex7ruciatittg pain in the si , le„ itomach and b ick, tkpressi:nt of spirits, ex- Teme debility, could not lie on symptoms in- Heating great derangement in the function* f the liver. Mrs. Boyer was attended by teveral of the first Physicians, but received. tot little r‘ lief from their medicine—at last, frie n d of hers procured package t 4 Dr. larlich's Strengthening and German Apt. - ient Pills, whit:), by the use of one pack Igo.. minced her tn continue with the medicino, Yhichresulsed in effecting a permanent cure )evond the exp:ctations of her fritmds. Princip Otti to for this Mslicin, is at No. 3 North Eighth Strert, Pai!l:l.lp , da. Also for sale at the store of J.tcol) 141i1:er,. i o is agent ftr Ilaatingdon couety. DR. J.4YN E' S EXPECTOPA N7' lVe consider it a do , y to call pulalc ta tention to this admirable preperati,n for Pulmonary Diseases— F.TeL-ially Coughs Colds, Consumpti.sis, Spitting blo,d, Asth ma, Broncial Affectionp, Hoopiwz Cough, ece. It is used and very bigot) , appr“ved by per sons of the first respectability, hut we fecl confident in sayiog that a trial 4,1 its L fricticy will be its best recconnmendath,,, 135 00 DR. JONATHAN GOING, PRESIDENT i•F THE GRANVILLE LLEGE, Ohio (late of New York), in a letter to Dr. Jayne da ted New York, December. 1856. says:— "He was laboring under a. severe cold, cough. and hoarseness, aid that his difficulty o breathing was so great that he lilt himsel in imminent danger of immendiate suffoeu turn, hut was „ perfectly cured by using the Expectorant. —Mrs. D. lks, of Sale in, N..T. was cured of Asthma of twenty years staod ing, by _using two bottles of this medicine Mrs. Ward, also of Selem, was cured of the same complaint by one battle. At( nog dy, also of Salem, who was believed by her friends tribe fir gone whh consumption wits perfectly restored by three hottles.,--Dr. Hamilton of St. Jamee, Seuth Carolina, was gveittly affected by a cough, hoarseness awl soreness of the lungs, and on using n he idea thin medicine found permanent relic f. Mr. Nicholas Harris, sem, ore ado: De:, 20 00 20 00 Icons of the First Baptist Church in this city „ has been pei lectly cured by it—after h. viug sutrzred for stxty years with Cough, Asti; - ma and Spitting d Moods which no remedy before could relieve. The Rev. C. C. P. Cm by, wrires es fob lows: New Yurk, June 15, 183 g. To Dr. Jayne:—Dear have mad:, use of your Expectorant, persetudly and be my family for the last six years, with grew benefit. Indeed I may consider In) . life 1311,- longed by :he use of this valuable medicine, under the blessing of God, for several years. I may say almost as muchlo the case of my wife, and also of the Rev. Mr. *rimmed, of the Island of Jamaica. For all cases of cough, mflamation of the chest, lungs, and throat, I do most unhesitatingly recommend this as the best medicine I have ever tried. My earnest wish is, that (Alters afflicted as I have been, may experience the same relief, which I ales persuaded they will by using pair Expe cto anrt. C. C. P. CROSBY. The following Certificate is from a practi— sing Pnvslow; and a much respi cted Clergyman of the Methudist society—da ted Modest Town, Va. Augnst 27, 1833. Dr. JAYNE, Dear Si r:—l hove been using. rAour Expectorant extensively in my practice for the last three months, mid for all attacks of Colds, Coughs, Inflamation of the Lungs,. Consumption, Asthma, Pales and weakness of the Breast, it is decidedly the best medi cine I have ever tried. _ Very respectfully v'uis, R. W. NV ILLIAMS. Dr. Jayne's Office is No. 20 South Third street, Philadelphia, where all orders will be promptly attended to. Sold also liii JACOB MILLER, agent. Huntingdon, Pa.—Price $l. Dr. Brandreth's, GENUINE VEGITABLE UNIVERSAL, PILLS. The following arc the only 'authorized agents in Duntingdon county who have for sale, Da. &LANDRETH'S Genuine Vegi gable Universal Pills. 11 illiam Stewart, Huntingdon. Robert Lowery, Hollidaysburg. A. Patterson, Williamsburg. Jaws Campbell, McConnellsville. J. H. Moore, Frankstown. Messrs. Thomas M. Owen 4. Son, Bit mingliam. Messrs. Conder 4 Johnson, &taboret. F. A. WILLIAttSON. Travelling Agent for Dr. Brandreth. Itoottngilun Ott. 16, 1899. 6m. p.